Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Kasus 'Bully' di Indonesia Mengkhawatirkan, Ada yang Mengakibatkan Kematian

Kasus 'Bully' di Indonesia Mengkhawatirkan, Ada yang Mengakibatkan Kematian

Kasus 'Bully' di Indonesia Mengkhawatirkan, Ada yang Mengakibatkan Kematian

Siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Pringsurat, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah nekat membakar sekolahnya sendiri pada Selasa (27/6/2023) karena merasa sakit hati usai di-bully oleh teman dan gurunya. (KOMPAS/Regina Rukmorini)

Kasus perundungan atau bullying yang terjadi di beberapa sekolah di Indonesia disebut "sudah mengkhawatirkan lantaran sampai mengakibatkan kematian," menurut Ketua Dewan Pakar Federasi Serikat Guru Indonesia (FSGI), Retno Listyarti.

Sebab meskipun sudah ada Permendikbud 82 tahun 2015 tentang pencegahan dan penanggulangan tindak kekerasan di satuan pendidikan, tapi banyak sekolah belum memiliki sistem pengaduan dan pelaporan yang melindungi korban perundungan.

Seperti yang baru-baru ini terjadi pada seorang siswa SMP di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, nekat membakar sekolahnya sendiri karena sakit hati sering dirundung kawan-kawannya.

Atas perbuatannya itu, siswa tersebut berstatus anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum meski belakangan dilakukan restorative justice, kata Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo.

Ketua Dewan Pakar Federasi Serikat Guru Indonesia (FSGI), Retno Listyarti, mengatakan sepanjang Januari hingga Mei 2023 pihaknya menemukan setidaknya ada 12 kasus tindak perundungan di sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia.

Dari belasan kasus itu, sebanyak empat kasus terjadi di tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD), lima kasus di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), dan sisanya di jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas/Kejuruan.

Menurut Retno, bullying atau perundungan yang terjadi saat ini kondisinya sudah mengkhawatirkan dan berat karena sudah mengakibatkan kematian.

"Dan perundungan ini sudah mulai dari jenjang SD. Kalau begitu dia kan punya potensi jadi pelaku sampai SMA. Orang yang berkali-kali melakukan kekerasan akan terus pengen melakukan," ujar Retno Listyarti kepada BBC News Indonesia, hari Minggu, 02/07/2023

Beberapa kasus perundungan yang sampai menimbulkan kematian terjadi di Medan, Sumatera Utara.

Siswa SD kelas 1 di Kota Medan, Ibrahim Hamdi, meninggal usai menjadi korban perundungan lima kakak kelasnya.

Kepada ibunya, anak tersebut mengadu telah dipukuli kakak kelasnya.

Yusraini bercerita ia membawa anaknya ke rumah sakit karena tubuh anaknya kesakitan dan mengalami demam tinggi. Namun tak disangka nyawa anaknya tak terselamatkan.

Kasus serupa juga terjadi di Sulawesi Utara.

Seorang siswa MTs di Kotamobagu berinisial BT meninggal akibat dikeroyok oleh sembilan temannya. Korban disebut mengalami kekerasan fisik berupa dibanting dan ditendang berkali-kali di bagian perut.

Akibat rasa sakit yang tak tertahankan, korban dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Tapi keesokannya korban meninggal.

Dalam kasus siswa SMP di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, yang membakar sekolahnya sendiri karena mengaku sakit hati kerap dirundung teman-temannya, Retno menilai pihak sekolah tidak memahami kondisi psikologi siswanya itu.

"Artinya memang kita tidak punya kemampuan membaca [psikologi] anak-anak. Karena tanda anak stres itu ada rasa tidak nyaman di perut atau mual. Ini kan tidak dipahami pihak sekolah," ujar Retno.

Kejadian pembakaran sekolah di Temanggung itu berlangsung pada Selasa (27/06).

Siswa kelas VII berinisial R tersebut disebut telah menyiapkan bahan yang digunakan untuk membakar sekolahnya sejak sepekan sebelum kejadian.

Dia membuat benda menyerupai molotov dari botol bekas yang diisi cairan khusus yang dicampur dengan gas sebagai pemicu api.

