Untuk memastikan kenyamanan penumpang, LRT Jabodebek yang diresmikan Presiden Joko Widodo tanggal 18 Agusutus 2023 menyediakan water station. Fasilitas ini berfungsi sebagai area pengisian ulang air minum yang dapat dinikmati oleh para penumpang secara cuma-cuma.
Water station dilengkapi water purifier dari Coway, perusahaan pemurni air dan pemurni udara no.1 Korea Selatan. Berbeda dengan water dispenser yang menggunakan galon guna ulang, water purifier memungkinkan air yang diakses penumpang terjaga kebersihannya dan bebas dari kontaminasi zat berbahaya seperti mikroplastik dan Bisphenol A (BPA).
"Dengan menggunakan water purifier, masyarakat cukup bawa tumbler dan bisa isi ulang air minum dari water purifier Coway," jelas Jeon Chan, Chief of Marketing Department Coway Indonesia.
"Di stasiun terdapat toilet pria wanita dan difabel, Ruang laktasi, mushola, guiding block untuk tunanetra, lift khusus difabel, eskalator, tangga manual dan lainnya," kata Manager Public Relations Divisi LRT Jabodebek Kuswardojo di Jakarta, hari Sabtu, 12/08/2023.
Dia mengatakan bahwa fasilitas di 18 stasiun LRT Jabodebek sudah disesuaikan dengan standar pelayanan minimal (SPM) yang diharuskan sehingga dapat menambah kenyamanan para penumpang.
Salah satu fasilitas lainnya yang telah hadir di Stasiun LRT Dukuh Atas dan Stasiun LRT Jati Mulya adalah water station yang ditempatkan di beberapa sudut stasiun.
Hal ini memudahkan penumpang mengambil air dari water purifier yang disediakan oleh Coway, perusahaan pemurni air dan udara nomor satu asal Korea Selatan.
Berbeda dengan dispenser air biasa, fasilitas tersebut memungkinkan penumpang LRT Jabodebek mengonsumsi air minum langsung dari sumbernya.
Water purifier Coway tersambung dengan sumber air tanah atau air perpipaan sehingga tidak lagi memerlukan pemakaian galon untuk isi ulang. Sebelum diminum, terdapat proses filtrasi berlapis yang membuatnya aman dan terjamin secara kualitas.
Coway juga menerapkan standar operasional untuk memastikan air yang dikonsumsi memenuhi prasyarat mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan lewat analisis air di Water Quality Laboratory (WQL) yang dikelola Coway bersama dengan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
Chief of Marketing Department Coway Indonesia Jeon Chan mengatakan bahwa perusahaannya ingin memperluas budaya minum dari water purifier agar masyarakat dapat merasakan air yang lebih sehat dan bersih daripada menggunakan dispenser atau air minum kemasan botol.
Chan menjelaskan air keran yang tersambung dengan water purifier tipe Core (CHP-671L) di area water station telah terjamin kualitas dan keamanannya dengan adanya sistem filtrasi lima tahap, termasuk plus sediment filter, pre-carbon filter, reverse osmosis membrane filter, plus inno-sense filter, dan anti bacterial filter.
Selain itu produk ini juga ideal ditempatkan di ruang publik karena memiliki fitur pengisian otomatis dengan kapasitasnya yang besar, mencapai 21.1 liter.
"Produk kami ini telah melalui sertifikasi dari Water Quality Association ini mampu menghilangkan 106 jenis kontaminan, termasuk partikel besar seperti pasir hingga partikel terkecil berukuran 0.0005 μm," ujar Chan.
Tidak hanya itu, performa filter pada water purifier selalu terjaga karena Coway memberikan layanan purna jual “Heart Service” berupa penggantian filter tiap dua bulan sekali beserta edukasi terkait penggunaan produk agar terbebas dari paparan bakteri akibat kontaminasi silang. Coway juga telah mengantongi sertifikat halal dari JAKIM pada tahun 2010 untuk rangkaian produk dan filternya.
