Friday, 4 November 2022

‘We Will Never Be America’s Milk Cows’, Raisi Warns as Biden Vows to ‘Free Iran’ in Stump Speech

‘We Will Never Be America’s Milk Cows’, Raisi Warns as Biden Vows to ‘Free Iran’ in Stump Speech

‘We Will Never Be America’s Milk Cows’, Raisi Warns as Biden Vows to ‘Free Iran’ in Stump Speech

©POOL / Go to the mediabank

Iran has been rocked by over a month and a half of protests, with the death of a 22-year-old woman shortly after her detention by the morality police serving as the impetus for the unrest. Tehran has pointed to foreign involvement, while the BRICS group of nations has accused the West of attempting to foment a color revolution.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi responded to Biden’s promises to “free Iran,” giving the US leader a history lesson on when the Islamic Republic gained true freedom.

“I was informed a few hours ago that the president of the United States had uttered some words due to distraction, he said (the US was) aiming to ‘free Iran’,” Raisi said in a speech in Tehran on Friday marking the anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the US Embassy, which the Islamic Republic celebrates as the ‘National Day of the Fight Against Global Arrogance.’

“Iran was freed 43 years ago and is determined not to be occupied by you. And we will never be your milk cows,” Raisi said, referencing the Iranian Revolution which overthrew the country's US-backed dictator, the Shah.

Biden made the provocative comments at an election stump speech in California on Thursday. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran. They’re gonna free themselves pretty soon, you’ll see,” Biden said.

The president did not elaborate, and it’s not clear what prompted him to make the comments, given that the part of his speech immediately preceding the "free Iran" comments was devoted to injuries suffered by US troops in US wars of aggression over the past two decades.

“You know, we found out that a lot of our soldiers, more people were coming back from Iraq, Afghanistan with serious brain injures and tumors, than any other war in American history. Other than the Civil War. Maybe more amputees are coming back than in any wars in American history. And those burn pits. Those burn pits,” Biden said.

In his response Friday, Raisi stressed that “today is the symbol and manifestation of the arrogance of the ruling system of the United States, which, according to Imam Khomeini, is the Great Satan and is ready to destroy many nations and people of the world in order to achieve its interests.”

The Iranian president highlighted the US’s involvement in over 300 wars and 62 coups around the world, and the US nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and accused Washington of founding and supporting terrorist groups across the Middle East.

Iran has faced more than a month of deadly protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who fell into a coma and died in hospital several days after being detained by Iran’s morality police for allegedly wearing a headscarf improperly. While protest organizers and Western officials and media blamed Iran’s authorities for beating Amini into a coma, CCTV footage released by authorities appeared to show that she was not abused in custody, and had collapsed after getting into an argument with a minder.

Iranian authorities have accused the United States and Israel of fomenting unrest via networks inside Iran and online. The BRICS group of nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) charged the West with attempting to provoke a color revolution in the Islamic Republic. The anti-government protests began a day after Iran moved to officially join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

President Biden's comments hinting at regime change in Tehran mark the latest escalation of tensions between Iran and the US amid the stalemate in negotiations on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that Washington walked out on in 2018, but which the Biden administration has pledged to restore.

Tampilan Gambar di TV Makin Buram, Warga Tasikmalaya Harap Bantuan Set Top Box Gratis

Tampilan Gambar di TV Makin Buram, Warga Tasikmalaya Harap Bantuan Set Top Box Gratis

Tampilan Gambar di TV Makin Buram, Warga Tasikmalaya Harap Bantuan Set Top Box Gratis

Warga Kota Tasikmalaya terpaksa menyaksikan siaran tv analog karena belum memiliki set top box. (HR Online)

Sebagian warga Kota Tasikmalaya belum mendapatkan bantuan set to box untuk menangkap siaran digital sehingga mereka terpaksa mencoba siaran analog.

Padahal, tampilan siaran analog di Tasikmalaya saat ini buram dan suaranya tidak jelas.

“Sekarang tambah runyam tampilannya, kadang suaranya juga lup lep, Pak. Saya masih pakai analog karena set top box belum punya. Selain itu, TV saya juga masuk kategori jadul,” kata Deden Rusmana, salah satu warga Kampung Pajagan, Kelurahan Cigantang, Kecamatan Mangkubumi, Kota Tasikmalaya, Kamis (3/11/22).

