Sunday, 17 September 2023

'Gerbang Neraka' di Asia Tengah yang jadi destinasi populer

'Gerbang Neraka' di Asia Tengah yang jadi destinasi populer

'Gerbang Neraka' di Asia Tengah yang jadi destinasi populer

Kawah Gas Darvaza:   Saat Anda mendekat, Anda akan merasakan panas dan mendengar suara ribuan nyala api gas alam yang menari. Masyarakat setempat menyebutnya sebagai “Pintu Menuju Neraka”. Jangan terlalu dekat! (Sejak foto ini diambil, pemerintah Turkmenistan membangun pagar besi rendah di sekitar kawah dan jalan batu menuju teras yang menghadap ke tepi kawah. Foto di bawah menunjukkan pagar besi dan tempat perkemahan baru.) Foto oleh AlexelA / Alamy Stock Foto.

"Gerbang Neraka" terletak sekitar 260 kilometer (160 mil) di utara ibu kota Turkmenistan, Ashgabat. Situs ini memiliki lebar 60 meter (190 kaki) dan kedalaman 20 meter (70 kaki).

Turkmenportal, sebuah situs berita Turkmenistan, mengatakan "Gerbang Neraka" pertama kali terbentuk pada tahun 1971 ketika ahli geologi Soviet menghantam gua gas alam di Gurun Karakum yang luas, menyebabkan gua tersebut runtuh secara tidak sengaja.

Ahli geologi Soviet menyalakan api untuk mencegah penyebaran gas alam, mereka secara keliru percaya bahwa gas tersebut akan padam dalam waktu singkat.

Beberapa dekade kemudian, “Gerbang Neraka” masih menyala, seperti namanya neraka.

Pada tahun 2018, presiden memerintahkan agar gedung tersebut diganti namanya menjadi "Shining of Karakum".

Berdymukhamedov sebelumnya memerintahkan pemadaman api pada tahun 2010.

Upaya sebelumnya untuk memadamkan “Gerbang Neraka” belum berhasil.

Pada tahun 2019, Berdymukhamedov menggunakan truk off-road untuk melaju di sekitar "Gerbang Neraka" untuk televisi pemerintah.

Pada tahun 2022, Presiden Turkmenistan mengatakan dia ingin menutup objek wisata populer yang dikenal sebagai “Gerbang Neraka.” Situs ini merupakan kawah gas alam spektakuler yang telah terbakar selama beberapa dekade.

A popular tourist site, Turkmenistan's Darvasa crater pit has been burning gas for over 50 years. The country's attempts to put out its flames have been unsuccessful. via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 4.0

Selama lebih dari lima dekade, api besar telah berkobar di Gurun Karakum di Turkmenistan, dan Presiden negara tersebut Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov ingin mengakhirinya, kata Brandon Specktor untuk Live Science.

Pada tanggal 8 Januari 2022, pemimpin tersebut muncul di saluran TV milik pemerintah, mendesak para pejabat untuk “menemukan solusi untuk memadamkan api” dari kawah besar yang terbakar yang dikenal sebagai “Gerbang Neraka.”

“Kita kehilangan sumber daya alam yang berharga sehingga kita dapat memperoleh keuntungan besar dan menggunakannya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat kita,” kata Berdymukhamedov selama program tersebut, menurut Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Tidak jelas apakah ada solusi yang layak saat ini. Penjelajah George Kourounis, orang pertama yang turun ke dasar lubang pada bulan November 2013, mengatakan kepada Sarah Durn dari Atlas Obscura bahwa perbaikan yang tampaknya logis pun mungkin akan sia-sia.

“Saat saya menggali tanah [di dasar kawah] untuk mengumpulkan sampel tanah, api mulai keluar dari lubang yang baru saja saya gali karena lubang tersebut menciptakan jalur baru bagi gas untuk keluar dari kawah. kata Kourounis. “Jadi meskipun Anda memadamkan api dan menutupinya, ada kemungkinan gas tersebut masih bisa keluar ke permukaan dan yang diperlukan hanyalah satu percikan untuk menyalakannya kembali.”

