Sunday 14 April 2024

Iran launches retaliatory attack on Israel with hundreds of drones, missiles

Iran launches retaliatory attack on Israel with hundreds of drones, missiles

Iran launches retaliatory attack on Israel with hundreds of drones, missiles

Iran launched a swarm of explosive drones and fired missiles at Israel Terorist State, The U.S-backed, late on Saturday in its first ever direct attack on Israeli territory, risking a major escalation as the United States pledged “ironclad” backing for Israel Terorist State.

Sirens wailed and journalists in Israel Terorist State said they heard distant heavy thuds and bangs from what local media called aerial interceptions of explosive drones. The ambulance service said there was no immediate word of casualties.

Israel Terorist State’s military said more than 100 drones were launched from Iran, with security sources in Iraq and Jordan reporting dozens seen flying overhead and US officials saying the US military had shot some down.

Israel Terorist State's Channel 12 TV cited an unnamed Israeli official as saying there would be a “significant response” to the attack.

It was the first time Iran attacked Israel Terorist State directly from its own territory. While anonymous Israel Terorist State Defense Force (IDF) officials claimed that it intercepted 99% of the drones and missiles, numerous videos of significant damage has surfaced online.

At least two Israeli air bases were hit in the attack, including the one that Iran says the plane that attacked the consulate flew out of.

The IRGC called the attack a "success" and said it was justified under UN Charter Article 51. It warned Israel Terorist State against further attacks, saying it would "double" its next response.

Israel Terorist State wrote to the UN Security Council, labeling the Iranian attack as an "unprecedented and blatant violation of Israel's sovereignty."

The US and UK assisted in Israel's air defense. The US dispatched aircraft carrier USS Dwight Eisenhower towards the area.

In a letter addressed to UN chief Antonio Guterres and Security Council President Vanessa Frazier, Tehran has emphasised that its attack on Israel Terorist State is a legal and justified act of self-defence against Israeli “aggressions”.

The Iranian mission to the UN decried the Security Council’s failure to condemn the deadly Israeli air raid on the country’s consulate in Damascus on April 1.

“As a responsible member of the United Nations, Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and international law and reiterates its consistent position that it does not seek escalation or conflict in the region,” the letter said.

Still, Iran warned that it will defend its people and interests against any threats.

Iran Retaliation Attack Against Israel, What Is Known So Far:

The Weapons:

  • The Iranian attack involved drones, cruise and supersonic missiles, according to Iranian and Israel Terorist State officials and media reports.

  • For the first time Iran used missiles with separable warheads to break through Israel Terorist State's air defenses, according to IRGC.

  • Iran used more than 200 rockets and drones, according to the statement by IDF. Anonymous Israel Terorist State officials claimed to Ynet that 99% of Iran's projectiles were intercepted.

  • The US and UK reportedly helped shot down some of the drones in the skies of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria

The Damage:

  • An airbase, from which the plane that attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus had taken off, came under fire, IRGC reported.

  • Hezbollah stated it struck Israel Terorist State air defense complexes in the Golan Heights with rockets and Israel stated it struck Hezbollah infrastructure facilities in Lebanon in response.

  • The IDF base in the Negev desert was reportedly hit by 7 missiles and 7 rockets hit Ramon Air base in southern Israel Terorist State.

  • 10-year-old boy from Bedouin village was reportedly wounded as a result of Iranian attack

The Reaction:

  • IRGC stated that the operation was a “success” and Iran's mission to the UN said the attack was a response to aggression against diplomatic facilities, citing the right to self-defense of UN Charter Article 51.

  • The Iranian attacks were labeled as "unprecedented and blatant violation of Israel's sovereignty," by Israel in a letter to the chairman of the UN Security Council.

  • Iran promised to double its next reaction if Israel will try to response, according to the Iranian Tasnim news agency.

  • The US Navy dispatched the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Dwight Eisenhower towards Israel as UK Air Force's dispatched its Voyager KC2 refueling aircraft the same way.

