Sunday 30 April 2023

South Sudan’s fragile peace imperiled by chaos across the border in Sudan

South Sudan’s fragile peace imperiled by chaos across the border in Sudan

South Sudan’s fragile peace imperiled by chaos across the border in Sudan

People flee the violence in Sudan using trucks, buses, cars and horse-drawn carts. The exodus threatens to aggravate the already dire situation of refugee camps in neighboring South Sudan. (AFP)

The government of South Sudan has expressed deep concern over the fighting in neighboring Sudan, which it fears could spill across the border and threaten its fragile peace process.

The conflict between the Sudanese army and a paramilitary group in Khartoum has raised concerns about the potential for a full-fledged civil war, which could affect neighboring South Sudan.

There have been multiple truce efforts since fighting broke out on April 15 between Sudan’s army led by Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces commanded by his deputy turned rival, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo.

As close neighbors, with a long history of conflict and interdependence, any instability or escalation of violence in Sudan is likely to spill over into South Sudan, with potentially dire consequences.

Camps for internally displaced people in South Sudan, such as this one in the northern city of Bentiu, risk being swamped further by people fleeing the war in neighboring Sudan. (AFP)

One major concern for South Sudanese officials is the potential economic impact of a prolonged conflict to the north.

Sudan exports crude oil produced by South Sudan. Any disruption to this trade arrangement could lead to economic instability for the young republic, which has already suffered the knock-on effects of recent tribal uprisings in eastern Sudan.

On Friday, the price of South Sudan’s oil exports fell from $100 per barrel to $70. Michael Makuei, the country’s information minister, accused oil companies of exploiting the crisis to drive down prices. Experts say the situation in Sudan could have long-term implications for South Sudan’s oil industry.

“The situation is alarming, as any spillover from Sudan will be a very big issue for us here and this is why President Salva Kiir has been calling for a ceasefire so that normalcy returns to Sudan,” Deng Dau Deng Malek, acting minister of foreign affairs, told Arab News.

“South Sudan is very concerned about the situation in Sudan, especially given our shared border and historical ties. Any escalation of conflict in Sudan could have serious consequences for our country.”

Maj. Gen. Charles Machieng Kuol, a senior military officer in South Sudan, also weighed in on the potential harm that a prolonged conflict might cause, emphasizing the need for stability in the region.

“We have forces which have been deployed along the borders before,” he told Arab News. “Our country is preparing now to protect the borderlines, as we don’t want this war to escalate to our country.”

Sudan has lived through multiple civil wars since gaining independence from Britain and Egypt in 1956.

Its first north-south civil war broke out several months before independence on Jan. 1, 1956 and lasted until 1972. It pitted successive governments in the Muslim-dominated north against separatist rebels in the predominantly Christian south.

The 17-year conflict ended with a treaty under which the south was granted autonomy. However, the agreement collapsed in 1983 after 11 years of relative peace when President Jaafar Nimeiri decided to revoke the south’s autonomous status.

Sudan’s second civil war erupted in 1983 following an uprising by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army led by John Garang. In 1989, Omar Al-Bashir took power in a coup and cracked down on the southern rebellion.

Omar al-Bashir, Sudan's former ruler, waves a walking stick during a visit in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur province on September 21, 2017. He was accompanied by paramilitary commander Mohamed Hamdan Daglo (L). (AFP File)

he war ended on Jan. 9, 2005, when Garang signed a peace accord with Al-Bashir’s government. The cornerstone of the accord was a protocol granting it six years of self-rule ahead of a 2011 referendum on whether to remain part of Sudan or secede.

South Sudan proclaimed independence on July 9, 2011, splitting Africa’s biggest country in two. As South Sudan separated, conflict resumed in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile in the rump state of Sudan in areas held by former guerrillas, now called the SPLM-North.

The presence of these former South Sudanese rebels close to the shared border complicates the current crisis, as they could easily be dragged into the conflict.

Manasseh Zindo, an independent analyst from South Sudan and a former delegate to the South Sudan peace process, says the involvement of these rebel leaders could have catastrophic implications for the security of South Sudan.

“Malik Agar is the leader of the SPLM-North. He is from the Blue Nile State near the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. He was part of South Sudan during the liberation struggle,” Zindo told Arab News.

“After the secession of South Sudan, the boundary delineation put him in Sudan. He is now part of the sovereign government in Khartoum. If he takes sides in the current conflict in Sudan, it could spill into South Sudan because of his links with South Sudan.”

Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual and Gen. Johnson Olony, two South Sudanese military officials who have shifted allegiance between different factions, are also based close to the Sudanese border.

