Wednesday 21 December 2022

BPBD Karawang: Seratusan rumah rusak akibat angin puting beliung

BPBD Karawang: Seratusan rumah rusak akibat angin puting beliung

BPBD Karawang: Seratusan rumah rusak akibat angin puting beliung

Rumah rusak usai diterjang angin puting beliung. Foto: Medcom/Rofahan

BPBD (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah) Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat, menyampaikan ada ratusan rumah rusak dan 14 pohon tumbang akibat angin puting beliung yang terjadi selama beberapa hari terakhir.

"Angin puting beliung terjadi di 12 kecamatan di Karawang selama beberapa hari terakhir," kata Kabid Kedaruratan dan Logistik BPBD Karawang Ferry Muharram, di Karawang, Selasa.

Menurut dia, hujan deras disertai angin kencang membuat seratusan rumah terdampak, pohon tumbang hingga sambaran petir terjadi di sejumlah lokasi di Karawang selama beberapa hari terakhir.

Peristiwa itu dilaporkan telah terjadi di 12 kecamatan di Karawang, di antaranya Kecamatan Klari, Lemahabang, Majalaya, Cilamaya Wetan, Tirtamulya, Kutawaluya, Telagasari, Karawang Barat, dan Karawang Timur.

Selain itu, angin puting beliung juga terjadi di Kecamatan Cilamaya Kulon, Banyusari, dan Telukjambe Timur.

"Untuk jumlah desa yang terdampak ada 18 desa," katanya.

Ia menyampaikan bahwa sebanyak 142 rumah rusak yang mengakibatkan 151 keluarga dengan 499 orang terdampak. Selain itu, juga dilaporkan sebanyak 14 pohon tumbang akibat angin puting beliung.

Menurut dia, data tersebut kemungkinan bisa bertambah, karena BPBD Karawang masih terus melakukan penanganan di lapangan.

Ia juga meminta masyarakat agar bersabar selama penanganan, mengingat hujan disertai angin kencang masih terus terjadi dan tersebar di sejumlah lokasi di Kabupaten Karawang.

"Kami mengimbau masyarakat agar tetap waspada terhadap cuaca yang terjadi saat ini," kata dia.

Ferry juga berharap masyarakat agar bekerja sama mengurangi dampak dari cuaca ekstrem ini dengan menebang pohon-pohon tua yang tinggi, serta menghindari daerah bertebing tanah tinggi untuk terhindar dari pohon tumbang dan bencana lainnya.

Sejumlah wilayah perkotaan dan daerah lainnya di Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat, dilanda bencana angin puting beliung selama beberapa hari berturut-turut. Bencana angin puting beliung terjadi di sejumlah daerah di Karawang, sejak hari Jumat, 16/12/2022, hingga Selasa, 20/12/2022.

Berdasarkan laporan yang diterima kepolisian Karawang pada hari Minggu, 18/12/2022,, sejumlah daerah yang dilanda angin puting beliung di antaranya adalah Kecamatan Cikampek yang mengakibatkan 12 rumah rusak. Peristiwa itu terjadi pada hari Jumat, 16/12/2022.

Jajaran Polsek Cikampek langsung datang ke lokasi saat peristiwa terjadi. Aparat melakukan monitoring dan membantu warga membersihkan puing-puing rumah yang rusak akibat dihempas angin puting beliung.

Kepolisian turut menyalurkan bantuan sembako kepada para korban yang rumahnya mengalami kerusakan.

Sementara berdasar informasi yang dihimpun dari Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Karawang, bencana angin puting beliung juga terjadi pada Sabtu, 17/12/2022.

Pada peristiwa yang berlangsung di sore hari itu, sejumlah papan reklame ambruk setelah dihempas angin puting beliung, di antaranya di jalan raya Lingkar Bypass Karawang.

Sementara angin puting beliung di wilayah Karawang Timur tidak hanya menghempas rumah warga, namun juga mengakibatkan sejumlah pohon tumbang dan sebuah menara masjid di Perumahan Elok II Warung Bambu, Karawang Timur rusak parah.

Selain itu, sebuah tiang listrik juga tumbang hingga mengakibatkan listrik padam selama sekitar tujuh jam.

Selanjutnya, pada Minggu sore ini dilaporkan angin puting beliung juga mengakibatkan papan reklame di wilayah Telukjambe Timur ambruk.

