Pendaftaran Kartu Prakerja gelombang 57 akan dibuka Jumat, 14 Juli 2023 pukul 12.00 WIB. Bagi peserta yang ingin mengajukan Kartu Prakerja Gelombang 57, langkah pertama adalah mengunjungi laman resmi Kartu Prakerja di
Informasi ini dari pengumuman resmi yang disampaikan melalui akun Instagram resmi pada hari Rabu, 05/07/2023
Dilansir dari laman resmi Prakerja, berikut ini adalah syarat-syarat yang dibutuhkan untuk mendaftar Kartu Prakerja Gelombang 57
Warga negara Indonesia (WNI) berusia paling rendah 18 tahun dan paling tinggi 64 tahun.
Tidak sedang menempuh pendidikan formal.
Sedang mencari kerja, pekerja/buruh yang terkena PHK, atau pekerja/buruh yang membutuhkan peningkatan kompetensi kerja, seperti pekerja/buruh yang dirumahkan dan pekerja bukan penerima upah, termasuk pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil.
Bukan pejabat negara, pimpinan dan anggota DPRD, aparatur sipil negara (ASN), prajurit TNI, anggota Polri, kepala desa dan perangkat desa dan direksi/komisaris/dewan pengawas pada BUMN atau BUMD.
Maksimal 2 Nomor Induk Keluarga (NIK) dalam 1 Kartu Keluarga (KK) yang menjadi Penerima Kartu Prakerja.
Sejumlah organisasi profesi tenaga kesehatan menggelar aksi demonstrasi di depan gedung DPR dan mendesak pembatalan pengesahan RUU Kesehatan Omnibus Law.
Rancangan Undang-undang (RUU) Kesehatan telah disahkan menjadi undang-undang (UU) Kesehatan melalui Rapat paripurna DPR RI masa persidangan V Tahun sidang 2022-2023 pada hari ini hari Selasa, 11/07/2023.
Pengesahan Omnibus Law UU Kesehatan dilakukan dalam Rapat Paripurna (Rapur) Masa Persidangan V Tahun Sidang 2022-2023 yang digelar di Gedung Nusantara II, Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, hari Selasa, 11/07/2023. Rapat Paripurna dipimpin langsung oleh Ketua DPR RI Puan Maharani.
Rapat Paripurna pun dihadiri oleh Wakil Ketua DPR Lodewijk F Paulus dan Rachmat Gobel. Dalam rapat tersebut, Menteri Kesehatan (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin dan sejumlah menteri juga turut hadir.
Pengesahan RUU Kesehatan menjadi UU diawali dengan pembacaan laporan hasil pembicaraan tingkat I atas RUU Kesehatan. Laporan tersebut disampaikan oleh Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR sekaligus Ketua Panitia Kerja (Panja) RUU Kesehatan, Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena.
Nakes Siap Mogok Kerja
Ratusan tenaga kesehatan (nakes) berunjuk rasa di depan gedung DPR/MPR RI, Jakarta Pusat, hari Selasa, 11/07/2023, menolak pengesahan Rancangan Undang-undang (RUU) Kesehatan menjadi undang-undang dalam Rapat Paripurna DPR RI siang ini.
Ratusan tenaga kesehatan yang tergabung dalam sejumlah organisasi profesi ini kembali menyatakan rencana mogok kerja seandainya undang-undang itu disahkan.
Ketua Umum Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI) Harif Fadhillah menyebut pihaknya sudah berkoordinasi untuk itu.
"PPNI sudah rapat kerja nasional di tanggal 9-11 Juni yang lalu di Ambon. Sudah menyepakati salah satu opsinya adalah mogok nasional," kata Harif kepada wartawan.
PPNI disebut bakal berkoordinasi dengan organisasi profesi tenaga kerja kesehatan lainnya, seperti Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (PB-IDI), Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI), Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI), Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI), dan Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI).
Organisasi-organisasi itu memang turut menolak keras RUU Kesehatan sejak awal.
