
Thursday 13 June 2024

Watch Russian Drone Hunt Down Abrams Tank

Watch Russian Drone Hunt Down Abrams Tank

Watch Russian Drone Hunt Down Abrams Tank

A drone operator of the Russian Armed Forces told the story of the hunt for the Abrams tank in the special military operation zone. He believes that destroying the US steel behemoth is no big deal, provided you hit it in the right place.

The crew spotted the Abrams tank during a regular nighttime reconnaissance, or what they call a "free hunt. They had been tracking the machine for some time, looking for an opportunity to dive directly at it. They hit it below the turret and set the Abrams ablaze. The machine continued to burn for several hundred meters until it reached the forest, where the Ukrainian crew fled. Russian soldiers immediately launched the second drone, which made short work of the Ukrainian troops.

The footage was provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Watch Russia, Belarus Launch Second Phase of Joint Non-Strategic Nuclear Drills

Russia was the second nation in history to acquire nuclear weapons. As a responsible nuclear state, Russia vows to use nukes as weaponry of last resort in a critical situation when national sovereignty and survival is at stake.

Missile units of the Leningrad Military District practices electronic launches of nuclear-armed projectiles, while Navy conducted maneuvers in open sea.

Earlier Ministry of Defense reported that Russia and Belarus embarked on the second stage of non-strategic nuclear drills aimed at ensuring the sovereignty of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained that the nuclear drills should be understood directly in the context of recent hawkish statements by Western politicians about their "readiness" and "intention" to deploy NATO troops in Ukraine.

West has declared ‘war without rules’ on Russia – Medvedev

Moscow should use every opportunity to inflict “maximum damage” on Western nations that have declared a “war without rules” on Russia, former president Dmitry Medvedev has argued.

Every weakness of the US and its allies should be exploited to undermine them and obstruct life for their citizens, the Russian official said on Thursday, reacting to the latest round of sanctions announced by Washington earlier this week.

”Are they afraid that we would transfer our arms to the enemies of the Western world? We should send every kind of weapon, except nuclear (for now)!” Medvedev wrote on social media. “Are they afraid of anarchy and crime waves in large cities? We should help disrupt their municipal authorities!”

Russia could trigger a war in space, wage a psychological warfare campaign against Western citizens so that they “tremble under blankets in their cozy homes” and unleash a tsunami of fake news “to turn their life into a never-ending nightmare, in which they cannot distinguish reality from the wildest fiction.”

Moscow should “obliterate their energy infrastructure, industry, transport, banking and social services. Instil fear over an imminent collapse of all critical infrastructure,” according to Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council.

The latest round of American restrictions against Russian entities targets energy, metals and mining as well as the financial sector. Among other things, it has forced the Moscow Stock Exchange to suspend all trade in the US dollar and the euro.

The package is one of the biggest since the Ukraine conflict escalated into open hostilities in February 2022, impacting over $100 million in trade between Russia and its foreign partners, according to estimate from the US Department of the Treasury.

Medvedev claimed that a campaign of “maximum damage” as outlined in his post was preferable to simply ignoring the Western pressure, and urged Russian citizens to act accordingly.

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