Tuesday 26 December 2023

Israel bombs sites across the Gaza Strip overnight - Israeli PM Netanyahu says war in Gaza will continue

Israel bombs sites across the Gaza Strip overnight - Israeli PM Netanyahu says war in Gaza will continue

Israel bombs sites across the Gaza Strip overnight - Israeli PM Netanyahu says war in Gaza will continue

Medics said an Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis in southern Gaza killed 23 people, bringing total Palestinian fatalities overnight on Sunday to more than 100. At least 70 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting Maghazi in central Gaza, a spokesperson for the Hamas-run health ministry said.

Associated Press reported later that at least 106 were killed in the airstrike on the Maghazi refugee camp. Eight people were killed as Israeli planes and tanks carried out dozens of airstrikes on houses and roads in al-Bureij and al-Nuseirat, health officials said.

Ahmed Matar, a paramedic with the Palestine Red Crescent Society, comforted his children after they survived the destruction of their home in central Gaza.

"You want to become a paramedic like me, to save people, right?" Matar asked his son in a video posted by the group today.

He hugged one of his daughters as she cried, asking him, "Where will we live?"

Matar's family home "collapsed entirely over their heads," the Palestine Red Crescent Society said, while his parents were killed in the shelling of a neighboring house

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stepped onto Gaza soil on vowing to keep up the fight against Hamas militants while Palestinians mourned more than 100 people who Gaza health officials said were killed overnight in Israeli airstrikes.

Netanyahu visited Israeli troops in the northern Gaza Strip just hours after one of the besieged enclave’s deadliest nights in the 11-week-old battle between Israel and Hamas

'We cry for Palestine’: Indonesian homemakers mobilise support for ‘family'

At a pro-Palestine rally in the city of Medan in North Sumatra on Sunday, a sizeable number of self-declared homemakers were in attendance, who have built a movement to collect aid for Palestine.

Among them was 51-year-old Normala Sari, who told Al Jazeera that homemakers view the support for Palestine as an extension of their roles as mothers and wives.

Normala Sari and other homemakers at the protest in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia [Aisyah Llewyllyn/AL Jazeera]

“We consider the Palestinians our family too,” she said. “If they are sad, we are sad. If they are afraid, we feel afraid.”

Sari, who said she had attended four other demonstrations across North Sumatra and that she would continue to do so until a permanent ceasefire has been called in Gaza.

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Drone attack on Iraqi military base hosting US troops causes casualties

Drone attack on Iraqi military base hosting US troops causes casualties

Drone attack on Iraqi military base hosting US troops causes casualties

The premises of an airfield used by Iraqi Kurdish forces is pictured in Arbat, near Sulaymaniyah in Iraq's Kurdistan, after three members of a Kurdish anti-terrorist unit were killed in a drone strike that hit the airfield. © AFP

A drone attack on a military base hosting US troops near Erbil Airport in northern Iraq on Monday caused casualties, a military spokesman said.

Maj Gen Yahya Rasool, a military representative for Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani, said the attack also disrupted flights from the airport.

Maj Gen Rasool did not provide more details.

This is the first time the Iraqi government announced casualties. Earlier today, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of Iran-backed militias, claimed responsibility for the attacks against the Harir base.

Erbil is the capital of the three-province Kurdistan region.

Iran's proxy groups have increased drone and missile attacks against US forces in Iraq and Syria due to Washington's support of Israel in the Israel-Gaza war, which began after Hamas operatives killed about 1,200 people, most of them civilians, in Israel on October 7.

The attacks against US forces have hit Ain Al Asad in western Iraq, a military base near Baghdad's international airport, and Harir airport in the northern city of Erbil, as well as bases inside Syria.

In retaliation, the US carried out three limited air strikes in Syria, but late last month it expanded them to Iraq, killing at least 15 militiamen.

Iraqi militia groups have vowed to increase their attacks.

This month, several rockets were fired towards the Green Zone in Baghdad where the US embassy is located.

