Wednesday, 23 November 2022

UK 'quietly' imports tens of millions worth of Russian oil

UK 'quietly' imports tens of millions worth of Russian oil

UK 'quietly' imports tens of millions worth of Russian oil

Russian oil tanker

In June-July 2022, the ports of the United Kingdom received Russian oil worth $94 million.

But according to the publication, officially, this import is not classed as coming from Russia – it came to the country through the use of loopholes in regulations that allow the origin of the oil to be obscured.

About $27 million of Russian oil has been delivered to the UK port of Immingham in Lincolnshire since March. However, the oil was registered as imports from Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium.

At the same time, since March, 10 British ports have received $919 million’s worth of Russian oil. Approximately $236 million of this amount came in June and July. Yet, according to official data, the United Kingdom did not buy Russian oil during this period.

That’s because the UK Office for National Statistics takes into account the sending country, not the oil producer. If the original producer of the oil is taken into account, UK imports of Russian oil in June and July were worth almost $95 million.

The Times said Russian oil tankers can evade sanctions by pumping their oil onto other ships while on the high seas, often disabling their GPS transponders so that they cannot be tracked while doing so.

In one incident recorded in May, the tanker Mariner III left the southern Russian port of Tuapse with a cargo of 200,000 barrels of oil. After five days at sea, the vessel anchored next to a large tanker owned by Greek company Marinoula. The ships halted near the town of Kalamata, in Greek waters.

Over the next 36 hours, both vessels were connected by large pipes. After taking on oil from Mariner III, the Greek vessel headed to the UK coast, where it moored in Immingham and unloaded about 250,000 barrels of oil on June 6.

In early November, the UK introduced additional restrictions on the purchase of Russian oil.

In early Meanwhile, the G7 countries and Australia have agreed to set a fixed ceiling for Russian oil prices, instead of the dynamic corridor as proposed earlier.

Have a look at Sputnik's infographic showing what countries continue to trade with Russia despite imposing sanctions.

US & Allies Close to Agreement on Russian Oil Price Cap at $60-$70, Report Suggests

The United States and its G7 and European allies are close to agreeing on a Russian oil price cap at $60-$70 per barrel later on Wednesday, American newspaper reported on Tuesday, citing sources in the know.

Later in the day, ambassadors from all 27 European Union states will meet to decide on the price cap, the report said. The decision to introduce the price cap should result from a unanimous vote by the EU members, while the G7 will vote in parallel to the European bloc.

Meanwhile, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday that the European Union (EU) is still deliberating on what the Russian oil price cap level should be and the United States is in touch with its European allies and partners on the issue.

“I'm not going to get ahead of the EU in terms of what the cap actually is. They are still deliberating on that,” Kirby said during a press briefing. “We are in touch with our EU partners about their progress towards this of course and trying to be as supportive as we can be, particularly in terms of the [price cap] implementation.”

If the countries agree on the terms of the price cap, it will be introduced starting December 5.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak stated on November 21 that Russia will not supply oil and petroleum products to countries that will apply the price cap principle, Moscow will redirect supplies to market-oriented partners or reduce production altogether.

"Russia confirms its status as a reliable energy supplier to the world market and the market status of our relations with partners. In this regard, we do not plan to supply oil and petroleum products to countries that will apply the principle of a price cap with the subsequent reorientation of supplies to market-oriented partners or with a production reduction," Novak said.

Western countries have been seeking ways to limit Russia's income from oil and gas exports since the country launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24. In September, the G7 finance ministers confirmed their intention to impose a price cap on Russian oil and urged all nations to support the initiative. In October, the European Union introduced the eighth package of sanctions against Moscow, which included a legislative basis for setting a price cap for maritime shipments of Russian oil to third countries.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Update Korban Gempa Cianjur: 268 Orang Meninggal dan 151 Orang Hilang

Update Korban Gempa Cianjur: 268 Orang Meninggal dan 151 Orang Hilang

Update Korban Gempa Cianjur: 268 Orang Meninggal dan 151 Orang Hilang

Bangunan Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) PGRI Cugenang rusak berat di Jalan Raya Cugenang, Desa/Kecamatan Cugenang, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat, hari Selasa, 22/11/2022

Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Letnan Jenderal Suharyanto menyampaikan data korban gemba Cianjur per hari ini, hari Selasa, 22/11/2022.

