Monday 12 December 2022

Polisi Blitar tangani kasus penyekapan Wali Kota Blitar

Polisi Blitar tangani kasus penyekapan Wali Kota Blitar

Polisi Blitar tangani kasus penyekapan Wali Kota Blitar

Kondisi terkini rumah dinas Wali Kota Blitar, Jawa Timut, yang dirampok pada hari Senin pagi, 12/12/2022. ANTARA/HO-Polres Blitar Kota

Kasus pencurian disertai dengan penyekapan yang menimpa Wali Kota Blitar Santoso dan istri di rumah dinas yang bersangkutan telah ditangani aparat Kepolisian Resor Blitar Kota, Jawa Timur, pada Senin pagi.

"Kejadian pagi kurang lebih waktu subuh, sekitar jam 3-4 pagi terjadi informasi pencurian dengan kekerasan di rumah dinas bapak Wali Kota Blitar," katanya di Blitar.

Kapolres Blitar Kota, AKBP Argowiyono mengatakan bahwa, anggota sudah melakukan olah TKP (Tempat Kejadian Perkara). Saat ini tim dari Polda Jatim juga membantu pengusutan kasus tersebut.

Ia mengatakan pelaku diduga berjumlah 4-5 orang. Mereka lewat pintu samping rumah dinas Wali Kota Blitar dan melakukan pencurian dengan kekerasan.

Saat beraksi, para pelaku menyekap tiga orang anggota Satpol PP Kota Blitar yang berjaga di rumah dinas tersebut. Setelah melumpuhkan para penjaga mereka masuk ke rumah dinas tersebut.

Kemudian, pelaku bertemu dengan Wali Kota Blitar dan juga menyekap Wali Kota Blitar Santoso dan istri di dalam rumah. Mereka mengancam dan meminta ditunjukkan lokasi penyimpanan barang berharga.

Dalam aksinya, pelaku juga menghancurkan CCTV yang terpasang di dalam rumah dinas.

Pelaku membawa kabur uang serta perhiasan milik istri Wali Kota Blitar dengan total nilai sekitar Rp. 400 juta.

Kapolres mengatakan, kondisi Wali Kota Blitar dan istri saat ini masih trauma dengan kejadian itu. Namun, tidak ada luka serius di tubuh mereka. Hanya luka sedikit saat penyekapan itu terjadi.

Selain itu, kondisi tiga anggota Satpol PP Kota Blitar yang juga sempat disekap saat ini juga baik. Mereka juga sudah dimintai keterangan terkait dengan kejadian pencurian disertai dengan kekerasan itu.

"Kami sampaikan Bapak Wali Kota Blitar dan Ibu baik-baik saja. Tidak ada yang terluka, hanya di sekapan nya itu," ujar dia.

Sementara itu, untuk memudahkan proses penyelidikan di rumah dinas Wali Kota Blitar dipasang garis polisi. Mereka yang tidak berkepentingan dilarang masuk ke dalam area rumah dinas.

"Kami mohon doanya mudah-mudahan dapat cepat terungkap, sehingga para pelaku bisa segera kami amankan," ujar Kapolres.

Sunday 11 December 2022

'Twitter Files' Part 4 Shows How Company Execs Built Case For Post-Jan. 6 Trump Ban


The first installment of what has been dubbed the “Twitter Files” dropped on December 2 via investigative journalist Matt Taibbi. Since then, batches two and three were also made public after the company’s chief executive, Elon Musk, armed Taibbi and his colleague Bari Weiss with further illuminating data.

A fourth batch of the so-called “Twitter Files" has been released by best-selling author Michael Shellenberger.

The latest installment of the treasure trove of data that Twitter CEO Elon Musk vowed would shed light on “free speech suppression” pertains to the social media platform’s actions leading up to the ban on former President Donald Trump instituted on January 8, 2021 after the events at the US capitol on January 6. Like in the case of the preceding batches, the insider information was given to journalists and authors by the tech billionaire to post on their Twitter accounts.

Starting off the thread, Shellenberger titled his first post, “The Removal of Donald Trump: January 7." According to the exchanges revealed in part four of the “Files,” on January 7, senior Twitter executives sought to justify a Trump ban.

