Friday 9 December 2022

New York Times journalists, other workers stage first strike in 40 years

New York Times journalists, other workers stage first strike in 40 years

New York Times journalists, other workers stage first strike in 40 years

New York Times employees at a demonstration outside the company’s New York headquarters.Credit...Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times

More than 1,000 journalists and other workers at The New York Times launched a 24-hour strike on Thursday, a protest over ongoing contract negotiations that marks the first such strike at the company in more than four decades.

Journalists and other workers at the storied media outlet, often referred to as America's paper of record, walked out at midnight for 24 hours after failing to reach an agreement with the company on a new round of contract negotiations.

The NewsGuild of New York, a union representing the striking workers, had said that a key sticking point was the management's refusal to raise wages in line with surging inflation.

"It's never an easy decision to refuse to do work you love, but our members are willing to do what it takes to win a better newsroom for all," the NewsGuild of New York, the union representing the workers, said on Thursday.

Health and retirement benefits as well as return-to-work policies following the coronavirus pandemic were also an issue.

"Over 1,100 New York Times workers are now officially on work stoppage, the first of this scale at the company in 4 decades," the union tweeted early Thursday morning.

New York Times spokeswoman Danielle Rhoades Ha told US media in a statement that negotiations had not broken down and "it is disappointing that they are taking such an extreme action when we are not at an impasse."

Phoebe Lett, a podcast producer at the media outlet, tweeted: "It is heartbreaking to have to stand with nearly 1,200 colleagues who sacrifice everything for the good of this place, hat in hand, asking @nytimes to show us they value us. But here we are."

The union said its members were "willing to do what it takes to win a better newsroom for all."

The Times said in an article about the strike that nonunion newsroom employees would produce news on Thursday.

Workers and management have reached an impasse over the scale of pay increases, the balance between remote and in-office work and other issues, according to a letter signed by more than 1,000 employees.

A collective bargaining agreement between the workers and The Times expired last March, giving way to 20 months of negotiations, the letter said. Those negotiations spanned more than 120 hours across 40 bargaining sessions but the two sides still disagree on a host of concerns.

"The Times company is profitable," the letter said. "It is time the unionized workers who made so much of this possible be properly compensated for their efforts."

New York Times spokesperson Danielle Rhoades Ha expressed disappointment over the work stoppage, saying the two sides have taken steps toward an agreement.

"It is disappointing that they are taking such an extreme action when we are not at an impasse," Rhoades Ha told ABC News.

"Though we've made progress and offered several new proposals this week to address issues identified as priorities by the Guild, we still have much more work to do when we return to the bargaining table," Rhoades Ha added.

It was unclear whether the work stoppage would disrupt operations at the news outlet. The Times could publish some previously written work and workers outside of the union would be called upon to make up for the absence of colleagues, Dana Goldstein, a domestic correspondent at the national desk who participated in the work stoppage, told ABC News.

"This is a show of strength to show that we are ready to take these steps and do believe our incredible work over what's been some of the hardest times of our lives during the pandemic should be rewarded," she said.

Negotiations have stalled primarily over the scale of annual pay increases, Goldstein said.

The company has offered 2.75% in average annual guaranteed base-pay raises, according to the letter from Times employees.

That offer falls short of what workers need as they weather sky-high inflation and rising housing costs in New York City, where many employees live, said Goldstein, who has worked at The Times for six years.

"We're not asking for raises to keep up with inflation," she said. "We're asking for more than what's been offered."

Despite the impasse on pay increases, the company has improved its offer on some benefits, Goldstein said.

The company, which had sought to replace a pension plan with a 401(k), is now offering employees a choice between the two, she said. The company also agreed to improve fertility benefits, she added.

Prominent supporters of Times workers, including actor Mark Ruffalo and Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-NY, called on people to forego visiting The Times website and using Times products in an act of solidarity with the workers.

“Support the New York Times workers in solidarity and steer clear of the NY Times during their strike,” Ruffalo said. “Even Wordle.”

Drone for Attempt to Strike at Russia Was Modernized With US Participation: Russian Diplomat

Drone for Attempt to Strike at Russia Was Modernized With US Participation: Russian Diplomat

Drone for Attempt to Strike at Russia Was Modernized With US Participation: Russian Diplomat

©Sputnik / Go to the mediabank

The drone used by Ukraine to attempt an attack on two Russian military airfields was modernized with the participation of a corporation from the United States, Konstantin Gavrilov, the head of the Russian delegation at the military security and arms control talks in Vienna, said.