R diketahui meletakkan botol itu di halaman sekolah.

Kapolres Temanggung, Agus Puryadi, menyebut alasan R membakar sekolahnya karena sakit hati lantaran sering dikeroyok oleh teman-temannya dan diejek menggunakan nama orangtuanya.

Selain itu dia juga merasa tidak dihargai oleh gurunya.

Akan tetapi Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Pringsurat, Bejo Pranoto, menyebut kepribadian R kerap mencari perhatian guru. Tanpa menerangkan tindakan perundungan yang dialami R.

"Saat melakukan kesalahan dan dipanggil oleh guru, dia sering kali berpura-pura muntah atau bahkan kesurupan," kata Bejo seperti dilansir

Mengapa perundungan terus terjadi?

Koordinator Nasional Jaringan Pemantau Pendidikan Indonesia (JPPI), Ubaid Matraji, menjelaskan ada tiga persoalan mengapa perundungan sulit diatasi.

Pertama, dilatari oleh anggapan kalangan anak muda bahwa tindakan perundungan sebagai sesuatu yang "keren" sehingga "menginspirasi orang lain" bahkan dijadikan contoh.

"Bullying tidak dianggap sesuatu yang tabu, tapi jadi tren dan terjadi di mana-mana," imbuhnya.

Kedua, tidak adanya sistem pengaduan dan perlindungan bagi korban perundungan di sekolah. Bahkan kendati terjadi di banyak tempat tindakan tersebut tidak disikapi dengan serius oleh pihak berwenang.

Ketiga, karena cara pandang guru yang masih menganggap perundungan bukan tindak kekerasan dan persoalan penting.

Ubaid berkata meskipun sudah ada Permendikbud 82 tahun 2015 tentang pencegahan dan penanggulangan tindak kekerasan di satuan pendidikan, tapi banyak sekolah belum memiliki sistem pengaduan dan pelaporan yang melindungi korban perundungan.

"Karena pemerintah pusat atau Kemendikbud tidak punya semacam kewenangan penuh untuk mendisiplinkan sekolah-sekolah yang berada di bawah kewenangan dinas pendidikan," terangnya.

"Sehingga Permendikbud ini seakan-akan seperti imbauan yang boleh dilaksanakan atau tidak," sambung Ubaid.

Akibat ketiadaan aturan anti-perundungan di satuan pendidikan, kata dia, kasus-kasus perundungan dianggap sebagai "letupan-letupan kecil dan kasuistik".

Sementara Ubaid meyakini, tindakan perundungan pasti ada di setiap sekolah namun tak dilaporkan.

Itu mengapa JPPI mendesak Kemendikbud untuk menjadikan persoalan perundungan di sekolah sebagai "prioritas" yang harus dicarikan jalan keluarnya.

"Menghilangkan perundungan di sekolah penting untuk kunci pembelajaran yang sukses. Bagaimana mau berhasil pembelajaran kalau sekolah dianggap menakutkan?"

Untuk kasus yang pembakaran sekolah di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Ubaid meminta sekolah untuk mengungkap para pelaku yang merundung R agar menjadi pembelajaran di masa mendatang.

"Semua yang terlibat yang membully harus dibuka juga oleh sekolah. Jangan sekolah justru melakukan judgement kepada R yang menyebutnya caper atau cari perhatian."

"Punya pengaduan umum, tapi tak ada sanksi"

Ketua Dewan Pakar Federasi Serikat Guru Indonesia (FSGI), Retno Listyarti, membenarkan pernyataan JPPI soal banyaknya sekolah dari jenjang SD hingga Menengah Atas yang belum menjalankan Permendikbud 82 tahun 2015 tentang pencegahan dan penanggulangan tindak kekerasan di satuan pendidikan.

Sepanjang pengamatannya, sekolah-sekolah tidak tahu adanya aturan tersebut dan sosialisasi dari Kemendikbud disebutnya tidak terlalu kencang.

"Saya tidak pernah menemukan sekolah menerapkan Permendikbud itu," jelas Retno.

