Saturday 6 May 2023

Fox asks Dominion Voting to probe leaks of Tucker Carlson messages

Fox asks Dominion Voting to probe leaks of Tucker Carlson messages

Fox asks Dominion Voting to probe leaks of Tucker Carlson messages

Former Fox personality Tucker Carlson speaks at the 2017 Business Insider Ignition: Future of Media conference in New York, U.S., November 30, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/File Photo

Fox News on Friday asked lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems to investigate whether they leaked controversial internal messages from ousted Fox host Tucker Carlson that were provided in evidence for their recent defamation lawsuit.

The requests, which were made in letters released by Fox, came after multiple news outlets published racist and sexist remarks by Carlson contained in leaked internal messages and recordings.

Fox News and its parent company Fox Corp (FOXA.O) said those were given to Dominion as part of the lawsuit, which claimed Fox defamed Dominion by airing false election-rigging claims. The material was to remain confidential per court orders and the terms of the network's $787.5 million settlement with the Denver-based voting technology company last month.

Fox requested that Dominion's lawyers at Farnan LLP "immediately make an investigation into the circumstances surrounding this inexcusable release of confidential discovery material" and report the findings by the end of Monday.

Dominion denied the materials came from the company or any of its lawyers. "Nobody associated with Dominion shared these confidential materials with the press," the company said.

In a separate letter to Dominion lawyers at Susman Godfrey LLP and Clare Locke LLP, Fox said the disclosures "violate the text and spirit" of the settlement agreement, which "requires return or destruction" of all confidential discovery materials.

Fox is seeking to contain the public relations fallout from the leaks. The network on Friday sent a letter to the left-leaning watchdog group Media Matters demanding that it cease publishing leaked footage of Carlson on set.

Media Matters President Angelo Carusone said in a statement that "reporting on newsworthy leaked material is a cornerstone of journalism" and that it was "absurd" for Fox to argue otherwise.

Dominion alleged in its lawsuit that Fox knowingly spread false claims that its ballot-counting machines were used to rig the 2020 U.S. election against former Republican President Donald Trump and in favor of Joe Biden, a Democrat.

Fox denied the claims but settled the case in Delaware Superior Court. The deal came just before opening statements were set to begin in what promised to be the most closely watched media trial in decades, featuring testimony from Fox Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch.

Carlson, a staple of primetime cable news and Fox's biggest star, was abruptly fired just days later. Media outlets including the New York Times reported that the decision came after Fox's board saw Carlson's internal messages.

The Times reported on Tuesday that Fox was particularly concerned by a Carlson message - which was redacted in public versions of court filings - in which he criticized Trump supporters for beating up an outnumbered leftist demonstrator because that was "not how white men fight."

The Daily Beast reported on Friday on a text message in which Carlson used a misogynistic slur, the second publicly reported instance of him doing so.

Why Tucker Carlson’s text message about “white men” matters

On Tuesday night, the New York Times revealed a text message that reportedly played some role in Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox News. And, on the surface, it simply doesn’t seem much worse than the things he said on air.

In the text, Carlson describes watching a video of several Trump supporters beating up an (alleged) antifa member on the streets of Washington, DC. His reaction is nuanced: He confesses to feeling a certain vicious bloodlust while watching the video — “I really wanted them to hurt the kid” — but realizes that this is a horrific impulse that ought to concern him. “I should remember that somewhere somebody probably loves this kid, and would be crushed if he was killed,” Carlson writes.

But the most important line is one where he describes the attack in racial terms: “Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight.”

His obvious implication is that nonwhite men gang up on defenseless opponents all the time, whereas whites only commit violence honorably.

It’s certainly a terrible sentiment (and a false one), but is it any worse than mainstreaming the “great replacement” conspiracy theory developed by white supremacists? Is it more offensive than saying immigrants make America “poorer, and dirtier, and more divided”? Is it more racist than downplaying the killings of unarmed Black men by the police, or accusing Tennessee state Rep. Justin Pearson (who is Black) of putting on a fake “sharecropper” accent?

Tucker has done all of these things on the air, out in the open. As a result, the general reaction from the commentariat to the New York Times’s reporting on the text is: Really?

“Gotta say all the Tucker leaks seem like post-hoc face saving nonsense that make the... suits at Fox look worse than him,” the Bulwark’s Tim Miller wrote in a representative tweet. “There’s nothing in them that meaningfully worse than what was on air which they ignored for years.”

