Saturday 11 November 2023

Israeli army used white phosphorus on al-Shifa - Palestine health minister

Israeli army used white phosphorus on al-Shifa - Palestine health minister

Israeli army used white phosphorus on al-Shifa - Palestine health minister

Mai al-Kaila has accused Israeli forces of shelling Gaza’s largest hospital with white phosphorus.

“This is an internationally banned weapon. We are wondering who is responsible for holding Israel to account for shelling al-Shifa Hospital with white phosphorus,” she told a news conference in Ramallah, adding that Israeli forces were committing a “genocide” in Gaza.

“Inevitable death has become the fate of patients in Gaza hospitals – and we hold Israel, the United Nations and the international community responsible for that.”

Rights groups have accused Israel of using white phosphorus both in Gaza and Lebanon over the past month. Israel has denied the allegation.

‘Minutes away from death’ – al-Shifa Hospital head

As intense fighting between the Israeli forces and Hamas personnel rages nearby in the Gaza City, the chief of the largest hospital in the region on Saturday said they are "minutes away from death" and have been surrounded. 

In recent days, there have also been reports of projectiles landing in the premises of the hospitals in Gaza City that reportedly resulted in casualties. 

The development comes as Israeli actions in the ongoing war come under increasing scrutiny across the world. While the Arab World has been joined by French President Emmanuel Macron in calls for a ceasefire, the Israeli government has only agreed to hourslong daily pauses

Al Jazeera on Saturday reported Al Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya as saying that the facility has been surrounded by the Israeli forces.

"We are totally cut off from the whole world, we are minutes away from imminent death. We are stranded, we sent many SOS to the whole world – there has been no response, no response," said Abu Salmiya to Al Jazeera.

Abu Salmiya further said, "All I can say is that we’ve started to lose lives. Patients are dying by the minute, victims and wounded are also dying – even babies in the incubators. We lost a baby in the incubator, we also lost a young man in the intensive care unit. The hospital compound is cordoned off and the buildings of the hospital are targeted. Any moving person within the compound is targeted. The Israeli occupation forces are outside, preventing any person to move. One member of a medical crew who tried to reach the incubator to lend a helping hand to the babies born inside was shot and killed. In addition to that, some of the victims who were already injured suffered bone injuries as a result of sniper gunfire. The hospital is left without power, internet and even without water and medical supplies."

The Israeli government has long maintained that Hamas has been using tunnels and levels under the Gaza Strip's largest hospital, Al Shifa, as a command and control centre. Fighting is currently going on nearby. Besides the Al Shifa Hospital, two other facilities in the area, Rantisi and Al Nasr hospitals, have also been surrounded.

The claims of the Israeli and Hamas officials have not been independently verified.

Separately, Abu Salmiya also told The New York Times that the hospital premises were struck four times on Friday. A video said to have been verified by the paper on Friday showed a projectile landing in the open grounds of the hospital premises in which at least one casualty appeared to be visible.

"The chief of Al Shifa Hospital said it was struck four times on Friday, killing seven people, with several others wounded. The sources of the strikes and the extent of the damage were not immediately known...Videos verified by The New York Times show a projectile streaking out of the predawn darkness and into the hospital complex. It was not clear what kind of weapon was involved, who fired it or what damage it did," reported NYT on Saturday.

Separately, the Israeli military has said that it is operating in areas close to the Al Shifa Hospital, which it has dubbed as the "military quarter" of Gaza City. Hamas has long been known to embed itself deeply into the civilian settlements across Gaza. It also uses a widespread network of tunnels, some as deep as 130 ft underground, to move around and store weapons and hide personnel. While the Israeli military has said that it is aware of the "sensitivity of the hospitals", it said that if Hamas personnel attack from the hospitals, it would have to do the needful. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant also said, "The terrorists located in the basements of Shifa tonight can hear the thundering sound of our tanks and bulldozers."

While the claim of Hamas using the hospital as a base has gained traction lately, it is not for the first time that such an assessment has been made public. As far as in 2009, within just two years of Hamas taking over Gaza, the Israeli security apparatus had concluded that several top leaders of the group were based in the underground levels of the hospital complex.