Dilansir dari Biro Umum dan Administrasi Sekretariat DKI Jakarta, PT LRT akan menargetkan 2.500 penumpang setiap harinya. Hal ini berarti ribuan orang dapat turut serta mengurangi sampah plastik, salah satunya para penumpang dapat membawa tumbler dan mengisi-ulangnya di area water station.
Dalam waktu dekat, water station juga akan hadir di beberapa stasiun LRT termasuk Pancoran, Cikoko, Ciliwung, Cawang, TMII, Kampung Rambutan, Ciracas, Harjamukti, Halim, Jatibening Baru, Cikunir 1, Cikunir 2, dan Bekasi Barat.
Sejak April 2023, water purifier Coway juga telah hadir di beberapa stasiun kereta api yang dikelola PT. KAI termasuk Stasiun Gambir, Stasiun Pasar Senen, Stasiun Purwokerto, Stasiun Yogyakarta, Stasiun Solo Balapan, Stasiun Surabaya Gubeng, Stasiun Surabaya Pasar Turi, dan Stasiun Malang.
Over the past several days, Russian troops have intensified attacks on the Ukrainian army’s logistical infrastructure as part of Moscow’s ongoing special military operation.
Russian troops have destroyed three railcars with ammunition belonging to the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF), Vadim Astafyev, head of the Yug (South) battlegroup’s press service, told Sputnik on Monday.
He said that the attack on the railcars – part of Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine - was conducted by Yug’s missile units on the Avdeyevka front line. This followed a UAF ammo echelon being hit by Russian forces in the Dnepropetrovsk region in south-eastern Ukraine.
“Such strikes have now become more frequent because the focus is now being placed on weakening UAF ability to conduct intense warfare,” Boris Rozhin, a military expert with the Center for Military-Political Journalism, an independent Russian military affairs think tank, said in an interview with Sputnik.
He added that staging attacks without munitions is a tricky task, which is why “we currently witness the [Russian army’s] hunt for [the UAF’s] ammo depots and echelons.”
“The destruction of such a facility creates at least temporary logistical problems [for the enemy] pertaining to transportation and storage, among other troubles. This, of course, makes it difficult for the enemy to go ahead with conducting combat operations,” Rozhin stressed, adding that the Russian strikes are “quite effective and seriously affect the UAF’s combat capability.
He was echoed by Earl Rasmussen, an international consultant and a retired US Army lieutenant colonel, who told Sputnik that he thinks “it's a wise move to eliminate” UAF munition depots “before they have a chance to be used.”
“That's just going to further deplete the capabilities of the Ukrainian forces. I mean, if you don't have any ammunition, it doesn't do much good having a Leopard tank out there or a howitzer artillery, [because] you just become […] a sitting target,” Rasmussen pointed out.
The remarks come after a US broadcaster reported last month that the US and NATO grapple with the “dwindling supply of artillery ammunition” for Ukraine. The broadcaster cited unnamed officials as saying that the US “has been nearing that red line as it has continued to supply Ukraine with 155mm ammunition, the NATO standard used for artillery rounds.”
US National Security adviser Jake Sullivan told the news network that even though the US began ramping up ammunition production last year, munitions would still take “years” to mass produce to acceptable levels.
This unfolds amid Kiev’s botched counteroffensive, which was launched on June 4 after multiple delays. Since the beginning of the counteroffensive, Ukraine has lost over 43,000 troops and 4,900 units of military equipment, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.
Russian Drones Wipe out Ukrainian Armored Vehicles
Russian soldiers have been relieving the Ukrainian troops of the armored vehicles in the Zaporozhye region in a smooth manner, employing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to help minimize human losses among Russian soldiers. High-precision strikes conducted by first-person view (FPV) drones disorganize Ukrainian forces leaving them unable to attack.
Russia's Ministry of Defense has published video footage showing three FPV drones destroying Ukrainian armored vehicles in the Zaporozhye region.
In early June, Ukraine made an attempt to launch a counteroffensive, which resulted in nothing more than severe losses in manpower and military equipment supplied by the West. The latter has proven to be useless for the Kiev regime which has been disappointing its Western partners. At the same time, Ukrainian troops, tired of sacrificing their lives for Zelensky, have been deserting and surrendering to the Russian Army.