Peristiwa angin puting beliung yang terjadi saat hujan deras itu terekam dalam sebuah video hingga tersebar di sejumlah media sosial.

Hingga kini, pihak BPBD Karawang masih melakukan pendataan terkait terkait dengan terjadinya bencana angin puting beliung yang terjadi di sejumlah daerah sekitar Karawang.

Biggest-ever censorship campaign against Russian media orchestrated by West — diplomat

Biggest-ever censorship campaign against Russian media orchestrated by West — diplomat

Biggest-ever censorship campaign against Russian media orchestrated by West — diplomat

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS

The collective West has unleashed the biggest-ever totalitarian censorship campaign against Russia’s mass media, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Tuesday.

At a news conference on Monday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for developing the rules of responsibility for social networks with regard to their content. He said that he would be shocked to see freedom of the press be jeopardized. "Would he be shocked if he saw it? Hasn’t he seen it already? Or maybe he does not want to see it. Or maybe he isn’t allowed to see it. Or maybe they have not shown him," she wrote on her Telegram channel.

Zakharova recalled that for years Russia has been calling for developing a legal framework for internet resources and has already passed corresponding laws, which were met by the West "nervously, to put it mildly." "We have been speaking in favor of filling the legal vacuum in the context of social networks. Just what the UN secretary general is saying now. But our position has been criticized by advocates of the neo-liberal approach and all-permissiveness," she added.

She suggested that the United Nations return to the discussion of Russia’s initiative to draft an international convention to regulate the activities of global internet companies, which "has been gathering dust on the UN chief’s table for two years."

"It is necessary to invigorate joint efforts to formulate generally accepted norms to put the activities of internet giants on a solid basis of international law. It is necessary to negotiate to find a solution to the problem before it is too late," she stressed.

Ukrainian Troops Killed 4,392 Civilians, Injured 3,926 Others in DPR Since February - DPR

The strikes conducted by Ukrainian forces on the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) have killed 4,392 civilians, including 132 children, and wounded 3,926 others since February 24, the DPR's mission to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of issues related to Ukraine's war crimes (JCCC) said on Tuesday.

"According to the official data by the DPR's JCCC, as of December 19, 18:45 GMT, 4,392 civilians were killed, including 132 children," the mission said on Telegram.

The statement also said that the shelling by the Ukrainian troops injured 3,926 people, including 247 children.

It added that the strikes destroyed 9,224 residential premises, 2,200 civilian infrastructure facilities and 1,114 vehicles.

Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

  • The Russian Army destroyed up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen in the Kupyansk direction;

  • Russian troops eliminated more than 100 Ukrainian servicemen in the Donetsk direction;

  • Russian forces destroyed temporary deployment points for units of the 61st and 72nd Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian Army in the DPR;

  • The Russian Army eliminated a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group in the DPR;

  • Russian forces hit accumulations of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment in the Krasny Liman direction, eliminating up to 50 servicemen;

  • The Russian Air Force shot down two Ukrainian MiG-29 aircraft and a Mi-8 helicopter in the DPR;

  • Russian air defenses destroyed five Ukrainian UAVs;

  • Russian air defenses shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft near Ugledar in the DPR. Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

  • The Russian Army destroyed up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen in the Kupyansk direction;

  • Russian troops eliminated more than 100 Ukrainian servicemen in the Donetsk direction;

  • Russian forces destroyed temporary deployment points for units of the 61st and 72nd Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian Army in the DPR;

  • The Russian Army eliminated a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group in the DPR;

  • Russian forces hit accumulations of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment in the Krasny Liman direction, eliminating up to 50 servicemen;

  • The Russian Air Force shot down two Ukrainian MiG-29 aircraft and a Mi-8 helicopter in the DPR;

  • Russian air defenses destroyed five Ukrainian UAVs;

  • Russian air defenses shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft near Ugledar in the DPR.

  • Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

  • The Russian Army destroyed up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen in the Kupyansk direction;

  • Russian troops eliminated more than 100 Ukrainian servicemen in the Donetsk direction;

  • Russian forces destroyed temporary deployment points for units of the 61st and 72nd Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian Army in the DPR;

  • The Russian Army eliminated a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group in the DPR;

  • Russian forces hit accumulations of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment in the Krasny Liman direction, eliminating up to 50 servicemen;

  • The Russian Air Force shot down two Ukrainian MiG-29 aircraft and a Mi-8 helicopter in the DPR;

  • Russian air defenses destroyed five Ukrainian UAVs;

  • Russian air defenses shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft near Ugledar in the DPR.

