Wednesday 7 June 2023

Jemaah Haji Indonesia yang Wafat Capai 21 Orang, Wamenkes Sebut Tertinggi dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir

Jemaah Haji Indonesia yang Wafat Capai 21 Orang, Wamenkes Sebut Tertinggi dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir

Jemaah Haji Indonesia yang Wafat Capai 21 Orang, Wamenkes Sebut Tertinggi dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir

Beberapa jemaah haji Indonesia dirawat di Klinik Kesehatan Haji Indonesia (KKHI) Madinah, Arab Saudi.

Wakil Menteri Kesehatan, Dante Saksono Harbuwono mengungkapkan, jumlah jemaah haji yang meninggal dunia hingga saat ini mencapai 21 orang.

Jumlah ini menjadi yang tertinggi dalam empat tahun terakhir, ketika operasional penyelenggaraan ibadah haji memasuki hari ke-15.

Tahun lalu, jumlah jemaah haji yang wafat hingga hari terakhir operasional penyelenggaraan ibadah haji mencapai 89 orang.

"Yang kelihatannya memang dari evaluasi sampai saat ini ada 21 yang sudah wafat. Ini yang tertinggi di 4 tahun terakhir. Mudah-mudahan akan tidak semakin meningkat dan akan kami upayakan semaksimal mungkin," kata Dante usai rapat koordinasi dengan Menteri PMK Muhadjir Effendy di Jakarta, hari Selasa, 06/06/2023.

Adapun salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah menyiapkan tenaga kesehatan di Tanah Suci. Ia menyebut, jumlah tenaga kesehatan yang tersedia mencapai 1.917 orang, terdiri dari dokter, dokter spesialis, dan perawat. Tenaga kesehatan ini akan membantu para jemaah dan mengobatinya.

Ke depan, kata dia, pihaknya akan menyediakan tenaga psikolog dan psikiater sebagai tambahan atau penguatan medis.

"Mungkin pada beberapa tahun ke depan kita juga memerlukan tenaga psikolog atau psikiater sebagai tambahan dan penguatan tenaga medis," beber dia.

Lebih lanjut Dante menyampaikan, tenaga medis maupun petugas diperlukan mengingat porsi jemaah haji lansia pada tahun ini merupakan yang tertinggi.

Hal ini sedikit banyak dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan batas usia yang diberlakukan Arab Saudi selama pandemi Covid-19. Kala pandemi, jemaah yang pergi ke Arab Saudi dibatasi maksimal berusia 65 tahun.

Dengan demikian, jemaah haji lansia yang harusnya berangkat di tahun-tahun tersebut, harus menunda keberangkatannya.

Secara rinci Dante menyebut, jumlah jemaah lansia berusia 60 tahun ke atas mencapai 66.943 atau 45,7 persen dari kuota jemaah haji Indonesia tahun 2023.

"Jemaah lansia yang ada pada tahun ini adalah yang tertinggi dibandingkan 4 tahun terakhir, sebanyak 45,7 persen. Dan beberapa penyakit yang sudah teridentifikasi, antara lain adalah penyakit jantung, hipertensi yang paling banyak, kemudian diabetes, dan penyakit paru paru," ungkapnya.

Selain itu, para tenaga kesehatan ini disiagakan, karena cuaca di Arab Saudi mencapai 40 derajat celcius. Dante menyampaikan, suhu saat jemaah wukuf di Arafah diperkirakan mampu menyentuh 50 derajat celcius.

Hari ini, Suhu di Madinah berkisar 28-40 derajat celcius, dan di Mekkah mencapai 30-41 derajat celcius. Suhu kota Mekkah lebih panas dibanding di Kota Madinah.

"Dengan adanya peningkatan jumlah jemaah lansia yang tertinggi tahun ini, kemudian iklim yang makin lama makin meningkat, maka risiko kesehatan akan semakin meningkat," jelas dia.

Sebagai informasi, saat ini secara bertahap jemaah haji Indonesia diberangkatkan dari Mekkah menuju Madinah untuk melaksanakan umrah, setelah shalat 40 waktu (arbain) berturut-turut di Madinah.

