Thursday 5 January 2023

Prince Harry says he killed 25 people in Afghanistan during second tour of duty

Prince Harry says he killed 25 people in Afghanistan during second tour of duty

Prince Harry says he killed 25 people in Afghanistan during second tour of duty

Harry sitting in an armoured vehicle in Helmand province in February 2008. ©DailyMail

Prince Harry says he killed 25 people in Afghanistan during second tour of duty. The Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, was an Apache helicopter pilot in 2012 and in the upcoming book, Spare, he said he flew on six missions in war-torn Afghanistan.

Prince Harry has revealed he killed 25 people while on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, according to reported excerpts of his highly-anticipated autobiography.

The Duke of Sussex was an Apache helicopter pilot at the time and in the upcoming book, Spare, he said he flew on six missions that resulted in “the taking of human lives”.

The 38-year-old also disclosed that he did not think of the 25 that were killed as "people" but as "chess pieces" that were taken off the board.

The Duke has never publicly discussed his kills during his military service before now.

The book is due to be released on January 10, but it has already gone on sale in Spain.

An excerpt from the Spanish version of Spare, which accidentally went on sale in Spain, has been obtained by The Daily Telegraph.

In it, Prince Harry writes about how he watched each "kill" when he returned to base and described the insurgents as “baddies eliminated before they could kill goodies”.

It is not possible to kill someone “if you see them as a person”, he says, but the Army had “trained me to ‘other’ them and they had trained me well.”

The excerpt adds: “I made it my purpose, from day one, to never go to bed with any doubt whether I had done the right thing…whether I had shot at Taliban and only Taliban, without civilians in the vicinity.

"I wanted to return to Great Britain with all my limbs, but more than that I wanted to get home with my conscience intact.”

He explained how he knew his exact number of kills because of the "era of Apaches and laptops".

He added: "And it seemed to me essential not to be afraid of that number.

“So my number is 25. It’s not a number that fills me with satisfaction, but nor does it embarrass me.”

Harry also explains in his upcoming book that he didn't feel any guilt in this because he never forgot watching the 9/11 attacks in New York unfold on TV and then later meeting the families of victims of the attacks on visits to the US.

Prince Harry went on his first tour of duty from 2007 to 2008 as a forward air controller in Helmand province.

His second tour was in 2012 after learning to fly Apache helicopters. He was deployed to Camp Bastion in southern Afghanistan for 20 weeks.

This story is based off a translated version of Prince Harry ’s book Spare.

Russian Orthodox leader urges Christmas ceasefire for Ukraine, Donbass

Russian Orthodox leader urges Christmas ceasefire for Ukraine, Donbass

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill ©Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill has called for a Christmas ceasefire in Ukraine and Donbass.

"I, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, call on all parties involved in the internecine conflict to establish a Christmas ceasefire from 12:00 p.m. Moscow time on January 6 to 12:00 a.m. on January 7 so that Orthodox people could attend church services on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day," the Russian Orthodox Church quoted its leader as saying in a statement posted on its website on Thursday.

Putin Orders Orthodox Christmas Ceasefire Across Ukraine January 6-7

Earlier in the day, Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church called on "all parties involved in the internecine conflict" in Ukraine to agree to a Christmas truce, "so that Orthodox people can attend services on Christmas Eve and the day of Christ's birth."

President Vladimir Putin has ordered a ceasefire on Orthodox Christmas Eve and Christmas Day along the entire frontline of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

"In light of the appeal of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, I instruct the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to introduce a ceasefire regime along the entire line of contact between the parties in Ukraine from 12:00 pm on January 6 to 24:00 on January 7 of this year," the presidential decree, released by the Kremlin's press service, reads.

Most Orthodox Christians, including Russian and Ukrainian parishioners, celebrate Christmas on January 7, in accordance with the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.

"Given that a large number of citizens practicing the Orthodox faith live in areas where hostilities are taking place, we call on the Ukrainian side to declare a ceasefire, and give them the opportunity to attend services on Christmas Eve, as well as the Day of the Nativity of Christ," the order adds.

Ukrainian authorities dismissed Patriarch Kirill's ceasefire appeal

Ukrainian authorities dismissed Patriarch Kirill's ceasefire appeal earlier in the day, with presidential advisor Mykhailo Podolyak accusing the Russian Orthodox Church of acting as a "propagandist of war" and "calling for the genocide of Ukrainians." Podolyak characterized Kirill's request as "a cynical trap and a piece of propaganda," and said the Russian Orthodox Church was "not an authority for global Orthodoxy."

