Wednesday 10 May 2023

How El Chapo’s sons built a fentanyl empire poisoning America

How El Chapo’s sons built a fentanyl empire poisoning America

How El Chapo’s sons built a fentanyl empire poisoning America

Illustration by John Emerson

Once dismissed as “narco brats” flaunting fast cars, pet tigers and a golden AK-47 on social media, the brothers have emerged as key figures in the violent Sinaloa Cartel, security officials say.


In January 2017, days after Mexico extradited the notorious drug trafficker Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán to the United States, local cops in his home state of Sinaloa fell under attack.

Some were shot dead in broad daylight. Others vanished and were never found. In all, 13 police officers died or disappeared in the months that followed.

That spree was the start of a shift in tactics within Guzmán’s Sinaloa Cartel, according to four intelligence and security officials, one that signaled the arrival of a new force inside one of Mexico’s most powerful drug syndicates: the kingpin’s four sons.

Collectively known as Los Chapitos, or “the little Chapos,” the four siblings were once mocked by adversaries as entitled princelings more concerned with flashing their wealth on Instagram than the grubby work of moving tons of cocaine into the United States. Yet the brothers have resuscitated a drug empire teetering after their father was locked behind U.S. bars and diversified the business by embracing a new line of synthetic drugs.

Their early bet on fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50 times more powerful than heroin, helped supercharge an opioid epidemic that has placed them squarely in the crosshairs of American anti-narcotics agents.

Last month, U.S. authorities laid out extensive new charges against the brothers in indictments filed in multiple jurisdictions, and upped bounties for two of the siblings to $10 million apiece, cementing their status as some of the world’s most powerful and wanted drug lords. U.S. officials portrayed them as the face of a highly addictive poison that’s killing nearly 200 Americans daily.

The U.S. government has advertised hefty rewards for information leading to the arrest of “Los Chapitos,” accused drug traffickers and sons of famed Sinaloa Cartel kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. One of the siblings is currently in custody in Mexico. The others remain at large. U.S. State Department/Handout via Reuters

“The Chapitos pioneered the manufacture and trafficking of the deadliest drug our country has ever faced,” Anne Milgram, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) chief, said at an April 14 press conference in Washington. “They inherited a global drug empire and made it more ruthless, more violent and more deadly.”

On Tuesday, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned one of the brothers, Joaquín Jr., for his role in the Los Chapitos fentanyl network, alleging that he is involved in the management of “super labs.” His three siblings had been sanctioned previously for purported trafficking.

Los Chapitos, for the first time ever, released a public letter last week denying claims that they traffic fentanyl and rebutting allegations made by U.S. officials in the Washington press conference.

“We have never produced, manufactured or marketed fentanyl or any of its derivatives. We are victims of persecution and they made us a scapegoat,” the brothers said in the letter. Mexico’s Milenio news channel aired its contents on May 3, along with an interview of Guzmán family lawyer José Refugio Rodríguez, who provided the broadcaster with the document.

Denying that they head the Sinaloa Cartel, the brothers said drug traffickers and the media have exploited their father’s fame to implicate them in crimes of which they are innocent.

El Chapo is serving a life sentence in a “Supermax” prison in Colorado. Mariel Colón Miro, Guzmán’s U.S.-based attorney, said her client was unable to comment due to restrictions barring him from speaking to the media.

The four brothers, two born to El Chapo’s first wife, the others to another, range in age from 33 to 40, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Headed by Iván, El Chapo’s oldest son, the siblings have emerged as key figures in the Sinaloa Cartel, U.S. and Mexican anti-narcotics officials said. While the syndicate is a loose confederation of trafficking factions that cooperate on logistics and security, the Guzmáns’ bloc is a pillar of the organization, the officials said, and Los Chapitos have quickly consolidated power within it.

To chronicle the rise of this new generation of “Narco Juniors,” as children of established traffickers are known in Mexico, Reuters spoke with four Sinaloa Cartel operatives and visited a house where gang members assembled pills stuffed with methamphetamine, another cash cow. The news agency also interviewed dozens of sources, including law enforcement, intelligence and government officials in Mexico and the United States, as well as local residents who’ve witnessed the changing of the guard.

The rapid ascendancy of Los Chapitos, many details of which are told here for the first time, shows how authorities may have underestimated the former party boys.

“This new generation is more violent. Before, they would interrogate and then kill you. Now they kill and ask questions later.”

Retired Sinaloan police officer on the contrast between drug trafficker Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán and his sons

A 2019 showdown with Mexico’s Army in Culiacán, Sinaloa’s capital, already has cemented their place in narco lore. Soldiers captured Ovidio, the youngest of the four siblings, then quickly released him on the orders of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador after cartel foot soldiers fought troops in shootouts that killed 14 people, including several bystanders.

“This new generation is more violent,” said one retired Mexican police officer in Sinaloa. “Before, they would interrogate and then kill you. Now they kill and ask questions later.”

