Tuesday 3 January 2023

NFL Player Damar Hamlin Was Not Breathing on His Own on Field During Game Against Bengals

NFL Player Damar Hamlin Was Not Breathing on His Own on Field During Game Against Bengals

NFL Player Damar Hamlin Was Not Breathing on His Own on Field During Game Against Bengals

Image via Getty/Timothy T. Ludwig

NFL player Damar Hamlin was not breathing on his own but had a pulse before being transported to the hospital. He’s now hospitalized and in critical condition.

At 8:55 p.m. ET, Hamlin tackled the Bengals' wide receiver, Tee Higgins, got up, took a step, and fell over.

Hamlin was given CPR on the field for several minutes, and ABC cut to commercial multiple times.

The game was temporarily suspended and players returned to the locker rooms after Hamlin was taken off the field in a stretcher.

Hamlin left the stadium in an ambulance at 9.25 p.m. ET. His mother, Nina Hamlin, rode with him to the hospital, ABC announcers reported on-air.

Players from both teams were seen leaving the locker rooms out of uniform and team staff started putting equipment away before the NFL made an announcement.

By 10 p.m. ET, the league officially postponed the game.

The NFL said in a statement posted to Twitter on Monday night that the NFL Players Association agreed on postponing the game.

"Hamlin received immediate medical attention on the field by team and independent medical staff and local paramedics. He was then transported to a local hospital where he is in critical condition," the NFL's statement read.

"Our thoughts are with Damar and the Buffalo Bills. We will provide more information as it becomes available," the NFL added in its statement.

Fox 19 sports reporter Joe Danneman posted a video to Twitter showing an ambulance driving onto the field at Paycor Stadium in Cincinnati after Hamlin collapsed:

"I'm told Damar Hamlin has a pulse, but is not breathing on his own. He is being transported to UC," Danneman tweeted on Monday night. "Needed AED and CPR on the field."

Danneman also reported on Monday citing an anonymous source that the Bills are flying home and will not be staying in Cincinnati.

Several players were also seen looking distraught while medical personnel were tending to Hamlin on the field.

"The thoughts and prayers of all of Bills Mafia are supporting you, Damar," the Buffalo Bills tweeted on Monday night.

"Sending big prayers & love to @HamlinIsland right now," the NFL Players Association tweeted.

The game has been postponed. The NFL issued a statement confirming Hamlin is in critical condition after getting attention on the field from “team and independent medical staff and local paramedics.”

“Our thoughts are with Damar and the Buffalo Bills. We will provide more information as it becomes available. The NFL has been in constant communication with the NFL Players Association which is in agreement with postponing the game,” the statement concludes.

"Please continue to pray for Damar and his family. We currently have no update at this time. Will ask that you keep the family in your prayers," Hamlin's agent Ira Turner told ESPN reporter Alaina Getzenberg.

ESPN’s Booger McFarland spoke about the incident and pleaded with the league to call the game off completely.

“It’s something like we’ve never seen before, I’ve never seen it never been a part of it and never heard about it,” McFarland said.

“You hate to keep repeating the same thing but all you can do is pray for this young man.

“Hopefully they’ve gotten word, hopefully the Bills and the doctors are communicating with the family I can only imagine what my family would want to know.

“That’s somebody’s son, somebody’s brother, somebody’s father, they want to know what’s going on.”

UK to Face 'Worst, Longest' Recession Among G7 Countries in 2023, Reports Say

UK to Face 'Worst, Longest' Recession Among G7 Countries in 2023, Reports Say


The United Kingdom will face one of the longest recession and weakest recovery among G7 countries throughout 2023 due to long-term inflationary effects of the pandemic and conflict in Ukraine, the US media reported, citing leading UK economists.

According to economists interviewed by the media, the UK would face a longer period of "inflationary shock" than most of G7 states, which would force the government to conduct a strict fiscal policy throughout 2023.

"The combination of falling real wages, tight financial conditions and a housing market correction are as bad as it gets," claims Kallum Pickering, senior economist at Berenberg bank.

The UK economy is "unusually exposed" to a worldwide surge in energy prices and interest rates as the country's demand for gas hardly matches storage capacity and a large number of mortgage deals will have to renew fixed-rate contracts, the report noted.

The UK has been experiencing an economic crisis over the past months. According to the Bank of England, the UK economy has entered a recession expected to last until the second half of 2024.

