Tuesday 5 December 2023

3 commercial ships hit by missiles in Houthi attack in Red Sea, Houthis claim responsibility

3 commercial ships hit by missiles in Houthi attack in Red Sea, Houthis claim responsibility

3 commercial ships hit by missiles in Houthi attack in Red Sea, Houthis claim responsibility

Three commercial ships came under attack in the international waters of the Red Sea on Sunday, U.S. military officials said -- as Houthi militants claimed responsibility for the latest incursion in the Middle East, where tensions have been high since the Israel-Hamas war began.

"These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security," U.S. Central Command said in a statement. "They have jeopardized the lives of international crews representing multiple countries around the world."

A major shipping lane runs through the sea, between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Since Hamas' Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel sparked the war, there have been a number of missile attacks from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen on ships in the Red Sea, the Pentagon has said.

Officials on Sunday laid blame with Iran.

"We ... have every reason to believe that these attacks, while launched by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully enabled by Iran. The United States will consider all appropriate responses in full coordination with its international allies and partners," CENTCOM said.

U.S. forces have been repeatedly attacked by Iran-backed proxies in Iraq and Syria since the Israel-Hamas war began, according to the Pentagon, and American forces have carried out multiple retaliatory strikes as a result.

The three commercial ships, or merchant vessels, were identified in Sunday's statement as the Unity Explorer, which is U.K.-owned but flagged (or registered) in the Bahamas; the Number 9, which is flagged in Panama and owned and operated in Bermuda and the U.K.; and the Sophie II, which is also registered in Panama.

The missile attacks were carried out over the course of more than seven hours on Sunday, according to CENTCOM: first on the Unity Explorer, though that missile detonated nearby; and a second time on the Unity Explorer, which took "minor damage" from that strike. The Number 9 was then struck by a missile and about an hour later, the Sophie II was also hit.

No casualties were reported, according to CENTCOM.

The USS Carney, a Navy destroyer that has been patrolling in the area, intercepted and shot down three drones while assisting the vessels on Sunday, CENTCOM said. At least one of those was from Houthi areas of Yemen.

The warship took no damage. It's not clear if the Carney -- which has downed multiple such munitions in the previous weeks -- was the intended target of the drones.

In a statement, the Houthis said they had targeted two of the commercial ships because they were linked to Israelis and had "rejected warning messages" from Houthi forces.

The Houthis will "continue to prevent Israeli ships from navigating the Red and Arab Seas until the Israeli aggression against our steadfast brothers in the Gaza Strip stops," according to their statement, referring to the conflict with Hamas after its terror attack.

Houthi Attack on Commercial Ships in Red Sea a Warning to Israel and US - Experts

Three Bahama- and Panama-flagged commercial vessels, allegedly belonging to Jewish businessmen, were subjected to a Houthi missile attack in the Red Sea on Sunday. A US warship in the region reportedly shot down three drones in self-defense.

A recent escalation of tensions in the Red Sea has come on the heels of the resumption of the military operation in Gaza by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The Red Sea is considered one of the most important trade routes in the region. It extends southeastward from Suez, Egypt, to the Indian Ocean through the Bab el Mandeb sound and the Gulf of Aden. Over 10% of global trade passes through the Red Sea annually. On Sunday, multiple commercial vessels were simultaneously attacked by Houthi militants for the first time in the Israel-Hamas war.

"The Red Sea could become a more dangerous route, but in proportion with the increasing tension between Israel and Hamas on one side at a local level and also at a regional level between Iranian allies from Lebanon and Syria, Iraq and Israel itself and the US military bases in Syria and Iraq. Everything is connected," Dr. Lorenzo Trombetta said, a Beirut-based scholar and analyst specializing on the Middle East.

"Both of the cargo ships targeted by the Houthi in November and a few days ago were not Israeli-flagged ships, but they were owned by Israeli businessmen. That was the aim of the direct target of the pro-Iranian government," the scholar continued.

Last month, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah linked Shiite attacks on US military bases and personnel in Syria and Iraq to the unfolding Gaza war. "To the Americans, I say: If you want the secondary fronts to stop, you must cease the aggression on Gaza," he said on November 11. On November 20, Houthi rebels seized an Israeli-linked cargo ship that passed the Red Sea and took its 25 crew members hostage. During the week-long truce between Israel and Islamist Palestinian group Hamas militants across the region appeared to hit the pause button. However, after the humanitarian pause ended, tensions have grown even higher.

