Friday, 2 June 2023

Pesawat Terbesar Di Dunia Airbus A380 Emirates Mendarat Perdana Di Bali

Pesawat Terbesar Di Dunia Airbus A380 Emirates Mendarat Perdana Di Bali

Pesawat Terbesar Di Dunia Airbus A380 Emirates Mendarat Perdana Di Bali

Pesawat super besar Airbus A380 Emirates mendarat perdana di Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Bali, hari Kamis, 01/06/2023. Pesawat komersial terbesar di dunia ini menggunakan nomor penerbangan EK368 dan berangkat dari Bandara Internasional Dubai (DXB) pada pukul 03.25 waktu setempat, tiba di Bali pukul 16.35 WITA.

Pesawat super besar ini diperkirakan membawa sekitar 482 penumpang. Menyambut kehadiran pesawat Airbus A380, Kantor Imigrasi Ngurah Rai telah mempersiapkan segala hal untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik melalui Tempat Pemeriksaan Imigrasi (TPI).

Penyambutan dengan meriam air (water salute) diiringi sorakan penumpang di dalam pesawat dan bandara saat melakukan pendaratan perdana itu di Pulau Dewata. Sejarah baru penerbangan di Indonesia terukir.

"Kami sangat bahagia karena armada A380 milik Emirates akhirnya tiba di Bali. Pencapaian ini merupakan hasil kerja seluruh tim selama berbulan-bulan, mulai dari tahap perencanaan hingga eksekusi yang apik," ujar Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations, Far East Emirates Orhan Abbas seusai menyambut kedatangan para penumpang di Terminal Kedatangan Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Bali, hari Kamis, 01/06/2023.

Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster bersama Wakil Gubernur Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati menyampaikan ucapan selamat datang kepada wisatawan mancanegara yang terbang dari Dubai ke Bali dengan menggunakan pesawat terbesar di dunia, yaitu Emirates A380 pada Kamis (Wraspati Pon, Landep), 01 Juni 2023.

Pesawat Emirates yang membawa penumpang first class sebanyak 10 Orang, bisnis class 41 Orang, dan penumpang ekonomi sebanyak 433 Orang ini juga disambut oleh Deputi Bidang Pemasaran Kemenparekraf RI, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, Staf Khusus Urusan Ekonomi dan Investasi Transportasi, Kementerian Perhubungan RI, Prof Wihana Kirana Jaya, President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I, Faik Fahmi, GM Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Senior Vice President Commercial Operations Far East, Orhan Abbas dan Country Manager Emirate untuk Indonesia, Mohammad Al Atar.

Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster yang menggunakan busana Adat Bali, dalam sambutannya menyampaikan Saya merasa sangat bahagia hari ini, karena Emirates benar-benar mensuport pariwisata Bali. Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih, karena sejak dibukanya penerbangan internasional ke Bali di tahun 2022, Emirates menjadi salah satu penerbangan yang ikut menjadi pionir membuka penerbangan ke Bali. Emirates memiliki kontribusi yang sangat besar terhadap jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Bali. Seperti yang telah Kita alami, di tahun 2020 sampai 2021, Bali sangat sepi tanpa penerbangan. Itu menjadi bukti bahwa seindah apapun sebuah wilayah, sehebat apapun promosi yang dilakukan, tanpa adanya penerbangan, maka pariwisatan tidak akan jalan.

"Saya apresiasi manajemen Emirates yang telah mengambil keputusan untuk menambah penerbangan dengan menerbangkan pesawat berbadan lebar yaitu Airbus A380-800 ke Bali dan menjadi yang pertama ke Indonesia. Ini menunjukkan adanya kepercayaan dari manajemen Emirates terhadap pasar di Bali, sebagai destinasi wisata utama dunia yang berpotensial untuk disampaikan ke pelanggan Emirates. “Saya berharap hal ini akan diikuti oleh penerbangan-penerbangan yang lain, dengan memulai menerbangkan pesawat-pesawat besar ke Bali, sehingga pariwisata Bali akan cepat pulih seperti yang Kita saksikan pada sore hari ini,” ujar Wayan Koster.

