Thursday 21 December 2023

Mengangkat Tema Mekar dan Mengakar, Festival Film Bogor 2023 Sukses Diselenggarakan

Mengangkat Tema Mekar dan Mengakar, Festival Film Bogor 2023 Sukses Diselenggarakan

Mengangkat Tema Mekar dan Mengakar, Festival Film Bogor 2023 Sukses Diselenggarakan

Perhelatan Festival Film Bogor 2023 telah diadakan di Bogor Creative Center (sumber: dok pribadi) (Eva Dwi Arsyta)

Festival Film Bogor 2023 telah berhasil diselenggarakan pada 15, 16, dan 17 Desember 2023 lalu. Dimana tahun ini merupakan pelaksanaan kedua dari Festival Film Bogor di Bogor Creative Center.

Dengan Tema "Mekar dan Mengakar", Festival Film Bogor tahun ini diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan memperkuat akar keterampilan dalam eskosistem film supaya semakin giat dan menjadi budaya berkesenian yang progresif.

Tahun ini, antusiasme pengunjung meningkat. Dengan begitu, Festival Film Bogor yakin bisa menjadi wadah bagi pertumbuhan sineas-sineas baru, terutama sineas dari Bogor.

Antusiasme pengunjung ditandai dengan lebih dari 1.000 orang yang hadir dalam sesi pemutaran film, sesi diskusi, dan sesi workshop.

“Festival Film Bogor tahun ini lebih seru dari tahun kemarin, karena di tahun ini kita berkolaborasi dengan lebih banyak penggiat seni di Bogor dan luar Bogor, seperti tari, teater, stand-up comedy, pantomim dan masih banyak lagi.

Bahkan Jakarta Film Week di tahun ini hadir dalam rangkaian program acara kita.

Terimakasih banyak atas dukungan semua pihak yang terlibat dalam Festival Film Bogor. Dan semoga tahun depan Festival Film Bogor akan semakin seru lagi, karena ada gebrakan baru yang akan dibuat oleh kami.

Jadi buat sineas indonesia, jangan sampai kelewatan Festival Film Bogor 2024”, ucap Bani Marhaen, Festival President dari Festival Film Bogor 2023.

Selain antusiasme pengunjung, jumlah film yang didaftarkan ke submission juga meningkat dibandingkan tahun lalu.

Film dari kategori film fiksi umum, film fiksi pelajar, dan film dokumenter yang didaftarkan mencapai 394 film.

Jumlah tersebut kemudian dikurasi menjadi 30 film oleh tiga kurator, yaitu Agung Jarkasih, Re Fakhri, dan Lutfi Djibril.

Berikut rangkaian acara dari Festival Film Bogor 2023.

Jumat, 15 Desember 2023

Penayangan 20 film yang dibagi menjadi empat sesi dengan empat program. Kemudian, ada juga workshop dengan tema “Mengembangkan Minat Audio Visual” bersama Hanief Jerry.

Sesi pertama, program Screening dan Discussion Film Fiksi “Zona Kelabu”:

  • Bloody Rose - Komunitas Film Kupang Cat Calling - SMK Prestasi Prima

  • Geming - Sincos Studio

  • Sanubari - 3MC MAN 2 Kota Bogor

  • Distress - Apis Mellifera Project

Sesi kedua, program Screening dan Discussion Film Fiksi “Tangan Besi yang Ternoda”:

  • Hegemoni Realita dengan Fantasi Yang Sunyi - Karpet Merah Film

  • Tanda Tangan Bapak - Komunitas Film Klaten

  • Katulah - SMK Muhammadiyah Majenang Koruphillia - MAN Persis 16

  • Hutang - Ankasa Film

Sesi ketiga, program Screening dan Discussion Film Dokumenter “Pejalan Terjal”:

  • Lintas Imaji - Kanal Pictures & Jogja Film Academy

  • Dariku Untukmu, Dariku Untuk Kita - Empeiria Visuals

  • Ibu Periku - Lokatara Picture Bara Api Sriwedari - Hetero Screen

  • Romansa di Balik Pagar Akal - Hura Haru Film

Sesi keempat, program Screening dan DIscussion Film Dokumenter “Gugusan dan Tepian”:

  • Simpang Jalan - Refleksi

  • Pasisian - Serulah Creative House

  • Membelah Benteng - Outersenses Production & FTV Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

  • Sailum: Song Of The Rustling Leaves - Project Multatuli & Atmakanta Studio of Innovative Documentary

  • Derana: Dredged Living Space - Universitas Fajar

Sabtu, 16 Desember 2023

Penayangan 10 film yang dibagi menjadi dua sesi dengan dua program. Selain itu, ada sharing session mengenai “Penulisan dalam Sebuah Film” bersama Bani Marhaen.