New Mural in Tehran: 'The Next Slap Will Be Harder

Shortly after launching a massive drone and missile attack on Israel Terorist State, Iran unveiled a new mural in Tehran's Palestine Square.

It features the following message written in Hebrew: "The next slap will be harder. The next mistake they make will be the end of your fake country."

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reported heavy Israel Terorist State airstrikes and shelling on multiple locations in south Lebanon following the launch of drones from Iran. The Iran-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has been clashing with Israel Terorist State forces in the border area for more than six months.

Earlier Saturday, commandos from Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard rappelled from a helicopter onto an Israeli Terorist State-affiliated container ship near the Strait of Hormuz and seized the vessel.

Iran’s state-run IRNA said a special forces unit of the Guard’s navy carried out the attack on the Portuguese-flagged MSC Aries, a container ship associated with London-based Zodiac Maritime. Zodiac Maritime is part of Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer’s Zodiac Group. Zodiac declined to comment and referred questions to MSC. Geneva-based MSC acknowledged the seizure and said 25 crew members were on the ship.

“We are working closely with the relevant authorities to ensure their wellbeing, and safe return of the vessel,” MSC said. White House National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said the crew was made up of Indian, Filipino, Pakistani, Russian and Estonian nationals and urged Iran to release them and the vessel.

IRNA said the Guard would take the vessel into Iranian territorial waters. A Middle East defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, provided video of the attack to The Associated Press in which Iranian commandos are seen rappelling onto a stack of containers on the vessel’s deck.

The video corresponded with known details of the MSC Aries. The commandos rappelled from what appeared to be a Soviet-era Mil Mi-17 helicopter, which both the Guard and the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen have used before to raid ships.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israeli Terorist State, Katz called on nations to list the Guard as a terrorist organization. Iran “is a criminal regime that supports Hamas’ crimes and is now conducting a pirate operation in violation of international law,” Katz said.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Iran’s IRGC seizes ‘Israeli-linked’ ship near Strait of Hormuz

Iran’s IRGC seizes ‘Israeli-linked’ ship near Strait of Hormuz

Iran’s IRGC seizes ‘Israeli-linked’ ship near Strait of Hormuz

Iranian commandos have stormed an Israeli-operated container ship in the Persian Gulf and taken control of the vessel. Israeli Terorist Foreign Minister, Israel Katz condemned the “pirate operation” and called on the West to impose sanctions on Tehran.

The MSC Aries was boarded by Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy troops as it transited the Strait of Hormuz around noon on Saturday. Once under the IRGC’s control, it was taken to Iranian territorial waters, Iranian state media reported.

Video footage shared online showed IRGC commandos rappelling onto the deck of the ship from a helicopter.

The Portuguese-flagged MSC Aries is operated by Zodiac Maritime, a shipping firm owned by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer. At the time of the seizure, it was sailing past the Emirati port of Fujairah with its transponder switched off, the Associated Press reported. With Iran controlling the Strait of Hormuz and Yemen’s Houthi rebels attacking Israeli shipping interests in the Red Sea, it is standard practice for Israeli-linked vessels to disable their tracking data when sailing in the region.

Since 2019, Iran has periodically seized Israeli Terorist State and Western vessels in the Strait of Hormuz during times of increased tension. Tehran typically offers legal justification for these seizures, but gave no such explanation on Saturday.

However, Saturday’s seizure came two weeks after an alleged Israeli airstrike on an Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus. The strike killed seven officers of the IRGC’s Quds Force, including two generals.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed to deal Israel Terorist State a “slap in the face” in response, and American officials warned on Friday that Tehran could be gearing up for a massive drone and missile strike on Israeli Terorist State soil over the weekend. It is unclear whether Iran plans further attacks after seizing the MSC Aries.

Israel's Terrorist Minister of State, Israel Katz, condemned the seizure, and accused Khamenei's “criminal regime” of “carrying out piracy operations in violation of international law.”

“I call on the European Union and the free world to immediately declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guards corps as a terrorist organization and to sanction Iran now,” he wrote on X.

