Monday 30 January 2023

Russian Military Has Gotten Its Hands on Over 20,000 Docs on US Biowarfare Program in Ukraine: MoD

Russian Military Has Gotten Its Hands on Over 20,000 Docs on US Biowarfare Program in Ukraine: MoD

Russian Military Has Gotten Its Hands on Over 20,000 Docs on US Biowarfare Program in Ukraine: MoD

CC BY-SA 4.0/J.N. Eskra /Biohazard chemical cabinet

Russia's Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense (RCB) Troops began detailing the extent of the US bioweapons program in Ukraine last spring. Washington initially dismissed the revelations, but undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland eventually confirmed that the US does indeed have biolabs in Ukraine.

The Russian military has accumulated a collection of over 20,000 documents related to the US military-biological program in Ukraine, RCB Troops Chief Igor Kirillov has revealed.

"Over the period of the special military operation, Russian troops have secured over 20,000 documents, references and analytical materials, and interviewed eyewitnesses and participants in American military-biological programs," the officer said in a briefing in Moscow on Monday.

These materials, which continue to be reviewed and deciphered, confirm without a doubt the Pentagon's intent to create biological weapons in Ukraine, and to test them out on the populations of the Eastern European country and its neighbors, Kirillov said.

The RCB Troops chief provided a number of new details on Washington's activities, including a large-scale effort he said was undertaken in 2022 to evacuate Ukrainian specialists working on bioweapons to Western countries, including the US, Canada and the European Union. The relocation was undertaken in part to prevent Russia from interviewing these personnel to obtain more information about activities which may be in contravention of international obligations and treaty norms, Kirillov said.

Kirillov also outlined US efforts to transfer biological materials out of Ukraine into Poland, the Baltic states and Central Asia amid the curtailing of programs in Ukraine.

"The Pentagon is actively transferring unfinished research in the framework of Ukrainian projects to the states of Central Asia and Europe," the officer said, adding that Russia has information on US efforts to ramp up bio-defense cooperation with countries in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region as well -including Kenya, Singapore and Thailand.

"Under pressure from the international community, Washington is changing its approaches to organizing military-biological activities, shifting the functions of customer to civilian departments - the Department of Health, the Energy Department, and the United States Agency for International Development [USAID, ed]. This allows the US administration to avoid criticism at international venues" and reduce pressure on the Pentagon and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Kirillov said.

New Questions About Coronaviruses

Referencing documents obtained and studied by the RCB Troops, Kirillov pointed to evidence that specialists from the EcoHealth Alliance has been engaged in research on coronavirus strain transmission mechanisms since at least 2015. EcoHealth Alliance is the US government-funded non-governmental organization which funded controversial gain of function coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and which has been accused of helping to spark the global coronavirus pandemic in 2019.

"Earlier, we informed you about the work being carried out at Boston University to enhance the pathogenic properties of COVID-19, funded by US government money, and about the possible involvement of USAID in the emergence of a new coronavirus," Kirillov said.

"The key role in the implementation of these projects belongs to the EcoHealth Alliance intermediary. Documents received from DTRA confirm that since 2015, specialists from this entity have been studying the diversity of the bat population, searching for new strains of the coronavirus, mechanisms of their transmission from animals to humans. In total, more than 2,500 specimens were studied," Kirillov said.

Excerpt from a Notice of Award cooperative project agreement on US zoonotic virus emergence research in Southeast Asia unearthed by the Russian military.
©Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

Full document can be found here

Questions About mRNA Vaccines and Event-201

Kirillov also pointed to outstanding questions about the apparent high degree of preparedness by American manufacturers to create mRNA vaccines specifically against coronaviruses, and pandemic planning by US officials and business leaders before COVID-19 was unleashed on the world.

"One gets the impression that pharmaceutical companies developed vaccines in advance, but could not bring them to market quickly due to the specificities of virus, which subsequently manifested itself in the low effectiveness of vaccination and numerous adverse reactions," the officer said.

Kirillov found it curious that "on October 18, 2019, two months before the first official reports of the emergence of a new coronavirus infection in China, Johns Hopkins University, with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, held the Event-201 exercise in New York. In the course of this event, steps were practiced in the context of an epidemic involving a previously unknown coronavirus, which, according to legend, would be transferred from bats to humans through an intermediate host - a pig."