Berdasarkan Live Science, upaya untuk memadamkan api selebar 230 kaki dan kedalaman 65 kaki, yang dikenal sebagai Kawah Gas Darvaza, telah berlangsung sejak pertama kali terbakar pada tahun 1971. Namun Atlas Obscura melaporkan bahwa asal muasal api masih belum jelas.

Pengetahuan populer menyatakan bahwa kawah tersebut terbentuk pada tahun 1971 setelah kecelakaan gas alam Soviet ketika sebuah anjungan pengeboran runtuh di gurun.

The crater fire named "Gates of Hell" is seen near Darvaza, Turkmenistan, on July 11, 2020. The president of Turkmenistan is calling for an end to one of the country's most notable but infernal sights.

Alexander Vershinin/AP

Soviet membakar area yang runtuh untuk membakar metana, dengan asumsi kobaran api hanya akan berlangsung satu atau dua hari. Namun, ahli geologi setempat berpendapat bahwa kawah tersebut terbentuk pada akhir tahun 1960an dan baru terbakar pada tahun 1980an.

Salah satu misteri seputar asal muasal lubang tersebut disebabkan oleh keterasingan Turkmenistan dari dunia luar. Dianggap sebagai negara paling terisolasi kedua (setelah Korea Utara), Turkmenistan menerima kurang dari 10.000 wisatawan per tahun, kata Marek Grzegorczyk dari Emerging Europe.

Perilaku eksentrik Berdymukhamedov adalah salah satu dari sedikit hal yang diketahui tentang negara tersebut. Dia nge-rap tentang kudanya, mengangkat barbel emas di depan lemarinya, memerintahkan pembangunan patung emas raksasa anjing gembala Turkmenistan, dan menampilkan donat di mobil reli di depan Gerbang Neraka untuk menghilangkan rumor tentang kematiannya.

Meskipun Berdymukhamedov mengatakan sebagian alasannya menutup tambang tersebut berasal dari kekhawatiran terhadap keselamatan warga sekitar, Gianluca Pardelli, pendiri Soviet Tours, mengatakan kepada Atlas Obscura bahwa dia skeptis terhadap klaim altruistik presiden tersebut. “Tidak ada seorang pun di dekatnya,” katanya, seraya mengklaim bahwa ia yakin Berdymukhamedov memerintahkan kota terdekat diratakan dengan tanah karena kota tersebut terlihat miskin.

Lilit Marcus kepada CNN melaporkan bahwa pejabat Turkmenistan yakin ada alasan lingkungan yang baik atas penutupan tersebut, dan menyatakan bahwa hal tersebut merupakan pemborosan sumber daya alam; bahwa kawah tersebut mengeluarkan gas metana, yang merusak atmosfer; dan bahwa gas tersebut mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan penduduk sekitar.

Upaya sebelumnya untuk memadamkan api telah gagal. Menurut AFP, upaya terakhir terjadi pada tahun 2010, ketika Berdymukhamedov meminta para ahli untuk menemukan cara memadamkan api, namun gagal.

Upaya sebelumnya untuk memadamkan api telah gagal. Menurut AFP, upaya terakhir terjadi pada tahun 2010, ketika Berdymukhamedov meminta para ahli untuk menemukan cara memadamkan api, namun gagal.

Gerbang Neraka tidak dapat disangkal membocorkan metana yang berharga dan berbahaya bagi lingkungan ke atmosfer. Kawah tersebut merupakan “lingkungan yang berpolusi,” kata Stefan Green, ahli mikrobiologi yang mendampingi Kourounis pada tahun 2013, kepada Atlas Obscura.

Sebagian besar wilayah 'Gerbang Neraka' merupakan hamparan gurun pasir Karakum. Sebuah lubang lelehan besar di gurun Turkmenistan telah memuntahkan api selama beberapa dekade, namun asal muasalnya dianggap sangat rahasia.

Dilansir dari Times Now, Gurun Karakum adalah hamparan besar bukit pasir yang terbakar sinar matahari yang menutupi sekitar 70 persen wilayah Turkmenistan. Anda dapat menjelajahi tanah tandus seluas 350 ribu kilometer persegi ini selama berhari-hari dan hanya melihat puncak dan lembah tak berujung di hutan belantara Karakum yang tandus.

