Thursday 9 November 2023

Kepala Bapanas - Bantuan Pangan Beras Diperpanjang Hingga Juni 2024, Tidak Ada Nilai Politis

Kepala Bapanas - Bantuan Pangan Beras Diperpanjang Hingga Juni 2024, Tidak Ada Nilai Politis

Kepala Bapanas - Bantuan Pangan Beras Diperpanjang Hingga Juni 2024, Tidak Ada Nilai Politis

Kepala Badan Pangan Nasional Arief Prasetyo Adi memastikan bantuan pangan beras yang diperpanjang hingga Juni 2024 bebas dari unsur politis. Ia mengklaim kebijakan itu dilakukan murni untuk membantu 21,3 juta Keluarga Penerima Manfaat atau KPM yang membutuhkan bantuan pangan.

Hal ini disampaikan menanggapi issu yang dilemparkan LSM setelah pemerintah teah memutuskan bantuan pangan beras akan diperpanjang hingga 2024 berkaitan dengan nilai politis (tahun politis).

“Enggak ada nilai politisnya, ngapain nilai politis? Kita itu Rp8 triliun loh kalau 3 bulan, 3 bulan lagi Rp8 triliun, berarti Rp16 triliun," kata Arief dalam rapat kerja Komisi IV DPR RI dengan Kementerian Pertanian di Gedung DPR Senayan, Jakarta Pusat pada Rabu, 8 November 2023.

Arief menyebut, salah satu bukti bahwa bantuan pangan bebas dari kepentingan politis adalah tidak adanya simbol politik dalam bantuan yang diberikan. "Pada saat memberikan bantuan pangan itu tidak ada kan bendera atau politik tidak ada di situ, murni dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan,” kata Arief.

Menurut Arief, bantuan pangan sangat dibutuhkan oleh KPM mengingat masa tanam di Indonesia yang mundur. "Tanamnya saja mundur. Tadi mengajukan Rp5,8 triliun, seharusnya mengajukan kapan? Seharusnya dari kemarin-kemarin, pas November, Desember eksekusi. Mau ambil risiko? 21,3 juta (KPM) itu desil 1, orang yang paling memerlukan bantuan pangan,” kata dia.

Sebelumnya, pemerintah memutuskan memperpanjang masa penyaluran bantuan sosial (bansos) beras 10 kilogram hingga Juni 2024. Semula, program bansos beras disalurkan hingga November 2023.

“Tadi sudah diputuskan, harusnya bansos beras itu sampai September, Oktober, November, diperpanjang Desember. Kemudian Januari, Februari, lanjut sampai kuartal kedua 2024, Maret, April, Mei, Juni,” kata Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan atau Zulhas,di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Senin, 6 November 2023.

Salah satu pertimbangan pemerintah memperpanjang pembagian bansos beras itu, kata Zulhas, agar memperkuat intervensi pemerintah dalam mengendalikan harga beras. Pasalnya harga bahan pokok tersebut belum juga menurun setelah melonjak drastis sejak beberapa waktu lalu.

Sebelumnya, Pemerintah, yang disampaikan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), memutuskan untuk memperpanjang pemberian bantuan pangan berupa beras hingga Juni 2024 mendatang. Keputusan tersebut diambil usai rapat bersama sejumlah menteri Kabinet Indonesia Maju yang membahas soal perpanjangan penyaluran bantuan pangan pada Senin, 6 November 2023, di Istana Merdeka Jakarta.

Bantuan pangan beras ini akan diberikan kepada 21,3 juta keluarga penerima manfaat (KPM) yang per bulan akan menerima 10 kilogram (kg) beras. Total anggaran yang dikeluarkan pemerintah untuk menyalurkan bantuan pangan beras sebesar Rp18,6 triliun. Angka itu terdiri dari bantuan pangan awal tahun sebanyak Rp8 triliun, September-November Rp8 triliun, dan Desember Rp2,7 triliun.

“Jadi tadi sudah diputuskan harusnya bantuan sosial beras itu sampai September, Oktober, November, diperpanjang sampai Desember kemudian Januari, Februari, lanjut nanti sampai portal kedua tahun 2024 Maret, April, Mei, Juni,” ujar Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan dalam keterangannya kepada awak media usai mengikuti rapat.