Image from 2018 slide presentation by the Western Asia Bat Research Network - an association partnering with the NIH and other US institutions and engaging in bat coronavirus research.
©Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

"The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic precisely in accordance with the [Event-201] scenario raises questions about its possible deliberate nature, US involvement, as well as the real goals of US bioprograms aimed at enhancing the properties of dangerous pathogens," Kirillov said.

Excerpt from USAID PREDICT Consortium project on research into coronavirus-carrying animals between 2009 and 2019 in Asia.
©Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

Complete document and summary can be found here and here.

Dangerous and Illegal Research in Ukraine

"We have repeatedly pointed out that the United States carries out its most controversial research, from the point of view of international law, outside its own territory," the officer said. One example is the experiments related to HIV infections conducted by American specialists on the territory of Ukraine since 2019. Please take note of the fact that the target groups are not only 'patients at high risk of infection' -like people in prison or those suffering from drug addiction, but also personnel from the Ukraine's Armed Forces," Kirillov said.

According to Kirillov, after the liberation of the village of Rubezhnoye in the Lugansk People's Republic, investigators were able to examine the premises of the Pharmbiotest medical center, determining that it was used to carry out clinical trials of experimental drugs with serious side effects for the treatment of leukemia, mental disorders, neurological diseases, epilepsy and others.

Separately, earlier this month, residents in Lisichansk, Lugansk discovered a large burial site containing the remnants of biomaterials belonging to Pharmbiotest, including clinical sample and outpatient records. The fact that these materials were buried, instead of being burned, suggests that the elimination of this evidence was carried out with "extreme haste," Kirillov said.

Russia is concerned about evidence on the use of psychostimulants and narcotics by Ukrainian military personnel, including methadone and amphetamines, notwithstanding their criminalized status under Ukraine's own laws, the officer said.

"We believe that the actions of officials who have conducted research on Ukrainian military personnel whose blood contained high concentrations of antibiotics, narcotics, and antibodies to pathogens of infectious diseases require an appropriate legal evaluation," Kirillov stressed, pointing, for example, to extensive research by the Military Institute of the Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University involving water soluable antifatigue drugs on troops.

Excerpt from a document on Ukrainian military research into an "anti-fatigue" drug. One of several similar documents presented by RCB Troops Chief Igor Kirillov at Monday's presentation.
©Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

Full PDF document can be found here.. Additional papers on Ukrainian research in this field here..

Russian Military Will Continue Unmasking US Biowarfare Program

"I would like to note that the publication by Russia on the Pentagon's military biological programs in Ukraine have received significant public interest. Mass demonstrations against the activities of US-funded biological laboratories have taken place in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Public organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union have adopted a resolution against biolabs funded by the Pentagon. A number of investigations have also been initiated inside the US itself," Kirillov said.

"The concern of the world community related to the activities of Pentagon-funded biolabs is growing precipitously. Issues raised by Russia at international platforms, including the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention State Parties, as well as the United Nations Security Council, have shown a lack of US willingness to engage in substantive dialogue. We consider it fundamentally important that the disclosure of facts about illegal military-biological activities has forced a number of countries to weigh the consequences of their interaction with the United States in the field of biosecurity, and take a fresh look at the need and expediency of such cooperation. The Russian Ministry of Defense will continue to work in this direction, and will keep you informed," Kirillov concluded.

USA brings military biological equipment from Ukraine to Poland, Baltic States — top brass

USA brings military biological equipment from Ukraine to Poland, Baltic States — top brass

USA brings military biological equipment from Ukraine to Poland, Baltic States — top brass

The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) program in the Republic of Georgia. Photo: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

The United States has transferred military biological equipment from Ukraine to chemical and pharmacological sites in Poland and the Baltic States, Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force Igor Kirillov said on Monday.

"As part of activities to wind down military biological operations in Ukraine, the United States are proactively engaging the material base of chemical and pharmacological plants of Poland and the Baltic States; furthermore, equipment from the Ukrainian territory was delivered there," the official said.

The Pentagon aims at creating biological weapons components and testing them on the population of Ukraine and other countries along the perimeter of the Russian border, Kirillov said. "During the special military operation, Russian servicemen obtained more than 20,000 documents and reference and analytical materials; witnesses and participants in US military biological programs were questioned.

The aforementioned materials confirm the Pentagon’s intention to create biological weapons components and test them on the population of Ukraine and other countries along the perimeter of our borders," he noted.