Tuesday 20 December 2022

What Does Russia Want From Ukraine?

What Does Russia Want From Ukraine?

What Does Russia Want From Ukraine?

©Sputnik / Alexei Druzhinin / Go to the mediabank

The escalation of the long-smoldering Donbass crisis to the rest of Ukraine this year has had painful knock-on effects for the rest of the world, from an energy crunch in Europe to hunger in developing nations thanks to Western restrictions on Russian agro exports. In this situation, the question worth asking is: What does Russia want from Ukraine?

This coming Saturday will mark 10 months since the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, with world leaders and Western geostrategists alike warning that the conflict shows no signs of letting up, and urging for peace talks.

“I do believe that the military confrontation will go on, and I think we will have still to wait a moment in which serious negotiations for peace will be possible. I don’t see them [on] the immediate horizon,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in his year-end press conference Monday. Citing the pain being felt by Ukraine, Russia, and the world economy – including high food and energy prices, Guterres expressed “strong” hopes that a “peace solution” could be found “before the end of 2023.”

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a preeminent representative of the globalist wing of the US political establishment, also called for negotiations, emphasizing in an op-ed over the weekend that “the time is approaching to build on the strategic changes which have already been accomplished and to integrate them into a new structure towards achieving peace through negotiation.” Kissinger warned that the alternative, including attempts to defeat Russia militarily, could spark “another world war.” Trying to render Russia militarily “impotent” would also be a mistake, Kissinger said, pointing to Moscow’s historic role in preserving the balance of power, and its “decisive contributions to the global equilibrium.”

Washington apparently didn’t get the memo, with Congress putting the finishing touches on a $1.7 trillion budget which includes $45 billion in fresh "emergency assistance" to Ukraine, $8 billion more than what the White House had originally requested. Washington’s European allies have also promised to "do their part" by slapping a new round of self-defeating sanctions on Moscow, and agreeing to provide some €18 billion to Kiev in 2023.

What Did Russia Want in Ukraine Before the Crisis Started?

When the political and security crisis in Ukraine began nine years ago in the winter of 2013-2014, Moscow’s strategy vis-à-vis Kiev was simple. Having pulled off what seemed like a coup de grace by convincing then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to pull a 180-degree turn and join the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union instead of signing an Association Agreement with the European Union, what Moscow wanted more than anything was stability in Kiev. Instead, Yanukovych got large-scale street protests in the Ukrainian capital, backed up by EU and US officials handing out cookies, cash, and behind-the-scenes political advice to protest leaders. The unrest, which included brutal, indiscriminate violence against protesters and police alike by mysterious snipers (later revealed to be Georgian mercenaries), culminated in Yanukovych’s ouster as president in a coup on February 23, 2014.

“I’m going to say now something that is not well-known,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said, recalling the events in Ukraine in early 2014 in an interview with Russian media in 2018. “At the time, our American partners reached out to us. They asked us to do everything – and I’m repeating it almost word-for-word, to stop Yanukovych from using the military, to make the opposition leave the square and administrative buildings and start carrying out the agreements on normalizing the situation. We said, ‘okay.’ The next day, there was a coup.” Asked by his interviewer whether this was the first time that the US had lied to Russia in such a way, Putin said this was “the first time” he could recall that “they were so blatant and brazen in doing it.”

After the coup, Crimea’s authorities, fearful that the mix of pro-EU and ultranationalist forces in Kiev would descend on the majority ethnic Russian peninsula to crack down on anti-coup protesters and pro-Russian sentiments, organized a snap referendum on rejoining Russia, with residents overwhelmingly voting in favor of doing so. Across eastern and southern Ukraine, from Kharkov and Donbass to Zaporozhye, Kherson, Nikolaev, and Odessa, pro-Russian protests broke out in the spring of 2014, only to be attacked and crushed by nationalists, elements of the security forces and, in Donbass’ case, by the Ukrainian Army.

What Did Russia Want From Ukraine After War Broke Out in Donbass?

In the easternmost Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, opposition to the new authorities in Kiev proved strongest, with residents forming People’s Militias and pushing back Ukrainian troops sent to crush autonomy and independence-seeking forces.