Zulkifli mengklaim bahwa stok beras pemerintah yang ada saat ini masih dalam kondisi aman. Menurutnya, beras impor untuk stok beras pemerintah akan terus masuk hingga bulan Januari mendatang.“Sehingga stok beras kita akan mencapai jumlahnya hampir 2 juta ton. Jadi aman soal stok,” ungkap Zulkifli.

Sementara itu, Menteri Koordinator bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto dalam keterangan terpisah mengatakan bahwa penyaluran bantuan pangan sudah sesuai dengan target yang ditentukan. Penyaluran di September 2023 sudah mencapai 94,95 persen, Oktober mencapai 94,89 persen, dan November mencapai 18,45 persen.

“Dan kita masih ada di bulan Desember. Jadi bulan September yang tersalur sekitar 201 ribuan, demikian pula di bulan Oktober,” ucap Airlangga.

Airlangga mengatakan bahwa Bulog membutuhkan tambahan anggaran sekitar Rp19,1 triliun. Tambahan anggaran tersebut terdiri dari tahap pertama sebesar Rp7,9 triliun, tahap kedua Rp8,4 triliun, serta anggaran untuk distribusi dan lain-lain sebesar Rp2,8 triliun.

“Tadi arahan Bapak Presiden bahwa Menteri Keuangan diminta untuk segera melunasi tagihan Bulog yang sudah terakumulasi sebesar Rp16 triliun,” tutur Airlangga.

Sedangkan terkait insentif yang akan diberikan, Airlangga mengatakan bahwa pemerintah akan menanggung bea masuk dengan tarif spesifik 450 kilo. Bea Masuk Ditanggung Pemerintah (BMDTP) tersebut nantinya akan diberikan oleh Kementerian Keuangan.

“Nanti Badan Pangan akan menyiapkan itu untuk BMDTP yang nanti akan diberikan oleh Kementerian Keuangan,” ujar Airlangga.

Ada Kepentingan Politik?

Direktur Ekonomi Digital dan Ekonom Celios, Nailul Huda menilai, perpanjangan bantuan pangan ini erat kaitannya memang dengan Pemilu 2024. Hampir setiap gelaran pemilu, ada saja cara untuk memikat pemilih dengan cara bagi uang secara resmi seperti pembagian bansos.

"Makanya tidak heran tahun ini dan tahun depan ada dana bansos beras," ujar dia, Selasa, 07/11/2023.

Huda menuturkan, perpanjangan bansos ini rawan ditunggangi kepentingan politik, terutama kepentingan Istana. Walaupun dalih pemerintah sendiri adalah menjaga ekonomi tetap tumbuh dan menjaga daya beli dari dampak El-Nino.

"Ini adalah keuntungan dari 'pemegang' kekuasaan terhadap jalannya pemilu," ujar dia.

Direktur Eksekutif Center of Reform on Economic (CORE), Mohammad Faisal menjelaskan bahwa ada kecenderungan di tahun politik atau di setiap pemilu, dana dan penyaluran bansos selalu meningkat.

Dalam Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (RAPBN) anggaran perlindungan sosial (perlinsos) dialokasikan sebesar Rp493,5 triliun. Angka tersebut meningkat 12,4 persen dibandingkan outlook 2023 yang mendapatkan alokasi sebesar Rp439,1 triliun.

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Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian command post in Zaporozhye area over past day

Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian command post in Zaporozhye area over past day

Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian command post in Zaporozhye area over past day

©Alexander Reka/TASS

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian army’s integrated command post in the Zaporozhye area over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday.

"An integrated command post of the Ukrainian army’s 10th army corps was destroyed near the settlement of Volnoandreyevka in the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry said in a statement.

"A radar station of an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed near the settlement of Artsiz in the Odessa Region. Near the settlement of Serebryanka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, command posts of the Ukrainian army’s 67th mechanized brigade and the National Guard’s 31st brigade were eliminated," the ministry specified.

