Saturday 11 November 2023

Saudi crown prince says Israel bears responsibility for ‘crimes’ against Palestinians in Gaza

Saudi crown prince says Israel bears responsibility for ‘crimes’ against Palestinians in Gaza

Saudi crown prince says Israel bears responsibility for ‘crimes’ against Palestinians in Gaza

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reiterated calls for ceasefire in Gaza during the Arab-Islamic Summit in Riyadh. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said Israel bears responsibility for the “crimes committed against Palestinian people,” reiterating calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during his opening remarks at the Arab-Islamic Summit on Saturday.

The Saudi crown prince stressed the Kingdom’s ‘unequivocal’ rejection of the continued Israeli aggression in Gaza and the forced displacement of residents.

He pointed to the ‘double standards’ in applying the international humanitarian law, condemning the international community’s silence towards the violations against the Palestinian civilians.

He added: “We are facing a humanitarian catastrophe that testifies to the failure of the UN Security Council and the international community to put an end to the Israeli violations – a matter that demonstrates double standards.”

The crown prince reiterated calls for an immediate end to the military aggression in Gaza and the release of hostages to save lives.

He called for a coordinated, collective effort among Arab and Islamic states to take effective action to lift the siege and deliver humanitarian and relief aid into Gaza.

“The Kingdom has made tireless efforts since the beginning of the aggression in Gaza and has continued consultations to stop the war.”

He stressed that the only solution to achieve stability in the region is to end the occupation and the establishment of settlements.

“A Palestinian state must be established on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital,” said the crown prince.

Saudi Arabia hosted the emergency summit in response to the exceptional circumstances taking place in the Palestinian Gaza Strip as countries felt the need to unify efforts and come out with a unified collective position.

The summit brought together leaders from Arab and Asian nations, who called for an immediate end to the war on Gaza.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Arab leaders including Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas, Egypt’s Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and Iraq’s Abdul Latif Rashid were among the leaders who attended the summit on Saturday.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and President of Libya’s Presidential Council Mohamed Al-Manfi were among the participating leaders.

The summit also saw the attendance of Asian leaders including Presidents of Indonesia Joko Widodo and Krygystan Sady Japarov.

The Arab-Islamic Summit in Riyadh brought together leaders from Arab and Asian nations, who called for an immediate end to the war on Gaza. (SPA)

Speaking during the summit, the Palestinian president said the Palestinians are facing an “unmatched genocidal war,” calling on the United States to pressure Israel into halting its offensive on Gaza.

Abbas also called for international protection for the Palestinians in the face of Israeli attacks.

He urged the UN Security Council to practice its responsibilities by stopping the aggression against the Palestinians and delivering aid in Gaza.

“We will not accept military and security solutions in the Gaza Strip,” he added.

Time for action

Iran’s Raisi called on Muslim countries to impose oil and goods sanctions on Israel and designate the Israeli army “terrorist group.”

He accused Israel of using internationally banned weapons in the Gaza Strip and violating international humanitarian laws.

Raisi called the United States a major partner in Israel’s crimes against Gaza with its unconditional backing of the aggression and provision of weapons daily.

He urged Islamic countries to work together to pressure Israel and America to stop the war in Gaza.

“The top priority now is a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.” He added: “We must work to remove Israeli forces from Gaza.”

Raisi had earlier said that time had come for action over the conflict rather than talk as he headed to Riyadh. “Today, the unity of the Islamic countries is very important,” he noted.

During his speech at the summit, Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani stressed his country’s negotiation efforts to release the hostages held in Gaza, saying that the international community has failed to bear its responsibilities.

He questioned “for how long will the international community treat israel as if it is above international law?”

“Who would have imagined that hospitals would be openly bombed in the 21st century and that families would be wiped from the civil registry by indiscriminate bombing?”

Al-Thani called for a permanent opening of a humanitarian corridor to bring aid into Gaza.

Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani stressed his country’s negotiation efforts to release the hostages held in Gaza. (SPA)

In his remarks, Jordan’s King Abdullah II called for a serious peace process to begin in the Middle East.

He said the war on Gaza was an extension of an occupation that has started more than seven decades ago, stressing that the two-state solution is the only way to bring peace in Palestine.

