Saturday, 24 June 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Address to the Nation

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Address to the Nation

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Address to the Nation

©Sputnik/ Гавриил Григоров/ Go to the mediabank

The Russian leader has addressed the nation following an armed mutiny attempt.

I am addressing citizens of Russia, the personnel of the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies and security services, and the soldiers and commanders who are now fighting in their combat positions, repulsing enemy attacks and doing it heroically – I know this as I spoke once again with the commanders of all sections of the frontline last night. I am also addressing those who were dragged into this criminal adventure through deceit or threats and pushed onto the path of a grave crime – an armed mutiny.

Today, Russia is waging a tough struggle for its future, repelling the aggression of neo-Nazis and their patrons. The entire military, economic and informational machine of the West is directed against us. We are fighting for the lives and security of our people, for our sovereignty and independence, for the right to be and remain Russia, a state with a thousand-year history.

This battle, when the fate of our nation is being decided, requires consolidation of all forces. It requires unity, consolidation and a sense of responsibility, and everything that weakens us, any strife that our external enemies can use and do so to subvert us from within, must be discarded. Therefore, any actions that split our nation are essentially a betrayal of our people, of our comrades-in-arms who are now fighting at the frontline. This is a knife in the back of our country and our people.

A blow like this was dealt to Russia in 1917, when the country was fighting in World War I. But the victory was stolen from it: intrigues, squabbles and politicking behind the backs of the army and the nation turned into the greatest turmoil, the destruction of the army and the collapse of the state, and the loss of vast territories, ultimately leading to the tragedy of the civil war.

Russians were killing Russians and brothers were killing brothers, while all sorts of political adventurers and foreign forces profited from the situation by tearing the country apart to divide it.

We will not allow this to happen again. We will protect our people and our statehood from any threats, including from internal betrayal.

Putin Delivers Address Following Wagner Armed Mutiny Attempt

This comes after the head of the Wagner Group private military company Yevgeny Prigozhin has faced a criminal case for inciting an armed mutiny. Sputnik brings you a live broadcast as Russian President Vladimir Putin is delivering address to the nation on Saturday, June 24.

On Friday, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) opened a criminal case for inciting armed mutiny over statements made on behalf of the head of the Wagner Group private military company (PMC), Yevgeny Prigozhin. The FSB said that there was a threat of escalation on Russian territory.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that social media reports about alleged Russian military strikes on camps belonging to PMC Wagner were not true.

Russia will defend itself from internal treachery, says Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on Saturday that the unfolding events were a betrayal of the country and its people and Russia would defend itself from internal treachery.

"We will defend both our people and our statehood from any threats, including internal treachery. What we have been confronted with can be precisely called treachery. The unbounded ambitions and personal interests have led to a treason and a betrayal of the country and its people," the head of state stressed.

As Putin pointed out, this has led to the betrayal "of the cause for which fighters and commanders of the Wagner group had fought and lost their lives side to side with other formations and units."

"The heroes who liberated Soledar and Artyomovsk, towns and settlements in Donbass, who fought and lost their lives for Novorossiya, for the unity of the Russian world - their name and glory have also been betrayed by those who are trying to stage a mutiny and pushing the country towards anarchy and fratricide, defeat and finally surrender," the head of state said.

A civil war will not be allowed to repeat itself in the country, Putin stressed.

The Telegram channel of Wagner private military company founder Yevgeny Prigozhin earlier posted several audio records with accusations against the country’s military leaders. In the wake of this, the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia has opened a criminal case into a call for an armed mutiny. The FSB urged Wagner fighters not to obey Prigozhin’s orders and take measures for his detention.

Russian authorities, in turn, have launched a criminal investigation into Prigozhin over staging an armed insurrection.

Key points of Putin’s address to nation over PMC Wagner coup attempt :

1. Importance of unity

President Putin argued that “Russia is today waging a grueling fight for its future,” facing off with the “neo-Nazis and their masters.” He went on to stress that “essentially the entire might of the West’s military, economic and information machine” is being directed against the country.

“This battle, when the fate of our people is being decided,” calls for national unity and consolidation, Putin said in his address. According to the president, all internal conflicts and bickering must be put aside at present as “our external enemies can and use them to undermine us internally.”

The Russian head of state emphasized that any actions driving a wedge between Russians are nothing short of “backstabbing of our country and our people.”

2. Bitter history lessons

Putin reminded Russians that a similar scenario played out in the country in 1917, when it was in the middle of World War I. He recounted how “intrigues, bickering, politicking behind the army’s and the people’s back” led to the “collapse of the state,” and the “tragedy of the Civil War.”