"During a cabinet meeting a week ago, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin said senior Hamas officials found refuge in the hospital basement because they know Israel would not target it, due to the patients in the upper floors. Palestinian sources told Haaretz that not all the senior Hamas leaders are hiding in one place. Rather, they have spread out, and some are constantly changing locations. Some of the bunkers they are using were linked by tunnels Hamas built in recent years," said a report in the Haaretz paper in 2009.

Separately, the Israeli military said it captured a Hamas base in the Gaza City in the latest round of fighting and around 150 personnel of the designated terrorist group were killed in the fighting.

The Israel-Hamas War began on October 7 when Hamas and allied groups attacked Israel and went on a rampage across southern part of the country under the cover of around 3,000 rockets that rained all over the country. The Israeli government says at least 1,600 were killed, around 6,900 were injured, and at least 240 were abducted and taken to Gaza as hostages. In response, Israel launched intense aerial and bombardment of Gaza to take down Hamas leaders and facilities as part of the long war to defeat Hamas and remove it from Gaza's leadership. As part of the war, Israel also launched a ground operation around two weeks back, which was a watered-down version of the full-fledged invasion anticipated for weeks.

While Hamas has been hit hard in Israeli attacks, widespread civilian casualties have been reported in Gaza, with the Hamas-run Gazan authorities saying over 11,000 Palestinians have been killed, over 4,500 of whom are children. Moreover, around 1.5 million Palestinians are estimated to have been displaced internally in Gaza. The region is also short of food, medicines, and fuel amid a land blockade and the trickle of humanitarian aid is nowhere close to the levels envisioned by the United Nations (UN) agencies. Estimates also suggest that several thousands of houses, housing buildings, and schools have also been damaged fully or partially.

The grave humanitarian crisis in Gaza has led to calls for an immediate ceasefire and has diluted the international support for Israel in its war against Hamas as massive rallies frequently take place in the West against the Israeli war efforts. Israel has, however, rejected calls for ceasefires, but has so far accepted the US-led Western suggestions to reduce the invasion to a narrower and focused ground operation, enable more humanitarian aid into Gaza, and institute daily pauses in attacks for humanitarian purposes.

Palestinian journalist asks for aid for a family under siege

Palestinian journalist Yara Eid posted an emotional appeal to save a family trapped inside their home by Israeli tanks near al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

The Israeli army continues heavy fire on anyone who moves in the area and is preventing the arrival of ambulances.

In an Arabic and English video published to her X account, Eid asked international organizations to save the Khreis family, consisting of 13 members,

She says that they are trapped in their home surrounded by tanks and are being shelled by Israeli forces.

Israeli raids, detentions continuing in occupied West Bank

Palestinian towns left, right and centre since October 7. Since then, the number of Palestinians who have been detained has superseded 2,400.

The stories you hear from some of them are just horrific. Some are even too scared to talk to the media because they fear that Israel would retaliate against them for saying what’s happening.

Israel is also sealing entrances to cities and it’s becoming very difficult to move. But even those who manage to, are faced by Israeli soldiers at checkpoints who go through their phones.

If they have something the soldiers don’t like, then they are beaten up and sometimes arrested.

Gaza doctor calls for Israel’s ‘war crimes’ on hospitals to stop

During a news conference outside al-Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, a doctor has urged the international community to put a stop to the “war crimes” being committed against Gaza’s hospitals. “We are now calling [on] the whole world, if there is any awake conscience, please [take] action,” he said. “Any politician in the world now who cannot put the pressure to stop these war crimes on the hospitals, his hands are bloodied.”

He said that the besieged al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is understaffed and on the verge of collapse.

“Water now is not available. Electricity as well is not available,” he said. “The hospital doors are open, but we cannot provide medical help for our patients.”

“This must stop now. We cannot continue with such war crimes,” he said.

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Bank Indonesia memaparkan dampak pemilu terhadap investasi nasional

Bank Indonesia memaparkan dampak pemilu terhadap investasi nasional

Bank Indonesia memaparkan dampak pemilu terhadap investasi nasional

Ilustrasi: Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di triwulan IV tumbuh 4,9 persen/stimewa

Bank Indonesia (BI) memaparkan dampak pemilihan umum (pemilu) terhadap perekonomian nasional, salah satunya adalah terhadap pola investasi nasional.

Direktur Departemen Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Moneter (DKEM) BI Erwindo Kolopaking menyebut bahwa ekspansi investasi akan tinggi menjelang akhir 2023 atau sebelum pemilu dimulai pada Februari 2024.