“The war waged by Israel on Gaza is hideous and has to stop,” he said. King Abdullah said Israel’s denial of food and medical supplies into Gaza constitues as a “war crime.”

Meanwhile, the Egyptian President El-Sisi denounced Israel’s forced displacement of the Palestinians, calling for an international investigation to be conducted into Israel’s violations against the people of Gaza.

He urged for an immediate sustainable ceasefire in Gaza “without restrictions or conditions.”

“The policies of collective punishment of the people of Gaza...are unacceptable and cannot be justified by self-defense or any other claims. They must be stopped immediately,”

He warned that failure to end the war in Gaza could result in its expansion to the rest of the region.

“The international community must put pressure to stop the bloodshed and address the roots of the conflict,” said El-Sisi.

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi called on Saturday for an immediate sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia has consistently called for an end to the bloodshed in the occupied territories.

The kingdom was scheduled to host two extraordinary summits, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit and the Arab League summit, on Saturday and Sunday. The joint summit will replace the two separate gatherings in light of the Gaza situation, the Saudi Foreign ministry said.

The joint meeting “will be held in response to the exceptional circumstances taking place in the Palestinian Gaza Strip as countries feel the need to unify efforts and come out with a unified collective position,” it said.

This week, the Israeli army advanced into Gaza City in the north of the enclave, resulting in a deluge of civilians flooding to the south, where Israel promised they would be safer.

Gaza’s Health Ministry said 11,000 people have been killed since the war began, and 27,000 have been injured. Israel has conducted a massive military operation into the occupied territory after Hamas militants killed 1,200 Israelis living near Gaza on Oct. 7.

The World Health Organization said on Friday that Gaza health services were at a breaking point. Hospitals are are nearly out of crucial medical supplies and lack of water and electricity are hampering their work. Doctors are treating patients without anesthesia.

Israel has imposed a blockade as part of its campaign limiting the number of humanitarian supplies entering Gaza

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No safety zones in Gaza Strip, says Russian envoy to UN

No safety zones in Gaza Strip, says Russian envoy to UN

No safety zones in Gaza Strip, says Russian envoy to UN

Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya
© Valery Sharufulin/TASS

There are no safe zones left in Gaza amid Israeli strikes, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said.

"(Israel’s) deliberate strikes on civilian facilities are a blatant violation of international humanitarian law," he pointed out at a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East.

"The mosques (that came under attack a while ago) are located in the south of the Gaza Strip, which confirms that there are simply no safe zones for civilians in the enclave anymore," Nebenzya added.

US Pundit Weighs in on What's Behind America's Support for Israel

America’s support for Israel dates back to 1948, when then-US President Harry Truman became the first world leader to recognize the Jewish state.

The US continues supporting Israel due to "domestic politics" and concerns about the "powerful" Israel lobby in Washington, American political scientist John J. Mearsheimer said in an interview with the YouTube channel Judging Freedom.

"(US President) Joe Biden understands full well – as does (his predecessors) Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush that if you cross the Israeli lobby, you will pay a political price," Mearsheimer pointed out.

He noted that “there’s absolutely nothing illegal, immoral and unethical about this lobby.” The political scientist recalled that the US political system “is set up in ways that allow a lobby to have a great influence”, pointing to the National Rifle Association as an example.

Mearsheimer added that there was a time when Israel was “a strategic asset” of the US, something which he said is not the case nowadays.

According to the pundit, Washington's current "special relationship" with Tel Aviv cannot only be explained by strategic or moral arguments, especially in light of "how Israel treated Palestinians", especially amid escalation of the two’s conflict following the October 7 Hamas attack on the Jewish state from the Gaza Strip.

The Washington-Tel Aviv "special relationship" has been developing since the US’ recognition the State of Israel back in 1948. In the latest development, President Biden vowed "to stand with Israel" in the wake of the October 7 attack, as he promised more military assistance to the Jewish state.

The rising death toll in Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent pledge to reoccupy Gaza, however, prompted "a notable shift in US (supportive) language toward Israel," according to US media.

Despite Dark Future, Young Palestinians Choose to Resist Israel by Not Fleeing

Tommy Yang - As thousands of civilians on both sides of the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip continue to perish in the ongoing military conflict, a Palestinian activist based in the West Bank explained to Sputnik why they view Israel's presence in both Gaza and the West bank as occupation.

