Wednesday 10 May 2023

Elon Musk says video and audio calls coming to Twitter

Elon Musk says video and audio calls coming to Twitter

Elon Musk says video and audio calls coming to Twitter

Twitter Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk on Tuesday revealed details about new features including adding calls and encrypted messaging coming to the platform.

Last year, Musk flagged plans for "Twitter 2.0 The Everything App", which he said would have features such as encrypted direct messages (DMs), longform tweets and payments.

"Coming soon will be voice and video chat from your handle to anyone on this platform, so you can talk to people anywhere in the world without giving them your phone number," Musk said in a tweet on Tuesday.

The call feature on Twitter will bring the micro-blogging platform into line with the likes of Meta's (META.O) social media applications, Facebook and Instagram, which have similar features.

Musk said a version of encrypted direct messages will be available on Twitter starting Wednesday, but did not say if calls will be encrypted.

Twitter this week said it will start a cleansing process by removing and archiving accounts that have been inactive for several years.

Since buying Twitter for $44 billion late last year, Musk has implemented changes in seemingly impulsive ways, sometimes causing chaos for users.

The Twitter boss has talked publicly of building an all-purpose “X” application that combines messages, payments and more.

Musk recently made the tech firm part of an “X” shell corporation, getting rid of the Twitter company name but continuing to use it for the service.

Ketua Toyota minta maaf atas pengujian Daihatsu yang tidak tepat

Ketua Toyota minta maaf atas pengujian Daihatsu yang tidak tepat

Ketua Toyota minta maaf atas pengujian Daihatsu yang tidak tepat

Kendaraan kompak Toyota Agya di Indonesia International Motor Show di Jakarta. Fotografer: Dimas Ardian/Bloomberg , Bloomberg

Ketua Toyota Motor Corp., Akio Toyoda, meminta maaf atas pengujian kendaraan yang tidak tepat oleh anak perusahaannya, Daihatsu Motor Co., yang telah mempengaruhi model yang dijual di Asia Tenggara dan pasar lainnya.

"Ini adalah praktik yang seharusnya tidak pernah terjadi," kata Toyoda dalam konferensi pers di Bangkok, seperti disiarkan Kyodo, Senin, 08/05/2023.

“Kesalahan Daihatsu adalah soal keselamatan yang merupakan aspek terpenting dalam kendaraan. Kami menganggap ini sebagai tindakan yang benar-benar tidak dapat diterima yang mengkhianati kepercayaan pelanggan kami. Karena masalah ini terjadi pada mobil penumpang merek Toyota, kami yakin masalahnya tidak terbatas pada Daihatsu saja,” kata Akio Toyoda, selaku Chairman dari Toyota.

Chairman Toyota Motor Corp. Akio Toyoda mengadakan konferensi pers di Bangkok, Thailand, pada 08 Mei 2023. (Kyodo)

"Kelompok (Toyota) secara keseluruhan akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan," katanya seraya berjanji akan memimpin upaya untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

Daihatsu mengatakan bulan lalu bahwa papan pintu depan dari empat model untuk pasar luar negeri, termasuk Yaris yang diproduksi untuk Toyota, "dimodifikasi dengan tidak pantas" dalam pengujian tabrakan samping.

Sekitar 88.000 unit lulus uji dengan modifikasi seperti itu, banyak di antaranya dijual di Thailand dan Malaysia, kata Daihatsu.

Manipulasi pengujian tabrakan Daihatsu, yang ditemukan setelah laporan dari pelapor, terjadi setelah divisi truk Toyota, Hino Motors Ltd., tahun lalu mengakui pemalsuan data mesin, dan Toyota Industries Corp. mengungkapkan pada bulan Maret pengujian yang tidak benar dari mesin forkliftnya.

Keempat model buatan Daihatsu yang dimaksud adalah Toyota Yaris ATIV, Toyota Agya, Axia yang diproduksi untuk Perodua Malaysia, dan satu model yang tidak disebutkan namanya yang masih dalam pengembangan.

