Monday 6 November 2023

Large demonstration in Washington, DC expresses anger at President Joe Biden’s unwavering support for Israel

Large demonstration in Washington, DC expresses anger at President Joe Biden’s unwavering support for Israel

Large demonstration in Washington, DC expresses anger at President Joe Biden’s unwavering support for Israel

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters in the US capital have called for a ceasefire in Gaza [Ali Harb/Al Jazeera]

Thousands of people supporting Palestinian rights converged Saturday on Washington from around the country, demanding a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and an end to American aid to Israel amid a deepening war.

The demonstrators in Washington, DC on Saturday directed their anger towards US President Joe Biden, accusing him of enabling genocide against Palestinians.

“Biden, Biden, you can’t hide; we charge you with genocide,” the protesters chanted.

Protesters filled in and flowed beyond Freedom Plaza, a block from the White House, with the crowd streaming for at least a half-mile down the surrounding streets. Anger and grief mixed with feelings of comfort and encouragement, attendees said, as people of all ages mingled with like-minded allies.

Similar rallies calling for a cease-fire unfolded Saturday in London, Berlin and elsewhere. The event in D.C., which concluded with a march through downtown streets to the White House, appeared to be one of the largest expressions of American solidarity with the Palestinian people to date. On the march, an 8-year-old boy carried a kid-sized red megaphone and led a chant: “Hey hey, ho, ho, the occupation has to go.” Arriving at the White House, a handful of people stood along the fence and waved Palestinian flags.

From the rally stage, speakers led the crowd in chants of “Free, free Palestine! Free, free Palestine!” and “Cease-fire now!” Many lashed out at President Biden for his support of Israel, which has responded to a Hamas attack on civilians with a deadly invasion of Gaza.

United Nations experts have warned of a growing risk of genocide in Gaza amid Israel’s relentless bombardment of the enclave, which was launched in response to Hamas’s October 7 attacks on southern Israeli communities.

The UN’s Genocide Convention defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”, including killings and measures to prevent births.

Many protesters at Saturday’s rally called for an end to US assistance to Israel. The demonstration stretched several blocks from Freedom Plaza, near the White House, eastward towards the US Capitol.

The latest Post updates on the Israel-Gaza war

Toddlers, teens and grandparents alike wore kaffiyehs, and strangers passing on the sidewalk made the “V” peace sign and said “free Palestine” to one another. A long row of faux coffins were on display, draped with Palestinian flags. As the event wound down, a group unfurled a long scroll of paper listing more than 8,000 names of Palestinians who protesters said have been killed in the conflict.

Manar Ghanayem, 70, attended with more than a dozen friends and relatives, including small grandchildren with Palestinian flags painted on their faces.

“We came here to let our voices be heard and our hearts and hoping we’ll change the way people see this conflict,” said Ghanayem, who traveled from North Carolina. “Every human is entitled to basic human rights, not killing kids, not torturing people,” she said.

The war began Oct. 7 when gunmen from Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, broke through Israel’s border, killing at least 1,400 people, leaving at least 5,400 injured and taking about 240 people into Gaza as hostages, Israeli officials said.

Israel retaliated with strikes in Gaza, where at least 9,488 people have been killed and 24,000 wounded, the Gaza Health Ministry said.

With that death toll heavy on their minds Saturday morning, Mahmoud Ashi and a group of friends boarded a bus in New Jersey carrying 75 small handmade body bags. Ashi, who grew up in Gaza and moved to the United States in 1987, said his group spent four days crafting the bags out of sheets and cut-up mattress pads. On the side of each bag, they wrote the name of a child killed in Gaza.

Palestinian Americans in Washington on edge watching Gaza news

The victims include Ashi’s own brother and nephew, killed in their Gaza home Friday by a bombing in the middle of the night. Two of his nieces are hospitalized in critical condition.

“Is this [Israel’s] right to defend themselves? Killing children?” he asked, holding out a bag with the name of a 10-year-old child. “My brother lost his life when he was sleeping. My nephew lost his life when he was sleeping.”

Betoul Ajin, 22, held tight to the hand of her aunt, Zenaib Omar, 61, who is blind and immigrated to the United States from the West Bank in 1986. The women said they felt drawn to the demonstration after weeks calling their senators’ offices, which, they said, have been unresponsive. “Our senators need to be reminded that they work for us,” Ajin said.