Within the cartel, the brothers have battled elders opposed to them assuming their father’s mantle, including El Chapo’s former right-hand man Dámaso López, according to U.S. and Mexican security sources.

But these young guns have also built a reputation as sharp businessmen. They’ve helped transform Mexico from a transit country for Chinese-produced fentanyl into a major production hub, half a dozen U.S. officials and DEA sources said. To do that, they said, Los Chapitos built a network of clandestine laboratories across Sinaloa and ramped up smuggling of precursor chemicals from China.

The earnings have been astronomical. The cartel can turn $800 worth of precursor chemicals into fentanyl pills or powder that reap profits as high as $640,000, according to one of the April indictments, which was filed in the Southern District of New York. That cash, U.S. prosecutors say, has bankrolled a war chest used by the brothers to bribe politicians and cops, and finance an ever-growing army of sicarios, or hit men, to protect their interests.

The impact on U.S. streets has been devastating. One American dies from a fentanyl overdose almost every eight minutes, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco said at the Washington press conference. U.S. overdose deaths, the lion’s share due to fentanyl, surged to nearly 107,000 in 2021.

More than 41 kilograms of fentanyl powder and 630,000 fentanyl pills were seized from a Phoenix, Arizona, stash house by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency on Aug. 19, 2022. Some of the drugs bore stamps of “Chapiza” and “Ratón,” nicknames for Los Chapitos and Ovidio Guzmán, respectively. U.S. Department of Justice/Handout via REUTERS

Los Chapitos’ ascent, U.S. and Mexican officials say, has coincided with a decision by López Obrador to turn away from the aggressive anti-narcotics policies of his predecessors.

After assuming office in December 2018, López Obrador restructured Mexico’s security forces, eliminating teams that were once at the forefront of probing cartel activity, U.S. and Mexico security sources said. They say the president also curbed security cooperation with the United States and largely eschewed the so-called kingpin strategy that led previous administrations to arrest El Chapo and other high-profile traffickers.

Instead, the president has vowed to concentrate on social programs to tackle crime and violence at a grassroots level, a policy dubbed “abrazos, no balazos” or “hugs, not bullets.”

Mexico’s presidency did not respond to a request for comment about López Obrador’s crime fighting approach. He has repeatedly touted his strategy on multiple visits to Sinaloa. “Nothing can be solved with the use of force. You can’t put out fire with fire,” Lopez Obrador told residents in 2019. His supporters note that murders nationwide have stabilized since he took power.

The president’s critics say the number of homicides – above 30,000 a year – is still extremely high, and the production and smuggling of drugs into the United States have increased.

Mexico’s Army did ultimately apprehend Ovidio Guzmán earlier this year by sending hundreds of troops to raid one of his homes in rural Sinaloa. He’s now in a maximum-security lockup near Mexico City. But that arrest had more to do with the Army trying to restore its battered prestige rather than a shift in López Obrador’s thinking, four U.S. and Mexican officials said.

Ovidio’s lawyer and López Obrador’s office did not respond to requests for comment. The Army did not comment about its motive for the arrest.

U.S.-Mexico security ties have frayed. López Obrador called the recent U.S. indictments against the four younger Guzmáns an “abusive, arrogant interference that should not be accepted under any circumstances.” The Mexican leader said the case was built by DEA agents operating in Mexico, which he has deemed a violation of sovereignty.

While he has not booted the agency from the country, DEA operations have been hobbled on his watch. Mexico in 2021 disbanded an elite police unit that worked closely with the DEA for a quarter of a century; amended a national security law to make it harder for foreign agents to operate inside Mexico; and slow-walked visa approvals for DEA agents, CNN reported.

Those measures were widely viewed as retaliation for the 2020 arrest of former Mexican Defense Minister Salvador Cienfuegos in Los Angeles on drug trafficking charges, a move that angered López Obrador. U.S. prosecutors later dropped the charges, pointing to sensitive foreign policy considerations.

The Justice Department declined to comment. The DEA did not respond to a request for comment. Rafael Heredia Rubio, a lawyer representing Cienfuegos, said he was not authorized to comment. Cienfuegos’ attorneys previously had denied that he was involved in drug trafficking.

The Sinaloa Cartel uses military-grade weapons to perpetrate violence in Mexico against other traffickers, civilians, government officials and security forces, according to a U.S. indictment unsealed on April 14, 2023. U.S. Department of Justice/ Handout via Reuters

Ferraris and pet tigers

Born into one of Mexico’s most storied outlaw families, Guzmán’s five sons – Edgar, Iván, Jesús Alfredo, Joaquín Jr. and Ovidio – grew up in luxury once unimaginable to their father, a semi-literate farm worker from Sinaloa’s mountains before becoming the head of a drug empire. (El Chapo fathered more than a dozen children, according to local media, not all of whom are reputed to be involved in drug trafficking.)

Minor social media celebrities, they flaunted their pet tigers, Ferraris and a golden AK-47 on Instagram and Twitter. Those accounts were never verified by those platforms, but a social media analyst familiar with cartel communications and two security sources told Reuters they believed the accounts were authentic.