Laila Atika Sari mahasiswi S2 IPB University meninggal setelah menjadi korban kebakaran saat lakukan penelitian di laboratorium pada hari Jumat, 18/08/2023 (Sumber: Tribunnews.com)
Kepolisian Sektor Dramaga, Polres Bogor, mengungkapkan bahwa mahasiswi Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Laila Arika Sari, meninggal dunia karena luka akibat terkena ledakan di sebuah laboratorium. Laila meninggal pada Sabtu, 19/08/2023.
"Di mana sebuah ledakan yang terjadi di Laboratorium GC Ilmu Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak lantai 4 Fakultas Peternakan Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor, Pada 18 Agustus 2023 lalu," kata Kapolsek Dramaga AKP Budi Sehabudin di Bogor, hari Senin, 21/08/2023.
Budi menjelaskan, Laila Atika Sari yang merupakan mahasiswi S2 itu mengalami luka bakar akibat ledakan tersebut. "Saat kejadian korban sedang melakukan penelitian S2 terkait analisis lemak bahan pakan menggunakan metode soxlet menjadi korban atas ledakan tersebut," tuturnya.
Kepolisian telah menggelar oleh tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) guna menyelidiki penyebab dari ledakan yang menghebohkan mahasiswa di sekitaran laboratorium. "Pada saat kejadian mahasiswa yang berada di sekitar laboratorium pun sempat melakukan pertolongan kepada korban, dan berusaha memadamkan api," kata Budi.
IPB juga membentuk tim khusus untuk menginvestigasi peristiwa kebakaran laboratorium yang menyebabkan satu mahasiswanya, Laila Arika Sari meninggal dunia. Rektor IPB Arif Satria mengatakan, bahwa tim tersebut melakukan koordinasi untuk menetapkan langkah-langkah penanganan dari kebakaran di laboratorium kampus IPB, Dramaga.
Tiga tim tersebut memiliki fungsi berbeda, pertama tim investigasi yang akan bekerja sama dengan kepolisian. Tim ini akan menggali kronologi detail kejadian, termasuk memeriksa prosedur baku (SOP) dan hal-hal lain yang perlu diketahui. Kedua, tim evaluasi laboratorium yang melakukan pemeriksaan alat-alat dan fasilitas pada seluruh laboratorium di IPB University, khususnya alat-alat laboratorium yang berisiko tinggi saat digunakan
Ketiga, tim keselamatan kerja di kampus untuk memastikan keselamatan kerja, baik dalam kegiatan akademik, pengabdian pada masyarakat, maupun dalam hal kehidupan kampus pada umumnya termasuk ketertiban dan keselamatan lalu lintas.
Laila Atika Sari mengalami luka bakar akibat terjebak dalam ruang laboratorium yang terbakar Jumat (18/8/2023), sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB. Setelah berhasil dievakuasi dari ruang laboratorium, Laila kemudian dibawa menggunakan ambulans ke Rumah Sakit Medika Dramaga untuk mendapatkan pertolongan pertama.
Namun, rumah sakit tersebut tidak dapat menangani secara maksimal luka yang diderita oleh Laila. Sehingga pasien dirujuk ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta untuk mendapat perawatan lebih intensif. Setelah mendapat penanganan intensif dari tim dokter RSCM, pada hari Sabtu, 19/08/2023, sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB, Laila Atika Sari dinyatakan meninggal dunia.
Military operations are underway near the village of Sinkovka, located near Kupyansk in the Kharkov region. Ukrainian forces have reportedly vacated the settlement, as reported by the regional head Vitaliy Ganchev.
"We are receiving information that Russian forces are decisively pushing back the adversary in the vicinity of Kupyansk. Particularly vigorous actions are currently unfolding in the area surrounding Sinkovka village. At this moment, we can confirm the absence of Ukrainian armed forces personnel within the settlement," stated Ganchev.
In early June, Ukraine launched its much-touted counteroffensive, a gamble that turned out to be a disastrous fiasco. The entire time, the Kiev regime has been sustaining serious losses and suffering failure after failure. All the military equipment supplied by the West has been of little help to Ukrainian troops, who, stricken with extremely low morale, have been deserting en masse, while being unable to breach Russian defenses.