"Firstly, during 2022, the Kharkov Aviation Plant carried out work to modernize the mentioned UAVs with the participation of specialists from the Kiev Design Bureau Luch and US corporation Raytheon Technologies. The range of this drone is up to 1000 kilometers. It is clear in which direction it was planned to be used," Gavrilov told Sputnik on Thursday, commenting on the possible involvement of NATO countries in attack.

According to Gavrilov, "it is well known that the overwhelming majority of targets targeted by neo-Nazis are determined by the Western masters of the Kiev regime."

"The aforementioned Tu-141 Strizh UAVs are aimed at the target using US global satellite system GPS. By the way, the United States and its allies have long been actively using various space systems for reconnaissance and information support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including for the purpose of discovering places of deployment, routes of movement and actions of Russian troops. In fact, in Ukraine, in real combat conditions, new methods are being developed for the use of civilian satellite constellations as an element of command of the US Armed Forces," he stressed.

According to Gavrilov, "NATO members are not at all worried that this could provoke significant risks for peaceful space activities and shake its international legal foundations."

"The Russian side has repeatedly pointed out that the United States and its satellites were becoming more and more fixed in the status of participants in the Ukrainian conflict. And now, once again, the facts indicate that NATO member countries really had a hand in Kiev's terrorist provocations against Russian strategic airfields Dyagilevo and Engels with the use of two Soviet-era reactive strike drones Tu-141 Strizh," Gavrilov said, when asked if there was evidence that NATO had been involved in organizing this attack.

In particular, according to Gavrilov, Kiev "actually had a publicly announced order to carry out this perfidious provocation." He recalled the statement of the Latvian foreign minister on November 30 during the NATO Council at the level of foreign ministers that "possible Ukrainian strikes on military targets deep in Russia's territory would be justified."

"Of course, our army does not leave such terrorist acts unpunished," the head of the delegation added.

Earlier, a high-ranking Ukrainian official in an interview with American newspaper has acknowledged Kiev's responsibility for the attacks on airfields in the Russian regions of Kursk, Ryazan and Saratov. "These were Ukrainian drones — very successful, very effective," the anonymous official told the newspaper, referring to all three attacks.

This is already the second unofficial confirmation of Ukraine's responsibility for the drone attacks, which took place on Monday and Tuesday. Another anonymous Ukrainian official told another American media that the drones were launched from the Ukrainian territory.

Reporting the attacks, the Russian Defense Ministry said Ukraine used Soviet-made combat drones. The Russian air defense intercepted the drones, but their fragments killed three and injured four Russian servicemen in Ryazan and Saratov on Monday. There were no casualties as a result of the attack in Kursk on Tuesday.

Si Meong Jadi Pusat Kontroversi di Piala Dunia

Si Meong Jadi Pusat Kontroversi di Piala Dunia

Si Meong Jadi Pusat Kontroversi di Piala Dunia

Seandainya di acara konferensi pers diwasiti seperti pertandingan sepak bola, perwakilan media tim Brasil mungkin akan menerima kartu kuning karena melempar kucing pada hari Rabu selama wawancara Piala Dunia.

Seekor kucing lucu berkeliaran di salah satu konferensi pers Piala Dunia Brasil, dan kemudian benar-benar diusir.

Penyusup berbulu tiba-tiba menghiasi mimbar, seekor kucing lucu dengan tenang diam diatas mimbar konferensi pers Brasil sementara pemain Brasil Vinícius Júnior berbicara.

Reporter Brasil Raisa Simplicio, yang membagikan video tersebut, mengatakan seorang reporter Amerika kemudian bertanya kepada pelatih Brasil, yang dikenal sebagai Tite, tentang kucing itu. Pelatih dengan ringan menyarankan agar jurnalis bertanya kepada penasihat siapa yang "mengambil kucing itu", menurut sebuah terjemahan.

Kucing itu kemudian tampak tidak terluka dan difoto sedang kedinginan di samping logo tim saat Vinícius Júnior terus mengajukan pertanyaan.

Namun tampaknya banyak penggemar di media sosial keberatan dengan perlakuan kasar kucing itu.

“Orang itu tidak mengerti CINTA yang dimiliki internet untuk Kucing. Kesalahan besar temanku, ”tulis seorang.