Some rockets landed in the embassy compound while several others hit the headquarters of the National Security Service, according to Iraqi security officials. The attacks caused no casualties, they said.

The Iraqi government said some of those involved in the US embassy attack are linked to the security forces and arrested a number of them.

Maj Gen Rasool on Monday denounced the attacks as “criminal acts aim to harm Iraq’s interests and its regional and international relationships”.

“While condemning this terrorist act, we affirm that Iraqi security forces, supported by intelligence efforts, will apprehend the perpetrators to bring them to justice,” he said.

Keindahan Alam Sky Ride Lembang, Wahana Wisata Baru Yang Menantang Adrenalin

Keindahan Alam Sky Ride Lembang, Wahana Wisata Baru Yang Menantang Adrenalin

Keindahan Alam Sky Ride Lembang, Wahana Wisata Baru Yang Menantang Adrenalin

Panorama keindahan pemandangan wisata di Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat yang menawarkan pengalaman baru di libur Natal dan akhir tahun ini, telah menyedot banyak pengunjung yang ingin menikmati sesuatu yang benar-benar baru dan menarik di salah satu objek wisata Lembang.

Wahana terbaru itu bernama Sky Ride. Wisata ini hadir di area The Great Asia Afrika (TGAA) Lembang, yang terletak di lembah. Bagaimana pengalaman menaiki Sky Ride di atas ketinggian? Simak liputannya berikut ini.

Wahana Sky Ride menjadi daya tarik utama bagi para wisatawan yang mengunjungi The Great Asia Afrika Lembang. Wahana ini kini telah menjadi tujuan liburan favorit, karena menantang adrenalin para pengunjung yang berani mencobanya.

Bagaimana tidak, di Sky Ride pengunjung dapat berkeliling sambil mengayuh seperti saat menaiki sepeda di atas tanah. Hal yang membedakan Sky Ride adalah pengalaman mengayuh dari ketinggian 3-6 meter dengan panjang lintasan mencapai 250 meter.

Pengunjung sedang menikmati sensai naik wahana Sky Ride yang berada di objek wisata The Great Asia Afrika Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, sambil menikmati pemandangan ke semua spot wahana yang ada di tempat ini. Foto/Inews Bandung Raya

Lintasannya mengelilingi kawasan TGAA, memungkinkan pengunjung melihat pemandangan 180 derajat dan menikmati semua spot objek wisata di sepanjang Jalan Raya Lembang. "Seru, senang, agak takut tapi berani. Saya datang ke sini bersama keluarga untuk liburan sekolah," kata Naiya, seorang wisatawan anak asal Bandung, setelah menaiki Sky Ride pada hari Senin, 25/12/2023.

Cici, seorang wisatawan dari Kalimantan juga merasa antusias setelah mencoba Sky Ride. Ini adalah kunjungannya yang pertama ke Lembang untuk menghabiskan liburan Natal bersama keluarga. "Keren dan seru banget. Ini pertama kali saya naik Sky Ride, meski takut ketinggian, tapi aman kok. Kita datang ke Lembang mencari keindahan alam dan pemandangan," ujar Cici saat ditemui di TGAA Lembang.

Menurut Intania Setiati, Public Relations TGAA dan Farmhouse Lembang, salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan adalah kehadiran wahana baru di objek wisata tersebut.

"Di The Great Asia Afrika memang ada wahana baru, namanya Sky Ride. Seperti menaiki sepeda, berkeliling bisa melewati negara India, Jepang, dan Cina dari ketinggian," kata Intania di TGAA Lembang.

Tingkat antusiasme terhadap Sky Ride sangat tinggi, karena pengunjung penasaran dan ingin mencoba hal baru di TGAA. "Keamanannya sudah pasti sudah kita uji coba sangat aman, dan sebelum naik pun sudah diberikan arahan oleh petugas," tambahnya.