Ia juga mengatakan, sejak dibukanya penerbangan internasional ke Bali tahun lalu, ada peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancangera ke Bali yang cukup signifikan meningkat. Pada tahun 2022, jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Bali mencapai 1,1 juta wisatawan mancanegara dan pada tahun 2023 ini sampai bulan April akhir, kunjungan wisatawan sudah hampir mencapai 1,5 juta atau tepatnya 1.470.000 lebih wisatawan mancanegara.

Dengan melihat perkembangan kunjungan wisatawan dari bulan Januari sampai April 2023, maka target kunjungan wisatawan pada bulan Desember 2023 mencapai 4,5 juta wisatawan mancanegara dengan harapan pasti tercapai. Apalagi ditambah dengan adanya penerbangan Airbus Emirates A380, Saya yakin kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara akan terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada bulan – bulan kedepan, mulai Juni, Juli sampai akhir tahun 2023.

Gubernur Bali menegaskan penyelenggaraan pariwisata Bali bukan soal jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara semata maupun wisatawan domestik yang berkunjung ke Bali. Namun Kita juga mengiginkan wisatawan mancanegara yang datang ke Bali berkualitas dan harus sejalan dengan arah kebijakan Kami di Pemerintah Provinsi Bali, yaitu pengembangan pariwisata yang berbasis budaya, berkualitas, dan bermartabat.

"Akhir – akhir ini Kami menyaksikan pemandangan yang kurang baik, tidak saja bagi Bali, tetapi juga bagi Indonesia dan dunia. Banyak wisatawan yang berulah kurang baik di Bali. Tentu saja Kami berharap kedepan hal itu tidak terjadi lagi dan Kita harapkan wisatawan yang datang ke Bali adalah wisatawan yang betul – betul menjaga keindahan alam Bali, menghormati budaya Bali, serta mampu bekerjasama dengan seluruh pemangku kepentingan di Bali dan di Indonesia."

"Itulah sebabnya, Kami sudah menerapkan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Bali Nomor 5 Tahun 2020 Tentang Standar Penyelenggaraan Kepariwisataan Budaya Bali, Peraturan Gubernur Bali Nomor 28 Tahun 2020 Tentang Tata Kelola Pariwisata Bali, serta Surat Edaran Gubernur Bali Nomor 4 Tentang Tatanan Baru Bagi Wisatawan Mancanegara Selama Berada di Bali."

Peraturan ini dikeluarkan untuk menjaga Bali dan tetap dilihat sebagai pulau yang indah dengan budayanya yang unik serta memiliki keramahtamahan masyarakatnya. Sehingga dengan penerbangan Airbus Emirates A380-800 ini, Kami Saya yakin bahwa penumpang yang diajak adalah wisatawan yang berkualitas.

“Saya berharap Emirates menjadi mitra strategis kami di dalam memajukan kepariwisataan di Bali guna mempercepat pemulihan perekonomian Bali,” pungkas orang nomor satu di Pemerintah Provinsi Bali ini yang disambut tepuk tangan.

Senior Vice President Commercial Operations Far East, Orhan Abbas mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Pemerintah Indonesia khususnya Pemerintah Provinsi Bali yang dipimpin Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster, karena atas kesedianya menyambut kedatangan pesawat Emirates A380-800 yang merupakan penerbangan perdana ke Indonesia, dan Bali dipilih sebagai penerbangan langsung dari Dubai ke Denpasar.

"Pesawat yang Kami terbangkan ke Bali, merupakan pesawat terbesar di dunia. Untuk itu diharapkan dengan penerbangan langsung ini dapat meningkatkan kerjasama antar kedua nagara, dan khususnya Bali dapat meningkatkan kembali ekonomi beserta pariwisatanya. “Semoga nantinya, kerjasama dibidang ekonomi pariwisata dapat terus ditingkatkan dan berlanjutan,” ujarnya.

Staf Khusus untuk Urusan Ekonomi dan Investasi Transportasi Kementerian Perhubungan, Prof. Wihana Kiraja Jaya menyampaikan bahwa sebuah kebanggaan untuk Indonesia khususnya Bali, menerima kedatangan pesawat terbesar di dunia yaitu Emirates A380-800. Saya harapkan ini menjadi hubungan kerjasama yang baik antar kedua negara. Serta saling mendukung dalam kemajuan ekonomi.