“Russians were killing Russians, brothers were killing brothers, while various political adventurers and foreign powers were capitalizing on it,” the president said.

Putin vowed to prevent this from happening as well as to defend Russia and its people, “including from internal mutiny.”

3. Nature of the threat

In his address, Putin clearly labelled the PMC coup attempt as a “betrayal.” He cited “enormous ambitions and personal interests” of certain individuals as the reasons behind this “betrayal of their country and its people.” He went on to accuse those responsible, without naming Prigozhin in particular, of turning their back on the joint military cause in Ukraine and the memory of the fallen fighters.

If successful, the coup would lead to “anarchy and fratricide,” resulting, in the long run, in Russia’s “defeat” and “capitulation,” according to Putin.

The president characterized “any internal mutiny” as a death threat to the Russian state and nation. The president pledged to take “tough measures” against the mutineers, who have “willingly entered the path of betrayal” and prepared “armed insurrection.”

Those responsible will be brought to account before the Russian people, the president assured the public.

4. Measures taken

“All the necessary orders have been issued to the armed forces and other authorities,” Putin revealed. He added that a special anti-terrorist security protocol had been enacted in Moscow, Moscow Region and several other locations.

The Russian president acknowledged that the situation in Rostov-on-Don, southern Russia, remains “difficult,” with the functioning of local civil and military authorities being “effectively blocked.” However, the state will take “decisive actions to stabilize” the situation in the city.

Concluding his address to the nation, President Putin promised to do everything he could to defend the “country, [and] defend the constitutional order, life, security and liberty of citizens.”

Alasan budi daya ikan nila tidak dianjurkan di perairan terbuka

Alasan budi daya ikan nila tidak dianjurkan di perairan terbuka

Alasan budi daya ikan nila tidak dianjurkan di perairan terbuka

Budidaya ikan nila telah banyak dilakukan karena memiliki nilai ekonomis, perawatan yang mudah, dan nilai jual yang stabil. Namun, Stasiun Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan Wilayah Yogyakarta memberikan peringatan tentang penyebaran benih ikan nila yang merupakan ikan invasif.

Direktorat Jenderal Stasiun Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan Dan Perikanan Wilayah D.I. Yogyakarta tidak menganjurkan penebaran bibit ikan nila di perairan bebas. Ikan nila bisa dan layak dibudidayakan di perairan tertutup seperti kolam budi daya.

Ikan nila dinilai bisa menggeser populasi ikan endemik maupun ikan lokal karena ikan nila mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru. Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan Wilayah Yogyakarta pun melarang penyebaran benih ikan nila di perairan bebas, seperti sungai, embung, atau telaga.

Untuk budidaya ikan nila di selokan atau saluran irigasi yang bermuara ke sungai, Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan hanya memberikan imbauan untuk tidak menambah tempat atau karamba budidaya ikan nila. Meskipun demikian, budidaya harus tetap terkendali agar ikan nila tidak lolos hingga ke sungai.

Pengawas Perikanan dari PSDKP Wilayah Yogyakarta, Joko Pramono, mengatakan pelarangan dan pengaturan penyebaran ikan nila diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 19 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyebaran Kembali dan Penangkapan Ikan Berbasis Budidaya. Ia menyarankan jika budidaya dilakukan di telaga yang tergenang air sepanjang tahun, maka pilih ikan lokal saja. Namun, jika telaga itu cepat mengering saat kemarau, maka penyebaran ikan nila masih diperbolehkan.

Dalam mengolah potensi budidaya ikan nila menjadi sebuah bisnis yang menguntungkan, sebagai pemula Anda perlu memahami terlebih dahulu tahapan-tahapan yang dibutuhkan. Pengenalan tentang pengetahuan budidaya ikan nila ini diperlukan agar dapat mengurangi risiko kerugian yang tidak terukur nantinya.

5 Tahapan Budidaya Ikan Nila untuk Memulai Bisnis Menguntungkan

  1. Memilih benih ikan Nila

    Dalam memulai budidaya ikan nila atau ternak ikan nila, pengetahuan dalam memilih benih ikan nila yang berkualitas sangat dibutuhkan. Dengan mengetahui jenis benih yang berkualitas, akan menghadirkan kemungkinan bagi Anda mendapatkan hasil ternak yang ideal serta memperbesar potensi meraup keuntungan. Untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan dalam melakukan budidaya ikan nila, sangat dianjurkan Anda untuk memilih benih ikan nila dengan jenis kelamin yang sama. Terutama ikan nila jantan.