Russian forces repel two Ukrainian attacks in Kupyansk area over past day

Russian forces repelled two Ukrainian army attacks in the Kupyansk area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, two attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 54th mechanized brigade were repelled by active operations of units from the western battlegroup with the support of aircraft and artillery fire near the settlement of Timkovka in the Kharkov Region," the ministry said.

In areas near the settlements of Zagoruikovka in the Kharkov Region, Novoyegorovka and Stelmakhovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Russian forces inflicted damage on amassed manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 38th mechanized and 68th jaeger brigades, destroying as many as 30 enemy troops, two armored combat vehicles and three motor vehicles, it said.

"In counter-battery fire, the following targets were destroyed: a US-made M114 howitzer, an Msta-B howitzer, a Gvozdika motorized artillery system and a D-44 field gun," the ministry reported.

Russian forces eliminate 60 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area over past day

Russian forces inflicted damage on Ukrainian army units in the Krasny Liman area, eliminating roughly 60 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, units of the battlegroup Center, army aircraft strikes and artillery fire inflicted damage on amassed manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 67th mechanized brigade and 125th territorial defense brigade near the settlements of Yampolovka and Serebryanka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The enemy’s losses in the Krasny Liman direction over the past 24 hours amounted to "60 personnel, two armored combat vehicles and two pickup trucks," the ministry specified.

Russian forces destroy 235 Ukrainian troops in Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces destroyed roughly 235 Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, units of the southern battlegroup capitalizing on air strikes, artillery and heavy flamethrower fires inflicted damage on the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 22nd, 54th and 93rd mechanized and 79th air assault brigades near the settlements of Maryinka, Kleshcheyevka, Andreyevka and Spornoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The enemy’s losses in the Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 235 Ukrainian personnel, three armored combat vehicles and four motor vehicles. In addition, Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian Msta-B howitzer, a Gvozdika motorized artillery system and a D-30 artillery gun, the ministry specified.

Russian forces eliminate 145 Ukrainian troops in south Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces struck four Ukrainian army brigades in the south Donetsk area, eliminating roughly 145 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the south Donetsk direction, units of the battlegroup East in interaction with army aircraft and artillery inflicted damage by firepower on the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 79th air assault, 58th motorized infantry, 105th and 128th territorial defense brigades near the settlements of Novomikhailovka, Staromayorskoye and Urozhainoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Priyutnoye in the Zaporozhye Region. The enemy’s losses totaled as many as 145 personnel, two armored combat vehicles and seven motor vehicles," the ministry said.

In counter-battery fire, Russian forces destroyed a Polish-manufactured Krab self-propelled artillery gun, a UK-made FH70 howitzer and a D-20 howitzer. In addition, they obliterated an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 127th territorial defense brigade near the settlement of Bogatyr in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the ministry reported.

Russian forces repulse three Ukrainian attacks in Zaporozhye area over past day

Russian forces repulsed three Ukrainian army attacks in the Zaporozhye area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian battlegroup, air strikes, artillery and heavy flamethrower fires repulsed three attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 33rd, 65th and 118th mechanized brigades near the settlements of Rabotino and Novoprokopovka in the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry said.

The enemy’s losses in the Zaporozhye direction over the past 24 hours amounted to "80 personnel, three tanks, five infantry fighting vehicles, three armored personnel carriers, two armored combat vehicles, two pickup trucks, an M109 self-propelled artillery gun and an M146 field gun of US manufacture, the ministry specified.

Russian forces destroy 30 Ukrainian troops, US-made artillery gun in Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 30 Ukrainian troops and a US-made artillery system in the Kherson area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Kherson direction, as many as 30 troops and four motor vehicles were destroyed as a result of damage inflicted on the Ukrainian army by firepower," the ministry said.

In counter-battery fire, Russian forces destroyed a US-made M777 artillery system, an Msta-B howitzer and a Gvozdika motorized artillery gun of the Ukrainian army, the ministry specified.

Russian air defenses down five Ukrainian warplanes over past day

Russian air defense forces shot down five Ukrainian combat planes over the past day, the ministry reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, air defense capabilities shot down five Ukrainian Air Force planes, among them a Su-27 [fighter jet] near the settlement of Kamenka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, two MiG-29s [fighter jets] near the settlement of Preobrazhenka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the city of Krivoi Rog in the Dnepropetrovsk Region and also two Su-25s [ground attack aircraft] near the city of Pavlograd in the Dnepropetrovsk Region and the settlement of Tokarevka in the Kherson Region," the ministry said.