Moscow immediately expressed support for a diplomatic solution, and in July 2014, Russian, Ukrainian, Donetsk People’s Republic, and Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe officials met in the Belarusian capital of Minsk to try to put a stop to the fighting. But the bloodshed continued, and in September, Putin proposed a seven-point peace plan, including a ceasefire, the release of all prisoners, the deployment of international observers to monitor the truce, corridors for the evacuation of refugees and the delivery of humanitarian aid, and assistance to rebuild Donbass. Kiev dismissed the plan.

In February 2015, the leaders of the "Normandy Four" contact group of Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and France met in Minsk to sign a new, 13-point peace plan. The agreement, known as "Minsk II," outlined steps for Donbass’ reintegration into Ukraine, in exchange for broad, constitutionally-guaranteed autonomy. The treaty was never implemented by Kiev, and between 2015 and February 2022, a shaky ceasefire punctuated by regular shelling, sniper and sabotage provocations, and the occasional small-scale Ukrainian offensive to bite off another small chunk of Donbass territory continued for seven excruciating years. In the meantime, Kiev continued to build up its military power, and amended the Ukrainian constitution, formally setting the country on a course to join NATO and the European Union.

What Does Russia Want From Ukraine Now?

In late January of 2022, weeks after NATO and the US publicly rejected a pair of comprehensive security proposals laid out by Russia – which included a request that the alliance halt its eastward expansion into the ex-Soviet space, Donbass officials announced a major escalation of tensions on the line of contact, including the biggest intensification of shelling and sabotage attacks against Donbass since 2015. An evacuation of civilians to Russia was ordered.

On February 24, citing threats to Donbass’ security, and the dangers of an imminent Ukrainian full-scale invasion of the fledgling republics, Russia launched its "special military operation" in Ukraine, aimed at "demilitarizing" and "de-Nazifying" the country (i.e. removing the military danger to Donbass, and the ultra-right elements in the leadership in Kiev).

Russia outlined peace conditions in talks with Ukrainian negotiators in the spring. These included:

  1. Security and independence for Donbass, as well as an end to the shelling and efforts to hold the region and its 3.5+ million inhabitants in perpetual instability and uncertainty

  2. recognition of Crimea as part of Russia, in accordance with the results of the 2014 referendum,

  3. legal guarantees that Ukraine will never join NATO, in exchange for security guarantees. In early March, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized that the conflict would stop “in a moment” if Russia’s conditions were met.

Throughout late February and early March, Russian and Ukrainian officials met multiple times, first in Belarus and then in Turkey, to try to hammer out an agreement. In September, Western media revealed that Moscow and Kiev appeared to have been on the brink of a tentative agreement, but that now ex-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Kiev to order President Volodymyr Zelensky to break off talks with the Russians, because Putin couldn’t be trusted and the West wasn’t ready to see an end to the bloodshed. In the months that followed, the US and its NATO allies proceeded to pump up Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in arms and training assistance, raising Zelensky’s confidence that he wouldn’t have to agree to peace on Russia’s terms.

Consequently, Donbass republics and the pro-Russian administrations in Zaporozhye and Kherson held referendums on their status in September, acceding into the Russian Federation after an overwhelming majority of residents in each territory voted in favor of doing so. The people have “made their unequivocal choice,” Putin said, and Moscow wanted Kiev and its “handlers in the West” to know that “the people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, in Kherson and Zaporozhye” were now Russian citizens.

Zelensky, still confident of his support from the West, claimed earlier this month that the only way for the conflict to end would be for Russia to fall back to Ukraine’s 1991 borders. Absent that, he said, peace could only be achieved through even more Western weaponry, including modern tanks, artillery, and long-range missiles.

Last month, at a meeting with mothers of servicemen taking part in the special military operation, Putin admitted that it was a mistake not to allow Donbass to join Russia earlier, in 2014. “We…did not fully feel the mood of the people. It was impossible to understand what was happening there. Now, perhaps, it has become obvious that this reunification should have happened earlier. Maybe then there would not have been so many casualties among civilians, so many dead children,” Putin said. In 2014, the Russian president emphasized, Moscow was “sincerely” proceeding from the idea that peace in Donbass could be achieved via agreement with Kiev.