Ukraine's successive post-2014 coup governments have taken a series of highly-politicized measures to try to restrict the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, and created an independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church in 2018. In November 2022, lawmakers introduced a bill to ban the Russian Orthodox Church outright, citing its activities as a "threat to national security" and accusing it of conducting "anti-Ukrainian and subversive activities." President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree in December imposing sanctions against clergy of all religious organizations with ties to Russia.

Over 70 percent of Ukrainians consider themselves Orthodox Christians, with the Moscow Patriarchate of the Church accounting for up to 39 percent of all believers in 2017. The Ukrainian government estimates their numbers to be much smaller, citing figures of as low as 12-15 percent. About 70 percent of Russians identify as Orthodox Christians.

Ukraine's Orthodox community has sounded the alarm about recent persecution by the government, including Ukrainian Security Service raids on churches and monasteries, and vandalism and arson attacks by unknown assailants.

The 'Christmas Truce' ordered by Putin comes as Russia's special military operation in Ukraine has entered its 10th month. The conflict, which Russia says was sparked by Ukraine's imminent plans to launch a full-scale assault on the Donbass, has cost tens of thousands of lives, caused widespread dislocation, and resulted in an energy crisis throughout most of Europe. So far, US energy companies and weapons manufacturers have been the only beneficiaries of the crisis, and Washington could soon benefit from the influx of European manufacturers as energy costs make it too expensive for them to produce their products at home.

Germany’s seizing Russian assets may force other nations to ignore law, speaker warns

Germany’s seizing Russian assets may force other nations to ignore law, speaker warns

Germany’s seizing Russian assets may force other nations to ignore law, speaker warns

Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin
©Anton Novoderzhavin/TASS

The planned seizure of Russian funds and property by Germany for their subsequent transfer to Ukraine may lure other countries into ignoring international law, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Thursday.

"The German government has decided to shift problems created by their predecessors on our country. With this goal in view, they are planning to confiscate Russian assets to help Ukraine rebuild," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

According to Volodin, this decision "would give a start to a process where all countries may ignore international law and seize what they think fit." He said that Germany should remember from its own history "how attempts to infringe on others’ property rights ended."

The senior Russian lawmaker warned that Russia would have the right to similar steps against assets of Germany and other nations if Russian assets are confiscated.

"We are living in a different reality now, both in line with the UN Charter and on the basis of precedents. It would therefore be correct to remember the recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

The United States, Germany, France and other countries who made the decision have no choice but to agree to the right of South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Crimea, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic as well as the Kherson and the Zaporozhye regions to self-determination," he explained.

The Duma speaker insisted that European countries, primarily Germany and France, should pay for what is happening in Ukraine, "not only because their economies are the largest in the European Union." "It is (former German chancellor Angela) Merkel and (ex-French president Francois) Hollande who the global public should blame for the conflict in Ukraine after having sabotaged the Minsk agreements," he added.

Germany open to seize Russian assets to help rebuild Ukraine — media reports

Germany is open to using billions of euros in frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine rebuild as long as legal issues can be resolved and allies follow suit, the Bloomberg news agency reported on Jan. 3, with reference to people familiar with the discussions.

According to the agency, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government supports Ukraine’s demand for war reparations but hasn’t yet taken an official position on seizing assets from the Russian state, since the issue is complex and some parts of the ruling coalition are more ardent than others.

In particular, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wants Russia to pay for the damages caused in Ukraine. The former co-leader of Germany’s Greens, who is a long-time advocate of a tougher stance on the Kremlin, insists that seizing at least some of the frozen assets needs to be an option.

At the same time, Finance Minister Christian Lindner, who heads the pro-business Free Democrats, is more cautious. He’s concerned that confiscating Russian central-bank assets could create a dangerous precedent and lead European nations and their allies into a legal quagmire, the officials said.

Germany to explore increasing military aid to Ukraine after U.S. Patriot handover Bloomberg reported that instead of a blanket seizure, a more sold path in legal terms could be to target assets of individuals who have been proven to be involved in Russian war crimes. Such cases though could take years to make their way through courts, which could reduce such an initiative to mere symbolism.

“The detail of the discussions shows how the potential for asset seizures is moving beyond a theoretical debate and toward implementation, but major hurdles remain,” the news agency quoted sources as saying.

“Scholz wants any move coordinated with allies and legally tight.”

The UN General Assembly on Nov. 14 passed a draft resolution on Russia’s payment of compensation to Ukraine for the damage caused.

