
Monday 29 January 2024

Watch Russian Howitzers Blast Ukrainian Positions

Watch Russian Howitzers Blast Ukrainian Positions

Watch Russian Howitzers Blast Ukrainian Positions

Russian artillery in the Ukrainian conflict zone has recently dealt yet another stinging blow to the Kiev regime forces.

This time, D-30 howitzer units unleashed their fury upon camouflaged Ukrainian strong points in the Kupyansk sector.

Some 30 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in this attack as their positions were hit by salvos of 122mm high-explosive fragmentation shells.


No. How can we get tired? Russia does not get tired,” a Russian artilleryman can be heard quipping at the end of a short video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, which shows this attack from the howitzer crews’ perspective.

Watch Russian Grad MLRS Devastate Ukrainian Troops Near Artemovsk

The Russian military disrupted the rotation of Ukrainian units in the Artemovsk area of the special operation zone.

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) has released footage showing Russian artillerymen firing rocket-propelled grenades at Ukrainian forces in a special operation zone.

Russian scouts located about 50 Ukrainian soldiers and gave their coordinates to the artillerymen. Russian military units belonging to the Yug Battlegroup used the Grad BM-21 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) to disrupt the rotation of Ukrainian troops.

"As a result of the combat mission, the enemy lost more than 30 soldiers, both killed and wounded," the MoD reported, adding that Russian artillerymen fired more than twenty 122-mm rounds at the enemy.

After completing the combat mission, the gunners quickly moved to a safe area to reload the combat vehicle, the Defense Department said.

MoD Chief Shoigu Inspects One of Russia's Top Defense Research Facilities – Video

The 12th Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense is tasked with testing the endurance of Russia's military hardware, including resistance to small arms fire, shrapnel, electromagnetic waves, and even the effects of a nuclear blast.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu arrived today at the 12th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry in the Moscow Region to personally inspect the process of modernization of the experimental facilities at this important facility.

A short video released by the ministry today shows Shoigu arriving at the institute by helicopter and being given a tour of the facilities.

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