This was a day after thousands of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building demanding that lawmakers suspend the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election until claims of election fraud had been thoroughly investigated.

Disregarding the “free speech” or democracy implications, they were angling for a ban in line with a policy tweak that would be tailored exclusively to Trump, the next post by Shellenberger stated.

The thread reveals how Twitter employees originally pushed back at calls to ban Trump from the platform, but then a barrage of public calls from a number of prominent figures, including former First Lady Michelle Obama, started pouring in.

Twitter’s then-CEO Jack Dorsey, who was on vacation, delegated responsibility to senior executives, according to the investigative journalist.

These included former Twitter Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth and others who were all "overwhelmingly progressive," he stated, adding that "in 2018, 2020, and 2022, 96%, 98%, & 99% of Twitter staff's political donations went to Democrats."

Dorsey is said to have sent an email to employees on January 7, urging them to stay "consistent" with policies, "including the right of users to return to Twitter after temporary suspension."

However, Roth is revealed in a subsequent screenshot as appearing to reassure an employee that "people who care about this... aren't happy with where we are."

Finally, Roth informed colleagues about news that he was "excited to share," Shellenberger tweeted. Yoel Roth was shown telling staff in Direct Messages (DM) that Jack Dorsey had "just approved repeat offender for civic integrity." This meant that a new policy on the platform would ensure that five violations ("strikes") "would result in permanent suspension."

A colleague then asked Roth if the decision signified that Trump could be banned, as he had one "remaining strike."

"Does the incitement to violence aspect change that calculus?" an employee asked, as Donald Trump and his allies were accused of instigating the attack on the Capitol. But Joel Roth responded that this was "for everything else," while Trump still had one strike left.

However, the very next day, Twitter announced a permanent ban on Donald Trump, citing the "risk of further incitement of violence,’" Shellenberger underscored.

Twitter added on January 8, 2021, that its ban was based on "specifically how [Trump's tweets] are being received & interpreted.'"

Furthermore, the latest batch of the Twitter Files shows how employees of the microblogging site "engaged in complex interpretations of content in order to stamp out prohibited tweets." Shellenberger's thread reveals a series of exchanges over the "#stopthesteal' hashtag."

Roth messaged a Twitter colleague to underscore the need to deamplify the "stopthesteal" and QAnon conspiracy term "Kraken" by adding them to a blacklist of terms, Shellenberger wrote.

Twitter employees also debated whether to punish users who shared screenshots of Trump's deleted January 6 tweets, with one staff worker allegedly saying that "we should bounce these tweets with a strike given the screen shot violates the policy," while another argued that "they are criticizing Trump, so I am bit hesitant with applying strike to this user."

Further along in the fourth installment of the files, shared screenshots show how a sales executive wrote to Yoel Roth to ask for clarification regarding Jack Dorsey's remark that "we will permanently suspend (Trump) if our policies are violated after a 12 hour account lock."

Roth responded by saying this meant "any" policy violation. When the Twitter employee asked if the company was "dropping the public interest (policy) now.." Roth is shown as answering later that, "in this specific case, we're changing our public interest approach for his account," in reference to Donald Trump's.

Additional "Twitter Files" are expected to be released on Sunday by journalist Bari Weiss, Shellenberger concluded.

Twitter down, banyak pengguna mengalami masalah loading halaman

Twitter down, banyak pengguna mengalami masalah loading halaman

Twitter down, banyak pengguna mengalami masalah loading halaman

Untuk beberapa pengguna, Twitter menjadi kosong pada hari Minggu karena Downdetector melaporkan 2.838 pemadaman di beberapa pada pukul 7 malam.

Untuk beberapa pengguna, Twitter menjadi kosong pada hari Minggu karena Downdetector melaporkan 2.838 pemadaman di beberapa negara pada pukul 7 malam. Bagi banyak pengguna, garis waktu mereka tidak disegarkan sementara banyak akun ditampilkan tidak ada.

Pemadaman yang dilaporkan terjadi beberapa jam setelah pemilik Twitter Elon Musk membagikan tweet samar di mana dia berkata, "Bot akan mendapat kejutan besok". Tidak ada pernyataan dari perusahaan media sosial yang mengonfirmasi pemadaman tersebut.

