Friday, 7 April 2023

US Resumes Construction of Biolabs in Ukraine, Russian MoD Says

US Resumes Construction of Biolabs in Ukraine, Russian MoD Says

US Resumes Construction of Biolabs in Ukraine, Russian MoD Says


The Russian Ministry of Defense has revealed who is behind the US' military biological activities.

The US has resumed the program for the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine and is expanding the format to train Ukrainian biologists, Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops of the Russian Armed Forces, said on Friday.

"Despite the forced pause pertaining to the Russian special military operation [in Ukraine], [the US’] activities under the program have now been resumed. The main tasks at this stage are to continue the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine, as well as expand the format for training Ukrainian biologists," Kirillov told reporters.

This conclusion is based on the analysis of the minutes of the meeting of the working group of US and Ukrainian specialists under the leadership of representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) dated October 20, 2022 on the plans for the implementation of the "Biological Threat Reduction Program" in Ukraine, the Russian official explained.

'Springboard for NATO Troop Deployment'

Kirillov noted that the goals of the US biological programs prove that Washington views former Soviet countries as a springboard for the deployment of NATO forces. The Pentagon finances dual-use projects through a system of grants, the Russian official said, adding that the distribution of money is entrusted to the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) and the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC).

"The goal of the ISTC bio-threat reduction program is to protect the United States, its military, and allies. This once again confirms that Washington considers former Soviet states as a springboard for the deployment of NATO military units," Kirillov pointed out.

Who is Main Organizer of US' Military Biological Activities?

According to Kirillov, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) believes that the US Department of Energy, along with the Pentagon, is the main organizer of and direct participant in [the US'] military biological activities.”

The official referred to the statement by the US Department of Energy claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic could have occurred as a result of an accident that leaked the virus from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

"A legitimate question arises — what does the US Department of Energy have to do with combating biological threats and implementing projects that have signs of dual use?" Kirillov added.

Officially, in 2023 alone, the US Department of Energy allocated $105 million for research under the Bio-preparedness Research Virtual Environment project, which is supposed to study the epidemic spread of diseases, he noted.

Russia Adds New Names to List of Those Involved in Pentagon Bio Research

Kirillov also said that Russia announces new names of participants in the military biological programs from among the citizens of the US and Ukraine.

"Today we are adding to the list of persons involved in the biological research of the Pentagon. Among them is Eliot J. Pearlman, head of the NGO 'International HIV/AIDS and TB Institute' in Kiev, who was directly involved in the creation of a laboratory base for the implementation of military biological research on the territory of Ukraine," Kirillov told a briefing.

The official also named Greg Glass, a professor in the Department of Geography and the Emerging Pathogens Institute at the University of Florida, who was studying the spread of the pathogen tularemia in Ukraine. He was involved in the implementation of the UP-8 project (Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever and orthohantavirus in Ukraine).

Another professor, Andrew Pekosz, was also involved as one of the leading consultants in the UP-2 project (application of geoinformation systems, remote monitoring and laboratory diagnostics for the detection of tularemia and anthrax diseases in humans and animals in Ukraine), according to Kirillov.

The official added that many defendants in the military biological programs left Ukraine, and the US is urgently looking for them to prevent leaks.

Why Does Pentahon Go Ahead With Bio Research in Ukraine?

Kirillov explained that the Pentagon will continue research on bio-objects in Ukraine and other countries due to the vague reaction of the international community and the fear of arguing with Washington.

"The plans of the Pentagon to continue dual-use research at Ukrainian bio-objects and in other countries of the world with a change in the name of the program is the result of a vague reaction of the world community due to the fear of a number of countries to confront the US authorities," he underscored.

US Biolabs Endanger 'Third Countries'

There is a risk of the spread of dangerous pathogens in the areas of foreign biologocal laboratories controlled by the United States.

"The US has never been clear about its commitment to the safety of research in biolabs it controls. The non-transparency of their activities creates the risk of the spread of dangerous pathogens in the areas where biological objects are located ... At the same time, the placement of biological objects in third countries does not take into account the interests of the local population and poses a serious threat to entire regions," Kirillov said.

Moscow: Military-Biological Properties of COVID-19 Could Be Boosted Artificially

Separately, Kirillov said that each new strain of the coronavirus had improved military-biological properties, which may indicate an artificial increase in its pathogenicity.

Experts still have a number of questions related to "strange for most viruses" variability and geographical origin of COVID-19 variants, the official said, adding that "at the same time, each new variant had improved properties in terms of their military-biological application, causing more and more economic damage."