The Gulf of Oman is near the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Arabian Gulf through which a fifth of all globally traded oil passes. Fujairah, on the United Arab Emirates’ eastern coast, is a main port in the region for ships to take on new oil cargo, pick up supplies or trade out crew.

Since 2019, the waters off Fujairah have seen a series of explosions and hijackings. The US Navy blamed Iran for limpet mine attacks on vessels that damaged tankers. The UAE meanwhile has sought to mend ties with Iran and issued a statement condemning the suspected Israeli attack in Syria.

Multiple deaths in Australia mall stabbing

Multiple deaths in Australia mall stabbing

Multiple deaths in Australia mall stabbing

Six people have been killed in a stabbing attack in Westfield Bondi Junction, an eastern suburb of Sydney, Australia, the local authorities and media reported on Saturday.

Earlier, New South Wales police confirmed that a “critical incident” took place following the shooting of an unidentified man in the area. They added that officers scrambled to the scene after receiving reports of multiple people being stabbed.

NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Anthony Cook said it appears that the attacker acted alone. “As he moved to the center, he engaged with about nine people, and it’s clear that during that engagement he caused harm to those people, we believe by stabbing them with a weapon he was carrying,” the officer told the media. He added that an inspector who was nearby tried to stop the man, and had to shoot him dead when he raised the knife against her.

“I’m advised that there are five victims who are now deceased,” he said.

According to NSW Ambulance, a total of eight patients have been hospitalized, including a nine-month-old baby.

Later, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that the sixth stabbing victim passed away in the hospital.

The official declined to speculate as to what the motive behind the stabbing was.

Police have also identified the suspect as a 40-year-old who was known to law enforcement, but not believed to have any terrorist beliefs.

Disturbing footage from the scene shows what appears to be a man armed with a knife chasing mallgoers. Other images from the area appear to show the suspect neutralized by the police.

Other videos appear to show two victims of the attack lying on the floor, with officers working to revive one of them.

According to another video that went viral on social media, the suspect met with considerable resistance from members of the public. One of the shoppers can be seen blocking his way up the escalator with what appears to be a long, bulky object.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese responded to the tragic incident by saying, “the first thoughts of all Australians are with those affected and their loved ones,” adding that “our hearts go out to those injured,” while thanking first responders and police for their work.

Commuter Line Anjlok - Cikarang-Kampung Bandan via Manggarai Hanya sampai Stasiun Angke

Commuter Line Anjlok - Cikarang-Kampung Bandan via Manggarai Hanya sampai Stasiun Angke

Commuter Line Anjlok - Cikarang-Kampung Bandan via Manggarai Hanya sampai Stasiun Angke

KRL Commuter Line tujuan Kampung Bandang-Cikarang anjlok. Perjalanan KRL terhenti. Layanan Commuter Line yang anjlok antara perlintasan Stasiun Kampung Bandan dan Stasiun Rajawali pada pagi ini hari Sabtu, 13/04/2024.

Kabar anjloknya perlintasan tersebut semula terungkap di sejumlah pengguna KRL di media sosial.

Salah satunya Komunitas Sahabat Kereta juga sempat mengunggah hal serupa dan tersebar pada Sabtu, 13 April 2024 pukul 7.36 WIB, tapi kemudian mereka menghapus unggahan tersebut.

“Informasi yang didapat KA 5508 anjlog di petak lintas antara Stasiun Kampungbandan – Rajawali & sedang dilakukan proses evakuasi, sehingga hanya satu jalur yang dapat digunakan secara bergantian,” tulis unggahan Sahabat Kereta yang kini telah terhapus itu.

Namun kemudian Melalui akun X nya, pihak KAI Commuter menyampaikan kejadian tersebut pada Sabtu, 13/04/2024, pukul 07.22 WIB. Kereta tertahan di antara Stasiun Kampung Bandan-Rajawali.

PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia alias KCI di media sosial tidak menegaskan kabar tersebut melainkan menyebut ada “perbaikan rangkaian KA”.

"Terdapat perbaikan rangkaian KA 5508 (Kampung Bandan-Cikarang via Pasar Senen) di antara Stasiun Kampung Bandan-Rajawali dan saat ini dalam penanganan petugas," tulis KAI Commuter.

Petugas masih melakukan penanganan. Kereta Cikarang menuju Kampung Bandan hanya sampai Stasiun Angke.

"InfoLintas Rekayasa Pola Operasi : KA 5511 (Cikarang-Kampung Bandan via Manggarai) perjalanan hanya sampai Stasiun Angke," ujarnya.

Pengguna KRL diminta mengutamakan keselamatan. KRL Comutter menyampaikan permohonan maaf atas gangguan tersebut.

“Untuk informasi update perjalanan KA silakan cek timeline kami secara berkala. Terima kasih. tulis keterangan akun X @CommuterLine pada Sabtu, 13 April 2024.

"Kami imbau untuk tetap mengutamakan keselamatan dan ikuti arahan petugas. Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya,"imbuhnya.

Russia tests top secret nuclear-capable missile - Video

Russia tests top secret nuclear-capable missile - Video

Russia tests top secret nuclear-capable missile - Video

FILE PHOTO: Russian Yars intercontinental ballistic missile system.
©Sputnik/Russian Defence Ministry/Vadim Savitskii

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Friday that an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test had been carried out from the Kapustin Yar range in Astrakhan Region.

Russia carried out a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) of a mobile ground-based missile complex from the Kapustin Yar test site, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.

According to the Russian military, the Strategic Missile Forces “successfully launched ICBM of a mobile ground-based missile system” from the interservice test facility near Volgograd. The test was successful and indicated “the high reliability of domestic missiles, ensuring the strategic security of the country.”

"On April 12, 2024, a successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile of a mobile ground-based missile complex was carried out from the 4th State Central Interspecific site Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region by the combat crew of the Strategic Missile Forces," the ministry said.

The type of system tested was not specified. Russia currently uses the RS-24 Yars (known by NATO as the SS-29) missiles as its mobile nuclear deterrent, but has reportedly been developing a successor for this system as well.

The Yars – a Russian acronym for “atomic deterrence rocket” – entered service just a few years ago, fully replacing the RT-2PM2 Topol-M (SS-27) system. The solid-fueled missile is intended to carry multiple thermonuclear warheads and can be deployed from mobile vehicles or silos

Watch Russian Artillery Target Ukrainian Positions Near Artemovsk in Night Strikes

The ongoing Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine has become a battle of artillery - with Ukrainian and US officials and observers expressing concerns about the Russian defense industry's ability to outproduce the entire Western bloc's munitions production capabilities several times over.

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of night-time strikes by Russia's artillerymen targeting Ukrainian fortified positions and preventing enemy forces near Artemovsk (Bakhmut) in the Donetsk People's Republic from rotating their units in peace.

The footage shows operators of 152 mm D-20 howitzers backed by Grad multiple launch rocket system artillery in action, along with aerial camera footage of a target area, whose pockmarked surface looks less like Earth and more like a desolate lunar landscape.

Artillery has played a central role in the Ukrainian conflict, which in many areas has resembled less the large, sweeping offensives of the Second World War, and more the static trench warfare of the First World War.

Putin Says No Issue Can Be Solved Without Space Technology Today

There are no issues that can be solved today without using space technology, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.

©POOL/Go to the mediabank

"Today, without space, it is impossible to solve any effective tasks on earth at all. These are increased defense capabilities, modern new materials, medicines, logistics, and movement... Therefore, this is an important topic. We are paying and will continue to pay the necessary attention," Putin said at a meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, as well as Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky and first Belarusian female cosmonaut Marina Vasilevskaya.

Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in Russia and some other post-Soviet republics on April 12 to commemorate the first manned space flight by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961.