Amazon Layoffs Over 18,000 Jobs

Amazon Layoffs Over 18,000 Jobs

Amazon Layoffs Over 18,000 Jobs

As part of a previously disclosed workforce reduction, Inc. will now be eliminating more than 18,000 employees, according to Chief Executive Andy Jassy in a public staff letter on Wednesday.

The company’s e-commerce and human resources departments will be the most affected by the layoff choices, which Amazon will announce starting on January 18, he added.

The reductions, which reflect a quick flip for a retailer that recently quadrupled its base pay threshold to compete more fiercely for talent, account for 6% of Amazon’s approximately 300,000-person corporate workforce.

Annual planning ” has been more difficult given the uncertain economy and that we’ve hired rapidly over the last several years,” Jassy wrote in the note.

Following Walmart Inc. (WMT.N), Amazon is the second-largest private employer in America with more than 1.5 million employees, including warehouse staff. As rising inflation drove firms and consumers to cut back on spending and as its share price fell by half in the previous year, it has prepared for expected slower growth.

It started laying off employees from its devices section in November, with sources claiming at the time that it was aiming to cut down 10,000 jobs.

In a blog post, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy wrote that the staff reductions were set off by the uncertain economy and the company's rapid hiring over the last several years.

The cuts will primarily hit the company's corporate workforce and will not affect hourly warehouse workers. In November, Amazon had reportedly been planning to lay off around 10,000 employees but on Wednesday, Jassy pegged the number of jobs to be shed by the company to be higher than that, as he put it, "just over 18,000."

Jassy tried to strike an optimistic note in the Wednesday blog post announcing the massive staff reduction, writing: "Amazon has weathered uncertain and difficult economies in the past, and we will continue to do so."

While 18,000 is a large number of jobs, it's just a little more than 1% of the 1.5 million workers Amazon employees in warehouses and corporate offices.

Last year, Amazon was the latest Big Tech company to watch growth slow down from its pandemic-era tear, just as inflation being at a 40-year high crimped sales.

News of Amazon's cuts came the same day business software giant Salesforce announced its own round of layoffs, eliminating 10% of its workforce, or about 8,000 jobs.

Salesforce Co-CEO Mark Benioff attributed the scaling back to a now oft-repeated line in Silicon Valley: The pandemic's boom times made the company hire overzealously. And now that the there has been a pullback in corporate spending, the focus is on cutting costs.

"As our revenue accelerated through the pandemic, we hired too many people leading into this economic downturn we're now facing," Benioff wrote in a note to staff.

Facebook owner Meta, as well as Twitter, Snap and Vimeo, have all announced major staff reductions in recent months, a remarkable reversal for an industry that has experienced gangbusters growth for more than a decade.

For Amazon, the pandemic was an enormous boon to its bottom line, with online sales skyrocketing as people avoided in-store shopping and the need for cloud storage exploded with more businesses and governments moving operations online. And that, in turn, led Amazon to go on a hiring spree, adding hundreds of thousands of jobs over the past several years.

The layoffs at Amazon were first reported on Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal.

CEO Jassy, in his blog post, acknowledged that while the company's hiring went too far, the company intends to help cushion the blow for laid off workers.

"We are working to support those who are affected and are providing packages that include a separation payment, transitional health insurance benefits, and external job placement support," Jassy said.

Penjelasan PVMBG Letusan Anak Gn Krakatau

Penjelasan PVMBG Letusan Anak Gn Krakatau

Penjelasan PVMBG Letusan Anak Gn Krakatau

©Magma Indonedia ESDM

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) memaparkan letusan Gunung Anak Krakatau pada 4 Januari lalu. Letusan tersebut merupakan bagian dari mekanisme gunung berapi membentuk dirinya kembali setelah separuhnya pecah pada letusan Desember 2018 lalu. yang memicu tsunami yang merusak.

Saat Anak Krakatau terbentuk secara alami, Koordinator PVMBG Gunung Api Oktory Prambada mengingatkan bahwa bahaya yang terus ada adalah lahar dan serentetan letusan kecil. “Sejak 2019 sudah ada aliran lahar yang akhirnya membentuk gunung baru,” imbuhnya.

Letusan pada 4 Januari 2023, menghasilkan awan abu yang mencapai ketinggian tiga kilometer di atas permukaan laut, yang menurutnya terutama disebabkan oleh sumbatan di bawah kawah gunung yang menyebabkan tekanan berlebih.