Menurut Daihatsu, sekitar 76.000 unit Yaris yang terkena dampak telah terjual di Thailand dan Timur Tengah, di antara pasar lainnya.

Toyota mengatakan dari keempat model tersebut pihaknya telah mengonfirmasi keselamatan dan kualitas Yaris dan dapat menjamin kepada pelanggan bahwa mobil tersebut aman untuk dikendarai.

Toyota Agya dijadwalkan akan dijual di Ekuador.

Meski begitu, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) di Indonesia menyatakan mobil produksi lokal tidak terdampak alias tidak berkaitan dengan kasus di Jepang tersebut.

"Untuk Daihatsu yang dipasarkan di Indonesia tidak terdampak terhadap masalah ini. Seluruh produksi yang dipasarkan di Indonesia dan ekspor tidak terdampak karena sudah memenuhi ketentuan," kata Marketing Director dan Corporate Planning and Communication Director PT ADM Sri Agung Handayani pada hari Selasa lalu, 2 Mei 2023.

PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) juga menyatakan mobil bahwa Toyota Agya yang dipasarkan di Indonesia tidak terlibat dalam masalah Daihatsu Jepang

"Untuk domestik Indonesia, TAM pastikan sudah dihomologasi untuk dapat izin dipasarkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia," ujar Marketing Director PT TAM Anton Jimmi Suwandy.

Berdasarkan data yang dirilis Daihatsu global, Toyota Agya hasil manipulasi tes tabrakan di Indonesia dijadwalkan masuk dapur produksi pada Juni 2023. Mobil tersebut akan memenuhi kebutuhan pasar domestik dan ekspor ke Ekuador.

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) memastikan produksi Toyota Agya di Indonesia tetap berjalan sesuai jadwal, dan tidak terkendala masalah produksi di Jepang.

"Sesuai dengan penjelasan yang kami terima, tidak ada yang menyangkut masalah di Vios, Yaris, dan Agya di Indonesia. Tidak ada perubahan (jadwal produksi)," ujar Direktur Administrasi, Korporasi, dan Hubungan Eksternal PT TMMIN Bob Azam

Amazon offers US shoppers $10 to pick up purchases as it targets delivery costs

Amazon offers US shoppers $10 to pick up purchases as it targets delivery costs

Amazon offers US shoppers $10 to pick up purchases as it targets delivery costs

©AFP / NurPhoto / Contributor (AMZN.O) is offering U.S. customers $10 to pick up a purchase rather than have it shipped to a home address, as the e-commerce giant joins other retailers in racing to slash costs for home delivery and returns amid slack consumer demand.

Amazon said the promotion is not a cost-cutting measure and that it applies to customers who have never used Amazon Pickup or have not used that service in the last 12 months.

"We offer customers a variety of ways to get their packages, inclusive of delivery and pickup options. The $10 Amazon Pickup promotion isn't new," the company said in a statement. Amazon did not say for how long this or similar pickup promotions have been in use.

Amazon over the last few days has emailed an undisclosed number of its shoppers offering them $10 to retrieve an order of $25 or more at company pickup points at locations such as Whole Foods, Amazon Fresh or Kohl's stores.

New York-based shipping consultant Dean Maciuba – who was one of the customers that received the offer – told Reuters: It's "a huge opportunity for Amazon to reduce the cost of delivery," while also training consumers to become accustomed to returning items in-store.

Upstate New York-based shipping consultant Dean Maciuba was among the customers who received the offer.

Increasing use of Amazon pickup locations would help the company bypass costly residential package dropoffs and is "a huge opportunity for Amazon to reduce the cost of delivery," Maciuba said.

It also helps train consumers to tender returns directly to the company, he said.

Amazon separately has started charging some customers a $1 fee if they return packages via a United Parcel Service (UPS.N) store when there is an Amazon pickup/return location closer to their delivery address, a change first reported by The Information news site.

Shipping companies UPS and FedEx (FDX.N) have encouraged customers to use so-called access points, particularly in rural areas where delivering to far-flung addresses can be cost-prohibitive.

