Anggota DPR melakukan swa foto disela skors Rapat Paripurna ke-29 Masa Persidangan V Tahun Sidang 2022-2023 di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (11/7/2023). Dalam Rapat Paripurna tersebut DPR resmi mengesahkan Omnibus Law Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) tentang kesehatan menjadi Undang-undang (UU).
Ketua Umum Perkumpulan Dokter Seluruh Indonesia (PDSI), Jajang Edi Priyanto berterima kasih kepada DPR yang telah mengesahkan rancangan undang-undang (RUU) tentang Kesehatan menjadi undang-undang. Ia yakin, undang-undang tersebut adalah bentuk transformasi kesehatan di Indonesia.
Ia juga yakin, UU Kesehatan yang baru akan menghadirkan tenaga kesehatan dan tenaga medis yang mumpuni. Payung hukum tersebut juga disebut akan membuat para dokter bermigrasi untuk bergabung dengan PDSI.
"Dengan undang-undang ini disahkan maka terjadi migrasi yang demikian besar dari teman-teman kelompok sebelah, mungkin akan bermigrasi. Karena terjadi undang-undang ini sangat ditunggu bagi rekan-rekan kami yang selama ini diam," ujar Jajang dalam audiensi dengan Komisi IX DPR, hari Rabu, 12/07/2023.
Meski tak menyebutkan namanya, kelompok sebelah yang dimaksud oleh Jajang kemungkinan besar adalah Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI). Menurutnya, para dokter yang ada di kelompok sebelah itu takut dalam menyuarakan dukungan terhadap RUU Kesehatan.
Sebab, rekomendasi terhadap dokter-dokter tersebut bisa saja dicabut oleh IDI. Hadirnya UU Kesehatan yang baru, ia yakin para dokter di Indonesia dapat diakui dunia seperti yang dilakukan oleh mantan Kepala Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto, Terawan Agus Putranto.
"Mereka (dokter di kelompok sebelah) takut kalau rekomendasinya dicabut dan lain-lain, sehingga mereka saat ini menunggu betul-betul diketoknya omnibus law ini. Saya pikir omnibus law ini masih perlu penjabaran dalam bentuk teknisnya, mungkin dalam peraturan menteri," ujar Jajang.
PDSI diketahui dideklarasikan pada 27 April 2022. Jajang sendiri merupakan staf khusus Terawan saat menjabat sebagai Menteri Kesehatan.
Adapun pada 2022, Majelis Kehormatan Etik Kedokteran (MKEK) diketahui telah memberhentikan keanggotaan Terawan dari IDI. Pemberhentian ini terkait dengan sejumlah pelanggaran fatal yang dilakukan oleh mantan Menteri Kesehatan itu.
Saat pendeklarasian PDSI pada April 2022, Jajang menampik anggapan bahwa pendirian PDSI berkaitan dengan polemik antara Terawan dengan IDI. Menurutnya, berdirinya perkumpulan ini adalah dalam memenuhi hak Warga Negara Indonesia dalam berserikat dan berkumpul yang dijamin Pasal 28 UUD 1945 selaku konstitusi tertinggi di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
"Saya pikir kami berdiri bukan karena kasus dokter Terawan, tapi sesuai dengan UUD pasal 28. Jadi terlepas dari kasus dokter Terawan. Visi kami adalah menjadi pelopor reformasi kedokteran Indonesia yang menjunjung tinggi kesejawatan, serta berwawasan Indonesia untuk dunia demi meningkatkan taraf kesehatan masyarakat," ujar Jajang, pada hari Rabu, 27/04/2023.
10 UU akan dihapus oleh omnibus law RUU Kesehatan. - (Infografis Republika)
Menko Polhukam RI, Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD saat hadir dalam Halaqah Ulama Nasional, yang digelar di Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Jawa Timur, Rabu (12/7/2023). (ANTARA/HO-Humas Kemenko Polhukam)
"Di masa awal kemerdekaan Indonesia, banyak pejuang dari kalangan Islam yang terpinggirkan dan tak tertampung dalam tata kelola pemerintahan,"
Menko Polhukam RI, Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD menyebut bahwa Panji Gumilang dan Pesantren Al Zaytun merupakan rentetan dari gerakan Darul Islam dan NII yang dicetuskan oleh Kartosoewirjo.
