Friday 17 November 2023

In Gaza, Ahmad lost his family then his legs to Israel’s bombing

In Gaza, Ahmad lost his family then his legs to Israel’s bombing

In Gaza, Ahmad lost his family then his legs to Israel’s bombing

Ahmad Shabat and his uncle Ibrahim Abu Amsheh at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip [Atia Darwish/Al Jazeera]

Deir el-Balah – In the intensive care unit of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, the little boy locks his eyes on his uncle’s face.

“Juice,” he says.

His maternal uncle, Ibrahim Abu Amsheh, complies, leaning forward to carefully insert the straw in the little boy’s mouth.

That was one of the rare words that the little boy, three-year-old Ahmad Ibrahim Shabat, has said since his legs were blown off in an Israeli air attack on Monday.

His uncle Ibrahim said Ahmad is not fully aware of what has happened to him.

“He doesn’t know he lost his legs,” the 28-year-old said. “He keeps asking to go outside for a walk.

“He’s in a lot of pain, and the hospital only has Acamol [paracetamol], which you take if you have a headache not if you’ve lost both your legs.”

Abu Amsheh tends to his nephew Ahmad in the ICU of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital [Atia Darwish/Al Jazeera]

Ahmad is one of the earliest victims of the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip. His family’s home in the northern town of Beit Hanoon was directly targeted by an air raid on the first day of Israel’s assault, killing his entire family except his two-year-old brother, Mahmoud.

“I had called my sister Diana’s house, and she told me they were getting ready to leave,” Abu Amsheh recalled. “As soon as I hung up, we heard that her house had been targeted, killing all of them. Ahmad’s parents, older brother Mohammed, his grandparents, his uncles, and aunts. All gone.”

When Ibrahim went to Beit Hanoon to bury his family, he found out from neighbours that Ahmad had been taken to the Indonesian Hospital, alive.

“The force of the blast threw him in the air and he landed in one of the neighbour’s yards,” Ibrahim said. “I took him back with me to Sheikh Radwan, where I had evacuated to with my family.”

But a day later, they were forced to move again, after a house right next door to where they were staying was bombed. Spooked, they went to a United Nations-run school in the al-Nasr neighbourhood, but barely spent a night there before they were displaced for the third time.

“That morning, the Israeli military dropped leaflets on us saying that the school was not safe and for us to evacuate,” Ibrahim said. “So we went to another UN school called Abu Oreiban in Nuseirat refugee camp.”

Abu Amsheh, 28, lost his sister to an Israeli air attack on her home in Beit Hanoon on October 7, and his brother in another attack in Nuseirat refugee camp on November 13 [Atia Darwish/Al Jazeera]

Israeli air attack

They spent a month at the school, and Ahmad grew very close to his other uncle Saleh, Ibrahim’s younger brother.

“Ahmad was very attached to Saleh, and the previous attacks made him cling to his uncle even more,” Ibrahim said. “He would wake up screaming and only be comforted by Saleh, who was going to be his legal guardian.”

Then came November 13.

Ahmad wanted to go to the shop with Saleh. As they walked out of the school, a series of explosions rocked the area. Ibrahim, still in the school, was among those who helped everyone run inside the classrooms to avoid being hit by shrapnel, until he realised his brother and nephew were outside the school.

“I ran out to see what happened to Ahmad and Saleh, and I saw Ahmad on the ground without his legs,” Ibrahim said. “I carried him in my arms and ran until an ambulance picked us up.”

At al-Awda Hospital, the doctors gave the little boy basic treatment before referring him to Al-Aqsa. Ibrahim looked among the wounded for his brother, but couldn’t find him. With dread mounting inside of him, he asked where the morgue was.

“I unwrapped the shroud from the body closest to me and saw his face,” he said, as he started sobbing quietly. “Saleh was still young, only 26 years old. He had just gotten engaged. We buried him at sunset.”

Ahmad Shabat, age three, spent three hours on the operating table [Atia Darwish/Al Jazeera]

Long road to recovery

In the hospital in Deir el-Balah, Ahmad spent three hours on the operating table.

Dr Ahmad Ismail al-Zayyan, the orthopaedic surgeon who administered his case, said he arrived in terrible shape, with both legs severed from above the knee.