"It seems that someone is taking targeted actions to enhance the pathogenic properties of the virus, and the pandemic is artificially fueled by the introduction of new, 'improved' variants. So far, these questions remain unanswered," he noted.

This comes after Kirillov told reporters last month that Washington failed to deactivate biolabs in Ukraine before the launch of Russia's special military operation despite claims by US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.

"The US authorities contradict themselves in their statements regarding the work of US biological laboratories in Ukraine. Thus, in his statement dated January 31, 2023, the representative of the US National Security Council, John Kirby, confirmed the presence of US biological laboratories in Ukraine, while indicating that they were abandoned by personnel and ... 'deactivated' before the start of the special military operation. However, the documents we received deny Kirby's statement," the official said.

He also said at the time that Moscow has information that the US has been developing mRNA vaccines that cause concomitant diseases and serious complications at the expense of the US Department of the Treasury since 2017.

"According to available information, the development of vaccines of this type [mRNA vaccines] has been funded by the US state budget since 2017, and by the time commercially available drugs appeared, it was clear that they could cause the development of concomitant diseases and serious complications," Kirillov told reporters.

During its special military operation in Ukraine, Russia has discovered a network of more than 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine. According to Kirillov, the Pentagon has been running secret biolabs in Ukraine for years, researching highly dangerous pathogens and exporting biological samples in breach of the Biological Weapons Convention.

Kebakaran RS Salak Bogor, Bima Arya Ungkap Dugaan Penyebabnya

Kebakaran RS Salak Bogor, Bima Arya Ungkap Dugaan Penyebabnya

Kebakaran RS Salak Bogor, Bima Arya Ungkap Dugaan Penyebabnya

Wali Kota Bogor Bima Arya menyebut kebakaran Rumah Sakit Salak diduga karena korsleting listrik. Api berasal dari sekitar ruangan medical check up.

"Korsleting listrik di seputaran medical check up. Di situ kemudian api menjalar ke apotek dan pemadam kebakaran bergerak cepat karena kita khawatir akan kena ke pasien. Tapi jaraknya agak jauh dengan IGD. Jadi kita fokus padamkan di lokasi dan mencegah agar tidak menjalar ke bangunan Denpom," kata Bima, pada hari Jumat, 07/04/2023.

Sejauh ini, pihaknya belum menerima laporan korban akibat kejadian ini.

"Alhamdulillah belum ada laporan korban jiwa maupun luka-luka. Tetapi masih harus kita pastikan setelah api padam semua dan kita cek," kata Bima.

Akibat kebakaran ini, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Kota Bogor ditutup sementara untuk publik. Masyarakat yang akan melewati Jalan Jenderal Sudirman diminta mengambil jalur alternatif lain. Jalan Sudirman diprioritaskan untuk pemadam kebakaran atau damkar.

RS Salak Bogor terbakar sekitar pukul 13.30 WIB, pada hari Jumat, 07/04/2023. Kebakaran terjadi di bagian depan Rumah Sakit Salak Bogor.

"Api sudah menghanguskan bangunan depan Rumah Sakit Salak," kata suara lelaki di video postingan Instagram Bogor24Update.

Pada Jumat Sore, Petugas dari Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran, TNI, dan Polri berhasil memadamkan kebakaran yang terjadi di lingkungan Rumah Sakit Salak di Kota Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat, dalam waktu sekitar satu setengah jam.

"Api sudah dipadamkan tadi jam 15.00, sekarang petugas masih lanjut membersihkan dan memastikan di sekelilingnya aman," kata Kepala Polresta Bogor Kota Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso di lokasi kebakaran, Jumat sore.

"Setelah selesai seluruh kegiatan pemadaman, kami akan berikan police line (garis polisi)," katanya.

Ia menyampaikan bahwa kebakaran di lingkungan Rumah Sakit Salak diduga terjadi akibat korsleting listrik.

Bismo menuturkan bahwa kebakaran pada salah satu bangunan di rumah sakit itu diketahui pukul 13.20 WIB dan sekitar 15 menit kemudian api menjalar ke bangunan-bangunan di sampingnya.

Petugas berhasil memadamkan kebakaran yang terjadi di Rumah Sakit Salak sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB dengan dukungan 14 mobil pemadam, delapan mobil pemadam dari Kota Bogor dan enam mobil pemadam dari Kabupaten Bogor.