"Di masa awal kemerdekaan Indonesia, banyak pejuang dari kalangan Islam yang terpinggirkan dan tak tertampung dalam tata kelola pemerintahan," kata Mahfud MD dalam Halaqah Ulama Nasional, yang digelar di Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Rabu.
Menurutnya, hal itu imbas dari politik pendidikan yang diwariskan oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda yang cenderung diskriminatif. Hanya kalangan Islam yang punya ijazah-lah yang bisa masuk ke pemerintahan.
"Pejuang, anak-anak muda, dan tokoh Islam banyak yang tidak tertampung dalam tugas-tugas di pemerintahan negara baru. Kemudian banyak kalangan Islam yang memutuskan untuk kembali ke pesantren dan fokus dalam mendidik santrinya. Tapi ada juga yang marah karena tidak tertampung," katanya.
Selain itu, sambung Mahfud, terpinggirkannya kalangan Islam dalam tata kelola negara baru Indonesia ini bahkan menimbulkan kemarahan sebagian kalangan Islam, salah satunya adalah Kartosoewirjo yang kemudian mendirikan Darul Islam atau Negara Islam Indonesia (NII).
"Perjuangan yang dilakukan Kartosoewirjo untuk mendirikan Negara Islam Indonesia sebenarnya terus berlanjut, masih ada ekornya sampai sekarang, hingga sekarang ada ribut-ribut soal Panji Gumilang. Jadi Panji Gumilang dulu induknya adalah Negara Islam Indonesia," katanya.
Dijelaskan oleh Mahfud, NII merupakan organisasi tanpa bentuk, gerakan bawah tanah tetapi NII memiliki struktur yang terdiri dari syekh yang memimpin, gubernur, menteri, bupati hingga camat.
Pemikiran Kartosoewirjo yang dilanjutkan oleh penerusnya itu akhirnya diketahui oleh pemerintah. NII bikinan Kartosoewirjo yang seolah sudah tamat itu kemudian dioperasi kembali oleh intelijen.
Pemerintah mengetahui bahwa NII itu sebenarnya masih hidup meski sudah ditumpas di berbagai tempat. Akhirnya pemerintah menggalang gerakan untuk melemahkan NII dengan cara dipecah dan diadu, NII versus NII.
"Nah, (NII) itu diketahui oleh pemerintah, sehingga pada awal tahun 1970-an, NII oleh pemerintah dipecah, diadu, yang satunya untuk melawan yang lain. Itu operasi yang dilakukan Ali Moertopo," ujar Mahfud.
"Memang begitu dulunya, dulu ada komando jihad, ada orang dipancing untuk berkumpul lalu disuruh membuat resolusi, disuruh buat pernyataan keras, setelah itu ditangkap lalu dicitrakan ada komando jihad yang sama dengan NII sebelumnya. Saya dengar dari sumbernya langsung," tambahnya.
Lebih lanjut, Mahfud membeberkan, NII hasil operasi dan bentukan pemerintah waktu itu salah satu wilayahnya adalah Komandemen 9, yang sekarang menjadi Al Zaytun.
"Mengadu NII dengan NII itu kalau pakai sholawatnya orang NU itu sama dengan sholawat asyghil. Wa asyghilid dholimin bid dholimin. NII diadu dengan NII, maka NII akan hancur sendiri, kira kira begitu," tuturnya.
kemudian sesudah merasa nyaman dengan pemerintah, merasa aman, kemudian Panji Gumilang ini memecahkan diri. menampilkan sosok al zaytun yang seperti sekarang.
Mahfud mengatakan di balik inilah latar belakang sejarahnya dan pengikut-pengikutnya itu masih banyak, yang memang ideologinya sendiri.
Russia maintains its stance on the issues that are required for the resolution of the situation in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.
"Our position has not changed dramatically. We are open to the dialogue, but we will be guided by our legitimate interests and will balance approaches to a possible settlement with the situation on the ground," Lavrov said in an interview with daily.
Lenta : Recently, several peace initiatives in Ukraine have appeared at once - Chinese, Indonesian, Vatican and African. Which one is closer to the vision of Russia? Are such initiatives generally not premature?
Sergei Lavrov: First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to our partners for their efforts to find ways for a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.