Deputi Bidang Pemasaran Kemenparekraf, Ni Made Ayu Marthini mengajak para pihak untuk bekerjasama dalam meningkatkan ekonomi pariwisata di Indonesia, tidak hanya di Bali tapi seluruh daerah di Indonesia.

Kepala Kantor Imigrasi Ngurah Rai, Sugito, menyatakan kesiapannya untuk memberikan pelayanan yang optimal kepada penumpang pesawat tersebut. Seluruh petugas pemeriksaan telah disiapkan dan siap memeriksa penumpang sesuai dengan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) yang berlaku.

“Kami sangat antusias menyambut kedatangan pesawat Airbus A380 Emirates di Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Mengingat kedatangan Airbus A380 adalah pada jam-jam sibuk, kami telah melakukan persiapan sedemikian rupa untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada seluruh penumpang melalui Tempat Pemeriksaan Imigrasi. Petugas pemeriksaan kami siap melayani dengan cepat, tepat dan efisien,” ujarnya.

Dikatakan, penumpang akan diperiksa dokumen perjalan dan visanya pada Konter Pemeriksaan Imigrasi dengan profesional. Kami juga menyediakan antrean khusus bagi kelompok rentan (penyandang disabilitas, lansia, ibu hamil dan balita) serta WNI.

Disebutkan, Pesawat Airbus A380 Emirates akan melanjutkan perjalanan kembali ke Dubai dengan nomor penerbangan EK369. Pesawat ini dijadwalkan berangkat dari Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai pada pukul 19.40 WITA dan tiba di Bandara Internasional Dubai pada pukul 00.45 waktu setempat. Penerbangan ini akan membawa sekitar 487 penumpang.

Hari Jadi Bogor Sejumlah Ruas Jalan Bakal Ditutup

Hari Jadi Bogor Sejumlah Ruas Jalan Bakal Ditutup

Hari Jadi Bogor Sejumlah Ruas Jalan Bakal Ditutup

Jalan Jenderal Sudirman akan ditutup pada Minggu (04/03/2023). Penutupan dilakukan karena adanya acara Helaran Hari Jadi Bogor ke 541 Kota Bogor.

Jalan Jenderal Sudirman akan ditutup pada hari Minggu, 04/06/2023. Penutupan dilakukan karena adanya acara Helatan Hari Jadi Bogor ke 541 Kota Bogor.

Adapun, penutupan jalan ini akan dilaksanakan mulai dari pukul 06:30 hingga 10:00 WIB.

Sementara, bagi pengunjung yang ingin hadir dan melihat kegiatan Helaran HJB ke 541, Pemkot Bogor menyiapkan titik parkir di halaman GOR Pajajaran.

“Untuk titik parkir ada di GOR Pajajaran,” kata Kepala Dishub Kota Bogor, Eko Prabowo kepada wartawan, pada hari Kamis, 01/06/2023.

Pria yang akrab disapa Danjen ini pun tak lupa meminta maaf kepada semua pihak yang terimbas adanya penutupan jalan di beberapa titik ini.

Diharapkan, masyarakat dapat menyesuaikan atau menghindari lokasi kemacetan selama kegiatan Helaran HJB ke 541 dilaksanakan.

“Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan, warga diharap dapat menyesuaikan atau menghindari lokasi kemacetan,” ujar Danjen.

Demi kelancaran perayaan Hari Jadi Bogor (HJB), pihak kepolisian akan menutup sementara Jalan Kapten Muslihat dan Dewi Sartika Kota Bogor.

Kabag Ops Polresta Bogor Kota, Kompol Prasetyo Purbo mengungkapkan, Jalan Kapten Muslihat mengarah Balai Kota Bogor dan Jalan Juanda mengarah Balai Kota akan ditutup

"Penutupan tersebut dilakukan pada pukul 15.30 WIB, karena akan ada iring-iringan Wali Kota beserta istri dan Forkopimda Kota Bogor dengan menunggangi kuda dan delman pada peringatan HJB ke-540," ucapnya, hari Kamis, 01/06/2023.