Menurut data sementara kepolisian, ada empat ruangan yang terbakar di Rumah Sakit Salak, termasuk ruang pemeriksaan kesehatan dan instalasi farmasi.

Aparat kepolisian akan melakukan olah tempat kejadian perkara pada Sabtu (8/4) pagi untuk mencari tahu penyebab kebakaran yang terjadi di rumah sakit tersebut.

Saat kebakaran terjadi di Rumah Sakit Salak, jalur dari Bunderan Air Mancur ditutup sementara. Kendaraan diarahkan untuk putar balik atau melalui Jalan RE Marthadinata.

Jalan di depan Istana Bogor yang menuju ke Jalan Sudirman juga ditutup sementara. Hingga pukul 16.40 WIB jalur menuju ke Jalan Sudirman belum dibuka. Mobil pemadam masih ada di tengah jalan

Sejarah Rumah Sakit Salak Bogor

Rumah Sakit Salak Bogor mulai berdiri tahun 1925, saat itu dikelola oleh pemerintah Belanda.

Pada bulan Maret 1950, Rumah Sakit ini diserahkan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia.

Penyerahan ini dilakukan oleh Mayor Jendral Dr. Simon direktur MGD KNIL kepada wakil Direktur Kesehatan Angkatan Darat dan sebagai Karumkit dipercayakan kepada Mayor Dr. Sarjiman.

Penyerahan Rumah Sakit Militer Bogor ini baru sebagian (Ruangan Laki – laki ) karena ruangan wanita dan kamar bersalin masih dipakaioleh Kesehatan Belanda untuk beberapa bulan.

Kondisi ruang Rawat Inap dan Rawat Jalan saat itu sangat sederhana, bangunan berdinding papan yang sudah tua dengan kapasitas rawat inap 40 tempat tidur.

Selama perkembangannya sejak tahun 1990 Rumah Sakit Salak telah mengalami penambahan bangunan dan renovasi, sehingga saat ini kapasitas rawat inap sudah menjadi 155 tempat tidur.

Tahun 1963, Rumah Sakit TNIAD Salak Bogor yang berkedudukan dibawah Komando Angkatan Darat dengan nama Djawatan Kesehatan Tentara (DKT) dan tahun 1984, Rumah sakit ini menggunakan kembali namanya yang lama, yaitu Rumah Sakit TNIAD Salak Bogor.

Pada awal pendiriannya, pelayanan kesehatan di RS TNIAD Salak Bogor hanya ditunjukan kepada anggota Militer dan Keluarganya, namun pada tahun 1960 atas petunjuk Dari Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KASAD) Rumah Sakit TNIAD Salak Bogor dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat umum.

Saat ini Rumah Sakit Salak Bogor yang berdiri diatas lahan seluar 9213 M⊃2; dengan luas bangunan 6074 M⊃2; merupakan Rumah Sakit Tingkat III dijajaran TNI-AD, yang berada dibawah Detasemen Kesehatan Wilayah (Denkesyah) 03.04.01 Bogor yang mempunyai tugas pokok untuk memberikan pelayanan Kesehatan kepada Prajurit, PNS TNI dan Keluarganya serta masyarakat umum.




Two men in Montana are lucky to be alive after a moose charged at them, despite ignoring warnings from residents to leave the animal alone.

Video obtained by Eyewitness News shows a group warning the two men to get away from the moose.

A man was charged at by a moose in Big Sky, Montana, on March 29, after ignoring warnings from locals to leave the animal alone.

Video recorded by Jason Holfensperger shows a group warning two men to move away from the moose. Holfensperger told Storyful the men were tourists visiting the area. The two men mock the local group’s concern and slowly approach the moose.

Holfensperger told Storyful that he was trying to communicate to the tourists that the animals can become aggressive when startled.

However, they didn't listen.

The video shows one of the men mocking the neighbor's concern and making gestures at the moose.

"It's a God damn wild animal, get the f*** away from it," the man is heard yelling in the video.

After one of the men touches the animal, the moose turns towards and suddenly begins to charge. The man falls over and begins to scramble away.

The person who recorded the video said neither men were hurt, other than some "bruised egos."

After one of the men touches the animal, the moose turns towards him and begins to charge. The man falls over and begins to scramble away, falling over again on the icy surface.