We do not consider their initiatives premature - for the Russian side, peace is always a priority compared to hostilities.
Therefore, let me remind you that we already participated in the negotiation process with the Ukrainian side in the spring of 2022 and approached a positive
Lenta : However, all efforts were thwarted by the Anglo-Saxons, whose plans clearly did not include the cessation of hostilities. They were and remain obsessed with the manic idea of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia.
Sergey Lavrov : Of course, we have carefully studied all the peace initiatives that have been received.
We held special consultations with a number of partners and discussed their ideas in detail. In mid-June, Russian President Vladimir Putin received the heads of several African states in St. Petersburg.
At the end of May, we had a very confidential and warm meeting in Moscow with the Special Representative of the PRC Government for Eurasian Affairs, the head of the Chinese delegation to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, Li Hui. We had a meaningful conversation with Celso Amorim, Assistant to the President of Brazil for International Affairs, who visited Russia in the last days of March.
Lenta : We share many of the proposals of our partners. For example, such as respecting international law and the UN Charter, abandoning the Cold War mentality, resolving the humanitarian crisis, ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants, ending unilateral sanctions, refusing to use the world economy for political purposes
Sergey Lavrov : At the same time, we are forced to state the absolute unwillingness of the Western curators of Vladimir Zelensky to go for any form of de-escalation. The Kiev regime directly and outright rejected the possibility of negotiations based on peace initiatives proposed by China, Brazil and African countries. Mikhail Podolyak, an adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, said that "negotiations would become meaningless, dangerous and deadly for Ukraine and Europe."
Lenta : In Kyiv, they did not find anything better than to beg for evidence of "reliability" from those who would like to become an intermediary in the negotiation process
Sergey Lavrov : In particular, Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov demanded that China persuade Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine. Otherwise, contacts with Chinese negotiators will be, in the view of this Kyiv figure, a waste of time.
Chinese Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs Li Hui outside the Russian Foreign Ministry after meeting with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Moscow, May 26, 2023
Photo: Alexander Vilf / RIA Novosti
Lenta : Against the background of Yevgeny Prigozhin's failed rebellion, a "secret meeting" of Western countries, Brazil, India, China, Turkey and South Africa was reported in Copenhagen, where peace talks on Ukraine were discussed. Did you receive signals about the meeting from partners?
Sergey Lavrov : We did not receive such signals. There is every reason to believe that this information is unreliable, given the stubborn desire of Kyiv and its Western handlers to follow the path of escalating hostilities.
Lenta : As we have repeatedly emphasized, Russia has never abandoned dialogue as a political means to achieve the goals of the NWO
What provisions of the Istanbul Treaty remain relevant for Russia?
Sergey Lavrov As for our vision of a settlement, even before the start of the special military operation we clearly outlined its tasks. This is the protection of the population of Donbass, the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, the elimination of security threats that emanate from the territory of this country.
Lenta : During the negotiations with Kiev, which took place on his initiative in February-April 2022, an understanding was reached that Ukraine should return to a neutral non-bloc status, refuse to join NATO, confirm its non-nuclear status
Sergey Lavrov : In addition, new territorial realities associated with the free expression of will of the inhabitants of the people's republics of Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions in favor of political unity with Russia should be recognized. The Kyiv authorities need to ensure the rights of Russian-speaking citizens and national minorities in Ukraine, including the official status of the Russian language.
As for the meeting in Copenhagen, its main goal was to convince the representatives of the Global South to at least to some extent support Volodymyr Zelensky’s “peace formula”, which is absolutely unacceptable and unpromising, which we openly tell our partners from Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Lenta : Since the conflict, rooted in the 2014 coup in Ukraine, has a geopolitical dimension, the issue of Russian security guarantees on our western borders will also need to be addressed.
Sergey Lavrov : Let me remind you that this is precisely what the initiative put forward by President Vladimir Putin in December 2021 was aimed at. Then the West, represented by the United States and NATO, arrogantly rejected it.
Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia Retno Marsudi menggelar pertemuan trilateral dengan Direktur Kantor Komisi Sentral untuk Urusan Luar Negeri Wang Yi dari China dan Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergei Lavrov di Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia di Jakarta, Rabu.