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Tempat Pembagian Antena TV Digital Set Top Box Gratis

Karena itu, Deden berharap bisa mendapatkan set top box gratis dari pemerintah agar bisa kembali menonton siaran televisi.

Deden menyebut, televisi menjadi media hiburan murah masyarakat, seperti sepak bola, siaran berita dan lainnya. Apalagi tanpa perlu kuota untuk menontonnya, tidak seperti melihat video YouTube dan lainnya.

“Kalau pakai kuota kan jadi boros. Dulu kan gratis pas lihat di TV analog. Makanya saya harap ada bantuan untuk warga,” imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, Kabid Informasi dan Komunikasi Dishubkominfo Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Agung Nurbudiansyah mengungkapkan masyarakat bakal menerima bantuan set top box dari pemerintah.

“Kami sudah menerima data masyarakat penerima set top box gratis dari pemerintah, jumlahnya 121 ribu lebih. Ini bagi yang kurang mampu,” ujarnya.

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Tempat Pembagian Antena TV Digital Set Top Box Gratis

Meski begitu, kata Agung, di wilayah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya masih ada beberapa lokasi kecamatan yang blank spot siaran digital walaupun sudah menggunakan set top box.

“Iya masih ada yang blank spot. Rata-rata kawasan pelosok dan pegunungan susah menangkap siaran digital ini,” pungkasnya.

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Terancam Badai PHK Pengusaha Minta Pemberian Insentif ke Industri

Terancam Badai PHK Pengusaha Minta Pemberian Insentif ke Industri

Terancam Badai PHK Pengusaha Minta Pemberian Insentif ke Industri

Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia menyatakan, industri padat karya dari berbagai sektor mengalami tekanan berat imbas situasi ekonomi global.

Bahkan, sejumlah perusahaan tidak mampu bertahan, sehingga terpaksa menutup pabrik dan melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) terhadap karyawannya.

"Agar momentum pertumbuhan tetap positif, pemerintah dapat terus memberikan dukungan bagi dunia usaha dan sektor industri. Satu di antaranya melalui pemberian insentif fiskal dan nonfiskal ke industri terdampak yang jadi motor penggerak perekonomian,” ujar Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Arsjad Rasjid dalam keterangannya, hari Kamis, 03/11/2022.

Sebab, jika tidak ditangani dengan tepat oleh pemerintah, situasi tersebut dapat menimbulkan gelombang PHK yang lebih besar.

Menurut Arsjad, dukungan pemerintah dalam bentuk insentif terhadap industri padat karya merupakan langkah krusial di tengah ancaman badai gelombang PHK, yang masih berlangsung akhir-akhir ini akibat tekanan pandemi.

Kinerja industri tekstil dan produk tekstil tengah anjlok akibat menurunnya permintaan ekspor akibat perlambatan ekonomi, kenaikan inflasi, dan tekanan pasar lokal.

Dengan tekanan sangat tinggi di sektor ini, sebanyak 500.000 karyawan terancam dirumahkan atau terpaksa mengalami PHK.

Karena itu, Arsjad menyoroti secara khusus akan kelangsungan industri padat karya dengan banyak serapan tenaga kerja ini, agar diberikan kebijakan yang tepat.

"Industri padat karya memiliki dampak pengganda yang tinggi karena mampu membuka lapangan kerja dan menjaga daya beli masyarakat. Terutama di masa penuh ketidakpastian seperti ini," katanya.

Dia menambahkan, sektor padat karya lainnya yang menunjukkan penurunan kinerja secara signifikan adalah industri hasil tembakau.

Keuntungan perusahaan rokok tercatat terus mengalami penurunan akibat beban cukai terlalu tinggi di saat situasi ekonomi yang tidak pasti.

Sejumlah perusahaan rokok besar pun yang biasanya meraih keuntungan, kini terpaksa mengalami penurunan laba bersih yang signifikan.

Terbaru, emiten rokok PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) dan PT HM Sampoerna Tbk (HMSP) melaporkan penurunan laba signifikan masing-masing 63,92 persen dan 11 persen pada kuartal III 2022.

“Dampak industri padat karya terhadap ekonomi sangat besar. Karena itu, kebijakannya harus tepat untuk menyikapi baik industri yang sedang berkembang, maupun tertekan akibat pelemahan daya beli masyarakat,” pungkas Arsjad.