I sympathize with this line of thinking. In an objective sense, what Carlson wrote in his text really isn’t any worse than what he said on the air. It seems almost deliberately obtuse on the part of Fox’s leadership to see a difference in kind.

But if you spent a lot of time watching Carlson’s show, as I have, you’d see that this is actually a distinction that matters for his ideological project.

A core part of Tucker Carlson’s message is that he, and his viewers, are colorblind: that they are standing up for the ideals of Martin Luther King Jr. against liberals who want to polarize America along racial lines for their own nefarious purposes. “You can’t attack people, whole groups of people on the basis of their race and ethnicity. Not in the media, especially,” he said in a representative February broadcast.

Liberals are so used to dismissing such professions of racial innocence as absurd — and they are — that they may be missing the crucial role it plays in Carlson’s narrative. The norm against explicit racism is so powerful in polite American society that someone like Carlson, who is obviously mainstreaming racist ideas, needs to give permission to his viewers to believe racist things while thinking of themselves as not racist.

That’s the line Carlson toed, very carefully, on air. And it’s one the text about how “white men fight” erases.

Whether or not it’s true the text was an important factor in Carlson’s firing, it’s worth understanding why it’s plausible that Fox’s board would see a meaningful distinction between his public nightly act and this private text.

Because this isn’t just a story about one man and his television show, but about the way that modern American racism operates — how it has managed to survive and even thrive on television’s highest-rated cable news show.

Tucker Carlson’s text message was not surprising — but it was revelatory

To get a better sense of the context in which Carlson’s text would be viewed, I read through a 59-page timeline compiled by Media Matters that documents “Tucker Carlson’s descent into white supremacy” — an exhaustive list of his most inflammatory comments on race and immigration dating from 2004 all the way until a month before his firing.

In the document, there are 205 uses of the word “white”; many are not from Carlson, and some predate his current Fox show. When he says “white” or “white people,” he typically is using it to position whites not as superior but as victims — a persecuted group under attack by the real racists: liberals.

Seeing whites as at once the master race and victims is common in racist thought. Nazi propaganda described Jews as both inferior to Aryans and their conspiratorial oppressors; modern-day white supremacists routinely warn about the prospect of “white genocide,” a specter that Carlson also invoked on his show.

But Carlson’s maneuver was to sever the theory of white victimhood from its explicit white supremacist roots. Fox viewers should stand up for white interests not because whites are the superior race, in this narrative, but because they’re being victimized by the dastardly Democrats and race-mongers who are standing in the way of racial harmony.

The premise of the Tucker worldview is that the United States has, for many years now, had a consensus on an ideal of colorblindness. It is liberals, he argued, who keep seeing race in everything and try to foment racial division. As he put it in a 2018 monologue:

There’s a basic moral principle that was, for a long time, conventional wisdom in this country. It was this: people deserve to be treated as individuals, judged by their own efforts and abilities on the things they can control. Attacking people on the basis of their race is wrong. That was the standard, and for a long time almost everybody in America believed it — or claimed to believe it. Not anymore: on the left, it’s now acceptable — even encouraged — to attack and discriminate against people solely on the basis of their skin color. Now you’re not supposed to say anything about it, but suddenly it’s everywhere.

This was not a one-off. Over and over and over again — even in a segment just weeks before his firing — Tucker Carlson reassured his viewers that they were the ones standing up for colorblindness and against racism, and that Democrats were the ones propagating it.

Consider one December segment, where Carlson attacks some California cash transfer programs that prioritize people of color (among other groups) for payments. He terms it part of a “race-based spoils system” comparable to Jim Crow that would require the use of “Nazi race science” to identify who qualified for race-based payouts.

This is, of course, ludicrous: What Carlson is saying should scan as obvious demagoguery designed to inflame white Republican fears about Democrats and minorities stealing their money. After all, Carlson is a guy whom white nationalists repeatedly praised for mainstreaming their message, who employed an out-and-out racist as his top writer for years, and who privately promoted an article written by a commentator who has questioned whether Auschwitz was a death camp. Critical viewers could easily see what Tucker Carlson was really about, and what he was actually trying to do on his show.