Investors should brace for another turbulent year in the financial markets, economists have warned as central banks fight inflation, China reopens its economy after Covid-19 restrictions and the Ukraine war pushes the global economy towards recession.

The first half of the new year is likely to be choppy, according to Wall Street predictions, after global markets suffered their biggest fall since the 2008 financial crisis last year.

But the US S&P 500 is still expected to end 2023 a little higher than it began the year. The average target of 22 strategists polled by Bloomberg has the S&P 500 ending 2023 at 4,078 points – about 6% higher than it ended 2022.

Economists predict the US Federal Reserve will slow its interest rate hikes this year, as the outlook for America’s economy sours. US inflation has dropped back from its peak last summer, while the series of Fed rate hikes in 2022 has also cooled the housing market.

“We believe that a period of sub-trend growth is inevitable, and recession risks are high as the lagged effects of tighter monetary policy work their way through the economy,” said Brian Rose, senior US economist at UBS Global Wealth Management.

Here are the full responses to questions about the economic outlook for 2023

UK economy: Will the UK economy outpace or lag behind other developed economies in 2023 and how will it feel for households?

Silvia Ardagna, head of European economics at Barclays: Lag behind the US but contract together with the euro area. We forecast a five-quarter recession with peak-to-trough contraction in real gross domestic product of about 1 per cent. Households’ consumption is contracting and is the main determinant of the recession.

Kate Barker, pension trustee at BCSSS: The UK likely to lag other economies — productivity growth seems unlikely to pick up. Households without savings from the Covid-19 period and especially those with mortgages will continue to struggle.

Nicholas Barr, professor of public economics at London School of Economics (LSE): Growth in the UK will be below the average for the G7 and EU.

Households will feel the effects acutely: the second year of poor economic performance coming on top of falling real pay in 2022 will adversely affect living standards both in reality and perception.

Ray Barrell, emeritus professor of economics and finance at Brunel University: UK growth is likely to lag other developed economies in 2023.

The shadow of Brexit will continue to reduce growth by up to half a per cent a year for two or three more years. Unwise short-term actions combined with poor long-term planning over the last 10 years leave the UK more vulnerable to shocks than other developed countries.

We lack the social insurance of large gas stocks. Uncertainty about the wisdom of policymakers will persist after the [Liz] Truss experiment.

Encouraging public sector strikes raises uncertainty, but it is probably the last bid for middle-class votes by a failing government. All hinder growth prospects and will impact on household living standards. Real disposable incomes are likely to continue to fall next year.

Ukrainian MP Deletes Hoax Photo She Claimed Showed Victim of ‘Russian Artillery Attack’

Ukrainian MP Deletes Hoax Photo She Claimed Showed Victim of ‘Russian Artillery Attack’

Ukrainian MP Deletes Hoax Photo She Claimed Showed Victim of ‘Russian Artillery Attack’

Picture of a book Cover Ukrainian politician attempted to pass off as a victim of the conflict in Ukraine ©Twitter

The latest falsified photo posted by an infamous Ukrainian legislator was widely mocked on Twitter by incredulous users.

A widely-shared photo which claimed to show a child victimized by the Russian military has been deleted by the notoriously-mendacious Ukrainian politician who posted it after social media users discovered it was fraudulent.

“There are no children in #Ukraine anymore,” claimed Lesia Vasylenko, a Ukrainian member of parliament who’s frequently cited in Western media reports on supposed Russian misdeeds. “Pictured: Marc, 8 [years old], just survived a #Russia artillery attack,” she insisted in a since-deleted post which received tens of thousands of likes and retweets.

The only problem? The photo was actually over a decade old, as a simple reverse image search shows. In fact, the image seems to have been pulled directly from the Spanish-language cover of a 2008 book called “The Forgotten Man” by novelist Christina McKenna.

It’s far from Vasylenko’s first brush with forgery. As far back as April, she attempted to pass off horrifying war crimes inflicted by the Ukrainian military’s neo-nazi Azov militants as the doing of Russian soldiers.

The notoriously-mendacious legislator is the daughter of Volodymyr Vasylenko, who was at one point not only the Ukrainian Ambassador to NATO and the EU, but a representative to the UN Human Rights Council.

The elder Vasylenko previously sat on the “international tribunal” which oversaw the prosecution of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milošević and which openly admitted it wouldn’t prosecute NATO nationals.