Brasil melawan Kroasia di perempat final pada hari Jumat.

Peristiwa itu jadi ramai di jagad maya, ketika seorang petugas media Brasil membuat wartawan terkejut pada hari Rabu ketika dia, secara harfiah, membuang seekor kucing liar dari sebuah konferensi pers di Qatar.


Pemain depan Brasil Vinícius Jr. sedang berbicara kepada media menjelang pertandingan perempat final Piala Dunia timnya melawan Kroasia ketika seekor kucing melompat ke atas meja.

Kucing itu berjalan melintasi meja ke petugas media yang tidak disebutkan namanya, yang kemudian mencengkeram tengkuknya dan melemparkannya ke lantai.

Saat para wartawan terperanjat melihat aksi melempar kucing, petugas media mengangkat bahu, sementara Vinícius tertawa.

Organisasi hak-hak hewan PETA, tweeting: "Apa masalah orang ini?"

Menurut VetStreet, mengangkat kucing dengan tengkuknya tidak perlu dan berpotensi menyakitkan.

"Kami berharap seseorang merawat kucing manis ini yang mungkin tunawisma - sama seperti yang lainnya," tambah PETA.

Wartawan Andrew Gourdie tweeted: "Apakah dia benar-benar perlu membuangnya seperti itu ?!" sementara Konstantinos Lianos, seorang reporter olahraga untuk Matahari, menyebut petugas media itu sebagai "orang bodoh".

Menyusul insiden tersebut, Vinícius ditanya tentang kritik yang ditujukan kepada para pemain Brasil atas perayaan gol mereka melawan Korea Selatan di Babak 16 Besar Piala Dunia.

Bintang-bintang Brasil menampilkan tarian singkat setelah masing-masing gol mereka dalam kemenangan 4-1, memicu kritik dari pakar ITV Roy Keane dan Graeme Souness.

"Orang-orang mengatakan itu budaya mereka, tapi saya pikir itu benar-benar tidak menghormati lawan," kata mantan pemain Manchester United Keane.

Souness, sebelumnya dari Liverpool FC, berkata: "Hanya masalah waktu sebelum seseorang melewati salah satu dari pemain Brasil ini."

Vinícius membalas komentar pasangan itu, memberi tahu wartawan bahwa tim sudah merencanakan lebih banyak perayaan gol.

"Tentu, beberapa suka mengeluh ketika mereka melihat kebahagiaan orang lain, dan kami orang Brasil adalah orang yang ceria, jadi itu akan selalu mengganggu mereka," katanya.

"Gol adalah momen paling penting dalam sepak bola; di Piala Dunia, bahkan lebih penting jadi ini adalah momen kegembiraan tidak hanya bagi kami para pemain, tetapi juga bagi seluruh negara kami.

"Kami masih memiliki banyak perayaan, jadi kami harus terus bermain lebih baik, memenangkan pertandingan, dan tetap gembira dalam prosesnya."

Russia features over 400 products at Vietnam Defense 2022 show

Russia features over 400 products at Vietnam Defense 2022 show

Russia features over 400 products at Vietnam Defense 2022 show

T-90S main battle tanks
©Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Russia presented a broad exposition of military, civilian and dual-use products at the Vietnam Defense 2022 international arms show that opened in Hanoi in Vietnam on Thursday.

The single Russian exposition presented by the state arms seller Rosoboronexport comprises over 400 products developed and manufactured by leading Russian enterprises, including those affiliated with the state tech corporation Rostec.

At its display stand, Rosoboronexport demonstrates a full-scale model of the Orlan-10E unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), as well as a family of Russian-made UAVs, including the Orlan-30, a new product of 2022, the Orion-E reconnaissance/strike unmanned aircraft system and the Kub-E loitering munition.

Visitors to the defense show will also be able to view "a Su-57E fifth-generation fighter, Su-35 and Su-30SME supermaneuverable fighters, an Il-76MD-90A(E) military transport aircraft, a Ka-52 scout/attack helicopter, a Mi-171Sh military transport helicopter and a Ka-28 shipborne anti-submarine warfare helicopter," according to the statement posted on Rostec’s website.

