Saturday 23 December 2023

Road To Pilpres - Debat Cawapres

Road To Pilpres - Debat Cawapres

Road To Pilpres - Debat Cawapres

Cawapres nomor urut 1 Muhaimin Iskandar (kiri), cawapres nomor urut 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka (tengah), dan cawapres nomor urut 3 Mahfud MD (kanan) bergandengan tangan usai mengikuti debat cawarpres di Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, hari Jumat, 22/12/2023. Debat cawapres mengangkat tema ekonomi kerakyatan, ekonomi digital, keuangan, investasi pajak, perdagangan, pengelolaan APBN/APBD, infrastruktur, dan perkotaan. ANTARA FOTO/Muhammad Adimaja/tom.

Debat cawapres telah berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses. ketiga cawapres menyampaikan pandangan, pertanyaan dan jawaban, serta saling adu gagasan dengan lugas, hingga sampai di sesi akhir, dimana ketiga cawapres menyampaikan pernyataan penutup atau closing statement. Dengan 'Tema debat' adalah ekonomi kerakyatan dan digital, keuangan, investasi, pajak, perdagangan, pengelolaan APBN/APBD, infrastruktur, dan perkotaan.

Pengamat ekonomi Universitas Islam Negeri KH. Achmad Siddiq (UIN KHAS) Muhammad Fauzinudin Faiz menilai bahwa ketiga calon wakil presiden dalam debat tahap kedua masih kurang memaparkan kedalaman analisis dan solusi praktis dalam argumen-nya.

"Kekurangan dalam analisis, seperti bagaimana secara spesifik rencana mereka akan diimplementasikan dan dampak jangka panjangnya, serta solusi praktisnya," katanya dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima di Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur, Jumat malam.

Pengamat yang demikian tidak memahami fungsi Wakil Presiden di Indonesia. Seperti pengamat sepakbola berkomentar sepakbola seperti seorang yang memiliki skill di sepakbola padahal ia tidak mampu bersepakbola yang baik dan benar sama sekali.

Dalam sejarahnya sejak lahirnya Indonesia hingga sekarang potret Wakil Presiden hanyalah sebagai pendamping Presiden, yang hampir - hampir tidak memiliki peran menentukan program yang akan dijalankan. Semua digerakkan oleh seorang Presiden.

Dalam hal lain, tugas Presiden dan wakil Presiden bukan melakukan analisa, namun pada pengambil keputusan. Keberanian dalam mengambilan-Keputusan, karena benar atau salah hasil keputusan imbalan 'ajran wahid'.

Sorotan utama dalam debat cawapres disini, selama dan sesudah debat adalah banyak postingan pengamat yang disebarluaskan media berita yang merusak pola pikir bangsa Indonesia seumumnya, baik pengamat yang disebut pakar politik, ekonomi, hukum dan sosial kemasyarakatan.

Dari apa yang dikomentarinya hanyalah ingin memenuhi selera mereka, tidak menyentuh esensi peristiwa.

Debat Cawapres semalam ketiga Cawapres telah melaksanakan konteks debat seperti yang ditentukan KPU dan diharapkan sebagian harapan publik dengan baik, yaitu mereka telah menjawab pertanyaan- pertanyaam yang dibuat KPU dan telah mengajukan pertanyaan pada lawan (kontestan lain) juga menjawab pertanyaan dari kontestan lainnya.

Hasil skor secara keseluruhan selama debat cawapres, secara umum publiklah yang nantinya akan menilai bukan pengamat. Dan secara khusus tidak mengubah peta dukungan politik karena ketiga memiliki basis pendukung politik fanatik.

Namun yang menarik adalah di sesi akhir, saat ketiga cawapres menyampaikan pernyataan penutup atau closing statement.

Closing statement tersebut dilakukan di segmen terakhir di panggung debat cawapres di JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, hari Jumat, 22/12/2023. Pernyataan penutup pertama disampaikan oleh Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin), lalu disusul Gibran Rakabuming Raka dan terakhir Mahfud Md.

Muhaimin Iskandar

Sarung adalah simbol kesetaraan dan keadilan. Sarung itu lembut. Tapi di tangan orang yang baik bisa jadi slepet atas ketidakadilan dan kecurangan. Yang tidak ada dalam kebiajakan ekonomi kita saat ini adalah keberanian untuk mewujudkan aturan main yang adil dan keberanian untuk berpihak kepada rakyat.

