Wednesday 11 January 2023

Russian paratroopers block Soledar from north and south, fighting is on — top brass

Russian paratroopers block Soledar from north and south, fighting is on — top brass

Russian paratroopers block Soledar from north and south, fighting is on — top brass

©Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS, archive

Russian Airborne Force units blocked Soledar from the north and the south and are battling Ukrainian troops in the town, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Wednesday.

"Airborne Force units have blocked Soledar from the town’s northern and southern parts. The Russian Aerospace Forces are delivering strikes at enemy strongholds. Assault groups are engaged in a battle in the town," the spokesman said.

Russian forces struck 74 Ukrainian artillery units over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

"Operational-tactical and army aviation aircraft, missile troops and artillery struck a battalion command and observation post of the Ukrainian army’s 57th motorized infantry brigade near the town of Artyomovsk in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Also, 74 Ukrainian artillery units, manpower and military hardware were struck in 113 areas over the past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

Russian forces delivered strikes at amassed manpower of two Ukrainian army brigades in the Kupyansk area, destroying over 30 militants in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk area, artillery and army aviation strikes at amassed manpower of the Ukrainian army’s 92nd mechanized brigade and 103rd territorial defense brigade in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka and Kislovka in the Kharkov Region, and also Novosyolovskoye in the Lugansk People’s Republic eliminated over 30 Ukrainian servicemen and two motor vehicles," the spokesman said.

The Russian Defense Ministry showed footage of Iskander missiles being launched at the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the zone of the special military operation.

The Ukrainian military suffered roughly 90 casualties in the Krasny Liman area over the past day as a result of damage inflicted by Russian artillery and combat aircraft, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Krasny Liman area, artillery fire, assault and army aviation strikes inflicted damage on the assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 95th and 80th air assault brigades and 25th airborne brigade in areas near the settlements of Torskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Chervonaya Dibrova, Makeyevka and Chervonopopovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian troops also eliminated four Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance groups in the Lugansk People’s Republic and in the Serebryansky forestry. In all, the enemy lost as many as 90 troops killed and wounded, two armored fighting vehicles and three motor vehicles in that area over the past 24 hours, the general specified.

Russian forces liberated the community of Podgorodnoye southwest of Soledar in the Donetsk area, eliminating about 80 Ukrainian troops over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

The tankers who participated in the tank duel that conquered the Internet told how the battle went with the enemy. The crews included mobilized and volunteers.

The work of the fighters of the 59th tank regiment of the 144th motorized rifle division of the Western Military District.

As a result of battles in that area, Russian troops destroyed as many as 80 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank, three armored fighting vehicles and two motor vehicles of the Ukrainian army’s 61st mechanized and 17th tank brigades, the general specified.

Russian troops eliminated roughly 25 Ukrainian militants as a result of strikes on enemy forces by combined firepower in the southern Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the southern Donetsk area, as many as 25 Ukrainian servicemen, an infantry fighting vehicle and two motor vehicles were destroyed as a result of damage inflicted on Ukrainian army units by combined firepower in areas near the settlements of Nikolskoye, Prechistovka and Novosyolka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-27 plane in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-27 plane near the community of Popov Yar in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian troops destroyed two US-made counter-battery radars of the Ukrainian army in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In addition, AN/TPQ-50 and AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar stations of US manufacture were destroyed in the areas of the towns of Artyomovsk and Dzerzhinsk," the spokesman said.

Russian troops also destroyed a Ukrainian Uragan rocket launcher near Kotovka in the Kharkov Region, two Ukrainian 2S7 Pion self-propelled cannons near Raigorodok in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a D-20 towed howitzer near Kolodezi in the Donetsk People’s Republic, two D-30 howitzers near Berestovoye in the Kharkov Region and Pobeda in the Donetsk People’s Republic and a 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer near Pavlovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the general specified.