Analisis: Pertempuran sengit Rusia untuk Bakhmut dapat menghasilkan kemenangan besar

Analisis: Pertempuran sengit Rusia untuk Bakhmut dapat menghasilkan kemenangan besar

Analisis: Pertempuran sengit Rusia untuk Bakhmut dapat menghasilkan kemenangan besar

Ini adalah informasi yang dikemas barat, yang terbiasa memanipulasi informasi untuk kepentingan barat (NATO dan G7), sehingga materi didalamnya tidak dapat divalidasi.

Pemandangan menunjukkan bangunan tempat tinggal yang rusak akibat serangan militer Rusia, di tengah serangan Rusia di Ukraina, di Bakhmut, Ukraina 18 Desember 2022. REUTERS/Oleksandr Ratushniak

Pertempuran hampir lima bulan untuk kota kecil Bakhmut di timur Ukraina telah berlangsung begitu lama dan menimbulkan begitu banyak kematian dan kehancuran, bahkan jika Rusia menang, itu akan menjadi kemenangan besar, kata pakar militer.

Blok apartemen yang hancur, tentara yang terluka parah, parit yang dipenuhi lumpur, dan warga sipil yang meringkuk di ruang bawah tanah di bawah pemboman yang tak henti-hentinya telah menjadi pemandangan yang akrab di dalam dan sekitar Bakhmut sejak pertempuran dimulai.

Menguasai kota, dengan populasi sebelum perang 70-80.000 yang menyusut mendekati 10.000, dapat memberi Rusia batu loncatan untuk maju di dua kota besar, Kramatorsk dan Sloviansk.

Itu juga akan menghilangkan Ukraina dari persimpangan jalur pasokan jalan dan rel yang berguna.

Namun dengan pertempuran sengit di sana sejak 1 Agustus, dan penembakan Rusia sejak Mei, sebagian besar Bakhmut berada dalam reruntuhan, sementara pasukan Ukraina di barat memiliki banyak waktu untuk membangun garis pertahanan di dekatnya untuk mundur.

“Jika Bakhmut telah dikuasai ketika mereka memulai serangan pada bulan Agustus maka itu akan menjadi signifikan. Tapi ini semua tentang momentum,” kata Konrad Muzyka, seorang analis militer Polandia.

Dia mengatakan nilai strategis Bakhmut telah dikurangi oleh benteng Ukraina di daerah sekitarnya pada bulan-bulan berikutnya, sehingga sulit bagi Rusia untuk mengubah perebutan kota itu, jika itu terjadi, menjadi terobosan yang lebih luas.

Tetap saja, bentrokan tersebut telah menjadi sangat penting di kedua sisi karena ini adalah teater pertempuran utama saat musim dingin, sumber daya utama telah dikerahkan dan ini adalah pertempuran pertama dalam beberapa bulan yang tampaknya memiliki peluang untuk menang di Rusia.

Digambarkan sebagai "penggiling daging" oleh para komandan di kedua sisi, beberapa pakar Rusia, Ukraina, dan Barat menyamakan perjuangan tersebut dengan Perang Dunia Pertama, di mana Jerman dan Inggris menderita kerugian besar dalam perang parit karena sering mendapatkan sedikit wilayah.

Igor Girkin, seorang nasionalis Rusia dan mantan petugas Layanan Keamanan Federal yang membantu meluncurkan perang Donbas asli pada tahun 2014 dan berada di sanksi bawah A.S., mengatakan minggu ini dia pikir strategi timnya sendiri di Bakhmut adalah "bodoh".

"Apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya (setelah potensi penangkapan Bakhmut oleh Rusia)?" Girkin merenung dalam sebuah video, menambahkan Ukraina hanya akan mundur ke garis pertahanan kedua sambil terus membangun garis pertahanan lain di belakang garis pertahanan itu.

“Ini menggerogoti pertahanan musuh menurut model Perang Dunia Pertama,” kata Girkin, dengan alasan bahwa Moskow perlu mengubah strategi medan perang dan mengerahkan pasukannya secara berbeda.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, pendiri Wagner, yang mendapat sanksi di Barat, telah memastikan anak buahnya bertempur di sana.

Kesepakatan yang dia tawarkan kepada narapidana adalah bertarung dan diampuni dalam enam bulan atau, jika mereka bergabung dan meninggalkan, menghadapi eksekusi.

