Saturday 25 November 2023

A hard truth about the Russia-Ukraine conflict is finally dawning on the West

A hard truth about the Russia-Ukraine conflict is finally dawning on the West

A hard truth about the Russia-Ukraine conflict is finally dawning on the West

©Sputnik/Konstantin Mihalchevskiy

By Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany working at Koç University, Istanbul, on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, the history of World War II, the cultural Cold War, and the politics of memory

On November 16, the Wall Street Journal, one of the most prestigious and influential American media outlets, published an essay under the title “It’s Time to End Magical Thinking About Russia’s Defeat.”

The authors, Eugene Rumer and Andrew S. Weiss, are influential representatives of America’s national security and international relations establishment. After a career in government service, Rumer now directs the Russia and Eurasia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Weiss is Carnegie’s vice president for studies. This is an important text, and both its message and the timing of its publication matter.

The message is simple: “Putin” (by which they mean Russia) has “withstood the West’s best efforts” to roll back the military operation against Ukraine; Moscow’s political system has proven resilient and even become stronger; and “America and its allies” must now switch to a strategy of “containment.”

The timing is more complex. Clearly, the current Israeli war on Gaza – referred to as “tumult in the Middle East” – is one of three key factors. The other two are the approaching presidential elections in the US, and, of course, the failure of Ukraine’s summer counteroffensive, by now acknowledged even in gung-ho outlets such as the British Daily Telegraph.

In addition, America's hold over the non-Western majority of humanity is continuing to decline. China, in particular, is successfully resisting Washington’s pressure. Domestically, President Joe Biden's government faces tough headwinds from both the official Republican opposition and a growing movement in the American street, where widespread and deep dissatisfaction with politics and the economy is now combining with an unprecedented groundswell of protest against US complicity in Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinians.

American polls are unambiguous. In September, even before the Middle East crisis, the Pew Research Center found that “Americans’ views of politics and elected officials” are now unusually and “unrelentingly negative, with little hope of improvement on the horizon.” By now, a majority of Americans also contradict the Biden administration – and the rest of almost the whole bipartisan political establishment – by wanting a cease fire in Gaza, while the number of those supporting Israel is decreasing quickly and significantly.

Against this background, this Wall Street Journal article clearly serves as an authoritative call for retrenchment. The object of this signal to retreat is the proxy war in Ukraine, that is, the single most aggressive, most risky, and most defeated US foreign policy strategy in the past two years (if we count from the moment Washington recklessly decided to stonewall Moscow’s clear warning as well as its urgent offer to find a grand bargain-style off-ramp in late 2021).

So far, so telling. But not surprising. For two reasons: the turn away from Ukraine is already fairly old non-news. Even mainstream media spotted the onset of a severe, probably terminal, bout of Ukraine fatigue well before the eruption of the fresh war in the Middle East. Secondly, the skeptical insights now given prominence in the Wall Street Journal as reasons to wrap up its proxy war investment in Ukraine are very old hat indeed. As a matter of fact, the most interesting question the essay – inadvertently – raises is what took you so long?

It would be tedious to address every point raised now in the Wall Street Journal. But since they all have in common that they have been predicted or were utterly predictable, a few highlights will do.

We learn, for instance, that the West’s attempts to isolate Russia have failed. Yet how hard was it to foresee that the Global South has no reason to follow the West except fear, and that fear is abating? And was it impossible to know in advance that China would answer “No, thank you very much,” when the US and the EU did two things at the same time: urge it to abandon Russia, which would have meant giving up Beijing’s single most important partnership, and signal that China would be next to be cut down to size? China, in essence, initially gestured a little in the direction of distancing itself from Russia, but the strategic fundamentals of the situation determined its real behavior and have become explicit by now. This outcome was predicted, not by every expert but by enough of them to matter.

We are also reminded that this is a war of attrition, i.e. one favoring Russia by its very nature. Even on CNN, we heard that much as early as April 2022, and the militantly Atlanticist Economist magazine admitted it in a backhanded way (using the euphemism “war of endurance”) in September.

Every war is a matter of competitive military performance. But in a war of attrition, three fundamental things matter the most: the size, productive and technological capacity, and resilience of the economy; the stability of the political system, including its real-life popularity and the elites’ legitimacy; and, of course, demography. The Wall Street Journal observes that Russia’s economy has “been buffeted but is not in tatters” (really understating its success, but let’s not quibble) and that its political system draws on “solid” popular support and elites that have neither rebelled nor deserted.

