Tuesday 17 January 2023

Supply of British Tanks to Kiev Will Leave London ‘Weaker’, UK Military Chief of Staff Says

Supply of British Tanks to Kiev Will Leave London ‘Weaker’, UK Military Chief of Staff Says

Supply of British Tanks to Kiev Will Leave London ‘Weaker’, UK Military Chief of Staff Says

File photo: Challenger tanks are seen among other armored vehicle during a British Army exercise on Salisbury Plain in 2016.
Flickr/UK Defence Ministry/Peter Davies

Late last week, the Russian Embassy in the UK said that Britain’s effort to transfer its Challenger 2 tanks to the Zelensky administration is meant to pressure other European governments to provide Ukraine with weaponry.

UK Chief of the General Staff General Sir Patrick Sanders has warned that supplying Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine would leave Britain “temporarily weaker”, according to a British media outlet.

In a leaked statement seen by the outlet, Sanders insisted that the delivery of 14 UK tanks to Kiev would “leave a gap in our inventory”, adding that the British military would struggle to meet its NATO obligations.

The outlet also referred to a video posted on the UK army’s intranet, where Sanders reportedly “hinted at the military’s unease over the decision by No 10 to give heavy armor to Ukraine while also cutting the number of tanks” in the British armed forces.

Ukrainian recruits take part in a live fire training exercise at a military base with UK Armed Forces in Southern England - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.12.2022 Military

The chief of the general staff’s claims have purportedly prompted the Defense Secretary to start reviewing the decision to reduce the number of tanks in the British Army.

A separate UK media outlet, meanwhile, underscored that the main question is what number of tanks, including UK ones, “will give Kiev the chance to mount its own offensive.”

“Experts at the International Institute for Strategic Studies said last week they believed the answer was ‘around 100’, a figure broadly endorsed by Phil Osborn, a former UK chief of defense intelligence, although that depends on proper training, a good supply of spares, and what Ukraine’s battle plans are for spring 2023,” according to the outlet.

It added, “What all that makes clear is that the UK donation of 14 Challenger 2s is not itself enough and that even if Britain wanted to go further from its nominal stock of 227, it could not provide anything like the volume required in isolation.”

The remarks followed Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov telling reporters on Monday that the UK's provision of Kiev with 2tanks won’t affect the course of the ongoing Russian special operation in Ukraine.

“The special military operation will continue. These tanks (Challenger 2)... will burn like the rest (of the Ukrainian military hardware). The goals of the special operation will be achieved,” Peskov emphasized.

He spoke after the Russian Embassy in London said in a statement that the UK’s decision to send modern samples of heavy armor to Kiev was designed "to persuade other, less belligerent Western countries to follow suit and provide their own tanks to the Ukrainian armed forces."

"As for the Challenger 2 tanks, they will hardly help the Ukrainian military turn the tide in the field. Yet they will become legitimate large-scale targets for the Russian forces," the statement read.

According to the embassy, “we are witnessing yet more proof of the UK authorities’ disdain for the lives of ordinary Ukrainians, as well as its ever-growing direct involvement in the (Ukraine) conflict.”

Earlier last week, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a phone call that London would provide Kiev with 14 Challenger 2 tanks.

“The Prime Minister outlined the UK’s ambition to intensify our support to Ukraine, including through the provision of Challenger 2 tanks and additional artillery systems,” Sunak's office said.

Since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the US and its NATO allies have delivered more than $40 billion worth of weapons to Kiev. Moscow, for its part, has repeatedly said that the Western arms supplies to Kiev further prolongs the Ukraine conflict, and that convoys of those weapons become a legitimate target for the Russian army.

Alun-alun Kota Bogor jadi Sarang Penjualan Minol

Alun-alun Kota Bogor jadi Sarang Penjualan Minol

Alun-alun Kota Bogor jadi Sarang Penjualan Minol

Alun-alun Kota Bogor. Foto/Pojokbo

Baru-baru ini, Polresta Bogor menggerebek beberapa warung yang di Alun-alun Kota Bogor jadi sarang penjualan minol (minuman beralkohol).

Tim Kujang Polresta Bogor Kota melaksanakan patroli malam dengan sasaran minuman berakohol di warung kelontong di Kota Bogor.

