
Tuesday 30 January 2024

Yemen’s Houthis Claim Attack On US Warship in Gulf of Aden

Yemen’s Houthis Claim Attack On US Warship

Yemen’s Houthis Claim Attack On US Warship in Gulf of Aden in Gulf of Aden

Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthis say they launched a rocket at US warship Lewis B. Puller as it sailed through the Gulf of Aden.(X)

Yemen's Houthi group on Monday said they have launched a missile attack on a U.S. military ship in the Gulf of Aden.

Houthi military spokesperson Yahiya Sarae said that Houthi naval troops fired an anti-ship missile at the USS Lewis B. Puller as it traveled in the Gulf of Aden. Sarae said the attack was retribution for US and UK bombings in Yemen and in solidarity with the “oppressed” Palestinians.

“The targeting procedure is part of the Yemeni armed forces’ military actions in defense of Yemen and evidence of their determination to help the oppressed Palestinian people,” Sarae said.

On Sunday evening, "We launched a naval missile targeting 'USS Lewis B Puller,' a ship belonging to the American Navy when it was sailing in the Gulf of Aden," Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea said in a statement.

"One of the ship's missions is to provide logistical support to the American forces involved in aggression against our country," he added.

The Houthis have said that neither the coalition attacks nor the new designation will stop them from preventing all Israel-bound ships passing through the Red Sea.

“Neither America nor anybody else will be able to prevent Yemen from meeting its humanitarian and moral obligations towards the tortured people of Gaza,” chief Houthi negotiator Mohammed Abdulsalam said on social media platform X on Sunday.

Experts believe the Houthis continue to attack ships to remain in the spotlight and keep the US involved in the region, as they are aware that the administration of President Joe Biden will not deploy troops to Yemen during an election year.

Elisabeth Kendall, a Middle East expert and head of Girton College at the University of Cambridge, said that the current exchange of strikes between the Houthis and the US may escalate into an aggressive US bombardment of Yemen and may also see the Houthis intensify their own attacks.

“As long as there is no ceasefire in Gaza, the Houthis can position themselves as having rightson their side,” she said.

“The more the US bombs them, the more they can justify their own expansion of operations — as long as they still retain capability, which looks to be the case. We may already be in a spiral.”

As usual to cover up real events, such as in the case of positive covid all the crew of the US aircraft carrier Rooselvet, a US defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said there were no reports of an attack on the Puller.

In fact, adding to convince his lies as truth, he said that the Houthis had previously launched missiles that did not reach the target, instead falling onto land or sea.

Unfortunately, this statement makes the real truth even clearer. If there is a missile attack, the US response is usually, shoot it down, not miss the target and crash. The inconsistencies in the statements show that US intelligence is lying .

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