Social media accounts linked to Los Chapitos celebrate their wealth and outlaw notoriety. Twitter

Early on, “the general perception was that Los Chapitos were spoiled brats,” said Mike Vigil, former head of DEA’s international operations.

After El Chapo’s escape from a maximum-security prison in 2001, reportedly in a laundry trolley, the brothers took a hands-on approach to the family business, security sources said.

Edgar blazed a trail for his brothers by building his own contacts and doing his own deals, the sources said. But he was killed in 2008 in Culiacán in a hail of bullets amid infighting between warring factions of the Sinaloa Cartel.

His four surviving brothers filled the void, U.S. and Mexican security sources said.

Starting in 2009 with Jesús Alfredo, the brothers all have been indicted by U.S. authorities multiple times for alleged offenses including money laundering, possession of machine guns and trafficking of fentanyl, heroin and cocaine. The U.S. State Department in 2021 put $5 million bounties on their heads, a figure recently doubled for Iván and Jesús Alfredo, while the DEA set up to encourage snitches to rat them out. The agency in April placed Iván on the list of its 10 Most Wanted Fugitives, joining Jesús Alfredo and Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, a Sinaloa Cartel legend and El Chapo’s alleged former business partner.

Washington has taken note of Los Chapitos’ entrepreneurial flair. The State Department in its 2021 bounty notices said Ovidio and Joaquín Jr. began smuggling chemicals from Argentina in 2008 to launch experiments in Mexico on how to produce methamphetamine.

As they built their own crew, the brothers purportedly discarded the shibboleth that Sinaloa kingpins should only sell drugs to foreigners. Los Chapitos placed pushers on street corners in Culiacán, according to cartel members and Mexican media reports.

In what would prove another consequential move, Ovidio in 2014 began to tinker with manufacturing fentanyl in Mexico, according to one of the indictments unsealed last month.

That same year, the brothers faced another major test: Their father was nabbed again, this time by Mexican marines working with the DEA. The sons helped El Chapo stage yet another audacious escape in July 2015 by organizing the construction of a mile-long tunnel to his Mexican prison cell, according to testimony that would emerge later at the elder Guzmán’s 2019 drug trafficking trial in New York.

Following the tunnel caper, Mexican authorities recaptured El Chapo in January 2016. He tapped his sons to head his portion of the trafficking empire, triggering a power struggle with López, who had run the business during the boss’s previous incarceration, according to 2017 Mexican military intelligence documents viewed by Reuters.

Captured drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán is escorted by soldiers in Mexico City on Jan. 8, 2016. While he has been locked up in a U.S. prison, his sons have assumed his mantle and expanded his trafficking empire, anti-narcotics authorities say. REUTERS/Henry Romero

Los Chapitos and their posse squeezed López’s crew by crimping his finances. Near a Sinaloan dam where both groups filched water to feed their clandestine drug labs, the brothers cut off López’s access to this critical resource, crippling his manufacturing capability while keeping the taps open for themselves, according to three serving Mexican marines who spoke with Reuters.

“Los Chapitos had an advantage as they kept the production of drugs. They had money to pay sicarios, buy arms,” said one of the men, who had worked with the elite Navy unit that helped capture El Chapo in 2016.

The feud escalated into all-out war following Guzmán’s 2017 extradition to the United States. El Chapo’s sons targeted the 13 Sinaloan police officers for execution because they were on López’s payroll, according to prosecutors and former cops in Sinaloa, as well as military officials and intelligence documents reviewed by Reuters.

Police in Sinaloa did not respond to claims that the targeted officers were in league with López.

One of the U.S. indictments unsealed last month details other grisly violence allegedly meted out by Los Chapitos. Their henchmen allegedly kidnapped two officials from the federal attorney general’s office in early 2017, torturing one by inserting a corkscrew into his muscles, ripping it out, then “placing hot chiles into his open wounds and nose.”

Iván finished off the victims with gunshots, with Jesús Alfredo pitching in to shoot one in the face, according to the indictment, which said the two brothers also killed some enemies by feeding them alive to the pet tigers they kept at their ranches.

The brothers, in their public letter, denied killing or torturing the officials or feeding people to tigers.

“A tiger may kill a person, but eat him? We do not have nor did we have tigers,” the letter stated.

Los Chapitos prevailed in their struggle with López, who was arrested in Mexico City in 2017 by the Mexican military and subsequently extradited to the United States. A star prosecution witness in El Chapo’s 2019 trial, López got his own life sentence for drug trafficking reduced. In 2021, his name disappeared from the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ public registry of inmates, fueling media speculation that he entered witness protection. López, through his lawyer, declined to comment.

On their turf in Culiacán, meanwhile, the brothers quickly solidified their grip on the local drugs market, a local trafficker said.