Meanwhile, Russian forces have been repelling Ukrainian attacks and advancing in several areas, including in the directions of Kupyansk and Krasny Liman, liberating many settlements in the process.
Russia improves position near key frontline city – MOD
Moscow’s troops have improved their forward positions near the key Ukrainian city of Kupiansk, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Monday. Ukrainian authorities had previously ordered a mandatory evacuation of the area around the logistics hub.
The Russian military said the troops had fended off four separate attacks east of Kupiansk, a strategically important settlement in Kharkov Region. The most intense fighting took place near the villages of Sinkovka in the same region and Novosyolovskoye in the Russian Lugansk People’s Republic, the ministry said in a daily briefing.
The northern portion of the front line near Kupiansk has emerged as the scene of a Russian push against Ukrainian troops, as Kiev’s forces faltered in their attempts to conduct a counteroffensive in the south.
Less than two weeks ago, the Ukrainian municipal administration announced a mandatory evacuation of the city and dozens of other settlements. On Monday, rumors circulated online that at least part of the administration had moved out of Kupiansk, though this was not officially confirmed.
Its acting head, Andrey Kanashevich, appeared to refute the speculation by posting images of what he claimed to be a recent meeting with other officials. There was also a photo of him standing next to a local attraction, a monument to a beaver, with the animal sculpture wrapped in a red-and-black Ukrainian nationalist flag.
Kupiansk is located some 120km from the regional capital Kharkov and serves as a military logistics hub, with a railway running through it. Russia seized the city shortly after hostilities with Ukraine broke out in February 2022, but Kiev retook it months later, when Moscow pulled back troops to take more favorable defensive positions.
In June, Ukraine launched a new counteroffensive, which Kiev claimed would result in the seizure of territory not unlike what happened last year. The operation has proven to be largely unsuccessful so far, with only a handful of villages captured amid intense fighting.
The Ukrainian government has blamed a shortage of Western weapons and the failure of its sponsors to supply combat aircraft for the outcome. Moscow claims that Kiev has lost more than 43,000 troops and dozens of pieces of heavy weapons, including those manufactured by NATO members, in its futile attacks.
Hilary weakened to a post-tropical cyclone early Monday after pummeling Southern California with rain over the weekend, but meteorologists warned of the continued potential for life-threatening flooding generated by the storm.
Hilary was expected to dissipate later on Monday after producing up to an additional four inches of rain across parts of California and Nevada.
A flash flood warning in Los Angeles County was in effect until to 8 a.m. local time, and another was extended until 9 a.m. for parts of San Bernardino County, where forecasters warned of low-water crossings and poor drainage that could make roads impassable. Parts of Inyo and Mono Counties, near the border with Nevada, were also under a flash flood warning for several more hours.
There were no immediate reports of deaths or injuries. Fire crews rescued at least three people who were trapped by rising waters.
Schools were shut on Monday for hundreds of thousands of children in Los Angeles, San Diego and the Coachella Valley. But the University of Southern California, which reported “only isolated flooding,” said it would begin the fall semester on Monday as scheduled.
Where is flooding expected?
Hilary "is expected to produce additional rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches, with isolated storm total amounts to 12 inches, across portions of Southern California and Southern Nevada through today," the hurricane center said. "Continued flash and urban flooding, locally catastrophic, is expected."
What's more, 1 to 5 inches of rain was expected across portions of Oregon and Idaho through Tuesday morning "resulting in localized, some significant, flash flooding," the center added.
In Nevada, officials remain concerned about dangerous flooding across the western Mojave Desert, which is at high risk for flash flooding, "an exceedingly rare occurrence," the National Weather Service office in Las Vegas said Sunday on social media.
Southern California was experiencing heavy rain in Los Angeles and surrounding counties, CBS News Los Angeles reported.
The National Weather Service said Ventura County was experiencing life-threatening flooding and San Bernardino, Riverside and nearby mountains were at high risk of flash floods. San Bernardino and Riverside Counties issued evacuation orders and Orange County issued evacuation warnings.