In the West at least, this was harder to predict. Not because of Russia being so difficult to decipher, but due to Western bias and groupthink, or, bluntly put, wishful thinking. Even before the post-February 2022 Ukraine war, Western politics, media, think tanks, and even academia have rewarded unrealistically pessimistic assessments of both Russia’s economy and political stability. Consider, as a pars pro toto, Western reactions to the Wagner rebellion in June. Quite a few of them predicted the imminent collapse of Russia into anarchy and civil war or, at least, a great and lasting domestic and international weakening of Russia. Yet none of this has come to pass.

The importance of this comprehensive, almost total failure of analysis and prediction lies in how typical it was, reflecting a dominant culture of politicized sloppiness vitiating Western thinking about Russia. A sloppiness that is all the more astonishing as precisely Moscow’s opponents cannot afford it without serious self-harm.

For self-harm is the main result. It is true that Russia has to bear some of the cost of Western shortsightedness. Obviously, Moscow as well would be better off if it could work with reasonable, if competitive, partners instead of irrationally hostile opponents who constantly underestimate Russia and overestimate themselves. Yet the West is suffering even more from its pattern of repetitive mistakes.

The costs of the proxy war in Ukraine demonstrate this fact, and not only in terms of arms and money, but of political prestige as well. Regarding the quantifiable costs, the US Congress, for instance, has approved $113 billion worth of aid for Ukraine since February 2022. Currently, a request for even more is turning into a major domestic headache for the Biden administration, and most likely, a defeat. The EU has shelled out almost €85 billion.

Of course, not all of these funds have really been appropriated, and much of them have really been fueling corruption in Ukraine or served the donors and especially their arms industries, as US politicians have repeatedly pointed out with proud cynicism. Yet the overall picture remains one of severe fiscal overstretch spent on a losing gamble. Add the self-inflicted losses that the EU’s economies in particular have incurred from their misconceived sanctions policy and the picture is grim. Add, moreover, how much the West will have to spend if it really wishes to finance the rebuilding of Ukraine, and the prospect turns catastrophic. Good luck, EU, with those membership plans.

In addition, intangibles matter as well. Clearly, “losing” Ukraine (which the West should not have tried to “own” in the first place) will reveal the bloc's weakness more sharply than the failures in, for instance, Iraq, Libya, Syria, or Afghanistan. For two reasons. First, unlike these countries, Russia is a great power; that means it is in a position to exploit the Western setback. Moscow, put differently, is big enough to geopolitically counterattack.

Whether or when exactly it will do so, and what shape such a new “snapping back” of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s metaphorical “rubber band” will take this time, remains to be seen. What is clear is that such payback is a realistic possibility. Secondly, the West is committed as never before, substantially and rhetorically, when trying to use Ukraine to reduce Russia. Hence, failing to do so exposes Western limits as never before. Rumer and Weiss are not naïve. They cannot say it – and maybe they can’t even quite think it – but in their heart of hearts they know that packaging this defeat as a mere change of strategy to “containment” will not fool anyone who does not want to be fooled.

It is good to finally see some hard facts appear prominently in mainstream Western debates. But it is not enough. For one thing, the West has to ask itself painful questions why it has stayed so obsessively one-sided for so long. Otherwise, the same pattern will be repeated in starting and waging the next war, for instance, against China or Iran. Secondly, a shift to “containment” will not repair the damage but merely stretch it out. What the West really needs is a complete rethinking of not merely its methods but its aims.

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Friday 24 November 2023

Ukraine Loses Over 1,680 Soldiers in Donetsk Direction in Past Week

Ukraine Loses Over 1,680 Soldiers in Donetsk Direction in Past Week

Ukraine Loses Over 1,680 Soldiers in Donetsk Direction in Past Week

©Sputnik/Evgeny Biyatov/Go to the mediabank

Russia repelled 22 Ukrainian attack, and Kiev lost more than 1,680 soldiers in the Donetsk direction in the past week, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Friday.

"Over the past week, enemy losses in this direction amounted to over 1,680 soldiers killed and wounded, four tanks, ten armored fighting vehicles, 18 cars, and 14 field artillery guns," the ministry said in a statement.