Suharyanto mengatakan, hingga Selasa sore, 22/11/2022 pihaknya mendata ada 268 korban jiwa dalam bencana gempa Cianjur. Dari jumlah itu, sebanyak 122 jenazah telah berhasil diidentifikasi.

"Kemudian masih ada korban hilang dan masih dilakukan pencarian, sejumlah 151 orang. Apakah 151 orang ini masuk ke dalam yang belum teridentifikasi, kami akan melakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut," ujar Kepala BNPB dalam konferensi pers yang diikuti secara daring, pada hari Selasa sore, 22/11/2022.

Suharyanto juga menyampaikan, ada 12 kecamatan yang terdampak gempa Cianjur.

Adapun 12 kecamatan tersebut, yaitu Kecamatan Cianjur, Karangtengah, Warungkondang, Cugenang, Cilaku, Cibeber, Sukaresmi, Bojong Picung, Cikalong Kulon, Sukaluyu, Pacet, dan Gekbrok.

"Dari 12 kecamatan, masing-masing kecamatan sudah berdiri tempat pengungsian," ujar Suharyanto.

Berikut data dari Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BPNB) Suharyanto saat konferensi pers, Selasa sore, 22/11/2022:

  • Korban Meninggal Gempa Cianjur Bertambah Jadi 268 Orang, 122 Jenazah Teridentifikasi

  • 151 orang dilaporkan hilang dan masih dalam pencarian.

  • 1.083 orang yang mengalami luka

  • mengungsi 58.362 orang

  • rumah rusak berat mencapai 6.570 unit

  • rumah rusak sedang 2.071 unit

  • rumah rusak ringan 12.641 unit.

Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (Kasad) Jenderal TNI Dudung Abdurrachman mengatakan jenazah itu ditemukan pada hari Selasa, 22/11/2022. Sebelumnya kata Dudung, jalan tersebut sempat tertutup longsoran saat gempa terjadi pada Senin siang, 21/11/2022.

"Saya sekarang berada di Desa Cijendil Kampung Gasol Kecamatan Cugenang, jalan ini tertutup kemarin. Jenazah ada 14 dan sudah kita evakuasi," kata Dudung dikutip dari Antara.

Dudung mengatakan telah menelusuri jalur Cipanas-Cianjur tersebut, namun hingga saat ini memang belum dibuka untuk publik lantaran masih terjadi proses evakuasi longsor yang rawan.

"Hanya khusus untuk para petugas, karena secara umumnya mereka dialihkan dulu, karena tanah informasinya masih labil, masih rawan untuk dilewati," kata dia.

Dudung mengatakan sesegera mungkin akan membuka jalur Cipanas-Cianjur tersebut, lantaran menjadi jalur perekonomian.

Dalam kesempatan berbeda, Danrem 061 Surya Kencana Brigjen TNI Rudi Saladin mengatakan korban jiwa akibat longsor di jalur tersebut langsung dibawa ke RSUD Sayang dan sebagian ke RS Cimacan.

Pada proses evakuasi longsor juga ditemukan dua kendaraan tertimbun tanah. Delapan ekskavator dikerahkan untuk mengeruk longsoran tanah sepanjang 200 meter.

"Yang pertama mungkin kita antisipasi gempa susulan termasuk juga tanah, bisa kita lihat tanahnya cukup gembur. Maka dari kita tetap siaga tetap waspada," ujar Rudi.

Dia mengatakan personel yang melakukan evakuasi, termasuk alat berat yang digunakan harus siaga, untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya dampak gempa susulan.