Holfensperger said that neither men appeared injured following the charge, not accounting for potential “bruised egos”. Credit: @bibwitharte via Storyful

Scott Ritter: US 'Full Spectrum Dominance' Doctrine Based on 'Hubris and Arrogance'

Scott Ritter: US 'Full Spectrum Dominance' Doctrine Based on 'Hubris and Arrogance'

Scott Ritter: US 'Full Spectrum Dominance' Doctrine Based on 'Hubris and Arrogance'


US military doctrine since 1997 has dictated that Washington should not tolerate any nation rivaling its military might. Scott Ritter, a former US marine and UN chemical weapons inspector in Iraq, argues that the Pentagon has already lost that competition.

The US military doctrine of "Full-Spectrum Dominance" is a delusion based on arrogant assumptions, said a leading defense analyst.

A recent article on website Consortium News argued that the Pentagon's overarching strategy since 1997 demands that the rest of the world bows down to US 'leadership'.

Scott Ritter told Sputnik that this idea was looking increasingly tenuous following the US defeat in Afghanistan and Russia taking on Western proxy forces in Ukraine. "Full spectrum dominance is something that developed in the aftermath of the end of the Cold War, where the United States emerged as the sole remaining superpower," Ritter explained. "It literally is an expression of national hubris and arrogance, its ignorance. It implies that the United States is not only the exceptional nation, but it is dominatingly exceptional."

The implication of the doctrine is that the US cannot live in peace with other nations or even treat them with respect, he argued.

"We don't want to get along with people. We want to control people. We want to impose our will on people around the world. No exceptions. That's what full spectrum means," Ritter said. "The United States is not a friend of nations when you behave in this manner. We are your masters. And so I think you're doomed to fail when you set off on that foot." The former US marine agreed that the doctrine led not only to the decades-long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq following the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks, but also the unconstitutional attacks on US citizen's rights.

"19 hijackers with four airplanes took us down as a nation, crashed our economy, and basically got inside our decision making cycle, compelling us to react to their actions in a way that manifested itself with policy that destroyed the credibility of the United States," Ritter recalled.

"We sought to link Iraq to 9/11. We couldn't. We sought to manufacture a case against Iraq about weapons of mass destruction that ultimately failed. We went to war and violation of international law. And we lost that conflict. How is that for full spectrum dominance?"

In Afghanistan, the US "spent 20 years trying to implement full spectrum dominance, but we lost. We didn't dominate anything," he added. "And now what we're seeing in Ukraine, when we come back to what's supposed to be our bread and butter, large-scale ground combat, we can't dominate. We are being ground down to nothing in Ukraine."

Those "self-inflicted wounds are often the by-product of the arrogance," he said, citing "our taking down of the Constitution."

"Those who seek full spectrum dominance understand what they're saying, because it's not just about applying that to the international community," Ritter warned. "It's about applying that to the American community in rampant violation of our First Amendment rights of free speech, our Fourth Amendment protections against illegal search and seizures."

This week saw the Russian flag raised over the centre of the key Donetsk city of Artemovsk, known as Bakhmut in Ukraine — while suspected Ukrainian agents assassinated Donbass war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky in a terrorist bombing in St. Petersburg as a diversion. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had previously insisted the city's loss would force him to compromise with Moscow to end the conflict.

"The interesting thing is Zelensky was in Poland recently," the expert noted, where he speculated the Ukrainian leader was "seeking to reach an agreement with Poland that would make a union with Poland."

"He knows he can't be a member of NATO. He knows he can't be a member of the European Union. And he knows now that Bakhmut has fallen, that he has lost this war," Ritter said. "So one last act of desperation: he's seeking a political union with Poland. He's talking about erasing the border so that they become one. And somehow this will strengthen his position at the negotiating table."

But he doubted that the US, NATO and European Union would support that gambit. "This is the irresponsible expansion of the conflict that could bring NATO into direct contact with Russian troops. That's World War Three."

"Ukraine is losing this war," the pundit stated. "People have been talking about the spring offensive that's supposed to occur," but "there's growing acknowledgment that it will never happen", because Kiev no longer has enough forces for such an operation.

"The Russians will destroy any counterattacking force," Ritter predicted, "and then with the bulk of their force still intact, launch a devastating counterattack of their own one way or the other. Russia's moving further west and Ukraine is literally stuck between a rock and a hard place."

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Air Defenses Intercept 11 US-made HIMARS Rockets in Ukraine Operation

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Air Defenses Intercept 11 US-made HIMARS Rockets in Ukraine Operation

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Air Defenses Intercept 11 US-made HIMARS Rockets in Ukraine Operation

©Russian Defence Ministry Press

Russian air defense forces intercepted 11 rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and destroyed 11 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Thursday.

