Monday 8 May 2023

Kremlin calls Budanov’s words on readiness to kill Russians "monstrous"

Kremlin calls Budanov’s words on readiness to kill Russians "monstrous"

Kremlin calls Budanov’s words on readiness to kill Russians "monstrous"

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov
©Valery Sharufulin/TASS

Statements by the Ukrainian authorities about their readiness to "kill Russians around the world" indicate that Kiev has become not just a sponsor, but an immediate organizer of terrorist acts, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday.

He was commenting on the corresponding statement of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov.

On Saturday, Budanov said that the Ukrainian forces have been "killing Russians" and that they would "keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine."

"This statement made by Budanov again confirms the correctness of President Putin's decision to launch the special military operation," Peskov told reporters.

"This is a truly monstrous statement. This statement, and what Mr. Budanov said, is a direct confirmation that the Kiev regime is not just sponsoring terrorist activity, but is an immediate organizer of this activity. This statement gives another very important characteristic of the Kiev regime," the Kremlin spokesman said.

He stressed that Russia strongly condemns such statements.

"We have special services that will do everything they must amid such statements. No one should have any doubts about this," the Kremlin spokesman warned.

Kremlin believes that the West should not disregard such statements.

"Today we will closely monitor the reaction of European capitals, as well as Washington - especially Washington - because it is very difficult to imagine that such terrorist statements from Kiev can remain without condemnation. Therefore, today we will wait for these condemnations," Peskov said.

"This statement by Mr. Budanov once again confirms the correctness of President Putin's decision to launch a special military operation," he added.

“It’s very difficult to imagine that such terrorist statements from Kiev will remain without condemnation. Therefore, today we will be waiting for these condemnations,” Peskov stated.

In April, Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky was killed in St Petersburg after a statute that had been handed to him during an event with his followers exploded. A dozen people were also injured. Russia’s Security Service (FSB) has blamed the blast on “Ukrainian special services and their agents, including fugitive members of the Russian opposition.”

Last week, two drones were shot down above the Kremlin in what the Russian officials described as a failed Ukrainian attempt to assassinate President Vladimir Putin. Kiev has officially denied any involvement, but Ukraine’s postal service has issued a stamp commemorating the attack.

US’ anti-Russian actions push humanity towards world war, Malaysian ex-PM says

The US authorities push humanity towards a world war by contributing to emergence of two hostile blocs, says Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad.

©AP Photo/Vincent Thian

"The US will try to get other countries to join in the action against Russia, and Russia will also have to find friendly countries which will support it," Mahathir, 97, said in an interview for the Global Times. "There will be confrontation between the Eastern bloc and Western bloc. And this will escalate and become a world war."

The expert noted that the conflict in Ukraine, provoked by the West, has already affected the entire world. He noted that the complicated situation has led to increased spending for essential goods around the world, negatively affecting grain shipments.

"The invitation to Ukraine to join NATO is a provocation. In fact, if Ukraine doesn't join NATO, I think Russia will feel less threatened, and there will be no confrontation. But once the process is started, Russia will take preemptive action," Mahathir said.

He pointed out that NATO states are not directly involved in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict et, because Ukraine is not a member of the alliance. However, according to the ex-Prime Minister, the standoff with Russia harms NATO member states greatly.

"In the end, they [Russia and Ukraine] will have to find some settlement. It is better for them to talk to each other, to discuss, to negotiate," Mahathir said.

Semburan Lumpur Panas Banjiri Ponpes Nurul Alamiyah Wajok Hilir Dan Sekitarnya

Semburan Lumpur Panas Banjiri Ponpes Nurul Alamiyah Wajok Hilir Dan Sekitarnya

Semburan Lumpur Panas Banjiri Ponpes Nurul Alamiyah Wajok Hilir Dan Sekitarnya

Kejadian alam mengejutkan, terjadi lumpur panas tiba-tiba muncul di lingkungan masyarakat. Semburan Lumpur panas keluar di Pondok pesantren Nurul Alamiah di Wajok Hilir Simpang Empat Kec Jongkat, Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalbar, pada hari Senin, 08/05/2023.

Dalam video dan foto semburan muncul di belakang rumah warga dan diruangan Pondok Pesantren tersebut berakibat membanjiri Pondok Pesantren dan sekitarnya.

Belum ada keterangan resmi dari pihak berwenang.