Russian forces destroyed a US-made M777 howitzer in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the counter-battery warfare, an M777 artillery system of US manufacture was destroyed at firing positions near the community of Belogorovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian air defense forces intercepted five HIMARS and Olkha rockets in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the counter-battery warfare, an M777 artillery system of US manufacture was destroyed at firing positions near the community of Belogorovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian air defense forces intercepted five HIMARS and Olkha rockets in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the past 24 hours, air defense capabilities intercepted five rockets of HIMARS and Olkha multiple launch rocket systems in areas near the communities of Debaltsevo and Yenakiyevo in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Kartamyshevo in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

During the last 24-hour period, Russian air defense systems destroyed two Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the communities of Pavlovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Kremennaya in the Lugansk People’s Republic, and also shot down an American HARM anti-radar missile near the settlement of Bryanka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the general added.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 371 Ukrainian warplanes, 200 helicopters, 2,868 unmanned aerial vehicles, 400 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,473 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 976 multiple rocket launchers, 3,809 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,006 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Special operation, January 10th. The main thing:

▪️Shoigu at a meeting at the Ministry of Defense said that the main task of the department is to take measures for the qualitative renewal of the Armed Forces and increase combat capabilities. According to him, it is necessary to finalize the equipment and equipment of personnel, as well as to improve the control and communication system, including using artificial intelligence.

▪️ Enemy losses per day amounted to more than 130 Ukrainian soldiers killed and wounded, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

▪️ German Foreign Minister Burbock arrived on an unannounced visit to Kharkiv, discussed with Kuleba the supply of Leopard tanks.

▪️ The Pentagon said that the Ukrainian military will begin the development of Patriot systems at a base in the United States next week. Podolyak, an adviser to the head of Zelensky's office, believes that air defense systems will begin to be used in the spring.

▪️Trudeau told Biden that Canada plans to purchase an American surface-to-air missile system for Ukraine.

▪️The Swedish authorities have announced plans to supply Archer self-propelled artillery mounts to Ukraine, while Britain is still considering whether to supply Challenger 2 tanks to Kyiv.

▪️The President of Estonia promised Zelensky to continue providing "maximum" military assistance to Kyiv.

▪️ The head of the Pentagon next week convenes another meeting of donors of military assistance to Ukraine, expects the participation of colleagues from 50 countries.

▪️ Two civilians were injured during shelling from the Ukrainian side of the city of Shebekino, Belgorod region, the governor said.

Kata Ahli Muncul Pulau Setelah Gempa M 7,5

Kata Ahli Muncul Pulau Setelah Gempa M 7,5

Pulau baru yang muncul pascagempa Maluku magnitudo 7,5. (ANTARA)

Menurut ketua Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) Maluku Herfien Samalehu tentanv kemunculan pulau baru di Tanimbar usai gempa magnitudo 7,5 disebabkan oleh desakan pada lempeng samudera tua/slab saat subduksi yang menghujam masuk ke dalam mantel bumi.

Herfien mengatakan gempa yang terjadi di Tanimbar merupakan gempa bermodel thrusting atau adanya patahan naik dari subduksi laut banda.

Hal tersebut, kata Herfien, bisa dilihat dari analisis lokasi hiposenter dan kedalamannya. Dari model jenis gempa tersebut akan menyebabkan kenaikan atau uplift dan juga akan menyebabkan penurunan atau subsidence di sisi yang lain.

"Contohnya, beberapa kejadian gempa seperti gempa Aceh dan Nias. Usai gempa sempat terjadi pengangkatan di sekitar Pulau Simeuleu namun terdapat pula blok yang turun atau subsidence hingga satu meter di sepanjang garis pantai di Aceh," kata Herfien dalam keterangan tertulisnya, pada hari Selasa, 10/01/2023.

Fenomena juga sempat terjadi di Lombok mengakibatkan fenomena naiknya Pulau Lombok sebesar 25 sentimeter yang terlihat dari indikasi Peta Satelit.

"Fenomena ini bisa terjadi setelah pascagempa yang menyebabkan deformasi regional," ujarnya.

Ia menyebut kenaikan daratan di Teinaman kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya merupakan blok yang naik secara keseluruhan namun tidak terlalu berpengaruh signifikan terhadap wilayah Tanimbar.

Dampak dari gempa yang terjadi, kata dia, tidak menyebabkan bahaya ikutan (collateral hazard) berupa adanya longsoran skala massif, gerakan tanah atau likuifaksi dan gelombang tsunami.