Washington is also transferring the functions of contracting military biological activities to civilian agencies, Kirillov said. "Under pressure from the global community, Washington is changing its approaches towards organization of military biological activity, shifting the customer functions to purely civilian agencies - the Department of Health, the Department of Energy, and the Agency for International Development," the official noted.

This will enable the US administration to avoid criticism on international platforms and put the US Department of Defense and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency "out of harm’s way," he added.

Russian troops strike Ukrainian tank brigade near Ugledar, top brass reports

©Russian Defence Ministry/TASS

Russian forces continued their advance in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas, inflicting damage on a Ukrainian tank brigade near Ugledar over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Monday.

"In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, units of the battlegroup East continued successful offensive operations, took more advantageous sites and inflicted damage by firepower on units of the Ukrainian army’s 1st tank brigade near Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, and also 102nd territorial defense brigade near the community of Uspenovka in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said.

The enemy’s total losses in those areas in the past 24 hours amounted to 25 Ukrainian troops, two armored combat vehicles, a D-20 howitzer, two D-30 howitzers, and also a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, the general specified.

Russian artillery destroyed over 35 Ukrainian troops in the Kupyansk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk area, artillery of the western battlegroup inflicted damage by firepower on the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 14th and 92nd mechanized brigades near the communities of Timkovka and Kruglyakovka in the Kharkov Region," the spokesman said.

The strikes "eliminated over 35 Ukrainian soldiers, an armored combat vehicle and two motor vehicles," the general specified.

Russian artillery struck a Ukrainian air assault brigade in the Krasny Liman area, destroying about 40 enemy troops over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Krasny Liman area, artillery of the battlegroup Center inflicted damage on the 95th air assault brigade in the area of the settlement of Novoyegorovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic. The enemy’s losses in that area in the past 24 hours amounted to 40 personnel, four armored combat vehicles and three motor vehicles," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminated over 70 Ukrainian troops in their advance in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk area, over 70 Ukrainian troops, one tank, one infantry fighting vehicle, two pickup trucks, two Grad multiple rocket launchers, one D-30 howitzer and a US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of active offensive operations by the southern battlegroup," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system and an ammunition depot in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson area, one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system and an artillery ammunition depot were destroyed in the counter-battery warfare," the spokesman said.

Russian forces struck over 70 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Operational-tactical aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian group of forces inflicted damage on 73 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military hardware in 138 areas," the spokesman said.

Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter in the Zaporozhye Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Russian air defense capabilities shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Mi-8 helicopter in the area of the settlement of Novodarovka in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said.

During the last 24-hour period, Russian air defense systems destroyed two Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near the communities of Kolomyichikha and Kremennaya in the Lugansk People’s Republic and four rockets of HIMARS and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems in areas near the settlements of Konstantinovka, Nikolskoye and Blagoveshchenka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Trudolyubimovka in the Zaporozhye Region, he said.

"In addition, two US-made HARM anti-radiation missiles were intercepted in areas near the communities of Proletarka and Vinogradovo in the Kherson Region," the general said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 381 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 205 helicopters, 2,982 unmanned aerial vehicles, 402 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,679 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 997 multiple launch rocket systems, 3,962 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,226 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Jojo dan The Babies rebut Juara Indonesia Masters 2023

Jojo dan The Babies rebut Juara Indonesia Masters 2023

Jojo dan The Babies rebut Juara Indonesia Masters 2023

Pasangan Indonesia Leo/Daniel meraih juara di nomor ganda putra di Indonesia Masters 2023 /Instagram @badminton.ina

Nomor tunggal putra dan ganda putra Indonesia Masters 2023 direbut oleh Indonesia yang berakhir pada hari Minggu, 29/01/2023, di Istora Senayan. Gela juara disumbangkan tunggal putra Jonatan Christie dan ganda putra Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin.

Jonatan Christie yang akrab dipanggil Jojo tersebut menjadi kampiun setelah memenangkan All Indonesian Final melawan Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo. Jojo menang dengan skor 21-15, 21-13. Kemenangan Jonatan hari ini menjadi yang kedua baginya di Istora GBK, setelah momen kesuksesan pertamanya terjadi saat menjuarai Asian Games 2018.

