Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Chinese Foreign Minister slams Ukrainian crisis 'tragedy that could have been avoided'

Chinese Foreign Minister slams Ukrainian crisis 'tragedy that could have been avoided'

Chinese Foreign Minister slams Ukrainian crisis 'tragedy that could have been avoided'

Foreign Minister Qin Gang said that “the more unstable the world becomes, the more imperative it is for China and Russia to steadily advance their relations”. PHOTO: BLOOMBERG

The crisis in Ukraine is a ‘tragedy’ that could have been avoided, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Tuesday at the annual press conference on the sidelines of the National People's Congress (parliament) session.

"The Ukrainian crisis is a tragedy that could have been avoided," Qin Gang said. According to him, the scale of the crisis is a sad lesson for everyone.

"The crisis in Ukraine is essentially the result of catastrophic contradictions on European security management," the Chinese foreign minister pointed out.

He also stressed that China has always been in favor of dialogue and against unilateral sanctions. The country also sought to de-escalate tensions instead of adding fuel to the fire.

China says it has not supplied weapons to Russia, blames ‘invisible hand’ behind continuing Ukraine crisis

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said that China has not supplied weapons to Russia in its war against Ukraine, adding that the world’s second-largest economy is being unfairly dragged into the conflict.

“China did not create the crisis. It is not a party to the crisis,” Mr Qin told reporters on Tuesday at his first press conference as foreign minister on the sidelines of China’s annual parliamentary meetings.

“And it has not provided weapons to either side of the conflict. Why on earth is there blame and sanctions on China? This is absolutely unacceptable,” he said.

China’s close relationship with Russia has been placed under scrutiny since the latter invaded Ukraine in February 2022, with many countries, particularly major governments in the West, urging President Xi Jinping to do more to end the war.

The United States and its allies have since imposed unprecedented sanctions against Russia, including cutting banks’ access to the global financial payments system, supported by hundreds of multinational companies that have also stopped their operations in Russia.

Recently, the US has reportedly been sounding out its allies about imposing new sanctions on China, its greatest rival, if Beijing provides arms and ammunition to Russia for the war in Ukraine. The US has said that it has intelligence that Beijing plans to do so, a step that would revive Moscow’s flailing invasion.

Beijing says that this is false information. Officially, China remains unaligned in the conflict.

The US imposed sanctions against a Chinese company in January for providing satellite imagery to the Wagner mercenary group, which has played a role in the battle for eastern Ukraine. In December, the US also restricted the access of two Chinese research institutes to US technology for helping the Russian military.

Mr Qin said that China has been advocating for peace talks, but efforts “have been repeatedly undermined”.

“There seems to be an invisible hand pushing for the protraction and escalation of the conflict,” he said, without naming any country, adding that the “Ukraine crisis is a tragedy that could have been avoided”.

Mr Qin urged the start of the process of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine “as soon as possible”, given that “the Ukraine crisis has come to a critical juncture”.

“Conflict, sanctions and pressure will not solve the problem,” he added. “What is needed is calmness, reason and dialogue while respecting the legitimate security concerns of all parties.”

Mr Qin also addressed the question of China’s relationship with Russia. Both parties had announced a “no limits” partnership in February 2022, ahead of Moscow’s incursion into Ukraine.

China’s friendship with Russia is not a threat to any country and will not be subjected to any interference or discord, he said.

He added that China will work with Europe to uphold multilateralism, as he maintained that friendships with the European Union and Russia are “not targeted at any third party”.

“China always makes its own judgment and decides on this position independently based on the merits of the issue between war and peace,” Mr Qin said.

Making a case for how Beijing has been trying to play a peacekeeper role in the conflict, he said: “The more unstable the world becomes, the more imperative it is for China and Russia to steadily advance their relations.

“With China and Russia working together, the world will have the driving force towards multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations and global strategic balance and stability will be better ensured.”

Mr Qin said that Russia and China’s leadership remains in close contact, guided strategically by both presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. The partnership between China and Russia “will surely grow from strength to strength”.

He however did not answer a question of whether Mr Xi will be visiting Russia after the annual sessions of the Chinese Parliament conclude next week. Mr Putin has publicly invited Mr Xi to do so.