Sementara itu, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengatakan pemerintah akan memberikan kompensasi perbaikan rumah bagi korban terdampak gempa Cianjur.

Hal ini diungkapkannya saat mengunjungi posko pengungsian di Cianjur pada hari Selasa, 22/11/2022.

Jokowi menjelaskan kompensasi tersebut akan diberikan berdasarkan tingkat kerusakan rumah warga yang terdampak.

Untuk rumah yang rusak berat akan memperoleh kompensasi sejumlah Rp 50 juta

Sementara rumah rusak sedang diberikan kompensasi perbaikan sebesar Rp 25 juta.

Sedangkan bagi warga yang rumahnya mengalami rusak ringan akan mendapatkan uang Rp 10 juta.

Kepala Negara juga meminta agar pembangunan kembali rumah warga terdampak gempa didesain tahan gempa.

"Rumah-rumah yang kena gempa ini diwajibkan untuk memakai standar-standar bangunan anti gempa oleh Menteri PUPR. Jadi rumah antigempa," ujarnya dikutip dari Live Facebook Tribun Jabar.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Jokowi juga menyampaikan duka cita bagi korban jiwa akibat gempa tersebut.

"Saya menyampaikan duka cita yang dalam, bela sungkawa atas terjadinya musibah gempa bumi di Kabupaten Cianjur, Provinsi Jawa Barat," ucapnya.

Selain itu Jokowi mengungkapkan telah memerintahkan jajarannya untuk memberikan bantuan kepada korban serta melakukan pemulihan pascagempa.

Ia juga meminta agar akses jalan yang terdampak gempa agar dapat dibuka kembali.

"Kemarin langsung sudah saya perintahkan kepada Menko PMK, BNPB, Basarnas, dan juga saya sampaikan juga kepada TNI dan Polri, kepada Kementerian PUPR untuk bersama-sama mengerahkan jajarannya dalam membantu musibah gempa bumi di kabupaten Cianjur ini utamanya yang berkaitan dengan akses, pembukaan akses yang terkena longsor," tuturnya.

Adu Jotos Munas HIPMI Merusak Nilai - Nilai Pancasila

Adu Jotos Munas HIPMI Merusak Nilai - Nilai Pancasila

Adu Jotos Munas HIPMI Merusak Nilai - Nilai Pancasila

Foto: Baku hantam diacara HIPMI, Solo, Senin (21/22/2022). (Tangkapan layar Instragram @suryoprabowo2011)

Peserta Musyawarah Nasional (Munas) ke-17 Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) yang dihadiri dan dibuka langsung oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pada Senin, 21 November 2022, terjadi adu jotos di Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. Videonya pun beredar di media sosial.

Presiden Jokowi yang hadir di Munas Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) ke-17 di Kota Solo, Jawa Tengah, pada Senin, 21 November 2022.

Dalam sambutannya, Jokowi menyebut puluhan negara diprediksi akan menjadi pasien IMF (dana moneter internasional) atau Bank Dunia akibat kondisi ekonomi global yang sedang tidak baik-baik saat ini

Adu jotos bermula ketika ada perbedaan pendapat dari peserta hingga pimpinan sidang. Situasi sudah larut malam. Satu pihak menginginkan agar sidang dilanjutkan, namun di sisi lain ada yang meminta agar sidang ditunda sampai dengan sekarang.

Para peserta yang ada di bagian depan ruangan rapat nampak saling adu mulut, saling dorong hingga adu jotos. Kebanyakan mereka masih mengenakan seragam batik kebesaran HIPMI. Keributan ini diduga berlangsung malam hari.

Kondisi makin panas karena beberapa peserta memperparah keadaan dengan mencoba melemparkan bangku kepada peserta lain. Ricuh pun tak terhindarkan. Setidaknya ada puluhan hingga ratusan peserta terlihat dari video tersebut

Kapolresta Surakarta Kombes (pol) Iwan Saktiadi mengatakan, kejadian tersebut hanya kesalahpahaman. Panitia kata dia juga akan memediasi keduabelah pihak yang bertikai.

