Saturday 25 February 2023

Gilas Motor dan Hajar Mobil, Bus Remnya Blong di Padalarang

Gilas Motor dan Hajar Mobil, Bus Remnya Blong di Padalarang

Gilas Motor dan Hajar Mobil, Bus Remnya Blong di Padalarang

Tabrakan beruntun bus Pariwisata di Puji Panuntun

Tabrakan beruntun terjadi melibatkan 7 unit kendaraan terlibat di Jalan Raya Simpang Tol Padalarang, Jawa Barat pada hari jumat sore, 24/2/2023.

Kanit Laka Satlantas Polres Cimahi, Ipda Bayu Subekti mengatakan, kecelakaan beruntun melibatkan 1 bus pariwisata, 2 motor, dan 4 mobil.

Dilaporkan tidak ada korban jiwa dalam peristiwa tersebut. Namun seorang pengendara sepeda motor atas nama Jajang (30) warga Kampung Babakan RT 01 RW 08, Desa Cimerang, Kecamatan Padalarang, Bandung Barat harus dilarikan ke rumah sakit lantaran mengalami luka.

"Kecelakaan itu bermula dari Bus Pariwisata PO Manggala Garuda yang melaju dari arah exit Tol Padalarang. Setibanya di tempat kejadian, pengemudi bus tidak dapat menguasai laju kendaraanya hingga bus menabrak bagian belakang kendaraan yang berada di depannya," ungkap Bayu, hari Jumat, 24/2/2023.

Bus dengan nomor polisi W-7427-UP itu menabrak bagian belakang Toyota Avanza nomor polisi A-1359-XU, Honda BeAT dengan nomor polisi D-5419-UDX, Honda BeAT Street D-2285-UDI, serta Toyota Avanza D-1202-UA.

"Kendaraan yang tertabrak kemudian terdorong dan menabrak Daihatsu Gran Max dengan nopol B-9996-NCG dan Daihatsu Xenia dengan nopol D-1810-XL," bebernya.

Sementara Honda BeAT dengan nopol D-5419-UDX yang dikendarai Jajang masuk ke kolong bus dan sempat terseret.

"Korban (Jajang) mengalami luka dan selanjutnya dibawa ke rumah sakit Kharisma Cimareme untuk menjalani pengobatan," sebutnya.

Menurut pengakuan Tarjuki (40), pengemudi Bus Pariwisata PO Manggala Garuda, dirinya hilang kemudi saat hendak putar balik untuk kembali masuk Tol Padalarang.

"Pas saya mau putar balik, tapi ragu sama bagian atasnya takut kena atap bus jadi saya ambil kiri ke arah Cimahi. Pas di lokasi kejadian remnya ngeblong, saya injak ngeplos aja," kata Juki saat ditemui di lokasi kejadian.

Karena Bus tak terkendali kemudian menabrak Toyota Avanza A-1359-XU sehingga bagian belakang mengalami ringsek sementara bagian depan bus rusak parah.

Setelah mendapat laporan terkait kecelakaan tersebut pihaknya langsung mendatangi lokasi kejadian untuk melakukan penanganan, evakuasi kendaraan yang mayoritas mengalami kerusakan dan olah tempat kejadian perkara (TKP).

"Kami telah menerima laporan dari operator 00 dan masyarakat tentang kejadian kecelakaan lalu lintas yang mengakibatkan kerugian materi dan korban luka, kemudian kami langsung melakukan penanganan," kata Ipda Bayu Subekti.

Friday 24 February 2023

North Korea Warns US That Continued 'Hostility' May Be Considered 'Declaration of War'

North Korea Warns US That Continued 'Hostility' May Be Considered 'Declaration of War'

North Korea Warns US That Continued 'Hostility' May Be Considered 'Declaration of War'

© by diongillard

The Korean People's Army test-fired four "Hwasal-2 strategic cruise missiles" from the northeastern city of Kim Chaek towards the Sea of Japan, according to reports in North Korean media on Friday morning, with the weapons tests announcement coinciding with war games hosted by the Pentagon involving US and South Korean forces.

North Korea has warned the US that its persistent "hostile and provocative practices" in flagrant disregard of repeated protests on the part of Pyongyang may be construed as a 'declaration of war', according to state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The warning was issued by Kwon Jong-gun, the director-general of the North Korean Foreign Ministry's US affairs department. The only way to quell the "vicious cycle" of escalating military tensions on the Korean Peninsula and in the surrounding region, according to the foreign ministry's official, was for Washington to abandon plans to deploying strategic assets in the South and put and end to joint military drills with allies.