Shoppers line up outside an Amazon Fresh store in Pasadena, California. MediaNews Group/Los Angeles Daily News via Getty Images

Amazon worked for years to train consumers to expect fast, no-fee deliveries and returns. As the company tightens its belt after a period of explosive growth, it has made numerous moves to reduce delivery-related costs across the company.

Amazon late last year hiked the price of its annual Prime subscription that includes free shipping benefits by $20 to $139. It also has raised minimum order thresholds for free grocery delivery, encouraged customers to have all of their packages delivered on a designated day of the week, and expanded speedier same-day parcel delivery with a fee for orders under $25.

In recent months, Amazon has made changes to its delivery and returns offering due to rising costs. This includes hiking up the price of its annual Prime subscription by $20 to $139, tacking on a delivery fee of up to $10 on any grocery orders under $150, and charging a $1 fee on some returns made via UPS.

Some prime subscribers had taken to social media to complain about these changes, per Reuters. One of them, 48-year-old New York middle school teacher Bryan Fabiano told the news site that he's questioning the value of Prime as a result.

He said: "My wife and I are Prime customers because of the shipping (benefits). If they're not going to deliver on that, then what are we paying for?"

SEA Games 2023 - Thailand Teratas Indonesia Papan Tengah

SEA Games 2023 - Thailand Teratas Indonesia Papan Tengah

SEA Games 2023 - Thailand Teratas Indonesia Papan Tengah

Perenang putri Indonesia Angel Gabriella Yus menunjukan medali perunggu saat penerimaan medali renang gaya punggung 100 meter putri SEA Games 2023 di Aquatics Center, Morodok Techno National Stadium, Kamboja, Selasa (9/5/2023).

Persaingan memperebutkan medali di SEA Games 2023 semakin ketat. Hingga hari Selasa, 09/05/2023, pukul 21.30 WIB, Thailand mengambil alih puncak klasemen medali dari Kamboja, sedangkan Indonesia disalip Filipina.

Pada hari ke-10 penyelenggaraan SEA Games 2023, kontingen Indonesia mendapatkan tambahan tiga medali emas. Medali emas pertama didapat Ni Made Purnami/Putu Wahana Maha Yoni dari cabang olahraga vovinam, pada kategori Knife Form Ganda Putri yang diperkuat oleh Putu Wahana Maha Yoni dan Ni Made Purnami. Medali emas juga dipersembahkan oleh tim tenis nomor beregu putri setelah sukses membekuk tim tenis Thailand 2-1 pada babak final.

Tim soft tenis beregu putra juga turut menyumbang emas untuk kontingen Indonesia dengan menumbangkan Thailand 2-1 pada partai final. Tambahan tiga emas tersebut tampaknya tidak cukup bagi Indonesia untuk merebut kembali posisi tertinggi yang sempat berada di urutan kedua.

Indonesia turun satu peringkat ke posisi kelima menjelang rangkaian pertandingan pada Rabu, 10 Mei 2023. Tidak hanya tim Merah Putih, perubahan posisi juga dialami oleh Kamboja yang sejak awal memimpin di puncak klasemen perolehan medali SEA Games 2023. Tuan rumah turun ke posisi ketiga.

Thailand, yang pada hari sebelumnya berada di urutan ketiga, kini menduduki posisi puncak klasemen dengan 40 medali emas. Vietnam membuntuti di urutan kedua dengan 39 medali emas, jumlah yang sama dengan Kamboja.

Pada hari kelima penyelenggaraan SEA Games 2023, pada hari Rabu, 10/05/2023, Indonesia berpotensi menambah pundi-pundi medali lewat cabang olahraga atletik yang bergulir di Morodok Techo National Stadium, Phnom Penh.

Beberapa nomor andalan tim atletik Indonesia akan dilombakan, di antaranya lompat jauh, estafet 4x100 meter putra, dan nomor 100 meter lari gawang putri.