“Pada saat pleno pertama malam, peserta bubar, namun di arena luar, terjadi kesalahpahaman antar beberapa orang di lokasi, sehingga terjadi kejadian tersebut,”ujarnya.

“Hipmi merupakan suatu keluarga besar, mereka akan menyelesaikan secara kekeluargaan. Kami juga telah menerima laporan dan akan kami tindaklanjuti,” pungkasnya.

Akibat saling tonjok ini, di antara peserta mengalami luka benjol. Diduga, pemicu keributan ini adalah masalah lama. Namun tidak dijelaskan detail masalah apa yang dimaksud. Dalam video tersebut juga nampak lokasi keributan di dalam sebuah ruangan besar yang penuh dengan peserta munas.

Korban berinisial MAA (40) warga Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan mengalami luka lebam dan dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Dr Moewardi, Kota Solo.

Iwan menjelaskan, penyelidikan sementara, kasus ini bermula saat banyak peserta yang melakukan interupsi dalam munas.

"Saling interupsi, panitia tidak memenuhi kesepakatan, ada ada yang minta lanjut dan ada yang ditunda. Akhirnya diputuskan, ditunda. Keluar ruangan, senggol-senggolan salah paham, tiba-tiba bakbuk (adu pukul)," kata Iwan Saktiadi, saat dikonfirmasi, hari Selasa pagi, 22/11/2022.

Setelah adanya peristiwa tersebut, korban melapor ke Polresta Solo. Namun, kemungkinan besar akan ditempuh jalur mediasi antarkedua belah pihak.

"Tetap laporan, tetap terima. Kita konfirmasi ke panitia menyatakan akan mencoba tempuh mediasi," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Ketua Organizing Committe (OC) Munas Hipmi XVII Muhammad Ali Affandi menyatakan akan melakukan mediasi atas kejadian tersebut.

"Kejadiannya ini sudah selesai sidang pleno ditutup. (Adu jotos) di jalan keluar, kayaknya sih kalau saya lihat, miskomunikasi, salah paham," ucapnya.

"Kita utamakan kekeluargaan, jadi mau dimediasi. Prinsipnya untuk menghindari miskomunikasi dan interprestasi," lanjutnya.

Bangsa yang baru saja membanggakan Pancasila dengan mendung - dengungkan Pancasila di KTT G20, ternyata belum mampu bercermin hidup dengan Pancasila. Pancasila masih menjadi alat belum menjadi aktualisasi ke dalam sendi hidup, institusi, organisasi dan sistim ketatanegaraan.

Report: Ukrainian Soldiers Involved in Murder of 10 Russian POWs Tied to NATO-Linked Brigade

Report: Ukrainian Soldiers Involved in Murder of 10 Russian POWs Tied to NATO-Linked Brigade

Report: Ukrainian Soldiers Involved in Murder of 10 Russian POWs Tied to NATO-Linked Brigade

©AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky

Ukrainian soldiers that executed 10 Russian prisoners of war belong to a brigade based in the city of Lvov that works closely with NATO, Russian broadcaster RT reported on Monday, citing a former Ukrainian soldier.

The soldier used to serve in this brigade, but switched to the Russian side after his father was executed by Ukrainians, the report said. According to the former Ukrainian soldier, those deployed in the 80th brigade were taught to hate everything Russian long before the start of the special operation, RT said.

US troops, including forces with the Marine Corps, were involved in the training of the brigade, the soldier said.

The report came as the Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov vowed that Russia would search for the killers, underscoring that the individuals must be found and punished for the crimes. At the time, the official highlighted the need for an international investigation on the matter.

Last week, Russia's Defense Ministry said that the Ukrainian military deliberately killed 10 captured Russian soldiers.

A video in which Ukrainian soldiers shot surrendered Russians who were laying facedown appeared on the internet on Friday.

UN Spokesperson Farhan Haq said that the United Nations was calling for a full investigation of all reported human rights violations in the context of the execution of POWs.