Banyak pengguna berkomentar bahwa aplikasi Twitter tidak aktif hanya pada handset Android. Beberapa mengklaim bahwa aplikasi tersebut berfungsi di beberapa jaringan dan tidak berfungsi di jaringan lain. Seorang pengguna Twitter mengklaim Twitter berfungsi dengan baik dengan koneksi VPN.

Pemadaman yang dilaporkan terjadi sehari sebelum peluncuran kembali Twitter Blue pada 12 Desember, dengan harga yang lebih tinggi untuk pengguna Apple. Layanan yang diperbarui akan memungkinkan pelanggan untuk mengedit tweet, mengunggah video 1080p, dan mendapatkan centang biru setelah verifikasi mereka.

Sampai berita ini diturunkan pihak Twitter belum ada menyampaikan masalah yang terjadidi aplikasi yang terbanyak penggunanya.

Jadwal Libur Sekolah Akhir Tahun 2022, Simak Tanggal Pastinya Di Sini

Jadwal Libur Sekolah Akhir Tahun 2022 Simak Tanggal Pastinya Di Sini

Jadwal Libur Sekolah Akhir Tahun 2022 Simak Tanggal Pastinya Di Sini

Ilustrasi siswa SD, jadwal libur sekolah akhir tahun 2022(Shutterstock/Gandi Purwandi)

Tidak terasa mendekati penghujung tahun, sejumlah siswa dan tenaga pengajar banyak yang menantikan jadwal liburan sekolah tahun 2022.

Berdasarkan informasi yang beredar, jadwal libur sekolah akhir tahun 2022 diputuskan oleh dinas pendidikan di masing-masing daerah.

Adapun bagi yang ingin mencari tahu jadwal liburan sekolah di akhir tahun 2022, dapat membaca artikel ini hingga tuntas.

Diketahui akhir tahun bukan hanya momen liburan yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para pelajar sekolah.

Namun sejumlah karyawan maupun buruh pastinya juga ikut menunggu momen liburan akhir tahun yang sebentar lagi akan dimulai.

Apalagi untuk kalangan pengajar atau guru setelah sekian lamanya mengajar di sekolah atau di kelas.

Maka untuk menengok jadwal kepastian liburan sekolah akhir tahun, dapat dilihat menyesuaikan dengan kalender akadamik dibeberapa provinsi sebagai berikut.

  1. Provinsi DKI Jakarta sejak tanggal 19 sd 31 Desember 2022.

  2. Provinsi Jawa Barat jatuh sejak tanggal 26 Desember sd 7 Januari 2023.

  3. Provinsi Jawa Tengah jatuh pads tanggal 19 sd 31 Desember 2022.

  4. Provini Jawa Timur 26 sd 31 Desember 2022.

  5. Yogyakarta dari tanggal 24 Desember 2022 sampai dengan 1 Januari tahun 2023.

  6. Untuk Bali jatuh pada tanggal 19 sd 31 Desember 2022.

  7. Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) jatuh pada tanggal 23 sd 31 Desember 2022

  8. Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) sejak tanggal 26 sd 31 Desember 2022.

Itulah informasi mengenai jadwal libur sekolah di akhir tahun 2022, ditinjau berdasarkan kalender akademik di setiap daerah

House Republicans Eager to See Elon Musk Testify for Biden Probe

House Republicans Eager to See Elon Musk Testify for Biden Probe

House Republicans Eager to See Elon Musk Testify for Biden Probe

©AP Photo / Jae C. Hong

House Committee on Oversight and Reform ranking member James Comer (R-KY) praised Elon Musk for “doing a great service” to the committee and the United States by “disclosing all of the emails and correspondence between the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee and Twitter.”

US House Republicans are looking to have Elon Musk testify before the House Oversight Committee over the congressional probe into the affairs of the Biden family.

During an interview with a US newspaper, Republican congressman and ranking member of the Oversight Committee James Comer (who is also expected to become the committee’s next chairman) said he had reached out to Musk via “backchannels” regarding the matter.

“I’m pretty confident he’s going to provide more information, but he is welcome to come before our committee,” Comer said. “We will roll out the red carpet for Elon Musk.”