Namun demikian, Harif menyebut bahwa aksi mogok kerja nasional itu tak akan diikuti oleh nakes yang berperan krusial.
"Kami sudah sepakati mogok kerja itu, kecuali di tempat-tempat yang critical, seperti ICU, Gawat Darurat, kamar bedah, untuk anak-anak yang emergency itu tidak kita lakukan," tutur Harif.
Omnibus law Rancangan Undang-undang (RUU) Kesehatan rencananya akan disahkan menjadi Undang-undang (UU) dalam rapat paripurna hari ini, hari Selasa, 11/07/2023.
Sesuai surat undangan kepada para anggota Dewan bernomor B/288/PW.11.01/7/2023, rapat tersebut terjadwal pukul 12.30 WIB.
Kendati tinggal hitungan jam, sejumlah pihak menganggap pengesahan RUU Kesehatan terkesan terburu-buru, mengingat RUU inisiatif DPR RI ini baru saja dibahas pada tahun lalu.
Pemetaan Daftar Inventarisasi Masalah (DIM) oleh kementerian teknis terkait, yaitu Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes), baru terjadi pada Februari hingga April 2023.
Fraksi Demokrat dan PKS menolak pengesahan RUU Kesehatan?
Anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat, Dede Yusuf, mengatakan pihaknya keberatan dengan dihapusnya ketentuan mandaroty spending atau ketentuan minimal anggaran kesehatan sebesar 5%.
Menurut Demokrat, hal itu menunjukkan kurang komitmennya pemerintah pada persoalan kesehatan di Indonesia.
Padahal mandatory spending, menurutnya, sangat diperlukan untuk terpenuhinya pelayanan kesehatan dan tercapainya Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) dalam RPJMN 2022-2024 menjadi 75,45%.
"Demokrat komitmen perjuangkan anggaran kesehatan, kebijakan pro kesehatan minimal 5 persen di APBN, hendaknya bisa ditingkatkan jumlahnya. Namun tidak disetujui dan pemerintah memilih menghapus," tutur Dede Yusuf di ruang sidang Rapat Paripurna DPR.
Isu lain yang menjadi perhatian Demokrat, sambung Dede Yusuf, yakni dibukanya keran 'impor' dokter.
Kata dia, partainya mendukung kemajuan praktik kedokteran dan kehadiran dokter asing tapi harus mengedepankan seluruh dokter Indonesia lulusan dalam negeri dan luar negeri agar diberikan pengakuan yang layak.
Merujuk pada masih adanya persoalan di UU Kesehatan, Demokrat menilai proses penyusunan RUU ini cenderung tergesa-gesa.
Senada dengan Demokrat, anggota fraksi PKS, Netty Prasetiyani, menjelaskan proses penyusunan UU Kesehatan bisa menjadi preseden kurang baik dalam legislasi ke depan.
Pasalnya pembahasan beleid ini dilakukan tergesa-gesa yang mengakibatkan tidak tercapainya meaningful participation.
Catatan lainnya, ujar Netty, adalah ditiadakannya pengaturan alokasi anggaran 5% dalam UU Kesehatan yang mana hal itu "merupakan sebuah kemunduran dari upaya menjaga kesejahatan masyarakat Indonesia".
"Bagi PKS bahwa mandatory spending penting untuk kesediaan pembiayaan kesehatan yang berkesinambungan. Dengan adanya alokasi, jaminan anggaran kesehatan bisa teralokasi secara adil," tegas Netty.
"Karena itu PKS memandang mandatory spending adalah ruh dan bagian terpenting di UU Kesehatan."
Tanggapan Dokter Tifa
Menanggapi pengesahan RUU Kesehatan menjadi UU kesehatan, Dokter Tifa alias Alias Tifauzia Tyassuma mengaku tak ingin berbicaralah jauh soal pengesahan ini.