Pada bulan November, outlet berita independen Rusia Mediazona melaporkan bahwa data yang tersedia untuk umum dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Federal Rusia menunjukkan populasi penjara secara keseluruhan menyusut lebih dari 23.000 orang pada bulan September dan Oktober, penurunan terbesar dari jenisnya dalam lebih dari satu dekade.

Para terpidana yang disarankan itu telah menerima tawaran Prigozhin. Reuters tidak dapat memverifikasi data secara independen.

Prigozhin telah memperingatkan agar tidak mengharapkan terobosan cepat, dan, pada tanggal 1 Desember. Komentar 12 Agustus, kata tugas Wagner dalam memperjuangkan Bakhmut adalah untuk "membunuh tentara musuh sebanyak mungkin, dan mengeringkan tentara Ukraina".


Cuplikan medan perang menunjukkan pertempuran sengit untuk bentangan tanah yang relatif sederhana, dengan garis depan maju mundur.

Bagi Rusia, Bakhmut, yang disebut Artyomovsk, nama kota era Soviet itu, telah lama memiliki nilai politik.

Berbaring di garis depan yang membelah wilayah Donetsk timur Ukraina, merebut Bakhmut akan membawa Rusia selangkah lebih dekat ke kendali penuh atas Donbas, yang sebagian telah dikendalikan oleh proksi Rusia sejak 2014.

Muzyka, analis militer Polandia, mengatakan Bakhmut telah menjadi pertempuran gesekan.

"Ukraina hanya melemahkan Rusia dan itu cukup efektif dalam hal tenaga dan peralatan," katanya. "Mereka menaikkan biaya ke Rusia."

Bagi Moskow, kata intelijen militer Inggris, ada "kemungkinan realistis bahwa penguasaan Bakhmut terutama menjadi tujuan politik dan simbolis".

Kemenangan di sana akan membantu mengangkat moral dan Jenderal Sergei Surovikin, komandan keseluruhan pasukan Rusia di Ukraina sejak 1 Oktober. 8, dapat menunjukkan bahwa dia benar untuk memindahkan pasukannya ke tempat lain setelah mundur dari kota selatan Kherson.

"Pada tahap ini, Ukraina adalah korban dari kesuksesannya sendiri baru-baru ini, dan menderita akibat ekspektasi yang tinggi akan momentum yang berkelanjutan," kata Kofman.

T-90M main battle tanks arrive for Russian troops in Ukraine special operation zone

T-90M main battle tanks arrive for Russian troops in Ukraine special operation zone

T-90M main battle tanks arrive for Russian troops in Ukraine special operation zone

T-90M main battle tank (L)
©Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

A batch of advanced T-90M ‘Proryv’ (‘Breakthrough’) main battle tanks has arrived for an armored unit of the Central Military District in the Ukraine special military operation zone, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday.

"A batch of advanced upgraded T-90M ‘Proryv’ tanks has arrived for an armored unit of the Central Military District. The tank crews are honing their gunnery and vehicle control skills.

Instructors are training the personnel taking into account present-day combat experience. After mastering their interoperability, the tank crews will start accomplishing missions within the Otvazhniye (Courageous) battlegroup," the ministry said in a commentary to its video showing the personnel’s combat training.

As the ministry specified, the tank crews are practicing gunnery from the tank’s standard armament from sheltered positions and open sites by direct fire, with the gunfire being adjusted by unmanned aerial vehicles. The tank crews are also exercising to ride new vehicles across terrain obstacles.

The T-90M ‘Proryv’ main battle tank was developed by the Urals Design Bureau of Transport Machine-Building (part of the Uralvagonzavod defense manufacturer).

As its developers highlight, the ‘Proryv’ is the most advanced armored vehicle in the family of T-90 tanks and most of all fit for operations on a present-day battlefield thanks to its all-round protection, a modern round-the-clock highly automated fire control system and enhanced survivability technology.

According to the data of Uralvagonzavod, the T-90M has undergone multilayered modernization and can be rightly called a new combat vehicle. It has received a principally new turret differing from a serial-produced combat module and a more powerful 1,130 hp engine.

The ‘Proryv’ is outfitted with a 125mm tank cannon that can fire new powerful munitions and also missiles capable of eliminating enemy tanks at a range of up to 5 km. The new multichannel sight enables the tank to employ its armaments at any time of day or night.