He praised Musk for “doing a great service to the Oversight Committee and America by disclosing all of the emails and correspondence between the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee and Twitter.”

Comer also told the newspaper that the committee intends to seek the testimony of former senior officials at Twitter, such as Jim Baker and Vijaya Gadde, adding that they would be subpoenaed if it comes to that.

This comes as Elon Musk, who recently became Twitter’s new owner, released numerous internal Twitter communications that, among other things, seem to suggest the social media platform’s leadership essentially helped censor the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 US presidential election.

Last month, House Republicans announced a formal probe into the Biden family’s business activities.

The announcement was made not long after the Republicans managed to narrowly wrest control over the House of Representatives from the Democrats in this year’s midterm elections.

At the time, Comer said the committee Republicans had “uncovered evidence of federal crimes committed by and to the benefit of members of the president’s family,” including transgressions such as violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.

Korban Meninggal Gempa Cianjur Jadi 600 Jiwa

Korban Meninggal Gempa Cianjur Jadi 600 Jiwa

Korban Meninggal Gempa Cianjur Jadi 600 Jiwa

Tim SAR gabungan mengevakuasi korban gempa di Cianjur, Jawa Barat.

Bupati Cianjur, Herman Suherman, menyampaikan bahwa, korban meninggal akibat gempa Cianjur berkekuatan magnitudo 5.6 menjadi 600 jiwa. Hal itu disampaikan pada hari Sabtu, 10/12/2022, oleh Bupati Cianjur saat menerima rombongan DPP Partai Gerindra di Pendopo Pemkab Cianjur.

Herman Suherman menambahkan, bertambahnya korban jiwa ini saat melakukan pendataan untuk memberikan dana kerohiman kepada keluarga yang meninggal dunia.

Bertambahnya jumlah korban jiwa ini mungkin ada warga yang meninggal dan langsung dimakamkan.

“Banyak warga yang tidak melaporkan ke pihak puskesmas maupun rumah sakit pada saat ada anggota keluarga yang meninggal dunia,” terangnya.

Tidak adanya laporan tersebut membuat pihak rumah sakit dan puskesmas tidak bisa melaporkan data yang meninggal pada daat itu.

Bukan hanya korban jiwa, tetapi juga rumah yang rusak tersebar di 16 kecamatan mencapai kurang lebih 58 ribu rumah.

“Kami sangat membutuhkan bantuan dari pihak manapun untuk memulihkan Cianjur, termasuk dari Partai Gerindra yang sudah begitu banyak membantuk sejak hari pertama gempa,” ucapnya.

Saturday 10 December 2022

Polresta Kota Bogor Himbau Orang Tua Tidak Membonceng Anak di Jok Depan Motor

Polresta Kota Bogor Himbau Orang Tua Tidak Membonceng Anak di Jok Depan Motor

Polresta Kota Bogor Himbau Orang Tua Tidak Membonceng Anak di Jok Depan Motor

Ilustrasi orang tua membonceng anak di jok depan motor. IST

Satuan Lalu Lintas Polresta kota Bogor menghimbau para orang tua pengguna sepeda motor agar tidak membonceng anak di jok depan motor.

Hal itu menjadi perhatian pihak kepolisian, di mana ibu-ibu kerap membawa anaknya untuk mengantar dan menjemput sekolah.

“Kami tidak menyarankan membonceng anak di (jok) depan. Sekalipun dibonceng di belakang, anak harus didampingi di belakangnya,” kata Kasat Lantas Polresta Bogor Kota, Kompol Galih Apria, pada hari Kamis, 08/12/2022.

Lebih lanjut, Galih menyebutkan, dalam beberapa kesempatan kepolisian sudah memberikan sabuk keselamatan berkendara bagi pengemudi kendaraan bermotor yang membawa anak.

Dia berharap, ke depan sabuk keselamatan tersebut akan diproduksi lebih banyak lagi.

Galih mengatakan, edukasi dan sosialisasi himbauan agar tidak membonceng anak di jok depan motor akan terus dilakukan, karena berkaitan dengan keselamatan dan amanan anak dalam berlalu lintas.