Hasil Voli SEA Games 2023: Tumbangkan Vietnam, Timnas Putra Indonesia Melenggang ke Final

Hasil Voli SEA Games 2023: Tumbangkan Vietnam, Timnas Putra Indonesia Melenggang ke Final

Hasil Voli SEA Games 2023: Tumbangkan Vietnam, Timnas Putra Indonesia Melenggang ke Final

Selebrasi pemain Timnas voli putra Indonesia setelah mendapatkan poin saat melawan Vietnam pada laga Semifinal Bola Voli Putra SEA Games 2023 di Olympic Complex Indoor Main Hall, Phonm Penh, Minggu (7/5/2023). ( Aziz)

Indonesia memastikan satu tempat partai final SEA Games 2023 usai mengkandaskan Tim Voli Putra Vietnam 3-0, 30-28, 25-19, dan 25-18. hasil akhir ini memantapkan langkahnya ke partai final SEA Games 2023, yang berlangsung di Olympic Complex Indoor Main Hall, Phnom Penh, hari Sabtu, 07/05/2023.

Jika berhasil menang atas Tim tuan rumah Kamboja, Indonesia akan menorehkan sejarah baru di cabang bola Voli Putra.

Timnas voli putra Indonesia akan meraih hattrick medali emas.

Pada dua edisi SEA Games 2019 (Filipina) dan 2021 (Vietnam), tim voli putra Indonesia sukses keluar sebagai pemenang alias meraih keping medali tertinggi.

Capaian hattrick medali emas SEA Games sebenarnya sudah pernah digapai Tim Garuda.

Mereka pernah melakukannya pada SEA Games 1987, 1989 dan 1991. Ini kali terakhir Timnas voli putra Indonesia mampu meraih emas beruntun di ajang SEA Games.

Dengan demikian, Timnas voli putra Indonesia berpotensi untuk mengulang prestasi 32 tahun silam.

Sejak fase grup hingga menembus laga puncak, skuad asuhan Jeff Jiang Jie ini menyapu bersih dengan kemenangan alias masih unbeaten.

Hebatnya lagi, Rivan Nurmulki dan kolega sukses menjaga kemenangan 3-0 sejak fase grup A.

Timnas voli putra Indonesia mengalahkan Filipina, Singapura, Kamboja dan Vietnam melalui tiga set langsung.

Ini menjadi catatan istimewa sekaligus stimulus untuk Doni Haryono cs mengkonversikannya menjadi medali emas.

Berikut Live Streaming Pertandingan Final Voli Putra SEA Games 2023 Indonesia vs Kamboja.

Namun upaya Indonesia untuk kembali mempertahankan gelar juara bukan hal yang mudah. Mengingat Kamboja memiliki ragam alasan untuk tak dipandang sepele.

Tuan rumah SEA Games 2023 ini melaju hingga laga puncak bermodal satu kekalahan dan tiga lainnya berujung kemenangan.

Skuad asuhan Li Jun ini mengandaskan Filipina dan Singapura 3-0, sebelum pada perebutan status juara Grup A dihajar Indonesia tiga set langsung.

Kejutan diberikan Kamboja saat mengalahkan Thailand 3-2 pada perebutan tiket final.

Tampil di depan pendukungnya sendiri menjadi faktor X bagi tim voli putra tuan rumah untuk tak dipandang sebelah mata oleh Indonesia.

Klasemen Medali SEA Games 2023 hingga hari Sabtu malam, 06-Mei-2002

No Negara Emas Perak Perunggu Jumlah
1 Kamboja 32 25 27 84
2 Thailand 21 18 27 66
3 Indonesia 20 14 29 63
4 Vietnam 17 21 27 65
5 Filipina 16 22 24 62
6 Singapura 9 6 13 28
7 Malaysia 8 12 18 38
8 Myanmar 6 5 21 42
9 Laos 4 6 21 31
10 Brunei Darussalam 0 1 2 3
11 Timur Leste 0 0 2 2

Live Streaming Final Bola Voli Putra SEA Games 2023 Indonesia vs Kamboja

Live Streaming Indonesia vs Kamboja di Final Bola Voli Putra SEA Games 2023 berlangsung Senin (8/5/2023) malam mulai pukul 19.30 WIB.