This is, of course, ludicrous: What Carlson is saying should scan as obvious demagoguery designed to inflame white Republican fears about Democrats and minorities stealing their money. After all, Carlson is a guy whom white nationalists repeatedly praised for mainstreaming their message, who employed an out-and-out racist as his top writer for years, and who privately promoted an article written by a commentator who has questioned whether Auschwitz was a death camp. Critical viewers could easily see what Tucker Carlson was really about, and what he was actually trying to do on his show.

But liberals who see white supremacy in Tucker’s show as self-evident risk missing what made him much more effective than avowed racists. Here was someone who somehow managed to both promote the “great replacement theory” and insist, at the same time, that his opponents are today’s equivalents of segregationists and Nazis. That he rode this trick to cable’s highest-rated nightly audience for years says something important about how even barely disguised racism can spread more effectively among the broader public than the uncut stuff.

The way Carlson talked about the “great replacement,” a term literally lifted from the racist right, is instructive.

Carlson did not explicitly say, as white nationalists do, that the problem with mass immigration was that it undermined the foundations of white supremacy. Instead, it’s couched in terms of national origin and partisan politics, pitting “legacy Americans” and patriotic conservatives against Democrats and their malign obsession with tilting the country’s demographics in their favor. It’s a form of “eugenics” — his word — deployed for the horrible purpose of pursuing political power.

“Everyone wants to make a racial issue out of it. Oh, you know, the white replacement theory? No no, this is a voting rights question,” Carlson risibly insisted in a 2021 segment. “I have less political power because they’re importing a brand-new electorate.”

In his transmission of the “great replacement theory” from the dank corners of the internet to nightly cable news, Tucker changed the language just enough so that his audience could believe he was merely defending native-born Americans against the anti-white racism and the anti-American project of the left.

I haven’t seen every second of his godforsaken program; it’s possible he let slip the occasional unadulterated remark. But the text reported by the Times — “It’s not how white men fight” — is certainly as undisguised an expression of his white supremacist thought as I’ve seen.

In that private message, Carlson expresses a straight-up racist sentiment: no more pretend colorblindness, or posturing like he’s merely being xenophobic rather than racist.

Again, to most people on the left, the text was hardly different from what he’s been spouting every night for years. But it’s also plausible that to many Americans, the explicit racism of a private message is something new — and that that’s a revelation the Fox News board worried about.

Car of Russian Author Zakhar Prilepin Blown Up in Nizhny Novgorod Region

Car of Russian Author Zakhar Prilepin Blown Up in Nizhny Novgorod Region

Car of Russian Author Zakhar Prilepin Blown Up in Nizhny Novgorod Region

©Sputnik/ Grigory Sysoyev/ Go to the mediabank

Prilepin, 47, is one of the best known fiction authors in contemporary Russia, and is also a renowned journalist and aspiring politician. He has actively engaged in reporting and commenting on the crisis in the Donbass since 2014.

The car of Russian author, journalist and politician Zakhar Prilepin was blown up on a highway in Nizhny Novgorod region about 450 km east of Moscow. The driver was killed and Prilepin has been injured, a law enforcement source told Sputnik.

"The explosion took place on the highway in Bor District. The emergency services, police, and the Investigative Committee are heading to the scene of the tragedy," the source said.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed the destruction of a vehicle in Nizhny Novgorod region, saying one person was killed, and that Prilepin was injured. Later in the day, police announced that they had detained an individual suspected of possible involvement in the incident.

Prilepin's press service indicated that the author is alive, and that "it hasn't been established what exactly happened."

Nizhny Novgorod Governor Gleb Nikitin confirmed that Prilepin "is fine," and said law enforcement is continuing its investigation into the circumstances of the incident.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova suspected a foreign trace in Saturday's incident.

"Washington and NATO have bred another international terrorist cell - the Kiev regime. Bin Laden, ISIS (Daesh)*, now Zelensky and his thugs. This is the direct responsibility of the United States and Britain," the spokeswoman wrote on her Telegram channel. "We're praying for Zakhar," she added.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that he was aware of the reports regarding the destruction of Prilepin's car, but reserved judgement in attributing blame until more information becomes available.

Who is Zakhar Prilepin?

Zakhar Prilepin is one of the best-known fiction writers of contemporary Russia, penning bestsellers including 'The Monestary', 'Sin' and 'Sankya', and winning a host of prestigious literary awards for his work, which is known for its politically-engaging style and revolutionary overtones, and the display of strong emotions.

