Tuesday 7 November 2023

Police raid Portuguese prime minister’s mansion

Police raid Portuguese prime minister’s mansion

Police raid Portuguese prime minister’s mansion

Costa, Portugal's Socialist leader since 2015, defended his innocence [Ana Brigida/AP Photo

Portuguese police have arrested the chief of staff of Prime Minister António Costa while making multiple raids of public buildings and other properties as part of a widespread corruption probe, the prosecutor's office said Tuesday.

An investigative judge issued arrest warrants for Vítor Escária, Costa’s chief of staff, the mayor of Sines, and three other people because they represented a flight risk and to protect evidence, the prosecutor's office said in a statement.

It said that the Minister of Infrastructure João Galamba and head of the country’s environmental agency were among those named as suspects.

The judge is investigating alleged malfeasance, corruption of elected officials, and influence peddling related to lithium mines concessions near Portugal’s northern border with Spain, and plans for a green hydrogen plant and data center in the southern coastal town of Sines.

The raids included the premises of the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Sines town council, private homes and offices.

The prosecutor’s office said that the probe has determined that the “suspects invoked the name of the prime minister” when carrying out their allegedly illicit activities.

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has said he is resigning amid an investigation into into alleged irregularities committed by his administration in handling lithium mining and hydrogen projects in the country.

Costa announced the decision in a televised statement after meeting President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa on Tuesday.

The 62-year-old Costa, Portugal’s Socialist leader since 2015, defended his innocence.

“The duties of prime minister are not compatible with any suspicion of my integrity,” he told a press conference. “In these circumstances, I have presented my resignation to the president of the republic.”

Costa, who won a third consecutive term as prime minister after his party secured a surprise absolute majority in a snap general election held in January 2022, said he had stepped down despite having been “completely willing to dedicate myself with all my energy to fulfilling the mandate until the end of this legislature”. He also said he would not be running in any forthcoming elections.

His announcement came after the Portuguese press reported that at least five people had been detained, including Costa’s chief of staff, Vítor Escária, and Costa’s friend, the business consultant Diogo Lacerda Machado.

The public prosecutor’s office then revealed that Costa himself was being investigated, adding the prime minister’s “name and authority” had been cited by suspects questioned during the investigation.

Rebelo de Sousa confirmed that he had accepted Costa’s resignation and would be meeting party leaders later this week. The president will then have to decide whether to dissolve parliament and call an election, or whether to allow Costa’s socialists, who have a majority in parliament, to form a new government.

In January this year, prosecutors said that they were looking into allegations of corruption relating to lithium and hydrogen projects but did not name any suspects.

The investigation into the alleged “misuse of funds, active and passive corruption by political figures, and influence peddling” involves lithium mining concessions in the north of the country. It is also investigating a hydrogen production project and data centre to be built by the company Start Campus in Sines, a town about 100km (62 miles) south of Lisbon.

In a statement released on Tuesday, prosecutors said 42 premises had been searched by police and staff from its Criminal Investigation and Action Department.

It confirmed that the addresses searched “in order to identify and seize documents and others relevant evidence” had included “spaces used by the head of the prime minister’s office”, the two ministries and the Sines town council.

Citing flight risk and the possibility that illegal activity could continue, prosecutors said arrest warrants had been issued for Costa’s chief of staff, the mayor of Sines, and two executives at Start Campus.

Prosecutors also said that Portugal’s infrastructure minister, João Galamba, had been indicted as part of the investigation, as had the president of the executive board of the Portuguese Agency for the Protection of the Environment (APA).

In May, the APA approved a mining project for lithium, an essential metal for the manufacturing of electric batteries. A second project was given the green light at the start of September.

Earlier this year, Rebelo de Sousa told the government to clean up its act after a separate scandal around state-owned airline TAP.

Opposition politicians called for him to resign as news of the searches and arrests broke.

The conservative CDS-People’s party urged Costa to step down, saying “given the seriousness of the current situation and the bankruptcy of the socialist government , the prime minister must immediately submit his resignation”.

André Ventura, the leader of the far-right Chega party also said Costa had to resign in order to end “the wave of suspicion” and to allow Portugal to renew itself.

But Costa’s former allies in the Communist party and the Left Bloc called for the facts to be investigated before any conclusions were drawn.

“Democracy demands that there be no power above the law,” said the Left Bloc MP Pedro Filipe Soares. “Find out what there is to find out, investigate what there is to investigate. Justice must be quick, swift and transparent.”