Kalau Permendikbud itu dijalankan, menurut Retno, maka tiap-tiap satuan pendidikan harus menyusun mekanisme pengaduan atau pelaporannya dan membentuk satuan tugas (satgas) yang terdiri dari perwakilan guru, wali murid, dan siswa.

Pengaduannya pun tidak harus dilakukan dengan tatap muka, tapi bisa lewat online demi menghindari pantauan pelaku perundungan.

"Dengan adanya kanal pengaduan anak-anak korban perundungan yang selama ini diam bisa mengadu."

"Satgas ini pun akan dibiayai oleh dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). Kalau tidak dibiayai bagaimana mau mencari informasi, data, kunjungan?"

Tapi lebih dari itu, Retno menilai, para pendidik yakni guru juga harus belajar tentang bagaimana menangani pengaduan siswanya dengan serius. Sebab masih ada guru yang menyelepekan perundungan.

"Banyak guru itu ya mereka selalu ngomong, 'Kami dulu sering dipukul guru, anak sekarang begitu aja cengeng...'"

Seperti apa tanggapan pemerintah?

Menteri Pendidikan dan Budaya (Mendikbud), Nadiem Makarim, mengatakan setidaknya ada 24,4% peserta duduk berpotensi menjadi korban perundungan di lingkungan sekolah, merujuk pada hasil survei karakter yang dilakukan Kemendikbud pada tahun lalu.

Survei itu melibatkan 260.000 sekolah di Indonesia di tingkat SD/Madrasah hingga SMA/SMK. Ada pula 6,5 juta peserta didik dan 3,1 juta guru yang dilibatkan.

Direktur Sekolah Dasar (SD) Kemendikbud, Muhammad Hasbi, sebelumnya menyebut bahwa pihaknya sedang menyempurnakan Permendikbud nomor 82 tahun 2015 tentang pencegahan dan penanggulangan tindak kekerasan di satuan pendidikan.

Di aturan anyar itu, Kemendikbud disebut akan mengintensifkan berbagai kebijakan pencegahan.

Selain itu di peraturan tersebut, satuan pendidikan bakal "dipaksa" untuk membentuk satuan tugas (satgas) pengaduan paling lambat enam bulan setelah terbitnya beleid.

Adapun Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPPPA) menyebut kasus perundungan yang terjadi di Temanggung sebagai keprihatinan bersama.

Kementerian, kata Juru bicaranya Margaret Robin Korwa, akan berkoordinasi dengan dinas PPPA setempat untuk memastikan pendampingan kepada anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum sembari mengingatkan kepolisian untuk berpegang pada UU peradilan anak.

"Perlunya sosialisasi dan komunikasi di lingkungan pendidikan bahwa harus sadar bahwa tindak kekerasan adalah suatu hal yang sangat serius dan harus ditangani dengan mengedepankan perspektif anak sebagai korban," ujar Juru bicara KPPA, Margaret Robin Korwa kepada BBC News Indonesia.

"Penanganannya juga harus tuntas agar tidak menjadi pelaku atau korban kembali karena dampak kekerasan secara psikis, anak yang menjadi korban kekerasan dapat mengalami masalah kejiwaan seperti gangguan stres pasca trauma, depresi, cemas, dan psikotik."

Saudi Arabia, OIC condemn Israeli violence in West Bank

Saudi Arabia, OIC condemn Israeli violence in West Bank

Saudi Arabia, OIC condemn Israeli violence in West Bank

Israeli soldiers fire tear gas canisters from an armoured vehicle during an ongoing military operation in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on July 4, 2023. (AFP)

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry condemned and denounced on Tuesday Israel’s continued escalation in occupied Palestinian territories and its latest aggression against the city of Jenin.

Thousands of people were evacuated from the Jenin refugee camp as one of Israel’s biggest West Bank military operations in years continued for a second day on Tuesday.

The ministry also confirmed the Kingdom’s total rejection of the serious violations committed by Israeli forces, expressing sincere condolences to the families of the victims and to the government and people of Palestine. It also wished the injured a speedy recovery.