Dalam patrolinya, Tim Kujang Polresta Bogor Kota berhasil mengamankan 60 botol miras dengan berbagai merk, salah satunya di Alun-alun Kota Bogor.

“Sasaran lokasi operasi miras dilakukan di Jalan Dewi Sartika termasuk Alun-alun Kota Bogor, dan warung kelontong sekitar Warung Jambu,” kata Kapolresta Bogor Kota, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso.

Dari hasil operasi , lanjut Bima, pihaknya mengamankan, 9 Botol Intisari, 3 Botol Besar Anggur Merah, 3 Botol Kecil Anggur Merah, 1 Botol Arak Hitam, 6 Botol Arak Bali, 1 Botol Tuak, 12 Botol besar Ciu, 27 Botol Kecil Ciu, 4 Bungkus Plastik Ciu

“Pelaksanaan giat berjalan dengan aman dan kondusif, termasuk di Alun-alun Kota Bogor” tandas Bismo.

Alun-alun Kota Bogor jadi Wisata Macet, Dishub Sebut Sopir Angkot Ngetem Jadi Biang Keladinya

Semenjak pagar di depan Alun-alun Kota Bogor dibuka, kini Jalan Kapten Muslihat, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, jadi wisata macet lantaran angkot yang ngetem.

Akibat angkot ngetem di Alun-alun Kota Bogor, kemacetan di Jalan Kapten Muslihat pun tak terhindarkan.

Bahkan dari pantuan pojoksatu.id, Bogor pada siang, pada hari Rabu, 04/01/2022, kemacetan menjular dari pintu masuk Alun-alun Kota Bogor hingga ke jalan Merdeka depan Museum Perjuangan.

Tak hanya angkot yang melakukan pengeteman, sejumlah ojek online pun nampak terlihat parkir di depan Alun-alun Kota Bogor, sehingga menambah kemacetan.

Menanggapi hal itu, Kepala Bidang (Kabid) Lalu Lintas Dishub Kota Bogor, Dody Wahyudin mengakui, kini jalan Kapten Muslihat menjadi tempat kemacetan baru semenjak Alun-alun Kota Bogor dibuka secara normal.

Kondisi kemacetan di depan pintu masuk Alun-alun Kota Bogor yang berada di Jalan Kapten Muslihat. Foto/Adi/Pojokbogor

Dia tak menampik, banyaknya angkot ngetem membuka polemik baru untuk lalu lintas di Jalan kapten Muslihat.

“Alun-alun Kota Bogor sudah dibuka normal, jadi secara otomatis menimbulkan kembangkitan dan kemacetan baru,” ujar Dody kepada pojoksatu.id, Bogor saat ditemui di kantornya.

Di depan Alun-alun Kota Bogor, lanjut Dody, sebenarnya sudah disiapkan celukan yang fungsinya adalah untuk menaik dan menurunkan penumpang.

Sayangnya, celukan tersbut tidak dibarengi dengan kesadaran dari sopir angkot.

Para driver menggunakan celukan itu untuk pengeteman atau menunggu penumpang.

“Jadi harapan kami adalah sebenarnya adalah kesadaran dari masyarakat pengguna atau pemakai angkutan umum baik itu sopir atau pun masyarakat, yang akan naik angkutan umum itu naik dan turun pada lokasi atau titik yang sudah ditentukan,” ucap Dody.

Dody juga mengungkapkan, pihaknya sudah mulai membuat protap penempatan petugas pada titik-titik yang emang menjadi titik kemacetan baru.

“Jadi kita pun sudah mengantisipasi itu, tapi memang semua harus kembali kepada kesadaran masyarakat tentang berlalu lintas,” ungkap Dody.

Karena, masih kata Dody, kalau hanya mengandalkan dari petugas ada keterbatasan baik itu sumber daya manusia (SDM), tenaga dan lain lain sebagainya.

“Kami bangun sama-sama supaya titik kemacetan di Alun-alun Kota Bogor ini bisa dihilangkan, atau kita hindari dari dampak dampak yang akan terjadi,” tutup Dody.