Diketahui, gelombang PHK telah terjadi di beberapa wilayah, misalnya di Jawa Barat setidaknya 18 pabrik garmen terpaksa tutup yang berakibat para buruh kehilangan pekerjaan.

Tinggal di Bedeng Beralaskan Tanah, Keluarga di Purwakarta Ini hanya Bisa Makan Nasi dan Micin

Tinggal di Bedeng Beralaskan Tanah, Keluarga di Purwakarta Ini hanya Bisa Makan Nasi dan Micin

Tinggal di Bedeng Beralaskan Tanah, Keluarga di Purwakarta Ini hanya Bisa Makan Nasi dan Micin

Potret keluarga miskin. (Antara/Dok Dedi Mulyadi)

Potret kemiskinan masih banyak ditemui di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Di Kabupaten Purwakarta misalnya, sebuah keluarga hidup tak layak dengan tinggal di bedeng beralaskan tanah dan harus bertahan hidup dengan makan nasi dicampur dengan garam atau bumbu penyedap rasa.

Potret kemiskinan di Purwakarta itu ditemukan oleh Anggota DPR RI Dedi Mulyadi. Menurutnya, hingga saat ini kemiskinan masih menjadi permasalahan dasar yang dialami banyak warga.

"Sampai saat ini, kemiskinan masih menjadi permasalahan dasar yang terus dibenahi oleh pemerintah," kata Dedi Mulyadi, di Purwakarta, pada hari Kamis, 03/11/2022.

Ia menyampaikan cukup banyak masyarakat yang terjebak dalam kemiskinan kultural. Kemiskinan tersebut membuat mereka terjebak dalam rutinitas yang semakin terpuruk.

Seperti keluarga yang ditemukan Dedi di Kampung Sukamanah, Desa Cigelam, Kecamatan Babakan Cikao, Purwakarta. Sebuah keluarga hidup di rumah "bedeng" yang berada di lahan milik Jasa Marga berdekatan dengan jalan tol.

Sehari-hari keluarga tersebut hidup dari penghasilan kepala keluarganya, Agus Deni, yang berjualan minuman keliling di pasar malam dan acara hiburan.

Sehari mereka biasa mendapatkan uang Rp 20-50 ribu. Saat ditanya sudah makan atau belum? Mimin, ibu dari penghuni rumah bedeng itu mengaku sudah makan dengan lauk berupa potongan timun yang dimasak bumbu kunyit, sedangkan biasanya, keluarga itu mengaku hanya makan nasi dengan garam atau penyedap rasa.

Saat ini Agus dan Mimin masih menghidupi dua anaknya yang masih kecil, satu di antaranya bersekolah SD. Sementara anak paling besar bekerja sebagai tukang parkir di "rest area" dengan penghasilan Rp30 ribu per hari.

Dedi kemudian mengecek kondisi dapur keluarga tersebut. Ternyata mereka tidak memiliki bahan pokok seperti beras dan lauk pauk. Bahkan gas untuk memasak dan air galon dalam kondisi habis

Kondisi rumah keluarga tersebut memprihatinkan. Mereka tinggal di sebuah bedeng beralaskan tanah, berdinding triplek, dan kain sarung.

Di sisi lain Dedi melihat tetangga Mimin masih mengumpulkan kayu bakar untuk memasak. Sedangkan Mimin selama ini ia tergantung pada gas melon untuk masak dan air galon untuk minum.

Menurut Dedi, keluarga Agus dan Mimin ini adalah salah satu contoh mengapa kemiskinan masih menjamur di masyarakat Indonesia, seperti keluarga Mimin yang ketergantungan terhadap kompor gas padahal sumber daya alam untuk kayu bakar masih sangat banyak. Begitu pula air minum yang harus beli berupa galon.

"Kayu bakar tidak dipakai, kemudian pakai gas beli Rp 25-35 ribu. Air pakai galon, beli lagi, duit lagi, beras harus beli lagi, ikan harus beli lagi, listrik beli lagi, sekolah harus jajan, sedangkan duit yang dicari gak setiap hari didapat kadang Rp 20 ribu kadang Rp 50 ribu atau kadang tidak ada. Karena semua tergantung sama uang," kata Dedi.