Meanwhile, the Inland Empire and mountains are at a high risk of flash flooding, with some communities expected to get 6-10 inches of rain, according to CBS Los Angeles.
How is Southern California dealing with Hilary?
As of 2 a.m. PDT Monday, Hilary was some 390 miles north of San Diego 75 miles northeast of Bakersfield, California, and racing north at 29 mph with maximum sustained winds of 35 mph.
Although no longer a hurricane, the system was still bringing heavy rainfall to the area.
It was the first time that the National Hurricane Center issued a tropical storm warning for Southern California, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency ahead of its arrival.
President Biden on Sunday said he has asked FEMA to deploy personnel and supplies to California. Mr. Biden also said the Coast Guard has pre-positioned aircraft to allow for rapid response and rescue efforts.
"My Administration also deployed federal personnel to Nevada to ensure the state has additional support, and we will continue to coordinate with California, Nevada, and Arizona on any resources they might need," Mr. Biden said.
On Sunday evening, Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest school district in the country, announced all schools, campuses and after-school programs would be closed Monday due to the storm.
"This was not an easy decision," the district said on social media. "Los Angeles Unified acknowledges the unique, unprecedented nature of Tropical Storm Hilary, which has garnered city, county, and state declarations of emergency."
Pasadena Unified School District followed suit later Sunday night.
The California Department of Parks and Recreation on Saturday ordered a temporary closure of all San Diego and Orange County state beaches and several state parks.
Disneyland announced Saturday that parks would be closing early Sunday, with Disney California Adventure Park closing at 9 p.m., Disneyland Park closing at 10 p.m. and the Downtown Disney District will close at 11 p.m.
The San Diego Padres, Los Angeles Dodgers and Los Angeles Angels all moved their scheduled Sunday home games to Saturday double-headers in anticipation of the storm.
When will Hilary hit Las Vegas?
Nevada will see heavy rain into Monday morning with likely flooding in Las Vegas and "significant flooding" in Death Valley National Park, the Weather Channel reported.
Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo declared a state of emergency Sunday afternoon due to the "imminent impact" of Tropical Storm Hilary across the state. "Significant damage to public and private property are likely, including multiple transportation routes," the declaration read.
That came days after he announced that 100 National Guard troops had been activated ahead of the tropical storm.
The storm broke rainfall records in multiple locations across Southern California. Palm Springs received nearly a year’s worth of rain – 4.3 inches – in 24 hours, one of the rainiest days in the city’s history. Nearly half a year’s worth of rain fell in just a six-hour period there.
Death Valley nearly set a new mark for wettest day on record with 1.68 inches of rain. Nearly a month’s worth of rain fell there in one hour on Sunday, with 0.63 inches reported by the Furnace Creek Observation site. The area usually receives just 0.21 inches of rain the entire month of August.
More rain is expected to cause dangerous flash, urban and arroyo flooding in some places, including landslides, mudslides and debris flows. Localized flooding is expected into Tuesday morning across northern portions of the Intermountain West.
In Palm Springs, roads already are closed, and 911 lines have been down since about 10:30 p.m. Sunday night, Mayor Grace Garner said Monday on “CNN This Morning.” Residents should text 911 in case of emergency.
“There is no way in or out of Palm Springs,” Garner said.
“We are not used to this level of precipitation, generally – certainly not in the middle of summer,” San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria told CNN on Sunday.
“With what we’re expecting, it may overwhelm us.”
Here’s the latest:
Flood watches are in effect for more than 16 million people from Southern California to northern Idaho. Places that normally don’t see flash flooding “will flood,” the National Weather Service said. “Lives and property are in great danger through Monday.”
Strong and gusty winds are due to persist Monday across portions of the Western US, particularly in and near areas of higher terrain. Coastal tropical storm warnings have been discontinued.
More than 40,000 customers are in the dark across California, PowerOutage.us reports. About 20,000 customers in Southern California have no power, Southern California Edison President and CEO Steve Powell said Monday on “CNN This Morning,” adding crews are out “looking to bring power back on as safely as we possibly can.”