©AP Photo/Ahmed Hatem

The activist also recalled how Israeli policies fermented resentment among Palestinians that contributed to the recent spike in violence.

Childhood Trauma

Under a 1993 peace agreement known as the Oslo Accords, Israel agreed to fulfill the right of the Palestine people to self-determination by allowing limited Palestinian self-governance over parts of the West Bank and Gaza.

Reminiscing about his childhood, human rights activist Muhanned Qafesha told Sputnik that his fellow Palestinians never really felt disburdened of Israeli occupation despite the promise of self-determination and self-governance.

"I have lived under Israeli occupation, Israeli aggression and Israeli brutality. I've witnessed all kinds of Israeli violence. I've seen all kinds of Israeli aggression during my childhood. I grew up seeing military tanks raiding the neighborhoods in Hebron, where Israeli soldiers were raiding Palestinian homes, attacking Palestinians, shooting at Palestinians and killing them. I've seen Israeli choppers and F-16s [fighter jets] bombing people's homes," Qafesha recalled.

He said growing up through such experiences it was only natural for him to want to become an activist advocating for the basic rights of Palestinians.

"As a person growing up in such a situation, that makes you want to fight for your freedom. It's a very normal reaction to fight back. That's why I decided to join a movement called Youth Against Settlement, which is a non-violent movement. I also studied journalism to talk about the sufferings of Palestinians and to deliver the message of Palestinians to the rest of the world. I want everybody around the world to know what's happening to Palestinians. I want our kids not to suffer the same trauma as we experienced as children," Qafesha said.

Open-Air Prison

The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are often described as open-air prison, as Israel keeps a tight grip over the movement of people and goods in both Palestinian areas. Without access to an airport, Palestinians have no other avenue to leave but to request permission from Israeli authorities to cross into neighboring countries by land — Egypt for the Gaza Strip and Jordan for the West Bank.

"The condition at the land border with Jordan is also crazy for Palestinians. It's not open 24 hours. We can only go and come back during the five hours when it's open. And they usually only allow 500 people to pass each day. If 500 people have crossed the border in two hours, they would close the border for the day. If you're coming back from a trip to Europe and your flight arrived at 9 p.m., you have to spend the night in Amman [Jordan's capital] and wait until the next morning when the border reopens to return to your city. This is how they work," Qafesha said.

As someone who grew up in the West Bank, Qafesha has never visited the Gaza Strip because of Israel’s control of the borders of both territories.

Without the freedom of movement, young Palestinians have limited career options despite being well-educated and often resort to low-end jobs like construction, the activist said. As a result, many young Palestinians feel hopeless about their future, he added.

"It's a huge pressure on people. There's no future for people living in Palestine. You see the future as very dark as a young person. You're not doing what other young people in the world are doing, which is dreaming, working and enjoying your time traveling. For young Palestinians, this doesn't exist. For young Palestinians, the future is very dark and the present is very tough. You never live in a moment when your mind is peaceful. You can't do art, practice something you love and achieve your dreams. Some of the kids in Gaza are gamers. They want to reach a certain amount of followers. But they're being killed with their families in their homes," Qafesha said.

Lost Faith in International Community In response to the surprise attack carried out by the Palestinian movement Hamas on Israel on October 7, Israel put the Gaza Strip under a blockade and launched retaliatory strikes which later expanded into a full-fledged ground operation. While most of Western countries expressed solidarity with Israel and shied away from criticizing Israel's harsh military response that killed thousands of Palestinian civilians.

"Israel is being protected by the West. For us now, the Western governments are appearing as liars in front of the whole world. They would support the oppressed if they hate the oppressor and they're not friends with the oppressor. But if the oppressor is a friend of theirs, they'll be OK with it. It depends on how much they like or hate the oppressor. Israel did terrible things to the Palestinians. You're giving them legitimacy in the world," Qafesha said.

"Many Palestinians chose to stay in their home and die. But they didn't want to leave their homes and become refugees again. We don't want to go anywhere. When we go to Egypt, we want to go for a fun trip and come back. We don't want to leave," Qafesha said.