    Pasalnya, ikan nila jantan diklaim memiliki persentase pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan jenis ikan nila betina sebesar 40 persen. Selain itu, dengan memilih jenis kelamin yang sama, ikan nila yang Anda budidaya akan memiliki energi yang lebih untuk tumbuh dan berkembang karena tidak digunakan untuk melakukan perkawinan yang kerap terjadi jika mencampurkan benih jantan dan betina di dalam kolam yang sama.

  2. Menyiapkan kolam ternak

    Perihal kolam ternak, budidaya ikan nila tidak membutuhkan jenis kolam khusus. Anda bisa membangun kolam secara sederhana, bisa dalam jenis kolam tanah, kolam semen, serta kolam yang terbuat dari terpal. Namun untuk budidaya ikan nila, lebih dianjurkan untuk menyiapkan kolam ternak dalam jenis kolam tanah.

    Pemilihan kolam tanah sebagai kolam ternak budidaya ikan nila ini memiliki keunggulan untuk dapat menjadi tempat tumbuhnya berbagai jenis tanaman liar serta hewan seperti serangga yang dapat digunakan sebagai substitusi pakan secara alami. Selain itu, kolam tanah untuk ternak ikan nila juga kerap kali dipilih karena tidak membutuhkan biaya yang besar dalam pembuatannya. Meskipun begitu, karena terbuat dari tanah, pembuatan kolam budidaya ikan nila ini akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan didukung oleh kondisi cuaca yang baik.

    Dalam membuat kolam tanah untuk budidaya ikan nila, setelah menggali sesuai dengan luas dan kedalaman yang dibutuhkan, Anda perlu mendiamkan tanah tersebut mengering. Biasanya proses pengeringan ini memakan waktu 3 hingga 7 hari. Waktu pengisian air kolam pun memakan waktu selama 3 hingga sampai 5 hari dengan ketinggian mulai dari 65 hingga 75 sentimeter.

    Selain itu, dalam menjaga tingkat kebersihan dan kesehatan kolam, Anda perlu menguras serta mencangkul ulang kolam tanah sedalam 10 sentimeter sembari membersihkan sampah, kerikil, serta kotoran berkat sisa pakan yang tidak habis termakan yang dapat menyebabkan air kolam jadi bau. Anda juga perlu secara rutin memerhatikan tingkat keasaman dari air kolam. Pastikan air di dalam kolam memiliki tingkatan pH pada kisaran 7 hingga 8.

  3. Cara menebar benih ikan nila

    Setelah kolam sudah siap, tahapan selanjutnya dalam memulai budidaya ikan nila adalah menebar benih ikan ke dalam kolam ternak yang telah dipersiapkan. Untuk kolam ternak dengan ketinggian air 76 sentimeter, pastikan bahwa Anda tidak menebar benih lebih dari 20 ekor. Jika lalai, kolam ternak tersebut akan menjadi padat saat benih mulai berkembang menjadi ikan dan akan memunculkan risiko penyakit serta kematian pada ikan nila yang sedang dibudidaya.

    Namun, sebelum Anda mulai menebar benih ke dalam kolam ternak, biarkan benih untuk beradaptasi dengan kondisi dari air kolam tersebut. Untuk hal ini, Anda bisa mempersiapkan ember yang berisi air kolam untuk diisi benih. Tunggu hingga beberapa jam sebelum Anda mulai melakukan proses transfer benih ke dalam kolam ternak. Hal ini dianjurkan untuk dilakukan agar benih ikan bisa beradaptasi dengan kondisi air kolam dan menekan risiko kematian karena gagal berkembang.

  4. Perawatan ternak ikan nila

    Pemberian pakan secara rutin merupakan salah satu cara mudah yang bisa Anda lakukan dalam perawatan budidaya ikan nila. Pastikan Anda hanya memberi pakan berupa pelet yang berkualitas untuk ternak ikan nila. Pakan ikan nila yang berkualitas ini biasanya mengandung kadar protein sebesar 20 hingga 30 persen. Selain itu, untuk mencapai hasil ternak yang baik dan berkualitas, Anda perlu memerhatikan jumlah pakan untuk ternak ikan nila Anda.

    Dalam budidaya ikan nila, ikan ternak tersebut biasanya membutuhkan jumlah pakan dengan persentase 3 persen dari bobot keseluruhannya. Agar dapat memiliki takaran yang sesuai, setiap awal minggu Anda bisa coba untuk mengambil beberapa sampel ikan nila untuk ditimbang agar mendapatkan perhitungan persentase pakan yang ideal. Perihal jadwal pemberian makan, Anda bisa memberi pakan sehari dua kali, dengan waktu ideal di pagi hari dan sore hari.