DMI Larang Pengurus Masjid Beri Panggung untuk Tokoh Politik

DMI Larang Pengurus Masjid Beri Panggung untuk Tokoh Politik

DMI Larang Pengurus Masjid Beri Panggung untuk Tokoh Politik

Wakil Ketua Umum DMI Komjen Pol (Purn) Syafruddin saat Rapat Pimpinan Nasional (Rapimnas) III Dewan Masjid Indonesia (DMI), di Jakarta, Senin, 6 Maret 2023

Dewan Masjid Indonesia melarang semua pengurus masjid memberi panggung bagi tokoh politik menjelang Pemilihan Umum atau Pemilu 2024. Keputusan itu dihasilkan dalam Rapat Pimpinan Nasional III Dewan Masjid Indonesia yang berlangsung, kemarin, 06/03/2023 dan hari ini, 07/03/2023.

"Pengurus masjid dilarang memberikan panggung politik untuk tokoh politik dalam Pemilu 2024," kata Wakil Ketua Umum DMI Komjen Pol (Purn) Syafruddin dalam keterangannya, hari Senin, 06 Maret 2023.

Dalam Rapimnas III DMI yang berlangsung di Kantor Pusat DMI di Jalan Matraman Raya, Jakarta itu, Syafruddin mengatakan terdapat rekomendasi untuk menyelenggarakan muktamar secara gradual sesuai anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga.

"Ketum DMI Jusuf Kalla memberikan mandat untuk melaksanakan muktamar secara gradual sesuai AD/ART," ujar mantan wakil kapolri itu.

DMI juga memberikan amanat untuk Kepala Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) Budi Gunawan untuk menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Pakar DMI.

Syafruddin telah mengunjungi kediaman Budi Gunawan untuk menanyakan kesediaannya menjadi ketua dewan pakar DMI.

"Mengangkat Kabin Budi Gunawan sebagai Ketua Dewan Pakar DMI," katanya.

Agenda Rapimnas III DMI itu antara lain melaporkan perkembangan hasil tugas masing-masing sekaligus mereka mengajukan rekomendasi. Rapimnas DMI juga akan membahas konsolidasi tata tertib DMI dan penyelenggaraan Muktmar DMI VIII.

Selama Ramadhan, Israel Minta Polisi Tetap Hancurkan Rumah Warga Palestina yang Ilegal

Selama Ramadhan, Israel Minta Polisi Tetap Hancurkan Rumah Warga Palestina yang Ilegal

Selama Ramadhan, Israel Minta Polisi Tetap Hancurkan Rumah Warga Palestina yang Ilegal

Menteri Keamanan Israel, Itamar Ben-Gvir/Net

Meski bulan Ramadhan akan segera tiba, Israel akan tetap melanjutkan penghancuran rumah warga Palestina yang dibangun secara ilegal.

Hal tersebut berdasarkan perintah langsung dari Menteri Keamanan Israel, Itamar Ben-Gvir, yang meminta polisi tetap melanjutkan penghancuran rumah-rumah ilegal di Yerusalem Timur.

Berdasarkan laporan yang dimuat Anadolu Agency pada hari Senin, 06/03/2023, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, biasanya Israel tidak melakukan penghancuran rumah selama bulan Ramadhan, untuk menghindari ketegangannya dengan Palestina.

Menurut laporan dari surat kabar Israel, Yedioth Ahronoth, kepolisian sendiri juga telah mengingatkan pemimpinnya itu untuk tidak melanjutkan penghancuran rumah-rumah warga.

"Polisi Israel telah memperingatkan Ben-Gvir bahwa bulan puasa Ramadhan bisa sangat tidak stabil karena sudah mencapai batasnya di tengah ketegangan di Tepi Barat yang diduduki," tulis surat kabar itu.

Akan tetapi saat ini, menteri keamanan yang memiliki pandangan sayap kanan itu, tetap memerintahkan pasukannya untuk melanjutkan penghancuran rumah tersebut, yang telah menimbulkan banyak kekhawatiran.

Pada November 2022, Presiden Israel Isaac Herzog sendiri telah memperingatkan dalam audio yang bocor bahwa "seluruh dunia khawatir" tentang pandangan sayap kanan Ben-Gvir, yang akan semakin memicu ketegangan antara Israel dan Palestina.

Pernyataan Smotrich untuk menghapus kota Hawara 'tidak pantas,' kata Netanyahu

Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu pada hari Minggu mengatakan pernyataan sekutu kunci Kabinet yang menyerukan penghapusan kota Palestina tidak pantas, setelah AS menuntut agar dia menolak pernyataan tersebut.