Israel condemned for night raids against Palestinian children

Israel condemned for night raids against Palestinian children

Israel condemned for night raids against Palestinian children

Mourners attend the funeral of Omar Khumour, 14, in Bethlehem’s Dheisheh refugee camp, in the occupied West Bank, on January 16, 2023. (AFP)

Israel has been condemned for its use of night raids against Palestinian children in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Israeli Human Rights organization HaMoked said that Israeli security forces arrest hundreds of children a year in planned raids that cause trauma for all involved.

In “On Flimsy Grounds: Israel’s Pervasive Night Arrests of Palestinian Children,” published on Jan. 16, the group said that the practice was often a first recourse, even when a child was only detained for a short time and released without charge.

In 125 cases it examined last year, The group found that not one Palestinian family received a summons before Israeli forces stormed their homes.

It said that Israel’s refusal to reduce the use of the tactic suggests that it is purposefully used to intimidate the Palestinian population.

The latest accusation against Israeli forces came as the Palestinian Ministry of Health said that a 14-year-old Omar Lotfi Khumour was shot in the head and killed on Monday by Israeli soldiers in Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem.

Crowds of Palestinians massed outside the hospital where the teenager was taken, chanting protests against Israel.

The death raised the number of Palestinians killed by Israel since the start of the year to 14, including four children.

HaMoked’s report was based on information from 294 families who contacted it to locate their child after his detention. Of these, 125 were concerned with an arrest operation in the middle of the night.

“Israel’s conduct toward Palestinian children wanted for questioning constitutes a severe violation of its international legal obligations,” the report said.

In a High Court petition in 2021, the group had forced the Israeli military to introduce a “procedure for summoning suspected minors before planned arrest.”

HaMoked has appealed to reassert its challenge. The hearing is scheduled in March.

The research shows that night arrests are used even on children suspected of minor offenses.

The group said that the vast majority of cases it reviewed were back home with their families within weeks of arrest, most with no charges filed. Many were detained for a few days or even for just a few hours.

“Night arrests should be the last option, and Israel should use all other options before they reach the point of a huge group of soldiers bounding on a family home in the middle of the night,” Jessica Montell, executive director of HaMoked, told Arab News.

“This is a hugely traumatic experience both for the boy being arrested and for his whole family.

“While Israel has introduced this new procedure to issue a summon instead of a night arrest, HaMoked research from the past year shows there is no improvement in the situation.

“We documented 125 night arrest cases last year, and no one case was summoned.”

Ayed Abu Qtaish, director of the Accountability Program at Defense for Children International, told Arab News that it was clear Israeli forces were ignoring previous court rulings on the use of unannounced arrests.

Abu Qtaish also said that most of the arrests happened at night while the children were asleep, accompanied by the violent storming of homes by heavily armed forces, waking them up and taking them to interrogation centers, which causes psychological trauma.

The forces hand the family a summons request for investigation only If they do not find the child to be arrested at the house, he said.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club’s Amani Saraneh told Arab News that Israeli security forces had arrested 882 children last year in such raids. He added that 150 remained in prison.

Kemenkeu: Kenaikan subsidi energi faktor utama jaga angka kemiskinan

Kemenkeu: Kenaikan subsidi energi faktor utama jaga angka kemiskinan

Kemenkeu: Kenaikan subsidi energi faktor utama jaga angka kemiskinan

Kredit Foto: Kemenkeu

Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) Febrio Kacaribu mengatakan keputusan pemerintah untuk menaikkan subsidi energi menjadi Rp551 triliun menjadi faktor utama menjaga angka kemiskinan, selain juga gerak cepat menurunkan inflasi pangan.

Tingkat kemiskinan September 2022 tercatat sebesar 9,57 persen atau sebanyak 26,36 juta orang berada di bawah garis kemiskinan. Tingkat kemiskinan ini naik tipis dari Maret 2022 sebesar 9,54 persen, tetapi lebih rendah dibanding tingkat kemiskinan pada September 2021 sebesar 9,71 persen.

“Kenaikan tipis angka kemiskinan pada September 2022 terkait erat dengan kenaikan inflasi bahan pangan pada periode Juni, Juli, Agustus, dan September, yang sempat mencapai puncaknya di 11,5 persen pada bulan Juli 2022," ungkap Febrio dalam keterangan resmi yang diterima di Jakarta, Selasa.