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Rumah PM Portugal digrebek Polisi

Rumah PM Portugal digrebek Polisi

Rumah PM Portugal digrebek Polisi

Pers Portugal bekerja di luar kediaman resmi Perdana Menteri Antonio Costa di Istana Sao Bento di Lisbon, Portugal, 7 November 2023
©AFP / Patricia de Melo Moreira

Rumah Perdana Menteri Portugal, Antonio Costa digrebek polisi Portugal dan menahan kepala stafnya, Vitor Escaria, sebagai bagian dari penyelidikan korupsi yang luas. Costa sedang diselidiki atas penanganannya terhadap proyek penambangan litium dan dugaan kecurangan dalam kontrak terminal hidrogen besar-besaran.

Kantor Kejaksaan Agung Portugal mengumumkan penggeledahan pada Selasa pagi, dan menambahkan bahwa kantor kementerian lingkungan hidup dan infrastruktur telah digerebek, bersama dengan 17 rumah, dan kantor beberapa perusahaan swasta. Outlet berita Publico Portugal melaporkan bahwa salah satu konsultan Costa, dua eksekutif perusahaan, dan walikota sosialis Sines, Nuno Mascarenha, juga telah ditangkap.

Pernyataan Jaksa Agung mengatakan bahwa penyelidikan tersebut menyangkut “kejahatan penyimpangan, korupsi aktif dan pasif para pemegang jabatan politik, dan penjualan pengaruh” terkait dengan dua proyek ekstraksi litium dan pabrik produksi hidrogen yang didanai Uni Eropa di Sines. Pembangunan fasilitas Sines diperkirakan menelan biaya $1,6 miliar (IDR 25 Trilyun).

Rincian lengkap mengenai dugaan skema tersebut, serta keterlibatan Costa di dalamnya, tidak jelas. Namun, kantor Kejaksaan Agung mengonfirmasi kepada Publico pada bulan Januari bahwa “bisnis litium dan hidrogen ramah lingkungan” sedang diselidiki. Sebelum laporan ini dibuat pada bulan Januari, proyek litium dikritik karena potensi kerusakannya terhadap lingkungan.

Meskipun tidak jelas jenis ketidakwajaran apa yang dicurigai dalam proyek litium, akhir tahun lalu media Portugal mengklaim bahwa Costa dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup “dicurigai mendukung konsorsium EDP/Galp/REN” – sebuah kelompok yang terdiri dari tiga perusahaan energi Portugis. – untuk membangun pabrik hidrogen Sines.

Costa bertemu dengan Presiden Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa segera setelah penggerebekan. Rebelo de Sousa kemudian memanggil Jaksa Agung Lucilia Gago ke istana presiden. Tidak ada informasi mengenai kedua diskusi tersebut yang dipublikasikan kepada pers.

Costa dan koalisi partai-partai sayap kiri mengambil alih kekuasaan pada tahun 2015, dan sang perdana menteri memenangkan pemilihan kembali pada tahun 2019 dan mengamankan mayoritas mutlak untuk Partai Sosialisnya pada tahun 2022. Partainya adalah yang paling populer di Portugal, tetapi masa jabatan terakhir Costa adalah kantor sedang bergejolak. Dalam 16 bulan pertama pemerintahan terbarunya, 13 menteri mengundurkan diri karena serangkaian skandal, termasuk penggelapan di maskapai penerbangan milik negara TAP.

Inisiatif Liberal, sebuah partai oposisi kanan-tengah, telah meminta Costa untuk mengundurkan diri, dan mendesak Rebelo de Sousa untuk membubarkan parlemen jika ia menolak untuk mundur. Presiden menolak membubarkan parlemen awal tahun ini karena skandal TAP, dan pengacara konstitusi Teresa Violante mengatakan kepada Publico bahwa Costa tidak akan diwajibkan mengundurkan diri kecuali dia secara resmi dituduh melakukan kejahatan.

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Ukrainian Forces Just Retreating - Russian Assault Group Commander

Ukrainian Forces Just Retreating - Russian Assault Group Commander

Ukrainian Forces Just Retreating - Russian Assault Group Commander

The Ukrainian counteroffensive began in June, with Kiev deploying brigades trained by NATO instructors and armed with Western equipment. Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Kiev's push had failed, with Ukraine suffering casualties estimated at more than 90,000.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of the commander of a Russian assault group, Ivan, saying that Ukrainian forces are just retreating.

"They are only retreating, there is not much left of the professional army. Mostly mobilized, maybe there is a part of mercenaries who do not go to the positions, control at a distance, as barrier units stand," the commander of the Airborne Forces assault group with the call sign "Ivan" explained.

According to the fighter, there is not much left of the professional army - only mobilized and some mercenaries.

Combat of the Ivanovo assault group can be seen in the footage released by the Russian Defense Ministry.

Soldiers of the Airborne Forces in small assault groups from several directions secretly approached a Ukrainian stronghold where, according to intelligence, a Ukrainian unit was preparing to move toward Russian defensive positions.