"Air defense capabilities intercepted 11 rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system. In addition, they destroyed 11 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Tavolzhanka in the Kharkov Region, Kremennaya and Kovalyovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Nikolskoye, Novosyolovka and Peski in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian forces neutralize three Ukrainian subversive groups in Kupyansk area

Russian forces struck Ukrainian army units in the Kupyansk area, eliminating 50 enemy troops and neutralizing three subversive groups over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, assault and army aviation aircraft and artillery of the western battlegroup struck the enemy units in areas near the settlements of Dvurechnaya, Peschanoye and Masyutovka in the Kharkov Region. In addition, three Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance groups were neutralized in areas near the settlements of Novosyolovskoye and Artyomovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic and Pershotravnevoye in the Kharkov Region," the spokesman said.

The strikes eliminated enemy manpower and equipment, the general said.

"Over 50 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, two motor vehicles, and also a US-manufactured AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar were destroyed in that area in the past 24 hours," Konashenkov reported.

Russian forces destroy 80 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 80 Ukrainian troops and a self-propelled mortar in the Krasny Liman area over the past day, he said.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems of the battlegroup Center struck the Ukrainian army units near the settlements of Chervonaya Dibrova and Chervonopopovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic. The strikes eliminated as many as 80 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three motor vehicles, a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, a Nona motorized mortar, and also D-20 and D-30 howitzers," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy over 140 Ukrainian troops in Donetsk advance

Russian forces destroyed over 140 Ukrainian troops in their advance in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, over 140 Ukrainian personnel, three armored combat vehicles and eight motor vehicles were destroyed as a result of active operations by units of the southern battlegroup, strikes by its operational/tactical aircraft, artillery and heavy flamethrower fire," the spokesman said.

Russian forces also obliterated a Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery gun, Gvozdika and Akatsiya motorized howitzers, a D-20 howitzer and also a US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar, the general added.

"In addition, in the area of the settlement of Sergeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, an artillery armament depot of the Ukrainian army’s 107th rocket brigade was destroyed," Konashenkov reported.

Russian forces thwart Ukrainian army’s counter-attack in DPR

Russian forces thwarted an attempt by an enemy assault group to counter-attack in the Donetsk People’s Republic, he said.

Scouts of the Western Military District spoke about the situation in the Kupyansk direction and the tactics of foreign mercenaries

"In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, operational/tactical aircraft and artillery of the battlegroup East struck the Ukrainian army units in areas near the settlements of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Marfopol and Zagornoye in the Zaporozhye Region. In addition, an attempt by an enemy assault group to launch a counter-offensive towards the communities of Vodyanoye and Nikolskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic was thwarted," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminated as many as 35 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, two pickup trucks, and also D-20 and D-30 howitzers in those areas in the past 24 hours, the general specified.

Russian forces destroy 20 Ukrainian troops in Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 20 Ukrainian troops and an Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson direction, as many as 20 Ukrainian personnel, two motor vehicles and an Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of damage inflicted by firepower," the spokesman said.

Russian forces thwart Ukrainian saboteurs’ attempt to infiltrate into Bryansk Region Russian forces jointly with border guards thwarted an attempt by a Ukrainian subversive group to infiltrate into the Bryansk Region, Konashenkov reported.

"Today, at about 8:30 a.m., units of the Western Military District protecting the state border jointly with a border guard team from the Border Guard Department of the FSB [Federal Security Service] of Russia for the Bryansk Region thwarted an attempt by a Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance group of over 15 militants to infiltrate into the territory of the Russian Federation near the settlement of Sluchayevsk in the Bryansk Region," the spokesman said.

Artillery of the Western Military District delivered a strike on the enemy and the adversary subversive group retreated into Ukrainian territory, suffering casualties, the general said.

"There are no casualties among the Russian personnel," Konashenkov reported.

Kiev destroyed 14 Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered near Avdeyevka

The Kiev regime delivered a massive artillery strike and destroyed all the 14 Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered to Russian troops near Avdeyevka on April 5, Konashenkov said.

The Kiev regime deliberately destroys its military personnel by artillery fire to cut short soldiers’ attempts to leave their positions and retreat when attacked by advancing Russian troops, the spokesman said.

"On April 5 this year, units of the southern battlegroup conducted active operations near the settlement of Avdeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic to seize an enemy stronghold. During the battle, the commander of a unit from the Ukrainian army’s 53rd mechanized brigade positioned at the stronghold communicated to the Russian military command via an open radio channel that his unit of 14 soldiers would voluntarily lay down arms and wished to surrender," the general said.