Russia repelled 11 Ukrainian attacks and Kiev has lost 435 soldiers killed and wounded in the Zaporozhye direction in the past week, the ministry said. "The enemy's losses amounted to up to 435 servicemen killed and wounded, three tanks, 21 armored fighting vehicles, 22 cars, and four field artillery guns," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian military has lost over 625 soldiers in the South Donetsk direction, the ministry said. "The losses of the Ukraine armed forces for the specified period amounted to over 625 servicepeople, seven armored fighting vehicles, 16 vehicles and 13 field artillery guns," the ministry added.

Ukraine has lost over 305 soldiers in the Kupyansk direction and 405 soldiers in the Kherson direction, the ministry said. Russia has repelled 10 Ukrainian attacks in the Krasny Liman direction in the past week, the ministry said.

"The total losses of the Ukrainian armed forces amounted to more than 740 servicemen killed and wounded, six armored fighting vehicles, 15 vehicles and three field artillery guns," the ministry said.

Iskander-M's New Double Strike Tactic Catches ‘Ukrainian Soldiers Off Guard’

The Russian military has ushered in a new strategy aimed at bolstering the effectiveness of targeting objectives on the Ukrainian front. This strategy involves a dual strike using the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile complex.

©Sputnik/Stringer/Go to the mediabank

Recent reports shed light on the unique utilization of the missile complex, involving the simultaneous launch of multiple missiles at a designated target. What sets this tactic apart is the subsequent follow-up strike, executed after a calculated interval.

A vivid instance took place recently when a Ukrainian Armed Forces base in the Zaporozhye region was completely destroyed. Initially, two missiles were fired, followed by a precisely timed "control" projectile. This secondary strike occurred when Ukrainian soldiers had congregated at the point of impact, leading to further casualties among them.

The strategic shift took the Ukrainian forces by surprise, disrupting their accustomed response to solitary missile attacks, as observed by Western media outlets analyzing the novel approach adopted by Russian missile operators.

It is worth noting that this tactical maneuver requires greater missile consumption. The synchronized deployment of missiles indirectly signals an upsurge in the supply of operational-tactical missiles from the Russian defense industry to the armed forces.

The beefed-up arsenal of missiles at the disposal of the Russian military enables it to execute "salvo" attacks, culminating in a decisive "control" launch to incapacitate the enemy effectively.

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Amid the ceasefire Israel blocked the return of Palestinians to northern Gaza

Amid the ceasefire Israel blocked the return of Palestinians to northern Gaza

Amid the ceasefire Israel blocked the return of Palestinians to northern Gaza

Israel has said that northern Gaza is out of bounds as displaced Palestinians attempt to use the pause in fighting to return to their homes.

Large numbers of displaced people were attempting to return home across Gaza as the four-day truce brokered by Qatar took effect on Friday morning. However, Israel has warned people that they will not be allowed to enter the north of the war-torn enclave.

Videos obtained by Al Jazeera showed Palestinians returning to their homes in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip, despite the Israeli army’s insistence that it is a combat zone.

At least two Palestinians are reported to have been killed by the Israeli military, and 11 wounded, as they have attempted the trip to northern Gaza.

The Israeli military has said that it expects Hamas would try to encourage or push civilians to return to the northern part of the Gaza Strip and that it was prepared to prevent it from happening, Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Jamjoom reported from occupied East Jerusalem.

Israel dropped leaflets over southern Gaza, warning the hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians who sought refuge there not to return north amid its ground offensive, reported the Associated Press.

Still, hundreds could be seen walking north on Friday.

Citing witnesses, Palestinian news agency Wafa said that seven people were wounded by Israeli forces as they attempted the trip to northern Gaza.

Several have been injured and taken back to hospitals in the south of the territory, reported Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, from Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

Two were shot and killed by Israeli troops and another 11 were wounded in the legs. An AP journalist reported seeing two bodies and the wounded as they arrived at a hospital.

An Israeli military spokesperson, Avichay Adraee, released a statement in Arabic on X.

“Residents of Gaza, the movement of the population from the south of the Strip to the north will not be allowed in any way, but only from the north to the south,” it read.

“We invite you not to approach the military forces and the areas north of the Gaza Valley. Take advantage of the time to replenish your needs and arrange your affairs,” he said.

“The area north of the Gaza Strip is a combat zone and it is forbidden to stay there. The war is not over and we urge you to obey the teachings and warnings for your safety,” Adraee added.