The Russian paratroopers immediately attacked the enemy. During the battle, the soldiers managed to capture and destroy a BMP-1 and a light tank of Western design. When the Ukrainian militants tried to counterattack, they were attacked by a fire support group of Ivanovo paratroopers. The militants, having lost several men, abandoned their plans.

PoW: 'There Are as Much Drugs as Dirt' in Ukrainian Armed Forces

Data on drug use in the Ukrainian Armed Forces has appeared regularly. This was also mentioned by the Russian participants of the special military operation, who saw the confirmation of such facts among the enemy's ranks.

Ukrainian military officer Maxim Kolyada, who was captured in the Zaporozhye region, said that his unit included many drug addicts with years of "experience". "There are many people like me out there. Of 20 to 30 people, about half of them are drug addicts, as far as I can see," Kolyada explained.

He admitted to using drugs himself; the soldier took a dose the day he was captured.

The soldiers have had no problem with buying drugs. According to Kolyada, the Ukrainian armed forces now have "as much drugs as dirt, because these are salaries".

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Israeli minister’s suggestion of nuclear strike on Gaza raises questions — Maria Zakharova

Israeli minister’s suggestion of nuclear strike on Gaza raises questions — Maria Zakharova

Israeli minister’s suggestion of nuclear strike on Gaza raises questions — Maria Zakharova

©Russian Foreign Ministry Press Office/TASS

The suggestion by Israel's heritage minister of a nuclear strike on the Gaza Strip has raised numerous questions, including whether Israel possesses nuclear weapons, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Solovyov Live television.

Russian officials have joined other countries in expressing concern over the remarks of an Israeli junior minister who appeared to express openness to the idea of Israel carrying out a nuclear strike on Gaza, saying that it raises a “huge number of questions”.

Moscow’s reaction came on Tuesday, days after Heritage Minister Amihai Eliyahu, said during a radio interview, that the nuclear option would be “one way” to deal with Gaza, implying that, not only is Israel in possession of nuclear weapons – something the country has never admitted – but that it is also willing to use them.

"It raised a huge number of questions. The number one question is, did we hear an official declaration that [Israel] has nuclear weapons? Consequently, the next questions that everyone had were: Where are the international organizations, where is the IAEA, where are the inspectors?" she said.

Zakharova also said that such statements by Israeli officials shed light on the true reasons why Tel Aviv is opposing the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East. According to the diplomat, the US made every effort to help Israel acquire nuclear weapons, giving it full support in this matter.

"If this program exists and existed, where were the tests conducted, at what testing grounds? Obviously, apparently not in the region, then where? And isn't the United States behind all this?" the diplomat said.

Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu was asked in an interview with Kol Berama Radio on November 5 whether a nuclear bomb should be dropped on Gaza and responded that it was one of the possibilities. The official later said that the nuclear bomb statement was metaphorical, but Israel definitely needs a powerful and disproportionate response to terrorism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suspended Eliyahu from government meetings and criticized his remarks about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in Gaza.

Eliyahu's remarks were condemned by several Middle Eastern countries, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

The situation in the Middle East sharply escalated following an incursion of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israel on October 7, accompanied by killings of residents of Israeli settlements near the border and taking hostages. Hamas regards the attack as a response to Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel has declared a complete siege of the Gaza Strip and has started delivering strikes on that area and parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.

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Leaked Memo Reveals US Diplomats' Concerns Over Biden Administration's Israel Policy

Leaked Memo Reveals US Diplomats' Concerns Over Biden Administration's Israel Policy

Leaked Memo Reveals US Diplomats' Concerns Over Biden Administration's Israel Policy


State Department officials, in a leaked memo, reportedly criticized the Biden administration's approach to the Palestine-Israel conflict, calling for a more public condemnation of Israeli actions.

A Monday US media report detailed that the memo outlines two requests: endorsing a ceasefire and adopting a more balanced approach in public and private communications regarding Israel, including the open discussion of concerns about Israeli military tactics and the treatment of Palestinians.

Authored by two mid-level staffers with Middle East experience, the memo also reportedly acknowledges Israel's legitimate right and obligation to seek justice against the Hamas militant group over the October 7 surprise attack while deeming the subsequent high number of Palestinian casualties - mostly civilians and many children - as unacceptable.

“We must publicly criticize Israel’s violations of international norms such as failure to limit offensive operations to legitimate military targets,” the message also states.

“When Israel supports settler violence and illegal land seizures or employs excessive use of force against Palestinians, we must communicate publicly that this goes against our American values so that Israel does not act with impunity.”

The memo, which was marked as "sensitive but unclassified," further highlighted that the US' messaging downfalls "contributes to regional public perceptions that the United States is a biased and dishonest actor, which at best does not advance, and at worst harms, US interests worldwide."

The State Department did not offer comment to the outlet in light of the leaked document, which was aired through the department's Dissent Channel, a platform where government employees are freely allowed to outline their disputes.

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