Live Streaming Final Bola Voli Putra SEA Games 2023 Indonesia vs Kamboja dapat disaksikan melalui siaran langsung MNC TV.

Live Streaming Final Bola Voli Putra SEA Games 2023 Indonesia vs Kamboja disiarkan dari Olympic Indoor Stadium, Phnom Penh.

Resmi BI Luncurkan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah Hari Ini

Resmi BI Luncurkan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah Hari Ini

Resmi BI Luncurkan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah Hari Ini

Bank Indonesia (BI) hari ini Senin, 08/05/2023, secara resmi meluncurkan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah (KKP) dalam acara Festival Ekonomi Keuangan Digital Indonesia (FEKDI) 2023 di Jakarta. Dengan begitu, transaksi kementerian dan lembaga baik di pusat maupun daerah sudah bisa menggunakan kartu kredit domestik ini.

Gubernur BI Perry Warjiyo mengungkap peluncuran dilakukan atas sinergi antara pemerintah, Bank Indonesia dan industri keuangan.

"Kami akan meluncurkan kartu kredit domestik untuk pemerintah. Ini adalah sinergitas antara pemerintah, BI, dan industri bahwa transaksi keuangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah sekarang sudah gunakan kartu kredit domestik," ungkap Perry dalam FEKDI 2023, pada hari Senin, 08/05/2023.

Perry berujar, keuntungan penggunakan kartu kredit pemerintah ini, dalam proses transaksinya tidak dikenakan biaya tambahan alias 0 persen bagi pengguna pemerintah. Serta, untuk kios atau merchant, dikenakan biaya yang lebih efisien dari biasanya.

"Bahwa transaksi keuangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah sekarang sudah menggunakan kartu domestik, dengan biaya yang 0 persen untuk pemerintah dan juga biaya untuk merchant itu lebih efisien," kata Perry.

"Dan sekaligus tentu bagian dari gerakan bangga buatan Indonesia," sambungnya.

Kartu Kredit Pemerintah (KKP) sendiri akan menggunakan Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional (GPN). Tak seperti pada umumnya yang menggunakan Visa atau Mastercard. Sebelumnya, Deputi Gubernur BI Doni Primanto Joewono mengungkapkan keputusan ini diambil sejalan dengan arahan Presiden Joko Widodo yang ingin KKP ini menggunakan GPN.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, secara virtual, Presiden Joko Widodo langsung meminta pemerintah pusat dan daerah untuk menggunakan KKP ini. Utamanya menggenjot transaksi produk asli dalam negeri.

"Saya minta seluruh kementerian lembaga pemerintah daerah untuk menggunakan kartu kredit pemerintah serta mendukung perluasan QRIS antar negara guna akselerasi ekonomi dan keuangan digital yang inklusif," ungkap Jokowi.

Atas hal ini Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meminta Kementerian dan Lembaga (K/L) maupun Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) untuk segera pakai dan melakukan setiap transaksi menggunakan KKP tersebut.

"Saya minta seluruh kementerian lembaga dan pemda untuk menggunakan kartu kredit pemerintah serta mendukung perluasan qris antar nergara guna akselerasi ekonomi dan keuangan digital yang inklusif," kata Jokowi yang hadir melalui video teleconference tersebut.

Jokowi memaparkan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah sangat perlu digunakan untuk mempermudah belanja barang bagi pemerintahan pusat dan daerah.

Dia menilai Kartu Kredit Pemerintah dapat menimbulkan efisien dan akuntabilitas penggunaan anggaran di instansi-instansi pemerintah pusat dan daerah.

"Inovasi keuangan digital seperti Kartu Kredit Pemerintah perlu diperkuat untuk permudah belanja barang pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Ini guna meningkatkan efisiensi dan transparansi dan memudahkan pertanggungjawaban penggunaan belanja pemerintah," beber Jokowi.

Kembali ke Perry, dia bilang biaya transaksi dengan kartu kredit pemerintah cuma 0%. Biaya merchant juga disebut lebih murah.

"Dengan 0% biaya untuk pemerintah, dan biaya merchant lebih efisien. Sekaligus ini juga baigan dari gerakan Bangga Buatan Indonesia," ujar Perry.

Lebih lanjut, Perry menyatakan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) sudah menerbitkan petunjuk dan pelaksanaan alias juklak untuk penggunaan APBN ataupun APBD dengan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah.