Dalam utas Twitter yang diposting dalam bahasa Inggris tak lama setelah tengah malam, Netanyahu tampaknya tidak langsung mengutuk pernyataan tersebut dan menyiratkan bahwa sekutunya, Menteri Keuangan Bezalel Smotrich, salah bicara.

Netanyahu berterima kasih kepada Smotrich karena kemudian mengembalikan komentar tersebut dan "menjelaskan bahwa pilihan kata-katanya" adalah "tidak tepat". Sebagian besar utas mendesak komunitas internasional untuk berikan kecaman terhadap Israel atas serangan ke Palestina.

Tampaknya itu adalah tanggapan publik pertamanya terhadap pernyataan Smotrich sejak dibuat pada hari Rabu.

Cuitan Twitter Netanyahu menggarisbawahi bagaimana pemimpin Israel harus menyeimbangkan ideologi anggota sayap kanan pemerintahannya dengan harapan sekutu utama Israel, AS. Smotrich adalah kepala salah satu dari beberapa partai ultranasionalis yang membantu membentuk pemerintahan Netanyahu, sayap paling kanan Israel yang pernah ada.

Pemukim Yahudi di Tepi Barat yang diduduki pekan lalu mengamuk di kota Hawara, Palestina, di mana pada hari sebelumnya dua saudara Israel tewas dalam serangan penembakan Palestina. Kemudian di minggu itu, Smotrich mengatakan kota itu harus dihapus, oleh pasukan Israel dan bukan oleh warga negara.

Smotrich kemudian mundur, mengatakan dia tidak bermaksud agar Hawara dihapus tetapi agar Israel beroperasi secara operasi di dalamnya melawan militan Palestina. Namun, komentarnya sebelumnya memicu protes internasional.

AS menyebut mereka menjijikkan dan mendesak Netanyahu untuk "menolak dan mengingkari mereka secara terbuka dan jelas." PBB, Mesir dan Arab Saudi juga mengutuk pernyataan Smotrich.

Dalam tweet Ibrani yang diposting sekitar waktu yang sama dengan utas bahasa Inggrisnya, Netanyahu mengatakan bahkan diplomat asing pun membuat kesalahan, referensi yang jelas ke laporan oleh Channel 12 Israel bahwa Duta Besar AS untuk Israel Tom Nides membuat pernyataan yang meremehkan tentang Smotrich sebelum kunjungannya ke Washington. minggu ini, mengatakan dia akan "membuangnya dari pesawat," jika dia bisa. Kedutaan Besar AS membantah duta besar telah membuat pernyataan tersebut.

Gedung Putih mengatakan Smotrich tidak akan bertemu dengan pejabat pemerintah AS selama perjalanan mendatang

Sementara itu, ribuan warga Israel di Tel Aviv melanjutkan selama sembilan minggu berturut-turut untuk memprotes reformasi hukum pemerintah yang oleh para kritikus dianggap mengancam demokrasi.

Protes juga terjadi di Yerusalem dan Karmiel dekat Haifa.

Reformasi peradilan adalah landasan pemerintahan terbaru Netanyahu, aliansi dengan partai-partai ultra-Ortodoks dan ekstrem kanan yang mulai menjabat pada akhir Desember.

African Leaders Call for Concrete Action to End West's 'Era of Unkept Promises' at UN Summit

African Leaders Call for Concrete Action to End West's 'Era of Unkept Promises' at UN Summit

African Leaders Call for Concrete Action to End West's 'Era of Unkept Promises' at UN Summit


The fifth United Nations Conference of Least Developed Countries (LDC5) kicked off in Doha, Qatar, on March 5. Participants are expected to put forward new ideas, raise pledges of support for the world's poorest nations and spur on meeting previously agreed commitments over the five-day meet.

African leaders have urged the international community and developed nations of the collective West to deliver on commitments, strengthen international solidarity and increase support for lesser-developed countries.

Speaking at the fifth United Nations Conference of Least Developed Countries (LDC5) in Doha, top African politicians pointed out that their countries are experiencing hunger, human rights violations, armed conflicts, environmental deterioration and natural disasters, as well as economic constraints associated with global turbulence and debt burdens. They stressed that these issues can't be solved in isolation and should be addressed jointly.

The leaders also renewed calls for debt relief and infrastructure investments that promote economic development. At the same time, they expressed disappointment over the support the international community has provided so far, saying that much needed assistance is yet to be delivered, while many countries instead are subject to political interference.