Jesús, an independent operator in Culiacán who ships fentanyl and heroin to the United States with the help of the syndicate, said gunmen working for Los Chapitos told street dealers they had to purchase product from their cartel faction exclusively and pay protection money. He said several friends and family members who were slow to comply were kidnapped and beaten.

Los Chapitos made it clear that “now the market belongs to them,” Jesús said.

Blue powder consistent with the appearance of fentanyl is seen at a drug lab seized by the Mexican Army in Culiacán, Mexico on Feb. 15, 2023. Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional /Handout via Reuters

Mexican Army soldiers at the same captured drug lab in Culiacán, Mexico, a stronghold of the Sinaloa Cartel. Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional /Handout via Reuters

Showing who’s boss

On Dec. 1, 2018, López Obrador took office after winning Mexico’s presidency in a landslide. Within months, members of UNOPES, the Navy’s elite special forces unit that had pursued El Chapo and other traffickers, were ordered by superiors to leave Sinaloa and shut down their temporary bases there, according to the three marines and three ex-DEA officials.

The president’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

In October 2019 came the Mexican Army’s first capture of Ovidio Guzmán in Culiacán. Recalling that day, two Sinaloa Cartel members told Reuters that, within minutes, encrypted radios carried by fellow gunmen began to buzz with the news: “The boss has fallen! The boss has fallen!”

Footage released by the Mexican government shows the first arrest of Ovidio Guzmán on Oct. 17, 2019, in Culiacán, Mexico. Gunfire can be heard in the background as Sinaloa Cartel hitmen clashed with federal forces. Guzmán is seen speaking by cell phone with his brother asking that cartel soldiers be withdrawn to prevent “chaos.” Guzmán was quickly released on the orders of Mexico’s president after the violence left 14 people dead, several of them bystanders. Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional/Handout via Reuters

Hundreds of gang fighters armed with military-grade weapons rushed to the scene, firing on government troops and barricading key city streets to trap them. They also kidnapped eight soldiers and surrounded military housing where wives and children of Mexican soldiers lived, Mexican officials said.

With the pop-pop-pop of gunfire echoing in the background, encircled Mexican troops put Ovidio on the phone with his brother Iván in an attempt to get Los Chapitos to call off their gunmen. “Tell them to stand down…I don’t want chaos,” Ovidio said in video footage released by Mexico’s government.

“Hell no, we are coming to rescue you,” Iván responded, according to Sinaloan newspaper Ríodoce.

Hours later, with Culiacán resembling a war zone and scenes of pandemonium being broadcast across the globe, López Obrador ordered the army to free Ovidio.

The day of terror shocked Sinaloans, whose relationship with the cartel is complex. El Chapo had the reputation of being ruthless to those who crossed him. But locals say he provided jobs, handouts and security by punishing hoodlums preying on poor communities.

Sinaloa Cartel gunmen take up positions near a burning truck in Culiacán, Mexico, on Oct. 17, 2019, following the detention of Ovidio Guzmán by the Mexican Army. The day was dubbed “Black Thursday” by the Mexican press for the mayhem that ensued. REUTERS/Stringer

“It was the first time we saw the Sinaloa Cartel use their armed power to generate…chaos and fear to try to achieve their goals,” said Adrian López, publisher of the Sinaloan Noroeste newspaper.

For the brothers, it was a turning point. Mexico’s military and its president had bowed to them in front of the entire world. “It showed who has power,” a cartel member said.

Still, they set out to burnish their public image. One such charm offensive took place in December 2020 in San Diego, a village about 60 kilometers south of Culiacán that is home to several high-ranking cartel sicarios, a resident told Reuters. There Los Chapitos staged a music concert and raffle, whose prizes included new cars, washing machines and refrigerators, all bearing stickers emblazoned with El Chapo’s initials – JGL for Joaquín Guzmán Loera – that person and two other locals said.

A fourth declined to answer questions, saying “I don’t want them to disappear me.”

During COVID-19 lockdowns, the brothers doled out food parcels and built an outdoor school in rural Sinaloa, and they have maintained the tradition of punishing common hoodlums, Sinaloa residents and cartel members said.

Taking control

But like their father, Los Chapitos are at heart violent businessmen with a drive for manufacturing and moving drugs, security officials and cartel members said.

A gang soldier calling himself Güero, a silver pistol tucked into his waistband, last year gave Reuters a tour of a cartel safe house on the edge of Culiacán. There, two young men in white surgical gloves sat at a brown lacquered table carefully stuffing white powder into transparent capsules – methamphetamine samples for a new client looking to ship in bulk to the United States, Güero said.

A Sinaloa Cartel gunman who calls himself Güero poses with gang members preparing methamphetamine capsules at a safe house operated by Los Chapitos in Culiacán, Mexico on April 4, 2022. REUTERS/Alexandre Meneghini

As fentanyl and meth production have soared, U.S. seizures have likewise skyrocketed. Interdictions of fentanyl alone on the U.S.-Mexico border hit 14,104 pounds (6,397 kilograms) in the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 2022, up more than 400% since 2019, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data.