Both men are leaders of SPLM-IO Kitgwang, a faction that broke away from Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO.

Rebels of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO), a South Sudanese anti-government force, patrol in their base in Panyume, on the South Sudanese side of the border with Uganda. (AFP File)

“If Gen. Simon or Gen. Johnson can be dragged into the Sudanese conflict, it can spill into South Sudan with catastrophic implications for the security of South Sudan,” said Zindo.

The South Sudanese government is now on high alert and has urged citizens living close to the border to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities. It has also called for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Sudan, adding that it is willing to play the role of mediator if both parties agree.

“The president (Salva Kiir) has been calling for a ceasefire and the cessation of hostilities for humanitarian assistance to reach the needy,” said Deng Malek, the acting minister of foreign affairs.

“He talked directly to President Al-Burhan and Deputy President Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo a number of times to appeal to them so that they observe the cessation of hostilities and return to the negotiation table.”

In this picture taken on August 17, 2019, South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit is seated next to General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan (front left) during a ceremony to sign an agreement paving the way for a transition to civilian rule. Kiir has appealed to Al-Burhan and rival general Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo to stop fighting and resolve their problems peacefully. (AFP)

The UN and other international bodies have also expressed concern about the situation in Sudan and its potential impact on South Sudan. The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, says the conflict in Sudan has already forced thousands of people to flee into South Sudan, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation.

South Sudan is still recovering from a six-year civil war that ended in 2018, which left more than 380,000 people dead and displaced millions. The country is now trying to implement a peace agreement that was signed in September 2018, but progress has been slow, with sporadic clashes reported in different parts of the country.

As the situation deteriorates, Sudanese refugees are flooding across the border into South Sudan. International aid agencies are calling for urgent action to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.

According to UNHCR, there are currently more than 800,000 South Sudanese refugees in Sudan, a quarter of whom are in Khartoum and directly impacted by the fighting.

Egypt, Sudan’s northern neighbor, said on Thursday that at least 14,000 Sudanese refugees had crossed its border since the fighting erupted, as well as 2,000 people from 50 other countries.

At least 20,000 people have escaped into Chad, 4,000 into South Sudan, 3,500 into Ethiopia and 3,000 into the Central African Republic, according to the UN, which warns that if the fighting continues as many as 270,000 people could flee.

Gavin Kelleher, a humanitarian analyst for the Norwegian Refugee Council in South Sudan, said that the country is ill-prepared to absorb the expected influx from the north.

“The number of new arrivals is still unclear, but they are very likely to continue to increase in the coming weeks and it’s really important that we put the wheels in motion now for an effective humanitarian response,” Kelleher told Arab News.

“About 75 percent of South Sudan’s population are assessed to be in need of humanitarian assistance already, and the majority of the country has emergency or critical levels of food insecurity.

“Further shocks such as waves of new arrivals from Sudan are stretching the limited amount of resources available to new levels.”

Over 50 countries show interest in taking part in Games of Future, deputy PM says

Over 50 countries show interest in taking part in Games of Future, deputy PM says

Over 50 countries show interest in taking part in Games of Future, deputy PM says

Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko
©Alexei Maishev/POOL/TASS

More than 50 countries have already confirmed their interest in participating in the Games of the Future, as more than 100 countries are expected to take part, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko told journalists on Saturday.

The Games of the Future will take place in Kazan from February 23 to March 2, 2024.

"We see huge interest. The Foreign Ministry is working on invitations. Over 50 countries have already confirmed their interest in taking part in the Games. We are convinced there will be more, as we project over 100 participating countries," Chernyshenko said.

"We invite everyone to come to Kazan in May, where the competitions in five disciplines will be continued. Fifteen countries are taking part in them, so we will have a success," he added.

The fifth Phygital Games, or a test competition in the run up to the Games of the Future, will be held in May.

As part of the preparations for the Games of the Future, Russia has organized the Phygital Games. The first Phygital Games were held on September 21-23, 2022, the second - from November 24 through December 10, 2022, the third - on February 5-11, and the fourth - on March 9-10.

The first cybersport Games of the Future will consist of new disciplines using advanced technology, the digital environment and physical activity. The competitions are designed to use the cutting-edge developments in cybersports, robotics, both augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR), information technology (IT) and artificial intelligence (AI). The tournament offers $25 million in prize money.