Manajer timnas atletik Indonesia Mustara Musa mengatakan sejumlah atlet andalan Indonesia akan bersaing. “Beberapa nomor andalan yang menjadi target kita akan bersaing pada hari ini. Semoga bisa (meraih emas),” kata Mustara dikutip pada hari Rabu, 10/05/2023.

Dari sejumlah nomor yang dilombakan, Indonesia memiliki potensi meraih medali emas pada nomor lompat jauh putri ada atlet kawakan Maria Natalia Londa yang membidik emas keenam pada pesta olahraga terbesar di Asia Tenggara edisi ke-32 tersebut.

Emas diraih Maria masing-masing dua keping pada SEA Games 2013 di Myanmar (lompat jauh dan jangkit), dua emas pada SEA Games 2015 di Singapura (lompat jauh dan jangkit), serta satu keping emas pada SEA Games 2019 di Filipina pada nomor lompat jauh.

Adapun pada penampilan terakhir di SEA Games XXXI/2021 yang bergulir di Vietnam tahun lalu, Maria harus puas membawa pulang dua perunggu di dua nomor yang diikuti lompat jauh dan jangkit.

Kemudian di Kamboja, dia telah mengantongi perak dari nomor lompat jangkit. Pada hari ini, dia akan turun pada nomor andalannya.

Selain Maria Londa, nomor yang memiliki potensi untuk menjadi yang terbaik adalah estafet 4x100 meter putra. Indonesia memiliki lima atlet terbaik di bawah asuhan Eni Nuraeni yang empat di antaranya bakal turun pada nomor estafet, yakni Lalu Muhammad Zohri, Bayu Kertanegara, Sudirman Hadi, Wahyu Setiawan, dan Adith Rico.

Lalu Indonesia juga memiliki Emilia Nova yang akan turun pada nomor 100 meter lari gawang putri. Pada nomor tersebut ada atlet yang memiliki potensi membuat kejutan yakni Dina Aulia.

Atlet lainnya yang diharapkan membuat kejutan adalah Diva Renata dan Maria Andriani dari nomor lompat galah putri. Atjong Tio juga masuk dalam daftar atlet yang memiliki potensi meraih emas di nomor 3.000 lari halang rintang.

“Semoga atlet Indonesia bisa mempersembahkan yang terbaik. Masih ada lagi pada hari-hari berikutnya atlet kita yang memiliki potensi meraih medali,” kata Mustara.

Selain cabang olahraga atletik, Indonesia juga berpeluang menambah medali emas hari ini melalui cabang olahraga esport terutama melalui esport Valorant.

Klasemen Medali SEA Games 2023 hingga hari Sabtu malam, 09-Mei-2002 hingga pukul 22.00 WIB

No Negara Emas Perak Perunggu Jumlah
1 Thailand 40 30 45 115
2 Vietnam 39 39 46 124
3 Kamboja 39 39 39 117
4 Filipina 25 39 42 106
5 Indonesia 25 22 52 99
6 Singapura 20 15 18 53
7 Malaysia 15 15 32 62
8 Myanmar 11 8 28 47
9 Laos 5 9 29 43
10 Brunei Darussalam 0 1 2 3
11 Timor Leste 0 0 2 2

Tucker Carlson announced his new show will launch right here on Twitter

Tucker Carlson announced his new show will launch right here on Twitter

Tucker Carlson announced his new show will launch right here on Twitter

His claim, made on Twitter, suggested that his negotiations to reach an amicable separation with the network had broken down.

Tucker Carlson

The former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, declaring, “We’re back,” said on Tuesday that he was starting a new show on Twitter, a sign that negotiations to reach an amicable separation with the network, where he is still under contract, had broken down.

Mr. Carlson offered no details of when his new program would begin or what kind of content it would have. The many unanswered questions highlighted the uncertainties surrounding his future — a career in which he would be deprived of a prime-time platform on Fox News.

Among the possibilities: Fox could ultimately block any attempt by the host to return to a prominent role in conservative media.