”Ketika 22 Desember 2020, Presiden secara sewenang-wenang memecat Dr Terawan, dan menggantikannya dengan orang ini, seorang Bankir. Apa pendapat kalian? Kalian tertawa-tawa kan, mencemooh dan melecehkan Dr Terawan,” kata Dokter Tifa dalam unggahannya di Twitter, Rabu, (12/7/2023
RUU Kesehatan jadi UU? - 1 -
Dokter Tifa tidak mau punya pendapat tentang ini?
OK. Saya mau bicara kepada PARA DOKTER.
Ketika 22 Desember 2020, Presiden secara sewenang-wenang MEMECAT Dr Terawan, dan menggantikannya dengan orang ini, seorang Bankir
Relations between Russia and China are above military alliances and are fundamentally different from relations between NATO countries that are engaged in bloc confrontation, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday.
"Relations between Russia and China are based on the principles of non-alignment with blocs, non-confrontation, and non-targeting against third parties. Relations between the two countries have transcended the model of military-political alliances of the Cold War and formed a model of relations between major powers," Wang told reporters, adding that they "fundamentally differ from [relations among] the NATO countries involved in the creation of narrow groups and bloc confrontation."
China Comes First: Why NATO's Office in Japan Faces Uncertainty
Ahead of the NATO summit in Lithuania, it was reported that the Western military alliance is ready to postpone a decision on the establishment of a liaison office in Tokyo, possibly until the fall or later.
Given the pushback on NATO's new Tokyo liaison office, Sputnik looked into which country in the alliance is "slowing down" the move and why this country’s motives do not align with the current ambitions of Tokyo, which seeks closer integration with the bloc and is gradually becoming its unofficial ally in Asia.
It is well known that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was the driving force behind the establishment of a NATO office in Tokyo. In April, however, French President Emmanuel Macron voiced his opposition to the idea, expressing concerns about a potential backlash from Beijing.
The fact that the French president's position has not changed in recent months indicates that relations with China are much more important to Paris than those of Tokyo, believes Russian expert Pavel Timofeev, head of department at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
"France is trying not to escalate relations with China, understanding that it perceives Western Europe as merely a junior partner of the United States," the expert said.
Meanwhile, according to Timofeev, Paris wants to show Beijing that the European Union is an independent player in the region and does not always follow Washington's policies. Although France is in solidarity with the White House's position on Taiwan and North Korea and criticizes China for alleged human rights violations, the latter is too attractive as an economic partner to rock the boat too much.
Therefore, for several years, France has been trying to create a group of European countries capable of actively manifesting itself in the Indo-Pacific region independently of the United States.
"The goal is to present itself as a 'third way' and a center of power in the Asia-Pacific region. However, Paris has not been very successful in doing so. Nevertheless, President Macron understands that France will not have a good dialogue with China if it abandons such attempts and aspirations. That is why, unlike Washington, France is trying to maintain a more restrained course with Beijing," Pavel Timofeev noted.
According to the expert, China is economically important for France, so Macron does not intend to worsen relations with it for the sake of opening a NATO liaison office in Tokyo.
Macron's announcement just before the NATO summit serves as a strong signal that he intends to draw attention to the fractures already emerging within the upcoming summit, said K J Noh, a journalist and political analyst specializing in Asia-Pacific geopolitics. This move suggests his intention to publicly highlight these divisions before addressing them directly with the other participants.
“It’s not just Macron who is actually opposed to the Japanese, there are other NATO countries. And Macron's reasoning is impeccable. Article 6 [of the NATO Charter] states that Article 5 covers only territories in Europe, North America and islands north of the Tropic of Cancer," K J Noh noted.
Previously, Macron, accompanied by a number of French business leaders, visited China to meet with President Xi Jinping. The exceptionally warm reception allowed the European country to move forward with business deals, including a major order for Airbus Europe.
Regarding the potential response from Japan to the "postponement" in opening a NATO office in Tokyo, France shares numerous overlapping political concerns with the country.
However, Paris seems to be currently prioritizing economic projects with China over those with Japan, as China's status as a growing rival to the United States is gaining prominence, making it increasingly important for Franco-Chinese relations. In contrast, this particular factor is absent in the context of relations with Japan, the Russian expert noted.