Diplomats from 14 countries visit Xinjiang including Indonesia

Diplomats from 14 countries visit Xinjiang

Diplomats from 14 countries visit Xinjiang

Foreign envoys visit the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, April 24, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

Envoys from 14 countries, including Brazil, Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan, Ecuador and Senegal, visited Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region from April 24 to 28 at the invitation of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Consuls general of 14 countries, stationed in different cities across China, visited the regional capital city of Urumqi, as well as Kashgar, Turpan and other locations in Xinjiang to experience first-hand the social and economic development of the region.

They said that Xinjiang's achievements are remarkable, and that people of all ethnic groups live in harmony and happiness. They noted that the various lies fabricated by certain Western media are completely inconsistent with the reality of Xinjiang.

"To root out terrorism, it is crucial to have a comprehensive plan for a region's development and help people improve their lives," said Agha Hunain Abbas Khan, Pakistani acting consul general in Chengdu, after visiting an exhibition on Xinjiang's counterterrorism and deradicalization work.

"And China has made tremendous strides," he added.

The envoys also visited the old town in the city of Kashgar and experienced the tourism boom in the run-up to the May Day holiday. Zaw Linn Oo, consul general of Myanmar in Chongqing, hailed Kashgar as a "land of hope" that is attractive to both local and distant visitors.

"A country needs social stability and economic development, and both are well-reflected in Kashgar," he said.

Mehmet Mert Tokman, Turkish consul general in Chengdu, paid a visit to the region years ago. During this visit, he said that the land has a rich heritage and has undergone tremendous development and change, which can be seen particularly in the region's incredible infrastructure construction achievements.

Giving high praise to the local government's efforts to guarantee people's freedom of religious belief, Ben Perkasa Drajat, Indonesian consul general in Guangzhou, said that Muslims in Xinjiang are free to go to the mosque to pray, after visiting the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar and the Xinjiang Islamic Institute. "The news from the Western media that the Chinese government doesn't allow Muslims to do religious activities is not true."

Ben Perkasa Drajat (C), Indonesian consul general in Guangzhou, talks with a local tour guide (L) while visiting a bazzar in the old town of Kashgar, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, April 24, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

As the country with the world's largest Muslim population, Indonesia resolutely opposes external forces that manipulate the Xinjiang issue, interfere in China's internal affairs and attempt to split China, the Indonesian envoy said.

The reality of Xinjiang is completely different from the biased reports of the Western media, he said. He noted that he hopes the two countries can continue to promote cooperation and encourage relevant individuals from Indonesia to visit Xinjiang.

Speaking to Xinhua, Judyth Muthoni Nsababera, Ugandan consul general in Guangzhou, said that she would not blindly believe the lies about Xinjiang that have been fabricated by Western media.

It is important to come and see the region and feel it in person, and China has the right to choose its own path, she said.

Foreign envoys watch a singing and dancing performance at a village known for the tradition of making musical instruments in Shufu county of Kashgar, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, April 25, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

Mehmet Mert Tokman, Turkish consul general in Chengdu, paid a visit to the region years ago. During this visit, he said that the land has a rich heritage and has undergone tremendous development and change, which can be seen particularly in the region's incredible infrastructure construction achievements.

Giving high praise to the local government's efforts to guarantee people's freedom of religious belief, Ben Perkasa Drajat, Indonesian consul general in Guangzhou, said that Muslims in Xinjiang are free to go to the mosque to pray, after visiting the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar and the Xinjiang Islamic Institute. "The news from the Western media that the Chinese government doesn't allow Muslims to do religious activities is not true."

As the country with the world's largest Muslim population, Indonesia resolutely opposes external forces that manipulate the Xinjiang issue, interfere in China's internal affairs and attempt to split China, the Indonesian envoy said.

The reality of Xinjiang is completely different from the biased reports of the Western media, he said. He noted that he hopes the two countries can continue to promote cooperation and encourage relevant individuals from Indonesia to visit Xinjiang.

Speaking to Xinhua, Judyth Muthoni Nsababera, Ugandan consul general in Guangzhou, said that she would not blindly believe the lies about Xinjiang that have been fabricated by Western media.

It is important to come and see the region and feel it in person, and China has the right to choose its own path, she said.

Saturday 29 April 2023

Russia vows firm response to Poland’s seizure of embassy school

Russia vows firm response to Poland’s seizure of embassy school

Russia vows firm response to Poland’s seizure of embassy school

©Valery Sharifulin/TASS

The Polish authorities’ intrusion into the Russian embassy’s school in Warsaw won’t be left without Moscow’s firm response and consequences for Poland, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

"Such a brazen step by Warsaw that goes beyond civilized inter-state relations won’t be left without our firm response and consequences for the Polish authorities and Poland’s interests in Russia. The initiators of such contradictory and inflammatory ideas must be aware of that," the ministry said in the wake of the Russian embassy school’s seizure in Warsaw.