Ia menyebutkan pada tahun 2022 perekonomian Indonesia dihadapkan pada tekanan inflasi yang bersumber dari peningkatan harga komoditas global, khususnya energi dan pangan akibat perang di Ukraina.

Namun dibandingkan dengan banyak negara lainnya, seperti Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara di Eropa yang mencatatkan rekor tertinggi dalam empat dekade terakhir, kenaikan inflasi di Indonesia jauh lebih moderat.

Hal ini terutama karena peran krusial Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) sebagai peredam gejolak alias shock absorber inflasi global melalui mekanisme subsidi energi dan alokasi belanja stabilisasi harga pangan.

Sementara itu Febrio menambahkan tingkat ketimpangan pengeluaran penduduk Indonesia atau rasio gini pada September 2022 tercatat sebesar 0,381, menurun 0,003 poin dari Maret 2022 yakni 0,384, yang dipengaruhi oleh penurunan ketimpangan di perkotaan dan perdesaan, yang masing-masing menurun tipis 0,001 dari posisi Maret 2022.

“Upaya pemerintah untuk mendorong inklusivitas pertumbuhan ekonomi terlihat dari penurunan ketimpangan baik di perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Bahkan ketimpangan di pedesaan juga terus menunjukkan perbaikan dibandingkan level pra pandemi,” lanjutnya.

Dengan inflasi bahan pangan atau volatile food yang menunjukkan tren penurunan signifikan dari September 2022 yang bertumbuh sebesar 9 persen dibanding periode sama tahun sebelumnya (year-on-year/yoy) hingga Desember 2022 sebesar 5,6 persen (yoy). Ke depan dia memperkirakan tingkat kemiskinan dapat kembali menurun.

Hal ini didukung pula dengan perbaikan kondisi ketenagakerjaan, di mana Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja (TPAK) pada Agustus 2022 meningkat mencapai 68,63 persen, yang akan mendorong perbaikan pendapatan masyarakat.

“Ke depan pemerintah perlu menjaga momentum penurunan inflasi dan mengakselerasi realisasi belanja pada triwulan I 2023 untuk memperkuat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menurunkan angka kemiskinan,” ujar Febrio.

Kremlin says UK tanks sent to Ukraine 'will burn' and warns military aid 'will not change the situation on the ground, but prolong' the war

Kremlin says UK tanks sent to Ukraine 'will burn' and warns military aid 'will not change the situation on the ground, but prolong' the war

Kremlin says UK tanks sent to Ukraine 'will burn' and warns military aid 'will not change the situation on the ground, but prolong' the war

The Kremlin said on Monday that any British tanks sent to Ukraine will 'burn' on the battlefield and warned military aid 'will not aid the situation on the ground' but instead only serve to prolong the on-going invasion

Since President Vladimir Putin's The Special Military Operation in Ukraine on February 24, the United States and its allies have given tens of billions of dollars' worth of weaponry including rocket systems, drones, armoured vehicles and communications systems

Britain said on Saturday it would send 14 of its Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine as well as other advanced artillery support in the coming weeks.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused Britain of 'using this country as a tool to achieve their anti-Russian goals,' when asked about the British tanks.

'The special military operation will continue. These tanks are burning and will burn,' he said, using Moscow's term for Putin's invasion.

He added that plans by some countries - like the UK and Poland - to send tanks to Ukraine will 'not change the situation on the ground. It will only prolong this story.'

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised last week to provide British Challenger 2 tanks to Kyiv. Earlier this month France also pledged to send tanks - the French-build AMX-10 RC - to Ukraine.

Monday also saw the Kremlin deny any conflict between the Defence Ministry and the Wagner mercenary group fighting for Russia in Ukraine, calling it an invention of the media.

Tension between Wagner and the defence establishment burst into the open last Friday when the ministry claimed the capture of the Ukrainian town of Soledar - which Ukraine disputed - but made no mention of Wagner's role in the fighting.

Wagner's boss Yevgeny Prigozhin complained of attempts to minimise his forces' role and belittle their achievements. The defence ministry later issued an update praising the 'courageous and selfless actions' of Wagner fighters.

Peskov told reporters it was unhelpful for pro-Russian media to take part in media 'manipulations' about an alleged rift between the armed forces and Wagner. He said Russia recognised both as heroes, and 'both of them will be forever in our memory'.

