
Sunday 1 October 2023

Ukraine Loses Up to 690 Soldiers Over Past 24 Hours

Ukraine Loses Up to 690 Soldiers Over Past 24 Hours

Ukraine Loses Up to 690 Soldiers Over Past 24 Hours

©Sputnik/Stanislav Krasilnikov/ Go to the mediabank

Ukraine has lost up to 690 soldiers both killed and wounded in six directions over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"The enemy's losses in this [Donetsk] direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 430 Ukrainian servicepeople killed and wounded, four armored combat vehicles and two cars. In the course of counter-battery fighting, a US-made M777 howitzer, a Polish-made Krab self-propelled howitzer and a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer were hit," the ministry said.

Meanwhile, in the South Donetsk direction, Russian forces repelled two attacks by Ukrainian forces, destroying 120 servicepeople, two pick-up trucks, a US-made M777 howitzer and a Polish-made self-propelled gun-howitzer Krab, the ministry said.

In the Zaporozhye direction, Kiev lost up to 30 servicepeople, the ministry said, adding that a US-made M119 howitzer, a UK-made FH70 howitzer, as well as two D-30 howitzers and one Msta-B howitzer had been hit.

In addition, Ukraine lost about 40 servicepeople and three vehicles in the Kherson direction, as well as 20 troops, two vehicles, a US-made M777 howitzer, a Msta-B howitzer and a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer in the Kupyansk direction, the ministry added. In the Kherson direction, Russian forces also destroyed three Ukrainian ammunition depots near the villages of Kiselevka, Shlyahovoe and near the city of Kramatorsk, the ministry said.

Moreover, in the Krasny Liman direction, Russian forces repelled two attacks by the Ukrainian army, destroying up to 50 soldiers and six pieces of equipment, the ministry said.

Watch Russian Artillery Wipe Out Ukrainian Outpost in Special Op Zone

Ukraine launched its latest counteroffensive in early June. Three months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Ukrainian counteroffensive had failed, with Ukraine suffering 71,000 casualties. Several Western officials have also admitted that the Ukrainian counteroffensive had not been successful. Russia’s Ministry of Defense has published footage that shows artillery unleashing destruction on Ukrainian positions in the special military operation zone.

Moscow completely dominates in the air, ravaging Kiev's troops and crushing NATO-supplied military equipment, as well as crippling the much-touted counteroffensive.

Being futile from the very beginning, the counteroffensive has brought Zelensky’s regime nothing but losses and the disappointment of its Western partners

Watch POW Reveal How Scores of Ukrainian Soldiers Desert After Frontline Action

Desertion has become a major problem for the Kiev regime forces as soldiers become increasingly disenchanted with their cause, a Ukrainian soldier who was taken prisoner by Russian forces in the Zaporozhye region has revealed.

Morale in the Ukrainian forces is low as soldiers suspect that they are being sent their deaths while their commanders try to persuade them to keep fighting, a captured Ukrainian POW has revealed. He also mentioned that the Ukrainian soldiers who deserted did so after seeing action.

“They did not say anything. They just spent a few days drinking vodka, then they grabbed their things and went AWOL,” the prisoner recalled, noting that “maybe about 50” Ukrainian soldiers deserted that way. “They just turn around and leave, maybe after realizing that their superiors are lying. Everything they [Ukrainian officers] say is a lie. People begin to think and realize that this is a meat grinder.”

Early in June, the Kiev regime launched its overhyped “counteroffensive,” essentially throwing thousands of Ukrainian soldiers equipped with armaments and military hardware generously supplied by NATO at the well-entrenched Russian forces.

In the three months that followed, the Ukrainian forces failed to breach even the first line of the Russian defenses, only succeeding in losing dozens of Western armored vehicles and weapon systems and sacrificing the lives of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers basically for nothing.

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