‘Everything is broken’

Many people no longer have a home to go back to after seven weeks of Israeli bombardment and ground invasions that started on October 7.

Gaza resident Ashraf Shann told Al Jazeera that he had mixed feelings about the truce.

“I have nowhere to go back to even if [the Israelis] allow us to go back to Gaza City. My house was bombed and completely destroyed on the third day of the war,” he said.

“At the same time, I’m happy for those people whose loved ones are missing. At least they can go and pick up the pieces and try to search for them.”

Zak Hania, a displaced Palestinian who fled the Shati refugee camp, said “everything is broken in Gaza”.

“We don’t know whether to be happy or sad. Our houses are broken, our hearts are broken, everything is broken in Gaza now. We do not know how life will continue after this,” he told Al Jazeera from the southern city of Khan Younis.

Asked if he was planning to head home during the truce, Hania responded: “We can’t go because the Israeli army said nobody’s allowed to go back to the north and people are afraid and hesitant to go.

“I think it’s dangerous to go back because they’re still on the road separating the north and south of Gaza … We’re not sure about anything and we’re just praying that the ceasefire holds,” he said.

Resumption of war looming

Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Khan Younis in southern Gaza, said the looming fact that the war will resume in a matter of days was a huge disappointment for people.

“There is a sense of happiness, a sense of optimism, but it is a cautious optimism because after 48 days of relentless air strikes and killings, so many Palestinians have been surrounded by destruction and blood, and the bodies of loved ones and family members,” Mahmoud said.

“The ceasefire comes when people want to take a moment and just check on each other and check on their homes and belongings,” he said.

“There is also the looming fact that the war will resume in a matter of days, according to Israeli officials,” Mahmoud said.

“That statement was very devastating and depressing for many Palestinians who believe this ceasefire is incomplete and unfair, as they want to go and check on their homes and see who is left among their family members,” he said.

Israel’s war has killed more than 14,800 people in Gaza since October 7. In Israel, the official death toll from Hamas’s attacks before the war stands at about 1,200.

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WATCH Lancet drone silence Ukrainian howitzer

WATCH Lancet drone silence Ukrainian howitzer

WATCH Lancet drone silence Ukrainian howitzer

©Telegram/@blackhussars via @voenacher

A short clip published on Friday by a military-themed Russian Telegram channel purports to show one of the latest successful deployments of a Lancet kamikaze drone against Ukrainian forces.

The video contains aerial footage of what appears to be a self-propelled howitzer firing shells from the cover of trees, which obstruct the weapon.

A Russian drone, said to be a Lancet, then swoops in, scoring a direct hit and starting a fire. The terrain seen in the video is covered by snow, indicating that may have been filmed recently.

The strike was attributed to the ‘Black Hussars’. The nickname is used by troops from the 15th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, which is based in Samara Region. Its members are reportedly fighting on the frontline in the Donetsk People’s Republic near the Kiev-controlled city of Krasny Liman.

The unit is designated “Aleksandriyskaya” after a cavalry regiment fielded by the Russian Empire in the late 19th century, whose members called themselves “immortal” or “black” hussars and used as their insignia skull and bones on a black Maltese cross.

The Lancet loitering munition has been described by military analysts as one of the most significant threats that moderately-armored Ukrainian heavy weapons face on the battlefield. Produced by a subsidiary of Kalashnikov, the drone comes in two main versions, with payloads weighing one and three kilograms respectively.

Watch Russian Kamikaze Drones Seek and Destroy Ukrainian Infantry Groups

Experience has shown how valuable UAVs are in modern conflicts. The Russian Army is a leader in the use of kamikaze drones with powerful munitions to target personnel and military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces within the designated zone of the special military operation.

The following footage released by the Russian Defense Ministry shows Russian units using loitering munitions, commonly known as kamikaze drones, to attack enemy positions in the Donetsk People's Republic.

Operators controlling the kamikaze drones carried out successful missions, eliminating two Ukrainian infantry groups near the stronghold in the Artemovsk region, the Russian Defense Ministry told Sputnik.

These kamikaze or "suicide" drones demonstrate enhanced combat capabilities by executing precise surgical strikes. Operating in a passive mode, the drone waits patiently within a designated area, scanning for targets and initiating an attack once it identifies and locates its intended prey.