Rosoboronexport also demonstrates Buk and Tor surface-to-air missile systems, the Pantsyr-S1 self-propelled anti-aircraft missile/gun system, Verba and Igla-S man-portable air defense systems suitable for building up air defenses at various levels.6

Electronic warfare, air defense and other systems

Rosoboronexport’s display stand also features electronic warfare systems, including assets designed to fight unmanned aerial vehicles of various classes.

Russia’s armor at the Vietnam Defense 2022 show is represented by T-90S and T-90MS main battle tanks, the Terminator tank support fighting vehicle, the TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system, the upgraded Msta-S self-propelled howitzer, Khrizantema and Kornet-EM anti-tank missile systems.

Simultaneously, Rosoboronexport presents a wide range of naval products: the Gepard-3.9-class frigate, the Project 22160 patrol ship, the Project 21980E special purpose craft, as well as the Karakurt-E and Sarsar small missile ships.

Visitors to the defense show will also be able to find a wide range of missile, artillery and torpedo armament for ships and submarines, air defense assets, communications, sonars, underwater/surface target acquisition sensors and anti-saboteur capabilities.

The Kalashnikov Group features its AK-200 family of assault rifles, the AK-15 and AK-19 automatic guns, as well as the latest 9mm PPK-20 submachine gun, the Chukavin semi-automatic sniper rifle and the 9mm Lebedev pistol.

In addition, Russia has unveiled the Linza armored medevac vehicle at the Vietnam Defense 2022 international arms show. The vehicle is designed to search for, collect and evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and areas of mass casualties and man-made disasters.

Interest in Russia’s exposition

The Russian exposition is very popular among Vietnamese defense and security circles, TASS learnt at Rosoboronexport’s display stand. Today Vietnamese National Defense Minister Phan Van Giang and Public Security Minister To Lam visited the Russian exposition.

The heads of the Vietnamese defense and security agencies displayed interest in Russian innovations and defense products.

Vietnam international defence exhibition 2022 opens

Along with the growing trend of integration in all fields, international defence cooperation has been a focus of the Party and State of Vietnam to strengthen trust between Vietnam and other countries, stated PM at the event.

Vietnam People's Air Force Su-30MK2 fighter jets undertake drills over Hanoi on Nov. 3, 2022. Nhac Nguyen/AFP

According to the host government leader, Vietnam Defence 2022 is a good chance for defence policymakers and defence industry firms to meet and seek partnership towards a world of peace, cooperation and prosperity.

On the occasion, Chinh also highlighted Vietnam’s defence policy, which is for peace, self-defence, and the people.

Following the opening ceremony, PM Chinh and delegates visited booths displaying defence industry products.

The Vietnam Defence 2022 covers an area of over 50,000sq.m, including more than 20,000sq.m of outdoor area. It attracts 174 enterprises from 30 countries.

How Russian Oil Price Cap May Affect Ordinary People's Lives?

How Russian Oil Price Cap May Affect Ordinary People's Lives ?

How Russian Oil Price Cap May Affect Ordinary People's Lives?

CC BY 2 / Jernej Furman / Barrel of oil on dollar bills

While Russia is about to announce its response to the oil price cap, earlier statements made by Moscow about refusing to sell crude to countries supporting this measure seem to point toward the prospects of rising oil prices.

The United States and several of its allies moved to introduce one of the latest punitive measures against Russia over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine on December 5 – a price cap on Russian oil.

The measure was adopted by the G7 countries, the European Union and Australia, and entails imposing a cap of $60 per barrel of Russian crude. The limit is slated to be reviewed periodically in order to constantly remain slightly below the bar set by the International Energy Agency.

News about the price cap elicited concerns from experts long before the measure came into play, with some pondering on the effect this restrictive measure may have on the oil markets.

But oil markets aside, how might this price cap affect the livelihoods of ordinary people in the countries whose leaders signed up to this initiative championed by the Biden administration and its cohorts?

How Russia Might Respond

The exact ramifications of the Russian oil price cap initiative remain to be seen as Moscow is yet to announce its response to this move.

Current reports suggest that Russia has three options on the table, with the first one being a full ban on all oil exports to any country that adheres by the price cap – the option that high-ranking Russian officials voiced on many occasions as the West was mulling the price cap move.

The other two options involve a ban on oil exports under contract including the price cap clause and the implementation of an indicative price that would define the maximum discount on Russian crude.

How Price Cap Might Affect Oil Markets

Several experts have already speculated that the price cap may indeed prompt Russia to make good of its promise to not sell oil to the countries which impose some kind of price ceiling on this commodity instead of buying it at the market price.