People in parts of Southern California should not travel unless they are fleeing an area under flooding or under an evacuation order, the National Weather Service has warned.
Flooding, mudslides and downed trees and wires are widely reported across Southern California. At least nine people were rescued Sunday in a San Diego riverbed, San Diego Fire-Rescue said, with water rescues also reported in Ventura County and Palm Springs.
To the west, Los Angeles and Ventura counties saw “considerable damage” Sunday night amid reports of life-threatening flash flooding, and rock and mudslides, the National Weather Service said, adding up to half an inch of rain could fall per hour.
Cars were stuck in floodwaters in the Spanish Hills area, the National Weather Service reported.
And as Hilary triggered flood warnings across Los Angeles, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake on Sunday afternoon shook the area and other parts of Southern California, the United States Geological Survey said.
Roads deluged with mud and water
Once a hurricane, Hilary weakened as it made landfall Sunday in Mexico – where at least one person died – then crossed into the Golden State. The storm’s center was roughly 10 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles around 8 p.m. local time Sunday, moving north with weakened 45-mph winds, according to the hurricane center.
Here’s what else to know:
Three cities in California — Cathedral City, Indio and Palm Springs — said 911 lines were down. Officials in Los Angeles said there had been reports of at least 150 tree-related issues in the city, as well as downed electrical wires and 17 minor mudflows. About 40,000 customers were without electricity in California.
Just as the first bands of heavy rain fell on Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon, a 5.1-magnitude earthquake — unrelated to the tropical storm — struck northwest of the city. There were no reports of major damage or injuries, but an estimated 12 million people live in the affected area, further fraying the region’s nerves.
Gov. Gavin Newsom of California declared a state of emergency in several counties in the south, including Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego. The city of Indio, which has about 92,000 residents and is in Riverside County, also declared a state of emergency on Sunday. Across the state, officials canceled events, closed parks and beaches, and deployed more than 7,500 emergency responders.
Before Hilary reached the United States, it battered Baja California, Mexico, where one person died and another was missing, but Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, posted in Spanish that “fortunately, there was not much damage.”
The Central Military District’s reconnaissance detected the location of a stronghold of Ukrainian nationalists, ensuring its seizure in the Krasny Liman direction, the Russian Defense Ministry told TASS on Monday.
The combat task was accomplished by an assault team aided by T-90 tanks and BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles.
"While on a combat mission, the servicemen moved out to a reconnaissance area where, with the use of a drone, they detected the location of an enemy stronghold. Having received data on the target, the assault team, aided by T-90 banks and a BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle, advanced to capture the stronghold. Coming very close to the positions, the heavy weapons fired on the enemy head-on, using the `tanks carousel’ tactic. The attack at lightning speed and [the Russians’] firepower destroyed the stronghold and discouraged the Ukrainian personnel from further resistance, enabling the assault team to safely seize the stronghold," the ministry said.
The recon officers used the language of Tuva for more secrecy in the event of a radio intercept.
Russian forces strike Ukrainian assault teams in Krasny Liman area
Russia’s Battlegroup Center struck the enemy assault teams who attempted to attack the Russian Armed Forces’ positions in the Krasny Liman direction, Battlegroup Spokesman Alexander Savchuk told TASS on Monday.
"Near Torskoye and in a segment of the Serebryanka forestry, the enemy made five attempts to retake positions. With artillery fire support, Battlegroup Center’s forward based units inflicted fire damage on assault teams of Ukraine’s 63rd and 42nd mechanized brigades who attempted to attack Russian troops," Savchuk reported.
According to the spokesman, the enemy lost more than 30 militants. Also, a tank, an infantry fighting vehicle and two cars were destroyed.
"Some 30 enemy artillery positions were detected and jammed in counter-battery fighting. A 120mm mortar crew was struck, and the Tor-M1 missile system shot down a Ukrainian drone near Kremennaya," he said.
The battlegroup’s assault and army aviation delivered eight missile strikes on the enemy’s man-and firepower amassed near Novosadovoye and Chervona Dibrova, Savchuk added.