    Pengelolaan air kolam juga punya peran penting dalam keberlangsungan budidaya ikan nila yang sedang Anda lakukan, Secara rutin Anda perlu memantau kadar oksigen dan pH di dalam kolam. Jika kadar oksigen menurun, Anda bisa meningkatkan volume deras aliran air agar membuat sirkulasi yang dapat membuat kadar oksigen kembali ideal. Kadar oksigen dan pH yang sesuai ini akan meminimalisasi risiko timbulnya penyakit serta hama yang berkembang di dalam kolam.

  5. Mengetahui waktu panen

    Perlu diketahui bahwa budidaya ikan nila cukup membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama dari awal penebaran benih hingga waktunya panen. Pasalnya, ikan nila yang berkualitas harus tetap dalam keadaan sehat dan memiliki bobot dengan besaran mulai dari 300 hingga 500 gram. Untuk mencapai target bobot tersebut, Anda perlu merawat ternak ikan nila Anda selama kurang lebih 4 hingga 6 bulan.

Prince Harry Reportedly Wanted to Interview Putin, Trump for Pitched Podcast

Prince Harry Reportedly Wanted to Interview Putin, Trump for Pitched Podcast

Prince Harry Reportedly Wanted to Interview Putin, Trump for Pitched Podcast

©AP Photo/Susan Walsh

UK Prince Harry wanted to interview both Russian President Vladimir Putin and former US President Donald Trump for a show he and wife Meghan Markle pitched to Spotify producers in 2020, US media reported on Friday.

As part of a show that was to interview different "controversial" guests, Harry wanted to host both Putin and Trump and ask them about their formative years and how those experiences informed their adult selves, the report said.

Destined for failure, the podcast idea was part of a partnership between Swedish streaming platform Spotify and the royal couple that began in 2020, and promised to produce shows with the Duke and Duchess at the helm that ultimately only resulted in one season of one show, called Archetypes, which debuted last year and was hosted by Markle.

During the early stages of the partnership, Prince Harry met with multiple producers and production houses to discuss potential shows, including the one that would feature both Trump and Putin centered around childhood trauma, the report said.

However, no podcast from the Duke came to fruition, placing Harry's fruitless talks with Spotify among several other exploratory relationships streaming platforms entered with various celebrities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vlad and dads?

Meghan Markle only hosted one podcast, “Archetypes,” under her and Prince Harry’s failed $20 million Spotify deal — but that doesn’t mean the redheaded royal didn’t have podcast ideas of his own.

Bloomberg reported Thursday that unidentified insiders claim Harry, 38, met with several producers and production houses to brainstorm show concepts.

He was reportedly the biggest fan of his own ideas — including a podcast about childhood trauma with a slew of controversial, big-shot guests.

Per Bloomberg, Harry wanted to speak with Vladimir Putin, Mark Zuckerberg and Donald Trump about their early years and how their experiences shaped their adulthoods

Harry reportedly also pitched a podcast centered around fatherhood, as well as another that would explore societal conversations ranging from climate change to religion.

He allegedly envisioned Pope Francis as the perfect guest to dissect the latter topic.

Meghan Markle's "Archetypes" Spotify podcast was not renewed for a second season by the streaming giant.

“The practicality of these ideas struck some people in the Harry-podcast cosmos as questionable at best, given that people like Putin and Zuckerberg rarely give wide-ranging interviews about the topics they’re passionate about — let alone about their upbringings and personal childhood traumas,” reporter Ashley Carman wrote in her Bloomberg newsletter.

The Duke of Sussex tragically lost his mom, Princess Diana, at just 12 years old when she was killed in a paparazzi car chase in 1997.

He admitted in January to using drugs and alcohol to cope with her death.

He became a father in 2019 with the birth of his son, Archie. He and Markle welcomed Lilibet in 2021.

In a joint statement to The Post last week, Spotify and Archewell Audio said they have “mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series we made together.”

A source close to the situation told The Post at the time that Archewell didn’t produce enough content to receive the full payout of the hefty deal the couple signed in 2020.

“Archetypes,” which launched in August 2022 and lasted 12 episodes, was the only project the couple provided Spotify during their two-and-a-half-year partnership.

Speculation that Markle, 41, didn’t directly interview her guests resurfaced after the parting-ways announcement.

In August, writer Allison Yarrow expressed thanks to an “Archetypes” producer for being “an excellent interviewer.”

Sources claim that some of the show’s interviews were done by members of the duchess’s staff — and her voice asking the same questions was added in later.

Sportswriter and podcaster Bill Simmons slammed the couple in the wake of the fractured deal, calling them “f – – king grifters” on an episode of his namesake podcast.

“I wish I had been involved in the ‘Meghan and Harry leave Spotify’ negotiation,” said Simmons, the founder of the Ringer and the head of Spotify’s global sports strategy.