"I believe that these developments in the Red Sea region come within a broader context of threats from armed groups and forces sympathetic with the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank," Ambassador Ezzat Saad, director of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, told Sputnik. "It is normal that these developments raise concern for the countries of the region as well as the international community at large, taking into account the geo-strategic importance of the sea."

Per Saad, one might expect that Houthi and Shiite militants are likely to proceed with their attacks as long as the US-backed Israeli military is continuing their operation in Gaza. He doesn't rule out that the situation may run out of control if the number of civilian casualties continues to grow in the strip. For its part, the Israeli government has made it clear that it is determined to eradicate Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization by Tel Aviv. Israeli policy-makers argue that the Islamist group is using Palestinians in Gaza as "human shields" while launching attacks from the strip. At the same time, Israel has come under criticism from Arab states and the UN over the skyrocketing death toll among civilians. As Tel Aviv and Washington don't demonstrate any inclination to scale down the intensity of military actions, the situation on the ground is deteriorating.

"We should say that the Red Sea route could be more or less safe, or commercial vessels not directly linked with the Middle Eastern war not directly linked with Israel or the United States. While, of course, they could become a target in case they are linked to Israel. Of course, in this tense situation, when the war, the battled war, when the use of weapons is increasing in the Red Sea, especially close to the Hudaydah Yemen port in the stand of the pro-Iranian government, of course, all the commercial vessels should be should be very cautious traveling along this route. So this route is becoming more dangerous. But it doesn't mean that the route is an open theater to war," Trombetta concluded.

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Anak Krakatau semburkan abu setinggi 700 meter pagi ini

Anak Krakatau semburkan abu setinggi 700 meter pagi ini

Anak Krakatau semburkan abu setinggi 700 meter pagi ini

Anak Krakatau semburkan abu setinggi 700 meter pagi ini Gunung anak Krakatau dari cctv PVMBG. (AHADP/HO-PVMBG)

Gunung Anak Krakatau yang berada di perairan Selat Sunda, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan kembali mengalami erupsi pada tanggal 05 Desember 2023, pukul 04.38 WIB dengan tinggi lontaran kolom abu 700 meter di atas puncak atau sekitar 857 meter di atas permukaan laut.

Menurut laporan yang disiarkan di laman resmi Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), bahwa erupsi tersebut terjadi pada Selasa tanggal 05 Desember 2023, pukul 04.38 WIB.

Kolom abu berwarna hitam dengan intensitas tebal dari gunung itu condong mengarah ke arah barat laut.

Erupsi itu terekam di seismogram dengan amplitudo maksimum 63 milimeter dan durasi lebih kurang 41 detik.

Kepala Pos Pantau Gunung Anak Krakatau di Hargopancuran, Kecamatan Rajabasa, Lampung Selatan, Andi Suardi, Selasa, mengatakan pemukiman terdekat dari Gunung Anak Krakatau berada pada Pulau Sebesi yang berjarak 16,5 kilometer.

Andi mengimbau masyarakat dan nelayan untuk tidak mendekati kawasan Gunung Anak Krakatau pada radius lima kilometer.

"Saat ini Gunung Anak Krakatau berada pada level III, siaga, dengan rekomendasi masyarakat, nelayan, pendaki gunung, tidak mendekati gunung dengan radius lima kilometer," katanya.

Sejak kelahiran Gunung Anak Krakatau pada Juni 1927 hingga saat ini, erupsi berulang kali terjadi, sehingga Gunung Anak Krakatau tumbuh semakin besar dan tinggi.

Karakter letusan Gunung Anak Krakatau berupa erupsi eksplosif dan erupsi efusif dengan waktu istirahat letusannya berkisar antara satu sampai enam tahun.

Sebelumnya Pelaksana tugas, Plt Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Lampung Selatan, Aflah Efendi, mengimbau masyarakat yang ada di daerahnya untuk tenang dan tetap waspada terhadap erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau yang terjadi di awal 2023.

"Atas adanya erupsi aktifitas gunung anak Krakatau kami berharap masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar pesisir pantai, dan Pulau Sebesi selalu waspada terhadap dampak letusan Gunung Anak Krakatau," kata Plt kepala BPBD Lampung Selatan, Aflah Efendi.