“We’ve seen from other cases of amputee children, some of whom survived and others who did not, that the type of weapons used by Israel has melted bones and connective tissue,” al-Zayyan said.

In the long run, Ahmad’s troubles are far from over, al-Zayyan said, and his biggest struggle may be getting fitted properly for prosthetics.

“His balance will also be affected since the amputation is above the knee,” he said. “And he’ll have muscle atrophy because his body still has a lot of growing to do.”

Al-Zayyan said he hopes Ahmad will get the care he needs outside Gaza. “We don’t have the resources for prosthetic parts in the Gaza Strip,” he said. “We also lack surgical instruments and anaesthesia.”

Ahmad Ismail al-Zayyan, orthopaedic surgeon at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital [Atia Darwish/Al Jazeera]

‘Live like other children’

In the ICU, Ahmad lies on his back, what remains of his legs heavily bandaged and splayed. Ibrahim, who has a one-and-a-half-year-old daughter himself, watches him tenderly.

“This boy has experienced so much,” he said. “Ahmad survived, but he is practically like the living dead. He’s barely had time to recover from the attack on his home that killed his family.”

Ahmad was a cheeky boy and loved to play, but now he is riddled with pain and fear. He used to ask for his mother but doesn’t anymore.

“We tell him his mother loves him very much and that she’s in heaven now,” Ibrahim said, tears running down his face into his black beard.

“I wouldn’t wish on anyone what we’ve been through.”

The uncle, who will raise Ahmad as his own son, hopes the child will be able to have a semblance of a normal life.

“He had barely started nursery,” Ibrahim said.

“I know he won’t be the same boy he was before all of this began, but I just want him to have as normal a life as possible.

I implore anyone who can to help us get him prosthetics so he can live like other children.”

A nurse checks on Ahmad Shabat, whose legs were blown off in an Israeli air attack in Nuseirat refugee camp on November 12, 2023 [Atia Darwish/Al Jazeera]

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Watch Russian Sappers Clear Obstacles Using IMR-3M in Special Op Zone

Watch Russian Sappers Clear Obstacles Using IMR-3M in Special Op Zone

Watch Russian Sappers Clear Obstacles Using IMR-3M in Special Op Zone

The Russian military's ingenuity in engineering and defense is exemplified in the recent demonstration of the IMR-3M, an Armoured Obstacle Clearing Vehicle (AOCV), by the army’s sappers in the special operations zone.

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of engineer troops training to clear obstacles using the IMR-3M vehicles. A Sputnik correspondent observed these drills, highlighting the vehicle's crucial role in supporting troops in challenging environments.

The IMR-3M multipurpose vehicle, developed on the robust and reliable T-72 tank platform, is designed to operate in areas affected by nuclear, chemical, or conventional weapons, as well as in search and rescue operations following natural or man-made disasters, including accidents at nuclear power plants.

It is equipped with a 12.7mm KORD heavy machine gun (HMG), capable of engaging ground targets accurately up to 2,000 meters and aerial targets up to 1,500 meters. The vehicle’s engineering prowess is further augmented with a 360° rotating telescopic boom, featuring excavation gear, a bulldozing kit, and a track-width mine plow, among other equipment.

In the broader context of Russian defense strategies, the IMR-3M's operation is integral to the success of the famed dragon teeth defense system. This elaborate network of fortifications, which includes dragon's teeth barriers, "hedgehogs," and minefields, has been pivotal in impeding Ukraine's advance along the front line. Erected last fall following September referendums that integrated territories into Russia, these defenses have sent a clear message to NATO and its Ukrainian proxies about Russia's resolve and territorial integrity.

Dragon's teeth, also known as "devil's teeth" in Western media, are pyramid-shaped concrete anti-tank obstacles, ranging from 90 to 120 cm in height. Their effectiveness against tanks is well-documented, but their true strength lies in their strategic use as part of a sophisticated defense structure. These barriers are not merely physical impediments; they create an illusion of a surmountable obstacle, trapping enemy tanks that breach the first line of defense and making them vulnerable to artillery and other anti-tank weapons.