Inside Mexico, meanwhile, the Army had a grudge to settle.

In early January of this year, the Army told López Obrador it planned to mount a top-secret operation to recapture Ovidio, according to a then-senior government official with direct knowledge of the events. The president approved the mission but was not informed of the date and time, the source said.

Mexico’s Army and the presidency did not respond to requests for comment about the official’s account.

As hundreds of soldiers encircled Ovidio’s rural Sinaloan compound in the pre-dawn assault, a helicopter strafed targets from the air, video of the incident showed.

Cartel gunmen went on a rampage again, setting cars on fire, blocking roads and forcing Culiacán’s airport to shut by shooting at passenger jets. The violence left 29 people dead, including 10 armed forces personnel. But the sicarios were too late – a military chopper had already whisked Ovidio out of Sinaloa.

Despite that blow to the Sinaloa Cartel, fentanyl keeps flowing north. In February and March, U.S. border agents seized a combined 5,130 pounds (2,326 kilograms) of fentanyl in two of the biggest monthly hauls ever.

Trump sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll, must pay her $5 million, jury says

Trump sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll, must pay her $5 million, jury says

Trump sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll, must pay her $5 million, jury says

Donald Trump must pay $5 million in damages for sexually abusing magazine writer E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s and then defaming her by branding her a liar, a jury decided on Tuesday.

"Today, the world finally knows the truth," Carroll said in a statement. "This victory is not just for me but for every woman who has suffered because she was not believed."

The former U.S. president, campaigning to retake the White House in 2024, will appeal, his lawyer Joseph Tacopina told reporters outside the Manhattan federal courthouse.

Carroll, 79, testified during the civil trial that Trump, 76, raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman department store dressing room in Manhattan in either 1995 or 1996, then harmed her reputation by writing in an October 2022 post on his Truth Social platform that her claims were a "complete con job," "a hoax" and "a lie."

Trump was absent throughout the trial which began on April 25. In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump called the verdict a "disgrace" and said, "I have absolutely no idea who this woman is."

Because it was a civil case, Trump faces no criminal consequences and, as such, there was never a threat of prison.

The jury, required to reach a unanimous verdict, deliberated for just under three hours. Its six men and three women awarded Carroll $5 million in compensatory and punitive damages, but Trump will not have to pay so long as the case is on appeal.

In April, Trump gave election regulators only the rough estimates of his wealth that are required in financial disclosures, listing over a dozen properties as worth "over $50 million" each.


President from 2017 to 2021, Trump is the front-runner in opinion polls for the Republican presidential nomination and has shown an uncanny ability to weather controversies that might sink other politicians.

It seems unlikely in America's polarized political climate that the civil verdict will have an impact on Trump's core supporters, who view his legal woes as part of a concerted effort by opponents to undermine him.

"The folks that are anti-Trump are going to remain that way, the core pro-Trump voters are not going to change, and the ambivalent ones I just don’t think are going to be moved by this type of thing," said Charlie Gerow, a Republican strategist in Pennsylvania.

Any negative impact is likely to be small and limited to suburban women and moderate Republicans, Gerow said.

Trump has cited the Carroll trial in campaign fundraising emails as evidence of what he portrays as a Democratic plot. He has said Carroll, a former Elle magazine columnist and a registered Democrat, made up the allegations to try to increase sales of her 2019 memoir and to hurt him politically.

His poll numbers improved after he was charged last month with falsifying business records over a hush money payment to a porn star before his victory in the 2016 presidential election.

The first U.S. president past or present to be criminally charged, Trump has pleaded not guilty and said the charges are politically motivated.

E. Jean Carroll departs from the Manhattan Federal Court following the verdict in the civil rape accusation case against former U.S. President Donald Trump, in New York City, U.S., May 9, 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

Lis Smith, a Democratic strategist, said it remained to be seen whether the verdict in Carroll's case would make Trump "unpalatable" to Republican voters beyond his base, prompting them to coalesce around another candidate.

The trial featured testimony from former People magazine reporter Natasha Stoynoff, who told jurors that Trump cornered her at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida in 2005 and forcibly kissed her for a "few minutes." Another woman, Jessica Leeds, testified that Trump kissed her, groped her and put his hand up her skirt on a flight in 1979.

Jurors also heard excerpts from a 2005 "Access Hollywood" video in which Trump says women let him "grab 'em by the pussy."

"Historically, that's true, with stars ... if you look over the last million years," Trump said in an October 2022 video deposition played in court. He has repeatedly denied allegations of sexual misconduct.


Carroll testified that she bumped into Trump at Bergdorf's and agreed to help him pick out a gift for another woman. The two looked at lingerie before he coaxed her into a dressing room, slammed her head into a wall, pulled down her tights and penetrated her, she testified. Carroll said she could not remember the precise date or year the alleged rape occurred.

Jurors were tasked with deciding whether Trump raped, sexually abused or forcibly touched Carroll, and were separately asked if Trump defamed Carroll. The jurors found Trump sexually abused her but not that he raped her.

