
Friday 24 February 2023

China publishes its proposals on Ukrainian crisis settlement

China publishes its proposals on Ukrainian crisis settlement

China publishes its proposals on Ukrainian crisis settlement

©Artem Ivanov/TASS

The foreign ministry of China published its proposals for political settlement of the crisis in Ukraine on its website on Friday.

The 12-point settlement plan, put forward by the Chinese side, includes a call for de-escalation and ceasefire.

The 12-point settlement plan, put forward by the Chinese side, includes a call for de-escalation and ceasefire.

"All sides should show rationality and restraint, avoid fuelling tensions or taking steps to aggravate the conflict, avert further escalation and prevent the situation from spinning out of control, assist contacts between Russia and Ukraine and resumption of direct dialogue, promote gradual de-escalation and d·tente until the fire and hostilities cease completely," the document says. "Peace negotiations should begin. Dialogue and negotiations are the only way to settle the crisis in Ukraine. All efforts aimed at resolving the crisis peacefully need to be encouraged and supported."

Besides, China urges to pay attention to, and ease in a proper way legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries.

"Cold War mentality should be abandoned. Security of one country should not be ensured through harming the security of other states, and regional security cannot be maintained through strengthening and expansion of military blocs," the Chinese foreign ministry said. "Legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries should be taken into account, and properly eased."

Also, Beijing urges to resolve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and prevent it from spreading.

"The humanitarian crisis needs to be resolved. All measures that help to mitigate the humanitarian crisis need to be encouraged and supported. Humanitarian missions should be conducted in accordance with the principle of neutrality and impartiality, in order not to politicize humanitarian issues," the document says, adding that safety of civilians needs to be properly ensured.

"It is necessary to increase humanitarian aid to relevant areas, improve the humanitarian situation, ensure prompt, safe and unhindered humanitarian access and prevent the crisis from spreading," the Chinese foreign ministry said.

Besides, China supports the prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine and calls for creating favorable conditions for that. "The protection of civilians and prisoners of war needs to be ensured," the ministry said. "China supports a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine, all sides should create more favorable conditions for that."

The document emphasized that all parties to the conflict should adhere to the international humanitarian law, avoid attacks on civilians and civilian facilities, protect women and children and defend the basic rights of prisoners of war.

It also calls for ensuring that grain exports to the global market continue: "All sides must honor the agreement on grain transportation via the Black Sea - signed by Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations - in a balanced, all-encompassing and effective form."

The document also urges to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and avoid a nuclear crisis, and calls to maintain security of nuclear power plants.

"Strategic risks need to be reduced. Nuclear weapons must never be used, a nuclear war must never be unleashed. It is necessary to resist the use of nuclear weapons and threats to use it, to prevent nuclear proliferation and to avert a nuclear crisis," the document says. "China strongly opposes attacks on nuclear power plants and other civilian nuclear facilities. We call upon all sides to respect the international law, including the Convention on nuclear safety."

On top of that, "China opposes development and use of biological and chemical weapons by any country, under any circumstances."

Also, the foreign ministry of China opposes any unilateral sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine, imposed without a relevant decision of the UN Security Council. "Unilateral sanctions [should be] stopped," the document says. "We oppose introducing any unilateral sanctions without the UN Security Council’s decision.

"Stability of supply and delivery chains needs to be ensured. All sides should duly protect the existing system of the global economy, oppose attempts to politicize, instrumentalize and weaponize it," the statement continues.

It also calls for a joint effort to mitigate the crisis and its effects on global cooperation in the sectors of energy, finance, food trade and transport.

"The international community should take measures to support recovery of the conflict zones. In this regard, China also stands ready to help and play a constructive role," the document says.

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