"Kami mengimbau agar masyarakat tetap tenang dan mengikuti arahan dari BPBD atau BMKG setempat. Jangan terpancing isu yang tidak bertanggung jawab mengenai gempa bumi dan tsunami,"imbuh dia.

Meski begitu di laut Banda dan wilayah di sekitar Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar dan Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya tergolong rawan bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami.

Menurut catatan Badan Geologi kejadian tsunami pernah melanda wilayah di sekitar laut Banda pada tahun 1629, 1852, 1938 dan 1975.

Sebuah pulau muncul di permukaan air di Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar, Maluku, setelah gempa berkekuatan Magnitudo 7,5 mengguncang wilayah itu pada Selasa (10/1) dini hari.

"Temuan di Desa Teinaman Kecamatan Tanimbar Utara, gempa berkekuatan magnitudo lebih dari 7 mengakibatkan munculnya tumpukan material sehingga membentuk pulau," kata Kepala Desa Teinaman Kecamatan Tanimbar Utara Bony Kelmaskossu, hari Selasa, 10/01/2023.

Bony mengatakan fenomena tersebut menyebabkan masyarakat Desa Teinaman panik dan takut. Mereka pun diminta mengungsi untuk sementara waktu.

Meski begitu di laut Banda dan wilayah di sekitar Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar dan Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya tergolong rawan bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami.

Menurut catatan Badan Geologi kejadian tsunami pernah melanda wilayah di sekitar laut Banda pada tahun 1629, 1852, 1938 dan 1975.

Sebuah pulau muncul di permukaan air di Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar, Maluku, setelah gempa berkekuatan Magnitudo 7,5 mengguncang wilayah itu pada Selasa (10/1) dini hari.

"Temuan di Desa Teinaman Kecamatan Tanimbar Utara, gempa berkekuatan magnitudo lebih dari 7 mengakibatkan munculnya tumpukan material sehingga membentuk pulau," kata Kepala Desa Teinaman Kecamatan Tanimbar Utara Bony Kelmaskossu, hari Selasa, 10/01/2023.

Bony mengatakan fenomena tersebut menyebabkan masyarakat Desa Teinaman panik dan takut. Mereka pun diminta mengungsi untuk sementara waktu.

He painted a mural of Kanye West. Then a rabbi called

He painted a mural of Kanye West. Then a rabbi called

Chicago street artist Chris Devins. (Jamie Kelter Davis for The Washington Post)

Chicago street artist Chris Devins envisioned a lasting tribute to the hip-hop superstar. But Ye's antisemitic rants changed his perspective.

“Kany West!” Chris Devins recalled a woman screaming. “I love Kanye!”

Devins, 48, an urban planner who has been sketching celebrities on buildings for years, figured this one would be a hit. Ye, the rapper formerly known as Kanye West, had grown up here, shouted out “Chi-town” in his songs and named his 4-year-old daughter after the Windy City.

And at first, Devins was right: Passersby stopped to take selfies that morning with his portrait of Ye before the paint had dried. One man recorded an Instagram video of his wife admiring it: #Beautiful.

The Chicago artist envisioned a lasting tribute to the hip-hop superstar. But Ye's antisemitic rants changed his perspective.

Another appeared in red paint on a Jewish grave about 30 miles north of Devins’ mural: “Kanye was rite.” Now when people regarded the street artist’s work, they saw something else.

(Michael Blackshire / Chicago Tribune) Whatever issue came up for discussion during a recent visit with artist Leo Segedin, he rested his position on an axiom: “I’m a West Side Jew boy.Friends and strangers flooded his inbox, asking if he planned to remove it.“On our phones, we are always looking down.One wrote: “You have to take responsibility for immortalizing an idiot.

Grammatically speaking, his self-description should be in the past tense: He is 95, and his West Side vanished eons ago, a victim of urban decay and urban renewal.” Advertisement But Devins was torn. No one is in custody as Area Three detectives investigate.

Devins had aimed to turn a defunct catering company’s wall into a tribute to the superstar that, with regular touch-ups, could last decades. He added his Instagram handle so fans could tag him in their photos. Another Ye mural in Chicago had been so popular, the creator sold an NFT version of it for roughly $200,000.

Then Ye launched into a weeks-long tirade against Jews, and attention abruptly shifted from his creative legacy to his antisemitic rants.

