Monday 23 January 2023

Ukrainian intel agent nabbed in North Caucasus plotted terror attack against police — FSB

Ukrainian intel agent nabbed in North Caucasus plotted terror attack against police — FSB

Ukrainian intel agent nabbed in North Caucasus plotted terror attack against police — FSB


The Russian national and Ukrainian intelligence agent apprehended in the North Caucasus plotted a terror act against police, according to the video of the suspect’s questioning released by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) on Monday.

"I was an agent of Ukrainian intelligence services with the call sign Alehandro. On their assignment, I was intended to come to the North Caucasian Federal District and commit a terror act against police personnel," the detainee said.

"I repent for the wrongdoing and admit the guilt," he said.

The FSB press office reported earlier on Monday that security forces had foiled a terror attack plotted by a Nazi ideology supporter on an assignment from Ukraine’s intelligence in the North Caucasus.

During the search of the suspect’s residence, FSB operatives seized means of terror ready for use, the press office said.

Investigators have opened a criminal case under part 1, article 30 and part 2, article 205 of Russia’s Criminal Code ("A Terror Act Plotted by a Group of Individuals on Conspiracy or by an Organized Group"), the FSB press office said.

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has foiled a terror attack plotted by a Nazi ideology supporter on an assignment from Ukraine’s intelligence in the North Caucasus, the FSB press office reported on Monday.

"In January this year, Russia’s Federal Security Service foiled an attempt by a Nazi ideology supporter and a Russian national to commit a terror-related crime on the territory of the North Caucasian Federal District, which he plotted on an assignment from the Ukrainian intelligence services," the press office said in a statement.

During the search of the suspect’s residence, FSB operatives seized means of terror ready for use, it said.

As the FSB press office reported, "during the questioning, the criminal confessed to his unlawful intentions."

Investigators have opened a criminal case under part 1, article 30 and part 2, article 205 of Russia’s Criminal Code ("A Terror Act Plotted by a Group of Individuals on Conspiracy or by an Organized Group"), the FSB press office said.

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Troops Advancing in All Areas of Donbass Front Line

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Troops Advancing in All Areas of Donbass Front Line

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Troops Advancing in All Areas of Donbass Front Line

Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin
©Yegor Aleyev/TASS

Russian troops are advancing practically in all the areas of the front line in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), acting DPR Head Denis Pushilin said in a live broadcast on the Rossiya-24 television channel on Monday.

"(Russian forces) are advancing practically in all the areas of the front line," he said, replying to a corresponding question from the news presenter.

The DPR territorial defense headquarters reported earlier on Monday that Russian troops had liberated the communities of Krasnopolyevka and Dvurechye near Soledar.

DPR leader Pushilin said in an interview with TASS on December 7 that almost 340 communities had been liberated in the republic since February 2022.

The situation along the line of engagement in Donbass escalated on February 17 last year. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics for assistance he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in Ukraine. The Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics launched an operation to liberate their territories under Kiev’s control.

Kremlin says partial call-up in Russia completed, decree still valid for other purposes

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decree on the nationwide partial mobilization is still in effect because it stipulates not only a required number of reservists during the call-up stage, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

"The call-up stage within the partial mobilization was conducted until the required number [of reservists] was drafted…, and this objective was achieved, meaning that the call-up of citizens was halted, that is, completed," he said in response to a question during his news briefing on why the presidential decree on the countrywide partial mobilization was still in force.

However, Peskov continued, "besides the call-up of citizens for military service, the partial mobilization included other measures as well, which are necessary to meet the objectives of the armed forces. It all concerns the implementation of duties of military servicemen," as well as the implementation of a classified provision of the decree on the partial mobilization and so forth.

"We have some work to do in this sphere," Peskov added having refused to dwell on details of the classified provision on the Russian president’s decree on the partial mobilization.

Artur Gaiduk, a lawmaker with the Pskov Region’s Council, earlier turned to the Russian Presidential Administration and then published a response claiming that the presidential order on the partial mobilization was still in force although it should have ended on October 28, 2022.

Addressing a news briefing last Friday regarding the presidential decree of the partial mobilization, Peskov said: "The most important thing is that I call on you once again to be guided by the relevant statements made by President Putin."

On September 21, 2022, President Vladimir Putin declared a partial mobilization throughout Russia. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu clarified that 300,000 reservists would be called up, who would undergo training before being sent to the special military operation zone.