Itulah kenapa kami menggagas slepetnomics sebagai solusi ekonomi kita. Segala ketidakadilan kita slepet. Slepetnomics adalah gagasan ekonomi yang sudah diuji oleh para pakar dan berbasis pada pengalaman batin dan juga pengalaman rasa.

Ke depan proyek yang menyedot begitu banyak uang rakyat hanya untuk memenuhi selera tertentu, kita harus slepet. Kita hadirkan perubahan, berupa pemerataan dan pembangunan kota-kota dan desa-desa di seluruh Indonesia.

Ke depan kecurangan pembuat aturan yang merangkap sekaligus pemain bisnis harus kita slepet. Kita bangun kesetaraan bagi semua pelaku usaha untuk maju bersama.

Dengan slepetnomics, kita pastikan pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia dikerjakan pakai hati, pakai otak. Sekali lagi, pembangunan Indonesia dilaksanakan pakai hati, pakai otak.

Mari kita berdoa semoga Insya Allah, saya dan Mas Anies memimpin Indonesia. Kita kerjakan pembangunan dengan menggunakan, pakai hati, pakai otak. Semoga kita senantiasa diberi kekuatan untuk mewujudkan perubahan bagi bangsa kita. Amin.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka

Indonesia ini negara besar. Kita harus bersyukur di tahun 2020 sampai 2030 nanti kita akan mendapatkan bonus demografi. Saat itulah, sebagian besar penduduk kita ada pada usia produktif. Ini kesempatan kita untuk meningkatkan produktifitas nasional. Peluang untuk menuju Indonesia Emas makin terbuka lebar.

Tapi bapak ibu yang saya hormati, teman-teman sesama anak muda, ingat kesempatan ini hanya datang sekali. Kesempatan ini tidak akan terulang lagi. Untuk itu kita harus kerja keras, kerja fokus, berani melakukan lompatan.

Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Pak Prabowo yang sudah memberikan kesempatan untuk ikut andil dalam konstentasi ini. Saya sangat bangga sekali, saya menjadi bagian dalam perjalanan menuju Indonesia Emas.

Saya ucapkan terima kasih juga Prof Mahfud, Gus Muhaimin. Saya sangat senang sekali bisa satu panggung dengan orang-orang hebat seperti ini. Senang sekali. Anak muda bisa bertukar pikiran dengan ketua umum partai dan seorang profesor. Sekali lagi, terima kasih anak-anak muda harus saling mendukung. Anak-anak muda harus saling bergandengan tangan. Saya yakin Indonesia Emas bisa tercapai.

Terima kasih. Wassalamualaikum wr wb. Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru.

Mahfud Md

Saudara-saudara seluruh bangsa Indonesia, kami Ganjar-Mahfud ingin memastikan untuk menyelenggarakan negara yang bersih melalui penegakan hukum tanpa pandang bulu.

Ganjar-Mahfud menyiapkan 21 program unggulan senilai Rp 2500 triliun selama lima tahun. Yaitu:

  1. 17 juta lapangan kerja

  2. Satu desa, satu faskes, satu naskes.

  3. Uang saku kader posyandu.

  4. Sepuluh juta hunian. Punya rumah semudah punya motor.

  5. Sekolah dapat gaji, lulus pasti kerja

  6. Satu keluarga miskin satu sarjana

  7. Perempuan maju

  8. Buruh naik kelas

  9. Sembilan kuliah gratis untuk anak prajurit dan bhayangkara

  10. Mudah berusaha, termasuk UMKM dan koperasi.

  11. Masjid sejahtera, pengurus masjid terlindungi

  12. Guru ngaji dan guru agama lain digaji

  13. Pasokan pangan aman, harga enak di kantong

  14. Lansia bahagia, anak cucu bahagia.

  15. Petani bangga bertani

  16. Di laut kita jaya, nelayan sejahtera

  17. Disabilitas mandiri berprestasi, satu desa satu mobil akses

  18. Internet super cepat gratis merata

  19. Bansos pasti lanjut tapi harus tepat sasaran

  20. Sikat KKN dan terakhir

  21. KTP sakti

Segala kebijakan pemerintah harus mengutamakan kemakmuran dan kesetaraan rakyat. Termasuk memelihara fakir miskin dan anak telantar seperti ketentuan pasal 34 ayat 1 UUD. Semoga niatan baik dan keikhlasan kami mendapatkan jalan ilahi dan tercatat di lauhul mahfudz. Selesai.

Respons warganet di X:

"Ga nyangka ternyata gibran oke juga debatnya," tulis akun @LEMO***.