Elsewhere in his statement, Kwon Jong-gun lambasted the fact that the US and South Korea "put a sovereign state's legitimate right to self-defence on the agenda of the UNSC" and strongly protested and denounced the move.

The official warned of "strong corresponding action" should the United Nations Security Council discuss North Korea's right to self-defense, and deplored the fact that the Council had become nothing but a tool used to exert Washington's pressure on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

"If the UNSC has a true intention to contribute to peace and security in the Korean peninsula, it will have to bitterly condemn the U.S. and south Korea for their moves of escalating military tension such as frequent deployment of strategic assets and large-scale joint military drills against the DPRK," the minister added.

According to reports in North Korean media on February 24, the Korean People's Army test-fired four "Hwasal-2 strategic cruise missiles" from the northeastern city of Kim Chaek aimed towards the Sea of Japan (called the East Sea in Korea). "The four strategic cruise missiles precisely hit the preset target on the East Sea of Korea after traveling the 2,000 kilometer-long elliptical and eight-shaped flight orbits for 10,208 seconds to 10,224 seconds," the report stated.

On February 20, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that, following Pyongyang's ICBM launch on February 18, and the Monday test-firing of two ballistic missiles, Japan had requested an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC).

Reports of North Korea's most recent missile tests came against the backdrop of war games hosted by the Pentagon and involving US and South Korean forces. The so-called "table-top exercise" focused on hypothetical scenarios of North Korea’s use of nuclear weapons, according to the US Defense Department's statement on February 23.

“Both sides discussed various options to demonstrate the Alliance’s strong response capabilities and resolve to respond appropriately to any DPRK nuclear use,” the Pentagon stated.

US, Japan and South Korea drills held in the Sea of Japan on Wednesday involved three destroyers equipped with the US Aegis combat system.

The debut joint drills since South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol took office have infuriated Pyongyang. Back in September 2022, the DPRK resumed its testing of longer-range ballistic missiles, as well as cruise missiles and what it claimed was a hypersonic weapon. Those missile drills also coincided with war games directed against the DPRK by South Korea, Japan, and the United States.

Snow Storm Leaves Some 800,000 People Without Electricity in Northeastern US


Snow Storm Leaves Some 800,000 People Without Electricity in Northeastern US


A brutal winter storm closed interstate highways from Arizona to Wyoming Wednesday, trapped drivers in cars, knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people and prompted the first blizzard warning in Southern California in decades — and the worst won't be over for several days.

Few places were untouched by the wild weather, including some at the opposite extreme: long-standing record highs were broken in cities in the Midwest, mid-Atlantic and Southeast.

Almost 800,000 consumers have been left without electricity in the northeastern part of the United States due to a heavy snow storm, the monitoring service said.

According to outage tracker PowerOutage.US, Michigan saw more power outages than any other state as of about 9:00 p.m. ET Thursday – followed by over 38,000 outages reported in Illinois and more than 33,000 outages seen in Wisconsin.

More than 94,000 outages were reported in Wayne County, home of Detroit, and over 92,000 were reported in Oakland County, per USA TODAY Network's power outage tracker.

More than 82% of energy customers – over 17,000 homes and businesses – were in the dark in Hillsdale County, located in southern Michigan near the Ohio border.

Much of Michigan, particularly the northern part of the state and Upper Peninsula, werunder winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories on Thursday , according to the National Weather Service.

The storm has mostly hit Michigan, where around 730,000 people experienced power outage as of 07:24 GMT on February 24, according to the service. Massive blackouts have also been recorded in Wisconsin, New York and Illinois.

Michigan authorities said that, during the storm, a firefighter was killed by a downed power line on Wednesday night. The western part of the country has also been affected by heavy snow, with around 30,000 consumers in California left with no electricity.

Bad weather conditions and an icy storm also led to the cancellation of over 1,000 flights in the US on Thursday night, according to FlightAware data.

The wintry mix hit hard in the northern U.S., closing schools, offices, even shutting down the Minnesota Legislature.

Travel has been difficult. Airlines delayed or canceled more than 4,200 U.S. flights by Thursday afternoon — up from about 2,000 in the morning — according to the tracking service FlightAware. More than 1,600 U.S. flight cancellations were also reported on Wednesday, when another 5,900-plus flights were delayed across the country.

At Denver International Airport, Taylor Dotson, her husband, Reggie, and their 4-year-old daughter, Raegan, faced a two-hour flight delay to Nashville on their way home to Belvidere, Tennessee.

Reggie Dotson was in Denver to interview for a job as an airline pilot.