A representative for the Fox Corporation, which has been engaged in negotiations over the details of Mr. Carlson’s exit from the network since he was taken off the air last month, had no comment.

On Monday, Mr. Carlson had a conversation with the Fox Corporation executive chairman, Lachlan Murdoch, to discuss a possible exit from the company, according to a person with knowledge of the meeting.

Mr. Carlson’s remarks on Tuesday, posted on Twitter — a platform run by Elon Musk, a provocateur in a similar mold as the combative, contrarian host — consisted of a three-minute monologue delivered directly to the camera. The video could violate the terms of his contract with Fox, which prevent Mr. Carlson from hosting a show on an alternate network.

One way Fox could try to prevent Mr. Carlson from posting new videos would be to seek an injunction, said Andy Lee, an entertainment lawyer with Foley & Lardner. But the network would have to persuade a judge that Mr. Carlson was doing irreparable harm to the network, such as by damaging its reputation or disclosing sensitive information. It would also have to show a likelihood that it would win at trial, another hurdle.

Tucker Carlson’s Departure From Fox News

  • Parting Ways: Shortly after Fox News agreed to settle a defamation lawsuit over election misinformation, the network abruptly fired Tucker Carlson, its biggest star. The Daily explains why.

  • What’s Next for Carlson: The TV host has made it clear that he would like to be back on the air somewhere soon. He will need Fox News to agree to that in a deal.

  • Reaping the Benefits: The conservative news channel Newsmax seized on Carlson’s dismissal to declare itself the true TV home for right-wing Americans. The strategy is showing promise and viewership is growing.

  • Looking Back: We charted Tucker Carlson’s career as he built one of the most successful, and racist, show in the history of cable news. Here are the main takeaways.

Mr. Carlson would probably resist all those arguments and also argue that his Twitter videos were protected under the First Amendment.

“The burden is high for this remedy, but people get injunctions all the time,” Mr. Lee said.

Bryan Freedman, Tucker Carlson’s lawyer, did not respond to requests for comment.

In response to Mr. Carlson’s tweet, Mr. Musk posted on Twitter that “we have not signed a deal of any kind whatsoever.” He added that Mr. Carlson would be “subject to the same rules & rewards of all content creators.”

Mr. Carlson started the monologue on Tuesday with a critique of the news industry, which he said was incapable of telling the truth. And he appeared to issue a veiled threat to disclose what he’d learned about the inner workings of the various media companies where he held various roles over the course of three decades.

“After more than 30 years in the middle of it, we could tell you stories,” said Mr. Carlson, who eschewed his usual coat and tie for a button-up checkered shirt. He recorded the video from his studio in Maine, according to a person with knowledge of how it came together.

In the video, Mr. Carlson offered little in the way of explanation for what his new show might entail, saying only that it would resemble “the show we’ve been doing for the last six and a half years,” a reference to his 8 p.m. Fox News program, “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” Mr. Carlson said that “free speech” would be a major theme of the show, calling it “the main right you have.”

“See you soon,” Mr. Carlson said. He also launched a website,, promising subscribers “instant updates” on where and when they could watch the former Fox News host.

When Mr. Musk purchased Twitter last October for $44 billion, he justified the high price tag by saying he was protecting “free speech” and would reverse many of the content moderation decisions that had been made by a company he believed had become too left-leaning. He welcomed back many previously suspended or banned users, including known white nationalist accounts. Researchers reported more hate speech on the site, and many advertisers fled.

Last month, Mr. Musk went on Mr. Carlson’s Fox show to talk about his ownership of Twitter. He described the financial pressures on the company, noting that he had just halved the internal valuation of the company to about $20 billion.

“But some things are priceless,” Mr. Musk said. “And so whether I lose money or not, that is a secondary issue compared to ensuring the strength of democracy, and free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy.”

That interview would be one of Mr. Carlson’s last on Fox. The following week, shortly after Fox settled a defamation case partly involving Mr. Carlson for $787.5 million, the network canceled his popular show.