“Satu putaran, dua putaran biasanya kenapa itu berpengaruh dan tadi disampaikan juga melambat menjelang pemilu, karena menjelang akhir pemerintahan. Makanya kami melihat di akhir tahun ini ekspansinya cukup besar,” kata Erwindo, di Raja Ampat, Papua, Sabtu.

Namun, Erwindo memprediksi, investasi pada triwulan I dan II tahun depan akan terjadi perlambatan, karena terjadi pergantian dua hal, yakni pergantian presiden dan para menteri.

Para investor menahan untuk melihat posisi pemerintahan yang baru. Hal itu akan membuat pola investasi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi agak sedikit melambat.

“Dan ketika presidennya berbeda, bagaimana dia (investor) melihat program-program yang disiarkan di dalam APBN 2024-nya. Apakah seluruhnya akan diambil atau mereka akan menyusun rancangan baru. Itu yang biasanya terjadi dan itu kan proses. Ini akan berpengaruh terhadap konsumsi dan investasi pemerintah di awal tahun,” kata Erwindo.

Setelah tahun pemilu berlalu, kata Erwindo lagi, maka pola investasi akan kembali normal. Kondisi penyesuaian tersebut diprediksi pasti terjadi, sehingga semakin lama proses pemilu, maka akan semakin berdampak pada struktur investasi.

Pemerintah dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat menyepakati penyelenggaraan pemungutan suara pemilu untuk memilih presiden dan wakil presiden, anggota DPR, DPRD Provinsi, DPRD kabupaten/kota, serta anggota DPD RI dilaksanakan pada Rabu, 14 Februari 2024.

Sedangkan pemungutan suara serentak nasional dalam pemilihan gubernur dan wakil gubernur, bupati dan wakil bupati, wali kota dan wakil wali kota, dilaksanakan pada Rabu, 26 November 2024.

Dampak Pemilu 2024 ke IHSG, Rupiah hingga Investasi

Sementara itu dua bulan lalu, Ekonom Bank Permata Josua Pardede mengatakan, Pemilu turut berdampak pada nilai tukar Rupiah yang diramal akan melemah, serta sikap investor asing yang cenderung wait and see.

Secara historis, dampak pemilu terhadap ekonomi Indonesia sangat bervariasi. Pada 2019 misalnya, dampak pemilu dinilai cenderung bias karena terjadinya perang dagang secara global.

Sementara pada 2004-2009, Rupiah dan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) tercatat mengalami pelemahan sesaat.

“Tapi setelah hasil pemilu keluar dan kondisi politik stabil, biasanya kepercayaan investor akan kembali rebound,” kata Josua dalam Media Gathering di Grand Aston Puncak, Bogor pada hari Senin, 25/09/2023.

Di sisi lain, jika melihat indikator makro, Josua mengungkapkan dua faktor yang cukup dominan dari pemilu. Di satu sisi, masyarakat melihat kegiatan pemilu akan mendorong konsumsi masyarakat, khususnya Lembaga Non Profit (LNPRT) yang melayani rumah tangga. Pada sisi lainnya, terdapat kecenderungan perlambatan penanaman modal asing (PMA) dalam empat pemilu terakhir.

“Namun yang menarik, walaupun pemilu, penanaman modal dalam negeri atau PMDN pertumbuhannya masih positif,” ujar Josua

Dalam hal ini, Josua menuturkan bahwa perilaku investor asing di berbagai negara yang sedang menggelar perhelatan pemilu cenderung menunjukkan sikap uncertain. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan akan adanya pemimpin baru yang turut melahirkan kebijakan-kebijakan baru.

“Investor asing cenderung lebih concern dibandingkan investor domestik. Justru investor domestik ini karena mengetahui kondisi politik relatif stabil dan tidak ada gejolak yang signifikan, itu membuat optimisme investor domestik lebih baik dibandingkan investor asing,” ungkap Josua.

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Bermain Imbang Serasa Menang - Indonesia 1 vs Ekuador 1 Piala Dunia U17

Bermain Imbang Serasa Menang - Indonesia 1 vs Ekuador 1 Piala Dunia U17

Bermain Imbang Serasa Menang - Indonesia 1 vs Ekuador 1 Piala Dunia U17

Tim U-17 Indonesia berhasil bermain imbang 1-1 melawan Ekuador di laga pertama Piala Dunia U-17 di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo Surabaya, hari Jumat, 10/11/2023/PSSI

Indonesia berhasil menahan imbang Ekuador dengan skor 1-1 dalam pertandingan pertama babak penyisihan grup A Piala Dunia U17 di Gelora Bung Tomo Surabaya, hari Jumat, 10/11/2023.