"Indonesia selalu terbuka untuk terlibat dan berdiskusi dengan mitra kami dengan harapan bahwa kami bisa berkontribusi terhadap perdamaian, stabilitas dan kemakmuran di seluruh dunia," kata Retno dalam pertemuan trilateral tersebut.
Berdasarkan pantauan ANTARA, Retno menyambut kedatangan Wang Yi di Gedung Pancasila Kemlu RI di Jakarta pada sekitar pukul 14.57 WIB.
Setelah menandatangani buku tamu, Wang Yi dan rombongannya menggelar pertemuan bilateral Indonesia-China secara terpisah sebelum melakukan pertemuan trilateral dengan Rusia.
Menlu Retno Marsudi (kiri) bersama Diplomat Senior China Wang Yi (tengah) dan Menlu Rusia Sergey Lavrov berbincang dalam pertemuan Trilateral di Gedung Pancasila Kementerian Luar Negeri, Jakarta, Rabu (12/7/2023). ANTARA FOTO/Aditya Pradana Putra/nz
Selanjutnya, pada sekitar pukul 15.29 WIB, Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergei Lavrov tiba di Gedung Pancasila bersama rombongan, disambut oleh Retno. Setelah menandatangani buku tamu, Sergei Lavrov, bersama Menlu dan Wang Yi terlibat dalam diskusi dalam kerangka pertemuan trilateral Indonesia-China-Rusia.
Dalam diskusi tersebut, Retno menekankan bahwa Indonesia terbuka untuk melakukan komunikasi, dialog dengan siapapun.
Tetapi, pada saat yang sama, Indonesia juga sangat tegas dan konsisten terkait penghormatan terhadap hukum internasional dan nilai-nilai serta prinsip yang ada di Piagam PBB.
Sementara itu, Retno mengatakan bahwa dalam pertemuan tersebut Wang Yi dan Sergei Lavrov menekankan penghormatan terhadap sentralitas ASEAN.
Mereka, kata Retno, mendukung keketuaan Indonesia, sentralitas ASEAN dan menilai bahwa forum yang digelar ASEAN adalah forum yang sangat strategis di mana semua key players yang ada di kawasan duduk dan membahas situasi kawasan.
Pertemuan trilateral Indonesia-China-Rusia merupakan bagian dari rangkaian acara Pertemuan Menteri Luar Negeri Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara (AMM) 2023 dengan negara-negara mitra dialog.
Selain China dan Rusia, mitra dialog ASEAN lainnya adalah India, Selandia Baru, Australia, Jepang, Korea Selatan, Uni Eropa, Inggris, Kanada, dan Amerika Serikat.
The price of security guarantees from the Group of Seven (G7) is a Ukraine cleared of Ukrainians by Western weapons, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.
Earlier, Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov expressed concern over the G7’s security guarantees, saying that "Kiev will not believe in them until it finds out what their price is."
"The price is not a secret: a Ukraine cleared of Ukrainians by Western weapons but with enough population left to serve NATO troops. There is no need to deport anyone to Western Europe any more because people have moved there themselves," the diplomat wrote on Telegram.
Kiev mistrusts G7 security guarantees – defense minister
Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has expressed skepticism over security guarantees that G7 nations are set to offer Kiev, after NATO’s failure to chart a roadmap to membership for Kiev.
The club of leading economies is to issue a declaration of support for Ukraine on Wednesday, which includes security assistance commitments. The document is to be issued on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Lithuania. Reznikov wants to see “details and prices” of the proposed G7 pledge before drawing conclusions, he told The Telegraph newspaper.
“After the Budapest Memorandum, we will not believe or not just trust paper without any cost,” he explained.
The document he referred to is one of three signed in 1994 by the US, UK and Russia with three newly independent former Soviet republics, which used to host nuclear weapons. Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine were given security assurances and support for their territorial integrity by the other signatories in exchange for having non-nuclear status. Under the pact, Soviet atomic weapons inherited by those three countries were handed over to Russia.
Kiev claimed that the US, UK and Russia failed to meet their obligations in 2014, when Crimea voted to break away from Ukraine following a Western-backed armed coup in Kiev, and rejoined Russia. Moscow called the change a legitimate expression of Crimeans’ right to self-determination, while Kiev and its Western allies consider the region to be illegally occupied. However, the Western signatories have argued that the memorandum was a political declaration rather than a binding commitment.