The activist explained that choosing to stay in their homes was already a form of resistance for Palestinians. "For Palestinians, being in this land and choosing not to leave is a kind of resistance. You don't have to do anything or say that you're resisting. Just living in your home and continue to live is a form of resistance. That's why all Palestinians are resisting Israeli occupation because they refuse to leave," Qafesha said.

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Israeli army used white phosphorus on al-Shifa - Palestine health minister

Israeli army used white phosphorus on al-Shifa - Palestine health minister

Israeli army used white phosphorus on al-Shifa - Palestine health minister

Mai al-Kaila has accused Israeli forces of shelling Gaza’s largest hospital with white phosphorus.

“This is an internationally banned weapon. We are wondering who is responsible for holding Israel to account for shelling al-Shifa Hospital with white phosphorus,” she told a news conference in Ramallah, adding that Israeli forces were committing a “genocide” in Gaza.

“Inevitable death has become the fate of patients in Gaza hospitals – and we hold Israel, the United Nations and the international community responsible for that.”

Rights groups have accused Israel of using white phosphorus both in Gaza and Lebanon over the past month. Israel has denied the allegation.

‘Minutes away from death’ – al-Shifa Hospital head

As intense fighting between the Israeli forces and Hamas personnel rages nearby in the Gaza City, the chief of the largest hospital in the region on Saturday said they are "minutes away from death" and have been surrounded. 

In recent days, there have also been reports of projectiles landing in the premises of the hospitals in Gaza City that reportedly resulted in casualties. 

The development comes as Israeli actions in the ongoing war come under increasing scrutiny across the world. While the Arab World has been joined by French President Emmanuel Macron in calls for a ceasefire, the Israeli government has only agreed to hourslong daily pauses

Al Jazeera on Saturday reported Al Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya as saying that the facility has been surrounded by the Israeli forces.

"We are totally cut off from the whole world, we are minutes away from imminent death. We are stranded, we sent many SOS to the whole world – there has been no response, no response," said Abu Salmiya to Al Jazeera.

Abu Salmiya further said, "All I can say is that we’ve started to lose lives. Patients are dying by the minute, victims and wounded are also dying – even babies in the incubators. We lost a baby in the incubator, we also lost a young man in the intensive care unit. The hospital compound is cordoned off and the buildings of the hospital are targeted. Any moving person within the compound is targeted. The Israeli occupation forces are outside, preventing any person to move. One member of a medical crew who tried to reach the incubator to lend a helping hand to the babies born inside was shot and killed. In addition to that, some of the victims who were already injured suffered bone injuries as a result of sniper gunfire. The hospital is left without power, internet and even without water and medical supplies."

The Israeli government has long maintained that Hamas has been using tunnels and levels under the Gaza Strip's largest hospital, Al Shifa, as a command and control centre. Fighting is currently going on nearby. Besides the Al Shifa Hospital, two other facilities in the area, Rantisi and Al Nasr hospitals, have also been surrounded.

The claims of the Israeli and Hamas officials have not been independently verified.

Separately, Abu Salmiya also told The New York Times that the hospital premises were struck four times on Friday. A video said to have been verified by the paper on Friday showed a projectile landing in the open grounds of the hospital premises in which at least one casualty appeared to be visible.

"The chief of Al Shifa Hospital said it was struck four times on Friday, killing seven people, with several others wounded. The sources of the strikes and the extent of the damage were not immediately known...Videos verified by The New York Times show a projectile streaking out of the predawn darkness and into the hospital complex. It was not clear what kind of weapon was involved, who fired it or what damage it did," reported NYT on Saturday.

Separately, the Israeli military has said that it is operating in areas close to the Al Shifa Hospital, which it has dubbed as the "military quarter" of Gaza City. Hamas has long been known to embed itself deeply into the civilian settlements across Gaza. It also uses a widespread network of tunnels, some as deep as 130 ft underground, to move around and store weapons and hide personnel. While the Israeli military has said that it is aware of the "sensitivity of the hospitals", it said that if Hamas personnel attack from the hospitals, it would have to do the needful. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant also said, "The terrorists located in the basements of Shifa tonight can hear the thundering sound of our tanks and bulldozers."

While the claim of Hamas using the hospital as a base has gained traction lately, it is not for the first time that such an assessment has been made public. As far as in 2009, within just two years of Hamas taking over Gaza, the Israeli security apparatus had concluded that several top leaders of the group were based in the underground levels of the hospital complex.

