Tuesday 26 March 2024

What doctors volunteering in Gaza’s stricken hospitals witnessed under Israeli siege

What doctors volunteering in Gaza’s stricken hospitals witnessed under Israeli siege

What doctors volunteering in Gaza’s stricken hospitals witnessed under Israeli siege

At a news conference at the UN HQ in New York City last week, four doctors, who worked with teams in Gaza to support its healthcare system, described witnessing ‘appalling atrocities.’ (Supplied)

Four doctors from the US, UK and France, who have been working with teams in Gaza to support its healthcare system, have described witnessing “appalling atrocities” under Israel’s military offensive.

The four specialists told an event at the UN headquarters this week that doctors in the enclave are faced with “horrific decisions” almost every day as a result of the war.

Nick Maynard, a cancer surgeon from the UK city of Oxford, has for the best part of the past 15 years been traveling to the Gaza Strip to teach, carry out surgeries, and help develop local healthcare capacity.

Because of his long association with Gaza, Maynard thought he was prepared for what awaited him when he again set foot in the Palestinian territory last December as part of the first UK emergency medical team to arrive since the outbreak of war in October.

However, what he encountered during his two weeks at Al-Aqsa Hospital were “the most appalling atrocities,” he said. “I saw things that I never would have expected to have seen in any healthcare setting.”

The Israeli government says its military does not target civilians or hospitals, and blames Hamas for conducting military operations and launching rockets from crowded residential areas. Maynard rejects this claim.

Any medic who has worked in Gaza in recent months can dispel “with absolute certainty” the notion that Israel is conducting targeted bombing of Hamas militants and is protecting civilians,” he said.

“There is mass, indiscriminate bombing, killing many, many thousands of civilians, and a very clear targeting of healthcare facilities and workers, and deliberately destroying the infrastructure of all the hospitals to make it almost impossible to provide anything resembling normal healthcare to the population of Gaza.”

In fact, Maynard said Israel’s actions resemble the dictionary definition of genocide — designed to drive the Palestinian people out of Gaza.

“I spent some time looking at the definition of genocide in a variety of dictionaries,” he said. “And what is going on in Gaza fulfills every single definition of genocide that I have read.

“To those of us who’ve been on the ground there, and indeed, more importantly, all the Gazans I’ve spoken to, say the endgame of the Israeli government is to force them out completely from Gaza, to eradicate them from that land.”

Maynard was speaking at the UN headquarters in New York, where he was among a delegation of doctors meeting with UN representatives, who later met with Biden administration officials and members of Congress in Washington on Friday.

Their goal is to “instill a sense of urgency,” make sure US decision-makers and the international community “know what we know,” and hammer home that “the only way to prevent that ongoing humanitarian catastrophe is an immediate and permanent ceasefire.”

According to the World Health Organization, there have been 164 attacks on healthcare infrastructure in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, when the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel triggered Israel’s retaliation against the group’s Gaza stronghold.

More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the conflict began. (AFP)

The UN agency says more than 400 medical workers have been killed since the conflict began. Before the war there were 6,000 beds at 39 hospitals in Gaza. Now roughly 295 hospital beds remain.

Israel has accused Hamas of building a vast tunnel network under Gaza’s hospitals, which it claims contain command centers, weapons caches, and places for holding Israeli hostages taken during the Oct. 7 attack.

“I’ve paid many visits to Al-Shifa Hospital and a lot of the other hospitals as well and I’ve never, in any service, any time during my visits, seen any evidence of military activity of any Hamas militants in any of the hospitals,” said Maynard.

“The Israelis have provided no credible evidence whatsoever to support those claims.”

Also among the doctors’ delegation was Zaher Sahloul, a Syrian-American doctor who is co-founder and president of MedGlobal, an NGO that provides emergency response and health programs around the world.

Sahloul, who was in Gaza in January, said the enclave is reaching a “tipping point.”

“Gaza at this stage is unlivable because of the persistent destruction of the infrastructures that are required for life,” he said.

The continued squeeze on deliveries of humanitarian assistance and commercial goods is pushing the population to the brink of famine, particularly in northern Gaza, with malnutrition and food insecurity reaching “catastrophic levels,” said Sahloul.