Before the jurors began deliberating, Judge Lewis Kaplan defined rape for them as non-consensual "sexual intercourse" through "forcible compulsion." He described sexual abuse as non-consensual "sexual contact" through forcible compulsion.

Jurors awarded Carroll $2 million in compensatory damages and $20,000 in punitive damages for her battery claim, and $2.7 million in compensatory and $280,000 in punitive damages for her defamation claim.

Trump's legal team attacked the plausibility of Carroll's account including why she had never reported the matter to police or screamed during the alleged incident.

Two of Carroll's friends said that she told them about the alleged rape at the time but swore them to secrecy because she feared that Trump would use his fame and wealth to retaliate if she came forward.

Carroll told jurors she decided to break her silence in 2017 after rape allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein prompted scores of women to come forward with accounts of sexual violence by powerful men. She went public with her account while Trump was president.

She said Trump's public denials wrecked her career and instigated a campaign of vicious online harassment by his supporters.

While Trump did not testify at the trial, a video clip from the October 2022 deposition showed him mistaking Carroll for one of his former wives in a black-and-white photo among several people at an event.

"It's Marla," Trump said in the deposition, referring to his second wife Marla Maples. Previously Trump had said he could not have raped Carroll because she was "not my type."

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Russian forces strike Ukrainian army reserves, ammo depots by precision weapons

Russian forces strike Ukrainian army reserves, ammo depots by precision weapons

Russian forces strike Ukrainian army reserves, ammo depots by precision weapons

©Russian Defence Ministry/TASS

Russian forces delivered a massive strike by seaborne and airborne precision weapons against the Ukrainian army’s reserves and ammunition depots, hitting all the designated targets over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Tuesday.

"During the past night, Russian forces delivered a massive strike by long-range seaborne and airborne precision weapons against the temporary deployment sites of the enemy’s reserves, and also against ammunition depots. All the designated targets were struck. The strikes thwarted the [enemy] reserves’ advance to the areas of combat operations," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy 35 Ukrainian troops, artillery gun in Kupyansk area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 35 Ukrainian troops and a motorized artillery system in the Kupyansk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, aircraft and artillery from the western battlegroup struck the enemy units in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka and Berestovoye in the Kharkov Region. The enemy’s losses in the past 24 hours amounted to 35 Ukrainian personnel, one tank, two motor vehicles and an Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminate 75 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area

Russian forces eliminated roughly 75 Ukrainian troops in the Krasny Liman area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

In the Krasny Liman direction, operational/tactical and army aviation and artillery from Russia’s battlegroup Center struck the enemy manpower and equipment in areas near the settlements of Chervonaya Dibrova and Nevskoye in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the spokesman specified.

"As many as 75 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three pickup trucks, a Grad multiple rocket launcher and two D-30 howitzers were destroyed," the general reported.

Russian forces destroy over 400 Ukrainian troops in Donetsk advance

Russian forces destroyed over 400 Ukrainian troops and foreign mercenaries in their advance in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Over 465 Ukrainian personnel and mercenaries, two tanks, six armored combat vehicles, six motor vehicles, a Grad multiple rocket launcher, two D-20 and two D-30 howitzers were destroyed in that direction in the past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

Russian assault teams continue battles in western Artyomovsk

Russian assault teams continued fighting Ukrainian troops in the western part of Artyomovsk over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, the assault teams continued battles in the western part of the city of Artyomovsk. Airborne Force units provided their support, immobilizing the enemy on the flanks," the spokesman said.

Operational/tactical and army aviation and artillery from Russia’s southern battlegroup struck the enemy units in areas near the settlements of Chasov Yar and Bogdanovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the general specified.

"Aircraft flew five sorties in that area in the past 24 hours. The battlegroup’s artillery accomplished 73 firing objectives," Konashenkov reported.

Russian forces destroy over 90 Ukrainian troops in southern Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas

Russian forces destroyed over 90 Ukrainian troops in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas in the past day, he said.

In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, aircraft and artillery from Russia’s battlegroup East struck the Ukrainian army units in areas near the settlements of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Gulyaipole in the Zaporozhye area, the spokesman specified.

"Over 90 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, two motor vehicles and a Msta-B howitzer were destroyed in the past 24 hours. In addition, in the area of the settlement of Shcherbaki in the Zaporozhye Region, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 128th mountain assault brigade was obliterated," the general reported.

Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian ammo depots in DPR, Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed Ukrainian ammunition depots in the Kherson area and the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Antonovka in the Kherson Region, an ammunition depot of the 124th territorial defense brigade was destroyed. In the area of the community of Verkhnekamenskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 54th mechanized brigade was obliterated," the spokesman said.

In the Kherson direction, as many as 30 Ukrainian troops, five motor vehicles and two Gvozdika artillery systems were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of damage inflicted on the enemy by firepower, the general specified.