He is also politically active, mixing support for Russia against the West with criticism of some of the government's domestic policies. He founded the Za Pravdu ('For Truth') party - a national patriotic, socially conservative, economically left, anti-liberal party in 2020. The party merged with A Just Russia, a major Russian socially conservative, economically social democratic party, in 2021.

Prilepin served as a military correspondent in the Donbass starting in 2014, with his work appearing in major Russian publications. He also engaged in fundraising drives, collecting millions of rubles to purchase humanitarian aid for the civilian population, as well as money for ammunition for the Donbass militias.

He was recruited to serve as a deputy commander of a Donbass special forces battalion between 2016 and 2018. Ukraine's Security Service opened criminal proceedings against him, charging him with "participating in the activities of a terrorist organization" and the "financing of terrorism." Prilepin retired from the Donbass in 2018, but continued to speak and write about the conflict extensively.

If Kiev's involvement in Saturday's incident is confirmed, it will be the latest instance of an attack on a Russian national engaged in journalistic activities, with previous incidents including a car bombing which killed journalist Daria Dugina, the daughter of Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, and the bombing of a cafe in St. Petersburg last month which killed war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky.

Russian authorities have accused Ukraine's intelligence services and military of systematically targeting journalists, civilians and officials in the Donbass, civilians in other Russian regions bordering Ukraine, and infrastructure ranging from nuclear power plants to the Kremlin. Investigators have opened thousands of criminal cases against authorities in Kiev.

Earlier Saturday, Russian Investigative Committee head Alexander Bastrykin reported that over 126,000 residents of the Donbass have been recognized as victims of the conflict since it began in 2014.

FACTBOX: What is known about explosion of Zakhar Prilepin's car

On May 6, the car of writer and politician Zakhar Prilepin exploded on Saturday in the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to the latest information, the driver died, the writer was injured. Prilepin was also known as the leader of the political party For Truth until it merged into A Just Russia party in February 2021.

TASS collected the main facts about the attack, which are available for the moment.

Circumstances of the incident

  • Prilepin's car was blown up in the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to preliminary data, the explosive device was planted under the bottom of the car, the emergency services told TASS.

  • As a result of the explosion, Prilepin was wounded, his driver was killed, law enforcement officials said.

  • The Russian Interior Ministry later confirmed the death of the driver. According to the ministry, there are no other victims.

Writer's condition

  • As the writer’s press service reported, Prilepin is "all right" after the explosion. This information was confirmed by the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin.

  • Earlier, TASS law enforcement agencies reported that the writer was wounded and was conscious. Later, the medical services clarified that Prilepin was taken to hospital with injuries to both legs.


  • Russia’s Investigative Committee reported that its employees had left for the scene.

  • Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not comment on the incident, noting that "first you need to get information from law enforcement agencies."

  • "Washington and NATO have fed another international terrorist cell - the Kiev regime," said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, commenting on the incident. There is no official information about the involvement of the Ukrainian authorities in the explosion yet.

Other assassination attempts on Russians

  • This is not the first attempt on patriotic figures in Russia in recent months.

  • On April 2, 2023, military commander Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maxim Fomin) died as a result of an explosion in St. Petersburg. According to investigators, the organizers of the assassination attempt were "the special services of Ukraine and their agents, including those from among the Russian opposition hiding abroad." On their instructions, 26-year-old Daria Trepova handed over a statuette with explosives to the military commissar.

  • On March 6, 2023, the FSB announced the prevention of an attempt on the life of a Russian businessman, chairman of the board of directors of the Tsargrad group, Konstantin Malofeyev. According to FSB, the crime was prepared by the Ukrainian special services.

  • On August 20, 2022, the car of journalist Darya Dugina was blown up in the Moscow region, she died. According to the FSB, Ukrainian citizen Natalya Vovk and her daughter Sofia Shaban, who left Russia after the explosion, were involved in the crime.

Tiga Kampung di Bogor Diterjang Angin Kencang

Tiga Kampung di Bogor Diterjang Angin Kencang

Tiga Kampung di Bogor Diterjang Angin Kencang

Angin kencang menerjang tiga kampung di Desa Sukagalih, Kecamatan Megamendung, Kabupaten Bogor, pada hari Kamis petang, 04/05/2023. Akibatnya, tiga rumah mengalami kerusakan.