“… That’s a podcast we should’ve launched with them. I gotta get drunk one night and tell the story of this Zoom I had with Harry to try to help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories,” he added.

On Monday, Page Six Style also confirmed that a previously-rumored “mega-bucks” deal between Markle and Dior will not happen.

“Meghan is continuing to develop more content for the Archetypes audience on another platform,” an Archewell Productions spokeswoman previously told The Wall Street Journal.

Amid the news of the Sussexes’ exit from Spotify, sources accused Markle of not actually conducting some of her interviews on “Archetypes.”

Andy Cohen has since called the claims “insane,” confirming that it was, indeed, the former “Deal or No Deal” model who interviewed him for the now-defunct show.

James Cameron - ‘I wouldn’t have gotten in’ Titan submersible

James Cameron - ‘I wouldn’t have gotten in’ Titan submersible

James Cameron - ‘I wouldn’t have gotten in’ Titan submersible

James Cameron attends the AFI (American Film Institute) Awards in Los Angeles, California, U.S. January 13, 2023. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

In a series of interviews with media outlets, Cameron expressed his sadness over the similarities between the Titanic in 1912 and the Titan submersible, which imploded in the North Atlantic and killed five people aboard, the Coast Guard said Thursday. Cameron also expressed his frustration over a tragedy that he said could have been avoided.

Many in the submergence-diving community had concerns about the safety of the Titan, he told ABC News. Cameron acknowledged he was among them, telling the BBC that OceanGate “cut corners” in building the submersible and “didn’t get certified because they knew they wouldn’t pass.”

“I was very suspect of the technology that they were using,” said Cameron, who has made 33 dives to the wreckage of the Titanic. “I wouldn’t have gotten in that sub.”

He added to Reuters: “OceanGate shouldn’t have been doing what it was doing. I think that’s pretty clear.”

U.S. Navy officials said Thursday that acoustic sensors detected the Titan’s likely implosion hours after it began its descent Sunday, before the multiday search for the vessel played out.

Cameron said he knew days ago that the Titan had probably imploded. He told CNN that his deep-sea explorer contacts told him the vessel had reportedly lost communication and tracking simultaneously.

“The only scenario that I could come up with in my mind that could account for that was an implosion,” Cameron told Anderson Cooper. He described what he believes happened as “a shock wave event so powerful that it actually took out a secondary system that has its own pressure vessel and its own battery power supply.”

The sentiment was echoed by Brandon Whited, a trustee for the Titanic International Society, who told The Washington Post: “We all kind of felt in the back of our minds that this was a likely outcome.”

When the U.S. Coast Guard led the exhaustive search in hopes of finding the missing submersible, Cameron said to the BBC that it “felt like a prolonged and nightmarish charade where people are running around talking about banging noises and talking about oxygen and all this other stuff.”

“We knew instantly that it was game over,” Cameron told ABC.

The Coast Guard announced Thursday that the submersible vessel underwent a “catastrophic implosion” that killed the five passengers onboard, including OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush. Rear Adm.John Mauger said at a news conference that a remotely operated underwater vehicle searching the ocean floor found five major pieces of the submersible in two areas of debris near the Titanic wreckage, which sits 12,500 feet underwater hundreds of miles off the coast of Newfoundland.

The Coast Guard will continue searching the area, but authorities could not say what the prospects were for recovering the passengers’ bodies, Mauger said. They did not yet know exactly when the vessel imploded or why but said it probably happened before rescue efforts began.

The safety measures taken by OceanGate and Rush, its now-deceased CEO, on the submersible have been called into question by maritime regulation experts and experienced mariners. The shape of the vessel and material used to build it have been criticized as insufficient to prevent disaster. Rush also publicly talked about how he had “broken some rules to make” the submersible.

“I think I’ve broken them with logic and good engineering behind me,” Rush said in a previous interview.

Cameron has made more than 70 submersible dives, including 33 to the Titanic, logging more hours on that ship than Capt. Edward Smith himself, according to National Geographic. He explored the Titanic’s disintegrating wreckage in the 2003 documentary “Ghosts of the Abyss.” Cameron’s representatives did not immediately respond to an interview request Friday.

Cameron is among a group of explorers who have spoken out about their concerns regarding the OceanGate submersible. Josh Gates, host of the Discovery show “Expedition: Unknown,” tweeted this week that he passed on an opportunity to be in the OceanGate submersible in 2021 because of what he described as “concerning” safety issues.

Whited pointed to the comments from Cameron and Gates as confirmation for what he and others agreed had happened with the submersible.