"Anjirr.. ga nyangka gua ternyata mas gibran keren jg. Di luar ekspetasi gua cok. Awokwokwok," sahut akun @Ariesta__***.

"Gibran lumayan omgg ga nyangka #DebatCawapres," kata akun @sibukdire***.

"Gilak, ga nyangka gibran se confident ini," komentar akun @Alifian_***.

"Ga nyangka liat gibran keren bgt visi misi sama jawabannya,emng bener ya kita tuh gaboleh nganggap remeh siapapun hahaha," ucap akun @aniame***.

"Ga nyangka gibran keren deh berasa kongkritnya, not bad," ucap akun @singgihakba***.

"Iya, ga nyangka juga liat Gibran, hampir semua (termasuk gue) sudah underestimate. Ini jawaban terakhir soal IKN & investasi bener-bener hit all the right spots," sahut akun @moscato_***.

"Gila, gue ga nyangka gibran bakal semantap ini.... Gue sampe shock," kata akun @MJuic***.

"Ditanya wartawan mengelak, saat debat langsung memasak #DebatCawapres," tulis warganet @_bernac***.

Gibran telah sukses menjawab keraguan yang dibangun oleh beberapa lawan politiknya, bahwa ia tidak memiliki kemampuan dan kapasitas.

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Friday 22 December 2023

Texas school board president says it's called 'Christmas break' not 'holiday break'

Texas school board president says it's called 'Christmas break' not 'holiday break'

Texas school board president says it's called 'Christmas break' not 'holiday break'

Texas — Carroll ISD board president Cameron Bryan this week called for the district to refer to “Christmas break” rather than “holiday break” during a discussion about the district’s 2024-25 calendar, which was approved at the Dec. 18 board meeting.

Bryan also said, without citing specific examples, that he’d heard from some teachers, administrators, and parents that they were “afraid to openly recognize this holiday on our campuses due to fear of retribution

“I have, as I’m sure we all have, received several correspondence this month from the district referring to a ‘winter break,’ ‘winter parties,’ ‘holiday break,’ ‘holiday parties’ -- everything but ‘Christmas break’ and ‘Christmas parties,’” Bryan said. “It’s Christmas and New Year’s break, and I think the district should refer to it as such.”

Bryan cited House Bill 308, signed into law in 2013, which states, “a school district may educate students about the history of traditional winter celebrations, and allow students and district staff to offer traditional greetings regarding the celebrations, including “Merry Christmas”; “Happy Hanukkah” and “Happy holidays” in making his request.

“That is the law in Texas, so therefore, I want every Carroll ISD student, teacher, administrator, and parent to know it is OK to recognize and observe this holiday on our campuses if you so choose,” Bryan continued.

Bryan also asked Carroll ISD Superintendent Lane Ledbetter to send an email to district staff summarizing HB 308 and to include the 2013 bill. It’s unclear whether Ledbetter has at the time of this post.

Patriot Mobile Action praised Bryan's comments on X, formerly known as Twitter. Patriot Mobile, which identifies itself on its website as a “Christian, conservative wireless provider," as previously reported, has supported school board candidates, including in Carroll ISD and nearby Grapevine-Colleyville, Keller, and Mansfield districts.

WFAA reached out to Carroll ISD and board members for comment on this story, but they haven't yet responded.

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Watch - Russian Paratroopers Use Drones to Deliver Ammunition and Supplies in Special Op Zone

Watch - Russian Paratroopers Use Drones to Deliver Ammunition and Supplies in Special Op Zone

Watch - Russian Paratroopers Use Drones to Deliver Ammunition and Supplies in Special Op Zone

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have revolutionized modern warfare by providing military forces with a new level of intelligence, surveillance, and attack capabilities. As technology continues to advance, drones are expected to play an increasingly significant role in future military operations.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of Russian paratroopers from Battlegroup Yug using cargo-dropping drones to deliver ammunition and supplies to Russian fighters on the most dangerous parts of the front line.

The ministry added that water, food, communications equipment, and ammunition are only provided with the help of drones when the delivery of these items by conventional transport is endangered because access roads can be shelled by enemy artillery. In addition, Ukrainian units have recently been actively using FPV drones on any road transport heading to forward positions. A UAV unit can perform several dozen such missions per day, delivering necessary supplies to paratroopers on the front lines.

Russia Intercepts US-Made Ukrainian ATACMS Missile & 3 JDAM Guided Bombs in One Week - MoD

Russian air defense systems shot down four aircraft, an ATACMS missile, and 259 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) over the past week, the Russian Ministry of Defense has stated.