The Israeli military operation was launched with a drone strike in the early hours of Monday, and over 1,000 troops have been deployed. At least 10 people have been killed, Palestinian officials said.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation also expressed its strong condemnation of the crimes committed by Israeli forces against unarmed civilians, medical personnel, and health centers in the city of Jenin and the refugee camp situated in it.

The OIC said it considered “this heinous crime as an extension of the record of crimes and organized state terrorism practiced by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.”

The OIC called on the UN Security Council to “assume its responsibility, enforce its relevant resolutions, put an end to this continued Israeli terrorism, and provide protection for the Palestinian people.”

Netanyahu Announces End of Israeli Operation in Jenin

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have ended their counter-terrorism operation in the West Bank town of Jenin, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday.

The announcement was made during his visit to the Salem checkpoint near Jenin, with the participation of Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

"At this moment, we are completing the mission, and I can say our wide-scale action in Jenin is not a one-time thing. We will continue as long as necessary to uproot terrorism. We will not allow Jenin to go back to being a city of refuge for terrorism. We will eradicate terrorism wherever we see it, and we will strike at it," Netanyahu said in a statement published by his office.

Netanyahu also commented on the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv that happened on Tuesday.

"Today, there was a heinous terrorist attack in Tel Aviv that was stopped due to the intervention of an armed civilian. Without this intervention, this terrorist attack could have claimed many lives. I wish the wounded a swift recovery. Whoever thinks that such an attack will deter us from continuing our fight against terrorism is mistaken. He is simply unfamiliar with the spirit of the State of Israel, our government, our citizens and our soldiers," Netanyahu added.

Maj. Ella Waweya, the Deputy IDF Commander of the Arabic Spokesperson’s Unit, told Sputnik that Israel's operation "was not aimed at the occupation of Jenin Camp, but at terrorist groups," adding that "the source of about 75% money for supporting terrorism going to Jenin is Hamas" and that "90% of the funds for terrorist recruitment come from the Islamic Jihad group."

Waweya noted that the IDF began the operation by "striking the command headquarters and the joint operating headquarters of the Palestinian formations in the heart of Jenin camp," which was followed by "strikes on areas with fighters and weapons."

Residents of Jenin in the West Bank during the second day of Israel's operation were setting tires on fire and blocking the way for the Israeli military who tried to storm the Jenin Camp. Clashes between Israeli soldiers and young Palestinians, who were trying to hold back the advance and block Israel's soldiers and vehicles, broke out in front of the camp on Tuesday. Locals also were taking to the streets waving Palestinian flags, chanting slogans and singing songs in support of the Palestinian fighters.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said on Tuesday that 12 people, including five children, have died during Israel's operation, and 140 have been injured, with 30 civilians being in serious condition.

Israel began its largest air-and-ground offensive in the West Bank in years on the night from Sunday to Monday. IDF aircraft launched more than 10 strikes at what it described as "terrorist infrastructure" in the Jenin refugee camp. The Israeli military said it had seized an improvised missile launcher, weapons, and ammunition.

Russian Economy Keeps Recovering Despite Sanctions - Prime Minister at Meeting With Putin

Russian Economy Keeps Recovering Despite Sanctions - Prime Minister at Meeting With Putin

Russian Economy Keeps Recovering Despite Sanctions - Prime Minister at Meeting With Putin

©Sputnik / Дмитрий Астахов / Go to the mediabank

The Russian economy keeps recovering despite sanctions, GDP growth for the first five months of 2023 totaled 0.6 percent, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said.

"The country's economy keeps recovering, I would even say, confidently, despite the sanctions, all the obstacles put in our country's way. Just now, while preparing for [a meeting with] you, I looked at the figures - for [the first] five months today our GDP growth amounted to 0.6 percent. But, what is very important, May on May is 5.4 percent," Mishustin said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He said the government is confident that in the absence of force majeure circumstances, by the year-end, GDP growth should exceed 2 percent.

Mishustin also cited low unemployment and inflation rates as signs of a healthy Russian economy, noting that unemployment is around 3.1% and inflation is below 5% year on year.