Pada libur Natal ini, objek wisata TGAA Lembang dan Farmhouse masih ramai oleh wisatawan. Tingkat kunjungan mengalami peningkatan sekitar 25% dibandingkan dengan hari libur biasa. "Faktor yang memengaruhi peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan saat Natal adalah liburnya agak panjang, jadi banyak yang sengaja liburan ke Lembang," ungkap Intania.

Cukup dengan merogoh kocek sebesar Rp 30.000, Anda sudah dapat merasakan sensasi menaiki Sky Ride di atas ketinggian. Pengalaman ini tidak hanya memacu adrenalin, tetapi juga menambah keseruan liburan Anda di Lembang, Jawa Barat.

Russian forces repel 3 Ukrainian attacks in Kupyansk area

Russian forces repel 3 Ukrainian attacks in Kupyansk area

Russian forces repel 3 Ukrainian attacks in Kupyansk area

©Alexei Konovalov/TASS

Russia’s battlegroup West repelled three Ukrainian attacks in the Kupyansk area over the past day, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a daily bulletin of the special military operation.

Here are the details of this and other combat actions that happened over the past day, according to the bulletin.

Kupyansk area

"Forces of the battlegroup West, supported by artillery fire and aviation strikes, repelled three attacks of assault groups from Ukraine’s 60th Mechanized Brigade, 25th Airborne Brigade and 95th Assault Brigade near the settlements of Sinkovka in the Kharkov Region and Novosyolovksoye in the Lugansk People’s Reoublic," the ministry said.

Ukrainian forces lost up to 30 troops and 2 motor vehicles.

Krasny Liman area

"The losses of the enemy reached 180 troops, one tank, one Bradley infantry fighting vehicle and two other vehicles. Counter-battery strikes hit self-propelled artillery pieces Akatsiya and Gvozdika and two D-30 howitzers," the ministry said.

The Russian army repelled a Ukrainian attack near Grigorovka and hit the enemy near Yampolovka and Torskoye in the DPR.

Donetsk area

"In the Donetsk area, coordinated actions of the battlegroup South, in cooperation with artillery, helped repel an attack of Ukraine’s 24th Mechanized Brigade near the settlements of Shumy, DPR, and inflicted fire damage to enemy personnel and vehicles near the settlement of Klescheyevka, DPR," the ministry said.

Over the past day, Ukrainian forces lost up to 200 servicemen as killed an injured, as well as 2 infantry fighting vehicles, 6 motor vehicles, Msta-B and D-20 howitzers, two D-30 cannons and a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery unit.

South Donetsk area

"In the south Donetsk area, units of Battlegroup East, acting in coordination with artillery forces and aircraft, inflicted fire damage on an encampment site of the 79th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces near the Novomikahilovka settlement in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The enemy lost up to 55 troops in the area, as well as three pickup trucks and an Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system," the ministry said.

Zaporozhye area

"In the Zaporozhye area, units of the Russian battlegroup, supported by artillery and heavy flamethrower systems, delivered damage to servicemen and equipment of the Ukrainian 33rd mechanized brigade, 128th mountain assault brigade, and the 102nd territorial defense brigade in the areas of the Rabotino, Kamenskoye and Gulyaipole settlements in the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry said.

The enemy lost a total of up to 90 troops, four motor vehicles, a D-20 howitzer and two D-30 artillery units in that area.

Kherson area

"In the Kherson area, as a result of the actions of Russian units and artillery fire, the enemy lost up to 60 servicemen, three motor vehicles, as well as the Msta-B howitzer," the ministry said.

Air Force and air defenses

"Russian tactical aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile and artillery forces hit a 35D6 radar system designed to detect and track low-altitude targets, two German-made IRIS-T missile launchers and a fuel depot, as well as troops and equipment in 113 areas," the ministry said.

Air defenses intercepted five HIMARS rockets and 40 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Velikiye Vyselki in the Kharkov Region; Kremennaya, Ploshchanka and Verkhnekamenka in the Lugansk People’s Republic; Maryinka in the Donetsk People’s Republic; Ocheretovatoye in the Zaporozhye Region; Novaya Kakhovka and Brilyovka in the Kherson Region.