The prospects of Russia, the second-largest crude oil exporter in the world, reducing its oil production in response to the West’s punitive measures would likely push up oil prices, along with causing instability in the oil markets.

The German Commerzbank has suggested that the price of Brent crude might climb to $95 per barrel.

The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that the group of prominent oil exporting countries known as OPEC+ has already agreed to slash oil production by two million barrels per day until the end of the next year.

Last but not least, the decision made by the United States and its allies to impose a price cap on Russian oil appears to contradict the very principle of the free market – the principle that the countries which imposed the price cap claim to adhere to.

At this time, it remains to be seen what effect this development may have on the faith in the free market around the globe as the supposed champion of free market capitalism essentially moves to remove the “free” bit from the formula when it suits said champion’s interests.

How Price Cap Might Affect Ordinary People

While high oil prices may cause petroleum tycoons to pop champagne bottles as they watch their profits soar, many ordinary people might have to deal with less pleasant things like growing energy bills and rising consumer prices. More expensive oil means more expensive fuel (i.e. more expensive transport prices) and more expensive goods whose production involves oil.

Simply put, many people living in the countries which imposed the Russian oil price cap may now be facing the questionable privilege of spending more on goods and services so that their leadership could boast that they are sticking it to Moscow.

The restrictions the United States and its allies imposed on Russian oil imports prior to the price cap have already caused fuel and energy prices to soar in the US and Europe earlier this year, with the Biden administration even forced to tap into the country’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try and stabilize the situation.

Time will tell if the oil price cap measure will work as its architects apparently intended, but it does not seem like it will improve things for ordinary people living from paycheck to paycheck, to put it mildly.

Thursday 8 December 2022

Warga Sampang Ngebor Sumur, Tapi Gas dan Api Malah Menyembur

Warga Sampang Ngebor Sumur, Tapi Gas dan Api Malah Menyembur

Warga Sampang Ngebor Sumur, Tapi Gas dan Api Malah Menyembur

Api menyembur dari sumur warga di Sampang Madura (Foto: Beritajatim)

Warga Desa Gunung Eleh Kecamatan Kedungdung Kabupaten Sampang Madura digegerkan dengan pengeboran sumur warga namun yang keluar justru air dan aroma gas. Bahkan saat disulu api pun menyembur.

Fenomena seperti ini sebenarnya kerap terjadi di Sampang. Sebab kawasan desa itu pernah menjadi obyek pengeboran minyak dan gas (Migas) oleh dua perusahaan besar pertambangan minyak di sana.

Perusahaan minyak besar yang pernah melakukan eksplorasi minyak di sana yakni PT Medco Energi International pada 2005, kemudian SPE Petrolium pada 2010.

Dua perusahaan itu melakukan kegiatan ekplorasi bahkan sempat mempekejakan warga lokal serta menjadi harapan baru masyarakat di wilayah Desa Gunung Eleh yang terkenal tandus pada kala itu. Namun, kedua perusaahan Migas tersebut kemudian tidak melanjutkan tahap ekspolitasi.

"Kita tidak tahu apa yang menjadi kajian dua perusahaan itu, karena setelah pengeboran selesai keduanya tidak ada kejelasan untuk melanjutkan," kata Tokoh Masyarakat Setempat H. Moh Anwar, pada hari Rabu, 07/12/2022.

Pria yang akrab disapa H. Anwar tersebut juga mengatakan, saat itu dirinya menjabat sebagai anggota legislatif, bahkan sebelumnya juga pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Desa Gunung Eleh.

Namun, karena memang lokasi pengeboran menjadi objek vital nasional dan dijaga ketat, warga hanya sebatas melihat dari jauh serta tidak menerima informasi lanjutan dari kegiatan itu.

"Saya yakin di bumi Desa Gunung Eleh ini kaya dengan gas, sebab banyak warga yang mengebor sumur namun malah keluar bau gas yang mudah terbakar," katanya menambahkan.

Seperti yang diberitakan sebelumnya, sekitar pukul 08.00 WIB, 5 Desember 2022, warga Desa Gunung Eleh digemparkan dengan semburan api yang bersumber dari pengeboran sumur milik Sahi warga setempat.

Dalam kejadian itu, satu bangunan hangus terbakar dan seorang warga menjadi korban kebakaran hinga dilarikan ke Puskesmas terdekat.