"During a cabinet meeting a week ago, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin said senior Hamas officials found refuge in the hospital basement because they know Israel would not target it, due to the patients in the upper floors. Palestinian sources told Haaretz that not all the senior Hamas leaders are hiding in one place. Rather, they have spread out, and some are constantly changing locations. Some of the bunkers they are using were linked by tunnels Hamas built in recent years," said a report in the Haaretz paper in 2009.

Separately, the Israeli military said it captured a Hamas base in the Gaza City in the latest round of fighting and around 150 personnel of the designated terrorist group were killed in the fighting.

The Israel-Hamas War began on October 7 when Hamas and allied groups attacked Israel and went on a rampage across southern part of the country under the cover of around 3,000 rockets that rained all over the country. The Israeli government says at least 1,600 were killed, around 6,900 were injured, and at least 240 were abducted and taken to Gaza as hostages. In response, Israel launched intense aerial and bombardment of Gaza to take down Hamas leaders and facilities as part of the long war to defeat Hamas and remove it from Gaza's leadership. As part of the war, Israel also launched a ground operation around two weeks back, which was a watered-down version of the full-fledged invasion anticipated for weeks.

While Hamas has been hit hard in Israeli attacks, widespread civilian casualties have been reported in Gaza, with the Hamas-run Gazan authorities saying over 11,000 Palestinians have been killed, over 4,500 of whom are children. Moreover, around 1.5 million Palestinians are estimated to have been displaced internally in Gaza. The region is also short of food, medicines, and fuel amid a land blockade and the trickle of humanitarian aid is nowhere close to the levels envisioned by the United Nations (UN) agencies. Estimates also suggest that several thousands of houses, housing buildings, and schools have also been damaged fully or partially.

The grave humanitarian crisis in Gaza has led to calls for an immediate ceasefire and has diluted the international support for Israel in its war against Hamas as massive rallies frequently take place in the West against the Israeli war efforts. Israel has, however, rejected calls for ceasefires, but has so far accepted the US-led Western suggestions to reduce the invasion to a narrower and focused ground operation, enable more humanitarian aid into Gaza, and institute daily pauses in attacks for humanitarian purposes.

Palestinian journalist asks for aid for a family under siege

Palestinian journalist Yara Eid posted an emotional appeal to save a family trapped inside their home by Israeli tanks near al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

The Israeli army continues heavy fire on anyone who moves in the area and is preventing the arrival of ambulances.

In an Arabic and English video published to her X account, Eid asked international organizations to save the Khreis family, consisting of 13 members,

She says that they are trapped in their home surrounded by tanks and are being shelled by Israeli forces.

Israeli raids, detentions continuing in occupied West Bank

Palestinian towns left, right and centre since October 7. Since then, the number of Palestinians who have been detained has superseded 2,400.

The stories you hear from some of them are just horrific. Some are even too scared to talk to the media because they fear that Israel would retaliate against them for saying what’s happening.

Israel is also sealing entrances to cities and it’s becoming very difficult to move. But even those who manage to, are faced by Israeli soldiers at checkpoints who go through their phones.

If they have something the soldiers don’t like, then they are beaten up and sometimes arrested.

Gaza doctor calls for Israel’s ‘war crimes’ on hospitals to stop

During a news conference outside al-Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, a doctor has urged the international community to put a stop to the “war crimes” being committed against Gaza’s hospitals. “We are now calling [on] the whole world, if there is any awake conscience, please [take] action,” he said. “Any politician in the world now who cannot put the pressure to stop these war crimes on the hospitals, his hands are bloodied.”

He said that the besieged al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is understaffed and on the verge of collapse.

“Water now is not available. Electricity as well is not available,” he said. “The hospital doors are open, but we cannot provide medical help for our patients.”

“This must stop now. We cannot continue with such war crimes,” he said.

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Bank Indonesia memaparkan dampak pemilu terhadap investasi nasional

Bank Indonesia memaparkan dampak pemilu terhadap investasi nasional

Bank Indonesia memaparkan dampak pemilu terhadap investasi nasional

Ilustrasi: Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di triwulan IV tumbuh 4,9 persen/stimewa

Bank Indonesia (BI) memaparkan dampak pemilihan umum (pemilu) terhadap perekonomian nasional, salah satunya adalah terhadap pola investasi nasional.