Tiga rumah di kawasan Puncak Bogor, Jawa Barat, rusak diterjang hujan lebat yang disertai angin kencang. Angin kencang menerjang tiga kampung dikawasan puncak, di Desa Sukagalih, Kecamatan Megamendung, Kabupaten Bogor, hari kamis petang, 04/05/2023. Akibatnya, tiga rumah mengalami kerusakan.

Kepala Bidang Kedaruratan dan Logistik BPBD Kabupaten Bogor, Aris Nurjatimiko menjelaskan, tiga kampung tersebut yakni Kampung Coblong RT 04/01, Kampung Cihanjawar RT 02/03 dan Kampung Lemahnendeut RT 03/04.

“Tiga rumah terdampak. Rata-rata mengalami kerusakan pada bagian atap rumah. Tidak ada rusak berat. Hanya rusak ringan dan sedang. Rusak sedang di Kampung Coblong dan Kampung Lemahnendeut. Rusak ringan di Kampung Cihanjawar,” kata Aris, hari Sabtu, 06/05/2023.

Dari tiga rumah tersebut, terdiri dari tiga KK dengan 17 jiwa. Saat ini, tuga rumah tersebut belum diperbaiki. “Baru dibersihkan dan rumah masih bisa dihuni,” kata Aris.

"Kampung yang terdampak yaitu Kampung Coblong, Kampung Cihanjawar, dan Kampung Lembah Nendeut," tutur Aris.

Sebanyak masing-masing satu rumah dari kampung itu mengalami kerusakan. Total ada 17 jiwa yang terdampak akibat bencana angin kencang itu.

"Satu unit rumah rusak sedang di Kampung Coblong berisi lima orang, satu unit rumah rusak ringan di Kampung Cihanjawar berisi tujuh orang, dan satu unit rumah rusak sedang di Kampung Lemah Nendeut berisi lima orang," jelasnya.

Situasi saat ini rumah-rumah yang rusak belum diperbaiki. Material yang rusak telah dibersihkan dan rumah masih dihuni oleh pemiliknya.

"Diperkirakan hasil analisa anggota di lokasi yaitu butuh penanganan lebih lanjut dari pihak terkait," pungkasnya.

1.800 Rumah di Bogor Terendam Banjir

Sebelumnya pada hari Rabu, 03/05/2023, Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Bogor mencatat 1.893 rumah terendam banjir, saat hujan dengan intensitas tinggi mengguyur sejak sore hingga malam hari.

Kepala Bidang Kedaruratan dan Logistik BPBD Kabupaten Bogor, Aris Nurjatmiko menjelaskan, banjir terjadi setidaknya di tiga titik. Yakni, Desa Waringin Jaya, Desa Susukan, Kecamatan Bojonggede dan Desa Bojongkulur, Kecamatan Gunungputri

“Ketinggian banjir sekitar 50-60 centimeter. Merendam 1.893 rumah terdiri dari 2.592 KK dengan 10.294 jiwa terdampak banjir. Akses jalan warga juga semmpat tergenang,” jelas Aris, Kamis (4/5).

Aris mengungkapkan, rumah terdampak banjir paling banyak berada di wilayah Desa Bojongkulur, Kecamatan Gunungputri. Meski begitu, Aris memastikan banjir tidak berlangsung terlalu lama dan kini telah surut.

Plt Bupati Bogor, Iwan Setiawan mengeluarkan status tanggap darurat bencana di Kabupaten Bogor, setelah banjir banjir bandang melanda Kecamatan Leuwisadeng pada hari Senin, 24/04/2023..

Menurutnya, status tanggap darurat penting agar penanganan pasca-bencana biaa lebih maksimal, seperti dukungan anggaran.

Tak kalah penting, Iwan Setiawan meminta masyarakat, termasuk wisatawan lebih berhati-hati. Terlebih, di lokasi-lokasi yang rawan bencana.

“Hati-hati cuaca ekstrem yang bisa terjadi sewaktu-waktu. Masyarakat, wistawan yang sedang berlibur juga gak boleh lengah. Kita semua harus waspada untuk meminimalisasi potensi dampak bencana” pesan Iwan Setiawan.

Wagner boss announces ‘withdrawal from Bakhmut’

Wagner boss announces ‘withdrawal from Bakhmut’

Wagner boss announces ‘withdrawal from Bakhmut’

©Telegram / concordgroup_official

The head of the Wagner Group Private Military Company, Evgeny Prigozhin, has announced that his forces will be withdrawing from the key Donbass city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukrainian as Bakhmut) on May 10. He has asked the Russian Army to take over the positions Wagner forces held in the city, while fighters recover.