The partial mobilization would not involve students and conscripts. Only citizens who had prior combat experience and military specializations needed for the operation would be mobilized. The defense chief emphasized that the call-up was carried out first and foremost for control over the territories liberated during the special military operation.

On October 28, 2022, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported to President Putin that the partial mobilization campaign, which had kicked off on September 21, 2022, was over. According to Shoigu, 300,000 people were called up and there are no plans for additional tasks in terms of the partial mobilization.

Special operation, January 22. The main thing:

The Russian military carried out offensive operations in the Zaporozhye direction and occupied more advantageous positions and lines there, destroying up to 85 Ukrainian servicemen and 6 pieces of equipment, the RF Ministry of Defense reported; font-style: italic;">

Russian military and volunteers inflicted fire damage on enemy units in the areas of four settlements in the DPR, destroying more than 80 Ukrainian military;

In the Kupyansky and Krasnolimansky directions, Kyiv lost more than 130 people in a day, the RF Ministry of Defense reported;

Residential houses of the civilian population of Nova Kakhovka in the Kherson region came under shelling by Ukrainian troops, rescue operations are underway, the administration of Nova Kakhovka said;

One woman died and one was injured due to the shelling of Kakhovka by Ukrainian troops;

State Duma Speaker Volodin said that the supply of offensive weapons by the West to Kyiv will lead to a global catastrophe and retaliatory measures by the Russian Federation using more powerful weapons;

The leader of the French movement "Patriots" Filippo called a shameful farce the situation in which Zelensky demands supplies of weapons from France, and wished that this "farce" would stop;

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Italy Tajani said that the total volume of Italian military assistance to Ukraine amounted to about a billion euros, adding that the assistance would be continued;

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrell told the media that Germany is a country that in many ways does not allow the EU to make decisions on the supply of tanks to Ukraine.

Langka Kelahiran Jepang- Kishida Sekarang Atau Tidak Pernah Sama Sekali Tingkatkan Populasi

Langka Kelahiran Jepang- Kishida Sekarang Atau Tidak Pernah Sama Sekali Tingkatkan Populasi

Langka Kelahiran Jepang- Kishida Sekarang Atau Tidak Pernah Sama Sekali Tingkatkan Populasi

Perdana Menteri Jepang Fumio Kishida terlihat di monitor kamera TV ketika dia menyampaikan pidato kebijakannya pada hari pertama sesi biasa di majelis rendah parlemen di Tokyo, Jepang 23 Januari 2023. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Perdana Menteri Jepang Fumio Kishida berjanji pada hari Senin untuk mengambil langkah-langkah mendesak untuk mengatasi tingkat kelahiran yang menurun di negara itu, dengan mengatakan itu "sekarang atau tidak sama sekali" untuk masyarakat tertua di dunia.

"Bangsa kita berada di titik puncak apakah dapat mempertahankan fungsi sosialnya," kata Kishida dalam pidato kebijakan pada pembukaan sesi parlemen tahun ini.

"Sekarang atau tidak sama sekali ketika menyangkut kebijakan tentang kelahiran dan membesarkan anak - ini adalah masalah yang tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi," tambahnya.

Japan registered fewer than 800,000 births in 2022, with the figure dropping below that threshold eight years earlier than expected. (Photo by Wataru Ito)

Populasi Jepang turun 0,43% pada tahun 2022 karenanya Kishida bersumpah untuk membendung penurunan

Total populasi Jepang menyusut sebesar 0,43% atau sekitar 538.000 pada tahun 2022, perkiraan resmi menunjukkan, sekali lagi menyoroti tantangan demografis yang dihadapi ekonomi terbesar ketiga di dunia itu.

Perdana Menteri Fumio Kishida telah berjanji untuk menangani masalah kependudukan tahun ini, dengan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kelahiran diharapkan menjadi agenda utama saat Diet bersidang minggu depan.

Menurut angka sementara yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Komunikasi pada Jumat, total populasi negara itu adalah 124,77 juta pada 1 Januari, dibandingkan 125,308 juta pada hari yang sama pada 2022. Laju penurunan sedikit berkurang dari 2021, ketika populasi turun 0,6%.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has pledged to address Japan's population issue this year. (Photo by Wataru Ito)

Ada sekitar 36,21 juta orang berusia 65 tahun atau lebih dalam hitungan terakhir, yang merupakan 29% dari total.