  • 164 Attacks on healthcare infrastructure in Gaza since Oct. 7.

  • 400 Medical workers killed since eruption of conflict.

  • 295 Hospital beds currently available in Gaza.

Source: WHO

Chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and various cancers that require regular medication, dialysis, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, are going untreated as a result of shortages and the destruction of healthcare infrastructure, he added.

Sahloul believes this is “an underestimate of the real numbers,” however, as roughly 5,000 people are still thought to be buried under the rubble of collapsed buildings.

And these numbers “will continue to accelerate even if the war stops right now,” he said.

“The collapse of the healthcare system will lead to pregnant women dying from bleeding and diarrhea patients dying from dehydration.”

Zaher Sahloul, who was in Gaza in January, said the enclave is reaching a “tipping point.” (Supplied)

During his address to UN officials, Sahloul showed a photograph of Hiam Abu Khodr, a Palestinian child who lost her father and brother when a bomb destroyed her home. Her mother was also injured in the blast. Hiam, meanwhile, suffered third-degree burns to 40 percent of her body.

“If you want to define post-traumatic stress disorder, this is what it looks like in the face of a child who is 7 years old,” said Sahloul.

Hiam waited weeks for an evacuation to Egypt for treatment. However, she died of her injuries two days after leaving Gaza. According to Sahloul, just 10 percent of the 8,000 patients in need of evacuation for treatment abroad have been able to leave.

Sahloul described “apocalyptic” scenes in the few hospitals that remain partially functional in Gaza, where the wounded brought into overcrowded wards are mostly treated on the floor. He described the case of 12-year-old Mohmad Abu Shahla, who arrived unable to breathe.

Any medic who has worked in Gaza in recent months can dispel “with absolute certainty” the notion that Israel is conducting targeted bombing of Hamas militants and is protecting civilians,” said Nick Maynard. (AFP) Mohmad had surgery to remove shrapnel from his abdomen before he was whisked to the intensive care unit where Sahloul tended to him. However, the boy “never woke up.”

“We were not able to communicate with his family. We sent him to the morgue. And I made a copy of his death certificate, to keep it as a proof.”

On Thursday, displaced civilians camped out in the grounds of Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza were ordered to leave immediately as Israeli forces continued their raid on the hospital complex.

Scores of people have reportedly been killed and 70 health workers arrested during the raid, with thousands more civilians sent south to Rafah, where some 1.4 million people were already hemmed before recent attacks on Khan Younes.

While many “incredibly heroic” healthcare workers decided to stay, Thaer Ahmad, a Palestinian-American emergency medicine physician who was with Sahloul in Gaza in January and who also spoke at the UN event, chose to evacuate before the raid.

On his way into Gaza, Ahmad said he saw “hundreds of trucks” lined up on the Egyptian side of the border waiting to bring aid into the enclave.

The Israeli government says its military does not target civilians or hospitals. (AFP)

“We know that these trucks have baby formula. We know that they have many needed items,” including diapers, inhalers, and sedatives for pain relief, he said.

“This is something that we could be using for our patients who are in pain as we’re trying to reset their fractures, clean their burns. It’s an incredibly painful process and this is something that can help. We’re not able to get this into the Gaza Strip because the trucks are stalled.

“Or if someone is having difficulty breathing as you may suspect may happen as bombs are dropping, and air fills with smoke, we’re not able to get a rescue inhaler to be able to treat their asthma.

“Or diapers for families. We’ve heard of people having to use plastic bags because they cannot find diapers and if they do find them, the price is incredibly high because of inflation and the lack of supplies.

“I hope that this can bring home the urgency that exists on the ground. We need our hospitals to be able to stand. We need the bombs to stop dropping, hopefully through a ceasefire. And we hope that we can get the necessary items in to help alleviate the incredible amount of suffering that’s taking place in the Gaza Strip.”

Also among the doctors’ delegation was Amber Alayyan, a pediatrician from Texas, who has been working with Medecins Sans Frontieres for 13 years.

As a result of the scarcity of medicines, Alayyan said, doctors are faced with “horrific decisions,” sometimes having to intubate patients without anesthetics.