The rally was supported by a broad coalition, including Palestinian rights groups, antiwar and climate advocates, Jewish anti-Zionist organizations, Indigenous rights groups, trans and queer liberation groups, and racial justice organizations.

Moshe Berg, an ultra-Orthodox Jew attending from Rockland County, N.Y., said the actions in Israel do not represent Jewish values. Seeing Berg’s traditionally Jewish garb but not hearing his words, a protester walked by and told him, “See you in hell.” Emotions ran high. Signs and speakers accused Israel of “genocide.” Many demonstrators chanted “from the river to the sea,” a call for freedom from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea that some interpret as a call to wipe out Israel altogether.

Ron Halber, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington, said the rhetoric at Saturday’s event was calling for the elimination of the state of Israel, which he said was acting to defend itself following a brutal terrorist attack.

D.C.-area schools report more bias incidents against Jews, Palestinians

The protesters, he said, “are wholeheartedly supporting a homicidal terrorist organization that slaughtered 1,400 Israelis in cold blood and has taken numerous civilians hostage including from our own country,” he said. “They are just incredibly misguided, uninformed and reactionary, and history will judge they have put themselves on the side of supporting terrorists versus a democracy trying to defend itself.”

Halber said his group discouraged supporters of Israel from attending to counterprotest. Jen Zwilling, chief executive of the Edlavitch D.C. Jewish Community Center, also emailed members Friday asking them to resist any urge to counter the event or engage with protesters, which she said could “increase the potential for violence or antisemitic rhetoric.”

D.C. police said they made one arrest in the evening for destruction of property, related to the spray-painting of the word “Gaza” on the nearby McDonald’s on 17th Street. It was not clear who the perpetrator was. Separately, someone pressed red handprints, meant to symbolize blood, onto stone pillars along the White House perimeter, and “Free Palestine” was spray-painted onto a statue in Lafayette Square Park.

Police began to reopen streets to vehicle traffic downtown around 7 p.m., but large crowds remained in Lafayette Square Park as darkness fell, drumming and chanting slogans. Demonstrators remained along the fence line outside the White House, while thousands of others dispersed throughout the city.

Biden was the target of much of the crowds’ ire. On the stage and off it, many Saturday voiced anger at the president and threatened to oppose him when he stands for reelection next year. Boos rang out when Biden’s name was mentioned.

“Now we understand the language Biden and his party understands. The language they understand is the language of votes in 2024,” Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, the country’s largest Muslim advocacy group, told the crowd. “No cease-fire, no votes!” The crowd chanted it back.

“No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania, no votes in Ohio!” Awad said.

“In November, we remember! In November, we remember!” the crowd said.

The president swiftly supported Israel after the Hamas attack. On Wednesday, Biden called for a humanitarian “pause” in the war but not a cease-fire.

Ghanayem said she had voted for Biden in 2020 but was outraged by his response to the war.

“I can’t believe Biden is turning a blind eye to this and gave Israel the green light,” she said.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment Saturday. But in response to similar criticism, on Friday a National Security Council spokesperson repeated that the administration did not support a cease-fire.

“We support humanitarian pauses in the fighting in order to get lifesaving humanitarian aid in and distributed to those in need in Gaza, and to get hostages out,” the spokesperson said. “What we do not support are calls for Israel to stop defending itself from Hamas terrorists, which is what a permanent cease-fire would be.”

Analysis | Why the Israel-Gaza war is so politically dicey for Biden,

Half of registered voters in the United States approve of Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, while 35 percent disapprove, according to Quinnipiac University polling released Thursday. Those views vary sharply by party identification, race and age, with the lowest approval seen among Democrats (33 percent), voters ages 18 to 34 (32 percent) and Black voters (29 percent).

At the same time, the polling shows, 51 percent of voters support the United States sending more military aid to Israel and 71 percent of voters support providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

It was unclear Saturday how backlash and anger over the administration’s war response might actually play out in the 2024 campaign — particularly if Biden’s opponent is former president Donald Trump, a strong supporter of Israel who draws opposition for many other reasons.