Sementara itu, 14,45 juta anak dalam kelompok usia 0-14 hanya menyumbang 11,6% dari populasi.

Penuaan yang cepat di negara ini menyebabkan beban keuangan yang lebih besar pada sistem jaminan medis dan sosial, sementara populasi muda yang menurun menimbulkan masalah bagi angkatan kerja.

Populasi Jepang memuncak pada tahun 2008 di lebih dari 128 juta. Bahkan sebelum puncaknya, pemerintah berusaha mengatasi rendahnya angka kelahiran dengan berbagai langkah dukungan, namun jumlah bayi baru lahir terus menurun.

Perkiraan terbaru yang dirilis Jumat menunjukkan populasi anak usia 0-4 tahun adalah 4,22 juta. Itu sekitar dua pertiga dari jumlah orang dalam kelompok usia 20-24, yaitu 6,24 juta.

Angka terbaru datang beberapa hari setelah China melaporkan penurunan populasi pertamanya dalam enam dekade, yang semakin menggarisbawahi ancaman demografis Asia Timur.

Ketika Jepang memulai sesi parlemen biasa pada hari Senin, Kishida dijadwalkan menyampaikan pidato kebijakan yang kemungkinan akan menekankan langkah-langkah untuk mempromosikan pengasuhan anak.

Mengatasi penurunan kelahiran adalah "tantangan besar tahun ini," kata Kishida dalam konferensi pers Tahun Baru pada 4 Januari, mencatat bahwa kelahiran turun di bawah 800.000 pada tahun 2022 - delapan tahun lebih awal dari Institut Penelitian Kependudukan dan Jaminan Sosial Nasional. mengharapkan.

Kishida telah berjanji untuk menciptakan "ekonomi dan masyarakat yang mengutamakan anak-anak" untuk membalikkan tren tersebut.

Perdana Menteri Fumio Kishida mengatakan pada hari Senin bahwa Jepang menghadapi lingkungan keamanan yang paling parah di kawasan itu sejak akhir Perang Dunia II dan berjanji untuk mendorong pembangunan militer di bawah strategi keamanan yang baru diadopsi selama lima tahun ke depan dan seterusnya serta menangani kelahiran yang menurun dengan cepat. sehingga negara dapat mempertahankan kekuatan nasional.

Pemerintah Kishida pada bulan Desember mengadopsi reformasi keamanan dan pertahanan utama, termasuk kemampuan serangan balik yang membuat terobosan dari prinsip negara pascaperang yang hanya membela diri secara eksklusif. Jepang mengatakan penyebaran pencegat rudal saat ini tidak cukup untuk mempertahankannya dari kemajuan senjata yang cepat di China dan Korea Utara.

Dalam pidato kebijakannya yang membuka sesi parlemen tahun ini, Kishida mengatakan diplomasi aktif harus diprioritaskan, tetapi membutuhkan “kekuatan pertahanan untuk mendukungnya.” Dia mengatakan strategi keamanan baru Jepang didasarkan pada simulasi realistis “saat kita menghadapi lingkungan keamanan yang paling parah dan kompleks sejak akhir Perang Dunia II dan pertanyaan apakah kita dapat melindungi nyawa orang dalam keadaan darurat.”

Strategi ini berupaya untuk mengendalikan ambisi teritorial China yang semakin tegas, tetapi juga menjadi masalah sensitif bagi banyak negara di Asia yang menjadi korban agresi masa perang Jepang. Kishida mengatakan ini adalah "perubahan haluan drastis" dari kebijakan keamanan Jepang, tetapi masih dalam batasan konstitusi pasifis dan hukum internasionalnya.

“Saya tegaskan bahwa tidak akan ada perubahan sedikit pun dari prinsip non-nuklir dan hanya pertahanan diri Jepang dan langkah kami sebagai negara yang cinta damai,” kata Kishida.

Bulan ini, Kishida melakukan tur ke lima negara, termasuk Washington, untuk menjelaskan rencana pertahanan baru Jepang dan mengembangkan lebih jauh hubungan pertahanan dengan sekutunya, Amerika Serikat.

Russian Orthodox Church labels Quran burning in Sweden as ‘unacceptable vandalism’

Russian Orthodox Church labels Quran burning in Sweden as ‘unacceptable vandalism’

Russian Orthodox Church labels Quran burning in Sweden as ‘unacceptable vandalism’

Head of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate for Relations between the Church, Society and the Media Vladimir Legoyda
© Vitaly Smolnikov/TASS

Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Synodal Department for Society and Mass Media Relations Vladimir Legoyda on Sunday criticized the recent burning of a copy of the Quran in Sweden.