In addition, the option of exchanging data with other combat vehicles in real time has been one of the upgraded tank’s major advantages. The T-90M’s armor has anti-slip coating similar to that installed on the breakthrough T-14 ‘Armata’ main battle tank.

Erdogan’s Turkey relinquishes role of NATO stronghold against Russia — newspaper

Erdogan’s Turkey relinquishes role of NATO stronghold against Russia — newspaper

Erdogan’s Turkey relinquishes role of NATO stronghold against Russia — newspaper

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (2nd R) talks to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (2nd L) during the 2018 NATO Summit at NATO headquarters on July 11, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. ( NATO pool / AA )

Turkey under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan has abdicated its role as NATO stronghold against Russia, the Sabah newspaper reported on Tuesday.

"Turkey and Russia, that is (Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan and [his Russian counterpart Vladimir) Putin have managed to establish relations based on mutual respect. Turkey under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan has abdicated its role as NATO stronghold against Russia, the Sabah newspaper reported on Tuesday..

According to him, "even innocent political decisions may have critical consequences." "The West has been flooding [Ukraine] with money and weapons, but now the Ukrainian people have neither electricity, nor water, nor central heating. Everything has collapsed.

The oppressed Ukrainian people are at the mercy of the Russian army, awaiting occupation. This situation is quite telling for Ukraine, who has been blindly following false heroes, relying on the United States and the European Union," he added.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a special military operation in Ukraine following a request for assistance from the leaders of the Donbass republics.

After that, the US, the EU, the UK, as well as a number of other countries imposed sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities. In addition, Western countries began and continue to supply arms and military equipment to Kiev to the tune of billions of dollars.

Ankara has repeatedly stressed that Turkey had no intention to join the US-led West’s sanctions against Russia in order not to damage its own economy and leave an open channel of dialogue with Moscow.

Seven people detained in CAR in case of terrorist attack against head of Russian House

December 20. Police in the Central African Republic (CAR) have arrested seven people, including post office workers, who could have something to do with the terrorist attack against the head of the Russian House Dmitry Sytyi, an employee of the country’s radio station Ndeke Luka told TASS on Tuesday.

"Seven people have been detained, some were questioned and released," the source said. They were all questioned in connection with the terrorist attack against the head of the Russian House Dmitry Sytyi.

On December 16, the Russian embassy reported that Sytyi was rushed to the hospital in serious condition, after an anonymous parcel with his name on it exploded. The Russian Foreign Ministry slammed the mail bomb attack as an act of terrorism. The Central African police are investigating the circumstances of the case. On December 19, Sytyi was taken from Bangui to Russia.

Acting government spokesman Maxime Balalou said that the CAR condemned the terrorist attack, which injured the head of the Russian House, and reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to cooperation with the Russian Federation. He stressed that the crime was committed, among other reasons, against "the Russian presence" in the CAR.

DHL menyadari serangan teroris di CAR, perusahaan mengutuk penggunaan nama merek — juru bicara

German logistics company DHL is fully cooperating with the Central African Republic (CAR) authorities in the case of parcel explosion that injured the head of the Russian House Dmitry Sytyi. However, it is not commenting on the alledged detention of its employees there, respecting their right for privacy, Sabine Hartmann, the company’s spokeswoman, told TASS on Tuesday.

"We are aware of the incident, which concerns a parcel delivered on December 16 in Bangui. The case is now being investigated by local authorities and we are fully cooperating with them," she said, "Given our employees’ right to respect for the private life, we cannot provide further information about the ongoing investigation. DHL condemns all forms of violence and illegal use of its network," Hartmann said.

An employee of the Central African Republic’s radio station Ndeke Luka earlier told TASS that the country’s police detained seven people, including post office workers, who could have something to do with the terrorist attack against the head of the Russian House Dmitry Sytyi.

On December 16, the Russian embassy reported that Sytyi was rushed to the hospital in serious condition, after an anonymous parcel with his name on it exploded. The Russian Foreign Ministry slammed the mail bomb attack as an act of terrorism. The Central African police are investigating the circumstances of the case. On December 19, Sytyi was taken from Bangui to Russia.

Acting government spokesman Maxime Balalou said that the CAR condemned the terrorist attack, which injured the head of the Russian House, and reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to cooperation with the Russian Federation. He stressed that the crime was committed, among other reasons, against "the Russian presence" in the CAR.