Perwakilan Jakarta Film Week, Novi Hanabi sebagai Program Manager Jakarta Film Week mengisi talkshow "All About Film Funding".

Pemenang Jakarta Film Funding 2023, Candra Aditya, ikut berbagi pengalamannya di talkshow tersebut.

Sesi pertama, Screening & discussion Program Film Fiksi "Yang Pupus & Hilang":

  • When Delia Lost her Camelia - Shock Film Indonesia

  • Tuhan, Aku Sudah Sampai - Catrow Indonesia

  • Jang Bapa - SMK Pariwisata Metland Nylameti (Into The Immortality) - Institut Kesenian Jakarta

  • Aku Tinggal Lebih Lama Darimu - Cinejava SMKN 3 Batu

Sesi kedua, screening & Diskusi Program Film Fiksi "Terjerat Rasa Terasing":

  • Berdoa, Mulai - Degradians Studio

  • Gadis dan Penatu - Sakha Selatan & ISI

  • Make a Wish - Layar Hitam Films

  • Tampias - Holoscene Films

  • Nyanyian Bisu - Institut Kesenian Jakarta

Minggu, 17 Desember 2023

Penayangan 7 film yang dibagi menjadi dua sesi dengan satu program, yakni Apresiasi Film Bogor. Dilaksanakan juga "Kelas Akting: Memahami dan Mendalami Sebuah Peran" bersama Hakiki Kamil dan Dias Permana

Sesi pertama, Special Screening & Discussion Film Bogor 2023:

  • Tenggelam Dalam Birunya Laut - Club Lobi Pilm Universitas Pakuan

  • Asa Rasa Di Suryakencana - Reka Bogor & Komunitas Film Bogor

Sesi kedua, Special Screening & Discussion Film Bogor 2023:

  • Lost - SMKN 1 Bogor

  • Cooking Flower - Bale Film

  • Hasta - Geo Sinema

  • Insan dan Semestinya - Follow Your Dream Pictures

Hari ketiga sekaligus terakhir juga dilaksanakan Malam Penganugerahan atau Awarding Night.

Film yang telah dikurasi masuk ke dalam tahap penjurian oleh Rahabi Mandra, Putri Sarah Amelia, dan Ipung Rachmat Syaiful.

Sebanyak 22 nominasi dihadirkan pada malam puncak tersebut.

Nominasi tersebut terdiri dari 10 nominasi kategori fiksi umum, 10 nominasi kategori fiksi pelajar, dan 2 nominasi kategori dokumenter.

Pemenang setiap nominasi akan diberikan sertifikat penghargaan.

Sedangkan, pemenang kategori film terbaik mendapatkan Uncal Emas dari Festival Film Bogor.

Berikut pemenang dari setiap nominasi pada perhelatan Festival Film Bogor 2023.

Kategori Fiksi Umum

  • Film Terbaik : Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak karya tim produksi Komunitas Film Klaten.

  • Sutradara Terbaik: Bertrand Valentino & Hanif Zaini A. dalam film Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak

  • Penulis Skenario Terbaik: Tanzilal Azizie dalam film Berdoa, Mulai.

  • Penata Kamera Terbaik: Ludovic Abimanyu dalam film Nyanyian Bisu.

  • Penyunting Gambar Terbaik: Zulfiqar Shaqil Attarik Mahmudia dalam film Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak.

  • Pemeran Terpuji Pria: Sapto Sutrisno dalam film Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak.

  • Pemeran Terpuji Wanita: Febrianti Alfi Putri dalam film Gadis dan Penatu.

  • Penata Artistik Terbaik: Jade Putih Bening dalam film Nyanyian Bisu

  • Penata Suara dan Musik Terbaik: Lantip Mukti Mumpuni dalam film Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak.

