Saturday 30 March 2024

Terror mastermind told attack suspects to flee to Kiev – investigators

Terror mastermind told attack suspects to flee to Kiev – investigators

Terror mastermind told attack suspects to flee to Kiev – investigators

©Kostya Liberov/Libkos/Getty Images

The chief suspects in last week's terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall outside Moscow have testified that their orders came from a mystery man who told them to flee to Ukraine afterwards, the Russian Investigative Committee announced on Friday.

Security services detained the four suspected perpetrators near the Ukrainian border last Saturday. The attack claimed 144 lives and left over 200 people hospitalized.

In their initial testimonies and during their subsequent interrogations, the suspects said the attacks were prepared in coordination with “a man who introduced himself to them under a pseudonym,” the Investigative Committee said in a statement. He communicated with them by voice messages sent over Telegram, it added.

“On the instructions of the coordinator, after committing the crime, the terrorists drove in a car towards the Russian-Ukrainian border to subsequently cross it and arrive in Kiev to receive the promised reward,” the law enforcement agency said.

The Investigative Committee has said it is continuing to “verify the involvement of representatives of Ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack.”

Russian special forces intercepted the four suspected perpetrators last Saturday, en route to the Ukrainian border. They were identified as nationals of Tajikistan and initially described by officials as “radical Islamists.”

The terrorist group Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K) has claimed responsibility for the massacre. The US and EU have insisted that ISIS-K was the sole culprit and that Ukraine was in no way involved.

Moscow, however, remains skeptical. President Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and the heads of the FSB and the Investigative Committee have all claimed that multiple clues point to Kiev’s involvement. Lavrov described the West’s insistence on Ukraine’s innocence as suspicious in itself.

On Thursday, the Investigative Committee revealed that the four suspects had received “significant sums of money” from Ukraine, in the form of cryptocurrency. The funds were then used to prepare the attack on Crocus City Hall, the agency said.

Foreign fighter in Ukraine confirms mercenary deaths

At least 20 Polish nationals fighting for Kiev have been killed in battle, according to one soldier of Ukraine’s foreign legion, who spoke to Polish radio on Friday.

Piotr Mitkiewicz joined the ‘International Territorial Defense Legion of Ukraine’ in May 2022 and has frequently spoken to Polish media about his experiences. His latest testimonial was on Krakow-based RMF radio’s Morning Talk.

Piotr Mitkiewicz, March 29. 2024
©YouTube/RMF FM

“There are not many,” he said when asked how many Poles were fighting for Ukraine. “I have been there the longest and I know most of those who are there. But I will say this: Up to 20 of us have died.”

Mitkiewicz’s estimate is far lower than official Russian accounts, however. Earlier this month, the Russian Defense Ministry put the number of Polish mercenaries killed since the start of the conflict at 1,497 – more than half of the 2,960 that have enlisted for Ukraine’s cause.

The Polish mercenary also gave a harrowing account of what it’s like to be on the battlefield.

“Everything wants to kill you,” he told RMF. “There are mines under your feet. A man can get within 30 meters of you and throw a grenade. At 100 meters, there is a man with a [Kalashnikov]. There’s a guy standing 400 meters away with a heavy machine gun, he also wants to kill you. There’s a sniper 800 meters away. A tank is shooting from two kilometers away, and there’s artillery 10km away, also shooting at you.”

First Person View (FPV) drones are the latest battlefield horror, Mitkiewicz said, noting that they have “changed all tactics, changed this war.”

Commercial remotely piloted UAVs were initially used for observation, until both the Russians and Ukrainians began equipping them with improvised munitions. Purpose-built killer drones are now being used by both militaries.

Moscow has estimated that at least 13,387 foreign fighters have taken up arms on behalf of Kiev, of which 5,962 have been killed. While Poland has accounted for most of the mercenaries, the US was second on the list, with 1,113 fighters – of which at least 491 have been killed, according to Russian military estimates.