“I’m going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE,” Ye tweeted in October, apparently referencing Defcon, the U.S. military defense readiness system. He blamed Jews for society’s ills on podcasts and live streams. He refused to back down after losing a $1.5-billion sneaker deal with Adidas, among other lucrative partnerships. “I like Hitler,” Ye said in a December interview with Infowars founder Alex Jones. “Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities.”

The antisemitism reverberated. A group of men raised their arms in Nazi salutes while draping a banner over a Los Angeles freeway that read: “Kanye is right about the Jews.” A similar proclamation was projected onto the side of a stadium during a college-football game in Jacksonville, Fla. Another appeared in red paint on a Jewish grave about 30 miles north of Devins’ mural: “Kanye was rite.”

Ever since he’d gotten into graffiti art as a teen, the native Chicagoan bristled at the idea of censorship.His home is effectively the suburban mausoleum of a quintessential Chicago neighborhood. You’re looking out. He hoped Ye would apologize.The rapper had ignited controversies in the past , attributing some erratic outbursts to bipolar disorder episodes.“King of the Mountain,” he explained, referring to one of those games, is a metaphor for politics.

Devins told people: “I think we should leave this up as a commentary on modern-day celebrity and the need to wield it responsibly.The projector will cost $600, and Kano will be taking preorders starting Monday for the first 1,000 devices.” Quietly, though, he wavered.“Follow the Leader #3″ depicts schoolchildren and workaday adults being directed down a street of Segedin’s youth by oversized, nattily dressed figures.

His mother is Black, and his father is Irish.His Irish grandfather had disapproved of their union.Paintings by Leo Segedin in his Evanston home on Dec.Ye “clearly saw the new medium of Stem as something innovative and different,” Klein said.“I’ve dealt with racism basically since birth,” Devins said.He didn’t want to broadcast acceptance of any discrimination.(Michael Blackshire / Chicago Tribune) “Every few years they’d come out of the woodwork and tell people the great things they were going to do,” he wrote, “and not much would get done in the interim.

He reminded critics that his wife is Jewish.” Kano still has “like 5,000” Stem Players in its inventory preloaded with Donda 2, but there are “no plans” to put new Ye content on future devices, according to Klein.

She, too, erred on the side of the First Amendment.” Segedin’s parents lived at 3857 W.Ye’s diatribes had appalled them both, he said, but neither felt right about erasing the mural.Rather, a protective instinct flared., not far from the border of the Jewish and Italian sections of Lawndale.

Kano is also opening preorders for new Stem Players with exclusive music from Wu-Tang Clan rapper Ghostface Killah.When someone spray painted “TRASH” over Ye’s suit, Devins rushed to restore his portrait.Advertisement “I don’t think we should be censoring anything just because someone is acting ridiculous,” he said.“Sure, we had fights,” he said.

And yet.He teased that the company is working on things well outside the realm of gadgets, like boots and how “we might even do a food product..Not with knives or guns..“I am sensitive to people’s feelings,” Devins said.A big kid would grab him and ask: “Are you a Jew?” “And I’d say, ‘Yes I am,’"he recalled in that coffee-table book.Apparel and EVA printing and molding techniques can be applied to the shape and form of physical devices.“If someone came to me and said, ‘Hey, I’m hurt by this’ — that would be different.

”Then he heard from a rabbi.That moment of fear.*** Across town, another artist grappled with the same dilemma.He referenced how Apple products work together to bring simplicity to “one part” of your life.Jason Peterson, 53, had worked with Ye for nearly two decades: first on a Boost Mobile flip-phone commercial featuring the rapper’s lyrics (“I’m Chi-town’s finest”), then on advertising campaigns for his Yeezy sneakers.He was a collector for a jewelry store.

Peterson, a photographer and creative director who runs a Chicago marketing agency, once snapped a portrait of Ye against a brick wall on the West Loop’s trendy Lake Street.As artists worldwide repackaged their work in the form of unique digital copies called NFTs, an idea struck him in 2020: What if he blew up the portrait into a 22-foot mural and auctioned off a cyberspace version? “Don’t miss the opportunity to be forever linked to this NFT and the mural,” read before the approximately $200,000 sale.