LDCs as Victims of Geostrategic Ambitions President of the Central African Republic (CAR) Faustin Archange Touadera dubbed his resource-rich country as a victim of geopolitical ambitions of "western powers." Though endowed with vast reserves of gold, diamonds, cobalt, oil and uranium, the country "remains, more than 60 years after independence, one of the poorest in the world." He noted that the nation has been subjected to looting and experienced mostly artificially created political instability.

“The Central African Republic has always been wrongly considered by certain Western powers as a reserve for strategic materials," the president stressed, adding: "It has suffered systematic looting since its independence, helped by political instability supported by certain western powers or their allies."

He underlined that instability caused by various militant groups led by foreign mercenaries is largely financed by western countries. According to the president, recurrent terrorist attacks made the state "ungovernable," hindering the government's efforts to stabilize the political situation and recuperate the economy.

He then wondered how the world's least developed states can move "from potential to prosperity" if they face foreign interference on a daily basis. In this regard, he called for the lifting of sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council and other organizations, referring to the "unjust and illegitimate embargo" on Central African arms and diamonds. He recalled that since independence, the nation has made remarkable progress in terms of strengthening the rule of law and improving people's lives, however, the embargo has undermined these achievements. Touadera concluded that global financial institutions, including the IMF and the World Bank, pressurized by "western powers," suspended their financial aid to the country. Thus, he underlined, "the Central African people have been taken hostage."

Another Round of Unkept Promises to Africa?

Chad’s President Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno also mentioned the untapped potential and resources of his country, saying that such vital sectors as agriculture and technology are yet to be developed.

He underscored that the conference can't be another "session of promises that are not kept," saying that poor nations do not need more summits, what they need is concrete action aimed at making people's lives better.

A similar sentiment was expressed by Malawian President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, who is also the chair of the Group of Least Developed Countries. The president called on development partners across the globe to pursue a new future in which every nation is regarded as equal, while multilateral cooperation dominates international relations. He stressed that the international community must push forward what it started, referring to commitments of the Doha Programme of Action and other regional and international agendas.

The international community has repeatedly fallen short on the goals set at previous conferences, in particular in terms of ensuring food security and providing financial assistance, echoed President of Djibouti Ismael Omar Guelleh. He urged global actors to reflect on these failures to understand the underlying reasons behind them.

The leader noted that the category of least developed countries contains 46 members out of which 33 are African states. These nations, despite some progress and positive signs of an economic transformation, still face various challenges, including those linked to external crises. Guelleh underlined that these states can't be considered as aid beneficiaries, but should be seen as high-yield investment destinations.

He also pointed at the the weaknesses of the global trade system that doesn't "encourage international solidarity." In particular, the president urged developed economies and multilateral banks to address the debt crisis faced by many African states.

President of Zambia Hakainde Hichilema, for his part, stated that this year is critical for intensifying international efforts aimed at resolving most glaring issues, including debt burdens, effects of climate change and global economic shocks. He expressed his support for calls to alter international financial system in a way that it takes into account the interests of least developed countries and encourages sustainable and equitable economic growth all around the world.

Talking about the impact of climate change, Hichilema stressed that developed countries should keep their previous promise to provide $100 billion per year in climate finance.

Unfair Global Financial System

Vice-President of Benin Mariam Chabi Talata Zimé Yérima likewise emphasized the marginalization of least-developed countries in global trade and international relations in general. She recalled that the UN introduced four programs of action to enhance development in these nations, however, none of these have "resulted in the full achievement of their goals."

"The largest donor countries devote very little of their GDP to ODA [official development assistance]," she said, adding: "This is why least developed countries are unable to mobilize resources for development."

The opening day of general debate at the summit saw an announcement of a financial contribution of $60 million that will be be earmarked for supporting the United Nations programs in LDCs, including the implementation of the New Doha Programme of Action adopted during the first part of the LDC5 conference on March 17, 2022.

Addressing the conference, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres noted that least-developed countries appeared to be left stranded amid growing crises, uncertainty, climate change effects and global injustices.

He explained that these nations are forced into "the rawest deals" by an unfair and mostly dysfunctional international financial system. They face "extortionate" interest rates that are much high than for developed economies. The UN chief further elaborated that 25 developing nations spend more than 20% of their revenues on debt servicing. In this regard, he stressed that least developed countries need a "revolution of support," saying it's time "the era of unkept promises" comes to an end.