Russia deems the Polish authorities’ intrusion into the Russian embassy school in Warsaw as a violation of the 1961 Vienna convention, the ministry said.

"We deem these new hostile actions by the Polish authorities as a flagrant violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and a new encroachment on the Russian diplomatic property in Poland," the statement reads.

Adviser-councilor at the Russian embassy in Poland Andrey Ordash told TASS earlier that the Polish authorities had demanded that the staff of the Russian school at the embassy in Warsaw vacate the building by 7 p.m. He said that there were 29 people, including children in the school.

The Russian councilor added that the Polish authorities allowed the embassy staff "to take out equipment within a week."

Police and city officials have forcibly entered a school run by the Russian embassy in Warsaw on Saturday, RIA Novosti has reported. The news agency said Russian officials were ordered to open the door, but refused to comply.

Videos from the scene show a man in plain clothes opening the front gate with a crowbar, allowing uniformed officers to enter the school premises.

According to RIA, Polish officials then locked the gate in order to “prevent the removal of property” from the building.

The authorities told school staff to vacate the building by 6pm local time, RIA Novosti said.

Last year, Poland froze the accounts of the Russian embassy in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. Ambassador Sergey Andreyev said on Wednesday that prosecutors seized the bank accounts of the embassy and Russia’s trade mission. He blasted the move as “a flagrant violation” of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Bertemu Airlangga, AHY Ungkap Koalisi Perubahan Masih Buka Diri

Bertemu Airlangga, AHY Ungkap Koalisi Perubahan Masih Buka Diri

Bertemu Airlangga, AHY Ungkap Koalisi Perubahan Masih Buka Diri

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto dan Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) berfoto bersama elite masing-masing partai sebelum bertemu Ketua Majelis Tinggi Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) di kediaman SBY, Puri Cikeas, Bogor, Sabtu (29/4/2023).

Dua putra Presiden ke-6 RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono dan Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, menyambut kedatangan Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto di Puri Cikeas, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Sabtu malam.

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) yang juga sebagai Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat dan Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono alias Ibas sebagai Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat juga nampak didampingi Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Demokrat Teuku Riefky.

Airlangga Hartarto dan bersama rombongan Partai Golkar tiba di Puri Cikeas pada pukul 18.47 WIB.

AHY dan Ibas sebagai tuan rumah mempersilakan rombongan Partai Golkar masuk ke kediamannya melalui pintu pendopo untuk melakukan perbincangan tertutup bersama Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

Kepala Badan Komunikasi Strategis/Koordinator Juru Bicara Partai Demokrat Herzaky Mahendra Putra mengungkapkan silaturahim itu ini dilakukan atas permintaan Airlangga Hartarto.

"Mengingat sebelum ini, Bapak SBY sering bepergian dan berada di Pacitan, mempersiapkan pembukaan Museum SBY-Ani. Pertemuan ini baru bisa dilaksanakan malam ini, apalagi momennya masih suasana Lebaran," kata Herzaky dalam keterangan.

Menurut Herzaky, silaturahim tersebut akan membahas seputar isu-isu kebangsaan terkini. Detail isi pertemuan akan disampaikan langsung oleh AHY dan Airlangga Hartarto usai pertemuan dalam konferensi pers bersama.

Partai Demokrat berkomitmen penuh memperjuangkan perubahan dan perbaikan bersama Partai NasDem dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) di Koalisi Perubahan.

Herzaky menegaskan sudah menjadi keputusan di internal Partai Demokrat dan kesepakatan di Koalisi Perubahan bahwa Anies Baswedan adalah bakal calon presiden (capres) yang diusung pada Pemilu 2024.

Silaturahim dan komunikasi dengan berbagai elemen bangsa akan tetap dijalankan untuk kemaslahatan bangsa, tambahnya. Tidak hanya itu, kolaborasi dan komunikasi dengan berbagai elemen bangsa juga harus terus dilakukan meski saat ini tidak berada di koalisi yang sama.

"Permasalahan bangsa ini dan tantangannya ke depan makin kompleks. Butuh kerja keras dan kebersamaan seluruh elemen bangsa dalam menghadapinya," ujar Herzaky.

Ketum DPP Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto bertemu dengan Presiden ke-6 RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) di Puri Cikeas, Kamis malam

Usai pertemuan, AHY mengungkapkan Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan yang saat ini terdiri dari Demokrat, PKS, dan NasDem masih membuka diri untuk membangun kekuatan yang lebih besar.