Per hari ini, jemaah yang sudah diberangkatkan dari Madinah ke Mekkah berjumlah 8.788 jemaah atau 23 kloter. Sedangkan, jemaah dan petugas yang sudah tiba di Kota Madinah berjumlah 81.198 orang atau 211 kelompok terbang.

Jemaah Haji yang Rawat Jalan Capai 236 Orang, Rawat Inap 256 Orang

Wakil Menteri Kesehatan (Wamenkes) Dante Saksono Harbuwono melaporkan jumlah jemaah haji Indonesia yang dirawat jalan sudah mencapai 236 orang. Sedangkan jemaah yang dirawat inap sudah mencapai 256 orang.

Hal ini diungkapkan Dante usai melakukan rapat koordinasi dengan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy di Jakarta, Selasa, 06/06/2023.

"Sampai saat ini yang rawat jalan itu sudah 236 (orang). Yang dirawat inap 256 orang, dan sebagian besar sudah pulang," kata Dante usai rapat koordinasi dengan Menteri PMK Muhadjir Effendy di Jakarta, hari Selasa, 06/06/2023.

Sementara itu, jumlah jemaah yang masih dirawat di Klinik Kesehatan Haji Indonesia (KKHI) mencapai 54 orang.

Kemudian, jemaah haji yang pernah dirawat inap di rumah sakit rujukan Arab Saudi mencapai 80 orang. Sebanyak 47 orang lainnya masih dirawat di rumah sakit tersebut.

Dante lantas mengatakan, Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) menyiagakan 1.917 orang, terdiri dari dokter, dokter spesialis, dan perawat untuk menangani jemaah haji yang sakit di Tanah Suci.

"Mungkin pada beberapa tahun ke depan kita juga memerlukan tenaga psikolog atau psikiater sebagai tambahan dan penguatan tenaga medis," ujar Dante.

Di sisi lain, Kemenkes menyediakan tombol panic button di ponsel para jemaah haji.

Jika tombol ditekan karena jemaah mengalami masalah kesehatan, para tenaga medis yang berkeliling akan langsung menemui titik jemaah dengan masalah kesehatan.

Lebih lanjut, Dante menyampaikan bahwa tenaga medis maupun petugas diperlukan mengingat porsi jemaah haji lansia pada tahun ini merupakan yang tertinggi.

Secara rinci Dante mengatakan, jumlah jemaah lansia berusia 60 tahun ke atas mencapai 66.943 atau 45,7 persen dari kuota jemaah haji Indonesia tahun 2023.

"Jemaah lansia yang ada pada tahun ini adalah yang tertinggi dibandingkan empat tahun terakhir, sebanyak 45,7 persen. Dan beberapa penyakit yang sudah teridentifikasi, antara lain adalah penyakit jantung, hipertensi yang paling banyak, kemudian diabetes, dan penyakit paru paru," katanya.

Sebagai informasi, saat ini secara bertahap jemaah haji Indonesia diberangkatkan dari Mekkah menuju Madinah untuk melaksanakan umrah, setelah shalat 40 waktu (arbain) berturut-turut di Madinah.

Per hari ini, Selasa (6/6/2023), jemaah haji Indonesia yang sudah diberangkatkan dari Madinah ke Mekkah berjumlah 8.788 jemaah atau 23 kloter.

Sementara itu, jemaah dan petugas haji yang sudah tiba di Kota Madinah berjumlah 81.198 orang atau 211 kelompok terbang.

‘Sanctions hysteria’ may back EU into corner, warns Hungarian Foreign Minister

‘Sanctions hysteria’ may back EU into corner, warns Hungarian Foreign Minister

‘Sanctions hysteria’ may back EU into corner, warns Hungarian Foreign Minister

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto listens to Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi on February 20, 2023 at the Foreign Office in Budapest, Hungary. © Attila KISBENEDEK / AFP

Europe finds itself in the throes of the most severe crisis since WWII, partly due to its leaders’ reliance on economic sanctions to punish Russia over Ukraine, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Tuesday. He said that those measures have instead backfired on the continent.

Speaking at the Budapest Peace Forum, the minister said that the Ukraine conflict has brought upon Europe the most serious security and economic challenge in the last 80 years, coupled with enormous risks for further escalation.

Without naming any names, Szijjarto said that “there are some European leaders who suffer from an ever-increasing war psychosis” and added that Europeans were paying the price for the conflict.