According to the Defense Ministry, a total of 558 planes, 261 helicopters, 10,080 unmanned aerial vehicles, 442 missile systems, 14,309 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 1,189 multiple rocket launchers, 7,493 field artillery systems and mortars, as well as 16,690 special military motor vehicles, have been destroyed since the start of Russia’s special military operation.

Russian Forces Destroy Starlink Station Near Kupyansk

The Ukrainian counteroffensive began in June, with Kiev sending brigades trained by NATO instructors and armed with Western equipment into battle. Three months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Kiev's push had failed, with Ukraine suffering heavy casualties.

A combined group of fighters from battlegroup Zapad destroyed Ukrainian mortars, a Starlink station, and infantry with the help of combat drones in the direction of Kupyansk, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"As a result of the joint work of reconnaissance, motorized rifle and artillery units of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the Zapad battlegroup, several shelters, two mortars, Starlink satellite communications station and Ukrainian infantry were destroyed," the ministry said.

"During surveillance, when important targets are identified, such as ammunition supply points or the establishment of new enemy observation posts, we have a small task force go out on an ATV and destroy the identified targets. We also identify enemy artillery positions, transmit coordinates and make adjustments while our artillery is engaged. The main targets of the combat drone operators are enemy mortars," a reconnaissance officer said.

In addition to using FPV kamikaze drones, the Russian Armed Forces hit targets with a special ammunition-dropping drone. "This big one here is also our favorite drone. We already use it to destroy enemy strongholds. We use it for airdrops. The biggest load we sent was 2.5 kilograms. But we are already enthusiastic about it and have made our own ammunition for it. There is no standard ammunition for it, and we invent it ourselves. You can also hang three grenades on it. It can be used to disrupt the enemy's rotation, to hit vehicles," the officer said.

Watch Russian Be-12 Amphibious Aircraft and Ka-29 Helicopter Patrol Black Sea

In order to improve their practical skills in destroying fast and small naval targets, pilots of the Be-12 amphibious aircraft conducted a bombing raid on a target, while the crew of a Ka-29 helicopter practiced firing a high-caliber machine gun at a moving naval target, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage Be-12 amphibious anti-submarine aircraft and the Ka-29 combat transport helicopter crews conducting patrols over the Black Sea.

While practicing a combat mission, pilots of the mixed aviation regiment of the Naval Aviation and Air Defense of the Black Sea Fleet searched for unmanned and speed boats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as floating mines posing a threat to civilian navigation, at low and standard flight altitudes.

Russia's Strategy Prevails as Western Aid to Ukraine Flounders

As the ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to drag on, the determination of the collective West to keep on providing aid to Kiev is being put to the test. Additionally, the absence of pursuing any diplomatic solution, along with issues such as corruption and low morale within Ukraine's army, are seriously affecting their strength.

©Sputnik / Evgeny Biyatov / Go to the mediabank

In a recent interview, Jill Dougherty, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and former CNN Moscow bureau chief, explained to journalist Michael Holmes how the United States has failed to uphold its Ukraine aid pledge.

Dougherty emphasized the current state of the conflict, highlighting a concerning lack of progress. The fighting has significantly stalled, with political hurdles in the United States impeding the crucial financial aid proposal for Ukraine, as put forth by President Biden. This predicament can be attributed to a bipartisan deadlock in Congress, which hinders the approval of the much-needed funds for Ukraine's aid. These circumstances accentuate Russia's strategy, which relies on the expectation of diminishing Western patience and support.

"So I think, probably, the strategy is for Russia and for Putin to wait out the West, wait for the West to collapse, wait for the unity of the allies to fall apart, and hope that maybe politically things will change in the United States, and then there won't be any opposition to what he is doing in Ukraine. It's hard to say, but I think, really, waiting is the strategy," Dougherty remarked.