Russian forces halted combat operations and gunfire to provide for the safe exit of Ukrainian soldiers. The surrendered Ukrainian personnel were accommodated in a dugout until the morning to subsequently bring them to the Russian battlegroup’s rear area, Konashenkov said.

"At night, Ukrainian artillery purposefully opened massive fire on the dugout with the surrendered Ukrainian personnel, launching about 300 large-caliber shells. The deliberate strike by the Ukrainian artillery killed all the 14 Ukrainian servicemen who had voluntarily laid down their arms," he said.

Russian forces strike Ukrainian army brigade’s command post in DPR

Russian forces struck the command post of the Ukrainian army’s 110th mechanized brigade in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Avdeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the command post of the Ukrainian army’s 110th mechanized brigade was struck," the spokesman said.

During the last 24-hour period, operational/tactical and army aviation aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 92 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and equipment in 128 areas, the general said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 406 Ukrainian warplanes, 228 helicopters, 3,684 unmanned aerial vehicles, 415 surface-to-air missile systems, 8,554 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,078 multiple launch rocket systems, 4,515 field artillery guns and mortars and 9,319 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Special operation, 5 April. Main:

▪️Russian air defense shot down 22 Ukrainian drones, 13 HIMARS MLRS shells and one HARM anti-radar missile, the Russian Defense Ministry said;

▪️In the Seversk region in the DPR, a counterattack of Ukrainian troops was thwarted, the Russian Defense Ministry reported;

▪️The Ukrainian group of troops has completed preparations for a counteroffensive in the Zaporozhye region, said Rogov;

▪️Zelensky on the possible withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Artemivsk: if there is a threat of loss of personnel due to encirclement, “correct decisions” will be made;

▪️Ukrainian strike drone fell near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the commander of the Russian Armed Forces unit said;

▪️The head of the IAEA, Grossi, said that he met with Russian representatives in Kaliningrad, continues efforts on the issue of "defending the ZNPP";

▪️One person was injured as a result of an attack by a Ukrainian drone with explosives in the Suzemsky district of the Bryansk region, there was no damage, the governor said;

▪️A Ukrainian light aircraft crashed in the Bryansk region, the pilot was detained by a border detachment, the FSB border department reported;

▪️Poland will transfer only 14 MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, keeping copies upgraded to NATO standards, said President Duda;

▪️The Kremlin does not yet see any prospects for negotiations on Ukraine, Peskov said;

▪️Putin held a meeting of the Security Council on the topic of security in new regions, their integration into the legal space of the country.

Special operation, 6 April. Main:

▪️Putin said that the Russian Federation is dealing with the Kyiv regime, which is extremely cruel not only towards Russian citizens, but also towards its own, adding that Ukraine had destroyed 14 of its military personnel the day before;

▪️Ukrainian artillerymen purposefully destroyed 14 of their own soldiers, who surrendered to the Russian military near Avdiivka, about 300 large-caliber shells were fired, the Russian Defense Ministry said;

▪️Pushilin informed Putin that air defense work in the DPR was strengthened and Ukrainian shelling decreased by about half;

▪️Pasechnik told the President that the situation on the territory of the LPR is quite stable, the enemy began to shell the republic less;

▪️According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a sabotage and reconnaissance group of Ukraine tried to penetrate Russian territory in the Sluchovsk region of the Bryansk region, but was dispersed by artillery fire, suffered losses and retreated, there are no losses among Russian military personnel;

▪️In Donetsk, Kherson, Kupyansk, Krasnolimansk, Yuzhno-Donetsk, Zaporizhia directions, Kyiv lost 325 soldiers per day;

▪️At least four people died in the shelling of the Kalininsky district of Donetsk by Ukrainian troops;

▪️During the shelling of a bus stop in Lisichansk in the LPR, three civilians were killed, one was injured, the JCCC reported;

▪️Peskov said that the situation with Ukraine is still complicated, Kyiv does not demonstrate the prospects for a peaceful settlement, while there are no ways to achieve goals, apart from a special operation;

▪️Xi Jinping, following a conversation with Macron in Beijing, said that China is ready to call on the world community for rationality and restraint on the Ukrainian issue;

▪️The head of the EC said that the leader of China, in a conversation with her, said that he was ready to talk with Zelensky when the appropriate conditions developed.