Nantinya kendaraan dari arah Jembatan Merah dan Mayor Oking akan dialihkan ke Jalan Paledang.

"Ruas Jalan Dewi Sartika akan ditutup total mulai pukul 14.00 WIB hingga pukul 23.00 WIB," tuturnya.

Sementara untuk kendaraan dari arah Gedong Sawah menuju Jalan Dewi Sartika akan dialihkan ke arah Pasar Kebon Kembang.

"Ruas Jalan Dewi Sartika itu pada pukul 13.00 WIB harus sudah steril, tidak ada lagi kendaraan yang melintas di kawasan Alun-alun Kota Bogor," jelasnya.

Apple responds to spying allegations

Apple responds to spying allegations

Apple responds to spying allegations

The Apple company logo in Chicago, Illinois, 2022.
©Scott Olson / Getty Images / AFP

Apple has denied Russia’s claim that it had allowed US intelligence services to use its products in order to spy on foreign diplomats.

“We have never worked with any government to insert a backdoor into any Apple product and never will,” a spokesperson for the company said in a statement to the media on Thursday.

The denial came after Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) accused the US intelligence agencies of installing malware on Apple smartphones used by Russian diplomats, as well as diplomats from other countries, including Israel, China, and Syria.

According to the FSB, the Americans gathered information through “a previously unknown malicious program that uses software vulnerabilities provided by the manufacturer.” The FSB also accused Apple of providing the US government with “a wide range of opportunities” to spy on its clients.

The allegations were made as Washington and Moscow are locked in the most serious diplomatic standoff in decades due to the ongoing Ukraine conflict.

Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed in 2013 that the US has been running a global operation to surveil foreign politicians, including some in allied countries.

Peskov knows nothing about malware-infected iPhones in use among Kremlin staff

Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday he knows nothing about malware-infected iPhones in use among the Kremlin staff.

Earlier, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) uncovered a US intelligence operation being conducted via a virus program on Apple mobile devices.

"I don’t know about this," Peskov told journalists when asked about possible cases of malware-infected iPhones among the Kremlin staff.

He also said that decisions on the security of various gadgets should be made by special services and the Kremlin cannot restrict the use of iPhones among officials in any way.

"We do not even have the authority to make such recommendations. Here, probably, it is necessary to be guided above all by the qualified and informed opinion of special services," the Kremlin official said, replying to a question as to whether the Kremlin thought it necessary to ban its officials from using iPhones given these risks.

Putin confident of Russia’s triumph in Ukraine

Putin confident of Russia’s triumph in Ukraine

Putin confident of Russia’s triumph in Ukraine

©Gavriil Grigorov/Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation/TASS

Russian President Vladimir Putin has no doubt that Russia will win in Ukraine and become a guarantor of peace and security for all nations.

A representative of one of the exceptionally large families expressed confidence in Russia’s victory during a meeting with the president on International Children’s Day. "I know that victory will always be ours. We will win, unequivocally, there is no other way. And I think that our country in the end will be a guarantor of peace and security for all peoples, for all countries in the world," said the father of a family with multiple children awarded with the Order of Paternal Glory.

"That’s right. It will be just as you said. There is absolutely no doubt," Putin concurred.

The head of state noted that during the special military operation Russia is defending "its land, people and values," therefore, it will definitely emerge victorious. "There is no doubt, it goes without saying," he reiterated

Putin pointed out that the serviceman had the opportunity to leave the special military operation zone but he decided to stay and now, after receiving medical treatment, wants to return to combat. Having found out that the man was indeed ready to continue serving once he is healthy, the president said "Grigory Alexandrovich, it seems to me that you have already done what you could. I checked, you have a good education and area of specialization. If you want to stay in the Defense Ministry system, we can easily do it, without a doubt," the Russian leader said.

He noted that the man had a large family and there was no need for him to return directly to the zone of the special military operation. "Let me give instructions on the matter to the minister. We will easily fulfill any request of yours, you can be sure of that. And I simply want to thank you for everything you’re doing, not just for your own family but for the whole country, defending its interests," Putin concluded.

Putin called mayor of town that came under Ukrainian shelling attack — Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday called the head of the administration of the Shebekino municipality, Vladimir Zhdanov, following Ukrainian shelling of the area, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS.