Hasil imbang teesebut disambut suka cita oleh para pemain dan juga para penggemar sepak bola timnas Indonesia.

Meski berakhir seri melawan Ekuador, namun hasil itu rasanya seperti sebuah kemenangan yang diraih timnas Indonesia.

Pada pertandingan tersebut, Indonesia unggul terlebih dahulu melalui gol dari Arkhan Kaka pada menit Ke-22'

Dari hasil pertandingan tersebut, Indonesia berada di peringkat ketiga dengan raihan satu poin. Sementara, Ekuador menempati posisi kedua dengan poin yang sama juga.

Jalannya pertandingan, Ekuador langsung menyerang pertahanan Indonesia di menit awal, begitu juga Indonesia.

Timnas Ekuador mendapat peluang pertama melalui Michael Bermudez pada menit ke-3 namun tendangannya dari di luar kotak penalti itu, masih melambung tinggi di atas mistar gawang Indonesia yang dikawal Ikram Al Giffari.

Pada pertandingan selanjutnya, Timnas Indonesia U-17 akan menghadapi Timnas Panama U-17 pada 13 November 2023 di Stadion GBT Surabaya, pukul 16.00 WIB.

Sementara, Timnas Maroko U-17 akan bertemu Timnas Ekuador U-17 di hari dan tempat yang sama, pada pukul 19.00 WIB.

Raih Poin Pertama di Level Dunia, Erick Thohir: Alhamdulillah, Hasil yang Bersejarah

Ketua Umum PSSI, Erick Thohir, yang mengapresiasi perjuangan Arkhan Kaka dan kawan-kawan sepanjang 90 menit yang mendebarkan.

Menurut Erick, semangat hari pahlawan yang jatuh pada hari ini di Kota Pahlawan menjadi inspirasi pasukan Garuda Muda untuk mencetak sejarah.

"Alhamdulillah tepat di Hari Pahlawan dan stadion yang memakai nama Bung Tomo, anak-anak menunjukkan semangat tak mau kalah," kata Erick, dikutip laman resmi PSSI, hari Jumat, 10/11/2023.

"Hari bersejarah ini, alhamdulillah kita meraih hasil yang bersejarah bagi sepak bola Indonesia yang merebut poin pertamanya di Piala Dunia," imbuh Menteri Negara BUMN ini.

Erick pun menilai dukungan suporter, termasuk Presiden Joko Widodo, yang hadir langsung di dalam stadion telah membakar semangat pemain.

Hal ini, lanjut Erick, merupakan kebanggaan karena Indonesia mampu tampil baik di laga yang disorot dan disaksikan tokoh sepak bola dunia. Di antaranya adalah Presiden FIFA, Gianni Infantino, yang datang menyaksikan pembukaan Piala Dunia U-17.

"Terima kasih atas dukungan para suporter termasuk Presiden Jokowi yang telah menjadi pemain ke-12 bagi Indonesia. Hari ini kita buktikan kepada dunia Indonesia bisa! Sekali lagi terima kasih," tandas Erick.

Tim U-17 Indonesia meraih hasil imbang 1-1 di laga perdana mereka di Piala Dunia U-17. Indonesia mampu unggul lebih dulu melalui sepakan Arkhan Kaka pada menit 22. Selang 8 menit kemudian, menyamakan kedudukan melalui sundulan Allen Obando.

Untuk sementara Indonesia berada di peringkat ketiga klasemen sementara Grup A. Sementara Maroko berada di puncak klasemen usai mengalahkan Panama dengan skor 2-0 pada laga sebelumnya di tempat yang sama.