This strategy of attrition and patience on Russia's part have potent consequences. As the conflict drags on, Russia hopes to outlast the collective West, banking on the collapse of Western unity and the potential for political shifts in the United States.

Michael Holmes cited an article from the Institute for the Study of War, which suggests that Putin's success in Ukraine hinges on the United States choosing inaction. The article contends that "Russian victory would diminish America's deterrence around the world, emboldening others with an explicit or latent intent to harm the US."

The scholar pointed to the ramifications of Western inaction and its far-reaching consequences beyond Ukraine's borders. She highlighted how America's credibility would be diminished, while Washington's European allies would experience growing Ukraine fatigue.

Furthermore, since the conflict broke out, over $110 billion in US taxpayer money has been released by Congress to Ukraine, and questions persist about how open-ended this aid has been. A joint statement released on December 19, 2023, by Senate leaders disclosed their decision to postpone military aid to Ukraine until 2024, citing ongoing Republican insistence on stricter border controls and other pressing issues.

Monday 25 December 2023

Houthis Train 20,000 Soldiers to Participate in Possible Clashes With Israel - Reports

Houthis Train 20,000 Soldiers to Participate in Possible Clashes With Israel - Reports

Houthis Train 20,000 Soldiers to Participate in Possible Clashes With Israel - Reports

Yemen's Ansar Allah rebel movement, also known as the Houthis, has trained 20,000 reservist soldiers for possible deployment to the Gaza Strip, Yemeni news agency Saba reported on Sunday.

A military parade took place in the northwestern Yemeni province of Hajjah to mark the completion of military courses for the first 20,000 reservists of the mobilization forces, the report said

The reservists confirmed their readiness to go into battle alongside the Yemeni armed forces against Israel and the US coalition aimed at protecting Israeli ships in the Red Sea, the news agency reported.

After the armed conflict between Israel and Palestinian movement Hamas escalated in October, Yemen's Ansar Allah rebel movement, also known as the Houthis, has intensified its attacks on cargo ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, vowing to continue the attacks until Israel ends its military actions in the Gaza Strip

Last week, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the establishment of a multinational operation to secure the Red Sea amid the surge in Houthis' attacks on cargo ships, saying that the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the Seychelles, and Spain would take part in the mission. The Houthis, for their part, vowed to attack any ships that join the US-led maritime coalition.

Kendaraan besar truk dan bus dilarang melintasi jalur Puncak Cianjur

Kendaraan besar truk dan bus dilarang melintasi jalur Puncak Cianjur

Kendaraan besar truk dan bus dilarang melintasi jalur Puncak Cianjur

Kapolres Cianjur, Jawa Barat, AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan.(ANTARA/Ahmad Fikri). (Ahmad Fikri)

Kepolisian Resor Cianjur, Jawa Barat, melarang kendaraan besar seperti truk dan bus melintas di sepanjang jalur utama Puncak Cianjur untuk antisipasi macet total seiring tingginya volume kendaraan saat libur Natal dan Tahun Baru 2024.

Kapolres Cianjur AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan di Cianjur, Senin, mengatakan larangan tersebut sudah berlaku sejak tiga hari terakhir hanya truk bermuatan kebutuhan pangan dan bahan bakar migas yang dapat melintas selama libur panjang akhir tahun.

"Kendaraan dengan sumbu tiga atau lebih dilarang melintas di sepanjang jalur utama Puncak Cianjur, guna menghindari macet total terutama di Jalur Puncak Cipanas, larangan tersebut berlaku hingga tanggal 2 Januari 2024," katanya.

Truk dan bus akan diarahkan ke sejumlah jalur alternatif Jonggol dan Sukabumi selama libur panjang, sehingga dapat menekan terjadinya antrean panjang kendaraan di sepanjang jalur utama Cianjur terutama di kawasan Puncak yang sudah mengalami peningkatan volume kendaraan.