"Accordingly, Paris is not overly concerned about Tokyo's reaction. Of course, Japan has a reason to be 'offended', but it will most likely refrain from creating a scandal because of France's opposition. After all, the Japanese themselves understand the immense economic importance of China and that the latter is much more important for the EU than Japan," Timofeev said.
A source close to the French president's office told journalists that the opening of a NATO office in the Indo-Pacific region is not considered advantageous at the moment. As a result, the Western military alliance is expected to make a final decision on establishing the office by the end of the year.
Statements in Vilnius confirm NATO’s anti-Russian attitude — envoy
Declarations made in Vilnius where a NATO summit is being held confirm the US-led bloc’s anti-Russian attitude and its readiness to accumulate more troops near Russian borders, Russia’s Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said.
"The statements in Vilnius confirmed the anti-Russian drive of NATO. Without exaggeration, Russia is identified as the main threat to the North Atlantic Alliance. All the bloc's resources have been thrown into the fight against our country. Defense contractors are profiting off the ‘hybrid war’ unleashed by Washington while ordinary citizens in Western countries are paying for it. Few here care about the fate of Ukrainians, thrusted by US and NATO curators into a ‘slaughterhouse,’" the diplomat stressed as quoted by the Russian Embassy on its Telegram channel.
"We are stunned by the outright falsification of the truth, which is used by the Summit participants to justify their aggressive policy against Russia. Our enemies without any evidence are trying to lay on us the responsibility for the crisis of the European security architecture. Once again they pretend that they know nothing about the promise, given to Mikhail Gorbachev by ex-Secretary of State James Baker about non-expansion of NATO to the East. After the collapse of the USSR Washington and its European satellites deliberately brought the military infrastructure closer to our borders, creating unacceptable threats to the security of the Russian Federation," the envoy noted.
"The meeting in Vilnius has demonstrated the bloc's intention to concentrate more and more troops on Russian borders. We have nowhere to retreat. The aggressive decisions of the Summit will not undermine Russia's confidence in the rightness of its actions. We have no doubt that all goals of the Special Military Operation will be fully achieved," Antonov added.
The first working day of the NATO summit in Vilnius concluded on Tuesday. According to a communique announced by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the participants had made a decision not to demand from Ukraine to fulfill the Membership Action Plan and approved a multi-year military support package for that country. The bloc’s leaders vowed to admit Ukraine to the alliance when all "conditions are met" but only following the end of the conflict. The final communique also asserts that purportedly "the Russian Federation is the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area."
Western-Made 'How To Become an Agitator' Manuals for Ukraine Unearthed in Liberated Russian City
The discovery made by Russian authorities in the Donetsk Region shed light on what US government agencies have been up to in Ukraine over the past few years.
Information manuals, often trotted out as 'educational material' printed with the help of Western government agencies and NGOs, which instruct college students about the basics of political activism, were discovered by authorities in the city of Volnovakha that was earlier controlled by the Kiev regime until 2022 when it was liberated by Russian forces.
A Ukrainian-language book entitled “Democracy: From Theory to Practice” teaches students how to organize small youth groups in order to engage in political 'activism'.
The book, among other things, advised students to vigorously use popular social media platforms in order to maximize the effect of their activism.
According to the information on the book’s front page, it was printed in 2019 with the help of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the UK Department for International Development, Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US-based International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).
Also, a pamphlet titled “Life Skills for Active Citizenship” was uncovered by the authorities in one of Volnovakha’s schools. It is essentially a teaching guide for high-school instructors, printed in Ukrainian, and bankrolled by the European Union.
Western government agencies and NGOs have been working on spreading what they describe as “democracy” since the times of the Cold War, with their efforts reaching a whole new level after the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago.
While these organizations and groups, such as the aforementioned USAID, claim that they merely seek to provide assistance to nations that require it and to help spread freedom and democracy, their activities usually amount to advancing the interests of US-led Western governments and the power brokers they represent.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has arrived in Indonesia's capital Jakarta for a 3-day official visit to meet with his counterparts and participate in meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a Sputnik correspondent reported Wednesday.