Ia mengimbau masyarakat di daerah itu agar meningkatkan kewaspadaan letusan Gunung Anak Krakatau untuk mengurangi risiko kebencanaan.

"Masyarakat, pengunjung, wisatawan, pendaki, agar tidak mendekati gunung anak Krakatau dalam radius 5 kilometer," kata dia.

Ia juga menjelaskan, sampai saat ini, pihaknya belum menerima laporan dari masyarakat pesisir terkait dampak dari erupsi gunung anak Krakatau.

"Hingga saat ini belum ada laporan adanya hujan abu vulkanik, dan dampak dari erupsi tersebut," ujarnya.

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Russian forces hammer Ukrainian troops, equipment in 107 areas over past day

Russian forces hammer Ukrainian troops, equipment in 107 areas over past day

Russian forces hammer Ukrainian troops, equipment in 107 areas over past day

©Russian Defence Ministry/TASS

Russian forces struck Ukrainian troops and military hardware in 107 areas over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Monday.

"Operational/tactical and army aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groupings of forces inflicted damage on Ukrainian manpower and military equipment in 107 areas," the ministry said in a statement.

Russian forces repulse Ukrainian attack in Kupyansk area over past day

Russian forces repulsed a Ukrainian army attack in the Kupyansk area, destroying roughly 35 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, an attack by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 57th mechanized brigade was repulsed by active operations of units from the western battlegroup with the support of aircraft and artillery fire near the settlement of Sinkovka in the Kharkov Region. The enemy’s losses amounted to 35 personnel, three armored combat vehicles, four pickup trucks and a Gvozdika motorized artillery system," the ministry said.

Russian forces repel five Ukrainian attacks in Krasny Liman area over past day

Russian forces repelled five Ukrainian army attacks in the Krasny Liman area, destroying roughly 280 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, five attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 63rd and 67th mechanized brigades were repelled by well-coordinated operations of units from the battlegroup Center, army aircraft strikes and artillery fire in areas near the settlements of Yampolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Chervonaya Dibrova in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The enemy’s losses in the Krasny Liman direction over the past 24 hours amounted to "280 personnel, five Kozak armored combat vehicles and three motor vehicles," the ministry specified.

Russian forces strike two Ukrainian army brigades in Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces inflicted damage on the personnel and military hardware of two Ukrainian army brigades in the Donetsk area, destroying roughly 300 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, units of the southern battlegroup operating in interaction with aircraft and artillery inflicted damage on the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 24th and 93rd mechanized brigades in areas near the settlements of Kurdyumovka and Kleshcheyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 300 personnel, two armored personnel carriers and three motor vehicles, the ministry specified.

Russian forces eliminate 100 Ukrainian troops in south Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces eliminated roughly 100 Ukrainian troops and four armored vehicles in the south Donetsk area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the south Donetsk direction, units of the battlegroup East operating in interaction with army aircraft and artillery inflicted damage by firepower on the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 102nd territorial defense brigade near the settlement of Priyutnoye in the Zaporozhye Region. The enemy’s losses amounted to 100 personnel, four armored combat vehicles and two motor vehicles," the ministry said.

Russian forces repel Ukrainian attack in Zaporozhye area over past day

Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian army attack in the Zaporozhye area, eliminating roughly 40 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian battlegroup, air strikes and artillery fire repelled an attack by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 118th mechanized brigade near the settlement of Nesteryanka in the Zaporozhye Region. The enemy’s losses amounted to 40 personnel, two armored personnel carriers and three motor vehicles," the ministry said.

Russian forces destroy 50 Ukrainian troops in Kherson area over past day

Russian forces destroyed roughly 50 Ukrainian troops and a US-made artillery system in the Kherson area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"As many as 50 Ukrainian army personnel, three motor vehicles, a US-made M777 artillery system and a Giatsint howitzer were destroyed as a result of damage inflicted by combined firepower," the ministry said.

In the Kherson direction, units of the Russian battlegroup, air strikes and artillery fire inflicted damage on amassed manpower and military hardware of the Ukrainian army’s 36th and 37th marine infantry brigades near the settlement of Tyaginka in the Kherson Region, the ministry reported.