In addition, these munitions have the capability of selective targeting, allowing a strike to be modified or aborted mid-mission

Watch Russia's Ka-29 & Mi-8 Choppers Unleash Firepower Near Crimean Coast

The Black Sea Fleet's Russian helicopters diligently patrol the Crimean coastal waters daily. In conjunction with warships and coastal observation posts, the pilots remain vigilant, keeping a watchful eye out for any unmanned watercraft or speedboats belonging to the Ukrainian forces.

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of Ka-29 and Mi-8 assault and transport choppers launching strikes at targets in the waters of the Crimean Peninsula.

Russia's aviation has been relentlessly decimating Ukrainian military equipment on a daily basis. Furthermore, helicopter crews are honing their skills in combat flights, effectively annihilating small sea targets.

"Our onboard armament enables us to fulfill these tasks. A combat mission always requires ingenuity, so I wouldn't say that any idiosyncrasies of piloting are present; we have been trained and equipped for this purpose, so we are simply doing our job... Flying over the sea is always challenging, which is precisely why we are naval aviators. It is our duty to traverse the skies above the ocean," remarked one of the pilots.

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Riots and arson grip Dublin after stabbing spree - Video

Riots and arson grip Dublin after stabbing spree - Video

Riots and arson grip Dublin after stabbing spree - Video

Crowds of rioters have set police and public transport vehicles on fire in the Irish capital, Dublin, amid rumors that a man who stabbed three children and a woman at a city school was a foreign national.

Protesters began to assemble in the center of the city on Thursday afternoon following the knife attack. One of the victims, a five-year-old girl, was hospitalized with serious injuries.

Police arrested a man in his 50s at the scene, and although no description of the man has been released, Irish news site Gript identified him as an Algerian national, citing police sources.

Riot police were deployed to keep the protesters in check, but clashes soon broke out, with multiple officers assaulted, RTE News reported. Fireworks and crowd-control barriers were hurled at police, who attempted to push crowds of angry locals back with riot shields.

Several police vehicles were set on fire, with arsonists also targeting at least two double-decker buses and a tram, according to multiple reports.

Groups of hooded rioters also smashed the front window of a building used to house migrants, and charged police lines with flaming dumpsters.

Police commissioner Drew Harris condemned the “disgraceful scenes,” and described the rioters as “a complete lunatic hooligan faction driven by far right ideology.” Harris said that those responsible for the unrest “will be dealt with properly.”

The stabbing and subsequent riot came a week after Josef Puska, a Romani migrant from Slovakia, was sentenced to life in prison for the brutal murder of a woman in the town of Tullamore last January.

Ireland’s struggle to house and integrate hundreds of thousands of migrants and asylum seekers has led to increasingly frequent displays of public anger in Dublin, including repeated protests outside an accommodation center for single male migrants last November, and violent clashes at an illegal migrant squat in the city earlier this year, which culminated in locals tearing down the “shanty town.”

Some 141,000 immigrants entered Ireland between April 2022 and April 2023, according to the most recent figures from the Central Statistics Office. Last year, a record 13,651 people sought asylum in Ireland, the majority arriving from Georgia, Somalia, and Syria.

Knife-wielding attacker stabs woman and children in Dublin

Irish police have arrested a man after he allegedly stabbed four people, three of them children under six years old, at a school in Dublin on Thursday. The incident provoked angry protests on the streets of the city, as rumors circulated that the perpetrator was a foreign national.

One adult woman and three children were injured in the rampage, which took place at an Irish-language school in the center of the city. One of the children, a five-year-old girl, was taken to a nearby hospital with serious injuries, while two others – a five-year-old boy and six-year-old girl – were treated for less serious wounds, the Irish Times reported.

The attacker was restrained at the scene by members of the public and arrested shortly afterwards, according to local media reports. He was also taken to a hospital for treatment, and was described by police as an adult male in his 50s.

While police provided no further information about the man or his potential motive, Gript, a right-wing news site, described him as an Algerian national, citing police sources.

As a description of the suspect as Algerian spread on social media, crowds of protesters assembled near the scene, where the demonstration soon devolved into clashes between riot police and hooded rioters. At least one police vehicle was set on fire, and multiple officers were assaulted, RTE News reported.

Police commissioner Drew Harris condemned the vandals as “a complete lunatic hooligan faction driven by far right ideology.”

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0