Earlier Monday, the footage of the incident was confirmed by the New York Times as having been filmed at a farmhouse in the Makeyevka village after the area had been recaptured by Ukrainian forces.

Although war crimes prosecution expert Iva Vukusic had informed the outlet it was difficult to determine whether a war crime had been conducted based on the video footage, human rights medical adviser Dr. Rohini Haar noted in his examination that the soldiers were "effectively prisoners of war" from the moment they surrendered. An ongoing criminal probe is being carried out by the Russian Investigative Committee.

Russia Urges Turkey to Show Restraint Amid Strikes on Syria

Moscow calls on Turkey to show restraint in light of the strikes on Syrian territory, tensions cannot be allowed to escalate, Russia's special presidential envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentyev said.

"We will call on our Turkish colleagues to show certain restraint in order to prevent an escalation of tension, not only in the northern and northeastern regions of Syria, but throughout the entire territory," Lavrentyev said at the beginning of the 19th round of talks on the Syrian settlement in Astana.

CC BY-SA 4.0 / DHA / Hisar-A air defense system

He said work with all interested parties should be continued, and an attempt should be made to find a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue.

Lavrentyev said Turkey had not notified Russia in advance about the air operation in Syria and Iraq; the issue would be discussed during the meeting on Syria in Astana.

"We hope to convince our Turkish partners to refrain from using excessive force on Syrian territory," the Russian special envoy said.

On Sunday, Turkey conducted an air operation against militant bases of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its military wing, People's Defense Units (YPG), also labeled as a terrorist organization in Turkey. According to the Turkish Defense Ministry, a total of 89 targets were destroyed during the operation.

Gempa Dahsyat 7 Magnitudo Guncang Kepulauan Solomon

Gempa Dahsyat 7 Magnitudo Guncang Kepulauan Solomon

Gempa Dahsyat 7 Magnitudo Guncang Kepulauan Solomon

Gempa bumi melanda pada kedalaman 10km di wilayah Malango di Kepulauan Solomon. (Survei Geologi Amerika Serikat)

Buletin awal yang dikeluarkan oleh Pusat Peringatan Tsunami Pasifik memperingatkan bahwa "gelombang tsunami yang berbahaya" mungkin terjadi di pantai mana pun dalam jarak 300 kilometer dari pusat gempa, yang terdaftar sekitar 15 kilometer barat daya Malango.

Gempa berkekuatan 7,0 skala Richter melanda Kepulauan Solomon pada hari Selasa dan sejak itu memicu peringatan tsunami, sebuah buletin dari Survei Geologi AS telah mengungkapkan.

Register mencatat gempa tersebut awalnya menyerang dengan kekuatan 7,3 SR; namun, kemudian direvisi menjadi berkekuatan 7. Peristiwa tersebut dikatakan muncul dari kedalaman 13,6 kilometer.

Peringatan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pusat Peringatan Tsunami Pasifik di Honolulu, Hawaii, melaporkan bahwa "gelombang tsunami yang berbahaya" hingga satu meter di atas permukaan air pasang diperkirakan terjadi di beberapa pantai di wilayah tersebut.

Pusat Seismologi Eropa-Mediterania nirlaba kemudian mendokumentasikan gempa susulan berkekuatan 6,0. Badan tersebut mencatat gempa kedua terjadi sekitar empat menit setelah gempa awal. Gempa ketiga tercatat berkekuatan 6,0 sekitar 30 menit setelah yang pertama didokumentasikan.

Detail tentang potensi kerusakan struktural, atau cedera dan korban jiwa masih belum pasti.

Gempa pertama melanda pada kedalaman 15 km (9 mil), sekitar 16 km (10 mil) barat daya wilayah Malango, kata Survei Geologi Amerika Serikat, yang awalnya menyebutkan besarnya 7,3.

Gelombang berbahaya mungkin terjadi di pulau-pulau di kawasan itu, kata Pusat Peringatan Tsunami Pasifik, tetapi diperkirakan tidak ada ancaman tsunami yang lebih luas.