Ia mengkritik anak-anak Mimin yang setiap hari hanya menonton tv tanpa kegiatan. Hal tersebut menimbulkan hawa lapar pada anak, namun tak ada yang bisa dimakan.

Dedi kemudian memberikan sejumlah uang kepada Mimin sebagai bekal hidup.

Ia meminta uang hasil jualan suaminya ditabung untuk tambahan modal usaha. Sementara untuk makan satu bulan ke depan bisa memanfaatkan uang yang baru saja diberi.

"Ini salah satu fenomena kehidupan. Kita tidak mungkin tahu kehidupan mereka kalau tidak masuk ke dapur mereka. Saya berulang kali ngomong gas bisa melahirkan kemiskinan yang parah kalau tidak segera diubah. Ini banyak kayu terbuang karena perubahan pola hidup. Saya setuju pakai kayu bakar karena anak-anaknya bisa keluar cari kayu bakar, efisiensi, dan menjemput rezeki yang tak diduga," kata dia.

Russia's FM Lavrov, Jordanian Counterpart Safadi Hold Briefing After Meeting in Amman

Russia's FM Lavrov, Jordanian Counterpart Safadi Hold Briefing After Meeting in Amman

Russia's FM Lavrov, Jordanian Counterpart Safadi Hold Briefing After Meeting in Amman

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (R) shows the way to his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi during a meeting in Moscow on July 4, 2018. (AFP Photo/Vasily Maximov)

Russian FM Sergey Lavrov says following talks with his Jordanian colleague - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi, that he will deliver a message on international issues from Russian President Vladimir Putin to His Royal Highness King Abdullah II in the afternoon today. Ukraine was on the agenda at the negotiations in Amman this morning.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Amman, the capital of Jordan, on Wednesday evening, TASS reported.

On Thursday, the Russian top diplomat is scheduled to hold talks with his Jordanian counterpart Hussein Abdullah Al-Safadi and meet with King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein.

The talks are expected to focus on pressing international and regional issues, in particular Ukraine, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian settlement, Iraq and the Gulf, as well as on bilateral issues.

Amman is the first destination on the foreign minister’s working tour around the Middle East. Lavrov is paying a visit to the capital of the United Arab Emirates the next day

Russian FM said that Russia wants a peaceful settlement, but slammed Kiev's approach to blocking such attempts by Moscow. Lavrov added that bilateral issues were discussed at the talks, called them productive. Bilateral agenda includes co-operation in education - more than 1500 Jordanians study in Russia. Syria, Iraq, as well as Arab league forum outcome. Another issue - peace in the Middle East, some common approaches according to Lavrov, between Russia and Jordan in that area.

Lavrov to convey Putin’s view on global issues to King of Jordan

Speaking at a news conference on Thursday, the Russian top diplomat said the meeting with his Jordanian counterpart Hussein Abdullah Al-Safadi "was extremely useful and timely."

"We have an audience with His Majesty, King [Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein], after this meeting," Lavrov said. "I plan to pass on to His Majesty special wishes and an evaluation of some global issues from Russian President [Vladimir] Putin."

Lavrov arrived in Amman, the capital of Jordan, on Wednesday evening. This is the foreign minister’s first stop on his working tour around the Middle East. After Amman, he will visit the United Arab Emirates.

Moscow considers the top diplomat’s visit to Jordan to be an important part of sustained efforts to promote multifaceted engagement with Russia’s traditional Middle Eastern partners, the Foreign Ministry said the day before the talks. "We assume it meets the long-term interests of providing peace, prosperity and stability to this strategic region," the diplomatic agency emphasized.

The talks are expected to focus on pressing international and regional issues, in particular Ukraine, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian settlement, Iraq and the Gulf, as well as bilateral issues.

Nord Stream terrorist attacks chiefly benefit US, says Russian security chief

Nord Stream terrorist attacks chiefly benefit US, says Russian security chief

Nord Stream terrorist attacks chiefly benefit US, says Russian security chief


The terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines were beneficial to the US, and the UK was involved in devising the plot, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev revealed, speaking on Thursday at a meeting of Secretaries of CIS Security Councils.

He recalled that literally from the first minutes after the reports had emerged about the blasts along the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, an active smear campaign was launched to pin the blame on Russia. "However, it is obvious that the main beneficiary of these terrorist attacks is the US, and the British Navy was involved in their planning and implementation, according to the Russian Defense Ministry," Patrushev pointed out.