Gim pertama berjalan lambat dengan dua pemain yang sama-sama bermain dengan sabar dan tak terburu-buru ingin mematikan lawan. Jonatan dan Chico juga saling mencuri peluang dengan memanfaatkan bola-bola tanggung. Saat posisi Jonatan atau Chico belum siap, mereka berusaha membalas lewat smes keras.

Masuk jeda interval pada menit ke-10, ia sudah memegang keunggulan 11-9 setelah mengalami kejar mengejar poin dengan rekannya. Jonatan semakin menemukan pola dan ritme terbaiknya. Ia memaksa bermain reli-reli panjang yang melelahkan namun menguntungkan keunggulannya.

Chico yang sudah kepayahan justru menciptakan sejumlah eror pada pengembaliannya, membuatnya semakin terpuruk dengan hanya mencatatkan 15 poin pada akhir gim pertama, sementara Jonatan lebih unggul enam poin.

Jonatan masih mempertahankan strategi bermain lambat dan mengandalkan reli untuk memperlemah pertahanan Chico. Namun Chico juga tak tinggal diam dan berusaha melawan dengan bermain agresif dari zona depan. Alhasil keduanya juga kerap terlibat adu drive untuk menekan posisi bertahan masing-masing.

Sayangnya Chico kurang tahan dengan situasi kritis sehingga terus dilucuti oleh Jonatan. Kondisi fisiknya juga terlihat sudah terkuras dan tak sanggup meladeni permainan reli dari Jonatan. Adegan terjatuh kala berusaha menghalau kok hingga pukulan yang keluar lapangan menjadi gambaran betapa lemahnya stamina Chico saat menghadapi seniornya.

Sedangkan Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin menjadi juara setelah mengalahkan pasangan China, He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong. Pasangan yang dijuluki The Babies ini menang dengan skor 21-17, 21-16.

Di gim pertama, Leo/Daniel yang mendapat dukungan dari ribuan suporter di Istora tampil penuh percaya diri. Mereka mampu unggul jauh 9-4 dan 11-6 di interval pertama. Setelah lawan sempat meraih tiga poin beruntun, smes Daniel gagal dikembalikan lawan sehingga skor 21-17.

Di awal gim kedua berlangsung ketat. Leo/Daniel sempat tertinggal 10-11 di interval kedua tetapi mampu dibalikkan dengan unggul 12-11. Setelah imbang 13-13, Leo/Daniel akhir menjauh dan menang dengan skor 21-16.

The Babies bermain penuh semangat dan memberikan tekanan kepada He/Zhou. Kekompakan Leo dan Daniel juga menuntun mereka pada konsistensi permainan yang terus bertahan sejak awal pertandingan hingga match point pada gim kedua.

Meski cenderung monoton dalam menerapkan gaya permainan, serangan mereka terbukti sulit dilunakkan lawan. Sementara itu He/Zhou terus tertekan dan tak bisa mengembangkan permainan sesuai harapan.

Leo yang siaga di depan net terus berusaha menghalau bola-bola tanggung dan mematahkan ajakan permainan netting dari lawan. Sedangkan Daniel yang berada di baseline lebih fokus untuk menghadiahi He/Zhou dengan smes-smesnya yang kencang.

Strategi tersebut terus mereka pertahankan, walaupun He/Zhou juga masih berusaha melawan dan membayangi perolehan poin

Akhirnya setelah 48 menit berusaha mempertahankan dominasi, Leo/Daniel mendulang hasil baik dengan menjuarai Indonesia Masters untuk pertama kalinya.

Keberhasilan tersebut sekaligus menambah gelar juara bagi tim tuan rumah, dengan perolehan pertama dihasilkan oleh Jonatan Christie yang terlibat laga "All Indonesia Final" kontra Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo.

Sebelumnya Jonatan Christie untuk pertama kalinya menjuarai turnamen bulu tangkis berlevel BWF Super 500 menyusul kemenangan pada ajang Indonesia Masters 2023 setelah melalui perseteruan dengan rekan senegara di Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Minggu 29 Januari 2023.

Dalam laga “All Indonesia Final” itu, Jonatan keluar sebagai pemenang dengan mengalahkan Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo dalam dua gim langsung 21-15, 21-13.

Kemenangan Jonatan hari ini menjadi yang kedua baginya di Istora GBK, setelah momen kesuksesan pertamanya terjadi saat menjuarai Asian Games 2018.