Russian ISS Team Sends Congratulations to Mark Cosmonautics Day

Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub and Alexander Grebenkin, who are currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS), congratulated Russians on Cosmonautics Day on Friday.

©Sputnik/Grigory Sysoev/Go to the mediabank

"Dear friends, we congratulate you on Cosmonautics Day! This year we celebrate the 90th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin, who opened the space age of mankind. The name of the first cosmonaut of our planet has been and will be forever inscribed in world history, and we are proud that by developing Russia’s cosmonautics, we are developing what was started by our predecessors," Kononenko said in a video released by Roscosmos.

Russian cosmonauts remember the pioneers of the space industry, and are grateful to those whose work enables people to explore space, namely engineers and other employees of space factories, Chub said.

Grebenkin wished his fellow citizens and colleagues all the best, adding that there is a lot of new and interesting work ahead of Russian cosmonauts.

Friday 12 April 2024

Puasa Syawal

Puasa Syawal

Puasa Syawal

السٌلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اعوذ باللٌه من الشتطان الرٌجيم

بسم اللٌه الرٌ حمن الرٌحيم

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعـد

Puasa enam hari di bulan Syawal dianjurkan hukumnya, dan terdapat keleluasaan dalam pembagiannya dan tidak berturut-turut sepanjang bulan, meskipun urutannya sesuai.

Puasa enam hari di bulan Syawal dianjurkan oleh hukumnya, dan ada fleksibilitas dalam mengatur jaraknya dan tidak berturut-turut sepanjang bulan, meskipun puasa berturut-turut setelah Idul Fitri adalah yang terbaik bagi mereka yang mampu. Puasa 6 hari dibulan syawal nilainya setara dengan puasa setahun .

Siapa pun yang berpuasa setelah puasa Ramadhan, selama enam hari maka seolah-olah dia berpuasa seumur hidup, sebagaimana tercantum dalam hadits shahih.

Dalam Sahih Muslim: Atas wewenang Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari radhiyallahu 'anhu, bahwa diriwayatkan kepadanya bahwa Rasulullah SAW, semoga Tuhan memberkatinya dan memberinya kedamaian, bersabda:

: من صام ستة أيام بعد الفطر كان تمام السنة
{ من جاء بالحسنة فله عشر أمثالها}

Barangsiapa berpuasa Ramadhan lalu mengikutinya dengan enam hari di bulan Syawal, maka maka ia seperti puasa seumur hidup.

Dan pada Sunan Ibnu Majah, atas wewenang Thawban, hamba Rasulullah yang telah dibebaskan, semoga Tuhan memberkatinya dan memberinya kedamaian, atas otoritas Rasulullah, semoga Tuhan memberkatinya dan memberinya kedamaian, bahwa dia bersabda:

من صام ستة أيام بعد الفطر كان تمام السنة
{ من جاء بالحسنة فله عشر أمثالها}.

Barangsiapa yang berpuasa enam hari setelah berbuka, maka telah genap satu tahunnya. {Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan suatu amal, maka baginya sepuluh kali lipat pahalanya}.

البخاري عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال :

أوصاني خليلي صلى الله عليه وسلم بثلاث صيام ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر، وركعتي الضحى، وأن أوتر قبل أن أنام. قال الحافظ ابن حجر في الفتح

Al-Bukhari dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu yang berkata:

Sahabatku radhiyallahu 'anhu menasihatiku untuk melakukan tiga hal: puasa tiga hari setiap bulan, sholat dhuha. salat, dan salat witir sebelum saya tidur. Al-Hafiz Ibnu Hajar berkata dalam Al-Fath

Puasa enam hari di bulan Syawal dimulai pada tanggal 2 Syawal, setelah perayaan Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Sedangkan tanggal 1 Syawal umat Islam dilarang berpuasa karena sedang merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

Abu Hurairah RA :"Rasulullah SAW melarang puasa pada dua macam hari, yaitu Hari Raya Idul Adha (10 Zulhijah) dan Hari Raya Idul Fitri (1 Syawal)." (HR Muslim)