Displaced people with nowhere to go are sheltering in hospitals and sleeping on beds intended for patients, she said.

“What does that mean for injured people? They arrive, they get a quick and dirty surgery in an emergency room or in an operating theater, and they have nowhere to be hospitalized afterward.

“Or when they are, they’re lost in the hospital and our teams spend all day searching for the patients they just operated on 12 hours before.

“The longer the war goes on, the longer these wounds have to rot. I mean really rot. No hospital in the world — high-income, low-income — could cope with the amount of injuries that we’re seeing and the needs that we’re seeing on the ground.”

The collapse of Gaza’s health system and shortages of food have left pregnant and lactating women and their newborns especially vulnerable, said Alayyan.

These women “were already facing high iron deficiency, anemia, before the war, which put them at risk for hemorrhage during birth,” she said.

“All the Gazans I’ve spoken to, say the endgame of the Israeli government is to force them out completely from Gaza, to eradicate them from that land,” Nick Maynard. (AFP)

“With the war, it puts them in a state of undernourishment and potentially malnutrition, which means that they can’t breastfeed their children properly. The milk doesn’t necessarily come in and it’s definitely not enough.

“The other population is children under 2 years, which is the breastfeeding age. Those children need to be breastfed. If they can’t, then they need a formula. To have formula you need clean water. None of these things are possible.”

She said women are “squeezing fruit dates into handkerchiefs and drip feeding their children with some sort of sugary substance to nourish them.”

“How many people are going to need prosthetics? What is the socioeconomic status of Gaza going to look like in five years? In three years? In three months? How can this population, that is so incredibly resilient, rebuild itself? And the longer the war goes on, the harder this becomes.”

“No hospital in the world — high-income, low-income — could cope with the amount of injuries that we’re seeing,” said Amber Alayyan.

“No hospital in the world — high-income, low-income — could cope with the amount of injuries that we’re seeing,” said Amber Alayyan.

Ahmad said he has often heard it said in Gaza that “there is a war after the war.”

“And it’s a day of reckoning for the people, to think about everything that they’ve lost, all of the struggles that they’ve been through.”

He added: “Oftentimes, what we can see is there can be a paralysis by analysis. And there could be a lot of deliberations that take place.

“We just want to impress upon the people who are at the table that this is very urgent and we need things to change within the next few hours or days, not weeks.”

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Timnas dikandang Unggul ditandang lumat Vietnam Tiada Ampun - Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026

Timnas dikandang Unggul ditandang lumat Vietnam Tiada Ampun - Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026

Timnas dikandang Unggul ditandang lumat Vietnam Tiada Ampun - Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026

Pemain Timnas Indonesia, Jay Idzes melakukan selebrasi setelah mencetak gol ke gawang Timnas Vietnam pada laga Grup F Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 di My Dinh Stadium, Vietnam, Selasa (26/03/2024). (Dok.PSSI)

Timnas Indonesia datang ke Vietnam dengan membawa keunggulan 1 gol, di Stadion My Dinh, Hanoi, hari Selasa, 26/03/2024, berhasil melumat Vietnam 3-0 tiada ampun, hasil ini membuat Timnas Indonesia memantapkan posisi kedua klasemen Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Grup F.

3 gol bersarang digawang Vietnam, dua goal dicetak Jay Idzes dan Ragnar Oratmangoen pada babak pertama. Pada paruh kedua, Ramadhan Sananta menambah keunggulan Indonesia di injury time.

Pada menit pertama, Indonesia langsung menekan pertahanan Vietnam. Gol pertama hadir pada menit ke-8 Jay Idzes berhasil membobol gawang Filip Nguyen lewat sundulan kepala setelah sukses menerima umpan Thom Haye tendakan pojok.

Indonesia berkali-kali menekan Vietnam. Gol kedua berhasil tercipta lewat Ragnar Oratmangoen yang melakukan tusukan dan melepaskan sepekan kaki kiri yang tak mampu ditahan Filip Nguyen.

Setelah gol kedua, Vietnam keluar untuk menyerang. Berkali-kali pertahanan Indonesia dibombardir namun berhasil diredam Ernando Ari. Babak pertama ditutup dengan kedudukan 0-2.