Jika berjalan menuju dataran utara-tengah gurun, pengunjung mungkin akan menemukan situs yang terlihat seperti mimpi: Kawah Darvaza, lubang gas cair yang telah memuntahkan api selama beberapa dekade dan dikenal sebagai "Gerbang Neraka".

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'Ground War' in Ukraine May Be Over - Pentagon Ex-Advisor

'Ground War' in Ukraine May Be Over - Pentagon Ex-Advisor

'Ground War' in Ukraine May Be Over - Pentagon Ex-Advisor

©Sputnik/Sergey Averin/Go to the mediabank

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine may be about to move to a new phase amid the severe losses sustained by the Kiev regime forces, warns former senior Pentagon adviser Col. Douglas Macgregor.

With thousands of Ukrainian losses during the ongoing “counteroffensive”, Kiev appears to be “desperate for manpower” and is trying to rectify this problem by “forcing people into uniform inside the country that are not really capable of fighting” and attempting to repatriate Ukrainians of military age from overseas, Macgregor said during an interview with Norwegian political scientist Glenn Diesen.

“So I think the Ukrainian ground war, for all intents and purposes, is either at a standstill or perhaps even over,” he remarked.

Macgregor did point out, however, that Kiev may instead resort to attacking Russia with long-range weapons acquired from Western sponsors, such as Storm Shadow and Taurus missiles, with the colonel suggesting that the recent Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol was an example of such a strike.

He noted that this course of actions does not bode well for Ukraine as it essentially helps convince Moscow that the Ukrainian conflict can only be resolved through military means

Macgregor also lamented that the US leadership mulls what other armaments “short of a nuclear weapon” they can use via the Ukrainians instead of attempting to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian conflict with Russia.

“The Russians would love to sit down and talk to somebody who is willing to examine where we stand – no one will do it,” he said. “So this is why I call this phase of the war, it’s no longer the Ukrainian phase, it is now the Biden phase of the war. And the Biden phase of the war is long range strikes.”

He warned that such long range strikes into the Russian territory will not convince the Russians to acquiesce to the US’ demands, as the strategists in Washington apparently believe.

“If anything, it is going to persuade the Russians that they must attack and attack decisively to the west,” Macgregor stated.

Finding itself unable to defeat the Russian forces on the battlefield, the regime in Kiev has resorted to carrying out terror strikes against population centers and civilian infrastructure in Russia.

While so far these attacks were mostly conducted using drones and Soviet-era ordnance, as well as by sending teams of Ukrainian terrorists across the border, odds are high that Kiev may also start actively using for these purposes the long-range missiles provided by its NATO sponsors.

British Army Vet Turned Mercenary Reported Dead in Ukrainian Conflict

A body that may belong to a British mercenary who fought in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime has been found after he was declared missing last month.

The remains of Daniel Burke, a 36-year old veteran of the of the British Paratrooper Regiment, have allegedly been discovered by authorities in Ukraine, UK media outlet have reported, citing the Greater Manchester Police (GMP).

According to the report, Burke’s body was found in Zaporozhye, some 44 kilometers away from the frontline, and the GMP currently seeks to “support the identification” of the deceased and to return his body home with the help of the Ukrainian authorities and the dead mercenary’s family.

Burke’s mother had reportedly told the outlet upon the news of her son’s corpse’s discovery that this is the moment she had been “dreading."

Burke, who served in the British Parachute Regiment between 2007 and 2009, spent eight months in prison in 2019 on terror charges stemming from his involvement in the Syrian conflict on the side of a Kurdish militant group. All charges against him were dropped in 2020, the media outlet noted.

In 2022, Burke traveled to Ukraine to fight on the side of the Kiev regime and was reported missing by his family in August this year.

The exact circumstances of Burke's death have not been revealed at this time.

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Saturday, 16 September 2023

Menko Airlangga: Indonesia Bersiap jadi Anggota OECD

Menko Airlangga: Indonesia Bersiap jadi Anggota OECD

Menko Airlangga: Indonesia Bersiap jadi Anggota OECD

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian RI, Airlangga Hartarto di sidang pleno ISEI ke-23 dan seminar nasional 2023 secara virtual pada Rabu, 15 September 2023/Youtube

Dengan prospek perekonomian yang berangsur membaik, Indonesia optimis melangkah maju dan bersiap untuk menjadi bagian dari Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian RI, Airlangga Hartarto dalam pidatonya, mewakili Presiden Joko Widodo secara virtual di Sidang Pleno Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI) ke-23 dan Seminar Nasional pada hari Rabu, 15/09/2023.