Russia responds to UN vote on Ukraine

Russia responds to UN vote on Ukraine

Russia responds to UN vote on Ukraine

UN General Assembly session in New York City, February 23, 2023.
©Angela Weiss / AFP

The non-binding “anti-Russian” resolution of the UN General Assembly will not bring the world closer to ending the Ukraine conflict, Vassily Nebenzia, Moscow’s permanent envoy to the organization, said following a resolution passed on Thursday.

The resolution calls for Russia to “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.” It also condemns Moscow for “aggression” against the neighboring state.

The document was backed by 141 countries, while seven, including Russia, voted against it. A total of 32 UN members, including China and India, abstained.

Ahead of the vote, Nebenzia slammed it as “detrimental” to the prospects of ending the conflict. “How can UN members aid a peaceful resolution to the heightened contradictions between Russia and the West? We can say with certainty: the tabled resolution will surely not help,” the diplomat stated.

(The document) is aimed at encouraging the West’s actions and at giving a pretext for our opponents to claim that Russia is supposedly isolated in the world. It means the continuation of their militaristic Russophobic line while using the so-called support from UN members as cover.

The General Assembly rejected an amendment proposed by Belarus that urged countries to “refrain from sending weapons to the zone of [the] conflict” and called for “the start of peace negotiations.”

Moscow sent troops into Ukraine exactly a year ago, citing the need to protect the people of Donbass, a predominately Russian speaking region, and Kiev’s failure to implement the 2014-2015 Minsk peace accords. Ukraine has accused Russia of unprovoked aggression.

Speaking before the General Assembly, Nebenzia reiterated that Russia launched its offensive “in order to end the eight-year war waged by the Kiev authorities against the people of Donetsk and Lugansk.”

The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics broke away from Ukraine shortly after the 2014 Western-backed coup in Kiev. The two republics, together with two other former Ukrainian regions, eventually joined Russia after holding referendums in September.

Wagner Group founder: Berkhovka village by Artyomovsk fully under Russian forces’ control

Wagner Group founder: Berkhovka village by Artyomovsk fully under Russian forces’ control

Wagner Group founder: Berkhovka village by Artyomovsk fully under Russian forces’ control

©Andrei Rubtsov/ TASS

The village of Berkhovka, seven kilometers north of Artyomovsk (Ukrainian name: Bakhmut) in the Donetsk People’s Republic, has been fully taken under the control of Russian forces, the founder of the Wagner private military company, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said.

"Berkhovka is fully taken under our control. Vagner PMC units are in full control of Berkhovka," Prigozhin’s press service quoted him as saying on Friday on its Telegram channel.

The village of Berkhovka is located northwest of Artyomovsk, not far from Paraskovyevka, which was taken under control on February 17. Artyomovsk is located in the Kiev-controlled part of the DPR, north of the large city of Gorlovka, and is an important transport hub for supplying Ukrainian forces in Donbass. There is fierce fighting for the city.

In a speech, the head of the military enterprise Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin, congratulated defenders of the fatherland on their traditional holiday. With his congratulations, he also demonstrated the presence of his fighters near the center of the city of Artemowsk, which had been fought over for months.

February 23 is one of the most popular holidays in Russia. Defenders of the Fatherland are honored on this former Soviet Army Day. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Russian military company Gruppe Wagner, chose a special and extremely dangerous place for his congratulations: in one published by his press service Video According to reports, Prigozhin is standing near the Artemovsk front line in full uniform and armed with a submachine gun. Surrounded by several fighters he said:

“Here you can congratulate all the guys who are fighting, who are at the front and in the hospital, the military who are fighting for our motherland, the volunteers, all those who work hard and produce the most necessary ammunition and weapons. All the best Defender of the Fatherland Day, which needs your protection today.”

Special operation, February 23. Main:

▪️Biden does not consider the suspension of Russia's participation in START as a sign of preparation for the use of nuclear weapons;

▪️In the Artyomovsk and Ugoldar directions, the Ukrainian troops have no success, they lose many soldiers every day, Pushilin's adviser told RIA Novosti;

▪️Ukrainians of draft age who want to get to the Russian Federation through Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as from Poland to Belarus, are returned to Ukraine at the request of Kiev and mobilized, RIA Novosti source said;

▪️Kyiv is preparing an armed provocation against Pridnestrovie, which can be carried out by members of the Ukrainian national battalions - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

▪️Krymsky bridge is open for car traffic in all lanes, Khusnullin said;

▪️The authorities of Moldova are leading the country according to the Ukrainian scenario, although they must counteract Kyiv's attempts to drag Chisinau into the war, said the country's ex-president Dodon;