  • Pemeran Terpuji Pria: Sapto Sutrisno dalam film Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak.

  • Pemeran Terpuji Wanita: Febrianti Alfi Putri dalam film Gadis dan Penatu.

  • Penata Artistik Terbaik: Jade Putih Bening dalam film Nyanyian Bisu

  • Penata Suara dan Musik Terbaik: Lantip Mukti Mumpuni dalam film Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak.

  • Penata Rias dan Busana: Novita Ramadhani, Gabriela Talentania Kinanthi & Rucita Dara Ninggar dalam film Tanda Tangan Sang Bapak.

Kategori Fiksi Pelajar

  • Film Terbaik: Jang Bapak karya siswa/i SMK Pariwisata Metland.

  • Sutradara Terbaik: Alifia Bintang Tabita dalam film Cat Calling.

  • Penulis Skenario Terbaik: Agatha Wihelmina Nelwan & Fahirra Zein Hanifa dalam film Cat Calling.

  • Penata Kamera Terbaik: Dhesta Mulya Pratama dalam film Jang Bapa.

  • Penyunting Gambar Terbaik: Irfan Maulana Hendayanputra dalam film Jang Bapa.

  • Pemeran Terpuji Pria: Mochamad Lutfi Faudzil Adhiem dalam film Koruphillia.

  • Pemeran Terpuji Wanita: Alifia Bintang Tabita dalam film Cat Calling.

  • Penata Artistik Terbaik: Kezia Abigail Sinaga dalam film Jang Bapak.

  • Penata Suara dan Musik Terbaik: Muhammad Fawwaz Ar Rasyid & Lucky Tyas dalam film Cat Calling.

  • Penata Rias dan Busana Terbaik: Fikri Haikal Azhari, Reviana Subekti & Selvia Mira Yolanda dalam film Katulah.

Kategori Dokumenter

  • Film Dokumenter Terbaik: “Simpang Jalan” karya tim produksi Refleksi.

  • Sutradara Dokumenter Terbaik: Felix K. Nesi & Moses Parlindungan dalam film Sailum: Songs of The Rustling Leaves karya tim produksi Project Multatuli dan Atmakanta Studio of Innovative Documentary

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Unconscionable - Global condemnation when the number of civilian deaths in Gaza reached 20,000 people

Unconscionable - Global condemnation when the number of civilian deaths in Gaza reached 20,000 people

Unconscionable - Global condemnation when the number of civilian deaths in Gaza reached 20,000 people

At least 20,000 people have been killed in the besieged and war-hit Gaza Strip since the beginning of Israel's military campaign on October 7, the health ministry said

Some 8,000 children and 6,200 women were among the dead, it said, as the conflict continued to rage more than two months after it broke out.

In Rafah in southern Gaza, a series of Israeli airstrikes hit three adjacent homes killing 25 people, according to Palestinian media reports, and a further 10 were killed in a strike on the Jabalia refugee camp in the north.

Meanwhile, intensive Qatari- and Egyptian-mediated talks have taken place for a possible second Gaza truce under which a number of Israeli hostages could be returned for Palestinians prisoners, Reuters said.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was in Cairo for ceasefire negotiations with Egyptian officials, as well as talks on the latest developments amid Israel's brutal military campaign in the Gaza Strip, an official statement confirmed.

Amnesty to launch probe into disappearance of Palestinians

Amnesty International said it will be launching a probe into the disappearance of Palestinians, including that of journalists Nidal al-Waheidi and Haithem Abdelwahed.

Photos and video footage verified by Amnesty’s Crisis Evidence Lab show Israeli forces’ inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees in Beit Lahia, a city in northern Gaza.

"We are currently investigating the reports of mass enforced disappearances of Palestinian detainees by Israeli forces. The Israeli military must urgently disclose the fate and whereabouts of everyone that it has detained since 7 October including Nidal al-Waheidi and Haitham Abdelwahed, two journalists from Gaza who have been forcibly disappeared for more than two months," said Heba Morayef, Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

"Israeli forces must specify the grounds of arrest for those detained, and make every effort to provide families of those in its custody with information, particularly in light of the telecommunications blackouts that have cut off Gazans from each other and the rest of the world".