Ukraine asked NATO to offer it a roadmap to membership during this week’s summit of leaders in Lithuania. The US-led military bloc declined, and instead offered to let Kiev skip the Membership Action Plan phase. Ukraine will still need to meet the regular conditions for a candidate to be invited.
Zelensky blasted the outcome as “unprecedented and absurd” on Tuesday, before the final NATO communique was released. The president’s tweet infuriated the US delegation, according to sources cited by The Washington Post, as it was perceived as a last-ditch attempt to pressure the alliance into taking a decision more favorable to Ukraine.
Reznikov is part of the Ukrainian delegation headed by the president, attending the event in Lithuania. The minister met several Western defense officials and signed an agreement on the training of Ukrainian personnel in the use of Western-made fighter jets during the first day of the event.
The current ties between Moscow and Beijing effectively outclass the outdated Cold War-style model of a military-political alliance, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday.
Asked by a TASS reporter to comment on NATO’s Vilnius Summit Communique, which stated that the deepening strategic partnership between China and Russia runs counter to the bloc’s interests, Wang said: "Relations between China and Russia are based on the principles of non-alignment and non-confrontation, and are not targeted against any third countries."
"The relationship between the two countries has outclassed the model of a military-political alliance left over from the Cold War era," the Chinese diplomat added, saying that this bilateral relationship differed fundamentally from the North Atlantic Alliance, which, he said, focuses on creating exclusive closed circles while promoting bloc-based confrontation.
The 31 NATO allies issued a communique on Tuesday in Vilnius, as they wrapped up the first day of their annual summit in the Lithuanian capital. According to the document, China’s "ambitions and coercive policies" challenge the alliance’s interests, security and values. The communique also states that the European Union and NATO will continue to address what it said were systemic challenges posed by China to Euro-Atlantic security.
China and Russia are perceived as major, long-term competitors with the United States. Since 2014, China and Russia have strengthened their relationship, increasing political, military, and economic cooperation. In this report, the authors seek to understand the history of cooperation between Beijing and Moscow, the drivers of and constraints on the relationship, the potential future of cooperation between China and Russia, the impact of the Chinese-Russian relationship on the United States, and implications for future U.S. policy.
China and Russia are not formal treaty allies, meaning they aren’t bound to come to the other’s defense, and they are otherwise unlikely to do so in the case of Ukraine or Taiwan. But they call each other strategic partners and have grown closer in recent years. At a meeting in February 2022, days before Russia invaded Ukraine, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin said their partnership has “no limits” and vowed to deepen cooperation on various fronts. Xi and Putin are believed to have a close personal relationship, having met with each other more than forty times since 2012.
The Chinese and Russian leaders have been visiting each other's country at regular intervals. Since 2013, Xi and Putin have held 40 meetings and discussed many bilateral and international issues including how to strengthen bilateral ties, better protect regional security, democratize international relations, improve global governance, facilitate global development, and help build a community with a shared future for mankind.
China and Russia have bolstered strategic mutual trust, and good-neighborly and friendly relations, creating a new pattern of international relations. China-Russia ties are a win-win pattern which includes features such as comprehensive strategic coordination without alignment, closely cooperating but with independent policies, safeguarding of their national interests without targeting each other, dealing with global issues, and settling disputes through consultation.
Trade and economy have been the foundation of bilateral ties. For example, the bilateral trade volume in 2022 increased by 34.3 percent year-on-year to reach 1.28 trillion yuan ($185.41 billion). While China's exports of mechanical and electrical products to Russia increased by 9 percent, and automobiles and auto parts by 54 percent, energy trade hit $33.78 billion in the first two months of 2023, up 36.4 percent year-on-year.
Besides, people-to-people exchanges between the two sides have enriched bilateral ties, thanks to the many China-Russia Year of Exchange themes such as language, tourism, youth and the media. For example, the sports-themed 2022-23 China-Russia Year of Exchange has been a great success.
No wonder many expect Xi's ongoing visit to Russia to boost China-Russia win-win cooperation and promote the integration of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and Russia's Eurasia Economic Union.
True, the two countries have pledged to abide by non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third country. But non-targeting of a third country does not mean allowing a third party to interfere in the internal affairs of either China or Russia.