▪️Finland will transfer 3 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine and train the Ukrainian military as part of the 13th military assistance package, the country's Ministry of Defense said;

▪️If China's position on the Ukrainian conflict is not heard, there will be serious consequences, Lukashenka said, also announcing Xi Jinping's statement on the conflict in the near future;

▪️NATO countries have depleted stocks of artillery shells for delivery to Ukraine, they see the task in increasing their production in the phase of the "war of attrition", Stoltenberg said;

▪️The Russian military in the South Donetsk direction destroyed up to 105 enemy soldiers, 9 pieces of equipment and 6 ammunition depots, the Ministry of Defense reported;

▪️Ukrainian losses in the Kupyansk direction amounted to 55 servicemen;

▪️The Russian Army eliminated about 85 Ukrainian servicemen in the Krasny Liman direction;

▪️Russian troops eliminated over 210 Ukrainian servicemen in the Donetsk direction;

▪️Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Avdeevka area of the DPR;

▪️The Russian Army eliminated up to 105 servicemen in the South Donetsk direction;

▪️Russian troops shot down nine Ukrainian UAVs and an Su-25;

▪️Russian forces destroyed two Ukrainian Msta-B howitzers and a D-30 howitzer in the Kherson direction;

▪️The Russian Army destroyed six Ukrainian ammunition warehouses in the DPR.

The West, instead of sanctions, should do everything to resolve the Ukrainian conflict, said Chinese Deputy Representative to the UN Dai Bing.

US Congressman Says Nuland & Blinken 'Are Dangerous Fools Who Can Get Us All Killed'

US Congressman Says Nuland & Blinken 'Are Dangerous Fools Who Can Get Us All Killed'

US Congressman Says Nuland & Blinken 'Are Dangerous Fools Who Can Get Us All Killed'

©Gage Skidmore

“Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland,” Elon Musk said on 22 February, in response to a US media report about Russia’s reaction to recent comments by the US State Department official in support of strikes on Crimea. Victoria Nuland’s words confirm Washington's intimate involvement in the Ukraine conflict, Russia had stated.

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US State Department official Victoria Nuland “are dangerous fools who can get us all killed,” warns Paul Gosar, a Republican Representative of Arizona's 9th Congressional district, in a reference to the two officials’ warmongering stance on the Ukraine conflict.

The Republican Congressman went on Twitter to support a recent statement made by the social media platform’s chief executive Elon Musk.

“Elon is correct,” said Gosar, adding that “Nuland and Blinken have a deeply rooted irrational hatred of Russia.” According to the GOP Representative, the two officials “seek to get the US involved in another world war.”

In a subsequent post on Twitter, Gosar pointed out that Nuland was "willing to endorse violence and war". He lambasted the former assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, who in 2014 helped to orchestrate the coup that saw Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, ousted and replaced with the pro-Western Petro Poroshenko. In 2014, a leaked conversation purportedly between Nuland and then-US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt revealed that the US officials had been discussing who they would like to see take power in Ukraine among opposition leaders.

Nuland "endorsed regime change in Russia, celebrated the US’ destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, and called for the indefinite flow of arms into Ukraine," tweeted Gosar.

Gosar told Sputnik earlier that the United States should adopt a recent resolution introduced by lawmakers of the US House of Representatives, which calls for an immediate end to US assistance to Kiev and a peace settlement in Ukraine.

"America should not help to prolong a needless war and add to the body count. The current posture is untenable and a pathway to peace is long overdue. Months of escalation in weaponry and rhetoric endangers not just the citizens of Russia and Ukraine, but the whole world. It's long past time to seek a peaceful resolution and end the unfortunate death and destruction plaguing both countries," Gosar said.

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida's 1st Congressional district, introduced the 'Ukraine Fatigue' resolution arguing that the US should stop arming and funding Kiev and persuade warring parties to reach a peace agreement. Ten House Republicans have co-sponsored the resolution.

In response to Thursday's Twitter post by Gosar, his followers on the internet commented that it was time to stop sending "billions of more cash to Ukraine".

Biden & Nuland Are Leading US Into Nuclear Armageddon, Former FBI Agent Says

US President Joe Biden and senior White House and State Department officials are leading the United States and the world into nuclear annihilation, former FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley told Sputnik.

Russian President Vladimir Putin officially announced Moscow was pulling out of its long-running talks with the United States for a new START treaty during his Tuesday address to the Federal Assembly. He also accused the United States of developing new types of nuclear weapons and considering new nuclear weapons tests.

"The neocons' hell-bent plans for 'full spectrum dominance' have been a long time in the making, having even been publicly announced decades ago, but now... we've truly reached the eve of destruction," Rowley, a Time magazine Whistleblower of the Year, said.