“The air defense systems over the week shot down four enemy aircraft: one Su-27, two MiG-29s, and one Su-25, as well as three helicopters: two Mi-24s and one Mi-8 of the Ukrainian Air Force. In addition, intercepted were: one ATACMS operational-tactical missile, 30 HIMARS, Uragan, and Olkha multiple launch rocket system rockets, three JDAM guided aerial bombs, as well as 259 unmanned aerial vehicles,” the statement said.

The ministry noted that since the beginning of the special military operation, a total of 554 air planes, 261 helicopters, 9,955 unmanned aerial vehicles, 442 anti-aircraft missile systems, 14,251 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,189 rocket artillery system combat vehicles, 7,447 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 16,572 units of special military automotive equipment have been destroyed. Furthermore, Ukraine has lost more than 1,610 soldiers both killed and wounded in the Donetsk direction over the past week.

Over the given period, the Russian armed forces have repulsed 53 attacks by Ukrainian troops in the Kupyansk direction, 43 attacks in the Donetsk direction, 13 attacks in the Krasny Liman direction, nine attacks in the South Donetsk direction, and six attacks in the Zaporozhye direction.

"Enemy losses in this [Donetsk] direction over the past period amounted to more than 1,610 military personnel killed and wounded, three tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, a HIMARS launcher, 24 vehicles and 44 field artillery guns," the ministry said in a statement.

Kiev has also lost up to 1,155 soldiers in the Krasny Lyman direction, over 670 soldiers in the South Donetsk direction, up to 510 soldiers in the Kherson direction, up to 390 soldiers in the Zaporozhye direction, and over 355 soldiers in the Kupyansk direction, the ministry added.

Watch Russian Mortar Crew Eliminate Ukrainian Armored Vehicles

Russia’S 2B11 120 mm mortar is a powerful and versatile weapon system used by the Russian military. It has a range of up to 7.5 kilometers and can fire a variety of munitions, including high-explosive, smoke, and illumination rounds.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of the detachment of a "nomadic" mortar of the reconnaissance unit of the Zapad battlegroup destroying two armored vehicles with the command staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction of Kupyansk.

The ministry said that this kind of combat work in the direction of Kupyansk is carried out continuously. Small targets are constantly identified: mainly armored pickup trucks, cars. The task is to keep the enemy in constant tension, the ministry added.

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Scott Ritter - US ‘Builds a Trap for Itself’ in the Red Sea

Scott Ritter - US ‘Builds a Trap for Itself’ in the Red Sea

Scott Ritter - US ‘Builds a Trap for Itself’ in the Red Sea


Scott Ritter
All materials

On December 18, following a tour of the Middle East with stops in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Israel, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the establishment of Operation Prosperity Guardian, under the umbrella of Combined Task Force (CTF) 153, which focuses on security in the Red Sea, to protect maritime shipping.

Back on November 19, Yemen’s Houthi rebels, operating in solidarity with the Palestinians of Gaza, took over an Israeli-linked cargo ship, the Galaxy Leader. The Houthis announced that they would block all shipping transiting the Red Sea toward Israel—in effect establishing a blockade of Israel—until Israel allowed humanitarian aid into Gaza.

CTF 153, which has operated under both US and Egyptian command, is tasked with international maritime security and capacity-building efforts in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb, and Gulf of Aden. Its compliment of four ships—three US destroyers (the USS Carney, USS Mason, and USS Thomas Hudner) and the UK Royal Navy guided-missile destroyer HMS Diamond) have all been involved in intercepting Houthi missiles and drones fired against either Israel or merchant shipping operating in the Red Sea.

Austin also ordered Carrier Strike Group 2, consisting of aircraft carrier the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and three escorts (a cruiser and two destroyers), to join up with CTF 153 as part of Operation Prosperity Guardian. Ohio-class submarine the USS Florida, equipped with 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles, is also operating in the region.

Austin announced that the US and UK would be joined by Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles, and Spain as part of Operation Prosperity Guardian. Notable absentees include Arab nations like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Australia was asked to provide a warship, but offered personnel only.

French Navy guided-missile frigate the FS Languedoc is already operating in the Red Sea and, like its US and UK counterparts, has been involved in the shooting down of Houthi drones and missiles. However, France has stated that the Languedoc will operate under French command, complicating its relationship with CTF 153. Italy’s Defense Ministry has announced that it will deploy naval frigate the Virginio Fasanto the Red Sea. Its command relationship with CTF 153 remains unclear as of the present time.