Standing in their doorway, Segedin’s father nudged them with a reminder that an installment was due.Image: Kano Personally, I’m skeptical that Kano can pull off a unified system for your entire life.

Peterson didn’t think he’d ever want to sever his own link.“I loved it,” he said.“But it’s no way to make a living.“I drove by it every day, thinking: There is my contribution to the city of Chicago.I loved it because I love Kanye.19, 2022, in Evanston.His music.

Him as a person.In his 1956 painting, “L Platform,” the tracks unrealistically make a 90-degree turn and shoot off the top of the canvas.” When a photo of the men Nazi-saluting over L.A.Segedin’s paintings are too schmaltzy for some critics’ taste.’s 405 freeway blazed across social media , Peterson flashed back to his youth as a skateboarder in Phoenix’s punk rock scene.He and his friends, he said, would get into fights with “racist skinheads. That’s history.

”One guy had broken his buddy’s arm with a baseball bat.“The skinheads, the bridge in Los Angeles — that was deeply messed up,” he said.He was first encouraged to pursue his muse by his homeroom teacher at Crane High School, who “showed me that illustrators got paid for their art work,” he said.“The effect of what Kanye said..Years afterward, he doubled back to Crane as a teacher...

It was giving liberty to a bunch of idiots. Hit me right in the head.” The owner of the Lake Street building, a Jewish man, wanted the mural gone.One October afternoon, Peterson grabbed a ladder and a bucket of black paint and, over the course an hour, darkened his portrait of Ye into a silhouette.The Army had him teach drafting, then assigned him to create a mural at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri.(Days later, the owner painted over it entirely.) Advertisement “When I was doing it, I was almost a little weepy,” Peterson said.“I’m a Jew boy from the West Side,” he said of creating a scene so foreign from his own background.

“It felt like it was the hard thing to do, but it was the right thing to do.” He posted a photo of it on his Instagram story and wrote: We need better role models.(Paul Ponsard / Handout) After the Army, he enrolled at the University of Illinois and boldly declared himself an art major.The image — along with a cellphone video someone shot of Peterson on his ladder — went viral.

Down the street, Rabbi Avraham Kagan, co-founder of Chabad River North and Fulton Market in the neighborhood, pondered how to address it all.Advertisement He sent a painting to the 1949 “Artists of Central Illinois” exhibition at the Decatur Art Institute.Ye’s antisemitic spiral had disturbed him.

Here was a powerful figure with more Instagram followers than the estimated number of Jews of the planet, saying things like, “Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities.” “I won second prize in a WASPY town with a West Side painting,” he said.” Prejudicial attacks were : The Anti-Defamation League tallied a record-high 2,717 incidents in 2021, according to its latest audit.

Peterson painting over his mural was a welcome development, a signal that people were spurning hate speech.” “First prize went to a painting of flowers.Kagan hesitated to call for anything that could be interpreted as censorship or derided as “cancel culture.” His strategy against antisemitism? Speak back.Returning to Chicago, he found himself face-to-face with the history of art, as he saw it.

Speak better.Following Ye's weeks-long tirade against Jews, Chicago artist Chris Devins worked with a local rabbi to update a mural with a more positive message.

“With their patrons gone, they had to sell their work through galleries.(Video: Danielle Paquette/The Washington Post) “A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness,” he liked to tell people, quoting a Jewish proverb.As Hanukkah approached, Kagan encouraged members of a young Jewish professionals group to give menorahs to bars, restaurants and apartment buildings across Chicago.

Romanticism gave way to Impressionism, which gave way to Expressionism that yielded to abstract art.The goal was not to shrink back when antisemitism dominated the headlines.

He urged everyone to light the candles with pride.Segedin did not go along.Some of the menorahs landed in high-rises overlooking Devins’ mural.By late December, when the rabbi read that the tribute to Ye was still standing, he looked up the street artist’s phone number.“It is philosophy.

Devins had faced controversy before.After he was hired to paint a mural two years ago of King Von, a Chicago rapper who died in a 2020 shootout, people slammed the work as.In “What’s Next” a skeleton puts his hand on an aged Segedin.