Memasuki babak kedua, Shin Tae-yong melakukan pergantian pemain dengan memasukan Egy Maulana Vikri dan Yacob Sayuri menggantikan Hokky Caraka dan Asnawi. Berkali-kali Vietnam melancarkan serangan namun berhasil dipatahkan Justin Hubner maupun Nathan Tjoe-A-On.

Kesempatan Indonesia menambah keunggulan datang pada menit ke 65 saat Ragnar lepas dari kawalan pemain Vietnam. Namun dengan cepat 2 pemain Vietnam menutup pergerakan Ragnar di kotak penalti.

Vietnam terus mengurung pertahanan Indonesia. Pada menit 76, Witan Sulaiman cedera dan harus digantikan dengan Ramadhan Sananta.

Di tengah tekanan Vietnam, Ragnar mendapatkan peluang emas untuk menambah gol. Namun sepakan Ragnar di menit ke 79 masih melambung di atas Filip Nguyen.

Gol akhirnya datang lagi dari Indonesia. Ramadhan Sananta sukses menambah skor menjadi 0-3 pada menit akhir babak kedua yaitu di menit 90+8.

Dengan hasil ini, Indonesia bertahan di posisi kedua Grup F dengan poin 7. Sedangkan Vietnam di posisi ketiga dengan 4 poin dari 3 laga. Bravo Garuda!

Setelah ini, Marselino Ferdinan dkk. giliran menjamu Irak pada 6 Juni dan Filipina pada 11 Juni 2024 di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta.

Susunan Pemain:

Vietnam (5-4-1): Filip Nguyen (PG); Bui Tien Dung, Pham Xuann Manh, Phan Tuan Tai, Bui Hoang Viet Anh Vu Van Thanh; Do Hung Dung (C), Nguyen Hoang Duc, Khuat Van Khang, Nguyen Thai Son; Nguyen Tien Linh.

Timnas Indonesia (3-4-3):Ernando Ari (PG); Jay Idzes, Rizky Ridho, Justin Hubner; Asnawi Mangkualam (C), Thom Haye, Marselino Ferdinan, Nathan Tjoe-A-On;Witan Sulaeman, Ragnar Oratmangoen; Hokky Caraka.

Klasemen Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 usai Indonesia kalahkan Vietnam 1. Irak 12 poin 2. Indonesia 7 poin 3. Vietnam 3 poin 4. Filipina 1 poin

US, Britain, Ukraine behind Crocus City Hall attack — FSB chief

US, Britain, Ukraine behind Crocus City Hall attack — FSB chief

US, Britain, Ukraine behind Crocus City Hall attack — FSB chief

Russian Federal Security Service Head Alexander Bortnikov ©Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/Gavriil Grigorov/TASS

The United States, Britain and Ukraine are behind the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall, the chief of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov has told the media.

"We believe that this is true. In any case, we are now talking about the factual information we have. This is general information, but they have a long record of this sort," he said after participating in an enlarged meeting of the Prosecutor General's Office board, when asked whether the US, Britain and Ukraine were behind the terrorist attack.

Bortnikov believes that Ukraine has been trying to prove it is capable enough.

"What is it expected to do to demonstrate its capability? It is expected to carry out sabotage and terrorist acts in the rear. This is what both the chiefs of Ukraine's special services and the British special services are aiming at. US special services have repeatedly mentioned this, too," he said.

He pointed out that there was a large amount of information in the public space "showing that the West and Ukraine are out to cause greater harm to our country."

"There have been drone strikes, strikes by uncrewed boats at sea, and incursions by groups of saboteurs and terrorist organizations into our territory," Bortnikov concluded.

Russia delivers strike at Ukrainian intelligence decision-making centers

Russian forces delivered a combined strike by long-range precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles against Ukrainian intelligence decision-making centers and sites and foreign mercenaries’ deployment areas over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday.

"During the last 24-hour period, the Russian Armed Forces delivered a combined strike by seaborne and ground-based long-range precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles against SBU [Ukrainian Security Service] decision-making centers and sites, military-industrial enterprises and deployment areas of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi formations and foreign mercenaries. All the targets were struck. The goals of the strike were achieved," the ministry said in a statement.