Mengutip laman Magma Indonesia yang dikelola Badan Geologi, letusan Gunung Anak Krakatau kembali terjadi pada Kamis pagi, pukul 00:13 WIB. Ketinggian kolom abu teramati kurang lebih 750 meter di atas puncak gunung.

Pihak berwenang telah memberlakukan status Peringatan Level 3 yang menetapkan 'zona bahaya' radius 5 kilometer.

"Masyarakat, pengunjung, wisatawan, pendaki tidak mendekati Gunung Anak Krakatau atau beraktivitas dalam radius 5 km dari kawah aktif," ujar PVMBG

“Di luar itu masyarakat masih bisa beraktivitas sehari-hari,” kata Koordinator PVMBG Gunung Api Oktory Prambada pada 5 Januari lalu.

Berdasarkan laporan yang dibuat oleh Ade Yasser Akhmad Purwata, petugas pos pantau GAK Pasauran, Kabupaten Serang, Banten, yang diunggah ke aplikasi resmi Magma Indonesia, kolom abu berwarna hitam tebal mengarah ke timur.

Erupsi itu terekam di alat seismogram dengan amplitudo maksimum 65mm dan berdurasi 1 menit 37 detik.

Dalam laporan lain, letusan gunung berapi di Selat Sunda itu terjadi juga pukul 14.10 WIB di hari yang sama, dengan ketinggian abu 100 meter.

Abu berwarna kelabu dengan intensitas tebal, mengarah ke timur. Letusan tersebut terekam di seismogram dengan amplitudo maksimum 40mm dan berdurasi 20 detik.

Saat ini, Gunung Anak Krakatau berstatus siaga atau pada Level III, dengan larangan mendekat dalam radius 5 kilometer guna menghindari material letusan.

"Erupsi terekam di seismograf dengan amplitudo maksimum 40 mm dan durasi 20 detik," ungkap PVMBG dalam akun Twitter resminya, Rabu, 04/01/2023.

"Terjadi #erupsi G. Anak Krakatau pada hari Rabu,04 Januari 2023, pukul 15.09 WIB. Tinggi kolom letusan teramati 3000 m di atas puncak. Saat laporan ini dibuat, erupsi masih berlangsung," tulis akun Twitter PVMBG lagi.

Perlu diketahui, sejak April 2022 aktivitas Gunung Anak Krakatau terpantau meningkat, sehingga statusnya berada pada Level III (Siaga). Akibatnya, masyarakat tidak diperbolehkan mendekati Gunung Anak Krakatau dalam radius 5 km dari kawah aktif.

Hari ini, PVMBG melaporkan, Anak gunung Krakatau kembali terjadi erupsi, pada hari Kamis siang, 5 Januari 2023, pukul 13.00

Nearly 360 shells fired by Ukrainian troops at DPR cities during past day

Nearly 360 shells fired by Ukrainian troops at DPR cities during past day

Nearly 360 shells fired by Ukrainian troops at DPR cities during past day

©Ivan Noyabrev/TASS

Nearly 360 shells of various calibers were fired by Ukrainian troops at settlements in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) during the past day, the DPR’s mission to the Joint Control and Coordination Center (JCCC) for issues related to Ukraine’s war crimes said on Thursday.

"Fifty-one shelling attacks were staged by the enemy from 155mm and 152mm artillery systems in the Donetsk direction. Ten shelling attacks from 155mm, 152mm and 122mm artillery systems were staged in the Yasinovatay direction. Fourteen shelling attacks from 155mm and 122mm artillery systems and 120mm mortars were stages in the Gorlovka direction. As many as 359 shells were fired," it wrote on its Telegram channel.

Coming under shelling were the cities of Donetsk, Gorlovka, Mineralnoye, Yakovlevka, Kashtanovoye, Yasinivataya, Makeyevka, Alexandrovka, and Yelenovka.

One civilian was killed, four more, including a child, were wounded.

Special operation, January 3rd. The main thing:

The Russian Armed Forces destroyed up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen and 14 pieces of equipment in the Donetsk direction, the Ministry of Defense reported.

On the Kupyansky and Krasno-Limansky directions, Kyiv lost more than 160 people killed and wounded in a day.

The Russian Armed Forces in the South-Donetsk direction destroyed more than 130 foreign mercenaries with high-precision strikes near Maslyakovka and Kramatorsk in the DPR.

Prigozhin told RIA Novosti that the Ukrainian military has created "five hundred lines of defense" in Artemovsk (Bakhmut), so the advance is going with great difficulty.