Menurut penurutan Airlangga, keanggotaan Indonesia di OECD akan sangat bermanfaat terutama dalam meningkatkan standar kebijakan ekonomi pemerintah menjadi lebih adil, inklusif, bebas dari korupsi, dan berwawasan lingkungan.

"Indonesia menyiapkan diri menjadi anggota OECD yang mana keanggotaan ini sangat bermanfaat," kata Airlangga.

Lebih lanjut, Airlangga menjelaskan bahwa rencana aksesi keanggotaan Indonesia tersebut telah mendapat sambutan baik dari seluruh anggota OECD.

“Pada pertemuan dengan OECD beberapa waktu lalu, 38 negara anggota OECD menyambut baik dan mendukung keinginan Indonesia untuk bergabung ke dalamnya," ungkapnya.

Kendati demikian, kata Airlangga, untuk menjadi anggota OECD Indonesia harus menyesuaikan lebih dari 200 standar yang ditetapkan organisasi tersebut.

"Ini bukan pekerjaan yang mudah, tentunya membutuhkan peran dari para stakeholder termasuk ekonom yang tergabung dalam ISEI,” ujarnya.

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Ukrainians widely use cluster munitions on battlefield — Putin

Ukrainians widely use cluster munitions on battlefield — Putin

Ukrainians widely use cluster munitions on battlefield — Putin

Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko and Russia's President Vladimir Putin
©Mikhail Metzel/POOL/TASS

Cluster munitions are used in the widest possible way in the zone of the special military operation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said while answering journalists' questions during a meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Asked whether the Ukrainian side was now using cluster munitions on the battlefield, Putin replied: "They are being used, and in the widest possible way."

"But I have already commented on this. I have nothing to add," he said.

The cluster munitions issue, he believes, "reflects perfectly what is happening in the world as a whole."

"What I mean is this: there is one country that thinks it is exceptional - the United States," Putin explained. "Even what it considers to be a crime, it takes the liberty of doing itself. In fact, the US is using cluster munitions in this case, with the Ukrainians’ hands," he pointed out.

Putin noted that Washington considered the use of such munitions as a crime, but at the same time "it feels free to do it, and this is the main problem of today's international relations."

He is certain that for this reason a vast majority of participants in international communication were working together with Russia for the creation of a multipolar world, because almost no one is satisfied with such a state of affairs.

"I say 'almost' because even those countries which are allies of the United States, I assure you, do not like this situation, either. They don’t like being treated as backstage extras," Putin said.

"Yes, they [the US - TASS) use [cluster munitions], unfortunately. They themselves call it a crime and keep doing it," Putin concluded.

Watch Russian Ka-52 Helicopter Wreck Ukrainian Tank

The Ka-52s, which continue to perform missions in the Russian Special Military Operational Zone, are widely recognized for their performance characteristics and high durability.

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) has released a video of a Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance and attack helicopter destroying a Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) tank in the southern Donetsk region of the front line.

The footage shows the helicopter launching a guided missile, which exploded after hitting the armored vehicle.

The clip was released in the midst of Kiev's bungled counteroffensive, which Russian President Vladimir Putin says has claimed the lives of at least 71,000 UAF soldiers.

Ukrainian Military Casualties Exceed 400 in Donetsk, Zaporozhye Directions

The Ukrainian military lost over 400 soldiers in the Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions in the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday, adding that six enemy attacks have been repelled in these areas.

©Sputnik / Evgeny Biyatov / Go to the mediabank

“The enemy lost up to 275 military personnel [in the Donetsk direction], four armored combat vehicles, four vehicles, three US-made M777 artillery systems, as well as the Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount,” the ministry said in a statement, specifying that four attacks have been repelled in this area

Two attacks have been repelled in the Zaporozhye direction near the Rabotino settlement, the ministry said, adding that a Ukrainian assault brigade near Verbovoye has been attacked.