Russian air defenses intercept 11 HIMARS rockets, 2 JDAM smart bombs over past day

Russian air defense forces intercepted 11 rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system, two American JDAM smart bombs and destroyed 31 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Air defense capabilities intercepted 11 HIMARS rockets and two JDAM guided air bombs of US manufacture. In addition, they destroyed 31 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Tavolzhanka and Kotlyarovka in the Kharkov Region, Nyrkovo in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Novaya Kamenka and Pervomaiskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Tarasovka and Samoilovka in the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry said.

During the last 24-hour period, operational/tactical and army aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groupings of forces inflicted damage on Ukrainian manpower and military hardware in 134 areas, the ministry said.

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Thousands of civilians flee north Gaza as Israeli troops and Hamas fighters battle

Thousands of civilians flee north Gaza as Israeli troops and Hamas fighters battle

Thousands of civilians flee north Gaza as Israeli troops and Hamas fighters battle

Palestinians flee their homes during Israel's ground offensive, on the edges of Beach refugee camp, in Gaza City, November 8, 2023. REUTERS/Mohammed Al-Masri Acquire Licensing Rights

Thousands of Palestinian civilians trudged in a forlorn procession out of the north of Gaza on Wednesday seeking refuge from Israeli air strikes and fierce ground fighting between Israeli troops and Hamas militants.

The exodus took place in a four-hour window of opportunity announced by Israel, which has told residents to evacuate the north encircled by its armoured forces or risk being trapped in the violence.

But the central and southern parts of the small, besieged Palestinian enclave also came under fire again as the war between its Islamist Hamas rulers and Israel entered its second month.

Palestinian health officials said an air strike that hit houses in the Nusseirat refugee camp killed 18 people on Wednesday morning. In Khan Younis, six people, including a young girl, were killed in an air strike.

"We were sitting in peace when all of a sudden an F16 air strike landed on a house and blew it up, the entire block, three houses next to each other," said a witness, Mohammed Abu Daqa.

"Civilians, all of them civilians. An old woman, an old man and there are others still missing under the rubble."

Gaza City, the Hamas militant group's main bastion in the territory, is surrounded by Israeli forces. The military said troops have advanced to the heart of the city, while Hamas says its fighters have inflicted heavy losses.

Israel struck at Gaza in response to a cross-border Hamas raid on southern Israel on Oct. 7 in which gunmen killed 1,400 people, mostly civilians, and took about 240 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

Palestinian officials said 10,569 people have been killed, 40% of them children. The level of death and suffering is "hard to fathom", U.N. health agency spokesperson Christian Lindmeier said in Geneva.

Negotiations mediated by Qatar, where several Hamas political leaders are based, are trying to secure the release of 10-15 hostages in exchange for a one- to two-day humanitarian pause in Gaza, a source briefed on the talks said on Wednesday.

Israeli military says destroyed tunnel shaft near UNRWA school

The military posted a video of the attack on X, saying it had targeted the tunnel in Beit Hanoun in northeastern Gaza.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has repeatedly condemned attacks near its facilities and rejected accusations that its installations are used by Hamas.

UNRWA’s Gaza director also has said that 50 UN facilities have been damaged by Israeli attacks as of November 4, including five direct hits.

At the time, he said the agency was no longer to provide shelter to hundreds of thousands of displaced people under the UN flag.

At least 89 UNRWA staff have been killed in Gaza since the fighting began in what officials have described as one of the highest death tolls of UN staff in the history of the organisation.

Israel’s military said earlier that it had destroyed 130 tunnel entrances in Gaza.

UN chief says Israeli operations ‘clearly wrong’

The head of the UN said Wednesday that thousands of children in the Gaza Strip were killed, which he said shows that there is “something clearly wrong in the way that military operations are being done.”

“Every year, the highest number of killing of children by any of the actors in all the conflicts that we witness is the maximum in the hundreds,” Antonio Guterres said in an interview with Reuters Next in New York.