"Regarding inflation, you know all the figures very well, at the beginning of July it was 3.4 percent. Year on year... it will not exceed 5 percent, according to experts. We will be watching," Mishustin said. "[A]nd the labor market. Here you know the situation well. Let's say, the historical unemployment rate of 3.1-3.2 percent," Mishustin noted.

Putin considers Russia’s economic indicators encouraging

The present situation in the Russian economy is better than projected earlier, which holds the promise of fulfillment of all tasks charted, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Commenting on PM’s words that all social obligations to citizens will be met in the future, Putin stressed: "It is very important." "But equally important is the fact that the results we have... are better than expected earlier, better than forecasts. This holds the promise of fulfillment of all tasks... at least within a year," he added.

Russia comments on grain deal extension

Russia sees “no grounds” to prolong the Ukrainian grain deal past its July 17 deadline, the country’s Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday.

The UN-facilitated agreement, formally known as the Black Sea Initiative, has failed to meet its original goals of steering grain towards poor nations, the ministry claimed. Instead, it has become a “purely commercial” scheme that ships produce to wealthy countries, while Russian food and fertilizer exports remain blocked.

With the grain deal set to expire later this month, the collective West, Ukraine and even the UN itself have ramped up their “propaganda activities” on the matter, the ministry said in a statement.

“The arguments boil down to claims that, without Ukrainian fodder corn, the world will die of starvation, while the illegal unilateral sanctions imposed by the West against Russia do not apply to food and fertilizers,” it noted.

In reality, the grain deal has become a “purely commercial” mechanism to export Ukrainian produce to “well-fed” countries instead of those experiencing food insecurity, the ministry continued. Some 81% of produce shipped from Ukraine under the deal in the past year ended up in countries with “high and upper middle income levels,” it said, adding that the world’s poorest countries, including Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan and Somalia, accounted for only 2.6%.

Meanwhile, the situation regarding blocked Russian food and fertilizer exports “continues to degrade,” the ministry noted. The five “system” goals envisioned by the Russia-UN memorandum remain unmet.

They include allowing Russia’s major agricultural lender, Rosslekhozbank, back onto the SWIFT payments system, enabling deliveries of spare parts for agriculture machinery, reanimating the Tolyatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline, sorting out insurance and logistics, as well as “unfreezing” Russian assets. The first three goals are effectively “no longer on the agenda anymore,” while no tangible progress has been shown on the other two, the ministry said.

Against such a backdrop, Moscow sees “no grounds” to prolong the grain deal, the statement concluded. Originally signed on July 22, 2022 and intended to last three months, the deal was prolonged numerous times over the past year, despite growing concerns repeatedly voiced by Moscow over its failure to provide any benefits for Russia.

White House Library Substance Tests Positive for Cocaine - Officials Investigate

White House Library Substance Tests Positive for Cocaine - Officials Investigate

White House Library Substance Tests Positive for Cocaine - Officials Investigate

The Biden family arrived back at the White House for Independence Day celebrations as the Secret Service investigates cocaine found in the mansion's library on Sunday night.

Joe and Jill were joined by son Hunter, his wife Melissa and son Beau, three, as they stepped off Marine One on Tuesday after the discovery of white powder sparked a hazmat situation and forced an evacuation of the White HOuse.

The “unknown item” that forced a brief evacuation of the White House Sunday night and drew a Hazmat team from Washington, DC, Fire and EMS to the executive mansion initially tested positive for cocaine, according to a dispatch call made that evening.

“We have a yellow bar stating cocaine hydrochloride,” a DC firefighter stated in a radio communication at 8:49 p.m. on Sunday

The discovery came two days after Hunter, 52, was last seen at the White House as he headed to Camp David with his father for the long holiday weekend.

Mystery has ensued over who brought cocaine into the White House and the Secret Service is investigating the matter.

Trolls are speculating that the president's addict son is the source of the illegal substance.

The White House library, however, is part of the tour of where members of the public regularly walk through. It is also two floors below the first family's living quarters.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told the Post that the discovery led to an elevated security alert and a brief evacuation of the executive mansion after it was found during a routine round of inspection.

An official familiar with the investigation told the newspaper that the amount of the substance was small.