Despite the extensive reach of Vasylenko’s false post, only independent and non-Western media outlets fact-checked the incorrect claim. Indeed, no Western media outlets even mentioned the post – perhaps due to the fact that, according to Mint Press News, “most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED).”

Jam 2 Siang Harga Pertamax Turun Jadi Rp12.800

Jam 2 Siang Harga Pertamax Turun Jadi Rp12.800

Jam 2 Siang Harga Pertamax Turun Jadi Rp12.800

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir bersama Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati usai mengumumkan penurunan harga Pertamax di SPBU Pertamina M.T Haryono, Jakarta, Selasa (3/1/2023)/Bisnis-Nyoman Ary Wahyudi

Mulai pukul 14.00, hari Selasa, 03/01/2023, PT Pertamina (Persero) akan menurunkan harga BBM jenis pertamax dari Rp. 13.900 per liter menjadi Rp. 12.800.

Di SPBU Pertamina MT Haryono, Jakarta Selatan, Erick Tohir Menteri BUMN mengatakan :"Nanti insyaallah harga Pertamax menjadi Rp 12.800. Nanti Bu Nicke (Dirut Pertamina) sampaikan jamnya."

Ia menambahkan penurunan harga pertamax dilakukan setelah harga minyak dunia yang saat perang Rusia dan Ukraina melesat ke atas US$100 per barel, kini turun jadi US$79 per barel.

"Sekarang harga minyak dunia turun ke US$79. Karena itu akhir tahun baru kemarin kita 3 menteri; Menkeu, menteri ESDM, saya memproyeksikan harga BBM yang pasar dan bukan dibantu pemerintah, salah satunya Pertamax diputuskan harga turun," katanya.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati mengatakan harga baru Pertamax berlaku pukul 14.00 waktu setempat.

"Nanti mulai jam 2 siang ini, harga Pertamax dari Rp 13.900 menjadi Rp 12.800," tutur Nicke.

Nicke menambahkan harga Pertamax Turbo dan Dexlite juga akan turun. Sementara itu, harga Pertalite dan Solar masih tetap.

"Demikian juga produk-produk seperti Pertamax turbo dan lainnya, dexlite ini juga akan turun," tuturnya.

Bagaimana Pertalite dan Solar?

Penurunan harga Pertamax dan BBM nonsubsidi lainnya turun per hari ini, Selasa, 3 Januari 2022, pukul 14.00 WIB. Publik pun kini menanti penurunan harga BBM bersuibsidi yakni Pertalite dan Solar

PT Pertamina (Persero) menurunkan harga Pertamax dari Rp 13.900 menjadi Rp 12.800 per liter. Tapi harga Pertalite masih Rp 10.000 dan Solar Rp Rp 6.800

Menurut Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, harga Pertalite dan Solar tidak turun di awal tahun ini karenakan telah mendapatkan subsidi yang besar dari pemerintah.

Dia mencontohkan harga Solar Rp 6.800 per liter setelah disubsidi oleh pemerintah sebesar Rp 6.500.

"Harga dari kompetitor lebih dari dua kali lipat," kata Nicke di SPBU Pertamina MT Haryono, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, hari ini.

Adapun harga Pertamax Turbo turun dari Rp 15.200 menjadi Rp 14.050 per liter, Dexlite menjadi Rp 16.150, serta Pertamina Dex 16.750.

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir mengatakan penurunan harga Pertamax seiring dengan perubahan harga pasaran minyak dunia, yang semula USD 87 menjadi USD 79 per barel.

Menurut dia, pemerintah mensubsidi harga jual Pertalite Rp 1.100 per liter sehingga menjadi Rp 10.000.

"Krena pemerintah peduli dengan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat," ucapnya.

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir menyatakan berencana mengumumkan harga Pertamax dan BBM nonsubsidi lainnya setiap pekan.

Tokyo follows anti-Russian course, discussion of peace treaty impossible – Russian MFA

Tokyo follows anti-Russian course, discussion of peace treaty impossible – Russian MFA

Tokyo follows anti-Russian course, discussion of peace treaty impossible – Russian MFA

©Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Japan does not abandon its anti-Russian course, so any dialogue on a peace treaty is impossible, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko told TASS in an interview.