Ia mengatakan pihaknya mencatat sejak dua hari terakhir, volume kendaraan yang melintas di jalur utama Cianjur, meningkat hingga 100 persen dibandingkan hari biasa dengan tujuan obyek wisata di wilayah Puncak-Cipanas, hotel dan restoran, sehingga terlihat antrean di sejumlah titik.

"Antrean kendaraan dengan laju tersendat terlihat di titik rawan macet seperti Pertigaan Hanjawar, Kebun Raya Cibodas, Pasar Cipanas dan Jalan Raya Pasekon di mana banyak hotel dan restoran, volume kendaraan yang masuk ke wilayah Cianjur sekitar 200 ribu kendaraan," katanya.

Untuk mengantisipasi macet total seiring tingginya volume kendaraan yang melintas, pihaknya menyiagakan lebih dari 400 personel gabungan yang bertugas di belasan pos pam Natal yang didirikan satu hari menjelang Natal 2023, bertugas mengatur kelancaran kendaraan yang melintas.

"Kami menempatkan dua tim pengurai macet di sepanjang jalur utama Cianjur seperti di kawasan Puncak dan Jalan Raya Bandung-Cianjur, sebagai upaya antisipasi terjadinya macet total selama libur panjang natal dan tahun baru," katanya.

Dia mengatakan pihaknya meminta pengendara yang melintas di jalur utama Cianjur, tetap mematuhi aturan lalulintas dan mendengarkan anjuran dari petugas guna menghindari antrean panjang kendaraan atau macet total dari kedua arah menuju Bogor atau sebaliknya menuju Cianjur.

Pemkab Cianjur rekomendasikan Puncak II laik dilalui pendatang

Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur Jawa Barat merekomendasikan jalur Puncak II laik untuk dilalui para pendatang yang hendak menghabiskan masa libur panjang Natal 2023 dan Tahun Baru 2024 di kawasan Puncak Cianjur, guna menghindari antrean panjang di jalur utama Puncak.

Macet total kerap mewarnai jalur Puncak, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat, sehingga pendatang membutuhkan waktu lama untuk sampai terutama ke sejumlah objek wisata. ANTARA/Ahmad Fikri. (Ahmad Fikri)

Bupati Cianjur Herman Suherman di Cianjur Senin mengatakan, jalan alternatif Puncak II sepanjang 17 kilometer sudah dibangun Pemkab Cianjur sejak beberapa tahun lalu, sebagai solusi mengurangi kemacetan di jalur utama Puncak, sehingga dapat dilalui kendaraan pendatang dengan nyaman.

"Kami sudah meminta pemerintah pusat segera membangun jalur alternatif menuju Cianjur terutama jalur Puncak II sebagai solusi bagi pendatang agar dapat sampai ke wilayah Cianjur tanpa terjebak macet Puncak," katanya.

Permintaan tersebut, katanya, sebagai upaya meningkatkan angka kunjungan ke Cianjur yang selama ini terhambat di jalur Puncak Bogor, sehingga perekonomian di wilayah utara dan Kota Cianjur tersendat karena pendatang memilih menghabiskan liburan di wilayah Bogor.

Pihaknya mencatat selama libur panjang Natal dan Tahun Baru kali ini, angka kunjungan ke Cianjur mengalami peningkatan, namun tidak setinggi tahun-tahun sebelumnya karena padatnya jalur menuju Cianjur mulai dari keluar tol Ciawi hingga Puncak Pass.

"Sudah terlihat peningkatan sejak beberapa hari terakhir, namun belum maksimal karena jarak tempuh untuk sampai ke Puncak Pass menjadi lama karena pendatang terjebak antrean panjang berjam-jam di sepanjang jalur Bogor menuju Cianjur," katanya.

Herman lebih memilih pemerintah pusat membangun jalur Puncak II dibandingkan dengan membangun jalan tol dari Bogor ke Cianjur, karena berbagai pertimbangan termasuk lamanya pembangunan, sedangkan pemerintah daerah sedang menggencarkan pemulihan ekonomi terutama dari bidang pariwisata.