In a video published on Prigozhin’s press service on Telegram, which was accompanied by an open letter addressed to the Defense Ministry, the president, and the people, the Wagner chief complained that his forces were not receiving enough artillery munitions and were unable to continue to hold the city, which is a regional logistics hub and was the site of months of urban warfare.

He said that his forces were supposed to have completely captured Artyomovsk by May 9, but claimed that since May 1, “paramilitary bureaucrats” had cut off his troops from nearly all artillery munitions.

“The offensive resources of PMC Wagner ran out at the beginning of April, but we are advancing despite the fact that the enemy forces outnumber us by five times,” Prigozhin said, adding that due to the lack of ammunition, Wagner’s losses are growing exponentially every day.

“Despite all this, the council of Wagner PMC commanders has decided to hold their positions and continue the offensive on Bakhmut until May 10, 2023, in order to celebrate the sacred holiday for Russians – May 9, Victory Day – with the brilliance of Russian weapons,” the statement reads.

Prigozhin declared that on May 10, his fighters will hand over their positions in Artyomovsk to the Russian Army and withdraw the remnants of the Wagner PMC to rear camps to “lick their wounds.”

The PMC chief concluded by saying “we will lick our wounds, and when the motherland will be in danger, we will once again stand for its defense. The Russian people can count on us.”

Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said the Kremlin is aware of Prigozhin’s statement, but declined to comment on the matter, as it has to do with Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

The battle for Artyomovsk, a key rail and road junction in Donbass, has emerged as one of the most intense and bloody engagements of the conflict in Ukraine, with both sides reportedly suffering significant casualties.

Wagner forces have been at the forefront of the street fighting in the city. Kiev has sent tens of thousands of soldiers to the front, despite Wagner and other Russian troops establishing control over all the supply roads, leaving the Ukrainians almost surrounded.

Watch T-72B3 Tank Operating in Special Op Zone

Watch T-72B3 Tank Operating in Special Op Zone

Watch T-72B3 Tank Operating in Special Op Zone

The T-72B3 is an upgraded version of the T-72 main battle tank, designed and developed in Russia. The tank features modernized armor protection, upgraded fire control and targeting systems, and enhanced operational capability in low-visibility conditions.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video of a T-72B3 tank crew fighting on the front line against a group of enemy infantry sneaking through the woods.

The video shows the tank being loaded with ammunition and then moving for a long time through seemingly impassable mud to a firing position. The tank crew can be seen aiming at a group of enemy infantry hiding in the woods.

The T-72B3 is armed with a 125mm cannon and a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun for engaging ground targets, as well as a 12.7mm heavy machine gun.

Over 170 Enemy Targets Hit in Krasny Liman Direction - Russian Defense Ministry

Russian forces have inflicted fire damage on more than 170 enemy targets in the past 24 hours, including over 150 locations with accumulations of manpower and firepower of Ukrainian troops, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson told Sputnik.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, units of the 'Tsentr' Group of Forces inflicted fire damage on more than 170 targets within one day, including with the use of over 150 artillery units in areas where enemy manpower and firepower were concentrated," the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added that about 20 artillery positions and more than 10 mortar crews of nationalists were discovered and suppressed. In addition, Russian air defense systems destroyed High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)-type rockets in the areas close to Kreminna and Severodonetsk.

Russia’s Battlegroup West destroys four Ukrainian subversive groups in Kupyansk area

Soldiers from Russia’s Battlegroup West eliminated four groups of Ukrainian saboteurs over the past day, said Battlegroup Spokesman Sergey Zybinsky.

"In operational activity in the Kupyansk area, Battlegroup West soldiers uncovered and destroyed four groups of enemy saboteurs from the 14th and 92nd separate mechanized brigades over the past day," Zybinsky said in a video posted on the Russian Defense Ministry’s Telegram channel.

According to Zybinsky, the Russian forces disrupted two attempts at rotation by Ukrainian units on the front lines near the localities of Novomlynsk and Novoseleovskoye.

"The crews of Ka-52 and Mi-28 helicopters of the group's army aviation hit the areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the 101st separate mechanized territorial defense brigade near the village of Gorki," the head of the press center added.

He also said that artillery fire from Msta-B howitzers destroyed an enemy ammunition depot in the Bochkovo area.