This would not be the first time illegal drugs have made their way into the White House. Rapper Snoop Dogg said he’d smoked weed in a bathroom in 2013, and Willie Nelson confessed to smoking a joint on the White House roof during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.

British actor Erkan Mustafa said he smoked marijuana and did a line of cocaine on a visit to the White house during first lady Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” anti-drugs campaign. Jefferson Airplane singer Grace Slick said in 2011 she’d tried and failed to spike President Richard Nixon’s tea with LSD in 1970.

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

China cancels visit by EU’s top diplomat

China cancels visit by EU’s top diplomat

China cancels visit by EU’s top diplomat

FILE PHOTO. Josep Borrell. ©Getty Images/ Photonews/ Bert Van Den Broucke

China has cancelled a planned visit by the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, a spokesperson for the bloc announced on Tuesday. The diplomat’s trip was reportedly scheduled for next week.

“Unfortunately, we were informed by the Chinese counterparts that the envisaged dates next week are no longer possible and we must now look for alternatives,” spokesperson Nabila Massrali told Reuters in a written statement.

Beijing had not confirmed the visit and has provided no comment on its apparent cancellation, with Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning stating at a regular press briefing on Tuesday that she did not have any information to share on Borrell’s potential trip.

The visit was announced by the EU’s envoy to China, Jorge Toledo, on the sidelines of the 11th World Peace Forum in Beijing on Sunday. Borrell was to travel to China next Monday, Toledo said, seeking to address all outstanding issues with Beijing, including “partnership,” “competition” and “systemic rivalry.”

“This will be the place to raise all these issues, especially the strategic issues that we have with China,” Toledo stated, adding that Borrell was scheduled to meet Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang.

Borrell had been due to visit Beijing in April this year, shortly after EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron toured the country. However, the top diplomat tested positive for coronavirus and the trip was rescheduled.

The top EU diplomat has previously given mixed signals on ties with China, calling it a “rival” but also a partner.

He has pointed to two major “strategic security issues” with China – namely its growing alliance with Russia and neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict – and the issue of Taiwan, regarded by Beijing as an integral part of its territory.

China to Restrict Export of Semiconductor Manufacturing Metals

Beijing has moved to impose restrictions on gallium and germanium, two metals used in the semiconductor production industry.

China's Ministry of Commerce has announced that starting on August 1, export restrictions will apply to gallium and germanium and industrial products and materials containing them, according to local media.

Companies who want to export these materials would reportedly have to procure the appropriate exporting licenses. In order to do so, they would have to submit the appropriate applications to the Ministry of Commerce which may review them together with "relevant departments."

Han Xiaomin, general manager of semiconductor market research company JW Insights, has told a Chinese newspaper that both gallium and germanium are important parts of the semiconductor manufacturing process, not to mention that these metals have applications in the defense industry.

Han also reportedly said that the export restriction may be a "countermeasure" against the efforts led by the US to control the export of microchips to China. China is reportedly the current "dominant global producer" of gallium and germanium, as one Western media outlet put it.

In recent years, the United States and its allies moved to impose severe restrictions on the export of semiconductors and microchips to China, as relations between Washington and Beijing continued to deteriorate since then-US President Donald Trump started the US-Chinese trade war in 2018.

The US also seeks to thwart Beijing’s attempts to develop a domestic microchip industry, seeking to limit the export of chip technology to China.

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Air Defenses Down Two Ukrainian Su-25 Ground Attack Planes Over Past Day

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Air Defenses Down Two Ukrainian Su-25 Ground Attack Planes Over Past Day

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Air Defenses Down Two Ukrainian Su-25 Ground Attack Planes Over Past Day

©Russian Defence Ministry

Russian air defense forces shot down two Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack planes, intercepted five rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and destroyed 14 enemy drones over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Tuesday.

"Air defense capabilities shot down two Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 planes near the settlements of Georgiyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Orekhov in the Zaporozhye Region. Five rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system were intercepted over the past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

In addition, Russian air defenses destroyed 14 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Ploshchanka and Topolevka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Krynki and Sagy in the Kherson Region, Gladkoye, Nesteryanka and Inzhenernoye in the Zaporozhye Region, the general reported.