Persib Vs Persija - Bobotoh baca ini dulu sebelum nonton

Persib Vs Persija - Bobotoh baca ini dulu sebelum nonton

Persib Vs Persija - Bobotoh baca ini dulu sebelum nonton

Hari ini Persib Bandung bakal melakoni laga tunda putaran 1 BRI Liga 1 2022/2023 melawan Persija Jakarta di Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api (GBLA), Gedebage, Kota Bandung pada hari Rabu, 11/01/2023.

Pada laga el clasico Persib vs Persija itu, Persib meminta Bobotoh yang akan menyaksikan langsung ke laga itu untuk mematuhi regulasi yang berlaku dan menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban.

Persib mengingatkan Bobotoh terhadap sejumlah hal yang harus dilakukan dan dilarang pada saat menyaksikan pertandingan.

"Semua ini dilakukan agar Bobotoh merasakan pengalaman menyaksikan pertandingan berkesan. Sekali lagi, PERSIB mengingatkan Bobotoh agar jangan sedikitpun berpikir untuk melakukan pelanggaran. Sebab, setiap pelanggaran yang dilakukan akan langsung mendapat sanksi kehilangan hak untuk menyaksikan pertandingan ini," tulis Persib dalam laman resmi mereka, pada hari Selasa, 10/01/2023.

Berikut hal-hal yang harus dilakukan sebelum, selama dan setelah pertandingan melawan Persija;

  • Vaksinasi booster

  • Membawa data diri pribadi (KTP) fisik sebagai syarat wajib Penukaran e-voucher

  • Melakukan penukaran e-ticket atau e-voucher dengan gelang penanda baru.

  • Datang lebih awal saat penukaran tiket di titik yang telah ditentukan.

  • Melalui seluruh tahapan pemeriksaan dengan baik pada saat menuju stadion GBLA.

  • Menjaga ketertiban dan kebersihan saat menyaksikan pertandingan.

  • Menjaga barang-barang pribadi.

  • Selalu menghormati kaum hawa/wanita.

    Sedangkan hal-hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan sebelum, selama dan setelah pertandingan melawan Persija antara lain;

  • Tidak membawa senjata tajam (sajam).

  • Tidak membawa barang-barang terlarang seperti minuman keras, narkoba, flare atau cerawat serta bahan lainnya yang mengandung peledak.

  • Tidak membawa kamera profesional dan mengoperasikannya dengan mengarah ke lapangan.

  • Tidak melakukan sexual harassment.

  • Tidak melakukan praktik politik dan menyanyikan lagu bernada rasis kepada tim/pemain lawan dan perangkat pertandingan.

Prediksi Susunan Pemain Persib dan Persija

Berikut prediksi susunan pemain Persib jelang duel seru di laga tunda pekan 11 antara Persib Bandung vs Persija Jakarta, Rabu 11 Januari 2023.

Duel Persib Bandung vs Persija Jakarta akan dihelat di Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api (GBLA), Kota Bandung pada pukul 16.30 Wita.

Sebagai informasi laga antara Persib Bandung vs Persija Jakarta juga tayang dalam siaran langsung di Indosiar.

Susunan Pemain Persib

Persib Bandung pola 3-4-3

Kiper: Teja Paku Alam;

Bek: Achmad Jufriyanto, Nick Kuipers, dan Daisuke Sato;

Gelandang: Henhen Herdiana, Dedi Kusnandar, Robi Darwis, dan Frets Butuan;

Penyerang: Ciro Alves, David da Silva, dan Beckham Putra Nugraha.

Susunan Pemain Persija

Persija Jakarta pola 3-4-3

Kiper: Andritany Ardhiyasa;

Bek: Rezaldi Hehanusa, Ondrej Kudela, dan Firza Andika;

Gelandang: Resky Fandi Witriawan, M. Ferarri, Hanif Sjahbandi, dan Rio Fahmi;

Penyerang: Hanno Behrens, Michael Krmencik, dan Riko Simanjuntak.

Persib Bandung menunjukkan performa bagus sejak ditangani oleh Luis Milla. Ini Bisa melanjutkan unbeaten run saat Maung Bandung melawan Persija Jakarta.

Milla ditunjuk menjadi pelatih Persib pada Agustus tahun lalu. Dia menggantikan Robert Rene Alberts yang dipecat.