On March 16-22, Russian troops delivered 49 retaliatory strikes with precision weapons, including Kinzhal hypersonic missiles in response to Kiev’s shelling of Russian populated areas and attempts to break through into its territory, the ministry reported.

On March 24, Russia’s Aerospace Forces delivered a combined strike by air-launched precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles against Ukrainian electric power and gas-extracting industry sites and naval drone assembly workshops.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Security Council permanent members that the enemy’s strikes delivered against Russia’s populated areas during the presidential election would trigger a retaliatory strike.

Russian forces take better positions in Kupyansk area over past day

Russian forces improved their frontline positions in the Kupyansk area, eliminating roughly 20 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, units of the Western Battlegroup inflicted damage by firepower on enemy forces and improved their forward edge positions in active operations The Ukrainian army’s losses amounted to 20 personnel and 2 motor vehicles," the ministry said.

Kiev loses over 425 troops in Donetsk area over past day

The Ukrainian military lost more than 425 troops, four electronic warfare stations and a counter-battery radar in battles with Russian forces in the Donetsk area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"The Ukrainian army lost more than 425 personnel, 2 armored combat vehicles and 7 motor vehicles. In addition, Russian forces destroyed four electronic warfare stations, a US-made AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar station and a US-manufactured M777 howitzer," the ministry said.

Units of Russia’s Southern Battlegroup took advantageous positions and inflicted damage on formations of the Ukrainian army’s 54th and 93rd mechanized and 81st airmobile brigades near the settlements of Belogorovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Kleshcheyevka and Verkhnekamenskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, it specified.

Russian forces repulse four Ukrainian counterattacks in Avdeyevka area over past day

Russian forces improved their frontline positions and repulsed four Ukrainian army counterattacks in the Avdeyevka area, eliminating roughly 280 enemy troops and two tanks over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Avdeyevka direction, units of the Battlegroup Center inflicted damage on enemy formations and improved their forward edge positions. They repulsed four enemy counterattacks," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army lost "as many as 280 personnel, 2 tanks, 2 armored combat vehicles and 6 motor vehicles," it specified.

In counter-battery fire, Russian forces destroyed two US-made M777 howitzers, a UK-made AS-90 self-propelled artillery gun, a D-20 howitzer and a Gvozdika motorized artillery system in the Avdeyevka direction over the past 24 hours, the ministry reported.

Russian forces destroy 105 Ukrainian troops in south Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces destroyed roughly 105 Ukrainian troops and 2 British howitzers in the south Donetsk area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the south Donetsk direction, units of the Battlegroup East inflicted damage by firepower and repulsed two counterattacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 72nd mechanized brigade near the settlement of Staromayorskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The enemy’s losses amounted to 105 personnel, five motor vehicles and two UK-made FH70 howitzers and also a Gvozdika motorized artillery system," the ministry said statement.

Russian forces destroy 50 Ukrainian troops in Kherson area over past day

Russian forces struck Ukrainian army units in the Kherson area, destroying roughly 50 enemy troops and a US-made howitzer over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr Battlegroup improved their forward edge positions in well-coordinated operations and inflicted damage by firepower on amassed manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 65th mechanized and 108th territorial defense brigades near the settlements of Rabotino and Novosyolovka in the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Kherson direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 50 personnel, 3 motor vehicles and a US-made M777 howitzer, it specified.

Russian forces strike Ukrainian troops, hardware in 114 areas over past day

Russian forces struck Ukrainian troops and military hardware in 114 areas over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Operational-tactical aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groupings of forces struck the Ukrainian army’s manpower and military equipment in 114 areas," the ministry said.

Russian air defenses down 131 Ukrainian UAVs over past day

Russian air defense forces shot down 131 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and two S-200 surface-to-air missiles converted into strike weapons over the past day, the ministry reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, air defense capabilities shot down 131 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, two S-200 surface-to-air missiles converted for striking ground targets and 15 rockets of the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems," the ministry said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 577 Ukrainian warplanes, 270 helicopters, 17,142 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 surface-to-air missile systems, 15,604 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,256 multiple rocket launchers, 8,531 field artillery guns and mortars and 20,215 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation, the ministry reported.