“Jadi, ke depan anak-anak kami libatkan karena masih banyak ibu-ibu yang berkendara membawa anak-anaknya. Kita terus berikan edukasi dan sosialisasi agar keamanan anak berlalu lintas bisa kita capai,” ujarnya.

Di samping itu, kata dia, Kapolresta Bogor Kota memberikan atensi agar mensukseskan program Polisi Ramah Anak.

Di mana program-program yang dilakukan kepolisian, bersentuhan langsung kepada anak-anak.

“Kami terus fokus mengurangi kriminalitas pada anak, mengurangi kejahatan kepada anak, sehingga kami konsen kepada keamanan, kenyamanan, dan keselamatan pada anak. Terutama membonceng anak di jok depan motor,” ujarnya.

Jember Kembali Diguncang Gempa M 3,9

Jember Kembali Diguncang Gempa M 3,9

Jember Kembali Diguncang Gempa M 3,9

Kembali terjadi gempa bumi di Jember, Jawa Timur pada Sabtu dini hari, 10/12/2022, pukul 01.33, menjelang Laga Argentina vs Belanda. Gempa dengan kekuatan 3,9 Magnitudo,kedalaman gempa 10 Km.

BMKG melalui akun twitter menyampaikan gempa terjadi pada hari Sabtu, 10/12/2022, pukul 01.33 WIB. Gempa berada pada 241 Km Barat Daya Jember.

"Gempa Mag:3.9, 10-Dec-2022 01:33:47WIB," cuit BMKG.

Lokasi gempa 10.36Lintang Selatan dan 113.43 Bujur Timur. BMKG menyatakan para meter gempa dapat berubah terkecuali telah dianalisis ulang seismologist.

"Disclaimer: dalam beberapa menit pertama setelah gempa,parameter gempa dapat berubah dan boleh jadi belum akurat, kecuali telah dianalisis ulang seismologist," imbuhnya.

4 hari sebelumnya, Jember, Jawa Timur, juga diguncang gempa, yaitu pada hari Selasa pagi, 6 Desember 2022, pukul 13.07 WIB. Berdasarkan liris BMKG, kekuatan gempa sebesar 6,2, namun tidak berpotensi tsunami.

Lokasi gempa dilaporkan BMKG terletak pada koordinat titik 10,75 Lintang Selatan (LS) - 113,42 Bujur Timur (BT). Atau lebih tepatnya berada di 284 km barat daya Jember dengan pusat lindu terjadi di laut.

Berada di kedalaman 10 kilometer, saat gempa bumi terjadi, getarannya terasa hingga ke sejumlah wilayah dengan skala bervariasi. Bantul, Yogyakarta, Sawahan, Klaten, Banyuwangi, dan Karangasem II MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) hingga Bali.

Kemudian petang harinya terjadi lagi gempa susulan di jari yang sama, 06/12/2022, pukul 17.22 WIB. Gempa kali ini berkekuatan magnitudo 5,3.

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika menginformasikan gempa M 5,3 ini terjadi pada hari ini, Selasa, 06/12/2022, pukul 17.22 WIB. Titik gempa berada di koordinat 10,58 derajat Lintang Selatan dan 113,41 derajat Bujur Timur.

Pusat gempa tersebut berada di laut pada arah 266 km arah barat daya Jember. Hiposenter gempa berada di kedalaman 10 km.

Guncangan gempa bumi saat itu terasa di Kota Malang dan sekitarnya. Warga mengaku merasakan guncangan selama beberapa detik. Aris mengaku baru tiba di rumahnya, Perumahan Bulan Terang Utama (BTU) Kedungkandang, Kota Malang usai datang dari sebuah kegiatan. Ia kaget saat melihat gelas kopi di rumahnya bergetar.

Kejadian gempa bumi di Jember juga pernah terjadi di bulan dan tahun yang sama satu tahun sebelumnnya, pada 16 Desember 2021.

Friday 9 December 2022

Putin: Russia Won't Suffer Losses After West Imposes Oil Price Cap - No Matter What

Putin: Russia Won't Suffer Losses After West Imposes Oil Price Cap - No Matter What

Putin: Russia Won't Suffer Losses After West Imposes Oil Price Cap - No Matter What

©Sputnik / Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabank

The Russian president noted that the adoption of the oil price cap would inevitably reduce global investments to zero, subsequently resulting in another price hike.