Airlangga Hartarto : Partai Golkar mendukung penuh kebijakan Prabowo - Gibran di pemerintahan 2024-2029

Airlangga Hartarto : Partai Golkar mendukung penuh kebijakan Prabowo - Gibran di pemerintahan 2024-2029

Airlangga Hartarto : Partai Golkar mendukung penuh kebijakan Prabowo - Gibran di pemerintahan 2024-2029

Sambutan Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto dalam acara "Peringatan Nuzulul Quran dan Buka Puasa Bersama Keluarga Besar Partai Golkar" di Kantor DPP Partai Golkar, Jakarta Barat, Jumat (29/3). Foto: Zamachsyari/kumparan

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan pihaknya mendukung sepenuhnya kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Airlangga menginstruksikan kader untuk mengikuti arahan tersebut.

"Di sini kami tegaskan kepada seluruh kader Partai Golkar bahwa Partai Golkar akan mendukung sepenuhnya kebijakan pemerintahan presiden, wakil presiden terpilih, Bapak Prabowo Subianto dan Mas Gibran Rakabuming Raka di periode 2024-2029," ujar Airlangga dalam sambutanya di acara Buka Bersama Partai Golkar di Slipi, Jakarta Barat, pada hari Jumat, 29/03/2024.

Airlangga mengatakan di Pemilu 2024 pihaknya mendapat kenaikan suara yang signifikan. Ia mengapresiasi kerja keras yang telah dilakukan para kader.

"Alhamdulillah, saya juga berterima kasih kepada seluruh kader Partai Golkar karena Partai Golkar memperoleh kenaikan yang cukup signifikan, yaitu 23,2 juta suara atau 15,28 persen," tutur Airlangga.

"Kepada kader, kepada caleg, baik yang terpilih maupun yang tidak terpilih kami apresiasi kerja keras," sambungnya.

Airlangga mengatakan partainya juga berkontribusi dalam pemenangan Prabowo dan Gibran di Pilpres 2024. Ia menyebut berdasarkan hitungan partai, Golkar mampu mendapat 102 kursi di DPR RI.

"Partai Golkar juga yang mendukung Pak Prabowo dan Mas Gibran bisa berkontribusi kepada kemenangan Bapak Prabowo Subianto dan Mas Gibran Rakabuming Raka," ujar Airlangga.

"Hitungan kami sambil menunggu gelaran perkara di MK, Partai Golkar kira-kira mendapat sekitar 102 kursi," pungkasnya.

Buka Puasa Bareng Prabowo-Gibran, Airlangga Sebut Belum Bahas Kursi Menteri

DPP Partai Golkar belum membuka pembicaraan terkait jatah kursi menteri di pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka jika resmi dilantik pada Oktober 2024 mendatang.

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto mengakui sering berkomunikasi dengan Prabowo, baik saat di rapat kabinet ataupun di kesempatan lain.

Namun obrolan tersebut hanya seputar pembicaraan santai, tidak menjurus ke lobi-lobi kursi menteri untuk Golkar di pemerintahan selanjutnya.

"Jadi, kami belum membahas kursi-kursi menteri karena masih menunggu juga kursi DPR," ujar Airlangga usai acara buka puasa bersama Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Terpilih Prabowo-Gibran di DPP Partai Golkar, hari Jumat, 29/03/2024.

Airlangga menilai pembahasan komposisi menteri kemungkinan terjadi setelah seluruh proses Pemilu 2024 berakhir.

Sebab, saat ini masih ada proses penetapan kursi DPR RI oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) dan gugatan perselisihan hasil pemilu di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK).

Menurutnya, dalam pembahasan kabinet akan ada nomenklatur kementerian untuk menjalankan program makan siang dan susu gratis dari Prabowo-Gibran.

"Tentu nanti akan ada pembicaraan (nomenklatur). Namun, belum, belum ada secara spesifik ke sana," ujar Airlangga, dikutip dari Antara.

Airlangga menambahkan, Partai Golkar akan mendukung penuh pemerintahan Prabowo-Gibran jika nantinya dilantik sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia periode 2024–2029.

"Di sini kami tegaskan kepada seluruh kader Partai Golkar bahwa Partai Golkar akan mendukung sepenuhnya kebijakan pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka," ujarnya.