"Operational/tactical and army aviation and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 72 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military hardware in 94 areas," Konashenkov reported.

Russian air defenses down Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane

Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack aircraft and intercepted three rockets and a ballistic missile over the past day, he said.

"Air defense capabilities shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 plane near the settlement of Belozyorka in the Kherson Region. In the past 24 hours, they also intercepted three rockets of the Uragan and HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and a Tochka-U tactical missile," the spokesman said.

In addition, Russian air defense systems destroyed ten Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near the communities of Golikovo in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Spornoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Removka in the Zaporozhye Region, Novaya Mayachka and Belozyorka in the Kherson Region, the general said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 419 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 230 helicopters, 4,052 unmanned aerial vehicles, 421 surface-to-air missile systems, 9,046 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,098 multiple rocket launchers, 4,774 field artillery guns and mortars and 10,077 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Any ideology of superiority is criminal — Putin

Any ideology of superiority is criminal — Putin

Any ideology of superiority is criminal — Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin
©Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS

On May 9, Putin delivered a speech at Moscow's Red Square military parade, dedicated to the 78th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

President Vladimir Putin pledged on Tuesday that a war has been unleashed against Russia, but that Moscow will resolve it.

“Today, civilization is again at a decisive turning point, [and] a real war has been unleashed against our Motherland. But we repelled international terrorism, [and] we will protect the residents of Donbass, ensuring our security,” Putin underscored during a speech at the military parade in Moscow to mark the 68th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

Any superiority ideology is, by definition, repulsive, deadly, and criminal, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the Victory Day parade on the Red Square on Tuesday.

"We believe that any ideology of superiority is inherently disgusting, criminal, and deadly," he said.

At the same time, Putin added that Western elites "still talk about their exclusivity, put people against each other and divide society, provoke bloody conflicts and coups, sow hatred, Russophobia, aggressive nationalism, destroy those family, traditional values that make humans human."

All this, he said, is done in order "to continue dictating, imposing their will, rights and rules on the peoples - in essence, a system of robbery, violence and oppression."

"They seem to have forgotten what the Nazis' insane claims to world domination led to," the president added. "They have forgotten who defeated this monstrous, total evil, who stood as a wall for their homeland and did not spare their lives for the liberation of the peoples of Europe," he said.

Russia’s enemies seek to destroy country, says Putin

Russia’s enemies seek to destroy the country, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the Victory Day Parade on Moscow’s Red Square on Tuesday.

"They [those who cynically and openly prepared a new crusade against Russia] have as their goal, and there is nothing new about that, to destroy our country, cross out the results of World War Two, finally dismantle the system of global security and international law and stifle any sovereign centers of development," the head of state said.

The Ukrainian people fell hostage to the state coup and the West’s plans that are the root cause of the current disaster in Ukraine, Putin said.

"Exorbitant ambitions, arrogance and permissiveness inevitably turn into a tragedy. This is the cause of the catastrophe, which the Ukrainian people is living through," the head of state said.

"It [the Ukrainian people] became a hostage to the state coup and the criminal regime of its Western handlers that emerged on its basis, a bargaining chip in the implementation of their cruel and selfish plans," Putin said.

The demolition of memorials to fallen Soviet soldiers in some countries is a crime and the desecration of their feats, the Russian leader said.

"We see that memorials to Soviet soldiers are ruthlessly and cold-bloodedly destroyed, monuments to great commanders are pulled down and a real cult of Nazis and their accomplices is being created while there are attempts to erase the memory about true heroes and smear them," the head of state said.

As the Russian leader pointed out, "such desecration of the feat and the victims of the victor generation is also a crime, an outright revanchism of those who cynically and openly prepared a new crusade against Russia, who gathered the Neo-Nazi scum all around the world.".

'They Fired at Civilians': Mariupol Residents Recall 2014 Victory Day Massacre

Having illegally seized power in February 2014, the neo-Nazi Kiev regime banned Russian language and intimidated Russia-leaning Ukrainians in Donbass. Mariupol residents have shared with Sputnik how Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and the military killed and persecuted participants of the Victory Day Parade in the city nine years ago.

On May 9, 2014, the Kiev regime sent nationalists and the heavily armed military to prevent the citizens of the then-eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol from holding a Victory Day parade. The move came as part of brazen Russophobic policies pursued by the post-coup Ukrainian authorities and their Western backers following February 2014.

On May 9, the peoples of the post-Soviet space are celebrating the USSR's victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the historical memory of the war, which claimed the lives of 27 million people from all national groups of the country, has long served as a strong unifying factor for the inhabitants of post-Soviet Republics.

"This is our holiday, the day of the victory of our grandfathers," said Captain Olga Seletskaya, a participant of the events of May 9, 2014 in Mariupol and Donetsk militia veteran. "My grandfather fought in the Great Patriotic War [the term used for the war of liberation fought by the peoples of the USSR against Nazi Germany and its European allies – Sputnik], was a tank commander, top sergeant, went through the whole war, was captured, escaped, and reached Berlin. He did not like to talk about the war. So this day, May 9, for us is a holiday of the great victory over fascism."