Russian forces destroy 30 Ukrainian troops, US-made howitzer in Kupyansk area in past day

Russian forces destroyed about 30 Ukrainian troops and a US-made artillery system in the Kupyansk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, the enemy’s losses amounted to 30 Ukrainian personnel, three motor vehicles, Giatsint-S and Akatsiya self-propelled artillery guns, a D-20 howitzer and a US-manufactured M777 artillery system," the spokesman said.

Operational/tactical and army aircraft and artillery of Russia’s western battlegroup struck the Ukrainian army’s manpower and military hardware in areas near the settlements of Berestovoye and Timkovka in the Kharkov Region in the Kupyansk direction during the last 24-hour period, the general said. Russian forces also repulsed an enemy attack near the settlement of Novosyolovskoye in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the spokesman said.

Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian ammo depot in Kharkov Region

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Kharkov Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Peschanoye in the Kharkov Region, an ammunition depot of the 67th territorial defense brigade was destroyed," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy 135 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area over past day

Russian forces inflicted damage on Ukrainian army units in the Krasny Liman area, destroying over 135 enemy troops in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Over 135 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, two pickup trucks, a Gvozdika motorized artillery system, two D-30 howitzers and one D-20 howitzer were destroyed in the past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

Russian forces repelled four Ukrainian attacks and thwarted the activity of an enemy subversive/reconnaissance group in that direction in the past 24 hours, the general reported.

Russian forces repel ten Ukrainian attacks in Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces repelled ten Ukrainian attacks in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, ten enemy attacks were successfully repelled by competent and courageous actions of the defending units from the southern battlegroup," the spokesman said.

The enemy’s losses in the Donetsk direction in the past 24 hours amounted to "290 Ukrainian personnel killed and wounded, two infantry fighting vehicles, nine motor vehicles, two pickup trucks, an Akatsiya self-propelled artillery gun, Msta-B and D-30 howitzers and a Polish-made Krab motorized artillery system, the general reported.

In addition, Russian forces obliterated a field ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 54th mechanized brigade near the settlement of Viyemka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, he said.

Russian forces eliminate 200 Ukrainian troops in south Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas

Russian forces eliminated roughly 200 Ukrainian troops in the south Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the south Donetsk direction, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems from the battlegroup East repulsed two enemy attacks in the past 24 hours near the settlement of Urozhainoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Near the settlement of Priyutnoye in the Zaporozhye Region, the activity of a Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance group was thwarted. In the Zaporozhye direction, Russian forces inflicted damage by their self-sacrificing and well-coordinated actions on amassed manpower and equipment of the 106th territorial defense brigade near the settlement of Lugovskoye in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said. In all, Russian forces destroyed as many as 200 Ukrainian personnel, one tank, four infantry fighting vehicles, four armored combat vehicles, three motor vehicles, two Msta-B howitzers and one D-20 howitzer during the battles in those directions in the past 24 hours, the general reported.

Russian forces destroy Ukrainian ammo depot in Zaporozhye area over past day

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Zaporozhye area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the town of Orekhov in the Zaporozhye Region, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 47th mechanized brigade was destroyed," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy 50 Ukrainian troops, US-made howitzer in Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 50 Ukrainian troops and a US-made howitzer in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson direction, as many as 50 Ukrainian personnel, three motor vehicles, an Msta-B howitzer and a US-manufactured M777 artillery system were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of damage inflicted by firepower," the spokesman said.

Russia’s Aerospace Forces down Ukrainian Su-25 warplane, Mi-8 helicopter in DPR

Russia’s Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane and a Mi-8 helicopter in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Force shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 plane near the settlement of Grigorovka and a Ukrainian Air Force Mi-8 helicopter near the community of Novogrodovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian forces strike 85 Ukrainian artillery units over past day

Russian forces struck 85 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, operational/tactical and army aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groupings of forces struck 85 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 102 areas," the spokesman said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 449 Ukrainian warplanes, 241 combat helicopters, 4,887 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 surface-to-air missile systems, 10,503 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,134 multiple rocket launchers, 5,330 field artillery guns and mortars and 11,407 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.