"Yes. This phone conversation also took place," he said, when asked to confirm the call that had been earlier announced by Zhdanov.

"The necessary instructions were given" following the conversation, Peskov said.

Earlier on Thursday, Putin signed a decree to award Zhdanov the Order of Courage for displaying dedication while performing his civic duty.

Since the beginning of the special military operation, the Belgorod Region, including Shebekino, has repeatedly been shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On June 1, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled Shebekino several times with Grad multiple launch rocket systems. According to the latest data, more than 10 people were injured. Russian troops thwarted an attempt by Ukrainian formations to break into Shebekino, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said earlier.

Ukrainian regime behaves like terrorists, and terrorists must be done away with — Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, has described the Ukrainian regime’s actions as terrorism, pointing out that the only way to counteract terrorists is to destroy them.

"This is an act of terrorism, and there is no other way to qualify it. If it is an act of terrorism, there is only one way to respond to it. No country can afford to negotiate with terrorists, terrorists must be destroyed," Medvedev said, commenting on the Ukrainian regime’s actions. He posted on his Telegram account a video showing his conversation with military servicemen at the combined arms training ground Prudboy in the Volgograd Region.

"It is clear to everyone that it was an absolutely terrorist attack, it was not a military battle, not military action. It does not even fit in with any rules of warfare," Medvedev said. He wondered what purpose such an attack could have. "To cause damage to the civilian population and only that, because those means of destruction, those drones that were used, they cannot damage either military facilities or public administration buildings," he said. "The aim was simple - to cause damage, to harm to the civilian population somehow," Medvedev reiterated.

"And the fact that our enemy is already behaving as a terrorist characterizes in a very specific way both the Ukrainian regime and those who are behind it - first of all the Americans and the Europeans, who, in fact, have got on the warpath with us," Medvedev stressed. In his opinion, "terrorist acts must entail the harshest retaliation possible."

Scott Ritter - Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand

Scott Ritter - Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand

Scott Ritter - Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand

©Photo : Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter
All Materials

I just returned from a month-long visit to Russia, during which time I had the opportunity to see a dozen different cities covering nearly the entire expanse of the Russian Federation. Prior to my departure, I was filling up the tank of my car, when I noticed a sticker on the gas pump.

The sticker portrayed a smiling Joe Biden, the President of the United States, gesturing to his right. Underneath the image were printed the words, "I did this!"

Far from being a compliment, the sticker was a form of humorous protest against the Russia sanctions adopted last year after the start of the special military operation. Many of these sanctions involved Russian energy, and the resulting economic chaos in global energy markets prompted gas prices to surge. Biden was quick to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin, claiming on June 22, 2022, that "the simple truth is gas prices are up almost $2.00 a gallon because of Vladimir Putin’s ruthless attack on Ukraine."

Biden called the increase in cost "Putin’s Price Hike", but the American people saw through the subterfuge, as the sticker on the pump proved. If anything, the increase in gas prices prompted many Americans to look at the sticker after examining the bill, and sarcastically proclaim, "Thank you, Joe Biden."

Upon my arrival to Russia, I expected to see a nation heavily impacted by the consequences of American-led sanctions. Instead, I saw a nation undergoing an economic revival, in large part thanks to the policies Russia was compelled to undertake because of Western sanctions. When I told my Russian hosts about the sticker at the gas pump and my sarcastic appreciation, they laughed. “Send us the stickers," they said. "And we will thank Joe Biden with all the sincerity we can muster!"

The best way to judge a man is most often based upon the weight of his own words, and when it comes to sanctions and the Russian economy, Joe Biden is no exception. On March 26, 2022, Joe Biden spoke before an audience in Warsaw, Poland about the conflict in Ukraine. One of Biden’s main objectives for his speech was to engender a sense of confidence among the crowd that his administration had the situation under control. The heart of Biden’s argument was the detrimental impact the program of systemic economic sanctions championed by the US, the European Union, the G-7, and NATO were having on the Russian economy.

A little more than a year later, Biden’s words have come back to haunt him.