Four Ukrainian soldiers surrender after failed attack near Verbovoye in Zaporozhye area

Russian forces captured four Ukrainian servicemen who surrendered after Kiev’s failed attack near Verbovoye in the Zaporozhye area, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the We Are Together with Russia movement, told TASS on Friday.

"We captured prisoners of war in Verbovoye where four servicemen surrendered. This took place yesterday morning when two enemy armored combat vehicles were destroyed. The enemy assault personnel surrendered," he said.

As Rogov told TASS on November 16, Russian forces destroyed two Ukrainian armored vehicles in repelling an enemy attack near Verbovoye.

The Ukrainian military has been making unsuccessful attempts to advance since June 4. As Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on October 30, the Kiev regime has lost more than 90,000 troops killed and wounded, about 600 tanks and 1,900 armored vehicles over this period. The Russian defense chief stressed that the Ukrainian military had failed to achieve any significant tactical successes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on October 15 that the Ukrainian army’s counteroffensive had completely failed, although Kiev was preparing new offensive operations in some frontline areas

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End ‘magical thinking’ about defeating Russia – experts

End ‘magical thinking’ about defeating Russia – experts

End ‘magical thinking’ about defeating Russia – experts

A Ukrainian soldier walks in the trench near the frontline village of Rabotino in Zaporozhye Region, on October 1, 2023.
©Roman Pilipey / AFP

Western leaders must give up their “magical thinking” about defeating Russia in Ukraine, two analysts from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace have claimed, in an essay published by the Wall Street Journal.

The Washington think tank’s authors, Eugene Rumer and Andrew Weiss wrote Thursday that contrary to the hopes of Western officials who speculated that Russian President Vladimir Putin would be ousted in a “palace coup,” Moscow has maintained popular support for its Ukraine strategy while overcoming efforts to cripple its economy.

z Officials in the west “have indulged all too often in magical thinking– betting on sanctions, a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive or the transfer of new types of weapons to force the Kremlin to come to the negotiating table.”

“What Western leaders conspicuously haven’t done is level with their publics about the enduring nature of the threat from an emboldened, revisionist Russia,” they noted. 

“More than six months before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Putin signed off on a new national security strategy for Russia,” they claimed.

“The main thrust of that document was to prepare the country for a long-term confrontation with the West. Today, Putin can tell the nation that his strategy is working.”

Although Rumer and Weiss claimed that “none of this should come as a surprise,” the publication of the piece marks a continuation of a new, more critical trend in mainstream US media on the Ukraine's prospects in its conflict with Russia.

The tone has shifted amid widespread recognition that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky faces wavering allies, enormous casualties, and growing fissures within his leadership team.

One of the most somber articles was posted late last month by Time magazine, which had named Zelensky its “person of the year” just last December. “Exhaustion with the war rolls along like a wave,” Zelensky told the publication, referring to the sharp decrease in Western enthusiasm for the Ukrainian cause.

Speaking to The Economist earlier this month, Valery Zaluzhny, Kiev’s top general, admitted that the situation on the battlefront had reached “a stalemate.”

There are no indications that Russia is losing the conflict, which has become a “war of attrition,” Rumer and Weiss conclude.

Putin’s position has only strengthened and Russian defense contractors are outperforming their Western counterparts in producing weaponry. The Russian economy has withstood US-led sanctions, they find.

“The technocrats responsible for running the Russian economy have proven themselves to be resilient, adaptable, and resourceful,” the two analysts said. “Elevated oil prices, driven in part by close cooperation with Saudi Arabia, are refilling state coffers. Ukraine, by contrast, depends heavily on infusions of Western cash.”

Weiss and Rumer called for a shift to a long-term containment strategy because “there should be no illusions that any possible combination of short-term steps will be sufficient to force Putin to abandon his war.” The new strategy would involve continuing Western sanctions, isolating Russia diplomatically, and strengthening NATO defense capabilities, as well as “mitigating all of the damage – diplomatic, informational, military and economic” caused by the war.

The op-ed stressed that Western leaders had used a similarly long-term approach during the Cold War, rather than unrealistically betting on an “overnight collapse of the Soviet system.” However, the analysts advised against fighting another Cold War.

“Embarking on a global competition with the Kremlin would not be a wise investment of US prestige or resources. It would consign us to a pointless game of whack-a-mole against any and all manifestations of Russian influence,” wrote Rumer and Weiss.