Nine villages in Zaporozhye region taken under control of Russian forces

Nine villages in Zaporozhye region taken under control of Russian forces

Nine villages in Zaporozhye region taken under control of Russian forces

©Russian Ministry of Defense/TASS

Nine villages have been taken under the control of Russian forces in course of an offensive in the Zaporozhye region, Vladimir Rogov, leader of the We Are Together with Russia movement, said on Sunday.

"Our troops are holding the initiative along the combat engagement line in the Zaporozhye region. The enemy has been driven out of nine villages in exploratory attacks and these villages have been taken under control. These are quite big successes," he said in an interview with the Voskresny Vecher (Sunday Evening) with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

Fighting in the Zaporozhye region intensified dramatically on January 20 when four Orekhovo neighborhoods were taken under control by Russian forces. On the same day, the Russian defense ministry reported the liberation of the settlement of Lobkovoye in the Zaporozhye region. It was reported later that Russian forces had advanced toward the city of Gulyaipole and taken under control several Ukrainian army’s strongholds.

Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

Russian troops took up positions along advantageous lines and frontiers in the Donetsk direction, killing up to 90 Ukrainian soldiers;

Russian forces continued their successful offensive in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, defeating the enemy in the Zaporozhye region's areas of Ugledar, Prechistovka, Shevchenko and Dorozhnyanky;

The total losses of the enemy per day in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions amounted to 100 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded;

The enemy's losses in Krasny Liman direction amounted to 110 military personnel; two US-made M777 artillery systems, and two US-made Paladin self-propelled artillery mounts

Special operation, January 29th. The main thing:

▪️The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that in the Donetsk direction, during the offensive operations, units of the "Southern" group of troops took more advantageous lines and positions, the enemy's losses amounted to 90 military

In the South-Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, units of the Vostok group of troops continued offensive operations, defeated the enemy in the areas of Vuhledar, Prechistovka, Shevchenko and Dorozhnyanka, Zaporozhye region

▪️ In the Krasnolimansky direction, the enemy's losses amounted to 110 military, two US-made M777 artillery systems, two US-made Paladin self-propelled artillery mounts were destroyed

The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense admitted that the military situation for Kyiv in the east is “difficult”, and the tanks promised by the West will be ready for use only by March

▪️ British military fears that Challenger 2 tanks will fall into the hands of the Russians, it would be a "nightmare", writes the Sun

▪️ Ukrainian crews arrived in Britain to train on Challenger 2 tanks, the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom announced

▪️ A group of Pentagon representatives is conducting a secret campaign within the department in order to persuade the leadership to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighters, writes Politico

▪️ Yevgeny Prigozhin said that units of the Wagner group took control of the village of Blagodatnoye in the DPR

▪️ The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the shelling of hospitals in Novoaidar and Novaya Kakhovka by Ukrainian military: the lack of reaction from the West confirms its direct involvement in the conflict

▪️ Ukrainian troops attacked a road bridge across the Molochnaya River in the Melitopol region from HIMARS, according to preliminary data, 4 people were killed, 5 were injured, Rogov said

▪️ Prigozhin said that bodies were found in Artemovsk, presumably mercenaries with cut off wrists, abandoned by the Ukrainian military during the retreat.

Video - Jordon Tristan Walker Pfizer Bocorkan Mutasi Virus

Video - Jordon Tristan Walker Pfizer Bocorkan Mutasi Virus

Video - Jordon Tristan Walker Pfizer Bocorkan Mutasi Virus

Siapakah Jordan Tristan Walker? Skandal video mutasi COVID Pfizer Project Veritas dijelaskan

Penyamaran terbaru yang menyengat dari Mission Veritas mungkin yang paling gila tapi. Dalam video yang harus dilihat, pendiri outlet jurnalisme investigasi, James O'Keefe, menghadapkan seseorang bernama Jordon Trishton Walker setelah pengakuan yang direkam secara diam-diam bahwa Pfizer sedang memutasi COVID-19 untuk membuat vaksin.

Jordon Tristan Walker, yang digambarkan dalam video sebagai Direktur Analisis dan Pengembangan, menjadi agresif dengan konfrontasi fisik yang akhirnya pecah. Hasilnya liar.

Jadi, Pfizer pada akhirnya berpikir untuk memutasi COVID?”