The war is taking place here, European people are dying, and the effects of the war are most severe in Europe.

Szijjarto said that the EU had plunged into “sanctions hysteria” and allowed the US to goad it into a race revolving around which European country would deliver more weapons to Ukraine. 

He stated that the EU’s sanctions against Moscow had neither ended the fighting in Ukraine, nor brought Russia to its knees.

“One year, three months, two weeks after the outbreak of the war, while debating the eleventh package of sanctions, I think it is clear to everyone that the two objectives associated with the imposition of sanctions have failed, both of them,” he said.

At the same time, “the European economy has suffered more damage,” the minister stressed, pointing out that the bloc’s competitiveness had “plummeted” while European consumers have to pay much more for energy than Americans or Chinese. 

“That is why we demand an immediate ceasefire, we demand that peace negotiations begin, which at least offers a hope that a sustainable, long-term security-giving peace will be established in our region,” he said.

Since the start of the Ukraine conflict, Hungary has repeatedly called for peace talks between Moscow and Kiev, offering to act as a mediator. While decrying  sanctions on Russia as counterproductive, Budapest has likewise refused to send weapons to Ukraine and banned their transit via Hungarian territory.

Szijjarto reiterated that the Hungarian government proposes to seek a settlement of the Ukrainian conflict in a different way, calling on the warring parties to cease fire immediately and start peace negotiations.

The "sanctions hysteria" in the European Union is undermining its competitiveness with respect to the United States, which has felt the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine to a much lesser extent than Europe

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Ukraine Launches Long-Awaited Offensive in Several Directions, Fails in All - Russian Defense Chief

Ukraine Launches Long-Awaited Offensive in Several Directions, Fails in All - Russian Defense Chief

Ukraine Launches Long-Awaited Offensive in Several Directions, Fails in All - Russian Defense Chief

©Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabank

Kiev has launched a long-promised offensive in different sectors of the front in the past three days, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

"Within the past three days, the Ukrainian regime has launched a long-promised offensive in different sectors of the front, concentrating a large amount of equipment and human resources for this purpose," Shoigu said.

He clarified that the Ukrainian forces tried to attack in 7 directions with five brigades on June 5 but were stopped after losing over 1,600 soldiers and 28 tanks.

“On June 5, the Kiev regime attempted an offensive in seven directions with the forces of five brigades. They was stopped, suffered even more significant losses: more than 1,600 military personnel, 28 tanks, including 8 Leopards and 3 AMX-10 wheeled tanks, 136 units of other military equipment, including 79 foreign," Shoigu said.

The minister added that enemy attacks were foiled, while Russian soldiers showed “heroism and courage.”

According to Shoigu, Ukraine failed to reach its goals in the offensive as it suffered “significant and incomparable” losses.

"In total … 71 servicepeople were killed, 210 were injured. 15 tanks, 9 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 vehicles and 9 guns were destroyed," Shoigu said.

Kakhovka Power Plant Destruction Deliberate Sabotage by Ukraine - Kremlin

The upper part of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant in Russia's Kherson Region was destroyed by shelling, the reservoir's dam itself was not destroyed, Novaya Kakhovka city mayor Vladimir Leontyev told Sputnik.

A number of Telegram channels early on Tuesday reported that the plant was allegedly completely destroyed. Some published footage of the collapsed dam.

"There were several hits at two o'clock in the morning in the upper part of the hydroelectric power plant, where the flashboards are located, where the valves are, and it was destroyed. The dam was not destroyed, and this is very good," Leontyev said.

Map of Novaya Kakhovka following Ukrainian attack on the Kakhovka Hydro Power Plant

He told Sputnik that the water level after the destruction rose 2.5 meters downstream, adding that emergency services are at the scene.

Leontyev said there is no need yet to evacuate the population, but noted that the local authorities have prepared buses in case they need to rescue people from possible flooding. According to Novaya Kakhovka's mayor, at least 300 homes could be affected by the partial destruction of the HPP.

Kiev's forces have been targeting the dam in Novaya Kakhovka over the past year, as a part of Ukrainian strikes against Russian civilian infrastructure. Among other risks, attacks on the hydroelectric power plant may result in problems in water supplies for Crimea: the peninsula has faced water shortages over the past decade because of a Ukrainian blockade, and the flow was only fully reinstated after the start of Russia's special operation in February 2022.