Gempa tersebut dapat menghasilkan gelombang hingga 1 meter (3 kaki) di atas permukaan air pasang untuk Kepulauan Solomon, kata pusat tersebut, dan gelombang yang lebih kecil untuk pantai Papua Nugini dan Vanuatu.

“Masyarakat juga diimbau untuk waspada karena gempa susulan diperkirakan akan terus berlanjut,” kata seorang karyawan di media sosial.

Pemadaman listrik yang meluas dilaporkan di seluruh pulau dan Penyiaran Kepulauan Solomon mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan di Facebook bahwa semua layanan radio tidak mengudara.

The National Disaster Management Office said it has received reports that people felt the quake but are waiting for reports of damage.

"Orang-orang di Honiara pindah ke tempat yang lebih tinggi beberapa menit setelah gempa tetapi beberapa sekarang telah pindah ke bawah," kata seorang pejabat kepada Reuters melalui telepon.

Seismologi Fiji mengatakan gempa tersebut tidak menimbulkan ancaman tsunami langsung ke negara kepulauan itu sekitar 2.000 km ke arah tenggara.

As EU’s Oil Embargo Nears, West Looks to Crack Down on ‘Leakage’ in Anti-Russia Sanctions - Report

As EU’s Oil Embargo Nears, West Looks to Crack Down on ‘Leakage’ in Anti-Russia Sanctions - Report

As EU’s Oil Embargo Nears, West Looks to Crack Down on ‘Leakage’ in Anti-Russia Sanctions - Report

©Sputnik / Eugene Odinokov / Go to the mediabank

As the European Union rushes to comply with Washington’s embargo of Russian energy exports, Washington is looking for other ways to tighten the screws on Moscow, such as cracking down on enforcement of anti-Russian sanctions.

Despite extensive sanctions imposed on Russia by US-aligned nations following the launch of its special operation in Ukraine in February 2022, there have not been the precipitous drops in Russian energy exports for which they had hoped. Now, efforts are being made to tighten the noose.

“We want to avoid circumvention, both within Europe and then with third countries,” Mairead McGuinness, whose European Commission office oversees the bloc’s sanctions policy, told the Wall Street Journal about anti-Russian sanctions. “The longer we have any leakage…the more difficult it is to see things coming to a conclusion.”

The European Union has struggled to follow Washington’s Russian energy boycott, since the bloc once bought nearly half its gas from Russia and many member states have seen sizable protests against further declines in purchases. By December 5, the EU plans to totally end its importation of Russian crude oil, followed by a total ban on all Russian energy products in January.

Russia’s Gazprom halted liquified natural gas (LNG) from going through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline in early September, thanks to a unilateral price cap imposed on the product, and weeks later a mysterious undersea explosion rendered the pipeline inoperable.

However, the US quickly ended its consumption of Russian gas and petroleum in March, thanks to its smaller import volume, but that didn’t stop gas prices from skyrocketing in the US anyway. The Biden administration has spent the time since then pressuring other nations to abide by that boycott, including insisting that neutral nations like South Africa pick a side.

US Treasury officials have also traveled far and wide, pushing the sanctions on a more personal level. Earlier this month, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen helped push the Group of 7 (G7) to adopt the long-discussed price cap on Russian petroleum, and last month, Yellen’s deputy, Elizabeth Rosenberg, flew to Japan to pressure the heads of leading Arab banks to crack down on alleged Russian money laundering in Middle Eastern countries.

However, the more nations are pressured to sever trade relations with Russia, the more Washington risks alienating itself. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was pointedly rejected by his South African counterpart after he flew to Pretoria to encourage South Africa to end its joint projects with Russia, and the pressures put on Arab states by the grain shortages created by Kiev and by the US’ demands to increase oil output are not bringing them any closer to Washington.

In addition, European nations are continuing to face social pressures associated with their support for Ukraine, including protests over the rising costs of living created by gas price hikes and inflation.