Sebuah video Jordan Tristan Walker, Direktur Riset dan Pengembangan- Operasi Strategis dan Perencanaan Ilmiah mRNA Pfizer, membahas mutasi virus COVID-19 baru-baru ini menjadi viral di media sosial. terlihat berbicara dengan reporter tak dikenal tentang kemungkinan Pfizer mempertimbangkan untuk memutasi virus COVID-19. Pewawancara terdengar bertanya:

Sebagai tanggapan, Walker mengatakan bahwa informasi tersebut harus dijauhkan dari publik:

Jordon Tristan Walker “Nah bukan itu yang kami sampaikan ke publik, tidak. Ngomong-ngomong, jangan beri tahu siapa pun tentang ini, Anda harus berjanji tidak akan memberi tahu siapa pun.”

Orang yang diwawancarai menambahkan bahwa Pfizer diduga mempertimbangkan untuk memutasi virus itu sendiri untuk mengembangkan vaksin baru untuk mengobatinya.

Jordon Tristan Walker : “Kami sedang mengeksplorasi, seperti, Anda tahu bagaimana virus terus bermutasi? Nah, salah satu hal yang kami jelajahi adalah, mengapa kita tidak memutasinya sendiri saja, sehingga kita dapat fokus, membuat, mengembangkan vaksin baru terlebih dahulu, bukan?

Video Project Veritas dari wawancara Jordan Tristan Walker mengumpulkan lebih dari 15 juta penayangan, 69 ribu retweet, 13 ribu kutipan retweet, dan 132 ribu suka. Rekaman tersebut juga memicu spekulasi besar secara online, dengan banyak pengguna media sosial yang mengklaim bahwa Pfizer secara aktif melakukan eksperimen tersebut untuk tujuan penelitian mereka sendiri.

Apa yang diketahui tentang Jordan Tristan Walker?

Jordon Tristan Walker dilaporkan sebagai Direktur Riset dan Pengembangan - Operasi Strategis dan Perencanaan Ilmiah mRNA di Pfizer. Dia baru-baru ini membuat berita setelah video penyamarannya membahas mutasi virus COVID-19 yang dirilis oleh Project Veritas.

Walker dilaporkan tidak memiliki akun media sosial publik atau jejak digital. Menurut komentator Twitter Ian Miles Cheong, satu-satunya profil LinkedIn yang terhubung dengan Walker juga telah dihapus. Namun, pendiri Project Veritas James O'Keefe mengonfirmasi kredensialnya.

penemu virus corona bicara virus corona

O'Keefe mengonfirmasi bahwa Project Veritas memperoleh dokumen internal Pfizer yang memverifikasi Jordan Tristan Walker sebagai Direktur, Operasi Strategis Riset & Pengembangan Pfizer. Dokumen tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa Walker lulus dari Universitas Yale pada 2013 dan memperoleh gelar Doctor of Medicine dari University of Texas Sekolah Kedokteran Barat Daya.

Sementara video Project Veritas mendorong netizen untuk mempertanyakan Pfizer dan dugaan eksperimennya, tidak diketahui apakah Jordan Tristan Walker berbicara tentang eksperimen mutasi yang melibatkan virus COVID-19 dalam klip viral. Meskipun video tersebut berisi cuplikan aktual dari percakapan Walker, klip juga diedit menggunakan beberapa cuplikan. Karena reaksi terus mengalir secara online, masih harus dilihat apakah Pfizer akan mengatasi situasi tersebut dan menjelaskan dugaan klaim eksperimental di masa mendatang.

Laporan menunjukkan bahwa studi yang diterbitkan selama masa Walker di Universitas Southwestern Texas dan informasi tentang magangnya di Tufts Medical Center hadir secara online. Jordon Tristan Walker juga tercatat pernah kuliah di University of Texas Southwestern Medical School di setidaknya tiga situs web. Portal seperti US News dan Doximity menggambarkan Walker sebagai MD dengan konsentrasi urologi. Namun, tidak satu pun dari situs web ini yang memiliki foto direktur Pfizer. Informasi pribadinya juga tetap tidak tersedia.

penemu virus corona bicara virus corona

Viral tanggal 26 Januari 2023, besoknya jika di googling, Anda tidak akan menemukan lagi nama Jordon google akan mengarahkan ke Jordan. Dan semua media arus utama Barat mulai membuat narasi baru tentang video yang dirilis Project Veritas sebagai bentuk perlawanan yang mereka sebut 'FactCheck' yang sebetulnya itu bukan 'fakta sebenarnya' melainkan menggiring orang kedalam sudut pandang media arus utama.