"Ini adalah sinergitas antara pemerintah, BI, dan industri bahwa transaksi keuangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah sekarang sudah gunakan kartu kredit domestik," ungkap Gubernur BI Perry Warjiyo.

Perry bilang biaya transaksi dengan kartu kredit pemerintah cuma 0%. Biaya merchant juga disebut lebih murah dibandingkan dengan penggunaan kartu kredit yang lainnya.

"Dengan 0% biaya untuk pemerintah, dan biaya merchant lebih efisien. Sekaligus ini juga baigan dari gerakan Bangga Buatan Indonesia," ujar Perry.

Lebih lanjut, Perry menyatakan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) sudah menerbitkan petunjuk dan pelaksanaan alias juklak untuk penggunaan APBN ataupun APBD dengan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah

"Pak Mendagri sudah ada juklaknya bagaimana gunakan APBN dengan menggunakan KKP, bagaimana APBD menggunakan kartu kredit ini," ujar Perry.

"Ngga ada biaya bagi pemerintahan, biaya transaksi dan lain-lain itu nggak ada," tambahnya.

Alur, Aturan Dan Cara Pengajuan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah (KPP)

Anda dapat mendapatkan informasi lengkapnya di sini.

Toyota suspends sales of Yaris model in Thailand after safety test problem

Toyota suspends sales of Yaris model in Thailand after safety test problem

A Toyota Logo is seen at a Toyota dealership in Zaventem, Belgium, November 25, 2022. REUTERS/Johanna Geron

Toyota has stopped sales and deliveries of its Yaris Ativ in Thailand, senior officials said on Monday, after its affiliate Daihatsu rigged part of the door in side-collision safety tests.

Japanese carmaker Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) has stopped sales and deliveries of its Yaris Ativ in Thailand, senior officials said on Monday, after its affiliate Daihatsu rigged part of the door in side-collision safety tests.

The problem may have occurred due to pressure on Daihatsu to shorten the development time of the Ativ, Masahiko Maeda, Toyota's CEO for the Asia region, said at a press conference in Bangkok. The vehicles customers were currently using were safe, he added.

Toyota was working with the Thai government to resume sales of the model, which has been produced in Toyota's Gateway plant in Chachoengsao province, and further investigation was underway.

Speaking at a news conference in Bangkok, Toyota’s CEO for the Asia region, Masahiko Maeda, said the problem may have occurred due to pressure during the development of the Ativ model, adding that the vehicles customers are using are safe.

Toyota was working with the Thai government to resume sales.

“If development had been carried out under appropriate conditions, this kind of problem would of course not have happened,” Maeda said.

“I think the fact that it still happened, means there was some kind of pressure at the development site,” he said, adding that the vehicle’s relatively large size may have posed a challenge to Daihatsu, which specializes in the production of small cars.

Toyota and Daihatsu disclosed last month they were investigating how part of the door in side-collision safety tests carried out for some 88,000 small cars had been changed for the purpose of side-on crash safety testing.

Daihatsu has said that some 76,000 of those vehicles were Yaris Ativs mainly bound for Thailand, Mexico and the Gulf Cooperation Council. The Gulf Cooperation Council comprises Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman.

Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda said he had visited the company’s Gateway plant in Chachoengsao province for the first time in a decade to assure workers, also saying he had come to the Southeast Asian nation because he loved it.

Toyoda has a personal attachment to Thailand, calling it his “home away from home” at an event to celebrate Toyota’s 60th anniversary of operations in the country late last year.

Toyota President Koji Sato, who took over the top job from Toyoda on April 1, was not at the news conference.

For Daihatsu, which became a wholly owned Toyota subsidiary in 2016 when Toyoda was president, Southeast Asia is an important market, with production facilities in Indonesia and Malaysia, though it has no factories in Thailand.

Thailand is Toyota’s fourth-biggest global center by production volume after Japan, the U.S. and China. It produced some 659,000 vehicles, including models of its luxury brand Lexus, in the country last year.

Toyota and Daihatsu disclosed last month they were investigating how part of the door in side-collision safety tests carried out for some 88,000 small cars had been changed for the purpose of side-on crash safety testing.

Daihatsu has said that some 76,000 of those vehicles were Yaris Ativs mainly bound for Thailand, Mexico and the Gulf Cooperation Council. The Gulf Cooperation Council comprises Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman.