“As a result of these unprecedented sanctions,” Biden then crowed, “the ruble almost is immediately reduced to rubble. The Russian economy—that’s true, by the way, it takes about 200 rubles to equal $1.”

Military analyst and former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter during his travel across Russia, May 2023.
© Photo : Scott Ritter

While I was in Russia, the exchange rate hovered between 79 and 81 rubles to the dollar. The Russian currency is stable, backed by a strong and vibrant economy. Moreover, unlike during the pre-sanction period, the ruble today is a convertible currency, used to pay for Russia’s international business transactions, especially in the field of energy, once the exclusive domain of the petrodollar. Far from being reduced to rubble, the ruble today serves as a foundational currency for global economic activity, part of a new “basket of currencies” that is responsive to the needs of a new multilateral reality that is rapidly supplanting the previous era of US economic hegemony.

“Thank you, Joe Biden!”

“The [Russian] economy is on track,” Biden then bragged, “to be cut in half in the coming years. It was ranked, Russia’s economy was ranked the 11th biggest economy in the world before this invasion. It will soon not even rank among the top 20 in the world.”

The Russian economy currently retains its rank as the 11th in the world, based upon standard gross domestic product (GDP) comparisons. However, when one converts Russia’s $1.78 trillion GDP using the “basket of goods” formulation of purchasing power parity (PPP) (i.e., what similar goods cost in the United States versus Russia), Russia’s actual economic strength converts to $4.80 trillion, making it the world’s sixth largest economy, surpassing all but China, the US, India, Japan, and Germany.

“Thank you, Joe Biden.”

“Taken together these economic sanctions,” Biden then pontificated, “a new kind of economic statecraft with the power to inflict damage that rivals military might. These international sanctions are sapping Russian strength, its ability to replenish its military, and its ability to project power. And it’s Putin, it is Vladimir Putin who is to blame. Period.”

In January and February 2023, Russia spent 2 trillion rubles ($26 billion) on defense, a 282% jump on the same period a year ago. Far from being unable to replenish its military strength and sustain the conflict in Ukraine, Russia is far outpacing NATO in terms of rushing military material to the frontlines by 4 to 1 in terms of tanks and armored fighting vehicles and 5 to 1 in artillery ammunition.

When calculated with kill ratios that are overwhelmingly in favor of Russia, the fact is that Russia is sapping the strength of NATO and its Ukrainian proxy, while expanding its own. In addition to nearly tripling the size of its special military operation contingent, Russia is simultaneously building up the forces necessary to meet the expansion of its army from its pre-conflict size of 1 million, to a force of more than 1.5 million.

Moreover, Russia’s increase in military production has not only softened the economic impact of the US-sponsored sanctions, but also helped reverse their impact across Russia’s industrial base.

Military analyst and former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter during his travel across Russia, May 2023.
©Photo : Scott Ritter

Everything I saw while touring Russia underscored the incontrovertible fact that, because of Western sanctions, the Russian economy has been compelled to undertake changes which have not only made it more resilient, but also more productive and efficient. Foreign investments are surging in, proving that there is a world that exists beyond that controlled by the American economic hegemon.

Moreover, because sanctions have curtailed the previous practice of Russian business tycoons sending their wealth abroad, there is a huge amount of domestic economic capital available for reinvestment into the Russian economy. This truth was evident in every city I visited, where there were unprecedented levels of infrastructure improvements and new construction taking place.

I thought about this upon my return to the US, contrasting my journey from JFK airport through New York City with a similar journey I made from Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport into Moscow. My New York journey took me from a decaying airport, through decaying highways and bridges, into a decaying city. The Moscow equivalent was, by comparison, one of pristine facilities, roads, and a city that was not only composed of recently constructed buildings, but alive with new construction as well.

I still see the “I did this!” stickers on the gas pump, and I still mutter my words of thanks to the American President that I hold accountable for the high prices. And I laugh when I think of my Russian hosts making the same exclamation. The sarcasm is evident, whether uttered in the US or Russia, but for diametrically opposed reasons. Biden, a man who promised to revitalize the US economy, has done the opposite. And yet while he has pledged ruin in Russia, a revival has occurred. “Thank you, Joe Biden!”