Russian air defenses destroy 30 Ukrainian military drones over past day

Russian air defense forces shot down 30 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Air defense capabilities shot down 30 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Novovodyanoye and Lisichansk in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Peski, Spornoye and Aleksandrovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Novaya Zburyevka in the Kherson Region and Tokmak in the Zaporozhye Region and also a rocket of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system," the ministry said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 545 Ukrainian warplanes, 256 helicopters, 9,391 unmanned aerial vehicles, 442 surface-to-air missile systems, 13,775 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,187 multiple rocket launchers, 7,227 field artillery guns and mortars and 15,894 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, the ministry reported.

Watch Thrilling Footage of Russian Forces Storming Artyomovskoye Village

The reports about the Russian liberation of Artyomovskoye from Ukrainian forces came at the end of November. Now, the Russian Defense Ministry has published a video of the operation.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense has published footage that shows the liberation of the village of Artyomovskoye in the special military operation.

The operation was organized in several steps that were carefully planned by Russian commanders. Initially, enemy fire positions were suppressed and command posts were demolished using artillery. Following this, Ukrainian fortified positions were targeted and struck by aviation. Subsequently, air assault troops, along with the assistance of IFVs and FPV drones, stormed the positions

Watch Russian Combat Aircraft Wreak Havoc on Ukrainian Troops

Across the battlefields of the Ukrainian conflict, various branches of the Russian Armed Forces keep constantly hammering Kiev's fighters.

Pilots of the Russian Aerospace Forces operating in the Ukrainian conflict zone time and again demonstrate why combat aircraft and helicopters play such an important role in modern warfare.

A new video recently released by the Russian Ministry of Defense highlights one such episode in which a Russian Su-25 strike aircraft carries out missile strikes against Ukrainian military assets in the Donetsk region.

Ukraine Loses Up to 300 Soldiers in Donetsk Direction in Past Day

Ukraine has lost up to 300 soldiers and five pieces of military equipment in the Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

"In the Donetsk direction … Enemy casualties amounted to up to 300 military personnel, two armored personnel carriers and three vehicles," the ministry said in a statement, adding that Ukraine also lost up to 100 soldiers as killed or injured in the South Donetsk direction.

Russia has repelled five attacks in the Krasny Liman direction, where Ukraine has lost up to 280 soldiers over the past 24 hours, the ministry added.

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Tension mounts on southern front as Lebanon’s Hamas launches ‘resistance project’

Tension mounts on southern front as Lebanon’s Hamas launches ‘resistance project’

Tension mounts on southern front as Lebanon’s Hamas launches ‘resistance project’

A picture taken from southern Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip on December 4, 2023, shows smoke billowing during Israeli bombardment in Gaza. (AFP/File)

Hostilities escalated on Monday on the southern front of Lebanon between Hezbollah and the Israeli army.

A preliminary report said that a Syrian national was injured as a result of Israeli shelling targeting the Al-Wazzani border village. Avichay Adraee, the Israeli army spokesperson, said that “three soldiers were slightly injured” after Hezbollah had targeted the Israeli military outpost of Shtula.

In parallel with the mounting confrontations in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah launched 20 missiles from southern Lebanon toward the Western Galilee, between the Shomera and Mattat settlements. The Israeli army said that “the missiles landed in open areas and that its air force targeted military infrastructure for Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.”

Speaking on behalf of Hezbollah, Nabil Kaouk, a member of the group’s central council, said: “We will harshly respond to any attack against civilians in the south, and we will not let any attack against any civilian in Lebanon pass without a harsh and severe response.”

Kaouk revealed that during the truce “pressure was exerted on Hezbollah to avoid a new confrontation, as they want Israel to wage war on Gaza without the support of southern Lebanon.”

He claimed that Israel “is unable to win in Gaza or in south Lebanon, and cannot protect its settlers and ships in the Gulf and Red Sea.”

He added: “Israel is incapable of rescuing the hostages, as they were freed through negotiation only.”

According to Hezbollah’s statements, the militant group’s hostilities on the southern border had targeted on Monday morning “a gathering of the Israeli occupation soldiers in the Shtula Forest, the Al-Raheb outpost, the Al-Baghdadi outpost, and the Rowaysat Al-Alam outpost in the Kfarchouba Hills and the Shebaa Farms.”