“Initially, I wanted to think the battery had given out or something like that,” he told The Post. “But as time went on, it had been drilled into our heads that if any crack whatsoever develops, even the most minute one, it will just implode. That’s what came to my mind. That was sort of in my gut.”

Cameron recounted to CNN that he was told Monday from those in the deep-sea diving community that “there was some kind of loud noise that was consistent with an implosion event.”

“That seemed to me enough confirmation that I let all of my inner circle of people know that we had lost our comrades, and I encouraged all of them to raise a glass in their honor on Monday,” Cameron told Cooper.

The director said that one of the victims aboard the submersible, former French navy commander Paul-Henri Nargeolet, was a friend of his for 25 years. Saddened by the loss of life, Cameron was taken aback by the symmetry between what happened in 1912 and what unfolded a few days ago.

“I’m struck by the similarity of the Titanic disaster itself, where the captain was repeatedly warned about ice ahead of his ship, and yet he steamed at full speed into an ice field on a moonless night. And many people died as a result,” Cameron told ABC. “And for this very similar tragedy where warnings went unheeded to take place at the same exact site with all the diving that’s going on all around the world I think is just astonishing.”

But the director emphasized to Reuters that he wishes he would have been more vocal about his opposition to how OceanGate built its submersible and the materials it used for a vessel that eventually imploded.

“I wish I had spoken up, but I assumed somebody was smarter than me, because I had never experimented with that technology,” Cameron said, referring to the lighter carbon fiber composite hull of the Titan. “But it just sounded bad on its face.”

Missing Titanic submersible

The latest: After an extensive search, the Coast Guard found debris fields that have been indentified as the Titan submersible. OceanGate, the tour company, has said all 5 passengers are believed dead.

The Titan: The voyage to see the Titanic wreckage is eight days long, costs $250,000 and is open to passengers age 17 and older. The Titan is 22 feet long, weighs 23,000 pounds and “has about as much room as a minivan,” according to CBS correspondent David Pogue. Here’s what we know about the missing submersible.

The search: The daunting mission covers the ocean’s surface and the vast depths beneath. The search poses unique challenges that are further complicated by the depths involved. This map shows the scale of the search near the Titanic wreckage.

The passengers: Hamish Harding, an aviation businessman, aircraft pilot and seasoned adventurer, posted on Instagram that he was joining the expedition and said retired French navy commander Paul-Henri Nargeolet was also onboard. British Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son, Suleman, 19, were also on the expedition, their family confirmed. The CEO of OceanGate, the submersible expedition company, was also on the vessel. Here’s what we know about the five missing passengers.

Airlangga Ajak Kader Golkar Kota Bandung Menangi Pemilu 2024

Airlangga Ajak Kader Golkar Kota Bandung Menangi Pemilu 2024

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto saat bertemu kader Partai Golkar Kota Bandung/RMOLJabar

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto memberikan pesan khusus kepada para kader untuk bisa memenangkan Pemilu Serentak 2024 mendatang.

Pesan kemenangan itu disampaikan Airlangga saat bertemu dan makan malam dengan para kader Partai Golkar Kota Bandung di salah satu restoran Sate Maranggi, Jumat malam, 23/06/2023.

Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Komunikasi Partai Golkar, Nurul Arifin mengatakan, pertemuan Airlangga dengan para kader dilakukan di sela kunjungannya sebagai Menko Perekonomian untuk mengecek progres Program Strategis Nasional (PSN) di Jabar.

"Jadi tadi Pak Ketum ke Kota Bandung untuk sosialisasi sewindu program strategis nasional yang tadi dilaksanakan di Unpar. Beliau menyempatkan waktu ke sini sekaligus menitipkan pesan ke kader Partai Golkar supaya di pileg nanti kita bisa menang 20 persen secara nasional dan target 60 persen di pilkada," kata Nurul Arifin, dikutip Kantor Berita RMOLJabar.

Ditambahkan Nurul, kedatangan Menko Perekonomian itu ke Kota Bandung untuk memantau perkembangan UMKM di selepas pandemi Covid-19. Salah satu lokasi yang dituju Airlangga yaitu kawasan Braga yang memang menjadi destinasi favorit bagi wisatawan yang mengunjungi Kota Kembang.

"Tadi ke UMKM juga di Braga. Jadi tadi bapak makan bacang legendaris terus makan cuanki di sana. Jadi pingin melihat perkembangan UMKM setelah pandemi di sini ini. Dan mudah-mudahan yah, setelah pandemi ini UMKM di Kota Bandung bisa terus meningkat," pungkasnya

BI: Modal asing masuk Rp2,22 triliun ke pasar keuangan selama sepekan

BI: Modal asing masuk Rp2,22 triliun ke pasar keuangan selama sepekan

BI: Modal asing masuk Rp2,22 triliun ke pasar keuangan selama sepekan

Direktur Eksekutif Kepala Departemen Komunikasi BI Erwin Haryono. //NET

Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat terdapat modal asing masuk bersih senilai Rp2,22 triliun ke pasar keuangan Indonesia dalam satu pekan ini, tepatnya pada 19-22 Juni 2023.