The military problem facing CTF 153 is threefold. First, there is a need to establish a barrier defense against the Houthi missile and drone attacks. This will require that the guided missile destroyers and frigates establish a picket line along the eastern channel of the Bab al-Mandeb Straight which will screen shipping from any Houthi attack. Second, CTF 153 will need to engage in aggressive patrolling designed to deter and repel any Houthi efforts to repeat their hijacking of the Galaxy Leader. Lastly, CTF 153 will need to provide mine clearance capabilities to deal with any sea mines that the Houthis may place in the narrow waters of the Bab al-Mandeb.

These missions alone will be taxing, and difficult to accomplish. As things stand, while the CTF 153 ships have shot down dozens of Houthi drones and missiles, scores have gotten through, striking targets in Israel and hitting shipping in the Red Sea. Simply put, CTF 153 doesn’t have enough ships to adequately screen either Israel or maritime shipping from Houthi attack. And given the lack of mine warfare ships in the CTF 153 organization, any deployment of sea mines by the Houthis will effectively close the region from commercial shipping, and threaten military deployments in the area, until demining capability can be deployed.

The only way that Operation Prosperity Guardian could possibly keep the Bab al-Mandeb Straight open is to launch strikes against the Houthi capability of launching missiles and drones in hopes of interdicting them before they can be used. Here the plot thickens—the Houthis have made it clear that if attacked, they will expand the conflict to include Saudi and UAE oil production, threatening global energy supplies. Moreover, targeting mobile missile and drone launchers is no simple task—Saudi Arabia, using US intelligence support to assist in targeting, was unable to prevent the Houthis from launching missiles and drones against Saudi targets during the entirety of its ongoing conflict with the Houthis. The US would likely run into similar problems.

In short, by initiating Operation Prosperity Guardian, the US appears to have built a trap for itself, where it is damned if it doesn’t attack the Houthi (since the Red Sea would remain blocked to all Israeli traffic), and damned if it does (since it wouldn’t be able to stop the Houthi attacks, and such action would likely expand the scope and scale of the conflict to the detriment of US interests.)

Keep in mind that all of this could have been solved with a single phone call from US President Joe Biden to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directing Israel to accept a ceasefire and allow humanitarian aid to be sent to the Palestinian residents of Gaza. Instead, the United States is destroying its moral standing in the world by openly facilitating the ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces, while simultaneously undermining the credibility of US military deterrence by getting itself mired in a tar baby of its own making.

The deployment of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower into the Sea of Aden comes on the heels of its brief foray into the Persian Gulf, where it was closely monitored by Iran. The US has also deployed a second carrier battlegroup, consisting of the USS Gerald R. Ford and its six escorts, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Meanwhile, the USS Carl Vinson and its five escorts operate just over the horizon, in the South China Sea.

Never in the history of the American Navy have so many carrier battlegroups been moved around the globe with so little impact.

The reality of modern warfare is that small nations and non-state actors such as the Houthis can be armed with modern military weaponry which negates the military impact of multibillion-dollar investments such as the carrier battlegroup. It costs the Houthis tens of thousands of dollars to fire its drones and missiles against Israel and maritime shipping; it costs the US Navy millions of dollars to shoot them down. Moreover, it costs the US navy hundreds of millions of dollars just to keep a carrier battle group deployed and operating, while the Houthis can credibly threaten to sink a carrier using weapons that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The final score card regarding Operation Prosperity Guardian has yet to be written. But the reality is that it will most likely not succeed in its mission of preventing Houthi attacks against either Israel or maritime shipping. This failure goes far beyond the issue of security for the Red Sea. The United States has long maintained that it could guarantee that if Iran ever sought to close the strategic Straight of Hormuz, the US Navy would be able to reopen it in a very short period. Operation Prosperity Guardian puts a lie to that claim. The fact is, the world balance of power has changed dramatically, and legacy systems like the carrier battlegroup are no longer the dominant means of power projection they once were. The US has, in effect, put all its eggs in one basket through its over-reliance upon the carrier battlegroup when it comes to force projection.

The looming failure of Operation Prosperity Guardian exposes the impotence of the US when it comes to being able to accomplish its plans for regional dominance in the Persian Gulf, South Pacific, and Taiwan, and signals a new era where the appearance of an American fleet of the shores of a far way land no longer inspires fear and intimidation. For a nation like the United States, which has premised so much of its foreign and national security on the notion of strength-based deterrence, the revelation that its military power projection capabilities are more bark than bite undermines its credibility as an ally and partner in a world largely defined by conflicts created by, or on behalf of, the United States.

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