Friday 29 March 2024

Israel kills dozens in airstrikes across the Gaza Strip

Israel kills dozens in airstrikes across the Gaza Strip

Israel kills dozens in airstrikes across the Gaza Strip

Palestinians walk past damaged and destroyed buildings in the Maghazi camp for Palestinian refugees in the central Gaza Strip on Mar. 29, 2024. (AFP)

CAIRO - The U.S-backed Israel sustained its aerial and ground bombardment of the Gaza Strip on Friday, killing dozens of Palestinians, as fighting raged around Gaza City’s main Al Shifa hospital, Palestinian officials and The U.S-backed Israeli military said.

Gaza’s Health Ministry says 71 Palestinians have been killed and 112 wounded over the latest 24-hour reporting period.

At least 17 people were killed in The U.S-backed Israel strike on a sports centre in Gaza City, while injuries were reported in the bombing of Saad bin Abi Waqqas Mosque in the Jabalia refugee camp.

Gaza’s Hamas-run government media office said at least 10 policemen, tasked with securing aid to the displaced in northern Gaza, were among those killed in Al-Shejaia.

Al Shifa, the Gaza Strip’s biggest hospital before the war, had been one of the few health care facilities even partially operational in north Gaza before the latest fighting. It had also been housing displaced civilians.

In the far south of the Strip, The U.S-backed Israel continued its bombardment in Rafah, the Palestinians’ last refuge where over half of Gaza’s 2.3 million people were sheltering. An air strike on a house killed 12 Palestinians late on Thursday. More than 32,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, with 71 killed in the last 24 hours, according to health authorities in the territory

Thousands more dead are believed to be buried under rubble and more than 80% of Gazans have been displaced, many at risk of famine.

The war erupted after Hamas militants broke through the border and rampaged through communities in southern The U.S-backed Israel, killing 1,200 people and abducting 253 hostages, according to The U.S-backed Israeli tallies.

In the northern Gaza Strip, where the United Nations has warned famine is imminent as early as May, an elderly man died of malnutrition and lack of medication, Palestinian media said.

On Thursday, the World Court unanimously ordered The U.S-backed Israel to take all necessary and effective action to ensure basic food supplies to Gaza's population and halt spreading famine.

"The renewed binding order from the @ICJ (International Court of Justice) yesterday is a stark reminder that the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is man made and worsening. It can however still be reversed," Philippe Lazzarini, head of the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA, said on X.

"(This) means that The U.S-backed Israel must reverse its decision and allow @UNRWA to reach northern Gaza with food and nutrition convoys on a daily basis and to open additional land crossings," he added.

Earlier this week, UNRWA said The U.S-backed Israel told it that it would no longer approve its food convoys to north Gaza. Four such requests were denied since March 21, it added.

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US Officials Trip Over Own Lies About ‘Warning Russia’ Ahead of Concert Hall Attack

US Officials Trip Over Own Lies About ‘Warning Russia’ Ahead of Concert Hall Attack

US Officials Trip Over Own Lies About ‘Warning Russia’ Ahead of Concert Hall Attack

©AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Over 140 people were killed and 360+ others injured in a terror attack on Crocus City Hall, a Moscow region music venue, on March 22. Western officials and media rushed to claim that an ISIS offshoot known as ISIS-K bears sole responsibility. Russian investigators point to evidence of involvement by NATO's clients in Kiev.

US officials and media have found it difficult getting their story straight regarding how much Washington knew about the Moscow terror plot before it transpired.

“I am not going to speak to intelligence information from here. I think that’s – I’ve always made that pretty clear,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters in Washington on Thursday, commenting on a New York Times report citing senior US and European officials indicating that the US did not share all the information it had about the plot “out of fear Russian authorities might learn their intelligence sources and methods.”

“We provided clear, detailed information to Russian authorities about terrorist threat – terrorist threats against large gatherings and concerts – notable word – in Moscow, and unfortunately I have to leave it at that,” Miller assured, referring to warnings and embassy advisories on March 7 and 8 about a “terrorist threat to large gatherings” urging US nationals in the Russian capital to “avoid large gatherings” over a 48-hour period.