Dalam keterangan resmi di Jakarta, Jumat, Direktur Eksekutif Departemen Komunikasi BI Erwin Haryono mengatakan modal asing yang masuk mayoritas menuju ke pasar surat berharga negara (SBN) sebesar Rp3,26 triliun. Namun, terdapat modal asing keluar senilai Rp1,05 triliun dari pasar saham domestik.

Secara keseluruhan, tercatat modal asing keluar bersih (nett outflow) di pasar keuangan sejak Januari 2023 hingga 22 Juni 2023, yakni di pasar SBN sebesar Rp81,97 triliun dan di pasar saham Rp14,48 triliun.

Meski aliran modal asing yang masuk ke pasar keuangan Tanah Air deras, nilai tukar rupiah dibuka melemah pagi ini, yakni di level (bid) Rp14.960 per dolar AS, dari yang ditutup pada level Rp14.935 per dolar AS pada Kamis (22/6).

Pelemahan rupiah nampaknya disebabkan oleh penguatan dolar AS, yang tercermin dari naiknya indeks dolar AS (DXY) ke level 102,39.

DXY merupakan indeks yang menunjukkan pergerakan dolar AS terhadap enam mata uang negara utama lainnya, yaitu euro, yen Jepang, pound Inggris, dolar Kanada, krona Swedia, dan franc Swiss.

Selain itu, Erwin menyebutkan imbal hasil (yield) SBN Indonesia tenor 10 tahun sedikit meningkat ke level 6,29 persen dari 6,28 persen, sedangkan imbal hasil obligasi AS 10 tahun naik ke level 3,795 persen.

Adapun premi risiko investasi (credit default swap/CDS) Indonesia tenor lima tahun naik ke level 84,04 basis poin (bps) per 22 Juni 2023 dari 81,03 bps per 16 Juni 2023.

BI terus memperkuat koordinasi dengan pemerintah dan otoritas terkait serta mengoptimalkan strategi bauran kebijakan untuk menjaga stabilitas makroekonomi dan sistem keuangan guna mendukung pemulihan ekonomi lebih lanjut.

Pembayaran dengan metode QR makin diminati pedagang di Pekalongan

Pembayaran dengan metode QR semakin diminati pedagang di Pekalongan, seperti diungkapkan Kepala KPw BI Tegal M Taufik Amrozi saat membuka kegiatan Sapta Mitra Pantura Digital Festival (Sampan Digifest) 2023 di Pekalongan, hari Kamis, 22/06/2023.

Per Maret 2023, jumlah pedagang di wilayah eks Karesidenan Pekalongan yang memanfaatkan pembayaran digital sudah mencapai 337.000 orang, angka tersebut lebih tinggi 14 persen dibanding 2022 yang sebanyak 289.820 ribu pedagang.

Pemerintah Kota Pekalongan melalui Dinas Dinas Perdagangan, Koperasi, dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (Dindagkop-UKM) setempat bekerja sama dengan Bank Jateng Cabang Pekalongan memfasilitasi pedagang dan pembeli pasar tradisional dengan menerapkan aplikasi pembayaran non tunai atau secara digital melalui QRIS (QR Code Indonesian Standard) yang dimulai di Pasar Podosugih, hari Jumat, 28/1/2022.

QRIS merupakan QR Code untuk pembayaran melalui aplikasi uang elektronik server based, dompet elektronik (e-wallet) seperti Gopay, Ovo, Shopee-pay, Dana atau mobile banking.

Kepala Dindagkop-UKM Kota Pekalongan, Budiyanto menjelaskan bahwa, QRIS ini bisa menjadi alternatif pembayaran dalam bertransaksi di pasar untuk pembelian non tunai selain pembayaran tunai (cash). Menurutnya, penerapan QRIS di Pasar Podosugih pada hari ini merupakan tindaklanjut dari pelaksanaan launching QRIS yang dilakukan oleh Walikota Pekalongan, HA Afzan Arslan Djunaid, SE di Hotel Khas Pekalongan pada akhir Desember 2021 lalu.

Penggunaan QRIS ini diharapkan dapat semakin memudahkan masyarakat khususnya pedagang pasar tradisional dalam bertransaksi. Dengan QRIS pedagang tak perlu menyediakan uang kembalian lagi. Selain itu, uang akan langsung masuk ke dalam rekening sehingga lebih mudah dan aman.