Direktur Departemen Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Moneter (DKEM) BI Erwindo Kolopaking menyebut bahwa ekspansi investasi akan tinggi menjelang akhir 2023 atau sebelum pemilu dimulai pada Februari 2024.

“Satu putaran, dua putaran biasanya kenapa itu berpengaruh dan tadi disampaikan juga melambat menjelang pemilu, karena menjelang akhir pemerintahan. Makanya kami melihat di akhir tahun ini ekspansinya cukup besar,” kata Erwindo, di Raja Ampat, Papua, Sabtu.

Namun, Erwindo memprediksi, investasi pada triwulan I dan II tahun depan akan terjadi perlambatan, karena terjadi pergantian dua hal, yakni pergantian presiden dan para menteri.

Para investor menahan untuk melihat posisi pemerintahan yang baru. Hal itu akan membuat pola investasi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi agak sedikit melambat.

“Dan ketika presidennya berbeda, bagaimana dia (investor) melihat program-program yang disiarkan di dalam APBN 2024-nya. Apakah seluruhnya akan diambil atau mereka akan menyusun rancangan baru. Itu yang biasanya terjadi dan itu kan proses. Ini akan berpengaruh terhadap konsumsi dan investasi pemerintah di awal tahun,” kata Erwindo.

Setelah tahun pemilu berlalu, kata Erwindo lagi, maka pola investasi akan kembali normal. Kondisi penyesuaian tersebut diprediksi pasti terjadi, sehingga semakin lama proses pemilu, maka akan semakin berdampak pada struktur investasi.

Pemerintah dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat menyepakati penyelenggaraan pemungutan suara pemilu untuk memilih presiden dan wakil presiden, anggota DPR, DPRD Provinsi, DPRD kabupaten/kota, serta anggota DPD RI dilaksanakan pada Rabu, 14 Februari 2024.

Sedangkan pemungutan suara serentak nasional dalam pemilihan gubernur dan wakil gubernur, bupati dan wakil bupati, wali kota dan wakil wali kota, dilaksanakan pada Rabu, 26 November 2024.

Dampak Pemilu 2024 ke IHSG, Rupiah hingga Investasi

Sementara itu dua bulan lalu, Ekonom Bank Permata Josua Pardede mengatakan, Pemilu turut berdampak pada nilai tukar Rupiah yang diramal akan melemah, serta sikap investor asing yang cenderung wait and see.

Secara historis, dampak pemilu terhadap ekonomi Indonesia sangat bervariasi. Pada 2019 misalnya, dampak pemilu dinilai cenderung bias karena terjadinya perang dagang secara global.

Sementara pada 2004-2009, Rupiah dan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) tercatat mengalami pelemahan sesaat.

“Tapi setelah hasil pemilu keluar dan kondisi politik stabil, biasanya kepercayaan investor akan kembali rebound,” kata Josua dalam Media Gathering di Grand Aston Puncak, Bogor pada hari Senin, 25/09/2023.

Di sisi lain, jika melihat indikator makro, Josua mengungkapkan dua faktor yang cukup dominan dari pemilu. Di satu sisi, masyarakat melihat kegiatan pemilu akan mendorong konsumsi masyarakat, khususnya Lembaga Non Profit (LNPRT) yang melayani rumah tangga. Pada sisi lainnya, terdapat kecenderungan perlambatan penanaman modal asing (PMA) dalam empat pemilu terakhir.

“Namun yang menarik, walaupun pemilu, penanaman modal dalam negeri atau PMDN pertumbuhannya masih positif,” ujar Josua

Dalam hal ini, Josua menuturkan bahwa perilaku investor asing di berbagai negara yang sedang menggelar perhelatan pemilu cenderung menunjukkan sikap uncertain. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan akan adanya pemimpin baru yang turut melahirkan kebijakan-kebijakan baru.

“Investor asing cenderung lebih concern dibandingkan investor domestik. Justru investor domestik ini karena mengetahui kondisi politik relatif stabil dan tidak ada gejolak yang signifikan, itu membuat optimisme investor domestik lebih baik dibandingkan investor asing,” ungkap Josua.

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