West, Ukraine Needed Moscow Concert Hall Attack to Create Panic in Russia - FSB Head

West, Ukraine Needed Moscow Concert Hall Attack to Create Panic in Russia - FSB Head

West, Ukraine Needed Moscow Concert Hall Attack to Create Panic in Russia - FSB Head

©Sputnik/Maksim Blinov/Go to the mediabank

The Western intelligence and Ukraine needed the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack to create panic in the Russian society, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov said on Tuesday.

"To shake up the situation, create panic in society," Bortnikov told reporters, when asked about the West’s and Kiev’s interest in the attack.

Bortnikov added that the FSB, along with partner intelligence services of friendly countries, are identifying all participants in the deadly terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall near Moscow.

"Now, a lot is being done to identify all participants in this massacre, both here in the country and naturally abroad, in the process of further operational and search activities, which is what is being done. And all our operational units are actively engaged in this work, including with partner intelligence services of friendly states," Bortnikov said.

Perpetrators of the attack wanted to escape alive after committing it, the FSB head said, adding that it is a fact that they were planning to escape to Ukraine, but the Russian special services did everything to prevent this from happening.

He went on to elaborate that the Ukrainian special forces are involved in the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue, while the Islamic State* militants prepared it.

"We believe that the attack was prepared by both the radical Islamists themselves, and naturally the Western intelligence services contributed to this, and the Ukrainian intelligence services themselves are directly involved in this," Bortnikov said in an interview with Rossiya 1 reporter Pavel Zarubin, adding that a terrorist threat in Russia "persists."

The head of Ukraine's intelligence service, Kyrylo Budanov, can become a legitimate target of the Russian armed forces, Bortnikov noted.

"Those who commit crimes against Russia and Russian citizens are legitimate targets," Bortnikov told reporters.

The information transmitted by the United States on the preparation of a terrorist attack was of a general nature, and the Russian special services responded to it.

"This information about the preparation of terrorist attacks in places of mass gathering of citizens was of a general nature. We responded to this information and, of course, took appropriate measures to prevent such manifestations. But, unfortunately, our actions that we carried out in relation to a specific group and specific individuals, this information was not confirmed at that time", Bortnikov told reporters.

The mastermind behind the terrorist attack is not identified yet, but response measures will be taken following the tragedy, the official added.

The Russian special services are actively working with the 11 people detained in connection with the terrorist attack and the circle of identified accomplices will be larger, the FSB head said.

When asked if the US, the UK and Ukraine are behind the attack, he said that the Russian special services believe so, adding that Russia is aware that Ukraine trained militants in the Middle East.

"We think so. At least we’re talking about the overall background we have. This, so to say, is general information, but there are already certain developments [in the matter]," he noted.

Russia needs to recognize the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) as a terrorist organization, Bortnikov also said.

"We have to do this, of course," Bortnikov commented.

Borrell admits Ukrainian conflict all about West backing US desire to remain hegemon — MFA

Borrell admits Ukrainian conflict all about West backing US desire to remain hegemon — MFA

Borrell admits Ukrainian conflict all about West backing US desire to remain hegemon — MFA

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell has acknowledged for the first time ever that the West cannot allow Russia to win in the Ukrainian conflict because that would foil the US’ ambitions to remain the global hegemon, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"It is the first time ever that a representative of the Western regime has told the truth about what is happening," the diplomat wrote on her Telegram channel. "This is not about 'love for Ukrainians,' whom the Westerners have practically completely destroyed. It is all about the desire of the US to maintain its hegemony, to preserve its waning role in global affairs," she pointed out.

Zakharova added that, "the [previous] American approach of seeking constructive solutions in international relations has disappeared without a trace." "Liberal democrats only know how to destroy things, believing that this ability provides a guarantee of [perpetual] dominance," she emphasized.

The spokeswoman noted that the EU’s current role is to "obligingly bring ammunition bought with the [tax] money of its own citizens, who have never been asked their opinion."