"The Quran burning near the Turkish embassy in Sweden is an act of unacceptable vandalism," he said on Telegram. "One shouldn’t spit at something that’s sacred for another person. One shouldn’t as part of political struggle cross the boundaries of humaneness and desecrate holy things."

The Saturday’s burning of the holy book was carried out by Rasmus Paludan, leader of the far-right political party Hard Line. Paludan also criticized NATO, Turkey and its president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Russian Muslim community earlier also condemned the burning.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey condemn burning of holy Quran copy in Sweden

Saudi Arabia has strongly condemned and denounced the burning of a copy of the holy Quran in front of the Turkey embassy in Stockholm by an extremist, which was allowed by the Swedish authorities.

In a statement, the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed the Kingdom's position of promoting values such as dialogue, tolerance and coexistence, and rejecting extremism and hatred.

Meanwhile, Turkish officials also condemned the Quran-burning protest and Swedish authorities for allowing it.

“Permitting this anti-Islam act, which targets Muslims and insults our sacred values, under the guise of ‘freedom of expression’ is completely unacceptable. This is an outright hate crime,” Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that his ministry summoned the Swedish ambassador to Ankara after the leader of the far-right Danish party Stram Kurs (Hard Line) Rasmus Paludan, burned a copy of the Holy Quran in front of the Turkish embassy building in Stockholm.

The Stockholm Police Department said Paludan had been permitted to hold a demonstration near the Turkish embassy in Stockholm on Saturday.

In response to the Swedish authorities' act of granting permission for protests in Stockholm, Turkey also announced the cancellation of the Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson's visit to Ankara, which was scheduled to take place on January 27th.

Sweden criticizes Quran burning in Stockholm, but defends granting permission

Sweden has criticized the burning of a copy of the Quran by a Swedish-Danish right-wing extremist in Stockholm, but defended its decision to allow the planned act to go ahead.

In a Twitter post on late Saturday, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said: "Freedom of expression is a fundamental part of democracy. But what is legal is not necessarily appropriate."

“Burning books that are holy to many is a deeply disrespectful act. I want to express my sympathy for all Muslims who are offended by what has happened in Stockholm today,” he said.

Likewise, Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said on Twitter: “Islamophobic provocations are appalling. Sweden has a far-reaching freedom of expression, but it does not imply that the Swedish Government, or myself, support the opinions expressed.”

The leader of the Danish far-right Stram Kurs (Hard Line), was granted permission by the Swedish government to burn the Quran outside the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm on Saturday.

In response to Sweden's permission, Ankara canceled Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson's upcoming visit to Türkiye.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry on Friday summoned Swedish Ambassador to Ankara Staffan Herrstrom, who was told that Türkiye "strongly condemns this provocative act, which is clearly a hate crime, that Sweden's attitude is unacceptable, that Ankara expects the act not to be allowed, and insults to sacred values cannot be defended under the guise of democratic rights."

No Reaction From Vatican to the burning of Quran in Sweden

Since the first time until yesterday then the burning of Quran by Paludan, there has been no statement at all from the Pope of the Vatican

Elon Musk Rejects Claim 80% Twitter Staff Have Gone

Elon Musk Rejects Claim 80% Twitter Staff Have Gone

Elon Musk Rejects Claim 80% Twitter Staff Have Gone


Elon Musk has offered his own staff inventory at Twitter Inc, dispelling an earlier report by CNBC that the company has lost 80 percent of its employees since its takeover.

The chief executives of SpaceX and Tesla said the reports were untrue and that there were "approximately 2,300 active employees working at Twitter". The billionaire tweeted that there are still "hundreds of employees working on trust & safety, along with several thousand contractors."

Elon Musk said that Twitter now has about 2,300 "active, working employees" as he rejected a report suggesting the headcount was far lower.

He responded on Saturday to the Twitter account @unusual_whales after it tweeted a CNBC report claiming that only 1,300 people were still full-time employees. "The note is incorrect," Musk tweeted.

"There are, 2300 active, working employees at Twitter," he wrote. "There are still hundreds of employees working on trust and safety, along with several thousand contractors."