Man killed in car by Israeli sniper in southern Lebanon

One Lebanese person was killed in his car by Israeli sniper bullets on the outskirts of Lebanese southern village of Kfar Kila, Lebanese state news agency reported on Wednesday.

The UK and Germany – staunch allies of Israel – have added their voices to demands for a reduction in violence by calling at the weekend for a “sustainable ceasefire” and the UK foreign secretary, David Cameron, on Tuesday urged Israel to take a “much more surgical, clinical and targeted approach” in dealing with Hamas.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog said that Israel is ready for another humanitarian pause in order to enable the release of hostages, but he added: “We don’t intend to stop our attack on Hamas in order to undermine their military capabilities or their ability to rule Gaza.”

The UK Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell told parliament on Tuesday he was “particularly disturbed” by reports from the Holy Family parish in Gaza City, where relatives of the Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran have sought refuge.

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which oversees the church, said over the weekend that Israeli snipers killed two women “in cold blood” as they tried to cross a courtyard to use a toilet at the church compound where they were sheltering.

A shell fired from a tank destroyed the compound’s generator, which powered respirators used by disabled people sheltering there, the statement added.

Macron says fighting terror does not mean ‘to flatten Gaza’. He called on Israel “to stop this response because it is not appropriate”. Macron said France called for the protection of civilians and “a truce leading to a humanitarian cease-fire“.

“We cannot let the idea take root that an efficient fight against terrorism implies to flatten Gaza or attack civilian populations indiscriminately,” Macron told the France 5 broadcaster.

He called on Israel “to stop this response because it is not appropriate, because all lives are worth the same and we defend them.”

While acknowledging “Israel’s right to defend itself and fight terror,” Macron said France called for the protection of civilians and “a truce leading to a humanitarian cease-fire.”

The bloodiest-ever Gaza war began when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, killing around 1,140 people, mostly civilians, and abducting about 250, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli figures.

The US appears increasingly isolated in its steadfast support for a military campaign now entering its 11th week as the UN security council was weighing up a new resolution calling for the suspension of hostilities to allow for greater flows of humanitarian aid under UN monitoring.

The 14 other council members were locked in negotiation with the US on wording that would avoid a repeat US veto and the vote was postponed until Wednesday amid disagreements between US diplomats and the White House, which was insisting on a text that put less pressure on Israel and gave it a more explicit role in deciding what goods could enter Gaza, according to sources at the UN.

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External forces want to exploit Gaza conflict, start war in region — Lavrov

External forces want to exploit Gaza conflict, start war in region — Lavrov

External forces want to exploit Gaza conflict, start war in region — Lavrov

©Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images

Some external players are planning to use the conflict in the Gaza Strip to ignite a major war in the Middle East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"It has become obvious that some external forces are not averse to using the next escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in their own interests - to ignite the fire of regional hostility in the development of numerous past adventures of the US and its allies, which have been unleashed in the Middle East over the past 20 years and the result of which is undermined statehood, hundreds of thousands of fatalities, huge flows of refugees, sharp escalation of socio-economic problems," the top Russian diplomat said at the plenary session of the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum.

Lavrov added that the purpose of such actions is "to weaken countries pursuing an independent foreign policy course."

Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian movement Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from Gaza, killing residents of Israeli border settlements and taking over 200 hostages, including women, children and the elderly.

Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. In response, Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians, and has been delivering air strikes on Gaza as well as some parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also underway in the West Bank.

the plenary session of the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum

The forum was co-chaired by Nasser Bourita, the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, and Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister.

The State of Qatar participated in the sixth session of the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum held in Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco.

HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi chaired the State of Qatar's delegation in the forum.

In remarks before the forum, HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs pointed out that Arab region and the entire world are facing extraordinary circumstance, noting that still the barbaric and brutal Israeli aggression is ongoing against the Palestinian people since last October.

His Excellency pointed out that the aggression created the most brutal and largest scale of war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity in full view of the international community which is unable to stop this heinous war that contravenes all international war laws and human rights charters. He emphasized that the Arab-Russian relationships are on solid ground of shared principles, indicating that today's meeting comes to proceed with the cementing cooperation between the two sides which has witnessed a quantum leap during the recent years, especially in the political and economic relationships.