The spokeswoman noted that the EU’s current role is to "obligingly bring ammunition bought with the [tax] money of its own citizens, who have never been asked their opinion."

The top EU diplomat said earlier that a Russian victory in Ukraine would not serve the interests of the US, as Washington wishes to be seen as a reliable partner that can ensure the security of its allies.

EU supporting Ukraine based on its own interests, top diplomat says

The European Union is supporting Ukraine based on its own interests rather than out of love for the Ukrainian people, top EU diplomat Josep Borrell told CNN.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell
©Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

"We cannot afford for Russia to win this war. Otherwise, US and European interests will be damaged. It’s not a matter of generosity alone; it’s not a matter of support for Ukraine because we love the Ukrainian people. It is in our own interests, and it is also in the interests of the US as a global player, the one who has to be perceived as a reliable partner and a security provider to the allies. This is why we call on the US to open and approve the supplementary budget," he pointed out.

Borrell added that the EU was making every possible effort "to support Ukraine more and quicker."

The EU said following a March 22 summit that it was determined to provide support to Ukraine "for as long as it takes and as intensely as needed."

US refusal to help Russia in security sphere immoral — MFA

The United States’ statement on the refusal to help Russia after the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall is immoral, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said on her Telegram channel.

Earlier, the National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, John Kirby, said the US would not cooperate with Russia in the security sphere.

"Challengingly immoral behavior has become a new normal in liberal democracies," Zakharova said.

On the evening of March 22, a terrorist attack targeted the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, just over the Moscow city limits. According to the Russian Investigative Committee, the current death toll is 137, but may rise. The Moscow Region Health Ministry said that 182 people were injured.

Eleven individuals suspected of being involved in the terrorist attack have been apprehended, including four gunmen who were detained in the Bryansk Region, southwest of Moscow, as they attempted to seek refuge by crossing the nearby Ukrainian border.

Hotman: Gugatan Amin dan Ganjar-Mahfud Super-super Cengeng

Hotman: Gugatan Amin dan Ganjar-Mahfud Super-super Cengeng

Hotman: Gugatan Amin dan Ganjar-Mahfud Super-super Cengeng

Anggota Tim Hukum Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Hotman Paris Hutapea, di Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta Pusat, Senin malam, 25/03/2024/RMOL

Pengajuan sengketa atau Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum (PHPU) oleh tim Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, dianggap terlalu lemah.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Anggota Tim Hukum Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Hotman Paris Hutapea dalam jumpa pers usai mendaftar sebagai Pihak Terkait, di Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta Pusat, Senin malam, 25/03/2024.

"Jadi menurut kami sih rada cengeng (permohonan gugatan Anies-Muhaimin dan Ganjar-Mahfud)," kata Hotman.

Hotman menuturkan, dalil permohonan dua pasangan capres-cawapres tersebut tidak berdasar, terutama soal pencalonan Gibran yang disebut-sebut tidak absah alias memenuhi syarat.

Sebabnya, dia memandang Anies-Muhaimin dan Ganjar-Mahfud telah menunjukkan sikap penerimaan terhadap Gibran sebagai cawapres.

"Dua kali pasangan 01 dan 03 mengakui keabsahan Gibran. Pertama, waktu pendaftaran di KPU, (saat) mendapatkan nomor (urut), yang malah mereka pesta pora berdiri, tidak ada satupun protes dari keabsahan Gibran," kata Hotman.

"Pengakuan kedua, pada saat debat cawapres. Berapa kali Gibran debat dengan cawapres 01 dan 03 itu atas undangan KPU, dan tidak ada protes satupun. Kok malah disalahkan KPU nya, kok Gibran (dianggap) tidak memenuhi syarat," sambungnya menegaskan.

Oleh karena itu, Hotman menganggap ada ketidaksesuaian yang dilakukan Anies-Muhaimin dan Ganjar-Mahfud, dengan mengajukan perkara PHPU ke MK dan kaitannya dengan fakta pelaksanaan tahapan pencalonan presiden dan wakil presiden oleh KPU RI.

"Ada prinsip yang paling basic, yaitu perbuatan merupakan pengakuan, (ada) dua kali. (Yaitu) dalam pemberian nomor, 01 dan 03 mengakui keabsahan Gibran, mereka benar-benar ceria kan, dan ada Gibran di situ sama sekali tidak ditentang," katanya.