“More than 145 Ukrainian military personnel and three vehicles were destroyed,” the ministry said. Moreover, the Russian troops have repelled two attacks in the Krasny Liman direction in the past 24 hours.

“In the South Donetsk direction, units of [Russia’s] Vostok grouping of troops repelled an attack by the Ukrainian armed forces in the area of the settlement of Novomayorskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic … Enemy losses in this direction amounted to more than 175 Ukrainian military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, four cars, two D-30 howitzers, and one D-20 gun,” the ministry said.

Russian forces have destroyed two unmanned boats of the Ukrainian armed forces in the southwestern part of the Black Sea over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.

"Over the past 24 hours, the Black Sea Fleet discovered and destroyed two unmanned semi-submersible boats of the armed forces of Ukraine in the southwestern part of the Black Sea," the ministry wrote on Telegram.

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Friday, 15 September 2023

UAW nears strike at Detroit Three as Ford blasts union

UAW nears strike at Detroit Three as Ford blasts union

UAW nears strike at Detroit Three as Ford blasts union

With a deadline looming just before midnight Thursday, the United Auto Workers union and Detroit's three automakers remain far apart in contract talks and the union is preparing to strike.

But talks continued on Thursday with GM increasing its wage offer and Ford looking for a counteroffer from the union.

With less than 24 hours left before current strikes expire, the United Auto Workers' union and the Detroit Big 3 automakers have not yet reached a deal.

The companies say it's still possible to work out a viable compromise before 11:59 p.m. on Thursday. The union, meanwhile, has started laying out its strike plan – an unusual one, at that.

Here's what you need to know as the final day of talks kicks off.

For now, the two sides still stand far apart

For now, the two sides have yet to clinch a deal — and there seems to be plenty of anger all around.

The union, pointing to soaring profits, says companies can afford more

In a Facebook Live event on Wednesday night, UAW president Shawn Fain put up a chart comparing Big 3 profits – up 65% over four years – to autoworker pay, which increased just 6%.

UAW President Shawn Fain talks with union members before marching in the Detroit Labor Day Parade in Detroit on Sept. 4, 2023. Fain has adopted a much more confrontational attitude towards automakers than previous UAW leaders.
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

He said while what the automakers are offering in response to union demands has improved, it still doesn't reflect the sacrifices of the autoworkers that made the companies' success possible.

"They could double our wages and not raise car prices and still make billions of dollars in profit," he said. "They want to scare the American people into thinking the autoworkers are the problem. We're not the problem. ... Corporate greed is the problem. And come tomorrow night, if they force us, we're about to make it the Big Three's problem."

The UAW plans to strike in an unprecedented way

The UAW says it's ready to strike as soon as the contract expires just before midnight on Thursday.

But the strike will be different this time.

To begin with, the UAW has conducted these talks in an unusual way. Typically it picks one company to hash out a deal with, possibly striking against them, and then once that's resolved, it pushes the other two companies to more or less match that deal.

This time, it threatened to strike all three at once if they didn't each make a satisfactory offer. The union also provided regular updates about what both sides had offered, atypical for a process often shrouded in secrecy.

United Auto Workers members and others gather for a rally after marching in the Detroit Labor Day Parade in Detroit on Sept. 4, 2023. Only hours remain before UAW contracts with the Big 3 automakers expire just before midnight. Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

This time, it threatened to strike all three at once if they didn't each make a satisfactory offer. The union also provided regular updates about what both sides had offered, atypical for a process often shrouded in secrecy.

Now the union has outlined a strike plan that would be as unusual as the talks.

"We're inventing a whole new way to strike," Fain said in his Wednesday live-stream. He called it the "stand-up strike," a reference to the "sit-down strikes" of 1937.

Instead of walking out en masse, the UAW is planning to strike at a small number of plants to start with – at one, two or all three companies, depending on whether any tentative deals are struck.

But if they're not satisfied with how bargaining is moving, the UAW will add more and more strike locations.

A tentative deal might not be the end of the story

A last-minute deal is entirely possible, with one or more of the companies. But any deal struck by the union leadership still has be ratified by the membership as a whole, and workers could choose to send their leaders back to the table to push for more.