The Israeli army activated the Iron Dome after a series of missiles were launched from the central part of southern Lebanon toward Israeli outposts.

Israel’s Channel 12 announced that “an anti-armor missile was launched toward the Misgav Am region in the Upper Galilee and that three soldiers were slightly injured after rockets were fired.”

Israeli ground and air shelling targeted the outskirts of southern villages including Naqoura, Aayta Al-Shaab, Labbouneh, Odaisseh, Kfarkila and Kfarchouba, using burning phosphorus missiles.

Israeli reconnaissance planes were seen flying at low altitude over the western and central parts of southern Lebanon, namely Naqoura, Alma Al-Shaab, Marwahin and Al-Dahira. They also reached the southern border villages of Aayta Al-Shaab, Rmaych and Yaroun. More Israeli reconnaissance planes were also seen over Rachaya and the eastern slopes of the Al-Sheikh Mountain, reaching Deir Al-Ashayer on the Lebanese–Syrian borders. They were also spotted hovering over Tripoli in northern Lebanon on Sunday.

On Sunday, Hezbollah targeted the Israeli Beit Hillel military outpost with guided missiles, directly hitting an M113 personnel carrier and injuring 11 members of the outpost.

A security source commented on Hezbollah’s attack, saying: “This escalation demonstrates Hezbollah’s capability to move more freely along the southern border.”

The source added: “Hezbollah is now capable of targeting deeper spots in Israel rather than hitting border areas. It is also using guided missiles increasingly.”

Sheikh Naim Kassem, Hezbollah’s deputy leader, said on Sunday that the group “is convinced that it will defeat Israel, and we are not in a rush to do so.”

Meanwhile, the Lebanese branch of Hamas announced on Monday “the establishment and launching of the Vanguards of Al-Aqsa Flood.”

It called on “young people and men in Lebanon and Palestine to join this movement to resist the occupation force through available and legitimate means, as a way to support the steadfastness and resistance of our Palestinian people.”

At the beginning of the confrontation in October, many Lebanese and Palestinian groups took part in the hostilities taking place on the Lebanese border, through armed members from the Al-Fajr forces — the military wing of the Islamic group — as well as through the military wings of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. These groups, however, have retreated, leaving Hezbollah alone to fight from the Lebanese border.

The Sayydet Al-Jabal gathering, which opposes Hezbollah, said in a statement on Monday that “Lebanon doesn’t want to enter a new war decided by someone else.”

The party, which includes a number of politicians and public activists, believes that Hezbollah has two options: “Either it returns to Lebanon and abides by the Lebanese terms — which are the terms stipulated in the Constitution, the Taif Agreement, and the resolutions of international legitimacy 1559, 1701, and 1680 — or it remains a representative of Iran until the latter abandons it the moment it faces a real threat, similar to what it did to Hamas in the last Gaza war.”

Red Cross chief arrives in Gaza, says suffering ‘intolerable’

The Red Cross president arrived in war-torn Gaza on Monday, calling for the protection of civilians in the Palestinian territory, where she warned that human suffering was “intolerable.”

The International Committee of the Red Cross said ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric’s travel to the region would happen in several stages with “a visit to Israel expected over the coming weeks.”

“I have arrived in Gaza, where people’s suffering is intolerable,” Spoljaric said on X, formerly Twitter.

“It is unacceptable that civilians have no safe place to go in Gaza, and with a military siege in place there is also no adequate humanitarian response currently possible,” she added in an ICRC statement.

Spoljaric, whose organization has faced criticism from both sides in the conflict for not providing adequate help to Israeli hostages held by Hamas and Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, insisted that “all those deprived of liberty must be treated humanely.”

“The hostages must be released, and the ICRC must be allowed to safely visit them,” she said.

Her visit comes after full-scale fighting resumed Friday following the collapse of a week-long truce brokered by Qatar, the United States and Egypt, during which Israel and Hamas exchanged scores of hostages and prisoners.

“The last week provided a small degree of humanitarian respite, a positive glimpse of humanity that raised hopes around the world that a path to reduced suffering could now be found,” Spoljaric said in the statement.

“As a neutral actor, the ICRC stands ready to support further humanitarian agreements that reduce suffering and heartbreak.”

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