Those, who seized power in Kiev in February 2014 have never concealed their resentment for the holiday given that many of them were the ideological heirs of Nazi collaborators Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera, notorious leaders of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its paramilitary wing the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).

"My great-grandfather fought in the Great Patriotic War. I grew up on his stories about the war. They knew that this was a sacred holiday for us, and it was necessary for them to spoil it in every possible way," noted Viktor, a participant of the events of May 9, 2014 in Mariupol, Donetsk militia veteran, and serviceman in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) forces.

Mariupol Defenders Took Measures to Protect Veterans

"I will not start exactly from May 9, but a little earlier, since we knew that there would be some kind of provocation from the nationalist battalions, the Right Sector*, and we were preparing for their attack," said Viktor.

Mariupol residents' concerns were justified: just a week earlier, Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and militias burned alive and bludgeoned to death roughly 50 pro-Russia activists in Odessa's Trade Unions House on May 2, 2014, much in the vein of the WW2-era Banderites.

Moscow Hosts V-Day Military Parade on Red Square

Banderites, a common name for OUN-UPA insurgents, were particularly responsible for the execution of nearly 34,000 Jews in Babi Yar, Kiev, in 1941, and massive ethnic cleansings of Poles in Volhynia and Galicia that claimed the lives of at least 88,700 Polish people, including women, children, and the elderly between 1943 and 1945. Ukrainian nationalists slaughtered Jews, Poles, Russians, Roma people, and other ethnic minorities, dubbing them "subhumans." Banderites would heavily mutilate the bodies of their victims in order to dehumanize them and strike terror.

Russia celebrated the 78th anniversary of the Soviet victory over the Third Reich by holding a military parade on Red Square, in the very heart of Russia's capital Moscow.

The Victory Day parade in Moscow is held annually to commemorate the nation’s triumph in the Great Patriotic War that started in June 1941 when Nazi Germany invaded USSR and ended in May 1945 when the Soviet army captured the German capital Berlin and the Nazis surrendered.

Despite last week’s attempts by Kiev regime terrorists to sow chaos in Moscow by staging a drone attack on the Kremlin, the parade proceeded without a hitch.

While the parade is already over, you can still check out how it went down by viewing this video.

Gunung Semeru Semburkan Lava Pijar Sejauh 1,5 Km

Gunung Semeru Semburkan Lava Pijar Sejauh 1,5 Km

Gunung Semeru Semburkan Lava Pijar Sejauh 1,5 Km

Lumajang - Pada hari Selasa pagi, 09/05/2023, Gunung Semeru di Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur kembali meluncurkan guguran lava pijar sejauh 1,5 kilometer dari puncak kawah Jonggring Saloko mengarah ke Besuk Kobokan.

Petugas Pos Pantau Gunung Api (PPGA) Semeru, Ghufron Alwi mengatakan, guguran terjadi sebanyak empat kali terhitung sejak pukul 00.00 - 06.00 WIB dengan durasi 52-86 detik dan beramplitudo 3-8 milimeter.

Namun, visual gunung yang tertutup kabut, membuat aktivitas vulkanik berupa guguran lava pijar yang teramati hanya satu kali.

"Teramati guguran lava pijar satu kali, jarak luncur kurang lebih 1.500 meter ke arah Besuk Kobokan. Secara kegempaan, ada empat kali gempa guguran terekam seismograf," kata Ghufron di Lumajang.

Selain itu, letusan asap berwarna putih kelabu teramati secara visual sebanyak tiga kali dengan ketinggian 100 meter di atas puncak condong mengarah ke selatan-barat daya.

"Teramati tiga kali letusan asap warna putih kelabu dengan ketinggian 100 meter condong ke arah selatan - barat daya," tambahnya.

Secara kegempaan, seismograf merekam telah terjadi 28 kali gempa letusan dengan amplitudo 12-23 milimeter berdurasi 77-189 detik.

Kepala Bidang Pencegahan, Kesiapsiagaan, dan Logistik BPBD Kabupaten Lumajang Wawan Hadi Siswoyo mengatakan, sampai saat ini status Gunung Semeru masih berada di level III (Siaga).

“Tingkat aktivitas Gunung Semeru hingga saat ini masih level 3 atau siaga,” jelasnya.

Wawan mengimbau, seluruh masyarakat yang berada di lereng gunung untuk tetap siaga dan mewaspadai risiko bencana dari gunung api aktif ini.

Pihaknya, telah menyiagakan petugas di Pos Pantau Curah Kobokan untuk mengamati situasi yang terjadi di gunung dan mengevakuasi warga apabila terjadi erupsi.

"Ada petugas kami di pos pantau di Curah Kobokan yang bersiaga selama 24 jam, kami juga koordinasi dengan muspika dan satgas keamanan desa untuk memantau perkembangan. Warga kami minta untuk siaga dan waspada," pungkasnya.