"Kami juga yang saat ini terus membangun kebersamaan dengan Koalisi Perubahan juga tentu membuka diri," ujar AHY dalam konferensi pers.

Menurutnya, Indonesia merupakan negara besar. Karena itu, tak mungkin hanya satu atau dua pihak saja yang berperan membangun negeri.

"Ini negara besar, sehingga tidak mungkin satu atau dua elemen saja yang berperan. Golkar dan Demokrat ingin berperan lebih besar dan lebih baik lagi untuk negeri kita," ucapnya.

Ia pun menegaskan Demokrat tak hanya sekadar ingin ikut meramaikan Pemilu 2024 sebagai peserta.

AHY mengatakan ada panggilan moral untuk melakukan perubahan dalam aspek bernegara, berbangsa, dan bermasyarakat.

Pada kesempatan itu, Airlangga juga menyatakan Golkar masih membuka silaturahmi dan dialog dengan parpol lain. Ia mengaku ingin suasana menjelang Pemilu 2024 nanti sejuk.

"Menghadapi pesta politik tidak tegang, tapi dengan kebahagiaan," katanya.

Medvedev urges full rout of Kiev regime, retaliatory acts against its key figures

Medvedev urges full rout of Kiev regime, retaliatory acts against its key figures

Medvedev urges full rout of Kiev regime, retaliatory acts against its key figures

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev
©Ekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS

Russia’s Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on his Telegram channel on Saturday about the need to fully rout the Kiev regime and take retaliatory acts against its key figures.

The Russian politician commented, in particular, on Kiev’s statements about the need of new arms deliveries, the intention "to go to return Crimea" and that "the war may last for decades."

"The Kiev dog keeps barking. The saliva drools across its hairy muzzle so that its masters can see its fighting properties," Medvedev remarked.

"What is it? The contradictory gloom of the drug-permeated conscience? Delirium of uncertainty? Pressure on its patrons? General persisting paranoia? No doubt, all this together," he said.

However, "even delirious statements should not be underestimated," he said. "This is also the Kiev regime’s hysterical manifesto with the aim of consolidating the Nazi elite, supporting the troop fighting spirit and receiving new support from its sponsors," Medvedev explained.

The sole response must be as follows:

"The mass destruction of the personnel and military equipment involved by the Neo-Nazi regime in the counteroffensive, with a maximum military defeat inflicted on Ukrainian troops. A full rout of the enemy and the final deposition of the Neo-Nazi Kiev regime with its full de-militarization on entire Ukrainian territory. Retaliatory acts against the Neo-Nazi regime’s key figures, regardless of the places of their location and the limitation period," Medvedev said.

"Otherwise, they will not calm down and drug-induced delirious statements may turn into reality and the war will stretch out for long. Our country does not need this," the Russian politician said.

US blackmails nations into confronting Moscow and Beijing – Shoigu

Washington is resorting to various forms of coercion as it pushes to create regional alliances aimed against its geopolitical rivals, including Moscow and Beijing, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed.

FILE PHOTO: Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.
©Sputnik/Pavel Bednyakov

He was speaking to his counterparts representing other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at a meeting in New Delhi. The group, which was established by Russia and China, has six other members, including India.

“Unprecedented pressure is being applied to independent nations through the use of open blackmail, threats, ‘color revolutions,’ coups, and dissemination of blatant disinformation. All those tools long ago became the Western calling card,” the minister said on Friday.

The goal of the US and its allies is to undermine the emerging multipolar world and preserve their dominance, according to Shoigu. Washington chose to dismantle the system of global security in pursuit of its ambition and withdrew from multiple treaties with Russia, the minister told his audience.

Shoigu said that Moscow had attempted to defuse tensions with NATO through diplomacy in 2021, but its proposals were rejected by the West, proving that it is unwilling to have a partnership of equals with Russia.

Today, Washington and its accomplices are executing a strategic plan to provoke other nations into military confrontation with the states they don’t like, primarily Russia and China.

The minister interpreted the Ukraine conflict as a vivid example of American “criminal policy.” The US goal in it is to “inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, create a threat to China and preserve its (hegemonic) position,” said Shoigu.

The official blasted Western supplies of weapons to Kiev, stating that they only prolong hostilities and create additional risks to Europe and the entire world. He said the arms “make their way to the black market and further into the hands of terrorist organizations.”

The SCO, a Eurasian intergovernmental organization, includes China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan among its members.