HE Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi highlighted that the state of polarization the international order is witnessing imposes shoring up relations among Arab world and Russia to find a multi-polar world that achieves international legitimacy away from double standards policies that undermined the collective security system approved by the international community and threatened the international stability, peace and security.

His Excellency added that the Russian role that backs restoring international peace and security in the Middle East region is appreciated, and there is an aspiration to a Russian role that backs settling and addressing the consequences of the conflict in Syria, Yemen, Sudan, and Libya, in addition to backing Arab efforts regionally and globally to halt and end the barbaric Israeli assaults against the brotherly Palestinian people. His Excellency renewed the State of Qatar's call for ending this war that has exceeded all limits.

©Getty Images

HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs reiterated the State of Qatars unwavering position on the justice of the Palestinian cause, along with the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, affirming that the only guarantee to achieve a sustainable peace in the region is to reach a just and comprehensive solution for the Palestinian cause which is based on ending the Israeli occupation and establishing the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the international legitimacy resolutions, Arab peace initiative and the two-state solution as agreed by the international community.

His Excellency outlined that the convention of the current session of the forum -which comes amid large-scale political turmoil and volatile economic transformations the international arena is witnessing- underscores the shared recognition of the fact that goals related to achieving Arab, Russian and global peace and security, as well as the development for nations and peoples are mutual goals committed by the two sides, reaffirming the significance of completing the accomplished achievement made during the five past sessions at all political and economic levels, adding that this would never happen unless effective cooperation and coordination are enhanced between the two sides.

He indicated that the State of Qatar is committed to reinforcing cooperation relationships with the Russian federation, noting that these relationships witnessed distinguished and tangible progress during the past two decades in multiple political and economic fields, particularly in trade and investment, pointing out that the Qatari investments in Russia occupy advanced position among the foreign investments there, and reinforce constant cooperation in energy field.

HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs commended the persistent cooperation and coordination on the developments that are happening at the global level, pertaining to regional and global issues of common concern, underscoring that the State of Qatar supports the outcomes of this session to further give impetus to the Arab-Russian relationships and bring them to new and broader venues in all economic, investment, political and security fields to achieve the aspirations of Arab and Russian peoples in security, development, progress and prosperity.

Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, participated in the sixth session of the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum held in Marrakech, Morocco.

Foreign Minister attends Sixth Session of the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum

Speaking at the forum, Dr. Al Zayani said that the Kingdom of Bahrain perceived the historical ties between Russia and Arab countries, as distinguished relations based on mutual respect, understanding, and interests; adding that they hold great importance for global stability, security, and prosperity.

The Sixth Session of The Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum presents an excellent opportunity to enhance cooperation, Al Zayani added, welcoming the adoption of an action plan for 2024-2026.

The minister expressed appreciation for Russia's significant geopolitical role in the Middle East and its efforts to address Arab countries' crises, expressing hope for increased cooperation and coordination.

The Russian Federation, as a permanent member of the Security Council, is expected to contribute to regional peace and alleviate current tensions, including the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Al Zayani said.

He expressed appreciation for Russia's initiative to submit a resolution for the Gaza Strip war and support UN resolutions

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain has reiterated the importance of a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine war through dialogue, to ensure the interests of both parties as well global security and stability.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry traveled to Morocco on Tuesday to take part in the Arab-Russian cooperation forum in Marrakesh.

Ahmed Abu Zeid, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the forum on Dec. 20 will be the sixth session since launching in 2009 following a memorandum between the Arab League and Russia. Moscow hosted the most recent session in 2019.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry hold a joint press conference following their talks in Moscow, Jan. 31, 2023. (AP Photo)

The importance of the forum has increased in recent years, offering a platform for exchanging views and coordinating positions on issues at the regional and international levels, Abu Zeid added.

Shoukry is scheduled to hold several meetings with his counterparts on the sidelines of the forum.

The meetings will cover a number of important regional and international files, most notably the war in the Gaza Strip and ways to end it as quickly as possible, Abu Zeid said.

Morocco chairs the Arab League’s Ministerial Council, and was requested by the league to host the sixth session, the country’s Foreign Ministry said.

The forum will be held in the format of an expanded troika involving the Arab League secretary-general, the three members of the Arab Ministerial Troika, as well as the presidency of the summit. Participation will be open to ministerial delegations.

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