US & Its HIMARS Provided to 'Criminal' Kiev Regime 'Responsible' for Kakhovka HPP Attack

The Russian Investigative Committee has launched a criminal probe into the Kakhovka Hydro Power Plant’s partial destruction as a result of shelling by Ukrainian forces on June 6. A state of emergency has been introduced in the Kherson region city of Novaya Kakhovka, with the Kremlin calling the attack an “act of sabotage.”

The United States, which has supplied weapons systems like HIMARS to the criminal Kiev regime, is responsible for the attack on the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant on June 6, Vladimir Evseyev, a military expert, told Sputnik.

There are numerous facts confirming that volleys of shelling by US HIMARS light multiple rocket launchers have been carried out by Ukraine’s forces since 2022, deliberately targeting the Kakhovka HPP. Other systems have also been utilized, but use of American-made ones clearly indicates who is to blame, said the department head at the Institute of CIS Countries. As for the West and its attempt to pin the blame on Russia - this is further proof that it is exclusively "engaged in propaganda based on falsehoods."

This is evidenced by the recent anti-Russian tropes by a spate of officials and by mainstream media headlines in connection with the attack on the Kakhovka HPP. Not a single Russian source was cited in the tabloids amid the media frenzy. Part of the structure of the Kakhovka dam was destroyed as a result of Ukrainian shelling, causing three spans to buckle under water pressure. After multiple senior Ukrainian officials and military figures predictably accused Russia of having “sabotaged” the Kakhovka HPP dam, Western media wasted no time feeding into this frenzied narrative. Official European figures followed suit, appearing to blame Russia.

"I think this is pure propaganda," Vladimir Evseyev stated, adding that it was evident who profited from such an attack and masterminded it.

'Groundwork Laid in Advance'

The Kiev regime and its handlers in the West had several reasons to want to destroy the Kakhovka HPP dam, and the groundwork for the critical situation preceding the events of June 6 was laid well in advance, said Evseyev.

"The West was preparing the Armed Forces of Ukraine for forcing the Dnepr River. The West supplied them with special equipment for crossing [the river], trained personnel, and encouraged them to force a crossing. It was clear that this forcing could not be successful. By compromising the Kakhovka HPP, they close the question of forcing the Dnepr, at least for some time. I believe that this was the main reason for the attack," the military expert said.

Furthermore, for a long time there had been evidence of a massive discharge of water upstream in order to create a critical situation at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station, the site of which had already been damaged during previous strikes and shelling carried out by Ukrainian forces, primarily using US-supplied HIMARS, and targeting the gate valves, Vladimir Evseyev clarified. In other words, a breach might have happened even without things coming to a head as they did on June 6, Evseyev said. He added that in the conditions that were preset by Kiev's actions, parts of the dam might have given way long before.

"All hydro facilities located upstream [along the Dnepr] are controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A conscious discharge of water there could only be with the sanction of the military. Water was dumped deliberately from hydro facilities that the Russian side does not control," Vladimir Evseyev said.

West's Behind-the-Scenes Plotting

There were also other goals pursued by targeting the Kakhovka HPP and its dam, besides those cited above. Flooding triggered by inflicted damage would mainly affect the left bank, which is lower than the right one. "This could be seen as putting pressure on the population that lives on territory controlled by the Russian Federation," said the military expert.

“If we talk about the consequences for Ukraine, then the flooding occurred not only on the left bank, which is lower… There was also flooding along the right bank of the Dnepr. The paradox of this situation is: if the Armed Forces of Ukraine independently made this decision, then at first they would probably have regrouped, removing their personnel from the floodplain. But the decision was made for them. This decision was made at political level, under pressure from the Americans and the British. This speaks to the complete lack of Kiev’s independence,” he added.

Another long-term goal for the enemy would be to lower the water supply reaching the North Crimean Canal at the start of summer. Water from the Kakhovka reservoir irrigates arid regions of the Kherson region and the Crimean Peninsula via the canal. Back in 2014, after the Crimea voted overwhelmingly to reunite with Russia in a referendum, Ukraine shut down the canal, and only Moscow was finally able to solve the water supply problems for the Russian region in March 2022 as part of its ongoing special military operation in Ukraine.