“This election has become a conundrum, because I don’t want to vote for Biden,” one woman told her friend as they began marching in downtown D.C. “But I really, really don’t want to vote for Trump.” Emily Davies, Karina Elwood, Ellie Silverman and Clarence Williams contributed to this report.

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Frankly Speaking - Why has the UN constantly failed Palestine?

Frankly Speaking - Why has the UN constantly failed Palestine?

Frankly Speaking - Why has the UN constantly failed Palestine?

Munir Akram, permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, speaks to Katie Jensen, host of Frankly Speaking. (AN photo)

Pakistan’s permanent representative to the UN has said Israel has been emboldened by the international order’s “double and triple standards,” which he considers to be the “root” of the crisis unfolding in the Middle East.

Reiterating his call for a ceasefire in Gaza, Munir Akram urged the international community to rectify the imbalance at the heart of the UN and in the application of international law.

“This is the nature of the world order in which we live,” he said on Arab News current-affairs show “Frankly Speaking,” adding: “There are double standards and there are triple standards, discrimination against some and discrimination for others. This is the root of our problems in the world we live in, these double standards.”

For Akram, faith in the potential of the global system of rules is not entirely lost, noting that the issue is not so much a lack of principles nor a lack of law — both international law and international humanitarian law, which govern the actions of combatants in war — but rather the lack of their “uniform” application.

“These rules should be applicable uniformly and universally to all,” he told “Frankly Speaking” host Katie Jensen. “But that isn’t the case. The Israelis unfortunately have this sense of impunity. They can go and assassinate people and then get away with it and yet claim when others do it, when they do something like what Hamas did, they’re terrorists.

“This double standard is the root cause of the weakness of the international order we have today. And it has to be rectified. People need justice. People need to be treated the same way on the basis of the same laws, the same principles that we all espouse.”

Akram’s comments came as the death toll from Israel’s bombardment in Gaza rose to more than 8,500 people, including at least 3,500 children. Some officials have said one child has been killed every 10 seconds.

The veteran Pakistani diplomat has repeatedly called for a ceasefire, telling both Arab News and the UN Security Council that there is an immediate need not only for a cessation in hostilities but also for the provision of a humanitarian corridor and access into Gaza, and the rejection of any Palestinian displacement, either within the embattled territory or outside it.

“It’s obvious that what needs to happen is a ceasefire. We need to halt the hostilities, halt the aerial bombardment, the invasion of Gaza, the killing that’s taking place,” he said.

“And we saw that with the attack on the (Jabalia) refugee camp. This is unnecessary slaughter of civilians with whatever military objectives that may be.

Akram asserted that even though international humanitarian law prohibits the targeting and killing of civilians, “that’s happening with impunity today, and certain powers are unable to agree to a ceasefire. This is mind boggling. It’s a violation of international law in the most visible and violent way. And I think the international community needs to stand up for the principles that we all espouse here at the United Nations.”

He also seconded the view of Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur for Palestine who, interviewed on “Frankly Speaking” last week, said the right to defend does not apply to a country that is at the same time an occupying power.

“Absolutely. This is exactly what we’ve said in the Security Council. If you see the first statement which Pakistan made on this, when this conflict broke out, stated clearly that a power which is occupying another people does not, cannot, claim the right to self-defense against those people that it’s occupying,” Akram said.

“I think the law on this is absolutely clear. The demand and the claim made by Israel and its friends that it has the right to defend itself doesn’t apply, isn’t legally defensible in this situation.”

Akram has been blunt in arguing that the “original sin” in the Gaza conflict was not the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7 but rather the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, a position he staked out during a speech to the UN General Assembly that has since received a backlash from pro-Israel groups.

Asked whether he maintained or had retracted this position, he was unfazed, saying: “No, this is the truth.”

He added: “I don’t take the truth back. I think it’s quite obvious to anybody with any sense of fairness that the problem has arisen because of Israel’s 50 years of occupation of Palestine, the murder and killing of Palestinians with impunity over these decades and, especially in recent years, we’ve seen the manner in which the Palestinians have been treated.

“With regard to the Israeli occupation, I think I’m absolutely confident in my view that when you push a people into a corner, when you suppress them and you kill their children, they’ll react. And this is what has happened.”

Concerns about escalation continue to hover around the conflict, particularly with not only the influence of Iran through its proxy armies but also the positioning of several US aircraft carriers in the region.