Mr. Carlson’s personal text messages released as part of the court case, brought by Dominion Voting Systems, had became a major source of embarrassment for Fox News. Mr. Carlson was revealed to have disparaged former President Donald J. Trump as “a demonic force” and a “destroyer.”

Later, in a text message that Fox concealed from the public record in the case, Mr. Carlson described how he had recently watched a video of a group of men beating up an “Antifa kid.” “It’s not how white men fight,” he wrote to one of his producers, in an expression of racial superiority. He went on to say that he had wanted that group to kill the person, only to realize that he’d gone too far.

It’s unclear if Mr. Carlson’s show would be live or taped, and through which format it would be broadcast on Twitter.

It’s also unclear whether Mr. Musk would pay for the production for the show or compensate Mr. Carlson.

One option for Mr. Musk could be to place Mr. Carlson’s show behind a paywall on Twitter. Mr. Musk has pushed for creators to use Twitter to exclusively distribute their content and the company recently unveiled subscription features Mr. Musk hopes can contribute meaningful revenue that could wean the platform off its dependence on advertising.

In his tweet on Tuesday, Mr. Musk said the “rewards” available to Mr. Carlson “means subscriptions and advertising revenue share (coming soon), which is a function of how many people subscribe and the advertising views associated with the content.”

Mr. Carlson may not only attract members of his older demographic to sign up for Twitter, but also get them to subscribe for exclusive content.

But giving a prominent platform to Mr. Carlson could risk further alienating many national brands, leading to fewer advertising dollars for Twitter.

Sri Mulyani Beberkan Praktik Timses Politik Masuk Daftar Penerima Bansos

Sri Mulyani Beberkan Praktik Timses Politik Masuk Daftar Penerima Bansos

Ketua Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (KSSK) Sri Mulyani Indrawati menggelar jumpa pers di Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, Senin (1/8/2022). Sri Mulyani beberkan praktik Pemda masukan Timses ke daftar penerima bansos.( PURNOMO)

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati membeberkan praktik oknum pemerintah daerah (pemda) yang memanipulasi data penerima bantuan sosial (bansos) untuk kepentingan politik tertentu.

Manipulasi data itu dilakukan oleh oknum dengan memasukan pendukung atau bahkan tim suksesnya (timses) ke dalam data penerima bansos. Dengan demikian, banyak masyarakat yang benar-benar membutuhkan justru tidak terdaftar ke dalam program bansos.

"Pemda akan memilih keluarga 'miskin' yang memilihnya, jadi ini bukan benar-benar orang miskin," ujar dia dalam acara World Bank's Indonesia Poverty Assesment di Jakarta, Selasa, 09/05/2023.

"Jadi orang 'miskin' yang memilih akan didaftarkan. Atau lebih parah, timses yang teregistrasi (masuk daftar penerima bansos)," tambahnya.

Apa Itu Praktik Return Fee, Praktik Kotor yang Ditengarai Bikin Banyak Jalan Rusak Hal itu kemudian yang menjadi dilema bagi pemerintah pusat ketika memberikan tanggung jawab kepada pemda dalam menyalurkan bansos. Bahkan Sri Mulyani menyebutkan manipulasi data itu menjadi permasalahan yang kompleks.

Menurut Sri Mulyani, permasalahan itu merupakan bagian dari konsekuensi dari sistem demokrasi yang diterapkan oleh Indonesia. Praktik pilih-pilih penerima bansos muncul dari oknum yang berpartisipasi dalam pemilu.

"Demokrasi, pemilu memilki konsekuensi. Dan konsekuensi tersebut mengganggu kebijakan seperti ini," ujarnya.

Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, Kementerian Keuangan bersama dengan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) tengah menanti pengumpulan data yang dilakukan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) lewat program Registrasi Sosial Ekonomi (Regsosek). Data tersebut ditarget rampung dalam waktu dekat, yakni pada pertengahan tahun ini.

"Saat ini penting bagaimana kita mengumpulkan data dari lebih banyak populasi dengan didasarkan pada konsumsi di Indonesia," ucap Sri Mulyani.