Putin signed a decree on additional social guarantees for military personnel. The families of the dead military and Russian guardsmen during the special operation will be paid 5 million rubles, the wounded - 3 million rubles.

In addition, one day of service for military personnel and members of the National Guard performing the tasks of a special operation of the Russian Federation will be counted as two.

Putin instructed the Russian Ministry of Defense to report by February 1 on providing the participants in the special military operation with weapons, equipment, materiel and equipment.

The Governor of the Samara Region held a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation after the death of military personnel in Makeyevka.

The authorities of the Saratov region denied the reports of some media about the alleged deaths in Makeevka mobilized from the region.

Erdogan said he intends to hold telephone conversations with Putin and Zelensky on Wednesday.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports:

  • Over 40 Ukrainian soldiers were destroyed in the Kupyansk direction in a day, an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group was destroyed in the Kharkiv region;

  • In the Krasno-Limansky direction, strikes were made on two assault detachments, accumulations of manpower and equipment, five enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups were destroyed; in this direction, enemy losses exceeded 150 military killed and wounded;

  • In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue offensive operations, the enemy lost more than 100 soldiers in a day;

  • In the South-Donetsk direction, the enemy made unsuccessful attempts to counterattack positions in the Dorozhnyanka area of ​​the DPR, all counterattacks were repelled;

  • Over 180 Ukrainian soldiers were killed by strikes in the DPR and Zaporozhye region;

  • five enemy artillery ammunition depots were destroyed in the Zaporozhye region and the DPR, and a missile and artillery depot of a foreign mercenary unit was destroyed near the city;

  • Ukrainian MiG-29s and Su-25s were shot down near Kramatorsk and Novopavlovka.

Special operation, January 4th. The main thing:

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that more than 40 Ukrainian soldiers were destroyed in the Kupyansk direction, a DRG was destroyed in the Kharkiv region;

In the Krasno-Limansky direction, strikes were made on two assault detachments, accumulations of manpower and equipment, five DRGs were destroyed; in this direction, enemy losses per day exceeded 150 military killed and wounded;

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue offensive operations, the enemy lost more than 100 soldiers in a day;

In the South-Donetsk direction, the enemy made unsuccessful attempts to counterattack positions in the Dorozhnyanka area of ​​the DPR;

Over 180 Ukrainian soldiers, five enemy artillery ammunition depots, and a foreign mercenary unit’s missile and artillery depot were destroyed in the DPR and Zaporozhye region;

Ukrainian MiG-29s and Su-25s were shot down near Kramatorsk and Novopavlovka;

Two drones were shot down by air defense over the sea in the Belbek area, the governor of Sevastopol said;

Air alert was announced throughout Ukraine;

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said that preparations for the transfer of Patriot systems to Kyiv have already begun, expecting deployment "as soon as possible";

As a result of the Ukrainian shelling of Vasilyevka, five people were killed, 15 were injured, Balitsky, Acting Governor of the Zaporozhye region, said;

Drunken foreign mercenaries provoked a conflict with security forces controlled by Kyiv, killing three Ukrainian soldiers at a checkpoint in the Nikolaev region, a source told RIA Novosti. He notes that foreign mercenaries are not even under the control of the SBU;

The death toll of the Russian military in Makiivka has risen to 89, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Among the dead was the deputy commander of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Bachurin. The Russian military responded by destroying the HIMARS launcher from which the Ukrainian troops had fired, as well as four HIMARS launchers in Druzhkovka;

Wounded in Donbass, Rogozin sent the extracted fragment from the Caesar howitzer used by Kyiv to the French Ambassador to the Russian Federation with a request to transfer the country to President Macron;

Erdogan, in a telephone conversation with Putin, intends to again offer Turkey's mediation in Ukraine, also expects to discuss the topic of the "gas hub", a source told RIA Novosti;

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Italy cannot be an intermediary between Moscow and Kyiv, as it helps the bloody Kyiv regime and takes an aggressive anti-Russian position.

The first group of former prisoners who participated in the special operation as volunteers in the Wagner group completed their six-month contract, all criminal records were cleared from them, said the head of Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

"The commanders use us as cannon fodder” Ukrainian troops complain to their government about the conditions of military service.

Rishi Sunak Ingin Siswa di Inggris Mendapat Pelajaran Matematika sampai Usia 18 Tahun

Rishi Sunak Ingin Siswa di Inggris Mendapat Pelajaran Matematika sampai Usia 18 Tahun

Rishi Sunak Ingin Siswa di Inggris Mendapat Pelajaran Matematika sampai Usia 18 Tahun

Perdana Menteri Inggris, Rishi Sunak/Net

Rishi Sunak berencana menerapkan aturan semua siswa di Inggris mendapat pelajaran Matematika setidaknya hingga usia 18 tahun.