'As for any conflicts, these are mainly products of informational manipulations, which are, okay, sometimes arranged by our informational opponents, but sometimes our friends behave in such a way that such enemies are not needed,' he said.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is under pressure to approve an increase in international military support for Kyiv by allowing the export of Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine by manufacturer Germany, and other countries that have them.

Warsaw has signalled it is willing to send Leopard tanks to its neighbour.

However, Kyiv suffered a setback on Sunday when German armsmaker Rheinmetall said it could deliver repaired Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine in 2024 at the earliest and would need a confirmed order to begin repairs.

Its chief executive was quoted as saying this by Bild newspaper on Sunday.

Germany announced earlier this month that it would provide Ukraine with 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to help repel Russian forces.

But Kyiv has also requested heavier vehicles such as the Leopards, which would represent a significant step-up in Western support to Ukraine.

Still, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said earlier this month delivering the Leopard tanks could not be 'ruled out'.

The German army has only around 350 Leopard 2 tanks today, compared to some 4,000 battle main tanks at the height of the Cold War.

For Rheinmetall, repairing the tanks it has in stock - at least 22 Leopard 2 tanks and 88 Leopard 1 tanks - would cost several hundred million euros, Papperger told Bild.

'The vehicles must be completely dismantled and rebuilt,' he added.

The firm also has 100 Marder vehicles, Papperger said, but these would also need repairs taking seven to eight months before they could be used.

'The vehicles must be completely dismantled and rebuilt,' he added.

The firm also has 100 Marder vehicles, Papperger said, but these would also need repairs taking seven to eight months before they could be used.

Germany has become one of Ukraine's top military supporters in response to Russia's invasion after last year, overcoming a taboo that is rooted in its bloody 20th century history on sending weapons to conflict zones.

Still, critics say German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his ruling SPD are too slow, waiting for allies to act first instead of assuming Germany's responsibility as the Western power closest to Ukraine.

Germany's defence industry is banned by law from producing tanks for stock-keeping. Even if production were ramped up, experts say it could take at least two years for new tanks to be ready for use.

The country's military aid for Ukraine was potentially plunged into further disarray on Monday as Germany's much-criticised defence minister announced her resignation.

Christine Lambrecht's decision also comes as her department steers the massive project of modernising the country's military.

In a written statement, she said she submitted her resignation request to Chancellor Olaf Scholz, adding that 'months of media focus on my person' had stood in the way of a factual debate about the military and Germany's security policy.

The 57-year-old Lambrecht has been defence minister since Scholz became chancellor in December 2021.

Critics have long portrayed her as out of her depth. But Scholz stood by her, describing her last month as 'a first-class defence minister.'

Pressure on her mounted recently after an ill-judged New Year's video message.

The notoriously unwieldy department has a history of diminishing ministers' reputations.

Its importance increased with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. That prompted Scholz to announce a special 100 billion-euro fund to upgrade the German military, the Bundeswehr, which has suffered for years from neglect and in particular from ageing, poorly functioning equipment.

Last month, Lambrecht dismissed suggestions that the government had been too slow to get going on its spending drive. She said officials have moved fast but that 'such projects must be carefully negotiated - this is tax money.'

The minister also drew criticism for hapless communication, starting with a January 2022 announcement that Germany would deliver 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine as 'a very clear signal that we stand by your side.'

In April, she took her 21-year-old son along on a military helicopter flight, which became public when he posted a photo to Instagram that it turned out the minister had taken herself.

Her ministry said she had applied for permission and paid the costs herself, but critics said it showed poor judgement.

An amateurish New Year's video message on her own private Instagram account prompted new opposition calls for Lambrecht's departure and strained political allies' patience.

It showed a barely audible Lambrecht speaking against a backdrop of loud New Year's Eve fireworks in a Berlin street.

A war is raging in the middle of Europe,' she said. 'And connected with that for me were a lot of special impressions that I was able to gain - many, many meetings with interesting, great people.'

Live Update - Serbian president says all US might is focused on fighting Russia

Live Update - Serbian president says all US might is focused on fighting Russia

Live Update - Serbian president says all US might is focused on fighting Russia

©Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in an interview with the Happy TV channel on Monday that the US is focusing all its efforts to fight Russia.