In 2021, workers at John Deere rejected two tentative agreements before finally approving a better deal.

Some in the auto industry have wondered if the UAW's militant tone and emphasis on the power of strikes would make it harder to get any initial deal ratified this year. Even with a decent offer on the table, workers might suspect they could get better terms after striking.

Ford says the UAW hasn't been offering counter-proposals

That's all very hypothetical for now, because there's no sign of a deal.

Normally, over the course of a negotiation, two sides start far apart and trade offers to work toward somewhere in the middle. At least one company says the union isn't holding up its side.

Ford CEO Jim Farley, with clear frustration, said his company had presented four increasingly generous offers without any substantive counter proposal from the union.

"In fact, the first time I even found out that Shawn Fain had seen our [latest] offer was tonight on Facebook Live," Farley told reporters at the Detroit Auto Show on Wednesday. "We're here. We're ready to negotiate. But it's sure hard to negotiate a contract when there's no one to negotiate with."

"We want to make a deal," he said. "If there is a strike, it won't be because we didn't put a great deal in front of them, because we have – four times."

In statements on Wednesday, GM simply said it was continuing to bargain "directly and in good faith" with the union. But Stellantis said it was still waiting on a counter proposal to the offer it made on Tuesday.

On pay and cost of living, the automakers have shifted

The union initially asked for a pay increase of more than 40%, citing a 40% increase in CEO pay over the last four years. They also pushed for a return of cost-of-living adjustments, or COLA, which are pay increases pegged to inflation – an issue close to workers' hearts right now, after experiencing high inflation that reduced the value of their wages.

Meanwhile, companies have raised their offers on wages, going from 9 or 10% initially to as high as 20% now, but the union says that's still barely enough to make up for inflation and previous stagnant pay.

The companies also have shifted from offering one-time "inflation bonuses" – which companies prefer over pay increases, because they don't accumulate over time – to offering COLA, albeit at levels the union says are inadequate.

In addition to wages, unionized auto workers get profit-sharing checks. The UAW wants to tie the size of those checks to the amount the companies spend on stock buybacks and dividends, but says companies want to calculate that in such a way as to make checks smaller.

Little progress on hours, work-life balance

The union had been pushing for reductions in hours - including, notably, an argument for a 4-day workweek.

The companies are agreeing to make Juneteenth a holiday, and Ford has offered 2 weeks of parental leave, but otherwise, there has been no major movement on paid time off.

On tiers, the two sides disagree on where they stand

Ford says that it has agreed to totally eliminate pay tiers. The union says Ford has made no such offer. The reason? The two sides simply don't agree on what a tier is.

In 2007, during difficult talks while auto companies were financially struggling, the union accepted a deal it came to regret: to preserve higher pay for its existing members, it allowed lower pay for new hires. That created a two-tier system that led to resentment and frustration within the union.

Ford CEO Jim Farley speaks at the reveal of the new Mustang GTD at the 2023 North American International Detroit Auto Show in Detroit on Sept. 13, 2023. Farley said on Wednesday Ford had presented four increasingly generous offers without any substantive counter proposal from the union.
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

Back then, a "second-tier' employee would never earn as much as a "first-tier" one. But that changed in 2019. Now a new hire can work their way up to the same pay as their colleagues, over the course of eight years.

The companies do not consider this a "tier" system, since the pay is eventually equal, and they're offering to reduce the timeline to bridge the gap to four years. But the union views the requirement to work for years before getting maximum wages – along with the fact that people hired since 2007 don't get pensions or retiree benefits – as a form of a "tier."

On job security, retiree benefits and pensions, the sides remain far apart

On pensions and benefits for retired workers, the companies have not budged. Automakers say pensions and retirement benefits are simply too expensive; they also make the case that some workers prefer 401(k)s to pensions, because they can be taken with you if you change jobs. The union has expressed a strong preference for the guaranteed payments of a pension.

The union has also been pushing for another benefit that's a blast from the past: job security guarantees that would continue to pay workers even if a plant is shut down. That, too, has gotten no traction. A similar program to pay workers not to work was an infamous burden on automakers up until the late 2000s, and hurt the public reputation of the union.

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