Thailand Open 2023 - Wakil Indonesia Yang Lolos Ke Perempatfinal

Thailand Open 2023 - Wakil Indonesia Yang Lolos Ke Perempatfinal

Thailand Open 2023 - Wakil Indonesia Yang Lolos Ke Perempatfinal

Marcus/Kevin pasangan ganda putra Indonesia berjuluk Minions kala berlaga di Thailand Open 2023 mengalahkan wakil China He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong (Dok/PBSI)

Tiga wakil Indonesia ke perempatfinal Toyota Gacoo Racing Thailand Open 2023 yang berlangsung di Indoor Stadium Huamark, Kamis, 01/06/2023, ketiganya dari nomor ganda putra, yaitu Marcus/Kevin, Sabar/Reza, dan Fikri/Bagas.

Hasil turnamen bulutangkis Thailand Open 2023 hari ini Kamis (1/6/2023). Ganda putra Indonesia Marcus Fernaldi Gideo/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo berhasil lolos ke babak perempat final.

Minions julukan Marcus/kevin berhasil melaju usai mengandaskan wakil China, He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong di babak 16 besar. Marcus/Kevin berhasil menang dua set langsung atas pasangan ganda putra China itu.

Marcus/Kevin tampil mendominasi dengan merebut set pertama dengan keunggulan 22-20. Pada set kedua Marcus/Kevin meneruskan dominasinya atas wakil China He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong.Mantan ganda putra nomor satu dunia itu mengakhiri pertarungan dengan skor 23-21.

Ganda putra Indonesia lainnya Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Moh Reza Pahlevi Isfahani juga berhasil lolos ke babak perempat final. Sabar/Reza berhasil menekuk wakil Chinese Taipei, Shu Ching Heng/Ye Hong Wei juga dengan memenangi dua set langsung, yakni dengan skor 21-13, 21-19.

Pasangan ganda putra Indonesia, Muhammad Shohibul Fikri/Bagas Maulana juga berhasil lanjut ke babak perempat final usai mengentaskan perlawanan wakil India, Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Setty. Bagas/Fikri berhasil menang usai dipaksa wakil India bermain rubber game.

Bagas/Fikri sempat kejar mengejar angka pada set pertama sehingga harus mengakui keunggulan wakil India dengan skor 24-26. Namun pada set kedua Bagas/Fikri berhasil mengejar ketertinggalan dengan skor 21-11.

Akhirnya pada set ketiga Bagas Fikri mempertahankan dominasinya dan menaklukkan wakil India Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Setty.

Sayang langkah ketiga pasangan ganda putra ini tidak bisa diikuti oleh pasangan ganda putra Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan yang harus takluk dari pasangan Wakil China Ren Xiang Yu/Tan Qiang dengan skor 21-16, 7-21, 21-23.

Pada nomor ganda putri, pasangan Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadant belum berhasil dan harus takluk dari wakil Jepang Rin Iwanaga/Kie Nakanishi. Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva harus kalah dengan skor 12-21, 13-21.

Ganda putri lainnya, Lanny Tria Mayasari/Ribka Sugiarto juga belum berhasil ke babak selanjutnya usai dikalahkan wakil Korea Selatan, Kim So Yeong/Kong Hee Yong dengan skor 18-21, 9-21.

Pada sektor ganda campuran, andalan Indonesia Adnan Mualana / Nita Violina Marwah dikalahkan pasangan tuan rumah Thailand, Dechapol Puavaranukroh/Sapsiree Taerattanachai. Adnan/Nita kalah dengan skor 16-21 dan 11-21.

Sementara itu pada sektor tunggal putra, Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo kalah dari wakil Thailand, Kunlavut Vitidsarn. Sempat memenangi set pertama dengan skor 21-16. Chico harus rela kehilangan dua set berikutnya. Pada dua set berikutnya Chico dikalahkan Kunlavut dengan skor 10-21, 20-22.

Akhirnya hasil pertandingan Thailand Open 2023 hari ini. Indonesia yang menurunkan delapan wakilnya pada babak 16 besar ini, harus puas hanyak bisa meloloskan 3 wakil yang semuanya pada nomor ganda putra

Rekap Hasil Toyota Gacoo Racing Thailand Open 2023 16 Besar