Saat ini, api berhasil dipadamkan dengan cari ditutup serta arena pengeboran dibatasi dengan pita police line karena masih tercium aroma gas.

Sumur di pekarangan rumah warga Kampung Bhenbeih, Desa Gunung Eleh, Kedungdung, Sampang,Madura, mengeluarkan gas. dan gas tersebut menyemburkan api saat tersulut. hari Senin, 05/12/2022. (Tangkapan Layar)

Salah satu warga, Moh Halil, mengatakan pengeboran sumur itu dilakukan pada 3 hari lalu di pekarangan salah satu warga, Asrowi (60). Sumur itu di bor dengan kedalaman 33 meter.

Awalnya pengeboran berjalan lancar. Air keluar dari lubang pengeboran pada hari Minggu, 04/12/2022, pukul 09.00 WIB. Warga pun gembira menyambut keluarnya air karena desa setempat memang kekurangan air ketika musim kemarau.

"Tapi tidak disangka, pada pagi hari ini sekitar jam 08.00 WIB tiba-tiba sumur tersebut menyemburkan air bercampur gas dengan tekanan agak besar. Yang mengebor itu Sahi, anak dari Asrowi," ujar Halil dikutip dari detikJatim, hari Senin, 05/12/2022.

Warga tahu jika gas ikut tersembur dari baunya yang menyengat. Warga awalnya membiarkan saja semburan gas itu.

Namun api menyembur saat ada salah seorang warga merokok tak jauh dari lokasi. Api dari rokok atau korek rupanya menyulut gas tersebut.

"Awal mula munculnya api itu ketika ada warga hendak merokok, jaraknya dari lokasi pengeboran sekitar 10-12 meter. Semburan api terus membesar dengan disertai angin," tambah Halil.

Warga kemudian berusaha memadamkan kobaran api dengan alat seadanya, namun tak berhasil. Api baru bisa dipadamkan pukul 09.48 WIB setelah petugas pemadam kebakaran datang

Gempa 5,8 M Sukabumi Terjadi Susulan

Gempa 5,8 M Sukabumi Terjadi Susulan

Gempa 5,8 M Sukabumi Terjadi Susulan

Telah terjadi gempa dengan magnitudo: 5.8 SR, 21 km Tenggara KOTA-SUKABUMI-JABAR, pada: 08-Des-22 00:50:57 UTC, Tidak ada ancaman TSUNAMI (Peristiwa ini telah ditinjau oleh seismolog.)

Gempa berkekuatan 5,8 magnitudo mengguncang wilayah Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, pada hari Kamis, 08/12/2022, sekitar pukul 07.50 WIB. BMKG men-tweet kejadian gempa berapakali gempa Sukabumi, 5,8 M kemudian 6,1 dan lalu 5,8, dalam waktu beberapa menit. Kepala Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG), Dwikorita membenarkan adanya gempa tersebut.

Koordinator Mitigasi Gempa dan Tsunami BMKG Daryono mengatakan, gempa tersebut disebabkan oleh lempeng indo-australia atau gempa benioff.

Kedalaman gempa 104 Km, dan dirasakan di Rancaekek, Lembang, Bogor, Bandung, Pangandaran, Padalarang, Cianjur, Sumur, Sukabumi, Jakarta Selatan, Garut, Bekasi dan Tangerang.

Daryono memaparkan, gempa ini M5,8 ini dipicu adanya deformasi batuan dalam lempeng (intraslab) pada lempeng indo-australia atau populer disebut sebagai gempa di zona benioff.

"Ground motionnya memang lebih kuat dari gempa sekelasnya dari sumber lain," ujarnya dikutip dari akun twitternya.

Dia memastikan jika gempa tersebut bukan dipicu oleh gempa kerak dangkal Cianjur dan bukan juga masuk dalam gempa megathrust.

BMKG telah memperhatikan lokasi episenter dan kedalaman hiposenternya. Gempa bumi yang terjadi merupakan jenis gempa bumi menengah akibat adanya deformasi atau patahan batuan dalam Lempeng Indo-Australia yang populer disebut sebagai gempa intraslab atau gempa Benioff.

Seorang warga Padalarang Bandung Barat, Rusdi (27), mengaku merasakan getaran gempa. Saat itu dirinya tengah duduk santai di depan rumahnya. Tiba-tiba kursi yang diduduki terasa bergoyang.

