
Sunday 16 June 2024

Colombian President Refuses to Attend Conference on Ukraine in Switzerland

Colombian President Refuses to Attend Conference on Ukraine in Switzerland

Colombian President Refuses to Attend Conference on Ukraine in Switzerland

©AP Photo/Fernando Vergara

Colombian President Gustavo Petro said that he had changed his mind about participating in a Swiss-hosted summit on Ukraine because it is not a "free forum" for seeking peace between Moscow and Kiev.

"The scenario of the forum in Switzerland is not a scenario of a free forum for discussing ways to find peace between Russia and Ukraine. Its conclusions are already predetermined … I am stopping my trip to the meeting in Switzerland and asking Europe to discuss ways to end the war, not prolong it," Petro said on X on Saturday.

He also stressed that dialogue between Russia and Ukraine is the basis for achieving peace in the region. The Colombian president added that most Latin American countries are against prolonging the conflict.

Russia was not invited to the conference and dismissed it as “meaningless”. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the summit is clearly not result-oriented, as it is impossible to have effective talks on Ukraine without Russia's participation.

Mexico's FM Urges Inclusion of Russia in Talks on Ukraine

Russia should be included in peace talks with Ukraine, said Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena at the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland.


"The head of the Mexican Foreign Ministry spoke with Swiss President Viola Amherd about the importance of including Russia in peace talks in accordance with the UN Charter," the Mexican Foreign Ministry said on X.

Switzerland did not invite Russia to the summit. The Kremlin stated that seeking solutions to the Ukrainian conflict without Russia’s involvement was illogical and futile.

Leaders of China, Brazil, and South Africa have also refused to attend the event. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi confirmed his country’s participation, but not his own attendance at the summit.

Russia Needed for Talks on Ukraine Peace, Saudi FM Tells Swiss Summit

Any credible peace process aimed at resolving the conflict in Ukraine requires Russia's participation, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud told the Ukraine conference at the Bürgenstock in Switzerland.

“We believe it is important that the international community encourage any step towards serious negotiations which will require difficult compromise as part of a road map that leads to peace,” Prince Faisal said.

The minister stressed that Saudi Arabia is ready to support efforts to end the conflict.

He urged the international community to take responsibility for "encouraging peace and negotiations, rather than further escalation."

Switzerland is hosting the conference to discuss Volodymyr Zelensky's 10 -point "peace plan" at the exclusive Bürgenstock resort near Lucerne on June 15 and 16.

Delegations from 92 countries eight organizations including the European Union, Council of Europe and UN confirmed their participation, with 55 heads of state attending.

But US President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will not attend the conference.

Switzerland did not invite Russia to the summit. The Kremlin stated that seeking solutions to the Ukrainian conflict without Russia’s involvement was illogical and futile.

Ukraine Peace Process May Start Only If All Sides Take Part - Indonesian Foreign Ministry

A peace process on Ukraine is possible only if all parties to the conflict are represented, Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Rolliansyah Soemirat told Sputnik ahead of the Swiss conference coming up this week.

"A peace process can only be initiated when all parties to the conflict are involved," Soemirat said.

Indonesia attaches importance to all efforts toward a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis, including Switzerland's effort, but will be represented at the Swiss-hosted summit on Ukraine only at the level of ambassador, the diplomat continued.

"The Indonesian Government has conveyed that it will task the Indonesian Ambassador in Bern as a special envoy of the Indonesian Foreign Minister," Soemirat said.

He added that Indonesia has been consistent in advocating respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.

Switzerland will host a high-level conference on Ukraine at the Buergenstock resort outside of Lucerne from June 15-16. Around 90 countries and organizations have confirmed their participation, according to Swiss hosts. Russia has not received an invitation, but even if it had, it would not attend the conference, Vladimir Khokhlov, spokesperson for the Russian Embassy in Bern, told Sputnik in April.

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