New trade statistics revealed on Monday that the United Kingdom, no longer an EU member state but still a NATO ally, has imported nearly $1 billion in Russian petroleum since March.

Russian, Vietnamese security chiefs discuss world situation, including Ukraine

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev and Vietnamese Minister of Public Security To Lam held security consultations in Moscow on Monday, the press service of the Security Council said.

In particular, they exchanged views on the situation in the world, including in the Asia-Pacific region and Ukraine.

They also looked into a wide range of issues related to bilateral relations. Special focus was on cooperation between law enforcement agencies and special services.

Taking part in the consultations were representatives of various ministries and agencies of the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

SHOCK VIDEO: Off-duty Vermont sheriff's deputy shot 8 times by police after gunfight in New York

SHOCK VIDEO: Off-duty Vermont sheriff's deputy shot 8 times by police after gunfight in New York

SHOCK VIDEO: Off-duty Vermont sheriff's deputy shot 8 times by police after gunfight in New York

An off-duty sheriff's deputy was shot by police in New York on Sunday after he exchanged fire with a group of men. (City of Saratoga Springs)

Gunfire on the streets of Saratoga Springs early Sunday morning left at least three people wounded, including an off-duty sheriff’s deputy from Vermont who was shot multiple times by police.

An off-duty Vermont sheriff's deputy was shot by police in upstate New York on Sunday after he exchanged fire with a group of men.

The shooting, which happened at around 3 a.m. on Sunday, came after Saratoga Springs Police responded to another shooting.

during the shooting incident between the police and the police who were not on duty

The deputy was shot by police multiple times, after he ignored commands from the officers to drop his firearm, according to police and the mayor.

The gunfire broke out at 3 a.m. in the historic downtown of the small city, known for its thoroughbred horse racing, fine restaurants and cultural attractions.

Video from a street camera appeared to show a group of people fighting on the sidewalk, then scattering as shots were fired.

Two men were shooting at each other as police arrived, including a deputy from the Rutland County Sheriff's Office, according to Saratoga Springs Police Sgt. Paul Veitch.

Body camera video released by the city showed officers running toward the sound of the gunshots with their pistols drawn, one screaming “drop the gun!”

When the sheriff's deputy, who was not in uniform, didn't drop his weapon, Saratoga Springs officers opened fire, according Commissioner of Public Safety James Montagnino.

The deputy, who was not immediately identified, suffered 10 bullet wounds, including one to the chest, but was conscious and was expected to survive, the Times-Union reported.

His girlfriend's arm was grazed by a bullet.

"By my count, there are at least eight separate, clear, unequivocal commands to put the gun down and get on the ground," Saratoga Springs Public Safety Commissioner James Montagnino said at a press conference. "They are all ignored.

The shooting beforehand involving the deputy and the group of men left two people injured. That shooting was sparked by an argument. A woman believed to be the deputy’s girlfriend suffered a graze wound and a man involved in the altercation was also injured.

Three people had allegedly slammed the deputy into a parked vehicle before then pushing him to the ground. The deputy then pulled out a gun and exchanged gunfire with a member of the group who also had a firearm.

The deputy had gotten into a barroom argument with a group of three people from Utica. After the fight spilled onto the street, the deputy showed his weapon and the Utica man drew his, which was when gunfire broke out. Seven to eight shots were fired between the two, and the deputy shot the Utica man.

All three gunshot victims were in stable condition at a hospital. Authorities didn’t identify them. The Saratoga Springs officers who fired weapons have been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation “to find out if any policies or protocols were violated,” Saratoga Springs Police Sgt. Paul Veitch said. That investigation is set to be conducted by the Saratoga Springs Police Department, he said.

Saratoga Springs Mayor Ron Kim denounced the shooting saying: “Nobody should be on Caroline Street at 3 o’clock in the morning drinking that has a weapon. End of story.”

No arrests have been made in the case and New York State Police are investigating the shooting.