Link Live Streaming Persib Vs Persija: Cara Nonton via HP, Laptop, dan TV Digital

Selain melalui siaran langsung televisi, laga tersebut juga bisa disaksikan lewat live streaming di laman atau aplikasi Vidio via laptop atau HP.

Cara Menonton Persib vs Persija di HP/Laptop :

  • Download aplikasi Vidio di Playstore (Android) atau App Store (iOS) atau buka laman lewat browser HP atau laptop Anda.

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Cara Menonton Persib vs Persija di TV Digital

  • Siaran digital otomatis bisa ditangkap oleh perangkat televisi dengan dukungan DVB-T2. Jika perangkat televisi belum didukung DVB-T2, dibutuhkan tambahan Set Top Box (STB) untuk menikmati siaran digital.

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  • Sambungkan kabel antena ke port yang biasanya bernama “ANT IN” dan tersedia di bagian punggung STB.

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Antonov: Patriot Training Courses for Ukrainians Confirms US Involvement in Growing Crisis

Antonov: Patriot Training Courses for Ukrainians Confirms US Involvement in Growing Crisis

Antonov: Patriot Training Courses for Ukrainians Confirms US Involvement in Growing Crisis


The Pentagon's decision to train the Ukrainian military to operate Patriot missile defense systems confirms the involvement of the United States in the conflict in Ukraine, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov told reporters.

"The decision of the US Department of Defense to organize a training course at Fort Sill in Oklahoma is another confirmation of Washington's de facto participation in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of Nazi criminals from Kiev," Antonov said while commenting on the upcoming training course in the United States for Ukrainian servicemen to operate Patriot missile defense systems.

Defense Department Press Secretary Pat Ryder said on Tuesday the United States will begin training Ukrainian troops on the Patriot surface-to-air missile system at Fort Sill in the US state of Oklahoma as soon as next week.

The training, which teaches operational and maintenance skills in classroom and simulation settings, will prepare 90-100 Ukrainian soldiers over the next several months, Ryder said.

Ukrainian presidential office adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said Ukrainian troops will start using Patriot systems supplied by the West by early or mid-spring.

In December 2022, the United States committed one Patriot missile system to Ukraine. That commitment was followed by another one made by Germany earlier this month.

The Patriot system will be delivered to Ukraine following the training course, Ryder said, noting that the delivery will not be announced in advance.

Antonov earlier highlighted that Russia has constantly informed the US audience of the dangers posed by the Biden administration's actions in Ukraine.

"It is noteworthy that our efforts to bring to the attention of the American audience the true danger of such a line by the White House are step by step recognized by the local expert community," Antonov said.

"For example, Washington Post observers openly admitted that the training of Ukrainian troops in the United States means that US involvement into the confrontation is growing."

"They noted that the administration is no longer limiting itself to strengthening the defense potential of Kiev, but is transferring new weapons to the republic in order to increase its offensive capabilities," he added.

The Pentagon has focused recent security assistance packages for Ukraine on air defense capabilities amid frequent Russian missile and drone strikes. Last week, the Biden administration announced a new $3.75 billion aid package for Ukraine, including RIM-7 “Sea Sparrow” air defense missiles.

Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 in response to calls by the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics for protection from Ukrainian troops. The Russian Defense Ministry said the operation, which targets Ukrainian military infrastructure, aims to "demilitarize and denazify" Ukraine, and to completely liberate Donbas.

Western nations have imposed numerous sanctions on Russia and have been supplying weapons to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said any cargo that contains weaponry for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russia.

Wagner company takes entire city of Soledar under control — chief

Wagner company takes entire city of Soledar under control — chief

Wagner company takes entire city of Soledar under control — chief

Yevgeny Prigozhin ©Mikhail Metzel/TASS

The city of Soledar, the scene of intense fighting in the past few days, has been taken under control by units of Russia’s Wagner private military company, the company’s chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was quoted as saying by his press service on Tuesday night.

"Units of the Wagner private military company have taken the entire territory of Soledar under their control. The city center has been surrounded, and urban warfare is under way. The number of captives will be announced tomorrow," Prigozhin was quoted as saying on his company’s Telegram channel.

The acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin, said the republic’s cities of Soledar and Artemovsk were about to be liberated. Intense fighting is under way in those areas, he added.

Soledar and Bakhmut, also known as Artyomovsk, are located in the Kiev-controlled part of the DPR, which joined Russia last fall after the populace there held a referendum. Bakhmut has been an important transport hub for supplying the Ukrainian troops in Donbas amid Russia's special military operation.

The latest comes after Donetsk officials stated on Monday that Russian forces had managed to successfully take control of the Bakhmutskoe village, which sits near Soledar. The area is known as an important transport hub for supplying Ukrainian troops stationed in Donbass.

Oleksiy Arestovich, an adviser to the head of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's office, said on Wednesday that Ukraine's forces are fleeing the frontline in the city.

"We have units that are fleeing Soledar, were and are fleeing," Arestovich said in an appearance on the YouTube channel of journalist Mark Feigin (recognized as foreign agent media by Russia's Justice Ministry), adding that "enemy forces" take their place after squadrons flee.

The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has gained control of the central part of the city of Soledar, DPR’s acting head, Denis Pushilin, said on Tuesday.

"According to the latest updates I have, central Soledar is already under the control of the Wagner private military company," he said in an interview with Russia’s TV Channel One.

"On the one hand, they have made a lodgment and on the other hand, they are moving quite effectively, mopping up Soledar’s western part," he said, adding that it is the last direction the enemy could retreat to. "By the end of this day, we see that the enemy continues to sustain serious losses here, both in manpower and weapons," he noted.

Special operation, January 9th. The main thing:

▪️ According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian security forces were hit by fire in the Kupyansky, Krasno-Limansky, Yuzhno-Donetsk directions, Russian troops continue offensive operations in the Donetsk direction;

▪️ During the counter-battery fight, two US-made AN / TPQ-50 counter-battery radar stations, an M777 artillery system, two Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mounts, two Ukrainian Akatsia self-propelled howitzers, and a D-30 howitzer were destroyed;

▪️ Su-25 and MiG-29 planes of the Ukrainian Air Force, as well as a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter were shot down in the sky over the DPR;

▪️ The DPR headquarters announced the liberation of the Bakhmutskoye settlement northeast of Artemovsk;

▪️ Russia is not at war with Ukraine, hatred for ordinary Ukrainians "by definition cannot be in our country," Patrushev said. The whole story with Ukraine was started in Washington in order to work out the technologies for delimiting and playing off a single people;

▪️ For the first time since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, London is considering the possibility of supplying Challenger 2 tanks to Kyiv, Sky reports;

▪️ Germany is "frantically" looking for the 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles promised to Ukraine, and since it does not have a reserve of such vehicles, Berlin will have to take most of it from the reserves of its own armed forces;

▪️ Ukraine asked Georgia to return the Buk complexes transferred in 2008 and asked for the Javelin complexes transferred by Washington, but was refused, said Kyiv's charge d'affaires in Tbilisi;

▪️ Poland can send only a symbolic number of Leopard tanks to Ukraine, there are no talks of tens or hundreds, a representative of the Office of the Polish President said;

▪️ Peskov about reports of a possible new wave of partial mobilization: no need to attach importance to the data of Telegram channels, the source is the authorities.

▪️Russian aviation and artillery strikes hit two warehouses of missile and artillery weapons of the 53rd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 108th brigade of territorial defense in the area of the settlement of Konstantinovka of the Donetsk People's Republic and the city of Orekhov , Zaporozhye region, as well as 62 artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in firing positions, live force and military equipment in 105 areas.

▪️In the course of a counter-battery fight, the following were destroyed in firing positions during the day: two M777 artillery systems made in the USA; four Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mounts in the DPR; three D-20 towed howitzers in the LPR and Sumy region; two installations of Grad multiple launch rocket systems, as well as a MLRS Uragan combat vehicle in the DPR. In addition, near the settlements of Artemovsk and Dzerzhinsk of the Donetsk People's Republic, two US-made counter-battery radars AN / TPQ-50 and AN / TPQ-36 were destroyed.

▪️Russian aviation shot down three Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic.

▪️Russian air defense systems destroyed ten Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in a day.