As for the impact for the Zaporozhye NPP cooling system, or the operation of the nuclear power plant in general, the military expert does not think the fallout from the attack on the Kakhovka HPP will affect it at all.

"Firstly, the Zaporozhye NPP is located upstream. Basically, the lowering of the level occurs precisely after the cascade of the Kakhovka HPP, while Zaporozhye NPP is upstream," he stated. The expert clarified that the Zaporozhye plant is shut down, and in this mode it requires less water than it would if it were running.

The military expert weighed in on how the situation at the Kakhovka power plant could affect the course of the Ukraine conflagration. Not only will Kiev's forces be unable to force the Dnepr, but, by fall, will most likely not be ready for any large-scale, much-hyped counteroffensive, Vladimir Evseyev concluded.

Video - Russian Units Control Key Road to Kharkov Region, Choking Off Ukrainian Supplies

Video - Russian Units Control Key Road to Kharkov Region, Choking Off Ukrainian Supplies

Video - Russian Units Control Key Road to Kharkov Region, Choking Off Ukrainian Supplies

A motorized rifle unit commander clarified that his troops were tasked with inflicting defeat on Ukraine’s military in the designated area using all available firepower.

Motor rifle units from Russia’s Western Military District retain relentless fire control over the Kupyansk-Novoselovskoye route in the Kharkov Region, a video released from the Ukraine combat zone shows.

The Ministry of Defense published a video of the destruction of the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during an attempted large-scale offensive in the Yuzhnodonets direction

The Russian crew of the "Hyacinth" gun destroyed a Ukrainian self-propelled gun in the Zaporozhye direction, which repeatedly fired at civilians

The motorized units employ artillery and heavy machine gunfire at the enemy's slightest attempt to move along the route or breach Russia's combat formations. As a result, the Ukrainian military is unable to use the road for troop rotation or to provide units with ammo or provisions, and is forced to seek out alternative, less convenient routes

Russia's Vostok Grouping of Troops Repels Ukrainian Attack in Southern Donetsk Sector

The leading units of Russia's Vostok grouping of troops stopped another Ukrainian offensive attempt in the southern Donetsk sector, destroying 17 tanks, manpower and enemy drones, grouping spokesman Oleg Chekhov said.

"In the southern Donetsk sector, leading units of the Vostok grouping stopped an enemy attempt to go on the offensive. With the support of artillery and aircraft, 13 tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, six armored vehicles in the area of Privolnoye and Neskuchnoye, one tank and manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Novodarovka area were destroyed," Chekhov said.

He said three tanks, three armored vehicles and five pickup trucks were destroyed in the Olgovskoye area.

Air defense systems destroyed Ukrainian drones, Chekhov said.

Special operation, June 5th. Main :

▪️On the morning of June 4, the Ukrainian army launched an offensive in 5 sectors of the front in the South Donetsk direction, but could not break through the Russian defenses - by the morning of June 5, the enemy was driven back to their original positions, the Ministry of Defense reported

▪️Ukrainian troops sought to break through the Russian defenses in the most vulnerable, in their opinion, sector of the front, but did not achieve their tasks, the Russian military department noted

▪️The calculations of the "Solntsepeka" of the Russian Central Military District effectively carry out the tasks of destroying the enemy in the Krasnolimansk direction, RIA Novosti was told in the RF Ministry of Defense

▪️Ukrainian troops fired more than 70 rockets from Grad on Novaya Tavolzhanka in the Belgorod region on Monday morning, the head of the Shebekinsky urban district said

▪️The Russian Armed Forces and border guards thwarted an attempt by Ukrainian terrorists to enter the Belgorod region, 10 militants were eliminated, the Russian Defense Ministry reported

▪️The news about the death of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Budanov, spreads in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Center for Counteracting Disinformation claims that it is untrue

▪️Kyiv received enough weapons for a counteroffensive, Reuters reports with reference to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba

▪️The head of the Bishops' Conference of Italy, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, will visit Kyiv as a papal envoy to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, the Press Service of the Holy See reported

▪️After returning from Ukraine, Zuppi may come to Russia to meet with officials, the chairman of the World Union of Old Believers told RIA Novosti, Peskov said that Putin has no plans to meet with the papal envoy yet

▪️The situation on the flanks of Artemovsk is “very difficult”, but controlled, the city is under constant shelling, Pushilin said

▪️The United States is monitoring the attacks of Kyiv inside Russia, does not exclude the risk of an escalation of the conflict because of them, said the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Milli

▪️ The situation with bomb shelters in Kyiv is critical, half of the tested shelters are not ready, said the Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine

The Russian military in the Zaporozhye region destroyed the equipment of the Ukrainian troops with precise strikes of kamikaze drones

Destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. What is known so far:

▪️The upper part of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station was destroyed as a result of a series of strikes by Ukrainian troops, the head of Nova Kakhovka said.