"In the area of the settlement of Ogurtsovo and Ivanovka, fire from D-20 and Msta-S howitzers destroyed two enemy mortar squads," Zybinsky concluded.

New Russian Kamikaze Drones to Be Sent to Front Line From Single Hub

New Russian kamikaze drones "Privet-82" will fly to the front line from rear hubs that can accommodate multiple devices and operators will connect to their control already at the front line and then aim at enemy targets, the developer told Sputnik.

"Since our drone has a long range, about 30 kilometers [18.6 miles], it can be based not on the line of contact, but in the rear. That is, the launch of the UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) is carried out 15-20 kilometers from the front line from a launch point that can serve several units at the same time. Thus, within the front line units themselves, there is no need to keep drones and a catapult, you only need goggles, a control panel and an operator, who will connect to the drone in flight and use it on the selected target," Vadim Zhernov, the co-owner and general director of the Oko design bureau, explained.

©Sputnik/ Iliya Pitalev/ Go to the mediabank

Zhernov added that it is possible to transfer control of the Privet-82 drone from one operator to another when the UAV arrives in the area of ​​its intended operation.

"But a change of course in flight from the launch point to the front line is not possible: the drone travels this section of the route in complete radio silence, it does not emit anything, and goes with the video transmitter turned off so that it cannot be intercepted by the enemy," Zhernov told.

According to the developer, the tests of the new kamikaze drones have already been completed, and the first batch of about ten Privet-82 UAVs will be sent to the front line within a month.

Ukraine’s forces bring 400-600 people to Artemovsk every day — Wagner PMC founder

Ukraine’s armed forces bring from 400 to 600 people to Artemovsk (the Ukrainian name is Bakhmut) every day and lose the same number every day. This was stated by the founder of PMC Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin. The corresponding video was posted on Saturday in the Telegram channel of his press service.

Wagner PMC founder Yevgeny Prigozhin
©Concord Management and Consulting press-service/TASS

"Behind us is Bakhmut, it remains approximately 2.5 km to take - and the city will be taken," he said. "The enemy pulls up daily from 400 to 600 people, they lose approximately the same number daily. The units of PMC Wagner work in lockstep. The enemy does not spare artillery ammunition.

A sufficient number of various foreign-made armored vehicles have appeared, a large number of drones. The enemy is well equipped, well trained, acts as one and resists with dignity, so we move on," he said.

Wagner boss announces ‘withdrawal from Bakhmut’. Evgeny Prigozhin says his troops need time to recover and has asked the regular Russian Army to take over their positions, read full news click here.

Over 126,000 Donbass Residents Recognized as Victims Since 2014 - Investigative Committee

Russian investigators have established that over 126,000 residents of the Donbass region became victims of the crimes committed by Kiev since 2014, with the damage to the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics surpassing 228 billion rubles ($2.9 billion), the head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, said.

"More than 9,500 civilians were injured in the armed conflict, and over 5,000 civilians were killed. Over the entire period of the investigation in this criminal case, more than 259,000 people were interrogated, and over 126,000 people were recognized as victims, including about 24,000 minors," Bastrykin said.

Bastrykin also said that the investigation analyzed the destruction in the cities of Mariupol, Rubezhnoe, Schastie, Krasnyi Luch, Stakhanov, Kirovsk, Alchevsk, Lisichansk and others, adding that the damage assessment in other cities was underway.

Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, after the DPR and LPR appealed for help in defending themselves against Ukrainian provocations. In response to Russia's operation, Western countries have rolled out a comprehensive sanctions campaign against Moscow and have been supplying weapons to Ukraine.

On September 30, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the heads of the DPR and LPR, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, signed agreements on the accession of these territories to Russia, following referendums that showed that an overwhelming majority of the local population supported becoming part of Russia.

Airlangga Hartarto Temui Jusuf Kalla

Airlangga Hartarto Temui Jusuf Kalla

Airlangga Hartarto Temui Jusuf Kalla

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto sowan ke Jusuf Kalla di kediamannya Jalan Brawijaya, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (4/5/2023) malam. Foto: MPI/Binti Mufarida

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto baru saja bertemu dengan Wakil Presiden ke-10 dan ke-12 Jusuf Kalla atau JK di Jalan Brawijaya, Jakarta, hari Kamis malam, 04/05/2023.

Airlangga mengaku, pertemuan dengan JK dalam rangka berdiskusi bagaimana langkah Golkar ke depan.