In addition to Biden, senior State Department official Victoria Nuland, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and White House security aide Jake Sullivan, are leading oblivious Americans right into "nuclear Armageddon," Rowley added. The United States was far closer to catastrophic global war than the American people realized, Rowley said.

"The situation is just so 11th hour and 59 minutes' bad," she warned.

Earlier in the day, Biden described Russia's decision as a "big mistake" as the presidents of Romania, Slovakia and Poland greeted him at the Bucharest Nine meeting. This came after Biden earlier in the week delivered a fiery speech in Poland intended to rally NATO to back Ukraine against Russia.

New START, in effect since February 5, 2011, is the last remaining legally binding arms agreement between the United States and Russia - the two countries with the largest nuclear capabilities. Under the treaty, the United States and Russia have been required to reduce their nuclear arsenal to a total of 700 missiles, 800 launchers, and 1,550 deployed warheads.

China publishes its proposals on Ukrainian crisis settlement

China publishes its proposals on Ukrainian crisis settlement

China publishes its proposals on Ukrainian crisis settlement

©Artem Ivanov/TASS

The foreign ministry of China published its proposals for political settlement of the crisis in Ukraine on its website on Friday.

The 12-point settlement plan, put forward by the Chinese side, includes a call for de-escalation and ceasefire.

The 12-point settlement plan, put forward by the Chinese side, includes a call for de-escalation and ceasefire.

"All sides should show rationality and restraint, avoid fuelling tensions or taking steps to aggravate the conflict, avert further escalation and prevent the situation from spinning out of control, assist contacts between Russia and Ukraine and resumption of direct dialogue, promote gradual de-escalation and d·tente until the fire and hostilities cease completely," the document says. "Peace negotiations should begin. Dialogue and negotiations are the only way to settle the crisis in Ukraine. All efforts aimed at resolving the crisis peacefully need to be encouraged and supported."

Besides, China urges to pay attention to, and ease in a proper way legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries.

"Cold War mentality should be abandoned. Security of one country should not be ensured through harming the security of other states, and regional security cannot be maintained through strengthening and expansion of military blocs," the Chinese foreign ministry said. "Legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries should be taken into account, and properly eased."

Also, Beijing urges to resolve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and prevent it from spreading.

"The humanitarian crisis needs to be resolved. All measures that help to mitigate the humanitarian crisis need to be encouraged and supported. Humanitarian missions should be conducted in accordance with the principle of neutrality and impartiality, in order not to politicize humanitarian issues," the document says, adding that safety of civilians needs to be properly ensured.

"It is necessary to increase humanitarian aid to relevant areas, improve the humanitarian situation, ensure prompt, safe and unhindered humanitarian access and prevent the crisis from spreading," the Chinese foreign ministry said.

Besides, China supports the prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine and calls for creating favorable conditions for that. "The protection of civilians and prisoners of war needs to be ensured," the ministry said. "China supports a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine, all sides should create more favorable conditions for that."

The document emphasized that all parties to the conflict should adhere to the international humanitarian law, avoid attacks on civilians and civilian facilities, protect women and children and defend the basic rights of prisoners of war.

It also calls for ensuring that grain exports to the global market continue: "All sides must honor the agreement on grain transportation via the Black Sea - signed by Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations - in a balanced, all-encompassing and effective form."

The document also urges to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and avoid a nuclear crisis, and calls to maintain security of nuclear power plants.

"Strategic risks need to be reduced. Nuclear weapons must never be used, a nuclear war must never be unleashed. It is necessary to resist the use of nuclear weapons and threats to use it, to prevent nuclear proliferation and to avert a nuclear crisis," the document says. "China strongly opposes attacks on nuclear power plants and other civilian nuclear facilities. We call upon all sides to respect the international law, including the Convention on nuclear safety."

On top of that, "China opposes development and use of biological and chemical weapons by any country, under any circumstances."

Also, the foreign ministry of China opposes any unilateral sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine, imposed without a relevant decision of the UN Security Council. "Unilateral sanctions [should be] stopped," the document says. "We oppose introducing any unilateral sanctions without the UN Security Council’s decision.

"Stability of supply and delivery chains needs to be ensured. All sides should duly protect the existing system of the global economy, oppose attempts to politicize, instrumentalize and weaponize it," the statement continues.

It also calls for a joint effort to mitigate the crisis and its effects on global cooperation in the sectors of energy, finance, food trade and transport.

"The international community should take measures to support recovery of the conflict zones. In this regard, China also stands ready to help and play a constructive role," the document says.