A picture taken from the Israeli side of the border with the Gaza Strip on November 2, 2023, shows smoke billowing during Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip, amid ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement. (AFP)

“We’re facing the danger of an international crisis, and that’s another reason — apart from the humanitarian reasons of Palestinian children and women being killed — there’s also a strategic reason, and that’s the danger that this conflict could spread,” Akram said.

“This could have dangerous implications not only for the region but for the world as a whole when you have major powers become involved in a conflict. And the danger of that happening is palpable.”

Added to this are competing efforts in the UN Security Council from China, Russia and the US to push alternative resolutions. This has been most recently seen in the rejection by China and Russia of a US-backed draft resolution calling for a pause in fighting to allow humanitarian access, protection of civilians, and the prevention of arms flows to Hamas and other militant groups in the Gaza Strip.

What followed was a Russian draft calling for a humanitarian “ceasefire” and the withdrawal of Israel’s orders for Palestinians in Gaza to relocate to the south of the territory ahead of a ground invasion.

Asked if Pakistan would be willing to get involved militarily, such as by sending peacekeeping troops to Gaza, Akram — who began his second stint as head of Pakistan’s diplomatic mission to the UN in 2019 — said he hopes such a situation will not happen.

“We wouldn’t want to get involved militarily in this conflict, and we think that even talking about it is dangerous. We’d want to see a peaceful solution. That’s what we’re working for,” he said, clarifying that his answer was a “no.”

Akram elaborated on the prospect of a ceasefire, which for him is essential, noting that without one “the danger of the conflict spreading only escalates.” Nevertheless, he remains optimistic that a peaceful resolution can be realized before the conflict spreads further.

Palestinians search for survivors in the rubble of a building in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip on October 31, 2023, amid relentless Israeli bombardment of the Palestinian enclave (AFP)

While recognizing that international efforts to bring about an end to the conflict by peaceful means have so far failed, he believes that these efforts should not be halted, explaining that alongside the moral and legal measures that could be taken, there are potential economic and political levers that could be pulled.

In advocating this position, Akram said it is Israel and its supporters that must be “convinced” to stop the war, stressing that “we have to try first and foremost to find peaceful ways of stopping this conflict.”

He added: “I believe the enormity of the crimes being committed in Gaza is something that should move the international conscience. And hopefully if there’s a sufficient groundswell of support in the entire world, including the Western world where Israel has found support, that if an international conscience is mobilized, we could see a change in the positions of those who are complicit in not halting this war.”

If this fails, Akram was blunt with his assertion that Arab nations and member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation would “have to find ways to respond if Israel doesn’t stop the war.”

And while understanding that there are several “obvious” ways he could think of this happening, he emphasized that they would “try everything possible short of a conflict to try and bring this to an end, and bring this to a just end.”

Asked how he saw the Gaza crisis ending, Akram said the war has to stop. “The two sides have got to get back to talking about the creation of a two-state solution, because I believe there’s a general consensus that that’s the only durable solution,” he added.

“And it’s only these extremists who are leading Israel today who have denied that. The entire world believes that a two-state solution is the answer, and we must get back to that track as soon as possible.”

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Palestinian Health Ministry urges world community to help bring medicine, fuel to Gaza

Palestinian Health Ministry urges world community to help bring medicine, fuel to Gaza

Palestinian Health Ministry urges world community to help bring medicine, fuel to Gaza

©AP Photo/Mohammed Dahman

Palestinian Health Minister Mai Al-Kaila called on the international community to take measures to allow the entry of medicine and fuel for hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

"The international community and humanitarian organizations must intervene immediately to open the Rafah border crossing with Egypt and allow the entry of medicine and fuel for Gaza hospitals," the Palestinian news agency WAFA quoted her as saying.

According to Al-Kaila, Israel continues to target hospitals in Gaza. The minister described the Israeli authorities' accusations that the hospitals are used by radicals as "Israeli attempts to find excuses for bombing.".

Hamas calls on Egypt to provide Gaza with roaming services, Internet connection

Hamas has asked Egypt to provide roaming services to the Gaza Strip, where telephone communication and the Internet have been cut off, the movement's spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said.