"Saya lagi ngopi di depan rumah. Tiba-tiba kasus kursi goyang, repleks langsung ke luar rumah," kata Rusdi.

Ia menjelaskan, peristiwa gempa bumi tak berlangsung lama sekitar 5 detik. Meski sebentar, dirinya sempat panik khawatir pusat gempa di wilayah KBB, ternyata setelah cari informasi titik gempa di Sukabumi.

"Lumayan panik, khawatir guncangan dekat. Tapi setelah cari di internet kejadiannya di Sukabumi," jelas Rusdi.

Sementara itu di Sukabumi, Sejumlah warga berhamburan keluar tempat tinggal mereka, termasuk warga yang berada di Puskesmas Simpenan, di Jalan Citamiang, Cidadap, Kabupaten Sukabumi.

Warga yang akan melakukan pengecekan kesehatan berhamburan keluar puskesmas untuk menyelamatkan diri sesaat gempa terjadi.

"Terasa gede guncangannya, saya langsung selamatkan diri tadi keluar, ke jalan," kata Dandi (25) warga di Puskesmas Simpenan.

Perjalanan kereta api ke Bandung sempat dihentikan sementara akibat gempa bumi berkekuatan magnitudo 5,8 dengan episentrum sekitar 22 KM tenggara, Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.

Salah seorang penumpang kereta Argo Parahyangan, Henli mengatakan kereta berhenti sekitar pukul 08.10 WIB.

"Saya berangkat dari Jakarta jam 06.40 ke Bandung, 08.10 WIB berhenti di daerah Purwakarta," kata Henli.

Berdasarkan informasi yang disampaikan oleh masinis, ia menyebut kereta berhenti karena adanya gempa.

"Berhenti sekitar 15 menitan. Jam 8.25 WIB kereta jalan normal," ujarnya.

Menurutnya, tak ada kepanikan dari penumpang saat masinis menyampaikan informasi kereta berhenti karena ada gempa.

"Tidak terasa ya (getaran). Masinis dengan tenang menjelaskan. Jadi penumpang pada tenang. Sebagian malah masih tertidur," katanya.

Special military operation is lengthy process, but some results already in sight — Putin

Special military operation is lengthy process, but some results already in sight — Putin

Special military operation is lengthy process, but some results already in sight — Putin

Mikhail Metzel/POOL/TASS

The special military operation is a long process, but it has already yielded significant results, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with members of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC) on Wednesday.

"As for the results of the special military operation, some of them may manifest themselves only after a long while. New territories have appeared. This is a significant result for Russia. These are serious questions. Take the Sea of Azov, which has become Russia’s inland sea. That’s very serious," he said.

Putin recalled that even Peter the Great in his day fought for access the Sea of Azov. The most important thing, though, is the people who live in all these territories, he said.

"The results of the referendum showed that the people want to be in Russia and consider themselves part of this world, part of this space, and our common culture, traditions, and language. This is the most important result. Now they are with us. There millions of such people. This is the most important thing," Putin stressed.

Putin says Polish nationalists ‘dream’ of seizing western Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said Polish nationalists can’t wait to seize western Ukraine.

"As for the governments of some of our neighbors, Poland, nationalist elements there dream of taking back their so-called historical territories, seizing the western territories that Ukraine gained as a result of a decision by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin following World War II," the president said at a meeting with the Human Rights Council.

He said "these territories were taken away from Poland and given to Soviet Ukraine."

"But of course, nationalist elements in Poland dream about taking these territories back to Poland and they will seek to do so, say what they will. We see this even from their literature, discussions, speeches," the president said. "That’s what they are ultimately going to do, I don’t have the slightest doubt about that."

"The only real guarantor of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine within its current borders could be Russia, which helped Ukraine to get these (Western - TASS) territories after World War II - by the decision of Stalin, of course," the head of state said.

"This is a matter for Ukrainian politicians. The ones of the future, of course. Current politicians, I don’t think they understand much about this and they don’t think about it, although some of them, as it seems to us, are already beginning to think," Putin said.

"Any increased involvement of their Western ally and neighbor in Ukrainian affairs today will ultimately be aimed at invading Ukrainian territories, the western part of Ukraine."

He said it would be good if Ukrainian politicians "thought about it and realized what is happening."

"But so be it, it’s up to them," the president said.