The top official highlighted that what could not be ignored is the text message by ex-UK Prime Minister Liz Truss, informing US Secretary of State Antony Blinken immediately after the bombing of the gas pipelines that "everything was done".

In general, as the security chief noted, the US, using the most advanced technologies, created a favorable information field for itself, acting as organizer of smear campaigns and shifting the responsibility for what was happening to other members of the international community.

“It’s Done”

Among the most serious claims following the reported hack came from Kim Dotcom (which we also cannot confirm), the German-Finnish entrepreneur and activist who founded Megaupload, an online file hosting service that was shut down by the U.S. government following accusations of criminal copyright infringements, wire fraud, and money laundering.

In a tweet published on Sunday, Dotcom claimed that the Russians know the British government had a hand in the Nord Stream explosions because of a message sent by Truss from her personal iPhone to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“How do the Russians know that the UK blew up the North Stream pipelines in partnership with the US? Because @trussliz used her iPhone to send a message to @SecBlinken saying ‘It’s done’ a minute after the pipeline blew up and before anybody else knew?” Dotcom wrote, adding, “iCloud access rocks!”

iCloud is an online service used by iPhone and Apple Mac users that allows messages, files, photographs, and contacts to be saved online and accessed by authorized computers and devices.

Dotcom added that China and Russia have “sophisticated cyber units” that allow them to gain backdoor access to Big Tech databases, suggesting that users’ data may not be as secure as they think.

“The funny thing is Govt officials with top security clearance still prefer using iPhones over their NSA & GCHQ issued encrypted sh*t-phones,” Dotcom added.

The British government has not confirmed Dotcom’s claims, nor has Russia explicitly stated that the text message exists or was intercepted by hackers.

Moscow Has Info on UK's Transfer of Unmanned Underwater Drones to Kiev Ahead of Sevastopol Attack

Moscow Has Info on UK's Transfer of Unmanned Underwater Drones to Kiev Ahead of Sevastopol Attack

Moscow Has Info on UK's Transfer of Unmanned Underwater Drones to Kiev Ahead of Sevastopol Attack

©Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov / Go to the mediabank

The Foreign Ministry summoned Britain's ambassador to Russia on Thursday in connection with last week's Ukrainian attack targeting Russian military and civilian vessels in Sevastopol. The act of terrorism prompted Moscow to temporarily freeze its participation in the Black Sea grain export deal with Kiev.

Moscow summoned British Ambassador to Russia Deborah Bronnert in connection with London's suspected involvement in the October 29 attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Foreign Ministry has revealed.

In a statement, the Ministry indicated that it had information that London transferred a number of unmanned underwater drones to Kiev, and that British specialists have been actively involved in the training and supply of Ukrainian special operations forces, including those involved in sabotage operations at sea.

Moscow warned that Britain's actions threaten to escalate the security crisis and lead to "unpredictable and dangerous consequences," and that such "hostile provocations" on London's part were "inadmissible" and must be stopped immediately.

"If such acts of aggression, fraught with (the UK's) direct involvement in the conflict, continue, the entire responsibility for their disastrous consequences and the growth of tensions in relations between our states will lie entirely on the British side," the Foreign Ministry said.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet port of Sevastopol repelled a massive drone attack on October 29, shooting down multiple UAVs and remote-controlled surface vessels in Sevastopol Bay. According to Russia's Defense Ministry, the warships attacked included ships providing security for the so-called 'grain corridor' - the secure maritime route agreed by Moscow and Kiev this summer through which cargo vessels carrying grain from Ukrainian ports through the Black Sea for export abroad.

The Russian military later retrieved drone wreckage from the sea floor to examine the remains, finding Canadian-made navigation modules installed on the maritime drones. Preparations for the drone attack were carried out under the guidance of British specialists in the Ukrainian port city of Ochakov, according to the Russian MoD. Russia destroyed a multi-million pound British-built and financed military base in Ochakov in a missile strike in February during the opening stages of its military operation in Ukraine.

Third Major Act of Sabotage With London's Fingerprints All Over it

The Sevastopol attack is the second time in weeks that Moscow has called out London on terrorism-related charges. Last week, Russia's Defense Ministry concluded that the Royal Navy took part in the planning, organization and execution of the late September attacks on the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline network.