"Banyak hal yang dipelahari dan tentu saran-saran Pak Jusuf Kalla terhadap Partai Golkar ke depan itu menjadi penting," kata Airlangga, dalam konferensi pers usai bertemu JK.

Dia pun mengaku, dirinya juga melaporkan kepada JK bagaimana koalisi yang dibangun Golkar saat ini. Yang mana, partai berlambang pohon beringin itu baru saja membentuk koalisi inti dengan PKB.

"Tentu saya sampaikan update koalisi yang sedang dibangun oleh Golkar tentu PK JK sebagai senior dan juga ketum Partai Golkar wajib bagi saya untuk menyampaikan update dari apa yang dikerjakan Golkar," ungkap dia.

Sementara JK, menyebut pertemuan dengan Airlangga merupakan silaturahmi antara ketua umum Partai Golkar dan mantan ketua umum Partai Golkar.

"Ini silaturahmi antara ketua umum Golkar dan mantan ketum Golkar. Jangan lupa itu. Jadi kita punya frekuensi yang sama. Tapi tetap dalam rangka silaturahmi dan melihat Indonesia ke depan, apa yang ingin kita tuju secara bersama-sama. Tetap dalam prinsip-prinsip kemajuan. Ya itu yang kita bicarakan," kata JK.

Diketahui, JK merupakan politisi sekaligus mantan Ketua Umum Partai Golkar. Oleh karena itu, JK menegaskan pertemuan keduanya dalam rangka silaturahmi dan melihat bagaimana membangun Indonesia ke depan.

“Jadi kita punya frekuensi yang sama. Tapi tetap dalam rangka silaturahmi dan melihat Indonesia ke depan, apa yang ingin kita tuju secara bersama-sama. Tetap dalam prinsip-prinsip kemajuan. Ya itu yang kita bicarakan dengan baik. Karena memang sejak dulu prinsip kira seperti itu. Saya kira seperti itu malam ini,” kata JK.

Pada pertemuan itu Airlangga didampingi istri Yanti Isfandiari, dan disambut langsung JK dan istri, Mufidah Kalla.

“Pertemuan malam ini adalah halal bihalal dan silaturahmi yang memang pada waktu yang lalu kebetulan waktunya belum ada karena suatu hal. Maka alhamdulillah, saya sudah diberikan waktu malam ini. Dan saya hadir dengan ibu. Jadi karena dengan ibu tentu bicaranya lebih kekeluargaan,” kata Airlagga.

Selain itu, Airlangga yang saat ini menjabat sebagai Menko Perekonomian mengatakan ingin belajar banyak dari JK dalam menghadapi tantangan global ke depan, khususnya ekonomi.

“Tentu Pak Jusuf Kalla, karena Beliau juga Wapres dua kali, Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, sehingga saya banyak belajar dari Pak Jusuf Kalla. Tentu update situasi ekonomi saat sekarang dan juga tantangan global ke depan. Oleh karena itu, banyak hal yang dipelajari, dan tentu saran-saran Pak Jusuf Kalla terhadap Partai Golkar ke depan itu menjadi penting,” tandasnya.

Kunjungan Airlangga ini hanya berselang dua hari setelah kedatangan Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra Prabowo Subianto Selasa kemarin, 02/05/2023.

Airlangga Hartarto datang mengenakan batik kurning, warna kebesaran Partai Golkar. Sedangkan JK memakai batik biru berpadu abu-abu. JK adalah senior Airlangga Hartarto di Partai Golkar. Selain itu JK juga pernah jadi atasan Airlangga Hartarto.

Saat JK menjabat Wakil Presiden periode 2014-2019, Airlangga menjabat Menteri Perindustrian.

“Saya sampaikan update daripada koalisi yang sedang dibangun oleh Partai Golkar. Tentu Pak JK sebagai senior dan juga mantan Ketum Partai Golkar, wajib bagi saya untuk menyampaikan update dari apa yang dikerjakan oleh Partai Golkar,” ungkap Airlangga seusai pertemuan

Meski begitu, Airlangga mengaku dalam pertemuan itu keduanya hanya berbicara secara global. Tidak detail terkait agenda pertemuan ketua umum partai politik dengan Presiden Jokowi beberapa waktu lalu.

“Kami bicara secara global karena juga acara kekeluargaan. Hadi tentu tidak sedetail pembicaraan tersebut,” katanya.