"It is absolutely obvious that it is impossible to discuss the signing of such a document [peace treaty] with a country that takes an openly unfriendly posture and takes the liberty of uttering direct threats against our country," he said. "We do not see any signs Tokyo may revise its anti-Russian policy or any attempts to correct the current situation."

Rudenko recalled that earlier Russia had been in talks with Japan on a full-fledged comprehensive treaty on peace, friendship and neighborliness, which "would determine the guidelines for an accelerated development of the entire range of Russian-Japanese relations."

"With the start of a special military operation in Ukraine the Kishida administration actively joined a West-orchestrated Russophobic campaign, thus dismantling the results of mutually beneficial cooperation accumulated over years," he added.

Russia and Japan have not formally ended World War Two hostilities because of their standoff over islands, seized by the Soviet Union at the end of the war, just off Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido.

The islands are known in Russia as the Kurils and in Japan as the Northern Territories.

"We are not seeing signs of Tokyo moving away from the anti-Russian course and any attempt to rectify the situation."Andrey Rudenko said.

Russia withdrew from its talks with Japan in March last year, following Japanese sanctions over Russia's special military operation of Ukraine. Japan reacted angrily to the talks, calling Moscow's move 'unfair' and 'completely unacceptable'.

‘Fauci Files’ Will Be Released ‘Later This Week,’ Promises Elon Musk

‘Fauci Files’ Will Be Released ‘Later This Week,’ Promises Elon Musk

‘Fauci Files’ Will Be Released ‘Later This Week,’ Promises Elon Musk


The next tranche of Twitter Files is likely to include further information about how US government agencies used social media companies to shape Americans’ attitudes to COVID and manipulate public opinion on their handling of the pandemic.

In response to a user who wrote that they were “waiting... for #FauciFiles,” Musk wrote Monday that audiences could expect to see the information “later this week.”

Having been heavily associated with the government’s vacillating and seemingly arbitrary handling of COVID throughout the course of the pandemic, Fauci has become a highly polarizing figure in the US.

Critics of the COVID policies pushed by Fauci point to a number of discrepancies, including his demand that Americans wear masks after initially insisting “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”

Fauci later claimed that he didn’t actually believe what he was saying, and that he’d been deceiving the US public in an effort to prevent a shortage of masks, but his private correspondence suggested otherwise.

“The typical mask you buy at a drug store is not really effective at keeping out a virus,” Fauci acknowledged in February 2020 email.

Later, Fauci also admitted to manipulating the target percentage of the US population which he claimed would be required to achieve herd immunity.

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” he told the New York Times in December 2020.

“Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, “I can nudge this up a bit,” so I went to 80, 85.

One topic likely to be encompassed in any newly-released Twitter files is an October 2020 email by Dr. Francis Collins – then Director of the National Institutes of Health – which ordered Fauci to produce a “quick and devastating published take down [sic]” of the Great Barrington Declaration, an open letter published by epidemiologists who opposed the strategy of using widespread lockdowns to combat COVID outbreaks.

Musk turned to Twitter to tell users, "Hope you’re having a great day 1 2023! One thing’s for sure, it won’t be boring.

One Twitter user replied to Musk’s tweet, saying she was,"Waiting… … for #FauciFiles,"

"Later this week," Musk replied.

In what is now called the "Twitter Files," journalists tapped by Musk address various controversies including internal discussions at Twitter regarding the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2022 presidential election and the social media company's decision to ban former President Trump from tweeting after his role in the Capitol invasion on Jan. 6, 2021.

The most recent Twitter File release focused on how both the Trump and Biden administrations leaned on Twitter to moderate content during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recent tweets from Musk also appear to be growing in numbers as he attacks Fauci.

On Dec. 29, Musk asserted that Twitter employees had an internal "Fauci Fan Club," before tweeting that Twitter’s new policy was "to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science."

Evolutionary behavioral scientist Gad Saad appeared to joke about the dogmatic way scientific experts were treated amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The science is anything that His Eminence Lord Fauci says it is," Saad said. "His Excellency is science."

Musk responded by observing, "Anyone who says that questioning them is questioning science itself cannot be regarded as a scientist."