"Pemerintah daerah sudah berupaya membangun jalur Puncak II menggunakan APBD, untuk meningkatkan angka kunjungan wisatawan ke Cianjur, sehingga perekonomian terus meningkat. Harapan kami pemerintah pusat dapat membangun jalur Puncak II sebagai solusi macet jalur Puncak," katanya.

Hal senada terucap dari pelaku pariwisata di Cianjur, yang berharap pemerintah pusat membangun jalur Puncak II sebagai upaya memudahkan pendatang terutama dari Jabodetabek untuk sampai dengan cepat ke wilayah Cianjur tanpa harus terjebak macet di jalur Puncak.

"Jalur Puncak II merupakan solusi macet Puncak, sehingga kami berharap pembangunannya segera dilakukan pemerintah pusat, terlebih biaya yang dibutuhkan tidak akan setinggi membangun jalan tol Cianjur dari Bogor," kata pengelola hotel di Cipanas, Iwan Boim.

Polisi berlakukan sistem satu arah hindari macet total di Puncak

Kepolisian Resor Cianjur, Jawa Barat, memberlakukan sistem satu arah lebih cepat menuju Bogor guna menghindari kemacetan total seiring antrean kendaraan yang terus memanjang di jalur Puncak pada Senin petang.

Pewarta ANTARA melaporkan tingginya volume kendaraan yang melintas di jalur Puncak Cianjur meningkat sejak dua hari terakhir mengakibatkan antrean kendaraan tersendat terlihat di titik rawan macet, seperti pertigaan Hanjawar, Kebun Raya Cibodas, dan Pasar Cipanas.

Menjelang petang, volume kendaraan terus meningkat seiring tutupnya tempat wisata di kawasan Puncak-Cipanas, seperti Taman Bunga Nusantara, Kebun Raya Cibodas, dan Savilage Puncak, sehingga antrean kendaraan menuju arah Bogor memanjang dengan laju terhenti.

Sepanjang hari ini sistem satu arah menuju Bogor dari kawasan Puncak sempat diberlakukan beberapa kali, namun tidak dapat mengurai antrean yang terus memanjang. Menjelang petang, sistem satu arah untuk ketiga kalinya diberlakukan guna mengurai antrean.

Kasat Lantas Polres Cianjur Ajun Komisaris Polisi Adhi Prasidya mengatakan sejumlah rekayasa arus sempat dilakukan sejak Senin siang yang berkoordinasi dengan Polres Bogor, termasuk memberlakukan sistem satu arah guna memecah antrean kendaraan yang ekornya mencapai 2 kilometer.

"Untuk ekor antrean di wilayah hukum Cianjur sudah lebih dari dua kilometer dengan laju tersendat sehingga menjelang malam kembali kita berlakukan sistem satu arah menuju Bogor. Ini untuk mengurai antrean kendaraan agar tidak mengakibatkan macet total," katanya.

Adhi memprediksi volume kendaraan yang memasuki kawasan Puncak-Cianjur akan terus meningkat hingga malam pergantian tahun. Berbagai upaya dilakukan guna mencegah terjadinya kemacetan total, termasuk menutup jalur menuju Puncak dari Cianjur atau dari Bogor.

"Penutupan jalur menuju Puncak diberlakukan mulai tanggal 31 Desember pukul 18.00 sampai dengan tanggal 1 Januari 2024 pukul 06.00 WIB. Penutupan diberlakukan mulai dari Tugu Lampu Gentur dan Jalan Cagak Ciloto," katanya.

Jalur Puncak-Cipanas dari Cianjur hanya dapat dilalui pengendara yang berdomisili di Kecamatan Cugenang, Pacet, Cipanas, dan Sukaresmi dengan menunjukkan KTP. Sedangkan warga Cianjur yang tidak tinggal di wilayah tersebut tak diizinkan melintas setelah penutupan.