CNBC reported on Friday that Twitter's headcount was down to 1,300 active employees, including "fewer than 550 full-time engineers by title," compared with more than 7,000 before Musk took control. The outlet said its figures were based on internal records it had seen.

CNBC also reported that more than 130 people from Musk's other businesses worked at Twitter.

Musk also took issue with that figure, tweeting that "less than 10 people from my other companies are working at Twitter."

Dozens of Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company employees were brought in after he acquired the social media company on October 27.

The next day engineers from Tesla were at Twitter's San Francisco headquarters, meeting with Twitter engineers to ask about their work and some technical aspects of the platform, Insider reported.

The tech mogul said he was on a trajectory to "fix" Twitter. His focus on the company has angered some Tesla shareholders, with one calling for Musk to find another CEO for the electric-car maker.

Last month Musk polled Twitter users on whether he should step down as Twitter CEO, with more than 57% telling him to go.

However, Musk is yet to announce who will be "foolish enough" to take over as "Chief Twit."

Twitter and Musk didn't immediately respond to requests for comment, made outside normal working hours.

Musk testified on Friday in a civil trial in San Francisco about his tweets in August 2018, in which he'd claimed he planned to take his car company private with "funding secured." He is expected to continue his testimony on Monday.

Before Musk finalized the $44Bln purchase in late October 2022, the San Francisco-based firm boasted about 7,500 employees, the 20 January report added. It went on to suggest that about 75 of the company's employees were currently on leave, including about 40 engineers. It also warned that the trust and safety team had shrunk to fewer than 20 full-time employees.

After Musk took over Twitter he lost no time rolling out a great deal of changes that affected day-to-day operations that did not sit well with some of the staff. Product and organizational changes included setting in place a Twitter-verified Blue check-mark as a paid service and also culling about 50 percent of the staff, including Twitter executives responsible for the platform's privacy, cybersecurity and censorship.

Then, what is the motivation for CNBC to make such a report? what is the purpose,?. Is it because Dlonmusk uncovered Faucy's documents and his son Joe Biden. CNBC is owned by Microsoft, Bill Gates. bill gates who is always on fire every time he talks about corona and vaccinations

Sunday 22 January 2023

Impek Tahun Baru China 2023 - Google Doodle

Impek Tahun Baru China 2023 - Google Doodle

Impek Tahun Baru China 2023 - Google Doodle

Google Doodle hari ini, hari Minggu, 22/01/2023, merayakan Lunar New Year atau Tahun Baru Imlek 2023. Anda bisa melihatnya saat membuka laman pencarian tersebut dengan illustrasi kembang api.

Tahun Baru Cina adalah festival yang merayakan awal tahun baru pada kalender tradisional Cina lunisolar. Dalam bahasa Tionghoa, festival ini biasanya disebut sebagai Festival Musim Semi (Hanzi tradisional: 春節; Hanzi sederhana: 春节; Pinyin: Chūnjié) karena musim semi dalam kalender lunisolar secara tradisional dimulai dengan lichun, yang pertama dari dua puluh empat istilah surya yang dirayakan festival ini sekitar waktu Tahun Baru Imlek.

Menandai akhir musim dingin dan awal musim semi, perayaan secara tradisional berlangsung dari Malam Tahun Baru, malam sebelum hari pertama tahun hingga Festival Lentera, yang diadakan pada hari ke-15 tahun itu. Hari pertama Tahun Baru Imlek dimulai pada bulan baru yang muncul antara 21 Januari dan 20 Februari.

Negara Tiongkok dikenal karena budayanya yang sangat kental dan sejarahnya yang sangat unik. Bahkan tidak hanya sejarahnya, huruf asal Tiongkok, atau yang biasa dikenal dengan nama Hanzi, adalah suatu hal yang sangat menarik untuk diulik juga.

Hanzi adalah salah satu bentuk tulisan yang tertua di dunia. Bentuk Hanzi ini sangat indah, bahkan bisa juga dikategorikan sebagai salah satu bentuk seni tulisan. Total jumlah karakter Hanzi ini sangat banyak, bahkan lebih dari 10.000!

Dua Jenis Hanzi

Karena banyak Hanzi yang sudah mengalami evolusi atau perubahan—hal ini lah yang membuat Hanzi terbagi menjadi dua jenis; Hanzi Tradisional dan Hanzi Sederhana.

Hanzi Tradisional adalah Aksara Han yang belum pernah mengalami perubahan sejak tahun 1946. Masyarakat Tionghoa pun menganggap bahwa bentuk goresan pada Hanzi Tradisional ini dianggap jauh lebih rumit dibandingkan dengan Hanzi Tradisional.