Kakhovka flooding

▪️The water level continues to rise to 10 meters in Nova Kakhovka, up to 8 in Dnipro and up to 5.3 in Korsunk, it will last about 72 hours.

▪️14 settlements, where 22 thousand people live, fall into the zone of possible flooding, the head of the government of the Kherson region said.

▪️Eight settlements in the territory controlled by Kyiv are flooded due to an emergency at the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, the first evacuation train from Kherson will leave at noon.

▪️At the moment, there is no threat to the ZNPP security, the staff is in control of the situation, Rosatom noted.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine said that up to 80 settlements are at risk of flooding, measures are being taken to evacuate people.

Indonesia Vs Argentina - Rekor dalam 9 menit 20ribu tiket ludes

Indonesia Vs Argentina - Rekor dalam 9 menit 20ribu tiket ludes

Indonesia Vs Argentina - Rekor dalam 9 menit 20ribu tiket ludes

Poster timnas Indonesia vs Argentina. (Foto: PSSI)

Pertemuan FIFA Matchday antara timnas Indonesia melawan Argentina di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, catat! hariSenin malam, 19/06/2023, menjadi pertandingan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu. Banyak publik Indonesia yang tidak sabar ingin segera menonton pertandingan keduanya.

Bahkan sejak jauh hari publik Indonesia sudah menanyakan harga tiket dan kapan tiket pertandingan timnas Indonesia melawan Argentina mulai dijual. Sebelumnya Ketua Umum PSSI, Erick Thohir menyatakan jika penjualan tiket timnas Indonesia melawan Argentina akan dimulai 5-7 Juni 2023.

Luar biasanya, pada hari pertama penjualan, 20.000 tiket antara timnas Indonesia melawan Argentina ludes terjual dengan cepat. Bahkan hitungannya dalam hitungan menit.

Ketua Umum Persatuan Sepak bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) Erick Thohir menyebutkan 20 ribu tiket pertandingan FIFA Match Day antara timnas Indonesia melawan tim juara dunia Argentina ludes dalam waktu sembilan menit sejak dibuka pada Senin, 05/06/2023.

Erick menjelaskan sisa kuota sebanyak 40 ribu tiket akan dijual kembali pada Selasa, 06/06/2023 dan Rabu, 07/06/2023.

"Alhamdulillah kalau kita lihat hari ini dalam waktu sembilan menit, itu 20 ribu tiket terjual langsung. Besok akan ada lagi 20 ribu tiket lagi, besoknya lagi ada 20 ribu tiket lagi," kata Erick dalam konferensi pers di Istana Kepresidenan Jakarta, Senin.

Erick menjelaskan bahwa PSSI hanya membuka kuota penjualan sebanyak 60 ribu tiket untuk umum, sedangkan sisanya dialokasikan untuk sponsor, baik dari perusahaan swasta, media televisi, maupun BUMN.

Namun demikian, ia menegaskan bahwa pemasukan dari sponsor lebih besar dari swasta ketimbang BUMN untuk mendukung pertandingan tim nasional Indonesia melawan juara Piala Dunia 2022, Argentina.

"Ada sponsor dari swasta, dari tv, dari BUMN yang tentu saya pastikan pemasukannya lebih besar dari swasta, bukan dari BUMN. Dan ini sudah saya laporkan secara terbuka sejak awal," kata Erick.

KETUA Umum (Ketum) PSSI, Erick Thohir menegaskan tidak ada tiket gratis di laga Timnas Indonesia vs Argentina, sekalipun untuk pengurus klub Liga 1 maupun Liga 2. Dirinya tegas, pada para pengurus klub untuk membeli tiket sendiri, tanpa meminta kepada PSSI.