penemu virus corona bicara virus corona

Sunday 29 January 2023

Russian forces take control of Blagodatnoye settlement near Soledar — Wagner group

Russian forces take control of Blagodatnoye settlement near Soledar — Wagner group

Russian forces take control of Blagodatnoye settlement near Soledar — Wagner group

©AP Photo/Daniel Cole

The Blagodatnoye settlement near Soledar in the DPR has come under control of Russia’s forces, Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner private military company, said on Sunday.

"The units of the Wagner PMC took Blagodatnoye. Blagodatnoye is under our control," his press service quoted him as saying on its Telegram channel. The commentary is accompanied by an audio recording of remarks by a commander of an assault unit that reached the southern outskirts of Blagodatnoye.

Crews of Russian 120-mm mortars and 152-mm "Hyacinths" destroyed a group of Ukrainian militants in the Avdiivka direction

On January 12, Soledar was cleared of Ukrainian formations, the Russian Defense Ministry reported earlier. According to Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, full control over this city makes it possible to cut off the supply routes for Ukrainian troops in Artyomovsk and subsequently block and encircle the units holed up there.

The village of Blagodatnoye is located southwest of the city of Soledar, which was liberated from Ukrainian forces on January 12.

The territory of the DPR can be completely liberated from Ukrainian militants in a month and a half. This was stated by the commander of the special forces “Akhmat” Apty Alaudinov. According to him, the human resource of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not unlimited. The Ukrainian army begins to withdraw.

Prigozhin, who had repeatedly reproached military correspondents for hasty reports about the capture of one or another settlement, confirmed the capture of Blagodatny near Soledar. According to the information posted on the Wagner PMC TG channel, assault groups are actively cleaning the village from Ukrainian militants remaining there. In addition, Prigozhin posted on the channel an audio recording of the commander of the assault unit, who reported on control over the village.

ing it simply fled, unable to withstand the pressure of the advancing "musicians". The front line reported that about two tank platoons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine refused to defend the settlement and left in the direction of the Ukrainian rear.

The capture of Blagodatny jeopardizes the encirclement of the village of Krasnoe Gora near Paraskovievka, this is practically the outskirts of Artemovsk (Bakhmut). Now fierce battles are going on in this direction, the "orchestras" are trying to knock out the Vushniks from these settlements and practically encircle the city. The fall of Krasnaya Gora will significantly worsen the situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison.

Meanwhile, the attack aircraft of the "musicians" are advancing in the other direction, the night before they came close to the village of Sacco and Vanzetti.

NATO ready for direct confrontation with Russia — official

NATO ready for direct confrontation with Russia — official

NATO ready for direct confrontation with Russia — official

Chair of the NATO Military Committee Rob Bauer
©EPA-EFE/Lex van Lieshout

Chair of the NATO Military Committee Rob Bauer said that the US-led bloc is ready for a direct confrontation with Russia in an interview with Portugal’s RTP TV channel.

Replying to a question on the matter, he asserted: "We are ready." That said, he added that NATO is going to respond only if Russia crosses the red line by invading one of NATO member states.

The military official stressed that NATO should be better prepared because currently Russia has the military initiative. "The fact that your enemy has better weapons is not the problem of the enemy. That is your problem," he said.

The interview also raised the issue of introducing "a war-time economy but in peace time," however, Bauer admitted that this process would be difficult.

"This is an important signal for Russia… That we are prepared if they decide to go after NATO. This is a red line. If there is a red line, then it is the Russians crossing our borders," the Chair of the NATO Military Committee said.

He added that he believes that Russia’s strategic objectives go beyond Ukraine, with Moscow wanting to claim the territory of the former Soviet Union.

When asked whether NATO feared escalation in the Russian-Ukrainian war, Bauer said that while the beginning of the Russian aggression constituted an escalation, Ukraine’s desire to reclaim the territories that rightly belong to it is not an escalation.

"If (the Russians) stop the war today, there will be no escalation," Bauer stressed.

He also noted that the industrial production of the North Atlantic Alliance countries should be reoriented to the military sphere. In order to carry out rearmament, he believes that it is advisable to introduce a "peacetime war economy"