On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asked London to explain the mysterious "It's done" iPhone text message reportedly sent by now former Prime Minister Liz Truss to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken just moments after Nord Stream was struck.

Earlier this year, Ukrainian and Western media reported that Moscow and Kiev appeared to be on the brink of a peace agreement this spring, but that (now former) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was quickly dispatched to the Ukrainian capital to scuttle any potential agreement.

Swedish Military Prepares for War, Wants Kamikaze Drones & Rocket Artillery

Swedish Military Prepares for War, Wants Kamikaze Drones & Rocket Artillery

Swedish Military Prepares for War, Wants Kamikaze Drones & Rocket Artillery


In the wake of Sweden's NATO bid, Supreme Commander of the Swedish Army, General Micael Bydén, admitted that his country - which has supplied Kiev with arms in blatant neglect of its principle not to send weapons to warring nations - was an “actor” in the Ukrainian conflict and ventured that it must act accordingly, though he refused to elaborate.

The Swedish Armed Forces have unveiled a new plan for the years ahead with the underlying message that the Scandinavian country must prepare for war.

“We are not ruling anything out at the moment,” General Micael Bydén, Supreme Commander of the Swedish Army, said in his presentation, as quoted by the Swedish media. He called the present situation “very serious” and said the military cannot rule out “even more serious developments”. “It is the task of the total defense to prepare for what is the highest level of preparedness and armed attack. By definition, you can use the word war,” he added.

Bydén admitted that Sweden - which, in violation of its principle not to send weapons to nations at war has been supplying Kiev with an increasing amount of arms, and training Ukrainian soldiers - was an “actor” in the Ukrainian conflict, “at least in Russia’s eyes”, and ventured that it must act accordingly, although he refrained from giving any detail.

However, the plan provided an insight into the Swedish command’s wish-list regarding materiel. Among other things, the Armed Forces want to acquire kamikaze drones, which they referred to as “single-use unmanned aerial vehicles with warhead”.

“It is an asset that has proved itself to be effective. And as for unmanned in general, it is a development track where we need to do more. It's called a patrol robot unit, it's an unmanned craft with some kind of kinetic effect. It is part of our plans,” Bydén told Swedish media.

Furthermore, until 2030, the military wants, among other things, 60 new Gripen E fighter jets, a battalion with rocket artillery, another (fifth) submarine, a new cyber-unit and field hospitals. To augment the country’s defense capability, Bydén proposed increasing the number of immediately available units, providing all combat forces with new equipment, increasing the volume of conscription and bolstering the military organization as such. The general also called for necessary political adjustments until the turn of the year 2023/24 at the latest.

Lastly, Sweden’s membership in NATO, which has yet to be rubber-stamped by Turkey, would entail fundamental changes in the country’s defense and security policy. According to its military, Sweden will have to take a special regional responsibility and join the same operational area as fellow Nordic countries, led by the same management structure. This, in turn, would imply an integrated air and missile defense, interoperable command systems and development of host nation support.

To accomplish its tasks within NATO, the Swedish military proposed to strengthening air defense - among others things - through the acquisition of new sea-operational and ground-operational helicopters, gradually replacing the present load of transport aircraft and developing the nation’s ability to launch satellites. It is also proposed to strengthen the navy through increased surface combat capability and continued rotation of systems and ships. Ground forces will be supplied with long-range combat systems and more unmanned systems.

Sweden submitted its NATO membership application jointly with Finland in May, three months into Russia’s special operation in Ukraine, citing a changed security landscape and finally abandoning decades of non-alignment which had already been damaged by growing cooperation with NATO and the US. So far, 28 out of 30 NATO members have formally ratified the accession agreements, with Budapest officially supporting the bids and pledging to ratify them by mid-December.

Today, both Sweden and Finland are in talks with Turkey to dispel Ankara’s concerns over their alleged support of Kurdish organizations which Turkey labels as terrorist.

Russian officials earlier slammed Finland and Sweden’s NATO bids as “destabilizing”, and as something that will increase tensions in the region. Moscow has repeatedly warned that NATO membership would entail “serious military and political consequences”, obliging it to “restore military balance” by strengthening its own defenses in the Baltic Sea region. President Vladimir Putin stressed that Russia would respond in kind if NATO were to set up military infrastructure in Finland and Sweden after they joined the US-led alliance.