"Let’s not be naive. They [the US] aren’t on the side of Serbia," he said. "They are trying to behave rationally, seriously, so they don’t waste energy and power on someone else because they focused all their efforts against Russia."

The president al so said that "good relations with the US are important for us."

Derek Chollet, counselor of the US Department of State, said on his visit to Belgrade on January 12 that Serbia should impose sanctions on Russia or the country won’t be able to develop.

Vucic earlier described sanctions on Russia as a "double-edged sword." He said he was expecting increasing pressure on Serbia with respect to Kosovo and Metohija and sanctions on Russia. The Serbian president said it would require something significantly more than diplomatic pressure for him to impose sanctions on Russia.

After the start of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, Vucic said in an address to the nation, following a meeting of the Security Council, that Serbia supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but wouldn’t impose sanctions on Russia. The president said that the republic was temporarily suspending army and police exercises with all foreign partners. He said that Serbia considers Russia and Ukraine fraternal states, regrets what is happening in the east of Europe, and is ready to provide humanitarian assistance to Kiev.

Austrian foreign minister says Russia to play role in future European security

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said Russia has a role in the European security architecture and rejected the idea to deny Schengen visas to all Russians, as he spoke at a conference at Sciences Po, or the Paris Institute of Political Studies, on Monday, the Kronen Zeitung newspaper reported.

"We must not overshoot the mark, for example by introducing a visa ban for 144 million Russians," Schallenberg said, the newspaper reported.

"We also have to think about the day after, the week after, and the months after," he went on to say. "The European security architecture will have to include Russia in one way or another in the future as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and as a nuclear power."

The top Austrian diplomat also said the OSCE should be kept as a negotiating platform and criticized Warsaw’s refusal to invite Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the group’s recent meeting in Poland.

As the minister traveled to Paris on a one-day visit, he also met with his French counterpart Catherine Colonna. The Kronen Zeitung reported that Schallenberg told her that "a stable European security architecture that ignores Russia is inconceivable.".

Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

In Kharkov region, Russian Army Aviation and artillery have neutralized units from the 92nd Mechanized Brigade and 103rd Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Over 30 Ukrainian personnel, two armored fighting vehicles and three motor vehicles have been eliminated.

In the DPR, attacks launched by artillery units at the concentration of manpower from the 95th Airborne Assault Brigade and 125th Territorial Defence Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have resulted in the elimination of over 75 Ukrainian personnel, three tanks, five armored fighting vehicles and one pickup.

Russian troops supported by airborne troops continue their offensive operations in the DPR. Over 50 Ukrainian personnel, one armored personnel carrier, and eight motor vehicles have been eliminated.

Russian forces have launched strikes at the 65th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Zaporozhye region and 108th Territorial Defence Brigade in the DPR. Up to 30 Ukrainian personnel, one armored fighting vehicle and two pickups have been eliminated.

Aviation, missile troops and artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have neutralised a depot of ordnance, military and special hardware of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Krasny Liman in the DPR, as well as a hangar with the military hardware of 9th Special Regiment of Ukrainian National Guard in Zaporozhye region and 79 artillery units at their firing positions, manpower and hardware at 101 areas.

Counterbattery warfare operations have resulted in the destruction of: One Ukrainian Grad multiple-launch rocket system and 2A36 Giatsint-B howitzer near Avdeyevja, the DPR; One D-30 howitzer near Antonovka in the Donetsk People's Republic; One 2A65 Msta-B howitzer and 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer in Zaporozhye region; One 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer in Kherson region; Two US-manufactured AN/TPQ-37 and AN/TPQ-50 counterbattery warfare radars have been destroyed in the LPR and DPR.

Air defense facilities have destroyed three Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles.

At the height of the Cold War 60 years ago, Nikita Khrushchev told the world that the USSR had a hydrogen bomb in its arsenal. Prior to this, the United States considered itself a nuclear monopoly.

This event changed the balance of power in the world: the hydrogen tsar bomb made everyone aware of the threat of a nuclear race. Already on August 5, 1963, the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain signed the first international treaty banning nuclear tests.

In honor of the anniversary of the creation of the powerful weapon, it prepared footage of the bomb test.