Namun hal ini berhadapan dengan kegagalan bertahun-tahun untuk merekrut guru matematika yang cukup, mengancam rencana Rishi Sunak untuk memperluas pelajaran dalam mata pelajaran sampai usia 18, kata para ahli dan kepala.

Hanya 90 persen dari target yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah untuk calon guru matematika yang dapat dipenuhi pada tahun ajaran ini dan telah mencapai 64 persen dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.

Amanda Spielman, kepala Ofsted, menyambut baik pengumuman bahwa semua siswa harus belajar matematika hingga usia 18 tahun. Dia mengatakan itu adalah "kabar yang sangat baik untuk kaum muda kita", untuk prospek negara dan untuk kelas enam dan perguruan tinggi.

Namun, yang lain mengkritik rencana itu. Michael Rosen, penulis buku anak-anak tersebut, berkata: “Asumsi yang dibuat di sini adalah bahwa matematika adalah prioritas di abad ke-21 melebihi mata pelajaran lainnya. Bukti?"

Para pemimpin pendidikan mengatakan restrukturisasi dan investasi yang signifikan akan diperlukan agar rencana itu berhasil.

Catherine Sezen, direktur pendidikan dari Association of Colleges, berkata: “Jumlahnya harus bertambah, dengan kualifikasi yang sesuai untuk siswa yang bekerja di berbagai tingkatan, tingkat kepegawaian yang memadai, dan pendanaan yang berkelanjutan untuk perguruan tinggi dan bentuk keenam.”

Remaja di sebagian besar negara lain belajar matematika sampai usia 18 tahun. Sunak telah mengatakan bahwa dia tidak ingin semua siswa mengambil matematika A-level tetapi belum menetapkan secara pasti kualifikasi matematika apa yang akan dipelajari oleh mereka yang berada di perguruan tinggi dan kelas enam.

Kepala sekolah dan ketua serikat guru mengatakan gagasan itu tidak akan berhasil tanpa lebih banyak guru matematika karena target perekrutan sudah lewat.

Meskipun guru matematika peserta pelatihan memiliki beberapa beasiswa paling dermawan, sebesar £ 27.000. Banyak lulusan matematika dapat memperoleh gaji premium di perbankan dan industri.

Geoff Barton, sekretaris jenderal Asosiasi Pemimpin Sekolah dan Perguruan Tinggi, mengatakan pelajaran matematika tambahan “dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kerja dan kemampuan untuk menghadapi kehidupan modern, seperti yang disarankan perdana menteri, tetapi penting bahwa ini didasarkan pada penelitian yang solid dan bukan proyek kesayangan.”

Dia menambahkan: "Kami juga ingin mendengar bagaimana kebijakan seperti itu akan menghindari memperburuk kekurangan guru matematika nasional yang sudah kronis."

Perdana Menteri Inggris Rishi Sunak berencana menerapkan aturan itu dan menyampaikannya dalam pidato pertamanya di tahun 2023 yang dimuat Onmanorama pada pada hari Kamis, 05/01/2023.

"Kami adalah salah satu dari sedikit negara yang tidak mewajibkan anak-anak kami untuk belajar Matematika hingga usia 18 tahun. Saat ini, hanya setengah dari semua anak usia 16-19 tahun yang belajar Matematika," ujar Sunak dalam pidatonya

Langkah terbaru ini dilakukan oleh Sunak sebagai sebuah bekal untuk anak-anak di Inggris dalam mempersiapkan masa depannya di mana statistik saat ini, menurut Sunak, banyak mendukung semua bidang pekerjaan.

"(Saat ini) di dunia, data ada di mana-mana dan statistik mendukung setiap pekerjaan, membiarkan anak-anak kita keluar ke dunia tanpa keterampilan itu, mengecewakan anak-anak kita. Jadi kita perlu melangkah lebih jauh," tambah Sunak, sambil berkata bahwa ia akan menjadikan berhitung sebagai tujuan utama dari sistem pendidikan Inggris.

Belum diketahui secara rinci bagaimana detailnya, namun Sunak berencana untuk bergerak ke seluruh sektor pendidikan agar anak-anak bisa belajar beberapa bentuk Matematika, meskipun mata pelajaran itu tidak dimasukkan ke dalam level A wajib.