Mungkin kamu bertanya-tanya, ya, gimana cara menyederhanakan sebuah kata? Nah, beberapa karakter Hanzi yang ditradisionalkan ini disederhanakan melalui satu dari beberapa cara di bawah ini:

  1. Dengan cara mengurangi guratan (garis dalam satu aksara), dengan perubahan yang lebih logis atau dengan mengambil bentuk kuno, varian yang lebih sederhana atau jarang digunakan.

  2. Menggabungkan beberapa karakter yang sulit menjadi karakter yang lebih sederhana.

  3. Memberi arti baru kepada karakter tradisional yang guratannya hanya sedikit

Agar bisa lebih jelas, tabel di bawah ini, ya! Kalian akan menemukan perbedaan bentuk antara Hanzi Tradisional dan Hanzi Sederhana :

Tradisional  Sederhana  Arti 
買  买  Beli 
Tidak ada
車  车  Mobil, kendaraan 
東  东  Timur 
馬  马  Kuda 
鳥  鸟  Burung 
魚  鱼  Ikan   

Karakter Mandarin ini tidak hanya berdampak di Tiongkok dan masyarakatnya saja. Karakter Mandarin juga memiliki dampak yang cukup signifikan pada perkembangan bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Korea.

Faktanya, bahasa Mandarin memiliki dampak sekitar 60% dari kosakata bahasa Jepang. Bahasa Mandarin telah mencapai Jepang di sekitar abad ke-4. Namun, konon Jepang memiliki sistem penulisan sendiri yang disebut dengan jindai moji, tetapi sebagian besar bukti terlihat tidak asli, dikarenakan contoh-contoh yang ada dari sistem penulisan ini berdasarkan pada bahasa Jepang Modern.

Sedangkan di Korea, Kekaisaran Tiongkok dianggap sebagai model peradaban pada saat awal abad ke-5 SM. Bahkan, sejumlah pengaruh Tiongkok pada Korea masih bisa dilihat hingga hari ini.

Dalam pengaruh Dinasti Tang, Korea memasukkan sejumlah tradisi Tiongkok. Secara budaya, Korea dipengaruhi dengan cara-cara sebagai berikut:

  • Pertanian, melalui berbagai macam teknologi untuk menanam padi dan jela,

  • Hukum, rancangan undang-undang sipil pertama serta mengadopsi model administratif.

Ternyata cukup panjang dan menarik, ya, kisah tentang Hanzi ini! Ini hanya sedikit bagian dari betapa unik dan hebatnya kebudayaan Tiongkok.

Selain dari karakter Mandarin ini, masih banyak hal-hal yang bisa dipelajari tentang Tiongkok dan bahasa Mandarin! Seperti sejarah negaranya, hari rayanya, makanan-makanan tradisionalnya, dan masih banyak lagi!

Google Doodle hari ini merayakan hari libur penting di beberapa budaya Asia, Imlek, Tahun Baru China! Setelah bulan baru pertama kalender Imlek setiap tahun, komunitas di seluruh dunia menyiapkan dekorasi, membuat makanan pesta, dan berkumpul dengan orang-orang terkasih untuk menyambut tahun baru.

Tradisi festival Imlel Tahun Baru China berasal dari legenda populer ribuan tahun lalu. Binatang mitos bernama Nian diketahui muncul setiap malam Tahun Baru Imlek dan meneror orang dan ternak. Suara keras, warna merah dan api membuat Nian takut, jadi sudah menjadi tradisi bagi keluarga untuk mendekorasi pintu mereka dengan kertas merah, menyalakan kembang api, dan membiarkan lentera menyala sepanjang malam.

Hari ini, warna merah tetap menjadi bagian penting dari perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek karena orang-orang menggantung lentera merah di jalanan dan memberikan uang dalam amplop merah kepada anak-anak dan pensiunan manula. Makanan tradisional populer selama perayaan dan bervariasi di seluruh dunia.

Misalnya, kue tar nanas dan yusheng (hidangan dengan ikan mentah dan salad) adalah makanan pokok di Singapura dan Malaysia, sedangkan masyarakat di Vietnam menikmati bánh chưng (kue beras yang terbuat dari kacang hijau, daging babi, dan bahan lain yang dibungkus dengan daun bambu). ).