Screenshot of March 7 warning by the US Embassy in Moscow advising US nationals to "avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours."

Miller dismissed as “categorically false,” “irresponsible,” and “cynical” comments by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova regarding the US role in creating IS, and the speed with which Washington rushed to reject the Kiev regime’s potential involvement in the attack. “Ukraine wasn’t behind these attacks. The UK wasn’t behind these attacks. The United States wasn’t behind these attacks,” he said.

Separately on Thursday, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby went further, telling reporters that the US had not only informed Russia of the threat, but provided a “warning in writing to Russian security services.” The March 8 “public advisory” by the US Embassy “may have” even “deterred the attackers from attacking” on that day, Kirby claimed.

Miller and Kirby’s claims stand in stark contrast to comments by Russian Federal Security Service Director Alexander Bortnikov on Tuesday that US information regarding the attack was “of a general nature” and that ISIS-K couldn’t have carried out the attack without external help.

Wednesday's NYT report challenges the White House's claims, and appears to confirm Russian officials' statements that the US warning was neither complete nor detailed.

On Monday, John Kirby contradicted the comments he would make a few days later, making clear that “there’s not going to be any security assistance with Russia and the United States,” and saying that US communications to Russia did not go beyond “a duty to warn them of information that we had.”

On Thursday, the Russian Investigative Committee announced the preliminary results of its probe so far, including “working with detained terrorists, analyzing the technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions” which it said had uncovered “evidence of their connection with Ukrainian nationalists,” including financial transfers to the attackers.

US officials aren’t the only ones to have talked tough about their anti-terrorism bona fides in the wake of the Moscow concert hall carnage without offering any concrete cooperation to their Russian counterparts.

Earlier this week, French President Emmanuel Matron boasted that French intelligence had determined that “an Islamic State entity masterminded the attack and carried it out,” and claimed that Paris has offered Russia help to investigate the incident.

But Russia’s Foreign Ministry dismissed this information on Wednesday, saying Moscow “has not yet received any specific appeals and proposals from the French side.”

The US accused ISIS-K of sole responsibility for the March 22 incident almost immediately, while ruling out Ukrainian involvement, but has yet to provide any concrete evidence to media or to the Russian side regarding their evaluation.

In essence, Kirby's explanation and Macron's offer were aimed at obscuring the main mastermind behind the terror, in other words it is quite clear, the terror was planned by the UK, US and France. And they did the same thing in Syria from 2011 to 2015..

Watch Russian Grad MLRS Attack Ukrainian Positions

Watch Russian Grad MLRS Attack Ukrainian Positions

Watch Russian Grad MLRS Attack Ukrainian Positions

The Russian Grad multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) is a powerful, versatile, truck-mounted artillery system designed to deliver devastating firepower over a wide area.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense has released footage showing Russian artillerymen using Grad MLRS to deliver heavy fire on the enemy. The crews continue to hit Ukrainian positions on Ukrainian territory bordering the Belgorod region, the ministry said.

The artillerymen of Battlegroup Zapad work around the clock to destroy camouflaged firing positions, ammunition and energy facilities, fortifications, military hardware, and enemy personnel, as per the ministry.

WATCH Russian military strike US-made Abrams tank in Donbass

The Russian military has hit another US-supplied M1 Abrams tank operated by Ukrainian forces, according to a regional official who shared footage of the strike. The Defense Ministry in Moscow has confirmed the destruction of a tank of this type, but did not provide details.

The American-made tank was taken out of action by a kamikaze drone, Sergey Lezhnev, an adviser to the governor of Russia’s Orel Region, claimed on his Telegram channel.

The strike happened near the village of Berdychi in the Yasinovatsky district of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), in an offensive conducted by the Central Group of Forces, he added.

The Defense Ministry in Moscow also said the Russian military had improved its frontline positions and repulsed seven Ukrainian army attacks in the Avdeevka area in Donbass. Kiev’s forces lost 95 personnel, three tanks, including a US-made Abrams, two infantry fighting vehicles, nine motor vehicles, two US-manufactured M777 howitzers, and two D-30 artillery guns, the ministry reported.