"Kemudian waktu debat, enggak ada sama sekali (protes). Sekarang kok KPU dipersalahkan, (dengan menyebut) enggak memenuhi syarat. Jadi saya mengatakan itu permohonan (gugatan PHPU) yang super-super cengeng," demikian Hotman.

Otto Hasibuan: Gugatan PHPU Pilpres cacat formil

Wakil Ketua Tim Pembela Prabowo-Gibran Otto Hasibuan menilai gugatan Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum (PHPU) Pilpres 2024 yang diajukan oleh tim hukum Anies-Muhaimin dan Ganjar-Mahfud adalah cacat formil.

Wakil Ketua Tim Pembela Prabowo-Gibran Otto Hasibuan (ketiga dari kiri) menjawab pertanyaan awak media di Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Jakarta, Senin, 25/3/2024. ANTARA/Nadia Putri Rahmani

“Secara formal kami melihat bahwa gugatan yang diajukan 01 (Anies-Muhaimin) dan 03 (Ganjar-Mahfud) adalah cacat formil atau cacat prosedural karena tidak memenuhi syarat formil. Karena itu, kami melihat bahwa gugatan itu berpotensi besar tidak dapat diterima,” kata Otto Hasibuan di Gedung MK, Jakarta, Senin (25/3) malam.

Ia mengatakan, dalil yang disebutkan dalam permohonan oleh kedua pemohon adalah terkait dengan pelanggaran penyelenggaraan pemilu yang dituduhkan kepada Prabowo-Gibran.

Menurutnya, dalil pelanggaran adalah ranah Badan Pengawasan Pemilihan Umum (Bawaslu). Sedangkan perkara yang bisa dimasukkan di MK, lanjutnya, adalah perselisihan tentang hasil pemilu.

“Itu tegas diatur di dalam Pasal 476 UU Pemilu dan telah diadopsi di dalam Peraturan MK Tahun 2023 yang menyatakan bahwa permohonan itu diatur mengenai tentang perhitungan suara,” ucapnya menjelaskan.

Selain itu, ia mengatakan, tuntutan mengenai diskualifikasi dalam petitum di permohonan yang diajukan oleh tim hukum Ganjar-Mahfud, juga tidak masuk dalam ranah MK.

Pihaknya juga meyakini persoalan Gibran tidak memenuhi syarat untuk dicalonkan menjadi wakil presiden, akan gampang dipatahkan dari segi bukti.

“Karena bagaimanapun Gibran masuk menjadi calon presiden itu jelas telah diputuskan dalam putusan MK yang sudah final dan binding,” ujarnya.

Karena alasan-alasan tersebut, Tim Pembela Prabowo-Gibran meyakini bahwa permohonan yang diajukan tim hukum Anies-Muhaimin dan Ganjar-mahfud tidak akan diterima.

“Salah kamar itu (permohonan pemohon). Itu tidak sah,” pungkasnya.

Tim Pembela Prabowo-Gibran telah resmi mendaftarkan diri menjadi pihak terkait untuk dua perkara PHPU Pilpres 2024 di Mahkamah Konstitusi.

“Ada 45 orang dalam Tim Pembela Prabowo-Gibran pada malam hari ini, telah menyerahkan surat permohonan untuk menjadi pihak terkait dalam dua perkara yang diajukan ke Mahkamah Konstitusi,” kata Ketua Tim Pembela Prabowo-Gibran Yusril Ihza Mahendra.

Dirinya dan tim telah menyerahkan seluruh kelengkapan berkas yang diminta oleh MK, di antaranya surat kuasa, berita acara sumpah, dan kartu tanda anggota advokat, dan sudah dinyatakan lengkap seluruhnya oleh Panitera MK.

Tim Pembela Prabowo-Gibran yakin mampu menjawab seluruh dalil-dalil yang diajukan oleh pemohon.

“Kami berkeyakinan, Insya Allah, mampu menjawab atau menangkis seluruh argumen dan dalil yang diajukan oleh para pemohon dalam perkara ini,” kata dia.