
Friday 24 February 2023

US Congressman Says Nuland & Blinken 'Are Dangerous Fools Who Can Get Us All Killed'

US Congressman Says Nuland & Blinken 'Are Dangerous Fools Who Can Get Us All Killed'

US Congressman Says Nuland & Blinken 'Are Dangerous Fools Who Can Get Us All Killed'

©Gage Skidmore

“Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland,” Elon Musk said on 22 February, in response to a US media report about Russia’s reaction to recent comments by the US State Department official in support of strikes on Crimea. Victoria Nuland’s words confirm Washington's intimate involvement in the Ukraine conflict, Russia had stated.

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US State Department official Victoria Nuland “are dangerous fools who can get us all killed,” warns Paul Gosar, a Republican Representative of Arizona's 9th Congressional district, in a reference to the two officials’ warmongering stance on the Ukraine conflict.

The Republican Congressman went on Twitter to support a recent statement made by the social media platform’s chief executive Elon Musk.

“Elon is correct,” said Gosar, adding that “Nuland and Blinken have a deeply rooted irrational hatred of Russia.” According to the GOP Representative, the two officials “seek to get the US involved in another world war.”

In a subsequent post on Twitter, Gosar pointed out that Nuland was "willing to endorse violence and war". He lambasted the former assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, who in 2014 helped to orchestrate the coup that saw Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, ousted and replaced with the pro-Western Petro Poroshenko. In 2014, a leaked conversation purportedly between Nuland and then-US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt revealed that the US officials had been discussing who they would like to see take power in Ukraine among opposition leaders.

Nuland "endorsed regime change in Russia, celebrated the US’ destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, and called for the indefinite flow of arms into Ukraine," tweeted Gosar.

Gosar told Sputnik earlier that the United States should adopt a recent resolution introduced by lawmakers of the US House of Representatives, which calls for an immediate end to US assistance to Kiev and a peace settlement in Ukraine.

"America should not help to prolong a needless war and add to the body count. The current posture is untenable and a pathway to peace is long overdue. Months of escalation in weaponry and rhetoric endangers not just the citizens of Russia and Ukraine, but the whole world. It's long past time to seek a peaceful resolution and end the unfortunate death and destruction plaguing both countries," Gosar said.

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida's 1st Congressional district, introduced the 'Ukraine Fatigue' resolution arguing that the US should stop arming and funding Kiev and persuade warring parties to reach a peace agreement. Ten House Republicans have co-sponsored the resolution.

In response to Thursday's Twitter post by Gosar, his followers on the internet commented that it was time to stop sending "billions of more cash to Ukraine".

Biden & Nuland Are Leading US Into Nuclear Armageddon, Former FBI Agent Says

US President Joe Biden and senior White House and State Department officials are leading the United States and the world into nuclear annihilation, former FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley told Sputnik.

Russian President Vladimir Putin officially announced Moscow was pulling out of its long-running talks with the United States for a new START treaty during his Tuesday address to the Federal Assembly. He also accused the United States of developing new types of nuclear weapons and considering new nuclear weapons tests.

"The neocons' hell-bent plans for 'full spectrum dominance' have been a long time in the making, having even been publicly announced decades ago, but now... we've truly reached the eve of destruction," Rowley, a Time magazine Whistleblower of the Year, said.

In addition to Biden, senior State Department official Victoria Nuland, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and White House security aide Jake Sullivan, are leading oblivious Americans right into "nuclear Armageddon," Rowley added. The United States was far closer to catastrophic global war than the American people realized, Rowley said.

"The situation is just so 11th hour and 59 minutes' bad," she warned.

Earlier in the day, Biden described Russia's decision as a "big mistake" as the presidents of Romania, Slovakia and Poland greeted him at the Bucharest Nine meeting. This came after Biden earlier in the week delivered a fiery speech in Poland intended to rally NATO to back Ukraine against Russia.

New START, in effect since February 5, 2011, is the last remaining legally binding arms agreement between the United States and Russia - the two countries with the largest nuclear capabilities. Under the treaty, the United States and Russia have been required to reduce their nuclear arsenal to a total of 700 missiles, 800 launchers, and 1,550 deployed warheads.

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