
Sunday 1 October 2023

Two Policemen Injured After Attempted Terror Attack in Turkiye's Ankara

Two Policemen Injured After Attempted Terror Attack in Turkiye's Ankara

Two Policemen Injured After Attempted Terror Attack in Turkiye's Ankara

A bomb disposal expert works at the scene of an attack near Turkey's interior ministry in Ankara, Turkey, October 1, 2023.
©Cagla Gurdogan, Reuters

An explosion occurred near the building of the Turkish Ministry of Internal Affairs in the center of Ankara, and members of the presidential guard arrived at the scene, local TV channel reports.

A suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near Turkey’s interior ministry building in the heart of the capital Ankara on Sunday. A second assailant was killed in a shootout with police. Two police officers were injured in what the interior ministry called a “terrorist attack”.

There was an attempted terrorist attack near the ministry building in Ankara: one of the terrorists blew himself up, the other was neutralized, the head of the Turkish Interior Ministry said.

Earlier Turkish media reported about axplosion.

“An explosion was heard in the Kızılay district in the center of Ankara. It is alleged that the explosion occurred near the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The roads around were closed to traffic. The presidential guard arrived,” the TV channel said in a statement.

Two police officers were slightly injured during the attack near the ministry of interior affairs, Minister Ali Yerlikaya said on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

Yerlikaya said the assailants arrived at the scene inside a light commercial vehicle.

Turkey's government said on Sunday two terrorists carried out a bomb attack in front of the Interior Ministry buildings in Ankara, adding one of them died in the explosion and the other was "neutralised" by authorities there.

An explosion was heard near the parliament and ministerial buildings, Turkish media had earlier reported, and broadcasters showed footage of debris scattered on a street nearby.

The blast was the first in Ankara since 2016, and comes on the day that parliament was set to open a new session.

According to the channel, a person was wounded as a result of the attempted attack. The roads around the scene of the attempted attack are blocked.

Ankara General Prosecutor Office has launched investigation, while police officers asked journalists asked journalists not to report from the scene of the attack.

Turkey says terrorists set off bomb at Ankara government building Security forces are seen outside the Interior Ministry following a bomb attack in Ankara

Turkish authorities also have banned media from broadcasting at the scene of an attempted terrorist attack, the local newspaper reported on Sunday.

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