On Wednesday, Lavrov will hold a bilateral meeting with ASEAN Secretary General Kao Kim Hourn, which will focus on strengthening Russia's partnership with the association.
Lavrov will also participate in the meetings of ASEAN foreign ministers in the formats of Russia-ASEAN, the East Asia Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum on Security in Jakarta on July 13-14.
The Russia-ASEAN meeting will be held on Thursday and is expected to focus on deepening cooperation in political, economic, social and cultural spheres, with special attention to be paid to ways of ensuring food and energy security.
Preparations for the summit of the ASEAN leaders, scheduled for September in Indonesia, will be the key topic of Friday's meeting in the format of the East Asia Summit, during which the ministers are expected to adopt a road map for 2024-2028.
The ministers plan to discuss countering new challenges, the fight against terrorism, and disarmament in the format of the ASEAN Regional Forum on Security. A number of practical initiatives are expected to be adopted during the forum.
Lavrov intends to draw the attention of Asia-Pacific partners to the militarization of the region and the promotion of Russia's approaches to creating an inclusive architecture of regional security, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said last week.
ASEAN is the association of 10 Southeast Asian states, namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, aimed at fostering both political and economic cooperation among its members. Indonesia is chairing the association in 2023.
The second day of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN Foreign Ministerial Meeting/ AMM) foreign ministerial meeting, began with a meeting of the foreign ministers in a 'retreat' session. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, when opening the session in Jakarta, Wednesday (12/7) said that the issue of Myanmar was still a concern for Indonesia in its chairmanship of ASEAN this year.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi held a trilateral meeting with a number of countries, Wednesday (12/7). The meeting is expected to be able to increase the contribution of ASEAN countries and other dialogue partners in maintaining world peace and prosperity
Heavy rain sends mud and debris down the Ottauquechee River, in Quechee, VT, July 10, 2023.
Jessica Rinaldi | Boston Globe | Getty Images
Torrential downpours pounded the U.S. Northeast on Monday, threatening catastrophic flooding across the region, where rains have washed out roadways, overwhelmed rivers, forced numerous rescues by boat and caused at least one fatality, officials said.
More than 13 million Americans were under flood watches and warnings from Eastern New York state to Boston and Western Maine to the northeast, the National Weather Service said in its forecast Monday, after storms that began over the weekend inundated rivers and streams.
"Widespread, heavy rainfall capable of producing considerable to catastrophic flooding is beginning to unfold, road washouts are ongoing, and are expected to increase in extent and severity over the course of the day," the weather service said
Private forecaster AccuWeather estimated damages and economic loss at $3 billion to $5 billion, preliminarily, based on its own method of evaluation.
More than 1,000 flights to and from airports across the region, including New York's LaGuardia and Boston's Logan, were delayed or canceled on Monday due to the rains.
A vehicle makes its way through a flooded street, in Montpelier, Vermont, U.S., July 11, 2023, in this picture obtained from social media. Neal P. Goswami/via REUTERS/File Photo
Amtrak suspended passenger train service between the state capital Albany and New York City after flooding damaged tracks, as did the Metro-North commuter railroad which shares some of the same track.
New York and Vermont were the hardest hit states. More precipitation was expected overnight and into Tuesday, creating further flood hazards, the service said.
Vermont officials were calling the flooding the worst since Hurricane Irene reached the state as a tropical storm in 2011.
"This is an all-hands-on-deck" event, Vermont Governor Phil Scott told news conference.
Parts of Vermont had already received between 7 and 8 inches (17 and 20 cm) of rain, turning streets into raging rivers.
Some 50 isolated people were rescued by swift boat, said Mark Bosma, spokesperson for Vermont Emergency Management, on WCAX television.
In New York, more than 8 inches of rain fell from Sunday to Monday in Stormville, a small town just over 50 miles (80 km) northeast of New York City.