"Kemarin ketika rapat exco dan klub-klub dan voter pemilih PSSI, Alhamdulillah semuanya mau beli. Artinya apa? Inilah jangan kami memanjakan ketika ada pertandingan besar semuanya minta-minta," kata Erick Thohir di Jakarta.

Adapun tiket pertandingan tim Merah Putih melawan Albiceleste dapat diakses melalui platform resmi yang menjadi mitra penjualan yang bekerja sama dengan Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia (PSSI) selaku penyelenggara pertandingan.

Tiket pertandingan dapat dibeli di platform mulai 5 Juni 2023 (mulai pukul 12 siang WIB) khusus untuk pemegang kartu BRI, dan pada 6 dan 7 Juni 2023 (mulai pukul 12 siang WIB) akan dibuka untuk umum dengan menggunakan seluruh metode pembayaran.

Pembelian tiket pertandingan dapat dilakukan baik melalui website maupun aplikasi

Berikut adalah daftar harga tiket per kategori:

  • VIP Barat & Timur: Rp4.250.000

  • Kategori 1: Rp2.500.000

  • Kategori 2: Rp1.200.000

  • Kategori 3: Rp600.000

Erick Thohir mengatakan sangat senang jajaran pengurusnya dan pemilik klub menyambut antusias laga itu. Hal itu ditandai mereka siap membeli tiket dengan kocek pribadi.

Menteri BUMN itu juga menyebutkan, hal itu sebagai bukti para pelaku sepakbola Indonesia kini lebih baik. Hal tersebut harus diketuk tular agar menjadi kebiasaan baru dalam lingkungan sepakbola Indonesia.

"Ini bagian mendidik, apresiasi masyarakat kepada sepakbola dan mendidik PSSI untuk bisa mendapatkan dananya sendiri, tidak terus bergantung kepada orang seperti ini," katanya.

Bersamaan dengan duel kontra Argentina, Timnas Indonesia sudah melakukan persiapan. Skuad asuhan Shin Tae-yong itu sedang menggelar pemusatan latihan (TC) di Surabaya, sejak Senin 5 Juni 2023.

Sebelum bersua Argentina, Timnas Indonesia akan lebih dulu menjamu Palestina. Pertandingan melawan Palestina digelar di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo, Surabaya pada 14 Juni 2023.

PLTU Morowali Terbakar Hebat, Karyawan Histeris!

PLTU Morowali Terbakar Hebat, Karyawan Histeris!

PLTU Morowali Terbakar Hebat, Karyawan Histeris!

PLTU khusus industri di Morowali (IMIP), Sulawesi Tengah meledak dan terbakar pada pukul 16.00 WITA. Asap hitam membumbung tinggi ke langit.

Dalam peristiwa tersebut terlihat asap hitam membumbung tinggi ke udara dan puluhan karyawan yang berada di PLTU panik menyelamatkan diri dan terdengar suara teriakan para karyawan.

Hingga saat ini, belum diketahui ada berapa banyak korban jiwa dan kerugian material yang dialami. Selain itu belum ada info maupun penyebab terjadinya kebakaran tersebut

PLTU Morowali akhir-akhir ini sempat menjadi perhatian, karena munculnya kabar bahwa pekerja proyek PLTU Morowali asal Indramayu tidak mendapatkan upah. Akun Twitter @TrendAsia_Org selaku organisasi nirlaba bercuit bahwa PLTU tersebut telah meledak.

Hastag yang disematkan oleh @TrendAsia_Org adalah #EVtidaksebersihitu. Dalam cuitan yang dikutip pada Senin (5/6/2023), akun menuliskan bahwa ledakan PLTU Morowali mengungkap sisi gelap kerentanan kecelakaan kerja dalam rantai pasok industri kendaraan listrik yang merusak lingkungan dan mengancam hidup masyarakat.

Pembangkit listrik tenaga termal ini dibangun di Kawasan Industri PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP). Lokasi pembangkit listrik berada di Desa Labota, Kecamatan Bahodopi, Kabupaten Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah, dengan kapasitas 350 MW.

Sebelumnya, PLTU Morowali ini juga viral karena munculnya hoaks terkait TKA China yang diisukan datang dari China untuk mengerjakan proyek PLTU Morowali. Informasi telah menyesatkan pembaca.