The problem may have occurred due to pressure on Daihatsu to shorten the development time of the Ativ, Masahiko Maeda, Toyota's CEO for the Asia region, said at a press conference in Bangkok. The vehicles customers were currently using were safe, he added.

Toyota was working with the Thai government to resume sales of the model, which has been produced in Toyota's Gateway plant in Chachoengsao province, and further investigation was underway.

Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda said he had visited the Gateway plant for the first time in a decade to assure workers, also saying he had come to the Southeast Asian nation because he loved it.

Toyoda has a personal attachment to Thailand, calling it his "home away from home" at an event to celebrate Toyota's 60th anniversary of operations in the country late last year.

He has said that late Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej was the only global leader who expressed his confidence in the company after a string of massive recalls prompted U.S. investigations and forced him to testify before Congress in 2010.

Toyota President Koji Sato, who took over the top job from Toyoda on April 1, was not at the press conference.

For Daihatsu, which became a wholly owned Toyota subsidiary in 2016 when Toyoda was president, Southeast Asia is an important market, with production facilities in Indonesia and Malaysia.

West must be ready for unfavorable outcome in Ukraine – EU country’s leader

West must be ready for unfavorable outcome in Ukraine – EU country’s leader

West must be ready for unfavorable outcome in Ukraine – EU country’s leader

Czech President Petr Pavel
©AFP / Michal Cizek

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine may not end in victory for Kiev, and its Western backers should prepare for such an outcome, Czech President Petr Pavel has told The Guardian newspaper.

“I think we should do anything… at our disposal to encourage Ukrainians and to support them to be successful. But internally, we should also be ready for other contingencies,” said Pavel, who was in London for the coronation of King Charles III.

A lot will depend on the outcome of Ukraine’s planned spring counteroffensive, explained the Czech leader, who has a background in intelligence and served as chairman of the NATO Military Committee between 2015 and 2018.

Kiev shouldn’t “underestimate the Russians because they have enough manpower, they still have enough equipment,” he added.

“And of course, being in defense makes it easier for them because Ukraine will have suffered terrible losses, even if they are well prepared. So attacking an enemy like Russia will be difficult and Russians will not be caught by surprise.”

The Czech president, who visited Kiev with his Slovak counterpart Zuzana Caputova in late April, said Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky had been asking them for ammunition. Those in Kiev believe they still don’t have everything they need to launch the counteroffensive, he added.

There “might be a temptation to push them, for some, to demonstrate some results,” but the Ukrainians must be allowed to fully prepare for the assault on Russian lines, Pavel warned.

“It will be extremely harmful to Ukraine if this counteroffensive fails, because they will not have another chance, at least not this year,” he stated.

In late April, Zelensky assured foreign journalists that the “counteroffensive will happen” and expressed hope that it would be successful. Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov also said Kiev’s troops were “generally ready for the push” and were only awaiting orders from senior officials.

However, a report by Politico a few weeks ago claimed that Ukraine’s prime backer, the US, had concerns that the impact of the counteroffensive could fall short of expectations.

Russia, which has been building fortifications along the frontline for the past six months, has been saying that it’s ready to repel the attack. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin warned last week that the counteroffensive would have “deplorable consequences” for Kiev.

Massive drone, missile strikes reported in Ukraine

Air raid sirens were blaring across Ukraine in the early hours of Monday as Ukrainian officials and media reported a series of Russian drone and missile attacks.

The Ukrainian military claimed to have shot down 35 kamikaze drones over Kiev. Authorities in the capital said falling debris injured five people and damaged an apartment block along with approximately 20 vehicles. In addition, a diesel tank was punctured, although this did not lead to a fire, officials said.

Ukrainian media reported, citing the military, that at around midnight local time, Russian Air Force bombers launched eight missiles, at least one of which struck a warehouse in Odessa Region.

The head of the local military command, Yuri Kruk, said Monday morning’s bombardment caused a massive fire, and that one person is unaccounted for.

Meanwhile, commenting on the overnight strikes, Vladimir Rogov, a senior Russian official in Zaporozhye Region, claimed on his Telegram channel that a missile strike had destroyed an ammunition depot used by the Ukrainian military.

Ukrainian media have also reported explosions in the Chernigov and Dnepropetrovsk Regions, as well as the city of Zaporozhye.