Susunan pemain:

Timnas Indonesia U-17: Ikram Al Giffari (PG), Andre Pangestu, Sulthan Zaky, Iqbal gwijangge, Welber Jardim, Ji Da bin, Figo Dennis, Kaflatur Rizky, RiskI Afrisal, Arkhan Kaka Purwanto, Jehan Pahlevi.
Pelatih: Bima Sakti

Timnas Ekuador: Cristhian Loor (PG), Elkin Ruiz, Jair Collahuazo, Ivis Davis, Jesús Polo, Keny Arroyo, Jairo Reyes, Santiago Sanchez, Juan rodriguez, Michael Bermudez, Allen Obando
Pelatih: Diego Martinez

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Watch Russian Forces Destroy Western-Made Ukrainian Armored Vehicle With Kamikaze Drone

Watch Russian Forces Destroy Western-Made Ukrainian Armored Vehicle With Kamikaze Drone

Watch Russian Forces Destroy Western-Made Ukrainian Armored Vehicle With Kamikaze Drone

In the evolving landscape of modern warfare, Russian soldiers continue to demonstrate tactical superiority, recently showcasing their prowess by destroying another Western-made self-propelled artillery unit of the Ukrainian forces.

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of a Russian loitering munition dismantling a NATO-gifted self-propelled artillery unit of the Ukrainian troops.

These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have revolutionized warfare, introducing new dynamics that demand rapid adaptation in combat strategies.

Since the launch of the special operation, the effectiveness of Russian forces in utilizing this advanced technology has been evident. The strategic deployment of loitering munitions has enabled the Russian military to target and eliminate not only Ukrainian manpower, but also NATO-supplied weapons, ammunition depots, and various strategic assets.

Among the arsenal of sophisticated drones, the Russian Lancet kamikaze drone stands out. This cutting-edge loitering munition is renowned for its precision, lethality, and flexibility in combat scenarios. With its ability to strike with pinpoint accuracy, the Lancet is a formidable tool in the Russian military's efforts to neutralize key targets effectively, while minimizing collateral damage.

Watch Russian Paratroopers Obliterate Ukrainian Observation Point Near Artemovsk

In a determined attack, the Russian Guards Airborne Regiment from Kostroma successfully executed a high-precision operation in the Artemovsk area using BMD-2K-AU airborne infantry fighting vehicles.

The Defense Ministry published footage of Russian servicemen closing in on Ukrainian positions, engaging in direct fire combat, and destroying the enemy.

At a critical distance of just 500 meters, Russian troops skillfully utilized short bursts of fire, and launched a 9K111 Fagot (also known as the bassoon) anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). In addition, the Russian soldiers used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in adjusting fire, exemplifying the advanced technological capabilities of Moscow's forces. By utilizing those drones, the accuracy of their strikes was enhanced, resulting in minimal casualties, while ensuring maximum effectiveness and at the same time protecting the lives of Russian soldiers.

The city of Artemovsk, as well as its surroundings, is a strategic location which was liberated by Russian troops in May this year. Russian paratroopers have played a pivotal role in maintaining control of this city, contributing to the stability of the area

Watch Russian Forces Take Ukrainian Positions Around Rabotino

In a swift attack on Ukrainian positions in the Rabotino settlement area, the Russian fighters demonstrated their military prowess by neutralizing an enemy stronghold amidst the forested terrain in the Zaporozhye region.

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of its troops taking Ukrainian positions and capturing several enemy soldiers.

This successful mission underscores the vital role of advanced technology in modern warfare, particularly the use of attack drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The Russian forces, demonstrating superior tactics and technological edge, employed these drones to efficiently identify and suppress enemy firing points before launching an assault on the Ukrainian stronghold.

The precision and effectiveness of UAVs have become a game changer in the Ukrainian conflict, enabling Russian forces to execute operations with minimal risk and maximum efficacy. Not only do drones ensure the safety of Russian servicemen, but also minimize collateral damage.

Following reports of mass desertions and severe morale drop, Ukrainian soldiers have been increasingly surrendering to the Russian troops in recent months. The Ukrainian soldiers decide more and more often to avoid dying for Zelensky's corrupt regime in a NATO proxy conflict.

Watch Russian Howitzer Unleash Its Firepower in Special Op

Howitzers are artillery weapons that bridge the gap between cannons and mortars. They are capable of conducting both high-angle and low-angle fire over long distances, playing a pivotal role in artillery formations.

The Russian Ministry of Defense published footage that shows a 122-mm howitzer D-30 unit in action in the Kupyansk direction of the special military operation zone. The troops use highly explosive fragmentation shells, which disperse shards across the area, effectively eliminating enemy manpower.

The servicemen execute firing from concealed positions, utilizing reconnaissance drones to aid in target adjustment.

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0