"The terrorist Zionist occupation has cut [telephone] services and the Internet in the Gaza Strip <...>. We call on Egypt to open roaming services on Egyptian networks," the spokesman said in a statement published on the group’s official Telegram channel.

On November 5, Palestinian provider Paltel reported that telephone and Internet services had again been disrupted throughout the Gaza Strip. A similar announcement was made by Jawwal, the second provider of telecommunications services in Gaza.

The complete shutdown of Internet, wireline and cellular services in the Palestinian enclave was first reported on October 27. Paltel and Jawwal said that services had become impossible due to damage to communications caused by Israeli airstrikes. Communications were restored on October 31, as international organizations expressed concern about the inability to reach those remaining in Gaza.

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Usman Sidik Bupati Halmahera Selatan Meninggal Dunia, Tiba-tiba Ambruk Saat Bermain Bola

Usman Sidik Bupati Halmahera Selatan Meninggal Dunia, Tiba-tiba Ambruk Saat Bermain Bola

Usman Sidik Bupati Halmahera Selatan Meninggal Dunia, Tiba-tiba Ambruk Saat Bermain Bola

Bupati Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan, Maluku Utara Usman Sidik (50) meninggal dunia usai bermain sepak bola dalam ajang pembukaan Piala Bupati Cup, hari Minggu petang, 05/11/2023.

Di tengah laga bersama tim Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Halsel di Gelora Bahrain Kasuba, Bupati tiba-tiba ambruk tak sadarkan diri.

Adik kandung Bupati Usman Sidik, Samsuddin Sidik,membenarkan perihal kabar kematian Bupati Halsel.

"Bupati meninggal dunia sekitar pukul 18.40 WIT, setelah menjalani perawatan di RSU Marabose usai bermain sepak bola di lapangan Gelora Bahrain Kasuba," kata Samsudin, Minggu petan, 05/11/2023, seperti dilansir Antara.

Tiba-tiba ambruk Usman Sidik, dalam laga pembukaan Piala Bupati Cup tersebut, dipercaya menjadi kapten kesebelasan bernomor punggung 18 dan memperkuat tim PWI Halsel Sedangkan Wakil Bupati Halsel Bassam Kasuba menjadi kapten di tim Pemkab Halsel.

Usman yang juga Wabendum DPP Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) tersebut tiba-tiba ambruk di tengah lapangan saat pertandingan.

Tiba-tiba ambruk

Usman Sidik, dalam laga pembukaan Piala Bupati Cup tersebut, dipercaya menjadi kapten kesebelasan bernomor punggung 18 dan memperkuat tim PWI Halsel.

Sedangkan Wakil Bupati Halsel Bassam Kasuba menjadi kapten di tim Pemkab Halsel.

Usman yang juga Wabendum DPP Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) tersebut tiba-tiba ambruk di tengah lapangan saat pertandingan.

Tim medis dan ambulans bergegas masuk ke lapangan untuk menolong Usman. Namun, setelah dilarikan ke rumah sakit, nyawanya tak tertolong.

Rencananya, Bupati Halsel akan dimakamkan di Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara.

Sosok bupati, mantan jurnalis Ketua PWI Malut Asri Fabanyo mengungkap rasa dukacita mendalam.

Menurut dia, sebelum menjadi Bupati Halsel, Usman Sidik adalah seorang wartawan senior.

"Kami berbelasungkawa atas meninggalnya Bupati Halsel Usman Sidik, selain sebagai pejabat, Usman juga merupakan senior dari teman-teman wartawan, karena sebelum memulai kariernya di dunia politik, beliau merupakan wartawan senior berkiprah sebagai wartawan RCTI biro Maluku Utara," kata Asri.

Usman Sidik yang menjabat sebagai Bupati Halmahera Selatan periode 2021-2024 lahir di Orimakurunga Kayoa, Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan.

Dilansir dari Antara, semasa SMP, ia sudah bekerja sebagai buruh kasar dan semasa SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Ternate, ia menjadi buruh di Pelabuhan Bastiong.

Kemudian, ia bekerja di bagian penanaman pohon kayu di sebuah perusahaan.

Usman Sidik pun meneruskan pekerjaannya dengan menjadi kontributor sejumlah stasiun televisi nasional. Ia kemudian mendirikan media cetak harian di Maluku Utara.

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0