The Twitter CEO also mocked Fauci on Friday, calling him "creepy" after the New York Times reported that his home office was decorated with fan portraits of himself

Malika Berhasil Ditemukan Selamat Penculik Yudi Alias Iwan Ditangkap

Malika Berhasil Ditemukan Selamat Penculik Yudi Alias Iwan Ditangkap

Malika Berhasil Ditemukan Selamat Penculik Yudi Alias Iwan Ditangkap

Malika, bocah enam tahun korban penculikan tiba di RS Polri, Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur, Selasa, 3 Januari 2023.

Iwan Sumarno alias Jacky alias Herman alias Yudi penculik bocah enam tahun berinisial M atau Malika berhasil ditangkap polisi. Iwan ditangkap setelah buron beberapa hari.

Hal itu dibenarkan Kepala Satuan Reserse Kriminal Polres Metro Jakarta Pusat, Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi Gunarto.

"Pelaku sudah kami tangkap," kata dia kepada wartawan, Senin 2 Januari 2023.

Kata Gunarto, pelaku ditangkap di kawasan Ciledug. Penangkapan dilakukan malam ini. Dalam penangkapan ini, polisi pun menemukan korban. Kata dia, saat ditemukan korban dalam keadaan sehat.

Malika Ditemukan dalam Gerobak yang Ditarik Penculik di Pinggir Jalan Ciledug

Akhirnya Malika Anatasya yang lama hilang diculik pemulung, berhasil ditemukan oleh pihak kepolisian setelah mengetahui jejak pelaku penculikan bocah usia 6 tahun tersebut.

Menurut Kasat Reskrim Polres Jakarta Pusat AKBP Gunarto, Malika ditemukan di dalam gerobak yang sedang ditarik oleh pelaku, Iwan Sumarno alias Jacky alias Herman alias Yudi.

Iwan diketahui sedang memulung saat ditangkap oleh pihak kepolisian di kawasan Cipadu, Ciledug, Tangerang Selatan, pada hari Senin malam, 02/01/2023.

"Kami tangkap tadi di pinggir jalan. Malika di dalam gerobak yang ditarik pelaku sambil memulung," ujar Gunarto saat dihubungi, seperti dikutip dari Wartakotalive, Senin.

Saat ditemukan, Malika dalam kondisi sehat. Namun kepolisian segera membawanya ke RS Polri Kramat Jati untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatannya secara fisik dan psikologis.

Dinsos Jakarta Utara Ikut Mencari Keberadaan Malika yang Diculik Seorang Pemulung

Suku Dinas Sosial Jakarta Utara ikut mencari keberadaan Malika Anastasya, bocah berusia 6 tahun yang diculik seorang pria di Gunung Sahari Jakarta Utara.

Tim Pelayanan, Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Sosial (P3S) Suku Dinas Sosial Jakarta Utara ikut mencari Malika di sejumlah lokasi pemulung pada Senin kemarin, 2 Januari 2023.

Komandan Pleton Tim Reaksi Cepat P3S Sudinsos Jakarta Utara Tommy Ariyanto mengatakan pencarian diilakukan setelah Polres Resor Metro Jakarta Pusat merilis identitas pelaku penculikan Mailak adalah IS yang diduga pemulung di kawasan Jakarta Utara.

Tommy mengatakan, anggota Tim Reaksi Cepat telah membagikan foto penculik dan Malika kepada setiap pemulung yang dilakukan saat operasi menyisir para penyandang masalah kesejahteraan sosial (PMKS).

"Kami minta apabila ada yang melihat korban, agar segera melaporkan kepada pihak berwajib," kata Tommy seperti dikutip dari Antara, Senin, 2 Januari 2023.

Salah seorang pemulung yang ditanyai petugas P3S Sudinsos Jakut di kawasan Koja, Udin Syihabudin 46 tahun, mengenali wajah Malika dari foto yang ditunjukkan oleh petugas P3S Sudinsos Jakut di jalan yang ada kawasan tersebut.

"Saya cuma kenal mukanya saja, memang anak di foto itu jalan dua hari lalu di jalan," kata Udin kepada petugas P3S Sudinsos Jakut.

Mendapati informasi dari Udin, petugas P3S Sudinsos Jakut pun langsung bergerak menyisir kawasan Koja yang dimaksud.

Namun, petugas P3S Sudinsos Jakut belum memperoleh hasil dari pencarian Malika korban penculikan pada Senin ini. Selanjutnya, Tommy memastikan anggotanya akan terus menyisir kawasan yang diduga rawan Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS) di Jakarta Utara itu setiap hari.