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the economic issues on Friday as he commented on the western sanctions limiting the price of Russian oil. The head of state noted that the cap, introduces by the G7, the EU and Australia, won't affect Russia at the moment.

"The imposed cap corresponds with the prices at which we sell today. In this sense, the decision does not affect us in any way. To be honest, it is not important," Putin said at a press conference following his visit to Kyrgyzstan. "We will not suffer losses – no matter what," the president stressed.

He warned, however, that such a step may undermine global energy markets, resulting in an oil industry collapse worldwide if consumers are able to dictate prices.

“As for the good results [in the Russian economy], it could have been better, we would like it to be better. The truth is, however, the forecasts suggested a 20% economic recession in Russia; there is a recession, but it is at 2.9%.

That's, of course, a huge difference, and we understand that those who predicted such a development of events for us made a major mistake," Putin said. The Russian leader noted that, despite a certain slowdown in the economy, "the situation is indeed better than in many other countries in a number of ways," since Russia shows better inflation numbers than Europe.

He also noted that Moscow would consider cutting oil output as a viable response to the price cap introduction.

"As for our reaction, I have already said that we simply won't sell [oil] to the countries that make such decisions. Maybe, we will even consider the possibility - I'm not saying that it is decided - we will consider, if necessary, the possibility of reducing [oil] output. We have an agreement with OPEC+ on a well-known production target," he added.

Since 2021, energy prices have been surging globally, but the situation deteriorated after February 2022, when the US, the EU, Britain and their allies introduced sanctions on Moscow, responding to Russia's military operation in Ukraine. As a result of the sanctions, gas prices have accelerated their growth, resulting in an energy crisis in Europe.

Nevertheless G7 nations and the EU (which as a bloc is closely associated with the group), as well as Australia, imposed a price cap on Russian oil, setting it at $60 per barrel.

The cap, which came into effect on December 5, will be reviewed every two months to remain at 5% below the International Energy Agency benchmark. Moscow lambasted the price cap as an attempt to manipulate “the basic principles of free markets,” noting that Russia won't sell oil to countries that adopt it.

Special Military Operation

Commenting on the op in Ukraine, the president stated that the crisis' settlement would be lengthy. He referenced ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel's statement, who recently said that the 2014/15 Minsk Agreements were signed in order to buy time for the Kiev regime to prepare for a military standoff with Russia.

"Honestly, this was completely unexpected for me. This is disappointing. Frankly speaking, I did not expect to hear this from the former Federal Chancellor. I always assumed that the leadership of the Federal Republic is sincere with us," Putin said during a press conference, commenting on Merkel's statement.

It is quite understandable that Germany was on the side of Ukraine, supported Ukraine, he noted.

"But it still seemed to me that the leadership of the Federal Republic always sincerely sought a settlement on the principles that we agreed on and that were achieved, including within the framework of the Minsk process," Putin added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a press conference following the Russia-France-Germany-Turkey summit on Syria in Istanbul on October 27, 2018.
© Sputnik / Mikhail Klementiev / Go to the mediabank

“Now, of course, the issue of trust emerges. Of course, it is almost at zero, and yet after such statements, a question arises: how could we even negotiate [with Europe]? Is it possible to negotiate with someone? And what are the guarantees?" Putin told reporters.

The Russian president noted that in the end, all sides will have to accept the reality of the situation as it is. He also said there is no need in another mobilization wave, adding that the military is working on the most pressing issues.

Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, after the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics called for help amid Ukrainian attacks. President Putin stressed that Moscow aims to stop the eight-year-long war, waged by the Kiev regime against the people of Donbass.

A Russian serviceman guards the area of Mariupol, Donetsk People's Republic.
© Sputnik / Maksim Blinov / Go to the mediabank

Since October, Russia has been targeting power grids, the defense industry, military command posts and communications facilities across Ukraine in response to a terror attack on the Crimean Bridge perpetrated by Ukrainian intel services. Kiev claimed that almost half of the country's energy system had been put out of service due to the strikes.