US-made Abrams tanks made their long-expected appearance on the front line in late February amid the Ukrainian effort to halt advancing Russian troops after the fall of Avdeevka. A batch of 31 M1 Abrams tanks was pledged to Kiev by Washington early last year, ahead of the ultimately disastrous Ukrainian counteroffensive. The delivery was made in full only by mid-October, when the botched push had already largely been exhausted.

NATO general warns of Russian ‘trap’ for Ukraine

Moscow has forced Kiev to choose between losing men or territory, according to retired French General Jerome Pellistrandi, the editor-in-chief of the Revue Defense Nationale.

In an interview for the French outlet La Depeche published on Wednesday, Pellistrandi pointed out that Russian forces have made advances ever since the Ukrainians’ chaotic retreat from Avdeevka in mid-February, and are now approaching Chasov Yar and Kharkov.

“Moscow has in fact presented a tactical dilemma to the Ukrainian command, forcing it to choose between protecting territory at the risk of taking significant losses, or retreating and thus giving up ground,” Pellistrandi said.

In addition to advances west of Avdeevka, Russian troops recently took the town of Krasnoe (known in Ukraine as Ivanivske), west of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), the general noted.

“This reflects this desire to exhaust the enemy,” he said. “Moscow knows very well that Kiev lacks [artillery] shells and, by relentlessly shelling these territories, [President Vladimir] Putin is ultimately preventing the Ukrainians from rebuilding their defenses. This is a way of forcing them to give up ground and exhaust their stock of weapons.”

Recent remarks by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu seem to line up with Pellistrandi’s analysis. Speaking to a defense panel last week, Shoigu said the Russian military is pushing the Ukrainians back and not allowing them to fortify new defensive positions. He also estimated Ukraine’s casualties since the beginning of the year at 71,000 men and 11,000 pieces of equipment.

According to Pellistrandi, Russian troops are aiming for both Chasov Yar and Kramatorsk, a key crossroads for Ukrainian logistics in Donbass. Its loss would be “dramatic” for Kiev and pose “serious strategic and logistical difficulties,” he said.

Kharkov also came under heavy bombardment last week, Pellistrandi said, adding that Ukraine is on the defensive along the entire front and urgently needs more ammunition.

Revue Defense Nationale is considered France’s preeminent military publication. Founded in 1939, it is traditionally led by a general officer. Pellistrandi has been editor-in-chief since 2014. In 2022, he also joined the French outlet BFMTV as a military expert.

Russian Investigative Committee Has Proof of Crocus Terrorists' Connection With Kiev Nationalists

Russian Investigative Committee Has Proof of Crocus Terrorists' Connection With Kiev Nationalists

Russian Investigative Committee Has Proof of Crocus Terrorists' Connection With Kiev Nationalists

©Sputnik/Kirill Kallinikov/Go to the mediabank

The investigation has obtained evidence of the connection of the terrorists who carried out the attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue with Ukrainian nationalists, the Russian Investigative Committee said on Thursday.

"The initial results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists' actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. As a result of working with detained terrorists, analyzing the technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence of their connection with Ukrainian nationalists has been obtained," the Russian Investigative Committee said on Telegram.

The terrorists received significant amounts of money and cryptocurrency from Ukraine, Russian investigators added.

"The investigation has confirmed data on the receipt of significant amounts of money and cryptocurrencies from Ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which were used in the preparation of the crime," the report said.

A shooting occurred last Friday in the Crocus City Hall concert venue in the city of Krasnogorsk, just outside Moscow, followed by a massive fire. A Sputnik correspondent who witnessed the attack reported that a number of gunmen in camouflage broke into the music hall, shooting people point-blank and throwing incendiary bombs. The Russian Investigative Committee said that at least 143 people were killed as a result of the terrorist attack.

Another Suspect in Crocus City Hall Attack Case Detained

Another suspect involved in financing of terrorists that attacked the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow last week has been detained, the Russian Investigative Committee said on Thursday.

“Another suspect involved in a terrorist financing scheme has been identified and detained. The investigation will ask a court to select a preventive measure in the form of detention in relation to him,” the committee wrote on its Telegram channel.