“We have in a few days in Gaza, thousands of children killed,” he said.

Guterres stressed the need for a humanitarian cease-fire as well as allowing the release of hostages, and allowing for the “massive entrance” of aid into Gaza.

Stressing the need to distinguish between Hamas and Palestinians, Guterres said: “If we don't make that distinction, I think it's humanity itself that loses meaning.”

Describing the situation in Gaza as “terrible” and “catastrophic,” the UN chief noted that the entrance of fuel into Gaza has not yet been authorized, and water is “very limited” while there is a lack of medicine in hospitals.

“It's essential that the laws of war are respected,” he said. “And one of the things we say to Israel clearly it is very important that the laws of war are fully respected.”

Israel launched relentless air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip since a cross-border attack by Hamas on Oct. 7.

At least 10,569 Palestinians, including 4,324 children and 2,823 women, have been killed.

The Israeli death toll nears 1,600, according to official figures.

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Wednesday 8 November 2023

In the midst of Israel’s assault, people of Gaza still don’t want the PA

In the midst of Israel’s assault, people of Gaza still don’t want the PA

In the midst of Israel’s assault, people of Gaza still don’t want the PA

Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, in Berlin, Germany [File: Lisi Niesner/Reuters]

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said Israel would govern the security of the Gaza Strip for an “indefinite period” after the ongoing war, in comments that came amid a growing debate over what the besieged strip might look like after the war.

Israel and its biggest ally, the United States, have insisted that Hamas – currently in power in Gaza – cannot be allowed to continue to rule the strip, following its attack on southern Israel on October 7, in which an estimated 1,400 people were killed

However, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip on Sunday and indicated that the PA (Palestinian Authority) would be willing to return to the besieged enclave as part of a future political settlement.

“We will fully assume our responsibilities within the framework of a comprehensive political solution that includes all of the [occupied] West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip,” Abbas was quoted as telling United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken by the official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

Blinken was visiting Ramallah, the PA’s seat in the occupied West Bank.

So how do people in Gaza view the prospect of the PA taking power in the besieged Strip 17 years after Hamas won legislative elections, and then a military battle against Fatah, the political arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), chaired by Abbas?

Here are some voices from the ground:

Mohamed, 25

I don’t think the PA taking over Gaza is a solution people will accept or support. I reject it because I can see what’s happening in the West Bank, which is under PA’s control.

There are always raids into so many towns and people are always arrested in these areas considered under the PA’s rule.

They don’t change anything on the ground. This is why its rule will not benefit Gaza in any way. I would be for a national unity government (including Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian factions).

That would be much better.

Kamal, 53

The PA will not protect Gaza because it participated in its siege repeatedly and oppressed the people of Gaza, all because of its dispute with Hamas. We don’t believe it can be fair in Gaza.

The president always gives these speeches talking about Gaza and his responsibility towards it, but he doesn’t do what he says.

The evidence is the siege and the explosion that occurred in Gaza. If the PA were good for the West Bank, it may have been good in Gaza.

But we can see that the return of the PA is impossible. It can only come as part of a national unity government chosen by the people.

Somaia, 29

The West Bank is enough of an example of how life is for other Palestinians under the rule of the PA. The Israeli occupation has an iron fist that strikes at the simplest rights of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories.

The only solution, or any next move that should be discussed now, should prioritise the means of how to dismantle years of occupation and military rule across the occupied territories.

That will help whoever runs Gaza, from among the Palestinian factions, to do what is best for the people, and for the people only.

Abu Hakeem, 45

Whether the PA is a valid alternate player that could take power over two million people here doesn’t seem to be a priority question for people right now.

What the US and the PA are discussing now, no matter what, can’t be enough to guarantee the safety of my family or thousands of others who are currently in Gaza under fire from Israeli warplanes.

Ahmed, 33

We have been calling for years for the mere human rights that we need to have a life – like employment, electricity, clean water, freedom of movement and the right to seek medical referral outside.

The legitimacy of the PA as a suitable power, and of any other ruler in Gaza, comes into the equation only when we have enough for a good life and survival from this hell

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel Tes SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel Tes SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel- Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel TES SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0