Monday, 6 March 2023

Closer ties with Islamic countries among Russian foreign policy priorities — Lavrov

Closer ties with Islamic countries among Russian foreign policy priorities — Lavrov

Closer ties with Islamic countries among Russian foreign policy priorities — Lavrov

©Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

The further strengthening of relations with the countries of the Islamic world is among the priority areas of Russia’s foreign policy, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"Russia, the biggest Eurasian power, a state, a civilization, maintains good, fair, mutually respectful relations with all countries of the Islamic world," he said at a meeting of the Russia - Islamic World Strategic Vision Group. "Their (the relations - TASS) further development is among the continuing priorities of Russia’s foreign policy."

Russia "along with its friends from Muslim states insists on the formation of a fairer, more democratic multipolar world order, which is based on the principles of the United Nations Charter," Lavrov stressed. "We reject the ultraliberal values the collective West is aggressively seeking to impose.".

This was also conveyed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov on February 2, 2006, said that Russia intends to strengthen relations with Islamic countries. Lavrov said closer relations with Islamic countries could avoid international conflicts.

Lavrov emphasized that closer ties could help resolve key international problems, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the row over Iran's controversial nuclear program, as well as the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lavrov made the comments at a reception for ambassadors from the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) member states in Moscow, February 2006.

Malaysian Ambassador Dato Mohamed Khalis, whose country held the OIC's rotating chairmanship at the time, said Russia could help build bridges between the West and the Islamic world.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov also made a statement about Russia's foreign policy priorities and answers to questions during Government Hour at the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, December 1, 2021

We highly value the principled position of Russian senators on topical matters of the international agenda and their invariable readiness to help promote Russia’s priorities on the global stage, both in bilateral relations and at various multilateral parliamentary platforms.

We attach great importance to further expanding our interaction with both houses of the Federal Assembly and their committees in the interests of strengthening the country’s international positions. Diplomats have to feel the pulse of society and to sense the mood of the public.

Russia is ready to help clean up countries that had became Western neocolonialism - Dmitry Medvedev

Russia is ready to help clean up countries that had became Western neocolonialism - Dmitry Medvedev

Russia is ready to help clean up countries that had became Western neocolonialism - Dmitry Medvedev

Deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev.
©Sputnik/Ekaterina Shtukina

Russia is ready to help the world do away with the vestiges of a Western-dominated colonial past, former president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed. The official argued that as a nation “which has never had any colonies,” Russia is well-placed to take part in this process.

In an article published on Monday, Medvedev claimed that “geopolitical turbulence has cut open an abscess of the old problems of our world.”

The ex-president, who now serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, argued that the “malignant tumor of a colonial past” is a problem that calls for “international surgery.”

He noted that the Soviet Union played a major role in dismantling the colonial system of the 20th century.

“We, together with other countries, can now drive the final nail in the coffin of the Western world’s neo-colonial aspirations,” Medvedev proclaimed in the piece, posted on the United Russia party website.

As an example, the former president cited Argentina’s decision to renounce a 2016 deal with the UK with respect to the disputed Falkland/Malvinas islands in the South Atlantic, which were at the center of a military conflict in 1982.

On Thursday, Argentinian Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero said he had notified his British counterpart, James Cleverly, of the move during a meeting in New Delhi, India, on the sidelines of the G20 summit.

Buenos Aires “has proposed to resume negotiations on the question of sovereignty” in compliance with the mandate of the UN General Assembly and the world body’s Committee on Decolonization, Cafiero clarified.

Medvedev argued that the decisions to show French troops the door last year by two former colonies in Africa, the Central African Republic and Mali, fit this pattern too.

Medvedev pointed out, however, that there are still a number of dependent territories around the globe ruled by Western powers, such as the UK and France. He expressed skepticism that those nations will willingly relinquish control of the remains of their former empires.

As more and more countries “stop fearing Western diktat” and start to assert their national interests more actively, the former colonial powers are bound to lose their hold on the regions they once thought were theirs, the ex-president concluded.

Following the start of Russia’s military campaign against Ukraine last February and amid fierce confrontation with the West, top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have increasingly advocated the establishment of a “multipolar world” which does not center around the wishes of one single superpower.

Argentina's bid to regain sovereignty over Malvinas fair — Medvedev

Argentina is justifiably fighting to regain sovereignty over the Malvinas (Falklands) Islands, which are still considered a British overseas territory, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian Security Council and chairman of the United Russia Party, said.

He recalled that Argentina had withdrawn from its agreement with the United Kingdom governing administrative and economic activities on the Malvinas.