Sederet Program Kang Emil untuk Wujudkan Jabar Digital Province

Sederet Program Kang Emil untuk Wujudkan Jabar Digital Province

Sederet Program Kang Emil untuk Wujudkan Jabar Digital Province

Sekda Jabar, Setiawan Wangsaatmaja. (Dok: Pemprov Jabar)

Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat Setiawan Wangsaatmaja mengemukakan, mewujudkan Jabar Digital Province sejalan dengan visi terwujudnya Jabar Juara Lahir Batin dengan Inovasi dan Kolaborasi.

Khususnya pada misi kelima, yakni mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang inovatif dan kepemimpinan yang kolaboratif antara pemerintah pusat, provinsi, dan kabupaten/ kota. Ini disampaikan Setiawan Wangsaatmaja saat memberikan pemaparan pada Penilaian Smart Province, yang ia ikuti secara daring dari Jabar Command Center, Kota Bandung, pada hari Selasa, 01/11/2022.

Setiawan pun menyebutkan sejumlah program yang dijalankan Jabar demi mendukung Smart Province atau Jabar Digital Province, di antaranya melalui pembangunan Command Center, pengembangan Integrated Government Dashboard, serta Ekosistem Data Jabar, yang meliputi Jabar Satu Data, Satu Peta, dan Open data. Selain itu, dibentuk Unit Jabar Digital Service (JDS), serta revitalisasi dan integrasi Website Jabar Juara (Integrated Portal Jabar).

"Visi transformasi digital Jawa Barat, yakni menjadikan Jabar sebagai provinsi terdepan dalam penggunaan data dan teknologi untuk mendukung layanan publik dan perumusan kebijakan yang lebih responsif, adaptif, dan inovatif," ungkap Setiawan.

Lebih lanjut ia menerangkan, implementasi inovasi digital mencakup ekosistem data, informasi dan layanan publik Jabar, serta ekosistem layanan administrasi pemerintah.

Secara umum, grand design ekosistem layanan digital Jabar ditunjukan dengan kehadiran dua portal layanan, yaitu Portal Administrasi Pemerintahan untuk ASN, serta Portal Layanan Publik untuk Bisnis dan Masyarakat Umum.

Ada pula beberapa aplikasi, seperti untuk ASN tersedia SIAP Jabar, lalu untuk para pimpinan seperti Gubernur, Wagub, Sekda, juga para Kepala OPD tersedia akses Dashboard Jabar.

Sedangkan bagi masyarakat umum terdapat aplikasi Sapawarga, dan bagi entitas bisnis dapat mengakses portal

"Selain itu, dalam menghadapi pandemi, Jabar pun menanganinya dengan sentuhan digital, yakni selang satu hari setelah Jabar dideklarasikan situasi darurat COVID-19. JDS meluncurkan website Pikobar, dan 16 hari kemudian, aplikasi Pikobar dirilis," ujar Setiawan.

"Pikobar menyediakan data secara real time dan layanan penanganan COVID-19 yang terintegerasi," tambahnya.

Pikobar pun sudah diinstal sekitar 1,2 juta pengguna, sekitar 5 juta-an pengakses website, hingga mendapat penghargaan, yakni sebagai Pelayanan Publik Terbaik dalam Penanganan COVID-19 dari Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi tahun 2020. Selain itu Spesial Award for Resiliency dari IDC Digital Transformation Award, juga tahun 2020.

Pikobar pun terus dikembangkan, hingga memiliki sekitar 32 fitur layanan, termasuk layanan multivitamin, obat, dan oksigen secara gratis bagi 13.818 warga Jabar, serta 17.006 layanan telekonsultasi.

"Jabar juga terus mendorong hadirnya mal pelayanan publik digital yang terintegerasi pada 27 kabupaten/ kota agar pelayanan semakin cepat, mudah, dan murah," ujarnya.

Menurut Setiawan, hingga kini aplikasi Sapawarga dan Pikobar terus bertransformasi menuju Jabar Super Apps sebagai platform yang memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi, layanan, hingga menyampaikan aspirasi.

Aplikasi Sapawarga misalnya, kini terintergrasi dengan layanan kependudukan, kesehatan, ketenagakerjaan, pajak, layanan khusus RW, serta terintegrasi pula dengan domain layanan lainnya.