
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Ukraine Prepares Provocation in Kherson With Staging Death of Civilians - Underground

Ukraine Prepares Provocation in Kherson With Staging Death of Civilians - Underground

Ukraine Prepares Provocation in Kherson With Staging Death of Civilians - Underground

©AP Photo/Libkos

A group of filmmakers and war correspondents arrived in the city of Kherson from Kiev to promptly stage the deaths of civilians allegedly caused by Russian army strikes to further accuse Russia of civilian causalities, a spokesperson of the pro-Russian underground in Kherson told Sputnik on Monday.

"On May 28, a group of documentary filmmakers and war correspondents totaling 13 people arrived from Kiev to the city of Kherson for an operational staging of the Russian army's strikes on the city's civilian infrastructure. During the missile strikes of the Russian armed forces on the places of temporary deployment of the Ukrainian army units, a staging of civilian casualties in medical, educational and other social institutions of the city was planned with further accusation of Russia in the deaths of civilians," the spokesperson said.

Those who arrived in the city were trained in the field of information and psychological influence under the guidance of UK and US specialists, the underground added.

US State Department Forced Scott Ritter Off Plane to Russia, Confiscated His Passport

Ritter was slated to participate in the annual St.Petersburg International Economic Forum as a guest speaker.


“As I was boarding my flight out of New York I was pulled aside by three CBP officers, who seized my passport. When asked why, they said orders of the State Department. No further information was provided. My bags were removed from the flight, and I was escorted out of the airport,” the former US Marine intelligence officer told Sputnik.

Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, who later served as the US and UN weapons inspector in Iraq. He is also a RT contributor, writing about international security, military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East, as well as arms control and nonproliferation.

He most recently visited Russia in January, spending time in Chechnya, Moscow and St. Petersburg, among other places.

The most recent post on Ritter’s Telegram channel put the Clooney Foundation for Justice on notice for its alleged crusade against “Russian propagandists.”

“Here I am. In your face. If telling the truth about Russia makes me a propagandist in your book, then I accept the title,” he wrote. “Bring it on. I’ll school you on the First Amendment.”

“You have zero concept of what free speech is. Try and arrest me and you’ll find out. In spades. It’s war,” he added.

Ritter is a US citizen who is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, a country that always promotes democracy and the land of freedom, which has faced obstacles from the US department.

If Ritter were a Russian citizen in the same event then it would be read in the western media about Russia being an authoritarian state every day all the time. That's western organized crime for a century

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