"While this piece of paper is quite new by historical standards, dating back to just 2016, politically it has turned rotten and malodorous (as, by the way, is the case with just about everything that the pestilent hand of London touches). Buenos Aires's determination to continue its just struggle to regain sovereignty over the disputed territories clearly demonstrates a course toward strengthening the legal independence of states and their struggle against the disgraceful modern practices of neo-colonialism, which many countries continue to indulge in," he wrote in an article uploaded to the United Russia website on Monday.

Medvedev stated that the sharp blade of turbulence in international relations has served to lance a boil festering with long-standing global problems.

"For many decades, they have just been covering them over with 'political band-aids' rather than eliminating the causes of the disease. However, no abscess can last forever. The time is ripe for international surgical intervention to remove the malignant tumor of the colonial past," he said.

Medvedev highlighted the fact that, according to the UN classification, there are still quite a few non-self-governing territories in the world, which he described as "rudiments of the colonial system that collapsed in the 1950s through 1970s of the 20th century."

"Indeed, do the former colonial powers wish to give them true freedom? Hardly," Medvedev said.

In his view, Great Britain will never give the Chagos Archipelago back to Mauritius, just as France will never return Mayotte to the Union of the Comoros, or the Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean (in French: ·les ·parses) to Madagascar. "Therefore, these countries have developed a growing understanding of the correctness of resisting the remnants of neo-colonial practices and attempts to impose perverse cultural attitudes upon them, which emanate from the former Western colonial powers," the deputy Security Council head pointed out.

In conclusion, he warned that the emerging multipolar world would be much more complex than a "two-dimensional bipolar system or unipolar diktat."

Zelensky Clings to Artemovsk to Show Hefty Western Military Aid ‘Not in Vain,’ Russian Analyst Says

Zelensky Clings to Artemovsk to Show Hefty Western Military Aid ‘Not in Vain,’ Russian Analyst Says

Zelensky Clings to Artemovsk to Show Hefty Western Military Aid ‘Not in Vain,’ Russian Analyst Says

Despite huge losses in terms of men and materiel in Artemovsk, Ukrainian forces are desperately trying to hold onto the town because Kiev apparently wants to justify incessant and hefty deliveries of Western military aid to Ukraine, military expert and political analyst Ivan Konovalov told Sputnik.

A German newspaper recently reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny have "fundamentally different views" on the situation in the town of Artemovsk, known in Ukraine by its pre-Soviet name Bakhmut.

While Zaluzhny insists on the retreat of Ukrainian forces from Artemovsk "for tactical reasons", Kiev authorities adhere to the stance that it’s necessary to hold on to the town, according to the newspaper.

"... The Ukrainian leadership, and especially Mr. Zelensky, who needs to prove to the West that the Ukrainian forces can still surprise and demonstrate that Western military aid is not in vain," cannot but cling to Artemovsk, Konovalov said.

When asked why Ukrainian troops continue to hold on to the town despite their huge losses there, the Russian military expert said that "Mr. Zelensky does not care about the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s casualties."

"His task is to show to his [Western] curators that this or that settlement is still under Ukrainian forces’ control. And at what cost it takes place is all the same to him. He is only interested in one thing: his image in front of Western curators and arms suppliers, because it is related to how long he will be at the helm of Ukraine," Konovalov pointed out.

He added that "on the other hand, Zaluzhny knows full well that from a strategic point of view," the possible fall of Artemovsk "can result in a catastrophe that will shake the entire central frontline.” Konovalov suggested that Kiev’s main problem in Artemovsk is that “a political necessity has clashed with military expediency.”

According to the expert, “the situation [in the town] is obvious and the fall of Artemovsk is a foregone conclusion."

The remarks followed the Wagner private military group announcing last week that they had surrounded Artemovsk, located in Donbass, following months of fighting that has taken a heavy toll on Kiev's forces, developments that come amid Russia's ongoing special military operation in Ukraine.

Ukraine's military said late on Sunday that Russian forces were attempting to advance on Bakhmut, shelling the city and nearby settlements of Ivanivske, Chasiv Yar, Kurdyumivka and Orikhovo-Vasylivka.

"The situation in Bakhmut can be described as critical," Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov said in a video commentary.

To the north, Russian troops advanced towards the town of Bilohorivka, just inside the Luhansk region, and shelled several settlements in the direction of Kupiansk and Lyman, the Ukrainian military said.