The weather claimed the life of an Orange County, New York, woman, swept away by floodwaters as she tried to leave her home with her dog on Sunday, officials said.
"Her fiancé literally saw her swept away," New York Governor Kathy Hochul told a press conference in the town of Highland Falls.
Vermont’s capital city, and many other communities across the state, are under water. The devastation and flooding we’re experiencing across Vermont is historic and catastrophic. 1/2
Much of the New York flooding was along the Hudson River north of New York City including the Orange County town of West Point, home to the Army's U.S. Military Academy.
Video and photos posted on social media showed washed-out roadways and raging floodwaters reaching houses on Sunday and early Monday morning.
"Oh my God. It's up to my knees," Melissa Roberts said in a video showing floodwaters rushing past her and several vehicles and up to homes in Orange County.
A dam upstream from the Vermont state capital was holding at maximum capacity on Tuesday after "catastrophic" flooding shut down roadways leading out of Montpelier and trapped people in their homes.
The Wrightsville Dam, which forms a reservoir four miles (6.4 km) north of Montpelier, neared the point at which a spillway would need to release water into the North Branch of the Winooski River, city officials said.
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That would aggravate what the National Weather Service has called "catastrophic" flooding in Montpelier's picturesque downtown district, where people navigated the submerged streets in canoes and floodwaters reached the windows of businesses and the tops of vehicles.
The North Branch converges with a second, larger branch of the Winooski near the Vermont statehouse.
The growing frequency and intensity of severe weather across the United States is symptomatic of global, human-driven climate change, climate scientists say.
— WxChasing- Brandon Clement (@bclemms) July 11, 2023
While a Northeast state capital is under water, ocean temperatures have soared to as high as 90 Fahrenheit (32 Celsius) in Florida, Texas is sizzling under a heat dome, and California is bracing for temperatures as high as 120 F (49 C) in desert areas this weekend.
Much of the U.S. Northeast including parts of New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut have already had as much as 8 inches (20 cm) of rain over the last several days.
"Make no mistake, the devastation and flooding we're experiencing across Vermont is historic and catastrophic," Vermont Governor Phil Scott said at a briefing Tuesday.
Montpelier City Manager William Fraser in a Facebook post urged the city's 8,000 people to be prepared to move to the upper floors of their homes as highway closures made evacuations difficult or impossible.
Throughout the state, search teams have rescued 117 people from their homes and cars by swift boat, as officials fielded calls that even more people were trapped in their homes in remote areas, Mike Cannon, leader of the state's Urban Search and Rescue operation, told a briefing.
Vermont officials called the flooding the worst since Hurricane Irene reached the New England state as a tropical storm in 2011 and caused about $750 million in damages and seven deaths in the state.
The city's topography - bordered by hills with the downtown in a valley - increases the potential for flooding, Montpelier City Council member Conor Casey said.
Flooding in Barre City #VT this evening. It is a very dangerous night for central Vermont. Do not travel in and around Montpelier/Barre. 📹 John Bergman
"My wife and I live right on the river and it's about two feet from coming in the living room," Casey said. "We're a bit used to it from Irene, so it's not totally foreign, but I think the scary thing is that it feels a bit worse so far."
The flood took its toll on the regional economy, with private forecaster AccuWeather estimating damages and economic loss at $3 billion to $5 billion.
Most of the crops at Boyd Family Farm in Wilmington, Vermont, were lost in the storm, said Janet Boyd, who owns the 80-year-old business along with her husband and son at the southern end of the Green Mountains.
"We lost all the vegetables and only have our blueberries left," Boyd said, "all the greens, the tomatoes, the peppers, the garlic."
Joe Miles, 59, owner of the Montpelier-based R.K. Miles Building Materials, said three of his eight locations in the state were heavily damaged, with two of them cut off by flooding.
Much of his lumber and plywood inventory was lost to water damage.
"It's awful and tragic, but fortunately no one got hurt," Miles said. "We'll get through it."