“Dalam bertransaksi, QRIS ini dapat melindungi pedagang dan konsumen dalam melakukan transaksi. Sebab, bertransaksi pakai QRIS itu sangat aman dan tidak ribet, dan terhindar dari kemungkinan peredaran uang palsu,” ujar Budiyanto.

Di tahap awal ini, Budiyanto menyebutkan, dari sekitar 150 orang pedagang di Pasar Podosugih, baru 18 orang pedagang yang siap menyediakan QRIS. Namun, ke depan, pihaknya akan memperluas jangkauan sosialisasi dan edukasi tentang QRIS ini ke para pedagang di seluruh pasar-pasar yang ada di Kota Pekalongan, diantaranya Pasar Kraton, Pasar Grogolan, Pasar Anyar, Pasar Kandang Panjang, dan sebagainya dengan bantuan komunikasi masing-masing koordinator pasar.

Disampaikannya, transaksi pembayaran non tunai dari pembeli ke pedagang nantinya akan langsung ke rekening pedagang yang bersangkutan. Dimana, mereka bisa mengecek saldo yang masuk dan melakukan pencairan dananya 1x24 jam. Budi menargetkan pada akhir Februari mendatang, nantinya seluruh pasar di Kota Pekalongan bisa segera menerapkan alternatif pembayaran via QRIS ini. Pihaknya berharap, dengan adanya QRIS ini bisa dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya oleh pedagang dan pembeli saat bertransaksi.

“Jika nantinya para pedagang sudah terbiasa dengan pembayaran digital ini, mereka akan lebih mudah dan cepat saat bertransaksi jual beli.

Target kami untuk semua pasar bisa go digital InshaAllah Bulan Februari selesai, sembari kami terus berkoordinasi untuk kesiapan secara teknis bersama Bank Jateng sebagai mitra pemerintah dalam penggunaan QRIS ini untuk bisa mengcover para pedagang di pasar-pasar tradisional,” ungkapnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Tim Pemasaran Bank Jateng Cabang Pekalongan, Tri Yuliati, menerangkan bahwa, Bank Jateng Cabang Pekalongan bekerjasama dengan Pemkot Pekalongan meluncurkan QRIS ini untuk mendongkrak pemahaman masyarakat akan manfaat QRIS sebagai alternatif pembayaran secara non tunai saat bertransaksi.

Sebelum memanfaatkan layanan QRIS ini, pedagang bisa mendownload aplikasi QREN di smartphone, kemudian mereka bisa melihat transaksi tersebut, dimana pembayaran transaksi yang dilakukan bisa langsung masuk ke rekening yang bersangkutan (pedagang).

“ Untuk penarikan dananya nanti bisa lewat bank, jika mereka ingin mengambil recehan atau bukan pecahan uang RP50 ribu atau Rp100 ribu, mereka bisa melakukan tarikan tunai di bank jateng/kantor cash/mobil cash keliling terdekat. Selain itu, uang transaksi digital yang masuk ke rekening mereka bisa digunakan untuk menabung maupun diinvestasikan untuk pembayaran listrik, telepon, dan sebagainya dengan layanan internet banking/bima mobile sehingga lebih praktis dan menguntungkan,” papar Yuli.

Adanya layanan QRIS di pasar tradisional ini, disambut baik oleh Ketua Paguyuban Pedagang Pasar Podosugih, Muhammad Hadi Wanto. Mewakili pedagang yang ada di Pasar Podosugih, dirinya menyampaikan ucapan terimakasih kepada Pemkot Pekalongan melalui Dindagkop-UKM dan Bank Jateng yang telah meluncurkan QRIS ini, sehingga para pedagang pasar tidak merasa ketinggalan dengan era digital ini yang semakin berkembang pesat. Baginya, penggunaan QRIS ini sangat mudah sekali.

“Adanya QRIS ini membantu para pedagang untuk transaksi jual beli di pasar, sehingga kami tidak harus lagi menerima secara uang tunai, dengan begitu bisa terhindar dari peredaran uang palsu. Bagi para pedagang berusia lanjut memang mungkin perlu penjelasan yang lebih, namun kami akan terus menyosialisasikan layanan QRIS ini kepada mereka. Kami berharap, 18 pedagang pasar yang pada hari ini mendapatkan bantuan layanan QRIS di kiosnya ini bisa menularkan ilmu dan pemahamannya sedikit demi sedikit (getok tular) untuk mengajak pedagang-pedagang lainnya memanfaatkan layanan QRIS ini,” tandasnya.