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Nobel Prize Winner 2022 Who Doesn't Believe Climate Crisis

Nobel Prize Winner 2022 Who Doesn't Believe Climate Crisis

Nobel Prize Winner 2022 Who Doesn't Believe Climate Crisis

Physicist Dr. John Clauser poses after having been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 during the Nobel Prize award ceremony at the Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10, 2022. The Co2 Coalition said this week that the International Monetary Fund canceled Clauser's speech scheduled for July 25, 2023.

Nobel Prize winner Dr. John Clauser, who has disputed issues surrounding climate change, recently was told he would not be speaking to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), according to CO2 Coalition, a non-profit organization that believes carbon dioxide is beneficial to society.

"Nobel Laureate (Physics 2022) Dr. John Clauser was to present a seminar on climate models to the IMF on Thursday and now his talk has been summarily cancelled," the CO2 Coalition said in a statement. "According to an email he received last evening, the Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund, Pablo Moreno, had read the flyer for John's July 25 zoom talk and summarily and immediately canceled the talk. Technically, it was 'postponed,'" the statement added

"I don't believe there is a climate crisis," Clauser said during at Quantum Korea. "The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena."

According to the CO2 Coalition, Clauser made similar comments in the past, including: "In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world's large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science."

According to the Nobel Prize website, Clauser won a Nobel Prize in physics in 2022 for quantum mechanics research. The CO2 Coalition said that he was awarded the Nobel Prize "for experimentally elucidating the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which forms the theoretical basis for quantum cryptography."

At a fiery news conference at the Four Seasons hotel here Tuesday, speakers denounced climate change as a hoax perpetrated by a “global cabal” including the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and many leaders of the Catholic Church.

It might have seemed like a fringe event, except for one speaker’s credentials. John F. Clauser shared the Nobel Prize in physics last year before declaring Tuesday that “there is no climate crisis” — a claim that contradicts the overwhelming scientific consensus.

The event showcased Clauser’s remarkable shift since winning one of the world’s most prestigious awards for his groundbreaking experiments with light particles in the 1970s. His recent denial of global warming has alarmed top climate scientists, who warn that he is using his stature to mislead the public about a planetary emergency.

On the other hand, scientists who claim that there is a climate emergency that has misled humanity, are angry at this statement, because of the domino effect, the West will be prevented from directing funds to all countries for reasons that are deliberately fabricated (my claim, bloggers are experts in mathematics, physics, chemistry and virology).

Clauser, 80, who has a booming voice and white hair he often leaves uncombed, has brushed off these concerns. He says skepticism is a key part of the scientific process.

“There was overwhelming consensus that what I was doing was pointless” in the 1970s, he said in an interview after the news conference. “It took 50 years for my work to win the prize. That’s how long it takes for opinions to change.”

Tuesday’s event was organized by the Deposit of Faith Coalition, a group of more than a dozen Catholic organizations that argues that “those pushing the anti-God and anti-family climate agenda need to be called out and exposed.” Clauser, who is an atheist, needed some convincing to be the keynote speaker, a coalition spokesman acknowledged.

The other speakers included Marc Morano, a former Republican congressional staffer who runs a website that rejects mainstream climate science, and Alex Newman, a journalist for right-wing media outlets who has called for exposing the “climate scam.” Both men took multiple jabs at former vice president Al Gore and his 2006 documentary about the dangers of climate change.

Clauser, who wore a gray blazer with black jeans and Teva sandals, appeared buoyant as he took the stage. He cycled through a PowerPoint presentation that began with the exclamation: “Great news! There is no climate crisis!”

“Much as it may upset many people, my message is the planet is not in peril,” Clauser told an audience of roughly a dozen people in the hotel conference room and others watching online. “I call myself a climate denier,” he added. “I’ve been told that’s not politically correct. So I guess I’m a climate crisis d-word person.”

Clauser bragged that he met privately with President Biden in the Oval Office last year, when the 2022 Nobel Prize winners were invited to the White House. He said he criticized Biden’s climate and energy policies, to which he said the president replied: “Sounds like right-wing science.”

The Washington Post could not confirm this account; a White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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